The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 11, 1934, Page 10, Image 10

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    Page Ten
4-H Club Girl
Praises Work
attorn«-», general wins Ins point it
will mean th at none ,»i the cm- V. 11 « l u l l
I ..
H l 1.1. S B O R O
H IL L S B O R O .
have a course In scientific p aren t-
prayer at 7 ¡to o'clock "The hn- Cnuiilr Givrii Ch.irlvail -
t lllglit
Evaiigehm Fidler
luiod Supet Intendcnt Nosier stress­
IHtlslve Apostle «.St IVfer»' «ili I h -
M i - iii I n - i . of the I i» O E nmt ' a piano
•o and Hie , |lll(
1 O P i - r c n n c \ I < x i1 « I 1 \
the s<-rmon theme
p ill
IIIi» a stunt. “
n I e . alle,
standing between parents and teach ­
flmrsilay Octoix-r til HI laike's l.ulge We«lm luv lllglll o ••Ila ’
ers He said one of the greatest
order of Ilk' board Just ho« the
ii'xntinunl from p an n
Dav Huy ol special inlet«i-sslon lor eliarlvai i loi Mi and Mi s l-Virrest
*i'*r Hie relief of wuterfowl hum physicians,
argum ent »ill be rettled has not gren. John W H aines John W n eds in our grade schools now
nurses. hospitals, ele
ll««lt i EI i . ibelli Gllix-n» Tlu-y theii »Monn
yet been decided but it lias been Price and Edna M IXivis
is a health and physical cduea- *‘rs wlu> b are been puzzling over
Young iM-ople s groupa as un- iniuched ihoni m» to the I «• «>
Ht-vr ml weeks u|i,
V a lu e o f P ro g ra m C ite d by
lx»iiuee,l Pilgrim Gullit. Thursilays F hall, « h eir the« « it i eliti t
pat on its order .,ml let the a t- judicial day and th e court lions«- Problem
as confronting Hillsboro regulation on duck bag llnm and aj
III Spcvl.ll services Novelli- tallii',1 am i M is Cora Heaton ol 1 at th« “Whatnot* Io I*« Ills lull
mrbey general
tc *'*H be closed
Ls more oik- of an ad u lt program. 111 response to numerous Inquirier ■ Ix-I I • anti 2. loi All .Samis and I « half ot the Hets kalis made « and i ound ttuit 1
O u ts ta n d in g M e m b e r
the courts (or determination.
e luut I
Tentative circuit court calendar ,i‘'1Md"n. he said, should be given ¡ ’be Bureau of filologien!
Biological Survey.
Murvej AH Souls' Hays Pasini llrury S presentai ton ot a •el or «
IIUUICV The finid?» 1 «ne iM-eii J
tor the balance of October is as »»’re of an opporttuiity to compare 11 s ‘leportmciit of agriculture Haller may bi* consulted al the goblets to the newlyweds
Value of 4-H club work to the
and if the ow'iier 1,111 «all al ||„.
House ofltee. 13S2 Jaikson slns-l. Freeman S uffrr. hm li'
follows October Id and 16. Albert bnorably with all other agencies ’’-'-s uuwle Ute Iollowing statem ent
young people of W ashington county
.'.Uin- ihe may have the IU< »Hr \
Fuchs vs Henry Ulmer et al; Ge- 1,1 *be home. Mrs. J. M person.
The federal bag limit on wild each day between to a m anti
is indicated in a letter received re ­
William I'lceman suffered burns
lu lls ' S u n t l brber 17 and 18 Elfreida Hu. h> s ys President, expressing regret at the ducks is 12. but eider dm k ., can- m»’n
cently by tlie county school super­
o il his lefl hand au I a l.ullv burned
x u i i c i c s t z m « jx x i i A|fred Berger: October 19 and
inability of Mayor Orange Phelps ' ‘isbaeks, redlieads. greater scaups.
— --------------------
intendent from Miss Rosalie Reed
I leit leg l-'i ldav while eleaitliig u |
ti'i-i innsi fr> i-. « . i)
lX-lbert V -----
learn ed vs Randolph
atl,'tid. said (hat from t li»- city bvvs-r e.ui|v.. rtngtuxk .. blue »uigei l i « l l f i t i L ' D i p > I v c i e
of the Aloha-Huber school The 4-H
truck motor with gasoline An o | m - ii j
m.iig'.'»i',o'‘’" " iu a ;;a; ; 1?
•• ■■ October
and 23. Gladys »'•«“U’ouit the need was for great- «**»*J. green-winger teal. «innauion
■■»•»•*■•«. »
.-» in
girl, who is no« entering her sev- ings in each county before October Howlby;
emi of gasoline on tlie starting mo 1
entli year of club work and who 18.
Hart vs. H udson-D uncan «<• com- cr ‘‘o-operatton of young people ,,>al shovelers. mid gadwalls to­
tor caused a .b o il, igniting tlie
Pimply Hkln, g,t ,.
wns designated as one of two out-
• • •
puny; October 24 and 25 P atn eii " b li city ordinances.
eluded in the 12 may not total more
gasoline En-einaii\ leg was burned I
relief will, A1»I.|.; h i k a
‘ ?
standing club girls a t the 1934
Additional purchases of drouth Welch vs Alfred Berger; October
Miss IoVellc Jackson of Nortli ,h an nvp 1’ll,s*' ilVe
1,11 b*’ Elve homes and Coo|ier Moun­ from ankle to knee
»agli nctliai. yet genti,'
a rtic e nw bvmiTiJ She h u d £ e a I,lt' T ,eXCes?
25' John
Jolui H H ulett vs
vs. William A. Plains rendered several accordion of one specie#, or they may repre­ tain Mhool tn W.isliington countv I I ( lut* I nti-rl ilii.
sent ditfeivnt species of the re-
from tHo urogram
quotas which expired in September, sm ith ; October 26. Donna McWul- selections
E I. ehti» girls etnei lamed mem
were WediM-stliiy vtsitixt by l»r E
n v i u n o m t il l p r a g r a m .
authorlaM ln W ashing- len vs G A Cobb October 27
Mrs. J w Harnev chairm an
strtcU'lt cl‘u<i but m no case may W
Stricker state health officer tiers ot Rebekah bulge Tm-sdav 1
y earo T 4 -H T lu b ’w o r k ^ w ] u tT h « ^ X'egmn h as''‘S S ™ l i l t e d K
S“ " U“>1 A
P uvtit-educm t.u/
of ducks belottg
Persistent rumors had clreulated
of memories enters mv mind when
;..........-feln -dlo 'uM *°3'S‘,t kc et lU- October 29 and 30. Mane reported on plans of her «vmrnit-
U> 1 ‘!‘M' 11
«•xcee,| five that several dozen eases of in ­
I recall mv 4-H experiences of the 111 tJ.lls C‘'‘-U' UP
Edwards vs. Oregon Electric Rail- tee
Additional m e m b e rsh ip t o 1
nuillbl'1' ol dm k.s representing fantile paralysis existed In t h e
past six vears.
purchase about 4.xXi head addition- way company; October 31. Fred C standing committees as announced oUu,'‘
l1'“ 1 " 1;iv be hunted vicinity These reports were found
Ilio niiirki't is crowtli-il with
Mv interest ln 4-H club work a ‘
E rectors in charge of the Sefton vs. J H H ulett; November by Mrs Person are as follows 'i binned only by the provts.on t , tH. (re p exaggei vteil ami m
beg^r mm- re a S ivgo when niy
‘“ T* been a u th o r e d l. Citisens Bank vs. Elwovxt H Parent edncat.on w <■ ,t h a ‘ thc u,lal
great metmee exists
KllitM mill nVt'ITont.q 11111,1,. ,,|
best girl friend" jomed a hand- to Puri base cattle only front pro- sm ith , and November 2 and 3. C linstenscn. L. C K ram ien and
lna\ 1,01 , 't' ,x-d 1-
isolation m-.-. m i ,
20 to KO ' . <-h»'H|i Mubstitut, .
work club and I was not allowed to Queers unable to provide adequate M argaret Drake vs. Hudson-Dunean Nye o Bristol; m em bership M ra-i
111115 !lle duck llu‘ll*'r "'*•> <ak»' ,,, i h / i
' 1 *
fo r wool G et (h ,. H a rt S c im ii
become a member. Site was th e h-ed supplies for th eir stock.
,v company.
dames T. O Bronlecwe and W E a
nialhuxts, or he may take
’ I,u,l‘h< • because of mild
yniptonv« of the dlseaae Itiinmll-
same age as I. egiht years old, but
. . .
A rthur E. Hess of N orth Plains Cyrus; publications ___
tier & Miirx Trumpetci-
Mrs. „ A. I,.' a dore» pintails o r six nullards ate reporting of such qiH'stionable
was in the fifth grade m school
Oregon wheat farm ers used nearly was fined »5 and costs Monday Amacher. and hospitality
Mes and 5lx P11' 1“ 1*8- ° r eight nutllards
in y o u r coat a n il know y «,„
while I 'f ^ , ° m y a fourth^ grader. iul,f l>f their contracted acres as when lx- plead gutltv m tin- local danx-s
R Easter. Jake Weil * W
alld iour
Plnlttll-S- ° r I «uiy
' uses, and all contagious discuses,
t... cotnbma-
... ....
have 100'« a ll-w o o l
tion .X
of # livA....
these Lta.1.
birds that
not I to t^,<‘ ^H,nily physician or to the
^ .r t
additional fallow land, according to justice of th e peace court t o ‘a R Manley and A j H artram pf "" - It.«*«
total more than 12 Bui if he takes f° unty lieulth officer. Dr J B
reiu'hed the fifth grade
How dis- a su n e y n u d e of Jo states in- charge of speeding with a truck. Teachers of the local schools we
In his Dinsmore. Hillsboro, is urgvxl by
iuuing Ort'gou.
envgun. The
in c iiguit's
iigures g&ther*
g au ier-
r . w of
oi $10
>iu and
ano cu6ts
costs was
was assessed
assessed honor
nonor guests for t h h e occaslo
occasion the maxuntun
huuu und uu
appointed I was when I was re- eluding
d by the AAA show
for Oregon Roland . C. Ramsdell of Portland the . Business meetuig was _______
followed bv
species for w hlch the the local health departm ent ns Ute
I. -
liv v n
z 4 .x ..
1 1 ____ ■
f l l l ’t l l l » » .
'» x l r l« > l^ .l
,u rt,'er I restricted
he will only means of m ntrollng c o m ­
"Tlie following year. I jomed the 46 ^ • 6 2 per cent of • tlx-
left out C same
day F
for 4 illegal
use of . dealer
a .......................v
svx-iui ..............
mid refreshm ent* I 11 l I 11111
prestige of a fifth grader and en- of wheat used for fallow ; 23.3 per plates. Gt-orge Wtlson of Forest
City SuperUltendent It W Barnes lla\ l ba*''s llke lll<’ iollowtng Seven municable dk-x-use
m allards plus five canvas bucks;
rolled in a handwork club lead by cent was in new seedings for pas- Grove was fined »5 and costs later introduced tixu-hers in the
or lour
four nulll“
my teacher In the spring, a day
ture or hay. slightly more th an 20 in the day on a charge of having school and C H. Nosier, sutierm - 01
rds and t hree pm -
was set ap art for the exhibition of p,.r pent lav completely idle, an d no operator's license.
tendent of the grade schools m iro ' tulls Plus onc eider duck
I.,-i us show you the suits anil overcoats
our year's work. School was dis- 8 3 per cent was used for food
■ u lln
x»d and
Orders m the
following eirciUt <*uced
the grade'tea«hers
A llte
i^ h ’' - 1 ! va5,buck on,‘
“ I* »-«•-nip.
I n iiir i- J in
A p p i J im i I
Let the m irror show you the style anil tit,
missed, too. Iio^ h^ ubjlg
feed production for home use.
« i j i i i k k l III Z w t t l k H I l l
ment aay. l can su u rememoer th an 2
cen[ was devoted
■ oted
Mr. and Mrs Albert Friday of
Uie walls of the classroom, l i n e d ___,
____ _
„ to California Joint Stock Land hank -Mrs. Person, president, making the “ 1>l1 ’*o nialluixts plus two canvas-
tscellan- of S an Francisco vs. Joseph C. Hare presentation.
backs, two nxlIie.uL. and one ring- Forest Grove were Injured SuiKtay
with dresses and articles the girls wettf control and other nnscellan
et al. order; Add B utterw orth vs.
Humor was added to the program ¡1“ k J.1,1 i10
l,la> lc take luor*' “ fterntx-n
when a n nutomoblle
had made, and the cake booth in <x>us U8es-
a corner where one cooking c l u b -------------------------
State Industrial Accident conimis-
by the ijistallation of David Leger
1 1-111 " tllirks m one «lav driven bv Bernard Vander.-«invlen
member served h er cake to niter- P - . L - I L - P . > . « v , v i v « , 'k l , i
Sion, order. Neva Lunpus vs. Wll-
M treasurer. Rev. Reed acting as
'Slioottng wood «links r u d d y of Forest Grove rout«- 2 left the
L IT T L E H O Y S ’ A N D G IR L S ’
estod spectators I did not win a a UD11C I \ t SDOI1S1D1C
bur Lunpus. default, decree; H ar- uistalling officer.
j ducks or bufflehc.uls is prohibited rival mid struck u fence as It
prize th a t vear. but I felt th a t at
n e t Booth vs. Lloyd Crotzer et
Next meeting will be November
Ajlv st’lte niu>' reduce the bug rounded a rurve at Barn« -, and
last I had a p art in this great
u.x. publication summons; and Li- »3
limit below that provided by the Cornell roadx Tlx- injured persons
movement called clubwork. and I
federal regulation."
werr taken to the Oood Sam aritan
was not just an onlooker as I had ,
(C«-ntinued from pane ti
hospital m Portland, when« It wo#
been the season before.
Linens, piques ami fine m ateiials
reported Mr Frolov was suffering
of my
acted as —
an, ......
introducing fire- e‘ ux- , ,
"Mounting the second rung Ms»-»».-.
« j ____
«r t x H.
t .
is m issal
is s a l ord
er« u-er»»
« -
an injury to hla side and head and
-All haml itiaile, beautifully trini­
4-H Club ladder I jomed a sewing men « and
L. MacKenzie
. D
were Issued «•-,
Mrs. Friday a lacerated right foot
division I club the next fall. I tast- president of the chamber of com- the following suits; C. B Green
meli with fine buttons, haml nuiile
ed my first thrill in achievement meree assured firemen th at citizens et -d vs- Tom Morgan. R. C. H un-,
o .
lace timi enihroiilery. Many "broth
th a t year when my sewing won appreciated th eir work and lauded ger et al vs' H enr>’
Conrad et
p w O
from pav« 1
er ami sister" suits. See them in
first place a t both community and thei activities
ux- Mary Denewith vs Lawrence .
throu8h Uie riiiLsuoro lu.« dressed (Continued
county fairs. This honor gave me
Charles H M artin dem- Van d«hey et u.x. John H Kennedy .‘dr a * ° « e ln s*’ven Pi j ->'s
’’ - day afternoon and In tiie evening
our windows. Values to $5.
mv’ a b to v t ^ e w nC0Ura8ement “ " r a t u J for goveroor wtu
J . MT « » y n e et al. Fred Bull-
tv band concert was given by the
"During my n e « four years of be the principal speaker a t the v 8 ? S' Jacob ^ l o et al. Hillsboro tJa, ’ o
dut ° Hillsboro band.
Mi»» H«'»»ie H n k e r I)e m o n » trn tin g N e w A r t Rug
(C««iitIntml frwm page 1)
clubwork I won numerous prizes at chamber of commerce Monday noon. . ' d AJiV,^1''1' ,
" ertz'i ilaught at the «roai 1 i^?.'" «.°”
Business houses are being in- Philatelists aixl one Is a numls-
Needle» in our »tore thia F rid a y and S a tu rd a y .
community, countv and state fairs.
Local fire fighting equipm ent was
Ceilings vs. William G elhngs.' b, . '
l l n t a a» speeted tixiuv by firemen and fire mltlst.
Now. as I think back over those on display- a t th e chamber of com-
Hlte w
L •)„. Hilhi -»3 i ‘‘ r reco'iered 0,1 prevention recom mendations sub-
There ls
, - « » .« .1
> ,<
successful years, th e prizes th at m erre corner during the meeting ' ' idker « ux. Mrs A. A llft vs.
Hllhl 33 Jesse
Uue. nvittxxl to m e r c iia n k V ^ x ^ ^
J L ,.o. .
' J llb1’
m eant so much to me at th at time the trucks bearing slogans ‘An ®ansen C ontracting company. Maud ‘Y/k'i at end on a sPlru;er Brusco ln,M, Ls dated for FridAv i » h »mWi * i r ! U‘\
h exhibitor
fade into tlie background, and
I. Powell vs. C h il e s M P m J n \dded * yard a t right tackle and i “
f?r .tYJ day. wit<inioon is also Invited to the dinner tlw
j -
ounce of l
evening of the «how, but will get
something else stands out m more of water
Ids or h er dinner for luilf price."
importance. It is the knowledge
th a t I have gained, and th e skill .
th at I have acquired in executing “cneneon
B ir th s
my tasks. After all. if one does not
Johnson To Mr mul Mr» Sidney
gam these, the honors mean noth- cessful hunting
Johnson of Shady Brook Octobw-
if. a boy.
Cla^aSte'v’eiTsom'Aug' v k n M e h Z , and tla' n drove through to tti -oïæ- 8 ¿ ' kl 9 ?)(. " 1 ^ . l ' drt4 y
T am so glad th a t I have learn-
Many local stores featured - fire
be,.- vs. syqvia VanSeltebeke. Fred
Geiger To Mr mid Mrs Victor
ed to make my own clothes. I can \
Cl » J II
Geiger, October 9. u boy
5 »
- 5
, s t c
afford nicer things when I make V O t t
my own th an I would ever dream
WANTED Middle -aged, neat wom­
of possessing if I had to purchase
Allmen. H A. H undt vs. William
an for housework J II PIUlllps
back with a detci
and W ells d<part-
Jo h n sto ,^ Lavina
Pearl PhilUnx
° Hilhi
“ ‘u came DacH
detci- n<*'
i“ '
them in the shops. On a very lim-
1123 F ourth St.
ited Clothing budget th is is quite
(Continued from p .« i ,
vs. Samuel Phillips. A B M c liJ l " “ i 04 attack - muun8
plays X i f c a ^ s ff T r e s ^ r ^ r o l 40 7 " ' ;
' hT ' * 2 .
« 8 ladp vs £ har1« Sellers. O tto John-
* 5 ?
a b tX lV X £ jd
elected officials can lx- n--'.i'.clixf
111 th eir traveling e x p e n s e b> [he
p le x e .s
llllllC t S
Federal Bug l imits
on Ducks Explained
rilMHl» 1V1UI1U.I)
Corn-Hog Program
o n s tip a tio n
Reports Exagcr.itcd
Hart Schaffner
C lo th e s
I'OrCSt (ifOXC Couple
Manhattan and Arrow Shirts
for H uge Fire Loss
Hilhi Team
ItaillF Phv<s
lay S
Cheating of Fires
Newberg on Friday
Stressed in City
$ j9 8
Rotary Chib Plans
H obby Siion Here
I lCTt'
Adjustm ent Plan
sportsmanship. I have learned to
profit by my failures as well as my
successes. One cannot always win.
but one need not make the same
mistake twice.
"Through clubwork I have en-
joyed the fellowship of the finest
type of boys and girls at various
social gatherings, picnics, the state
S h T T * * 1 ra0 ’ X
t,?Jse bog f ’ dhction con-
tracts should attend these meet-
----------have th<* atta rk
Meetings Scheduled
Dairy/ IVcm
UH L/Hlry
System in Limit
and immediately a fter contracts are
is within a few days,
will start. All dairy-
men m terested are requested to
—. '^15ned JhAt
t^apitoi M
{News Letter
the testing
of the r e ^ a ? r « u o r p r o f -
its would provide plenty of funds
otherwise. The amusing angle to
the controversy is to be found in
the fact th at the original relief
program proposed by th e governor
called for the sale of $1,250,000 of
these certificates, and th a t ln re-
ducing this estim ate to $500,000
Holman was quoting figures sup-
plied by the auditor of th e gov­
ernor’s own liquor commission.
Divorce» Granted
, Lim pus—Neva Limpus from Wil-
bur LJmpus.
— f j
Can finance your insurance p re­
mium» nil a m onthly basis.
1 152 2 n d St.
P h o n e 171
P hone 441
certifie» its high quality . . . and fine work-
Come in for a
dem onstration.
ciaruhip. Hence you get longer wear —
I «»ting »mart appearance —better valuel
f -fewest stylet and colors.
R e g u la r or
A u to g a rts
Gas - O il - Accessoriea
C a r* W a s h e d
P olished
Circuit Judge
fo r
T illa m o o k an d W a a h in g t
C ounties
__ Born
and reared on a
W ashington county dairy
farm .
P d iie iif e r l in
law seventeen
W ashington
county, tw enty-four
years in Oregon.
— If elected, will have but
one objective: To a d ­
m inister justice speedily,
fairly and im partially.
E le c tio n
N ovem ber 6,
li-J A'lv.) I
Used Car Exchange
A g e n c y fo r Nash and
H udson and T e rra p la n e
Phone 2641
W e D o H e m s titc h in g an d D re s s m a k in g
Prom pt Service . . .
s. o . s.
leave nothing undone and assure
skilled correction of every defect
Your Chevrolet Is carefully checked
for the slightest flaw by expert
«chO O ls.
mechanics who know the d is tin c t------ Practiced
lively high standards of service we
years in
insist upon,
A g e n c y W illy » 77
rj “ i
1 ----- r ~ -
3 rd a n d w a»h-
make» if. The Better Fabric» Testing Bureau
M A I N 81
8 -p a d size
S w eet
Red & W hite
Lady Godiva
4 bars and Cannon
2 fo r
T ho m p so n Seedless
Blue & W hite
4 -lb . p k g .
IVe ÌVant
Your ¿Business
3 lbs.
o ^ -T i
There ]> a far better grade of men*» soclii
available ot no extra price.
2nd and W a » h .
in Hillsboro, large lot, fam w ^ Z ^ l t o e s
“¿ a n * a
lly orchard, n ear S h u t e , Kiri with a good line.
O w ner anxious t o There'» also better response when
tra d e for sm all home near your Chevrolet is repaired a t this
shop T hat's because our methods
business section.
R e a ! E s ta te an d
In s u ra n c e
1332 Washington
“— I i
W e S m ile a t O u r D e g re e
Fh •»e IT»1
S pecial» fo r O c to b e r 12 and
B !•_ \
Everything in Insurance
Powers Grocery
H om e
B. A.
Hilhi auhwtituti____ Pstterwon, Schuimer- I I
ich, Muhr. Goetter. Bronl, we. A. Wah-
lUinirr .ub.„tut«-,
e r-
»in», R<». Burnh»m, Nel»on.
This store will be open nights and a p art
of Sundays.
M o d e rn
....... . ... ... EHR
Attorney G eneral VanWinkle does
not like the idea of th e board of
control censoring the expense ac­
counts of members of his d ep art­
ment. In fact he has told the board
th a t expenses of his d ep artm en t’
are none of its affair, th a t he as an
elected official of the state ts re ­
sponsible only to the people of
the state and not to the board In
establishing its schedule of m áxi­
mum expense allowances three years
ago the board took the position th at
all state officials and employes
were subject to its terms, if the
6 -R o o m
R. Frank Peters
Subscribe for the Argus.
Mly d u rh ig ^ h e ^ f K raCnCt* " :aiPr1'
olavg were e iic k o f1, ° WCe^ £’n i
Pilgrim flou^a
P ? ’ B C cllckln8 In oc:«pr shape
Sunday. October 14 Chapel serv-
f p;
... h 7:7
.7» 1, , . Ice of worship a t 10:30 a. m. Junior
‘ ’
(7, Rainier sermon. “Stop T h at Fire ’• Sermon
J-dinnt« n topic, “The Slough of Despond *'
Progress series). Evening
Kn» ter
Suit a.
L*’ "*
Anliker i t
Bishop 1 -
.(Continued from pitre ’ »
by Professor F. C. Stalley. ,!«,„,
“the grade school
standpoint" by
Superintendent C II Nosier and
from “the m inisterial viewpoint "
e/ suggested th a t the time
w . r r i . « n _____
WlH COme when hl* h schools will
Ernest H ared?C am pbell of Hills-
boro and Ida Muller of Hillsboro
route 5, October 6.
—-------------------- —
Charles H. Carey, corporation
commissioner, has called a m e e t-,
ing of the shareholders of the
Prudential Savings & Loan company
for November 14 In P ortland at
which time an attem p t will be
made to work out a plan for re ­
storing control of th e organization
to its members. The association has
approximately 8000 shareholders,
most of whom live in Oregon.
w ouirii vs Clarence H a m lin n
—------------ **•'- n J -“ c c .iu e u a c e p
. The middlewest is already vot- d Bump vs. Eugenie V R itket 7 R alnier territory wlln tl-e
“ “ “ U ®' W
mg on these two questions and it d D Burnt» vs R h G riffith
’tors in possession of the c , -.«
M ilhulsli took active ports in pre­
U probable th a t whatever is voted w McDonald vs Edith ci»rx' ,
Fullback Jesse of the ColiimW. par ng the observation event*.
in tire middlewest will be done re- vir. J H Shearer vs o M H in « tounty team * •* th e
ng » . .
¿ 7 ~ -------- ------- r
gardless of what might be de».red j H Shea-'
M H •
A rlis s P ic tu r e C o m in g
m thcs section of the country How, a l. S . T S S t o V k . T ^ w ' ! S K *
° n t bo1»
to V e n e tia n on S unday
o-,---- ... ... _ defense. He was the most co .uis'ent
. m»,,. t . „
endUof hb,n<team“ ° D U‘e ^U>rt'n i tlernan. ' will be the V m rtta n the-
end of his team s passe* handled a te r feature for Sunday Monday
" "
-«a« «»« «uaomuaua- insurance company vs. George
ann oucitej an a luesaa.v. Cieorge Arliss lias tin-
tion might be divided up and made Malos et al 41oha M ercantile com , Up. . ’,c llne wlLtl v‘c’°ib> tackl -
title role of an eccentric old nul-
sectional which probably would pony vs
William Heil et ux First
H hl Pla>'ers turned in u iu it« b lr honalre who gathers his acattered
only come about if interest on the Batik of
Tieard vs R F Old Periorma '’ces, but costly fumbles relatives to the mansion, where he
p art of the local signers was gener-
et ux W H R rtd 7 « v»
f crucial P°m ts in the gaim- null;-
llv''d ln ««luslon for years to
D e ^ k U« Wux.H i X
'l l n c X * " ? Wtf k i h < •1‘1"" !
m° 6t W° rthy
most interested, and nave received
helpful information from them.
"My clubwork has proved valu-
able not only to me. but others as
well. My successes
e s have inspired
Wh- sewing'club
' ’" K
the younger girls whose
I lead, to do th eir best work th a t
company vs. Joseph Dober, Clara
they m ight win honors and trips as
Bous vs. .Martin Bous G. Berggren
I have done. I t is such a pleasure
Frank K inner et al. F irst Bank
to be the leader of girls who are
of Tigard vs. R. P. Spaulding
really- interested in making their
best better, and I hope th a t I mav
M attie Foster vs. Bert Foster and
th e® the information
(Continued from p . « 11
B uchanan <Sc company vs
th a t I have gained in past sewing forms may be obtained at the other Mrs. C. Hoffman.
b T ls l7 i p fu lhtoa
it h^.s "J“ 1“1«5- a t
county agent's
Probate orders were issued in the
t£en to me
oiflce or a t the offlces of the local «¡tales of Ludwig N itchm an. Ver-
“My cookery project has
shown ' Puer/ n arian«s who will be working non Edward Newland, Laura A.
me the field which I desire to en-
-Miller. Floyd G reen and M. Edith
ter as my lifework. 4-H clubwork is Much interest has already
been Eechin.
a great aid in vocational guidance shown in this plan and a number
“I am ever so glad th a t I took of dairymen are waiting until the O a n C T P r t o S / ’ h n r U
4-H clubwork. I know th a t the whole program is ready to be
( .0 O C l l O O l
things I have learned have helped started, according to William F
ith ers to
as well
and years
will con-
do as
so me,
in Uie
to Cyrus,
a? e t h e countv
" , ^ s acent
t T t o The meefin«.«
p r ^
:* ~ l
n fought *thelr a."d carpet bi the Peiuiey window
terrltoty only to ?ht” 'S f a Phl“ n y the dangers ol
........................................................... ' * * el<‘<'tr ‘C
We say so each week and offer you the best
bargains the markets afford. We tell you
what is new in our stores, factories and
places of business. We want you to come to
Hillsboro and to make Hillsboro and espe­
cially our places of business your place of
business. Ask for advertised merchandise
and make it a practice to look over our offer­
ings each week in the Argus.
Red & Whitt
G ia»» ja r
Red & W hile
l- lb . p kg
Many other items specially priced for Friday ar.d
Saturday. These prices good Oct. 12 and 13 only.
J i B uildin^
i,nd ()ur Town
With Which la Combined The Hillsboro Inr1*p«n<l«mt
t A