The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 02, 1934, Page 4, Image 4

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Page Four
ITillr,b( in ^rA r i) us
Clean-l’p Needed
H IL L S B O R O .
Thursdny, August 2, I I
A nalysis of
Hand Proves
In te re s tin g Hllisl Die I mh I of a flat car
Two ot Du- Dinte-r.-i were 30 In,-hen
sqiiais- an I the other two 19 liidu
If we were poetically inclined we
might write a rhapsody on the beauty of
W ith W hich la Combined (be M illaber« Independent
Hillsboro w ith its lovely gardens and
HiH»>L>*r<' Annin eetab. 1SW4
H illaboro Independent mtah. I S <8
fields of "Q ueen Anne's Lace." but as we
M c K IN N E Y a M c M N N K Y . Pabliabera
Publiehed Thuredajn».
E ntered aa aerond-claaa m atter in the
are just common business people we won­
postoffice at Hillaboro. Oregon
der just why the citizens haven't enough
Do you like novelty. variety and
pride in the looks of their home place to chan*«*?—If
M R S E C. M c K IN N E Y
W V E R N E M c K IN N E Y
mi . your leading chem ­
Aaoix iate E ditor
cut the wild carrot (Queen Anne’s Lace)
E d itor
ical Is sulphur.
which is tak in g the town? Few business
Serial No. A
F irst Audited Paper
L a r» -
M em ber— CrvKon S tata e d i­
No 11 You lu te long winded
eot Auifitcni W eekly C ircula­
people take time to see their home town explanation.^
to ria l A *«. hum « ion and N a ­
Your conclusions are
tion in Oregon
tional E d ito rial A*«<H'iat ion
as an out-sider would see it. and they not always sound
because often you
certainly receive an eye-opener if t h e y
undertake to show the town to visitors.
Subscription Ratea S tric tly Cash in Advance
If all hom e-owners or renters would
U . 8. Outeide Oregon
• 1.60
P er year
Foreign Count nee
S 60
Ri» m onth*
keep the weeds mowed on th eir lots and
parkings, w hether or not they could a f­
The H illabo ro Anru« aaaumea no financial reeponsibilit? for
error« published in ita columns, but in cases where thta paper
ford to irrigate the lawns during the dry
ia at fa u lt w ill rep rin t that p a rt of an advertisem ent in which
the typographical m i»take occur«.
season, w hat a w onderful improvement it
would be. Never for years has the w riter
it look worse th an it does now. Lots
Americanism, Reborn
and parkings near the heart of the town
Good Am erican citizenship throughout are a disgrace, running riot with weeds.
th e land is organizing in support of con­ The union high school, one of our show
stituted government ami Am erican insti­ places, is surrounded with a good crop
of weeds.
tutions. They cherish their rich heritage
Just why is this pronounced lethargy?
of American citizenship and are deeply Are we so well satisfied with our sur­
appreciative of the opportunities existing roundings that we can't see the defects,
in this country alone.
or are we falling into sleeping sickness?
O ur pioneer ancestry suffered great W ake up and grab a scythe— or give the
hardships and m ade many sacrifices to Boy Scouts a job. As it is just now. a well- light
No. 13 Vou are apt to trust ev­
kept place looks like an oasis in a desert. eryone
your secret*, which
build this country from a virgin w ilder­
We have elean-up days in the spring— ni.o spell with
"danger" to you A wise
ness. Their struggles cannot be allowed to whv not one in the sum m er?
head has a still tongue.
be undone by reds, w hether alien born or
Serial No. It
No 15- You »Hl not be unduly
native. Evidences th at good citizenship is
discouraged by the ordinary se t­
rising to the responsibility with a rebirth
luduig your disappointm ent
President to get pie— headline. It is backs.
behind a snule and having the
of Am ericanism and a determ ination to
to keep going. always
back governm ent and officials is coming
expecting a better break next time
from every section.
No 13 You are lively, genial and
usual.v optimistic. Y'ou have a high­
Communist agitators and radicals will
ly developed sense of humor. You
doubtless learn th a t determ ined Am eri­
are loyal to your friends and can
believe ill of them , regard­
cans will not to lerate efforts to underm ine
less of tlie evidence
and attack constituted governm ent. Jack-
Serial No. C
the te-un |>»>, Add the beans, mix
On the Job
No. 16—As a rule you are in-
the molasses and the other sea­
son and Clatsop county relief comm ittees
sonings with a little hot water
‘ At times under special guard to protect property
have announced th a t relief would b e
and pour over the beans. Add
d workers alike the S an Francisco newspapers up-
denied all m em bers of any communistic an
critic. You have unusual
enough water to Just cover them
all the high tenets of American journalism by severest
Pl» •<- the rest of the salt pork on
powers of visual im agination.
organization operating there, and persons held
never faltering during the general strike. Not ft
No 13—Y’ou are a highly nervous
_ __
t.ip an t nHik the beaus very slowly
engaged in any activities contrary to the newspaper missed an issue and always the citizens in
in a low oven for 6 to 7 hours
Am erican form of governm ent. M edford the strike-stricken area knew instantly what was
Add a llltle water from time to
your energy too ouicklv
ut p» nclcnt i.indicia t< for Rowrnor tune to repluee that winch cooks
says the same decision will apply to those &°in& on
Serial No. 1»
01 Oregon was principal speaker nt , away Uncover about 1 hour before
hh tin c r in
ertrpa v jitin ic 1 l a n b h o o r v
any on
nnm etii-
in n or r ¿r
{he th e skJe
No. 11—You hate to be confined the W ashington County Fortners' the beans are done If you like you
vuri the flavor of the beans
trouble. Hood River and other places have matter w hat its losses may be a t the time, it or restrained in any wav, as you Union picnic Sunday afternoon at mai
a lover of action. Y'ou have an Rippling W aters park
Approxi- he pouring the contents of one
form ed and have sounded warnings to the always comes out The strike ha* reduced advertis- excellent
sense of rhythm . You can mately 500 members of the county- can of tomatoes, strained, oven
effect th a t agitators will not be tolerated, ing Uneage and it has increased operating cost The see both sides of things and find muon attended the picnic
them Serve with thin sandwiches
newspapers do not complain. T h at is part of the it hard to make a decision. As n
made of Boston brown bread
. ,,
The governm ent, press reports from
_ not easily discouraged
rule , ____
you are
I bat lu would fight tor .he
Boston Brown Bread
the east say, is tak in g action for the de- "'-The only publication in S an Francisco th at
N" 1 3 -Y ou " ‘art' t'lu“ ?yp>’"“th a t P * * ' rti!hts IUU|
li“‘ hOnV'
I'» cup« flour
3 cups meal, sifted
portation of reds. Assuredly this business failed to come
S S a X .^
f . cups syrup
of m aintaining those who are biting the News. It shut down when th e general s t r i k e “ h--“ 1 y
perfectly willing to tru st tlon platfo rm Following Z im m er-
1 cups sour butterm ilk
hand th at feeds them ." should not be I
“ there a t t r o u b l e T S to
“« y
In em er- m a n s talk. Albert S ired , of Km-
1 level tablespoon soda
advertising. Tne minute m ere wa* wouoie it. au to gencies Sometimes your type is ton snoke on current n olitica i is-
-’ cups st-t-dless rutslns
out of the field and 1« th e public sh ift for them - misunderstood.
basket U nchts.n p X i ^ f
1 teaspoon salt
Farmers' Union
Holds Picnic
SSy I M S , «5? JSS
Sulphur is an explosive chemical; t!„. talks
th a t is why some people are quick
tempered regretting it immediately
Program of games and swimming
afterw ard
was held m the afternoon. Prices
for various/ events were d o n a t'd
by m erchants of Hillsboro Beaver-
Governor M eier m ade an excellent se-
Cornelius. Forest O rote. Beth-
lection in his appointm ent of E. E. Brodie
Thirty Years Ago
anv and Pw tlund.
aa a m em ber of the state liquor commis-
Argus. July 21. 1904- 0 . G. Wilkes
George W Pott*, state president,
sion to succeed George H. McMorran. who
resigns as superuitendent Hillsboro and
from Jefferson. S tate Sec-
retary and Mrs. S. B Holt and
resigned when he thought the governor
In !imes of stress trie citizens always place water and light plant.
W „ H
W . ehrung
was interfering too much with the com- th eir faith and tru st in th eir daily newspaper. No
h im
oi in charge
, - of O re- -son of Scio attended the picnic
in ing-D
the on"
mission’s affairs. The new appointee has
X X p ^ X n ' b ^ d ^ d e d X p ^ n T l w ^ f w ° Hare is in c h £ g e T ? '
Sw im m
M « te races
been named chairm an of the board.
Mr. T h al „ mon> t £ ^ can be said « some of the sub- est,7 rxanJd ^ ^ e ' m i d M-s w ¡? “ T
,um,> J °T
Brodie IS one of Oregon s most prom inent stitutes th a t pretend to be newspapers but ru n and D 'H a r e are attending grandI lodge Kelth- ‘tret; Ju n G rogan ■cond.
citizens, having been publisher of
the hide every tim e a little trouble springs u p —Sacra- of Degree of Honor, and W O. Race ' boys under 6 years Of ag e '
OoneLsbn mid W. D. H are are ¿ t P*:nal<‘ WaIlx'‘' J ‘ r s t ; , Lav,',rn
Oregon City E nterprise for m any years, m ento (Calif. > union.
grand lodge of Workmen
Schmidt, second Race i girls under
and m inister to Siam and also to Finland.
Mrs Arvilla Miles Pruyn d i e d 8 >cars l,f a«* '" Ucrtha Waibel
Friday a t home of daughter. Mrs. first. K athryn Herb, second Race
May his service be crow ned with success.
H. V. Gates.
'girls 6 to 10 years of a g e '—Ethel
M. C. Case, county school su- Waibel, first; Doralv Tews second
The public will stand plenty. Sonte publics, th e P^inU-ndent. rente Newton prop- Race .girls 11 to 14 years of age, -
S Italian
__ publics, «_i_
„.____ _ —in
___ i
nertt. first;
first. June Cork-
Bernice O nertt,
Russian _ or
for instance,
will stand
Hillsboro delegates to m eeting of lin, second Baseball throw for girb>-
more th a n others. B ut there is a limit.
1 sta te developm ent league a re D r Celia Bowdon, first; Bertha Waibel.
In educated America, fortunately th e lim it is lower F. A Bailey. Dr. J. P. Tamiesie. J
The comm
unity _____
feels __________
a serious _____
loss ___
for ,,, girts , 6
t h » H a a th n f M rw ^ J n w p n h in o C a s e n r i n c L
countries. Alarmists see communist A. Imbrie. G A. Morgan, A. C. . second. Baseball throw
the death ot Mrs Josephine Lase. pnnci- th an in most radical
dem otlstratloru of vartous kinds Shute. Ed Schulm ench Jam es H to 12 >'t‘ars of a«e—PnuicU Waite-
pal of the Junior high school and m em ber and immediately rush about crying th e country is Sewell. E J Lyons. F. M. Heidcl ilrs t: Ethel Waibel. second Free for
and W. V. Wiley.
all boys' race—Wesley Lincoln, first.
of the faculty of the Hillsboro schools fo r falling apart.
Fifteen Years Ago
G ilbert Schuh, second Free for all
m anv vears. In the years she served in
Unrest, strikes and disorders in various p arts of
Argus. July 17. 1919 — Monday men's ra c e -G le n Ireland, first; E
ho in
r a l scnooi.
s c h o o ls . s h ne
e h n a a d a d a e e a a l l t t w
mak<* *reat
be«7 registered 102.
Owens, second. Pole race, boys—
n u ith
n m a n v the
copy UluUd
Most States
fro n t at
are covered
w ith newspaper
here’? '11'!-1° SPe a 'C Bt cbautau* Victor Cropp. first; Joe Hern. sec-
lives and been a good influence for the of these disturbances.
^ J ^ t h a ^ w i s o X r t ^ X ' t ’1
future of the young people. All m ourn
„ i ”'a
her untimely death.
spectacular from necessity; otherwise, they would passport for self and wife, one of
J £ ! arso?,’ seca" d , Ttiyee-legged
never be heard.
th e Drexells.
race, boys- M orris Schm idt and Ed
People who are not sure of themselves often
Henry Peterson 78, died a t Farm - Gwens, first. Shoe h u n t- E d a 8ohl-
have the most to sav and the most advice to h and
r ,, lrsl; “
vH,L''ba~ f
Radio brought the word this m orning out. an d are the most insistent about it. Solid, con­ 1 Claude Betti* retu rn s home from e calling—Mrs.
L. J Heesaeker. first;
Mrs. P. Hergert, second Nall driv-
th a t one of the w orld's g reatest c h arac­ servative Individual* as a rule pay little atten tio n service in U. S. navy.
Mrs. Emily E. Hagerman, daugh- mg- Mrs S. A. D. Meek, first;
ters, President Van H indenburg. had died. to this type of person. W hen he gets too trouble-
».ff and M rs Paul Landauer Mrs H Baivz. second. Hog calling—
He has been a Stabilizing influence in an some, they simply brush him aside as a mosquito l L ' a X i E,"100’ <U ed J u y 14 in J ohn Hubols, first; G W. Pott*.
M r ^ E ls ie B Hoard wife of M %ci?ndh^ f a l ,
Germ anv for several
years. The
on a^°ut lhelr busif^ss’ .
_ j _ _ - j - /
No sensible group, as the American m ajority,
Hollenbeck, first; M artha Haase.
aged president was a national figure be- Speaks very often. I t doesn't have to. i t is sure of B. Hoard, died here July 10
R D Alexander of Varley sta- ’Pcond- bodies free for all race—
cause of his exploits as head of the Ger- itself. This country will not fall ap art in our life-
returned last week after 18 billy Pearson, first; M rs H J
man arm v during the W orld war. W hat “me It Is too well educated. You m eet all kinds of tlon
m onths’ service in France with the Herb, second. Race for ladies over
effect will his death have on f u t u r e sensible P60” 16 every « ^ y .-T h e Redmond Spokesman, 20th Engineers.
50 years of age—Mrs P. Hergert.
"Big Bend' swimming hole most first; Mrs. J. M. Davidson, second,
popular place In community.
P eanut
race— M
aRd iarnlly moved to n rst; Oladys Kindel, second. Shoe-
"The New Deal under President Roosevelt
first; Mrs
despite opposition to certain aspects, h as grown
Sergeant O len Taylor, last of H H(,rb
The coast breathes easier with the re­ stronger
as recovery h as gotten under way. P ointed­ three sons of Mr. and Mrs. W H H Hert>- R,cond.
turn of striking w aterfront employes to ly. we assert th a t a t no tim e since th e depression Taylor, who were in overseas "serv"
th eir work Tuesday. Business can resum e began have th e evidences of improvem ent been so ice. returns home,
its routine and try to make up in some unmistakable or th e prospects so good. T he Roose-
/■„_ tv, : __ _______
ve!t adm inistration has brought It about. We are
If a picnic m eans a few sand­
degree for the immense losses. Some m ar-
them in this, partisan politics aside."—Cum-
wiches, pickles, a cake and some
kets may be perm anently lost, however.
beriand. Md.. News <Rep.i
a ,
fruit—you’ve a lot to learn ' Of
course you may and will, prepare
a number of your nicnlc dishes at
M a c ’« in fo r a S panking Good Tim e
By M unch
Awards and advancem ents were home, but the real thrill is to
won by four Boy Scouts of Hills- cook out In the open However, if
| boro troop 226 a t the scout court you really don't care for this type
of honor here T hursday evening
c,'x,ker,y th. f r?. are.v, s,tl11 nu“l y
Paul Erwin was advanced to tlw- de“ clous hot dishes th a t may be
rank r.t a o » , ^«¿0 ,
prepared in advance and packed
e X X t ? i i L 1 ie arT , , a m large therm os jars to emerge,
1 bad8e ln public piping hot on the beach or in some
health. Don H ammer received a lovely grove.
first class m erit badge ln first aid
If you'd really enjoy an open
and public health, Billy Allison got cam p fire try preparing a casserole
a badge of the same rank for plo- of escallopcd potatoes a t home. Pack
neerlng, while Robert Allison earned them, roaring hot. ln layers any
first class m erit badges In person- layers of newspapers and tuck them
al health and cooking
a * a" !n the car alonX w lth t h e
No honor court will be held ri„r other equipment. If you liave no
lng t t e X i n t h of August but ir <amP
U k '' the “r111 irom your
,"11 "
, „ ,
but 10; oven and prop it up on two large
wlU be resumed ln September.
stones and build your fire b e -
neath it. D on't try to cook until
you have a glowing bed of coals.
Then set .your casserole a t one side
• 1-.«
, nt the grill and lay large lamb
chops or individual .steaks on the
grin. T urn frequently and when
Z Riggs of Hillsboro was named done remove to paper plates, .sea-
chairm an of the Washington conn- ROn and
wlth th c potatoes,
ty board for the restaurant code sliccs tomatoes and sweet pickles.
Friday night a t th e local chamber CaT p coffee Ls marvelous mad,- on
of commerce during a meeting of such !1 Kr'L‘ „ 'T . 11 nev,;r re? ‘2 y
r,-Qta,,ron, „„a
comes to a boll but pours from the
? J
? ! , d ,sp^.”,s**rs pot a hot topaz, stream You won t
Grover A Reventisch of Portland, i need a dessert with a meal like
managing director, and H. T. Sher- this unless you're very hungry, ln-
iff, field secretary restau ran t man, deed then fresh fru it will suffice,
attended the session.
For the more tender-foot type
O ther members of t h e lx>ard of picnicker there are a number
elected were J Parsons o f Forest of dishes such as baked beans th a t
Grove, Mrs. O. O. Coslett of Hills- may ,M' carried In therm os Jugs
boro, R . Rossi
of Beaverton ’ and
Ii h er®
i r c.lpc, I J I « or r r t ba,
k ed v n ll*'a
. .
. . . . . . .
f th
o a l t w
i l l satisfy
t i u t i i i f v I the
rtc l
n iilis
Mrs. H Ashford of Aloha.
out-door appetite.
Boston Baked Beans
County Red Cross Plana
2 cups dried beans
Special M eeting F rid a y
’/ /-pound salt pork
4 tablespoons molasses
Devising ways and means to pro­
'i teaspoons salt
vide m aterials for the SERA sew­
1 minced onion
ing project will be considered F ri­
teasp w n dry m ustard.
day a t 7:30 p. m. during a special
Soak the beans over night in
meeting of the W ashington county cold water, then rook gently until
Red Crons a t the local chamber of the skins crack. Discard the water
and again bring to a boil, dis­
carding th e second water. Score
Let th e advertisem ents help you the rind of the salt pork and put
half of the pork In the bottom of
make your shopping plans
z , t „ „ s
V j OOCI A p p o i n t m e n i
selves the best they could. W hen business resumes
it no doubt is prepared to reappear.
Even the radio failed th e public during the
strike, abandoning many of its best programs. It
put out false rum ors th a t had to be denied a t the
newspaper offices and frightened th e public need-
lesslv with its hysterical reports. Not only did the
newspapers carry th e news of the strike, but by their
In Other Days
Too Sensible
Mrs. Josephine Case
Local Boy Scouts
fcam Advancements
County Restaurant
LxOCie IJOartI Uccteil
N orth Plains 4 11 Clubs
I I <»l<l A chievem ent Day
Not Ui I'luliWt 4 II (’lutht (‘oiulu( t4'<|
an in hlcvrnuMit day piouium and
ler rn*ani
lal W« tlnchday ii I k I i I
id the hnine n( ( luitli«’«' Murk
('anninu aiul rnnlUiiK projccUof the
ihib.s u n e ihtplaytsd u n d I, E
Fnuu'Lt. iveiatant (x>unty a g e n t,
nhowt'd M’vrial m ’b» o f motion
pictures of the 4 II suii.incr achool
iir r n ir ii Altt'ixl N c K cm M
W ilbur I »lion und Churl«« 1) ouk -
I. l ' v , member» of tlw* local fire dc
ixirtnient. o ltc u d c d the Wa.->hliiK
ton Fire inc i is latliwi m 'I kmi I at
Vam ouver Wa h Hnturduy
i lie
pi oki am emuttsted of demon»tra-
tlons and lecturos
Avon W II mi I mt ot Hillaboro ami
Ml;».. Ilei lih e M NtelM’ii of P o rt­
land were inai i itsl W iy lia sday. July
i !*.!. at Koi 4», WiLsh The young
I couple will make tlu lr Itoinc ln
l*oi t hind at the Irvington aj>aii-
ment.s on Thirteenth and Thoui|iM>u
• street!
A*oi*ult Charge
F ie I K oeluike of Cornehn» uu»
i'hui.-»duy on an
and lkuttei\ ch arg e T h e complalnl
u a s lilt'd h> Wllluun Keddig, u
All Saints* MK-»lon (l**|»l»ropiih
He\ 11 I) Cluunlwrs will give
C om m union
th<* (h u tc h
»Munday morning, amiMed by ltev H
11 Wi.securvrr
Marriage l.lrenur«
Frank Henry Blair of FMrent
Grove and Mildred E Furr of F or­
est Grove fctur rouU* August 1
f c
/ ' e
against Die bottom sides of u b u t­
la r g o i merry go-round
tered pi,- plat,- Pour in applesauce
factory In the world la locslnd
Top with rem ainder of crumb mix-
at Conwy laland, N. V News
tun- and t e l k i - 15 m inutes In a lint
oven Chill und serve with whlpi»-vl Item
Hut w bal'a III« nam e of
(he dletllleryT
Strawberry la k e
• • •
1 eup sugar
Snail liuiiling la a «port In
4 tables,Kuns shortening
F ra m e
Nowa Item
2 cups flour
I truAiKMins Ivukiiig powxler
by the tim e It's taking Dio
1 8 teaspoon suit
French (o pay th eir debts. It's a
1 cup milk
wonder (bey call'll any.
I egg
• • •
1 teaspoon vanilla
A bsolute «Hence la unbear­
' .■ pint cream
able, «dentl»ti, claim. T bat'a no
1 qiuu't strawberries.
Cn-ain sugar anil shortening add
newa lo anybody who ever made
te-uten egg. add dry Ingredients
a bad break In front of com­
alternately with milk, add flavor­
ing. mix well and bake in a shallow
• • •
square or oblong pan in a«-
Noted C rooner Heroine» F a­
oven 2a to 30 iiiinulo. When cool,
ttier of Twin«
H eadline. T hera
halve ami te-tum-n layers putw hip-
oed cream and cnislaxl »weetenrd
1« noino jUNtlce, a fter all.
• • •
In mixing together be sure and berries On top spread wlup|»xl
save part of the nulk to dissolve the rream anil whole .-.traw berries
4 ream ed M ushroom s and lla m
-oda and a part of tile flour for
laundry truck» are am ong the
1 can condensed Mushroom soup
the raisins Alter well mixed divide
vehicle» Idle In the Han F ran ­
'■ cup milk
batu-r equally into 4 well greased
'■j teas|Mx>n Woii'liesterslilre or
cisco «trike
Look» like the
baking powder runs ,1 pound size,;
place tops on and put In a vessel sim ilar sauce
women have to Iron while the
1 '• cups ¿Iced Iuun Spk |>ep-
with a covered top und tent 3 hours
»trike 1» hot.
le t ttie water canie half way over per.
• • •
Heat Da- soup with Die milk, add
Die soils .uid os it bolls away add
Sir W illiam Illackstone, g reat
hum. ix-pprr. Worvhestershlre sauce
additional water.
Fni(ll»h lawyer, wa» a firm be­
and heal Serves 4 To vary, sub­
Picnie Sandwirhes
liever In witches, a story »ays
Croum Clveese: Cream cherae, sea­ stitute equal parts of diced cookix,
Modem law yers go more for
soned with salt mid pepper, soften­ i hlcken and n a a , or chlckm ami
ed w a l l a little cream and mixed
"whereofe” and ” wtiereasee.”
with i hopped ginger, dates, raisins
or olives is goixl spread between
thuv slu es of buttered white bn-iul
Eats \dil«
I ru m in a tio n s Sehrduled
Hum Piquanti- Chopped cooked
of civil srrvlee ex- 1
»•!,., -4'» II. fr- Is a / HMt that h»
ham moistened with well-seasoned am Announcement
inations for assix-late and assist­
moyonnaiM- Add minced p ickle rel­
- I. I h i « ,M>, lia r Hu« A *«-, < h l(*» o .
ant meteorologist and for commu­ II
ish to taste
D i l l ' l l Beef and Cheese O ne-fourth nity Worker and supervisory, la-ad
* <i»«-a • r p « i i i f« r ill* recovery it» lh»
pound dried beef, one-fourth ix’und and ossi tout conimuiUty workers I I. i rrvatm rnt. b*»r>l ea ■ f*m«>u* *l,>m*rh
American cticesr. Put dried beef were re. 1-ivi-ii Do. week i>v thi- lo- a|.r. I ¡Hat * trip !* srttoa |>rM<*rl|<U<>o. Il»
and American c I hs - m - through fixid cul postofflre Closing date for all pun­ a« I* tu iip u lrallto v i c k » *«'l<t, *<M>th»
chopper and add just enough to ­ positions named I* August 21 In ­ an» i«al the InflamMl a<<»ma«h llnlnc and
m ato Juice to soften Spread be­ formation may be obtained from at»i> :>«ln Already M .lrttf leder* pralaln»
l<a T re a in tm l have been received
tween buttered slices of white bread Muss Angle B H arrington a t the i
fr iii tl< tlm» <>f atnraarh ulcere, acid *t(>marh.
Cookies for the I’icnie Basket
loeul office.
*n>llar*tlnn. heartburn, ga* palna. belching
If you make it a practice to keep
and ,>ther aymptoma of aireaa acidity. W rit»
your cooky Jar always filled you'll
I IgA Suite 6.1. Foot Hchulae Hl<lg Kt. Paul,
always have u del'elous picnic de»- I
Four timbers shipped tins wee* >1(101 f<»r a free «ample. The 7 -day trial
sert assured
by the IlilLsboro Lumber company b<»i of tMga Tablet» la »<>14 nn a ra>>n*y-
lta isin Cookies
Wash 1 cup seedless raisins in to New York made up a good c a r­ t>a> b ruaranter ,yf aatlafaction by
The timbers 44 feet in len g th ,'
|||llal»«*r<> P h a r m a r y
hot water, drain anil slice or chop
Cream ' cup butter with 1 cup
sugar Add tig- raisins and 1 egg
beaten Sift I 'j cups flour with 2
teaspoons baking powder and '/
teaspoon salt and add to the cream ­
ed m ixture Shupe In a roll l ' j
inches In diam eter and chill. Cut
in thin slices und bake In hot oven
Cool ¡aid frost with either boiled
white Icing or uncooked sugar frost­
A R E N O W R IP E !
Have you ever attended a lunch­
eon. a n afternoon lea or dinner
party where such delicious and un­
Y o u ’ll H ave to H u rry !
usual dlahes were served th a t they
helped make the occasion memor­
able? Here are such concoctions as
would rival the choicest of your
memories of fine fixxls Try them,
next time you entertain or better
still give the family the thrill of
a new dish, delectably prepared.
Chicken Aspic Salad
Smith Hospital
Phone H71
Dress a thick slice of tom ato tor
each portion to be served with salt,
pepper and a few drops of vinegar.
Chill. Soak 2 tablespoons of gela­
tine i l l a little cold water, add to I
1'.- cups highly seasoned chicken
broth Cool, and when Jelly starts;
to thicken, a id 3 tablespoons may- I
onnaise and '/ cup chopped green
pepper. Add 2 tablespoons chopped
celery. '/ tablespoon onion Juice
and l 1.- cups chopix-d cold cooked
chicken Mold, chill. Unmold on
the tom ato slices placod on lettuce
and serve with mayonnaise
Beef and Ham Gumbo
Cook h pound cured ham. diced
with 1 pound die,si tes-f, until brown
in a large Iron skillet Add 2 table­
spoons chopped parsley, l onion
ilced 1 green pepper, chopped fine
and '/ cun chopped celery and
Now A va ila b le at
cook for a few minute». Add 1 pint
water and 1 quart fresh tomatoes,
R E D U C E D PR IC E S on
cover and simmer until m eat ls a l­
most tender. T hen add 1 quart okra
cut crosswise. Season to taste and
simm er uncovered until the okra
is tender and the stew has thicken­
ed. Serve In a rice ring made as
Rice King
Wash 1 cup rice am i sprinkle In­
to 4 cups rapidly boiling water.
Cook for about 20 m inutes or till
rlc-e Ls tender and the water ab ­
sorbed. Add 1 teaspoon salt, 2
tablcspooiLs butter and 2 dashes
taliasco sauce. Put the rice in a
well greased ring mold anil pat
It down. R eheat in Die oven, turn
on a round platter and fill the cen­
ter with gunite,. Serve a t once.
Apple Almond Pie
to your e a r’* smixvtb, flaw-
la cun shelled almonds
1 2 3 cups finely rolled graham
1,-as perform ance 1« GOOD
IONITON. If th e Ignition
'/ eup sugar
system nt your car docs
'/ teaspoon almond flavoring
1 i cup butter
not tneiisiirn up to this
2 cups sweetened apple sauce
high standard, It’s unwise
Chop almonds and combine with
to poNt.ponr having t h e
the graham crackers, rolled fine, ty
necessary work done. You
cup sugar, flavoring and softened I
butter. Reserve , cup of this mix­
will ,» y th e penalty In
ture and press rem ainder firmly i
disappointm ent an d re ­
gret. As auto Ignition re­
pair expert*, we attend
prom ptly to all Ignition re-
Elberta Canning PEACHES
Hydraulic Brakes
All Steel Safety Bodies
Floating Power
2nd and Baseline Sts.
Open Evening«
r h .n e 591