Page Three Rollin Meyers Club Director Laurel Community Group lias Annual Session w rit here to take his place, acco rd ­ ing to W illiam D urst, m anager. The change took plan- S a tu rd ay O tness Is a son ol Mr and M r C C Jt- ness of n e ar Hillsboro T e t t i J o h n 111: I 17: I I' 1er T he ln lc riia lh o i:i| I Mr und M rs H E. Hloller and children visited his lum ber. Mrs. A nna K uuffm uii, of W oodburn S u n ­ day. Mrs Nancy F reem an a n d Mrs Mabel Mellm id P o rtlan d a re guests a t the L. A W hittle hom e since last T hursday T hey were e n te rta in ed with a d in n er a t th e H. M W lils- nund hom e Sunday. Mi? w i , Hicvrn, intertatned w ith a d in n er Suturduy evening, guests being Miss Inu S tevens and Torn B atem an of V ernonia, Mrs. Audrey H eaton of Scholls und Mi a n d Mrs G eorge Tew s und son Jim m ie. Sunday d in n er guests a t th e L. A W hittle hom e were M r and Mrs Holiday 211. School nil l,r ..iin fo r . A PPA It K \T I , Y, Il Is I l i e e.iwn i lessons which u ie Ilia m ost il I III i l l 1 1 Io leurn T'!i> re a re m ifiy people wlm iry io m a ste r H im g re a t th in g s In llr« when they hav« not learn ed In Iniiulh, llm llllln tilin g s All of ns a re u p l to neglect Ihu i it im onpl ii e ta s k s and d u tie s w hile asp irin g to high enjoym ents anil adven tu re s for which we a re not q u ite ready. 25c 19c oats io-ib. bag 48c WE ow, when I c m . round the bend *»w my «tap« may he. hiaperm g branch«« m urm ur Tea«« tea« my friend, the tree. L O U 18 E G R E E N H ilhbor... CONTEMPLATION T'« lay we live, ««morrow we may he f a r aw ay upon that d ia U n t «ea W hirh beat» upon the «ilent »hure«. . f death. W here all must go w ith fear, and hated breath. •*' w hat, I aak you, b our m ortal train I f earth ly pleasures make . cans. DATES. Hallowi. 2 lbs. MOLASSES. Avondale. 2*/g can Safeway. 49-lb. sack ...... Pride of the West. 49-lb. sk $-f .75 $ X 4 .59 JL Mild. Lb. Banks. Lb....... Pancake F lo u r Fisher’s. 10a ................................... 45c Sperry’s. 1 0 » ................................. 55c Sperry's. 2 8-oz. pkg................ ,.17C A lbers’ F lapjack. Lg. pkg..........19c Peacock Buckw heat. Lg. pkg. 25c A unt Jem im a. Large pk g ......... 23c A unt Jem im a Buckw heat. Lge. 25c CO M PLETE NOB H IL L - 13 lbs. 73c) Lb. EDW ARDS DEPENDABLE ll-lb . r a n 53c I Lb. can ...................... 0*9^, ZflC S ee it g r o u n d ---- K N O W QUALITY SERVICE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY OYSTERS Home made Quart ........... MACARONI , T E' S U G A R pToS.,r^ M I L K i V r " ..... DEVILED MEAT Cake Flour. Swansdown. Pkg. Chocolate. Baker's, '/g-lb. cake i t ’ s fr e s h ! Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday, January 18, 19 and 21 FREE DELIVERY COFFEE — Columbia Best, quality. Special low price. (Lb. 23c). 2 lbs................... COFFEE— Economy. (Lb. 20c). 3 lbs................... C rackers Sunshine Krispy. LIBBY’S SANKA. Lb. 27c 20c CANDY. Herahey bars. 3 for 10c GINGER SNAPS. N.B.C.. 5 doz. Hominy. Van Camp's. 3 lg. cans 15c 29c A rm our’s cans ....... TISSUE. W aldorf. 4 rolls ............. 17c Matches. Highway. 6-box carton 23c PEAS. Del Monte. No. 2 c a n ..... 18c Goodpack. 3 No. 2 cans.........40c CORN. Del Maiz, fancy. Can 11c MAYONNAISE. Best Foods. Pt. 24c Quart ...........................................42c 2-lb. box .. CLEANSERS SUNBRITE. 3 cans .................... LICIITIKH SE. 3 cans ............. ZEALAND. Can ...................... FREE DELIVERY 29 O ysters -4 or SHRIMP G ulf Kist. 4 5-O Z . Can JL J C orn M eal W hite or yellow. 9-lb. bag .. WASHING POWDERS PRIDE. Large pkg. Each ............................................... IUNSO or OXYDOla « Large pkg...................................d PHONE 982 I.a a r r l L aurel unit of th e D airy ative association will m eet i Tuesday. A nnual m eeting group ia scheduled for Feb And «ometimen when I walked the Torture*! w ith anguish (sowed. Hia m urm uring limb-« »awJ, "Coun Aa tho he «poke aloud. S afeway S tores M AYO NNAISE PANCAKE FLOUR W HEAT FLAKES c Italian PRUNES O 5 regon lb« ................ SUGAR Fine granulated. How m any times he's «h e ltrrn l ma r rum summer'» sun, or «h«>w«*r. And when I m ra y . how glad !• he My mtjod ia hia, at any hour I I.MBKIt C o c h ran m ail has again i been delayed because o f heavy snow E arle M iller h a s been carry - t lng th e m all to and from C othran because th e reg u lar m all c ar U too sm all to go th ro u g h the snow. 'Two cows belonging to N. N ick­ erson of Hillsboro were found to be suffering from w hat was a p ­ p a ren tly poison last F riday O ne of the cows died In spite of e ffo rts to revive It. but one survived D ean Kiesel of P ortland, fo rm e r­ ly of Tim ber, visited frie n d s and relatives here last week. T herm o m eter here M onday was down to 20 degrees. T his was th e coldest w eather so fa r th is year. Mr and Mrs. C harles B errong of Oregon City have been visiting a t th e hom e of M r a n d Mrs. A. J. Klchc for the past week. T hey are form er residents of Tim ber. O rval S nider retu rn e d to T im ­ ber last week a fte r having spent some tim e In C arlto n w ith a b rok­ en arm . C M D ustin of P o rta ls, Cal , is visiting his sister. Mrs. H arry M c- L auchlan. and family. Mr and M rs Elm er H am ilton ol Forest G rove visited Mr. a n d Mr Jo h n R ichm ond T hursday evening Mis Ju n e T ow nsend of S u n set ta m p was a W ednesday evening guest of Miss Irene R ichm ond. M rs M ary W elter spent t h e w eek-end in P ortland. F rederick S m ith of C ochran, who has been in the Good S a m a n t.n i hospital 111 w ith pneum onia arid appendicitis, is im proving rapidly and is expected hom e soon. Dick Goss of P o rtlan d Is v isit- ■ lng Ills fa th e r, H. H Goss, th is week. |> K T E It fell keenly the (11 ra re tli’d «me whom tie loved und honored Mhould th u s sloop to «urh m lowly a rt lie protested when .temis came lo him, amt then 1m m ediately, a lie n he understood, he was anxious th a t the Lord should wash not only his feet, hut hH hand« and Ills head. Even here how m uch Peter was like (ha rest of iih * K o prone to learn a les on badly, to gel only the o u ter husk of th a teaching und to inixs ilie kernel of tru th ! W hat could outw ard w ashing nieua hut (he sym bolizing of the w ashing of the heart, the purl ft cation of hum an pride and sc'^sh- nese. the bringing of life to th a t plane of hum ility w here one could learn, and w here one could find a (roe re lu lI oiih I i I p to his fellow- mail a rela tio n sh ip not dlxtorted hy some falsity of one s own de sire s or a ltitu d e ? The exam ple of Je su s was not only fo r Ills disciples, hut for us T he greet ext men have been men of hum ility, and w here great men have not been humble, they have be »1 gian ts of clay R rlirf (¿roup to M eet Hillsboro local No 2, N ational Econom ic W elfare federation, will m eet th is evening (T h u rsd ay ) a t 7 30 o'clock In the old (¡ran g e hall All m em bers are requested to be presen t Anyone Interested Is wel­ com e to a tte n d '• * a io n * a lane, a «tauti.-h, tn *e friend. • year«, »inre rhildinb nl round the bend. I Hy Ix>l* Klrhnm nd) RUCHEK’S ASH GROCERY 1 Sports Splendor Mail at Cochran Delayed by Snow The disciples hud launched th e ir faith w ith Ih« M aster nn a i d Demniin ol scholia Mi and g re at e n te rp rise They had shown M is Jo h n Will, Mr. und M rs R ich-I them selves to he men of inlH ative and daring a id W h i t t l e , M arjorie Will and I S il ls W hittle Evening guests were T h eir m inds were tilled with Mr, und Mrs. C. J W right and sons large schem es and plans, and In R obert anil Jack m id Mr a n d Mrs th s slight glim pses th a t we have Albert lledgoml ol P ortland. R obert W llhuina of Hillsboro was of llie lr life together, we have It th e guest ol Ill s a u n t. Mrs. W 1. m ade plain th a t they were not Sevens, from T h u rsd ay until Sat-1 w ithout worldly am bition nr above unlay Mr und Mrs. L ester Lindsay and 1 discussing, even to the point of contention, which of them should sm all son lio n Roy ol Luke G rove were Sunday guests of Mrs Lind-1 he the greater. sa y ’s sister. M rs W H. McNuy. S und Iiumly. IT was under these conditions Hugo Sorg of Portluiid visited at that Je su s had to tra in his the Adolf R u tsch m an hom e S un ' (Lsclplus In u nderstundiug the il.n Folks from here, who a tte n u i slmpICMt nnd deepest th in g s that the ice hockey gam e between ini’ lie exem plified In Ills own life P o rtlan d llm karoos a n d th e S e.iin c nnd leaching. He represented a Seuhuw ks last Thursday evenua. different ord er of vnliif- were M r mid Mrs Adolph S chm idt, («restness was not in place or Mi and Mrs W L. « lev e n ., Mi H ow can we b u ild o u r live s d istinction, g re atn ess was In and M rs F L. Brown. M r mid Mrs W 11 Mi Nay. M rs J. W M ul- c li.ira ctcr. In love. In service. A n o b ly and tr u ly e x c .p l as we b u ild loy, Mrs Rollln M eyers. Mlaov.. niitn was m ighty acco rd in g to U| m > ii a h i und fo u n d a tio n * I t Is T helm a Mulloy m id Lucille B ennett th e th in g s of gruce and goodness not In w hat «•* v a in fo r ou rsel* es m id Ted R u tsch m an a n d O ilm an th a t he wmh accom plishing b u t In the e iil: i • terif o f life and W ight Tho evidence of stre n g th was Its tru e s e rv ic e th a t we fin d the Mrs lla ttlc w illia m s of Hillsboro not In the fact t i n t one otiidls spiral last W ednesday w ith her w ay o f lif e as J os re ve a ls It. I.ter, Mr» W L Stevens, a n d a s­ I he h u rn h le man m ay le a rn and sisted her III e n te rta in in g the luidles' g r o w ; th e m an w h o Is s e lf w ille d i-ks lal club and s e lf ' Hetty M ayes and B etty Hobbs. Jun­ lauds w here he is statio n ed a t pres- C iors; K eith Busch, V incent Phelps. e n t He h a s been In th e navy 12 s R aym ond L air a n d M arg aret C y p h ­ year;. His sh ip expects to sail soon •’ er, sophom ores; M argaret B atche- for C hina. Ja p a n , New Zenlund and * lar. Peggy Ross Ja c k C hristensen o th e r points. •' and H enry T sugaw a. freshm en T h e ' B roadcasters" class of th e “ D in n er In h o nor of M iss T en n e s­ Sunday school held th e ir business 11 see W calherred. for 10 years a d ­ und social m eeting a t th e hom e of " visor of th e Hillsboro b ra n ch of LUIIe Brown F riday evening. T hey th e Y W C. A., was given W ednes­ are planning on p u ttin g on a th e u t- v day evening In P o rtlan d bv Mrs. rival play In the n e ar fu tu re 'There T hom as A. V erdenlus, president. win be no meeting next m o n th ** O lrl Reserve m id -w in ter c o n fer­ Mrs. M. C o olid ge re tu rn e d horns f ence will be held a t F o rest Grove Sunday a fte r a week's visit w ith her F eb ru ary 15. 16 a n d 17. Topic se ­ son. W illiam Coolidge, and fam ily lected Is "New F rontiers." G irl Reserves m et M onday to h e a r re p o rts by Miss W eatherred. Alina Esllnger. M argaret C ypher Brown visited and Evelyn Pasley. H elen S ta iin a rd Vail, of P ort- gave U reading. “T h e D rug S to re .” Tom S tre tc h e r played several se ­ lections on a saw du rin g th e s tu ­ dent assem bly F riday He was a c ­ com panied on th e piano by his b ro th er Joe. H elen B ecker gave two piano solos. H i-Y club m et last week fa p a rliam e n ta ry drill. T alks were giv FREE DELIVERY PHONE 2001 en by m em bers. Ellen L unden re tu rn e d „ last week a f te r convalescing Mond Redding to Make Testa a n appendicitis operation. M artin R edding, ex am in er of o p ­ COFFEE e ra to rs and chauffeurs, will be In Transfer of Safeway FLOUR Hillsboro W ednesday, a t th e court C U P -O -G O L D Employes Here Made house from B a. m. to 5 p. m. E xcellent flavor. Bed Rose, hiird wheat. T ry u pound. M elvin O tness. h ead salesm an at NEA F’e a tu re s—Comic atrip, c a r­ th e local Safew ay store, h a s been i I. G uaranteed. .6 9 toons. world news pictures, fashions, tran sferre d to a P o rtlan d store, and A IRM A IL— 49-lb. bag etc.—A vailable in th e Argus. tf Russell M altm an of St. H elens was l.l>. $4 miKND. TMK thek 29« PRODUCE FEATURES LETTUCE—F irm , crisp heads. H ead ..................................................... C'ALAVO’S—M edium size. E ach ..................................................... CA RRO TS—Bulk 3 lbs....................................................... SPIN A CH —Texas. 2 lbs........................................................ GRAPEFRUIT— Sunklat, seedless. 4 to r .................................................... FREE DELIVERY 4 TIMES DAILY Highest Verm ont Maid. 26-oz.................. Tea G arden, drips. Quart ....... . Tea G arden, cane and m aple 26-oz............................................. Karo. Red or Blue. 3 lbs............ 5 lbs............................................... 45c 59c assorted Soup 3 C am cans pbell’s ......................... flour. lbs.................. Macaroni 3 S tandard efru it Can . Florida, broken sections. Bi-Karb. 1-lb. pkg. Bak. Powder Rolled Oats C4 Flour $ JL -4 Flour Calumet, bulk. Regular or Quick Kitchen Queen. 49-lb. sack ............. Crystal W hite Stock up a t this LOW price. Crown, Drifted Snow or F isher’s Blend. .99 49-lb. s a c k ..........................