The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 17, 1935, Page 3, Image 3

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    Page Three
Rollin Meyers
Club Director
Laurel Community Group
lias Annual Session
w rit here to take his place, acco rd ­
ing to W illiam D urst, m anager. The
change took plan- S a tu rd ay O tness
Is a son ol Mr and M r C C Jt-
ness of n e ar Hillsboro
T e t t i J o h n 111: I 17: I I' 1er
T he
ln lc riia lh o i:i|
Mr und M rs H E. Hloller and
children visited his lum ber. Mrs.
A nna K uuffm uii, of W oodburn S u n ­
Mrs Nancy F reem an a n d Mrs
Mabel Mellm id P o rtlan d a re guests
a t the L. A W hittle hom e since last
T hursday T hey were e n te rta in ed
with a d in n er a t th e H. M W lils-
nund hom e Sunday.
Mi? w i , Hicvrn, intertatned
w ith a d in n er Suturduy evening,
guests being Miss Inu S tevens and
Torn B atem an of V ernonia, Mrs.
Audrey H eaton of Scholls und Mi
a n d Mrs G eorge Tew s und son
Jim m ie.
Sunday d in n er guests a t th e L.
A W hittle hom e were M r and Mrs
l,r ..iin
fo r .
A PPA It K \T I , Y, Il Is I l i e e.iwn i
lessons which u ie Ilia m ost
il I III i l l 1 1 Io leurn T'!i> re a re m ifiy
people wlm iry io m a ste r H im
g re a t th in g s In llr« when they
hav« not learn ed In Iniiulh, llm
llllln tilin g s
All of ns a re u p l
to neglect Ihu
i it im onpl ii e
ta s k s and d u tie s w hile asp irin g
to high enjoym ents anil adven
tu re s for which we a re not q u ite
io-ib. bag
ow, when I c m . round the bend
*»w my «tap« may he.
hiaperm g branch«« m urm ur
tea« my friend, the tree.
L O U 18 E G R E E N H ilhbor...
T'« lay we live, ««morrow we may he
f a r aw ay upon that d ia U n t «ea
W hirh beat» upon the «ilent »hure«. . f
W here all must go w ith fear, and
hated breath.
•*' w hat, I aak you, b our m ortal train
I f earth ly pleasures make <nir living vain
W h at m erit ia our life above the *o*i
i f we go unprepared to meet our G o d ”
D O R O T H Y D A L E G R A B E L . Hiilsbor.
and Mrs. C arl K eller and
fam ily of S ta ffo rd visited M r. a n d
M rs C arl Jo h n so n a n d fam ily
W alter H aney m ade a trip over
to Jew ell T h u rsd ay aftern o o n a fte r
some cows for O. T M urphy.
Nellie H aney a n d W ilbur W right
a n d Cecil Tow er sp en t S a tu rd ay
a n d Sunday w ith N ellie's p a ren ts.
Mr. a n d Mrs. F red H aney, n e a r
Mrs. W alter W right sp en t from
T h u rsd ay to S unday w ith h e r p a r ­
ents. M r. a n d Mrs. Place, n e a r
F red H aney and M ayo H ayden of
S trassel cam e down T h u rsd ay a fte r
F red H aney's m other, who h a d
been here since C h ristm as Visit -
lng h e r children.
F ire and A ntom ohila Inauran**«
M ake Ixw na and luaua 8 u re ty Bonds
Producers of Quality
P lant located miles north of F or­
est Grove on Gales Creek. Phone
Ready to supply you with the
finest MEATS a t the least cost.
Ready to advise you In purchasing.
Ready to give real values.
All meats Inspected by Dr. Nicol
and Dr. Almquist.
A locket ol w tilte Kid lends
chic lo Hie d istin c tiv e sp o rts coa-
tum e displayed above by G er­
tru d e Michael, film actre*-«
th is sw agger ensem ble, a bright
blue woollen fabric fashions (he
sk irt and picket lining. The h a t
Is of m atching blue velvet.
Forest Grove Business
Seeks to Retain Routes
F orest G rove c h am b er of com ­
m erce m em bers decided to do every­
th in g possible to re ta in two ru ra l
ro u tes o u t of th a t city. Post In ­
spectors have been p lan n in g the
m erging of th e tw o ro u tes as p a rt
ol tn e general postal re tre n ch m e n t
program , it was explained.
Cedar Canyon
(B y M m . Lou W rig h t!
M rrU
Telethons IStl
123« SwonJ St.
SOUTH SCHOLLS—Scholls berry
growers, who m et Ja n u a ry 7, were
unable lo com plete th e ir buslne.s
owing to th e sm all n um ber of m em ­
bers atten d in g . T hey have p la n ­
ned a n o th e r m eeting for th e next
M onday evening w hen som e Im ­
p o rtan t questions will be decided,
a n d it will be m u ch to th e growers'
advan tag e to be p re sen t a t th a t
tune according to officers. Ja m es
Herd is president. G eorge Allison
vk e -p i e ,;cicnt. a n d Victor Boleen
Is se c re tary -trea su re r.
T he I. o . O. F. lodges of Scholls
have received a n in v ita tio n to a t ­
tend ' Double S ix ” a t Newberg th is
Friday evening.
F a rm ers’ U nion of th e so u th e ast
end of th e county held a n in te re s t­
ing m eeting last week, w ith m ore
tn it
D orm an M oehnke spent Monday
in O regon C ity visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Place visited in
C edar C anyon T uesday a fternoon.
M a rg are tte
M oehnke. who
teaching school n e a r O regon City,
sp en t th e w eek-end w’ith h e r p a r ­
ents. Mr. a n d Mrs. W. M oehnke.
Those having dally a tte n d a n c e a t
th e Fairview school for th e past
six weks a re G eorge a n d G ene D av ­
is. Yoneko Inagake, Bobby S h e a r­
er. K a th e rin e K re g ar V eretta M ay
a n d E velyn S hepard.
O ffice Remodeled
W aiting room used by th e
ley & H are law firm a n d by
M cAlear Is being rem odeled to
vide an e x tra room fo r th e
age of records.
B ag-
E. J.
s to r­
Saturday, Jan. 19th Specials
Home Cured
H alf or whole.
Phone 651
5 Deliveries Daily
Rea. Phone 321Z
O ur classified colum ns m ay ha
Just w h a t you a re looking for
R ead them .
Special Values— Friday to Monday, January 18 to 21, inclusive
Porter's, enough suid.
3 Iba.
G rade A
Forest (.rove or
WAX PAPER, 100-foot rolls. 2 roll
SALMON. Alaska Pink. 1-1,>. cans.
DATES. Hallowi. 2 lbs.
MOLASSES. Avondale. 2*/g can
49-lb. sack ......
Pride of the
West. 49-lb. sk
$-f .75
$ X
4 .59
Pancake F lo u r
Fisher’s. 10a ................................... 45c
Sperry’s. 1 0 » ................................. 55c
Sperry's. 2 8-oz. pkg................ ,.17C
A lbers’ F lapjack. Lg. pkg..........19c
Peacock Buckw heat. Lg. pkg. 25c
A unt Jem im a. Large pk g ......... 23c
A unt Jem im a Buckw heat. Lge. 25c
13 lbs. 73c) Lb.
ll-lb . r a n 53c I
Lb. can
S ee it g r o u n d ---- K N O W
Home made
Quart ...........
S U G A R pToS.,r^
M I L K i V r " .....
Cake Flour. Swansdown. Pkg.
Chocolate. Baker's,
'/g-lb. cake
i t ’ s fr e s h !
Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and
Monday, January 18, 19 and 21
COFFEE — Columbia Best,
quality. Special low price.
(Lb. 23c). 2 lbs...................
COFFEE— Economy.
(Lb. 20c). 3 lbs...................
C rackers
Sunshine Krispy.
CANDY. Herahey bars. 3 for
GINGER SNAPS. N.B.C.. 5 doz.
Hominy. Van Camp's. 3 lg. cans
A rm our’s
cans .......
TISSUE. W aldorf. 4 rolls ............. 17c
Matches. Highway. 6-box carton 23c
PEAS. Del Monte. No. 2 c a n ..... 18c
Goodpack. 3 No. 2 cans.........40c
CORN. Del Maiz, fancy. Can
MAYONNAISE. Best Foods. Pt. 24c
Quart ...........................................42c
2-lb. box ..
SUNBRITE. 3 cans ....................
LICIITIKH SE. 3 cans .............
ZEALAND. Can ......................
O ysters
G ulf Kist.
5-O Z . Can
C orn M eal
W hite or yellow.
9-lb. bag ..
PRIDE. Large pkg.
Each ...............................................
Large pkg...................................d
I.a a r r l
L aurel unit of th e D airy
ative association will m eet i
Tuesday. A nnual m eeting
group ia scheduled for Feb
And «ometimen when I walked the
Torture*! w ith anguish (sowed.
Hia m urm uring limb-« »awJ, "Coun
Aa tho he «poke aloud.
S afeway S tores
PRUNES O 5 regon
lb« ................
Fine granulated.
How m any times he's «h e ltrrn l ma
r rum summer'» sun, or «h«>w«*r.
And when I m ra y . how glad !• he
My mtjod ia hia, at any hour
I I.MBKIt C o c h ran m ail has again
i been delayed because o f heavy
snow E arle M iller h a s been carry -
t lng th e m all to and from C othran
because th e reg u lar m all c ar U too
sm all to go th ro u g h the snow.
'Two cows belonging to N. N ick­
erson of Hillsboro were found to
be suffering from w hat was a p ­
p a ren tly poison last F riday O ne of
the cows died In spite of e ffo rts
to revive It. but one survived
D ean Kiesel of P ortland, fo rm e r­
ly of Tim ber, visited frie n d s and
relatives here last week.
T herm o m eter here M onday was
down to 20 degrees. T his was th e
coldest w eather so fa r th is year.
Mr and Mrs. C harles B errong of
Oregon City have been visiting a t
th e hom e of M r a n d Mrs. A. J.
Klchc for the past week. T hey are
form er residents of Tim ber.
O rval S nider retu rn e d to T im ­
ber last week a fte r having spent
some tim e In C arlto n w ith a b rok­
en arm .
C M D ustin of P o rta ls, Cal , is
visiting his sister. Mrs. H arry M c-
L auchlan. and family.
Mr and M rs Elm er H am ilton ol
Forest G rove visited Mr. a n d Mr
Jo h n R ichm ond T hursday evening
Mis Ju n e T ow nsend of S u n set
ta m p was a W ednesday evening
guest of Miss Irene R ichm ond.
M rs
M ary W elter spent t h e
w eek-end in P ortland.
F rederick S m ith of C ochran, who
has been in the Good S a m a n t.n i
hospital 111 w ith pneum onia arid
appendicitis, is im proving rapidly
and is expected hom e soon.
Dick Goss of P o rtlan d Is v isit- ■
lng Ills fa th e r, H. H Goss, th is
|> K T E It fell keenly the (11 ra re
tli’d «me whom tie loved und
honored Mhould th u s sloop to «urh
m lowly a rt
lie protested when
.temis came lo him, amt then 1m
m ediately, a lie n he understood,
he was anxious th a t the Lord
should wash not only his feet, hut
hH hand« and Ills head.
Even here how m uch Peter was
like (ha rest of iih * K o prone to
learn a les on badly, to gel only
the o u ter husk of th a teaching
und to inixs ilie kernel of tru th !
W hat could outw ard w ashing
nieua hut (he sym bolizing of the
w ashing of the heart, the purl ft
cation of hum an pride and sc'^sh-
nese. the bringing of life to th a t
plane of hum ility w here one could
learn, and w here one could find
a (roe re lu lI oiih I i I p to his fellow-
mail a rela tio n sh ip not dlxtorted
hy some falsity of one s own de
sire s or a ltitu d e ?
The exam ple of Je su s was not
only fo r Ills disciples, hut for us
T he greet ext men have been men
of hum ility, and w here great men
have not been humble, they have
be »1 gian ts of clay
R rlirf (¿roup to M eet
Hillsboro local No 2, N ational
Econom ic W elfare federation, will
m eet th is evening (T h u rsd ay ) a t
7 30 o'clock In the old (¡ran g e hall
All m em bers are requested to be
presen t Anyone Interested Is wel­
com e to a tte n d
'• * a io n * a lane,
a «tauti.-h, tn *e friend.
• year«, »inre rhildinb
nl round the bend.
I Hy Ix>l* Klrhnm nd)
Sports Splendor
Mail at Cochran
Delayed by Snow
The disciples hud launched
th e ir faith w ith Ih« M aster nn a
i d Demniin ol scholia Mi and g re at e n te rp rise They had shown
M is Jo h n Will, Mr. und M rs R ich-I them selves to he men of inlH ative
and daring
a id
W h i t t l e , M arjorie
Will and
I S il ls W hittle
Evening guests were
T h eir m inds were tilled with
Mr, und Mrs. C. J W right and sons
large schem es and plans, and In
R obert anil Jack m id Mr a n d Mrs
th s slight glim pses th a t we have
Albert lledgoml ol P ortland.
R obert W llhuina of Hillsboro was
of llie lr life together, we have It
th e guest ol Ill s a u n t. Mrs. W 1.
m ade plain th a t they were not
Sevens, from T h u rsd ay until Sat-1 w ithout worldly am bition nr above
Mr und Mrs. L ester Lindsay and 1 discussing, even to the point of
contention, which of them should
sm all son lio n Roy ol Luke G rove
were Sunday guests of Mrs Lind-1 he the greater.
sa y ’s sister. M rs W H. McNuy. S
und Iiumly.
IT was under these conditions
Hugo Sorg of Portluiid visited at
that Je su s had to tra in his
the Adolf R u tsch m an hom e S un '
(Lsclplus In u nderstundiug the
Folks from here, who a tte n u i
slmpICMt nnd deepest th in g s that
the ice hockey gam e between ini’ lie exem plified In Ills own life
P o rtlan d llm karoos a n d th e S e.iin c
nnd leaching. He represented a
Seuhuw ks last Thursday evenua.
different ord er of vnliif-
were M r mid Mrs Adolph S chm idt,
(«restness was not in place or
Mi and Mrs W L. « lev e n ., Mi
H ow can we b u ild o u r live s
d istinction, g re atn ess
was In
and M rs F L. Brown. M r mid
Mrs W 11 Mi Nay. M rs J. W M ul-
c li.ira ctcr. In love. In service. A n o b ly and tr u ly e x c .p l as we b u ild
loy, Mrs
Rollln M eyers. Mlaov..
niitn was m ighty acco rd in g to
U| m > ii a h i und fo u n d a tio n * I t Is
T helm a Mulloy m id Lucille B ennett
th e th in g s of gruce and goodness
not In w hat «•* v a in fo r ou rsel* es
m id Ted R u tsch m an a n d O ilm an
th a t he wmh accom plishing
b u t In the e iil: i • terif o f life and
W ight
Tho evidence of stre n g th was
Its tru e s e rv ic e th a t we fin d the
Mrs lla ttlc w illia m s of Hillsboro
not In the fact t i n t one otiidls
spiral last W ednesday w ith her
w ay o f lif e as J os re ve a ls It.
I.ter, Mr» W L Stevens, a n d a s­
I he h u rn h le man m ay le a rn and
sisted her III e n te rta in in g the luidles'
g r o w ; th e m an w h o Is s e lf w ille d
i-ks lal club
and s e lf <u n fld e n t Is p ro o f a g a in st
Mr, und Mrs D. T each of Wood-1
e v e ry th in g th a t m ay h e lp h im to
laud, Wusli . were S u tu rd ay mid
became w l«er. t»eft»*r, and g re a te r.
1 Sunday guests of his b rother, Fred
Teach. und tuinily O thee Sunday
guests a t th e T each hom e were Mr. c
' and Mrs. L eonard Brown of H u b - (
hom e
b o ro
Sunday guests a t th e Jo h n MeFee
hom e w ire Mrs. M cF ees brother, I
! Roscoe T hom pson a n d th e ir .sister. •'
Sales for th e “H ilhl." school a n -
Mrs John Jaegers a n d Mr. Jaeg ers, ’
1 nual. opened last week, according
all of P o rtlan d T hey b rought news •'
1 to Jim Sam sel, business m an ag er
tliut Mrs Me Fee's son, Leon K err
Following salesm en a r e
a c tin g :
ol P o rtlan d is In a hospital su ffe r- °
F rances Fields, F rances Lair. N or­
lng w ith h e a rt trouble A le tte r re- 11
m an D eFrees a n d Mac G rogan,
celved from a n o th e r son. S ta r r K err,
seniors; Dick Abls, K e n n eth S hort.
was w ritte n In th e P hilippine Is- >'
Hetty M ayes and B etty Hobbs. Jun­
lauds w here he is statio n ed a t pres- C
iors; K eith Busch, V incent Phelps.
e n t He h a s been In th e navy 12 s
R aym ond L air a n d M arg aret C y p h ­
year;. His sh ip expects to sail soon •’
er, sophom ores; M argaret B atche-
for C hina. Ja p a n , New Zenlund and *
lar. Peggy Ross Ja c k C hristensen
o th e r points.
and H enry T sugaw a. freshm en
T h e ' B roadcasters" class of th e “
D in n er In h o nor of M iss T en n e s­
Sunday school held th e ir business 11
see W calherred. for 10 years a d ­
und social m eeting a t th e hom e of "
visor of th e Hillsboro b ra n ch of
LUIIe Brown F riday evening. T hey
th e Y W C. A., was given W ednes­
are planning on p u ttin g on a th e u t- v
day evening In P o rtlan d bv Mrs.
rival play In the n e ar fu tu re 'There
T hom as A. V erdenlus, president.
win be no meeting next m o n th
O lrl Reserve m id -w in ter c o n fer­
Mrs. M. C o olid ge re tu rn e d horns f
ence will be held a t F o rest Grove
Sunday a fte r a week's visit w ith her
F eb ru ary 15. 16 a n d 17. Topic se ­
son. W illiam Coolidge, and fam ily
lected Is "New F rontiers."
G irl Reserves m et M onday to
h e a r re p o rts by Miss W eatherred.
Alina Esllnger. M argaret C ypher
Brown visited and Evelyn Pasley. H elen S ta iin a rd
Vail, of P ort- gave U reading. “T h e D rug S to re .”
Tom S tre tc h e r played several se ­
lections on a saw du rin g th e s tu ­
dent assem bly F riday He was a c ­
com panied on th e piano by his
b ro th er Joe. H elen B ecker gave two
piano solos.
H i-Y club m et last week fa
p a rliam e n ta ry drill. T alks were giv
PHONE 2001
en by m em bers.
Ellen L unden re tu rn e d „
last week a f te r convalescing
Redding to Make Testa
a n appendicitis operation.
M artin R edding, ex am in er of o p ­
e ra to rs and chauffeurs, will be In Transfer of Safeway
Hillsboro W ednesday, a t th e court
C U P -O -G O L D
Employes Here Made
house from B a. m. to 5 p. m.
E xcellent flavor.
Bed Rose, hiird wheat.
T ry u pound.
M elvin O tness. h ead salesm an at
NEA F’e a tu re s—Comic atrip, c a r­ th e local Safew ay store, h a s been
i I.
G uaranteed.
.6 9
toons. world news pictures, fashions, tran sferre d to a P o rtlan d store, and
49-lb. bag
etc.—A vailable in th e Argus.
tf Russell M altm an of St. H elens was
miKND. TMK thek
LETTUCE—F irm , crisp heads.
H ead .....................................................
C'ALAVO’S—M edium size.
E ach .....................................................
3 lbs.......................................................
SPIN A CH —Texas.
2 lbs........................................................
GRAPEFRUIT— Sunklat, seedless.
4 to r
Verm ont Maid. 26-oz..................
Tea G arden, drips. Quart ....... .
Tea G arden, cane and m aple
Karo. Red or Blue. 3 lbs............
5 lbs...............................................
Soup 3 C am cans pbell’s
Macaroni 3 S tandard
efru it Can .
Florida, broken sections.
1-lb. pkg.
Bak. Powder
Rolled Oats
$ JL
Calumet, bulk.
Regular or Quick
Kitchen Queen.
49-lb. sack .............
Crystal W hite
Stock up a t this LOW price.
Crown, Drifted Snow or F isher’s
49-lb. s a c k ..........................