Page Ten THE 4-H Club Girl Praises Work attorn«-», general wins Ins point it J will mean th at none ,»i the cm- V. 11 « l u l l I .. i •• H l 1.1. S B O R O ARG U S. . H IL L S B O R O . OREGON have a course In scientific p aren t- prayer at 7 ¡to o'clock "The hn- Cnuiilr Givrii Ch.irlvail - t lllglit Evaiigehm Fidler luiod Supet Intendcnt Nosier stress­ IHtlslve Apostle «.St IVfer»' «ili I h - M i - iii I n - i . of the I i» O E nmt ' a piano •o and Hie , |lll( ed tin- need (or u better under­ 1 O P i - r c n n c \ I < x i1 « I 1 \ the s<-rmon theme p ill IIIi» a stunt. “ lirlx-kull I. n I e . alle, 1 O O standing between parents and teach ­ flmrsilay Octoix-r til HI laike's l.ulge We«lm luv lllglll o ••Ila ’ ers He said one of the greatest order of Ilk' board Just ho« the ii'xntinunl from p an n Dav Huy ol special inlet«i-sslon lor eliarlvai i loi Mi and Mi s l-Virrest *i'*r Hie relief of wuterfowl hum physicians, argum ent »ill be rettled has not gren. John W H aines John W n eds in our grade schools now nurses. hospitals, ele ll««lt i EI i . ibelli Gllix-n» Tlu-y theii »Monn yet been decided but it lias been Price and Edna M IXivis is a health and physical cduea- *‘rs wlu> b are been puzzling over Young iM-ople s groupa as un- iniuched ihoni m» to the I «• «> Ht-vr ml weeks u|i, the legal phraseology of the fixlentl suggested th at the board stand Friday. Columbus Dav. Is a non , ____ . . _______ _ ___ . . . ___ Don U-aclier. Hev Heed said the V a lu e o f P ro g ra m C ite d by lx»iiuee,l Pilgrim Gullit. Thursilays F hall, « h eir the« « it i eliti t Heel pat on its order .,ml let the a t- judicial day and th e court lions«- Problem as confronting Hillsboro regulation on duck bag llnm and aj III Spcvl.ll services Novelli- tallii',1 am i M is Cora Heaton ol 1 at th« “Whatnot* Io I*« Ills lull mrbey general tc *'*H be closed Ls more oik- of an ad u lt program. 111 response to numerous Inquirier ■ Ix-I I • anti 2. loi All .Samis and I « half ot the Hets kalis made « and i ound ttuit 1 O u ts ta n d in g M e m b e r the courts (or determination. e luut I Tentative circuit court calendar ,i‘'1Md"n. he said, should be given ¡ ’be Bureau of filologien! Biological Survey. Murvej AH Souls' Hays Pasini llrury S presentai ton ot a •el or « IIUUICV The finid?» 1 «ne iM-eii J tor the balance of October is as »»’re of an opporttuiity to compare 11 s ‘leportmciit of agriculture Haller may bi* consulted al the goblets to the newlyweds Value of 4-H club work to the and if the ow'iier 1,111 «all al ||„. House ofltee. 13S2 Jaikson slns-l. Freeman S uffrr. hm li' follows October Id and 16. Albert bnorably with all other agencies ’’-'-s uuwle Ute Iollowing statem ent young people of W ashington county .'.Uin- ihe may have the IU< »Hr \ Fuchs vs Henry Ulmer et al; Ge- 1,1 *be home. Mrs. J. M person. The federal bag limit on wild each day between to a m anti is indicated in a letter received re ­ William I'lceman suffered burns lu lls ' S u n t l brber 17 and 18 Elfreida Hu. h> s ys President, expressing regret at the ducks is 12. but eider dm k ., can- m»’n cently by tlie county school super­ o il his lefl hand au I a l.ullv burned x u i i c i c s t z m « jx x i i A|fred Berger: October 19 and inability of Mayor Orange Phelps ' ‘isbaeks, redlieads. greater scaups. — -------------------- intendent from Miss Rosalie Reed I leit leg l-'i ldav while eleaitliig u | ti'i-i innsi fr> i-. « . i) lX-lbert V ----- learn ed vs Randolph atl,'tid. said (hat from t li»- city bvvs-r e.ui|v.. rtngtuxk .. blue »uigei l i « l l f i t i L ' D i p > I v c i e of the Aloha-Huber school The 4-H truck motor with gasoline An o | m - ii j m.iig'.'»i',o'‘’" " iu a ;;a; ; 1? •• ■■ October ' ■ and 23. Gladys »'•«“U’ouit the need was for great- «**»*J. green-winger teal. «innauion ■■»•»•*■•«. » .-» in girl, who is no« entering her sev- ings in each county before October Howlby; emi of gasoline on tlie starting mo 1 entli year of club work and who 18. Hart vs. H udson-D uncan «<• com- cr ‘‘o-operatton of young people ,,>al shovelers. mid gadwalls to­ tor caused a .b o il, igniting tlie Hleep. Pimply Hkln, g,t ,. wns designated as one of two out- • • • puny; October 24 and 25 P atn eii " b li city ordinances. eluded in the 12 may not total more gasoline En-einaii\ leg was burned I relief will, A1»I.|.; h i k a ‘ ? standing club girls a t the 1934 Additional purchases of drouth Welch vs Alfred Berger; October Miss IoVellc Jackson of Nortli ,h an nvp 1’ll,s*' ilVe 1,11 b*’ Elve homes and Coo|ier Moun­ from ankle to knee »agli nctliai. yet genti,' a rtic e nw bvmiTiJ She h u d £ e a I,lt' T ,eXCes? 25' John Jolui H H ulett vs vs. William A. Plains rendered several accordion of one specie#, or they may repre­ tain Mhool tn W.isliington countv I I ( lut* I nti-rl ilii. sent ditfeivnt species of the re- from tHo urogram quotas which expired in September, sm ith ; October 26. Donna McWul- selections E I. ehti» girls etnei lamed mem were WediM-stliiy vtsitixt by l»r E n v i u n o m t il l p r a g r a m . haVc authorlaM ln W ashing- len vs G A Cobb October 27 Mrs. J w Harnev chairm an strtcU'lt cl‘u1 A th‘— P uvtit-educm t.u/ of ducks belottg Persistent rumors had clreulated of memories enters mv mind when ;..........-feln -dlo 'uM *°3'S‘,t kc et lU- October 29 and 30. Mane reported on plans of her «vmrnit- U> 1 ‘!‘M' 11 «•xcee,| five that several dozen eases of in ­ I recall mv 4-H experiences of the 111 tJ.lls C‘'‘-U' UP Edwards vs. Oregon Electric Rail- tee Additional m e m b e rsh ip t o 1 nuillbl'1' ol dm k.s representing fantile paralysis existed In t h e past six vears. purchase about 4.xXi head addition- way company; October 31. Fred C standing committees as announced oUu,'‘ l1'“ 1 " 1;iv be hunted vicinity These reports were found Ilio niiirki't is crowtli-il with Mv interest ln 4-H club work a ‘ E rectors in charge of the Sefton vs. J H H ulett; November by Mrs Person are as follows 'i binned only by the provts.on t , tH. (re p exaggei vteil ami m beg^r mm- re a S ivgo when niy ‘“ T* been a u th o r e d l. Citisens Bank vs. Elwovxt H Parent edncat.on w <■ ,t h a ‘ thc u,lal great metmee exists KllitM mill nVt'ITont.q 11111,1,. ,,| best girl friend" jomed a hand- to Puri base cattle only front pro- sm ith , and November 2 and 3. C linstenscn. L. C K ram ien and lna\ 1,01 , 't' ,x-d 1- isolation m-.-. m i , i , 20 to KO ' . <-h»'H|i Mubstitut, . work club and I was not allowed to Queers unable to provide adequate M argaret Drake vs. Hudson-Dunean Nye o Bristol; m em bership M ra-i 111115 !lle duck llu‘ll*'r "'*•> f their contracted acres as when lx- plead gutltv m tin- local danx-s K R Easter. Jake Weil * W alld iour Plnlttll-S- ° r I «uiy ' uses, and all contagious discuses, - - . t... cotnbma- ... .... have 100'« a ll-w o o l tion .X of # livA.... these Lta.1. birds that does not I to t^,<‘ ^H,nily physician or to the ^ .r t additional fallow land, according to justice of th e peace court t o ‘a R Manley and A j H artram pf "" - It.«*« total more than 12 Bui if he takes f° unty lieulth officer. Dr J B reiu'hed the fifth grade How dis- a su n e y n u d e of Jo states in- charge of speeding with a truck. Teachers of the local schools we Includes In his Dinsmore. Hillsboro, is urgvxl by iuuing Ort'gou. envgun. The in c iiguit's iigures g&ther* g au ier- r . w of oi $10 >iu and ano cu6ts costs was was assessed assessed honor nonor guests for t h h e occaslo occasion the maxuntun huuu und uu hum appointed appointed I was when I was re- eluding d by the AAA show for Oregon Roland . C. Ramsdell of Portland the . Business meetuig was _______ followed bv ?oz<‘n species for w hlch the the local health departm ent ns Ute fused! , , _ I. - 3.. liv v n z 4 .x .. 1 1 ____ ■ ... . . .. lllL f l l l ’t l l l » » . '» x l r l« > l^ .l ,u rt,'er I restricted he will only means of m ntrollng c o m ­ "Tlie following year. I jomed the 46 ^ • 6 2 per cent of • tlx- land left out C same day F for 4 illegal use of . dealer a .......................v svx-iui .............. meeting mid refreshm ent* I 11 l I 11111 prestige of a fifth grader and en- of wheat used for fallow ; 23.3 per plates. Gt-orge Wtlson of Forest City SuperUltendent It W Barnes lla\ l ba*''s llke lll<’ iollowtng Seven municable dk-x-use m allards plus five canvas bucks; rolled in a handwork club lead by cent was in new seedings for pas- Grove was fined »5 and costs later introduced tixu-hers in the or lour four nulll“ nuillaixls my teacher In the spring, a day ture or hay. slightly more th an 20 in the day on a charge of having school and C H. Nosier, sutierm - 01 rds and t hree pm - was set ap art for the exhibition of p,.r pent lav completely idle, an d no operator's license. tendent of the grade schools m iro ' tulls Plus onc eider duck I.,-i us show you the suits anil overcoats our year's work. School was dis- 8 3 per cent was used for food — .............. -......................... K ■ u lln x»d and Orders m the following eirciUt <*uced the grade'tea«hers A llte i^ h ’' - 1 ! va5,buck on,‘ “ I* »-«•-nip. I n iiir i- J in A p p i J im i I Let the m irror show you the style anil tit, missed, too. Iio^ h^ ubjlg feed production for home use. L se. Less court cases were issued this week ers were presented with a roar ‘uld ° ne “ 1 1 6|»'ek or five plnlutl.- « i j i i i k k l III Z w t t l k H I l l ment aay. l can su u rememoer th an 2 cen[ was devoted ■ oted Mr. and Mrs Albert Friday of Uie walls of the classroom, l i n e d ___, ____ _ , „ to California Joint Stock Land hank -Mrs. Person, president, making the “ 1>l1 ’*o nialluixts plus two canvas- tscellan- of S an Francisco vs. Joseph C. Hare presentation. backs, two nxlIie.uL. and one ring- Forest Grove were Injured SuiKtay with dresses and articles the girls wettf control and other nnscellan et al. order; Add B utterw orth vs. Humor was added to the program ¡1“ k J.1,1 i10 l,la> lc take luor*' “ fterntx-n when a n nutomoblle had made, and the cake booth in us U8es- a corner where one cooking c l u b ------------------------- State Industrial Accident conimis- by the ijistallation of David Leger 1 1-111 " tllirks m one «lav driven bv Bernard Vander.-«invlen member served h er cake to niter- P - . L - I L - P . > . « v , v i v « , 'k l , i Sion, order. Neva Lunpus vs. Wll- M treasurer. Rev. Reed acting as 'Slioottng wood «links r u d d y of Forest Grove rout«- 2 left the L IT T L E H O Y S ’ A N D G IR L S ’ estod spectators I did not win a a UD11C I \ t SDOI1S1D1C bur Lunpus. default, decree; H ar- uistalling officer. j ducks or bufflehc.uls is prohibited rival mid struck u fence as It prize th a t vear. but I felt th a t at n e t Booth vs. Lloyd Crotzer et Next meeting will be November Ajlv st’lte niu>' reduce the bug rounded a rurve at Barn« -, and last I had a p art in this great u.x. publication summons; and Li- »3 limit below that provided by the Cornell roadx Tlx- injured persons movement called clubwork. and I federal regulation." werr taken to the Oood Sam aritan was not just an onlooker as I had , (C«-ntinued from pane ti hospital m Portland, when« It wo# been the season before. Linens, piques ami fine m ateiials reported Mr Frolov was suffering of my acted as — chairm an, ...... introducing fire- e‘ ux- , , "Mounting the second rung Ms»-»».-. ---------------- ........— « j ____ «r t x H. t . ________ is m issal is s a l ord er« u-er»» « - . an injury to hla side and head and -All haml itiaile, beautifully trini­ 4-H Club ladder I jomed a sewing men « and speakers L. MacKenzie . D oism orders were Issued «•-, in Mrs. Friday a lacerated right foot division I club the next fall. I tast- president of the chamber of com- the following suits; C. B Green meli with fine buttons, haml nuiile ed my first thrill in achievement meree assured firemen th at citizens et -d vs- Tom Morgan. R. C. H un-, o . lace timi enihroiilery. Many "broth th a t year when my sewing won appreciated th eir work and lauded ger et al vs' H enr>’ Conrad et p w O from pav« 1 er ami sister" suits. See them in first place a t both community and thei activities ux- Mary Denewith vs Lawrence . throu8h Uie riiiLsuoro lu.« dressed (Continued a Hilhi assembly Wixlm-s- county fairs. This honor gave me Charles H M artin dem- Van d«hey et u.x. John H Kennedy .‘dr a * ° « e ln s*’ven Pi j ->'s ’’ - day afternoon and In tiie evening our windows. Values to $5. mv’ a b to v t ^ e w nC0Ura8ement “ " r a t u J for goveroor wtu J . MT « » y n e et al. Fred Bull- t tv band concert was given by the "During my n e « four years of be the principal speaker a t the v 8 ? S' Jacob ^ l o et al. Hillsboro tJa, ’ o dut ° Hillsboro band. Mi»» H«'»»ie H n k e r I)e m o n » trn tin g N e w A r t Rug (C««iitIntml frwm page 1) clubwork I won numerous prizes at chamber of commerce Monday noon. . ' d AJiV,^1''1' , " ertz'i ilaught at the «roai 1 i^?.'" «.°” Business houses are being in- Philatelists aixl one Is a numls- Needle» in our »tore thia F rid a y and S a tu rd a y . community, countv and state fairs. Local fire fighting equipm ent was Ceilings vs. William G elhngs.' b, . ' l l n t a a» speeted tixiuv by firemen and fire mltlst. Now. as I think back over those on display- a t th e chamber of com- Hlte w vs- L •)„. Hilhi -»3 i ‘‘ r reco'iered 0,1 prevention recom mendations sub- There ls , - « » .« .1 > ,< successful years, th e prizes th at m erre corner during the meeting ' ' idker « ux. Mrs A. A llft vs. Hllhl 33 Jesse Uue. nvittxxl to m e r c iia n k V ^ x ^ ^ ,7- J L ,.o. . ' J llb1’ m eant so much to me at th at time the trucks bearing slogans ‘An ®ansen C ontracting company. Maud ‘Y/k'i at end on a sPlru;er Brusco ln,M, Ls dated for FridAv i » h »mWi * i r ! U‘\ h exhibitor fade into tlie background, and J I. Powell vs. C h il e s M P m J n \dded * yard a t right tackle and i “ f?r .tYJ day. wit [he p le x e .s llllllC t S ' Federal Bug l imits on Ducks Explained rilMHl» 1V1UI1U.I) Corn-Hog Program o n s tip a tio n Reports Exagcr.itcd Hart Schaffner cLMarx / C lo th e s $2495 I'OrCSt (ifOXC Couple $1.98 Manhattan and Arrow Shirts for H uge Fire Loss W ASH SUITS anti DRESSES Hilhi Team ItaillF Phv a far better grade of men*» soclii available ot no extra price. 2nd and W a » h . Snowdrift 49c 9 in Hillsboro, large lot, fam w ^ Z ^ l t o e s “¿ a n * a lly orchard, n ear S h u t e , Kiri with a good line. park. O w ner anxious t o There'» also better response when tra d e for sm all home near your Chevrolet is repaired a t this shop T hat's because our methods business section. R e a ! E s ta te an d In s u ra n c e 1332 Washington “— I i W e S m ile a t O u r D e g re e G R IF F IT H Fh •»e IT»1 S pecial» fo r O c to b e r 12 and 1 B !•_ \ «SOLD Everything in Insurance Powers Grocery US! H om e B. A. Cook Cfwiper Hölscher F JesA« Hilhi auhwtituti____ Pstterwon, Schuimer- I I ich, Muhr. Goetter. Bronl, we. A. Wah- n»r. lUinirr .ub.„tut«-, Mcrcer e r- »in», R<». Burnh»m, Nel»on. MEN’S HOSE rt'n i tlernan. ' will be the V m rtta n the- end of his team s passe* handled a te r feature for Sunday Monday " " -«a« «»« «uaomuaua- insurance company vs. George ann oucitej an a luesaa.v. Cieorge Arliss lias tin- tion might be divided up and made Malos et al 41oha M ercantile com , Up. . ’,c llne wlLtl v‘c’°ib> tackl - title role of an eccentric old nul- sectional which probably would pony vs William Heil et ux First H hl Pla>'ers turned in u iu it« b lr honalre who gathers his acattered only come about if interest on the Batik of Tieard vs R F Old Periorma '’ces, but costly fumbles relatives to the mansion, where he p art of the local signers was gener- et ux W H R rtd 7 « v» f crucial P°m ts in the gaim- null;- llv''d ln ««luslon for years to D e ^ k U« Wux.H i X Supply 'l l n c X * " ? Wtf k i h < •1‘1"" ! m° 6t W° rthy Wa al. most interested, and nave received helpful information from them. "My clubwork has proved valu- able not only to me. but others as well. My successes e s have inspired Wh- sewing'club ' ’" K the younger girls whose I lead, to do th eir best work th a t company vs. Joseph Dober, Clara they m ight win honors and trips as Bous vs. .Martin Bous G. Berggren I have done. I t is such a pleasure vs. Frank K inner et al. F irst Bank to be the leader of girls who are ~ of Tigard vs. R. P. Spaulding really- interested in making their Spaulding. best better, and I hope th a t I mav M attie Foster vs. Bert Foster and th e® the information (Continued from p . « 11 S B uchanan