THE Page Four ITillr,b( in ^rA r i) us Clean-l’p Needed H IL L S B O R O ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Thursdny, August 2, I I A nalysis of Hand Proves In te re s tin g Hllisl Die I mh I of a flat car Two ot Du- Dinte-r.-i were 30 In,-hen sqiiais- an I the other two 19 liidu square If we were poetically inclined we might write a rhapsody on the beauty of W ith W hich la Combined (be M illaber« Independent Hillsboro w ith its lovely gardens and HiH»>L>*r<' Annin eetab. 1SW4 H illaboro Independent mtah. I S <8 fields of "Q ueen Anne's Lace." but as we M c K IN N E Y a M c M N N K Y . Pabliabera Publiehed Thuredajn». E ntered aa aerond-claaa m atter in the are just common business people we won­ postoffice at Hillaboro. Oregon der just why the citizens haven't enough Do you like novelty. variety and pride in the looks of their home place to chan*«*?—If M R S E C. M c K IN N E Y W V E R N E M c K IN N E Y mi . your leading chem ­ mCTJ Aaoix iate E ditor cut the wild carrot (Queen Anne’s Lace) E d itor ical Is sulphur. which is tak in g the town? Few business Serial No. A F irst Audited Paper L a r» - M em ber— CrvKon S tata e d i­ No 11 You lu te long winded eot Auifitcni W eekly C ircula­ people take time to see their home town explanation.^ to ria l A *«. hum « ion and N a ­ Your conclusions are tion in Oregon tional E d ito rial A*« • 1.60 P er year .Si Foreign Count nee S 60 Ri» m onth* keep the weeds mowed on th eir lots and parkings, w hether or not they could a f­ The H illabo ro Anru« aaaumea no financial reeponsibilit? for error« published in ita columns, but in cases where thta paper ford to irrigate the lawns during the dry ia at fa u lt w ill rep rin t that p a rt of an advertisem ent in which the typographical m i»take occur«. season, w hat a w onderful improvement it would be. Never for years has the w riter seen it look worse th an it does now. Lots Americanism, Reborn and parkings near the heart of the town Good Am erican citizenship throughout are a disgrace, running riot with weeds. th e land is organizing in support of con­ The union high school, one of our show stituted government ami Am erican insti­ places, is surrounded with a good crop of weeds. tutions. They cherish their rich heritage Just why is this pronounced lethargy? of American citizenship and are deeply Are we so well satisfied with our sur­ appreciative of the opportunities existing roundings that we can't see the defects, in this country alone. or are we falling into sleeping sickness? O ur pioneer ancestry suffered great W ake up and grab a scythe— or give the away hardships and m ade many sacrifices to Boy Scouts a job. As it is just now. a well- light No. 13 Vou are apt to trust ev­ kept place looks like an oasis in a desert. eryone your secret*, which build this country from a virgin w ilder­ We have elean-up days in the spring— ni.o spell with "danger" to you A wise ness. Their struggles cannot be allowed to whv not one in the sum m er? head has a still tongue. be undone by reds, w hether alien born or Serial No. It No 15- You »Hl not be unduly native. Evidences th at good citizenship is discouraged by the ordinary se t­ rising to the responsibility with a rebirth luduig your disappointm ent President to get pie— headline. It is backs. behind a snule and having the of Am ericanism and a determ ination to about time, he has been putting out a lot. confidence to keep going. always back governm ent and officials is coming expecting a better break next time from every section. No 13 You are lively, genial and usual.v optimistic. Y'ou have a high­ Communist agitators and radicals will ly developed sense of humor. You doubtless learn th a t determ ined Am eri­ are loyal to your friends and can scarcely believe ill of them , regard­ cans will not to lerate efforts to underm ine less of tlie evidence and attack constituted governm ent. Jack- Serial No. C the te-un |>»>, Add the beans, mix On the Job No. 16—As a rule you are in- the molasses and the other sea­ son and Clatsop county relief comm ittees sonings with a little hot water ‘ At times under special guard to protect property have announced th a t relief would b e against tlus. as you are your own and pour over the beans. Add d workers alike the S an Francisco newspapers up- denied all m em bers of any communistic an critic. You have unusual enough water to Just cover them all the high tenets of American journalism by severest Pl» •<- the rest of the salt pork on powers of visual im agination. organization operating there, and persons held never faltering during the general strike. Not ft No 13—Y’ou are a highly nervous _ __ t.ip an t nHik the beaus very slowly engaged in any activities contrary to the newspaper missed an issue and always the citizens in in a low oven for 6 to 7 hours Am erican form of governm ent. M edford the strike-stricken area knew instantly what was Add a llltle water from time to your energy too ouicklv ut p» nclcnt i.indicia t< for Rowrnor tune to repluee that winch cooks says the same decision will apply to those &°in& on Serial No. 1» 01 Oregon was principal speaker nt , away Uncover about 1 hour before 11 o hh tin c r in ertrpa v jitin ic 1 l a n b h o o r v any on crisis American newspaper nnm etii- participating in n or r ¿r aggravating {he th e skJe Qf nunenU No No. 11—You hate to be confined the W ashington County Fortners' the beans are done If you like you vuri the flavor of the beans trouble. Hood River and other places have matter w hat its losses may be a t the time, it or restrained in any wav, as you Union picnic Sunday afternoon at mai are a lover of action. Y'ou have an Rippling W aters park Approxi- he pouring the contents of one form ed and have sounded warnings to the always comes out The strike ha* reduced advertis- excellent sense of rhythm . You can mately 500 members of the county- can of tomatoes, strained, oven effect th a t agitators will not be tolerated, ing Uneage and it has increased operating cost The see both sides of things and find muon attended the picnic them Serve with thin sandwiches . newspapers do not complain. T h at is part of the it hard to make a decision. As n made of Boston brown bread ............... . ,, The governm ent, press reports from __ _ not easily discouraged rule , ____ you are I bat lu would fight tor .he Boston Brown Bread the east say, is tak in g action for the de- "'-The only publication in S an Francisco th at N" 1 3 -Y ou " ‘art' t'lu“ ?yp>’"“th a t P * * ' rti!hts IUU| li“‘ hOnV' I'» cup« flour 3 cups meal, sifted portation of reds. Assuredly this business failed to come S S a X .^ f . cups syrup of m aintaining those who are biting the News. It shut down when th e general s t r i k e “ h--“ 1 y perfectly willing to tru st tlon platfo rm Following Z im m er- 1 cups sour butterm ilk hand th at feeds them ." should not be I “ there a t t r o u b l e T S to “« y In em er- m a n s talk. Albert S ired , of Km- 1 level tablespoon soda *• j advertising. Tne minute m ere wa* wouoie it. au to gencies Sometimes your type is ton snoke on current n olitica i is- -’ cups st-t-dless rutslns continued. out of the field and 1« th e public sh ift for them - misunderstood. X T basket U nchts.n p X i ^ f 1 teaspoon salt Farmers' Union Holds Picnic SSy I M S , «5? JSS ________________ Sulphur is an explosive chemical; t!„. talks th a t is why some people are quick tempered regretting it immediately Program of games and swimming afterw ard was held m the afternoon. Prices for various/ events were d o n a t'd „ , by m erchants of Hillsboro Beaver- Governor M eier m ade an excellent se- ton. Cornelius. Forest O rote. Beth- lection in his appointm ent of E. E. Brodie Thirty Years Ago anv and Pw tlund. aa a m em ber of the state liquor commis- Argus. July 21. 1904- 0 . G. Wilkes George W Pott*, state president, sion to succeed George H. McMorran. who resigns as superuitendent Hillsboro and from Jefferson. S tate Sec- retary and Mrs. S. B Holt and resigned when he thought the governor In !imes of stress trie citizens always place water and light plant. W „ H W . ehrung was interfering too much with the com- th eir faith and tru st in th eir daily newspaper. No h im oi in charge , - of O re- -son of Scio attended the picnic Winners in ing-D the on" various mission’s affairs. The new appointee has X X p ^ X n ' b ^ d ^ d e d X p ^ n T l w ^ f w ° Hare is in c h £ g e T ? ' were: Sw im m M « te races and been named chairm an of the board. Mr. T h al „ mon> t £ ^ can be said « some of the sub- est,7 rxanJd ^ ^ e ' m i d M-s w ¡? “ T Moor<‘, ,um,> J °T Brodie IS one of Oregon s most prom inent stitutes th a t pretend to be newspapers but ru n and D 'H a r e are attending grandI lodge Kelth- ‘tret; Ju n G rogan ■cond. citizens, having been publisher of the hide every tim e a little trouble springs u p —Sacra- of Degree of Honor, and W O. Race ' boys under 6 years Of ag e ' OoneLsbn mid W. D. H are are ¿ t P*:nal<‘ WaIlx'‘' J ‘ r s t ; , Lav,',rn Oregon City E nterprise for m any years, m ento (Calif. > union. grand lodge of Workmen Schmidt, second Race i girls under and m inister to Siam and also to Finland. ___ Mrs Arvilla Miles Pruyn d i e d 8 >cars l,f a«* '" Ucrtha Waibel Friday a t home of daughter. Mrs. first. K athryn Herb, second Race May his service be crow ned with success. H. V. Gates. 'girls 6 to 10 years of a g e '—Ethel M. C. Case, county school su- Waibel, first; Doralv Tews second The public will stand plenty. Sonte publics, th e P^inU-ndent. rente Newton prop- Race .girls 11 to 14 years of age, - S Italian __ publics, «_i_ „.____ _ —in ___ i nertt. first; first. June Cork- . Bernice O nertt, Russian _ or for instance, will stand Hillsboro delegates to m eeting of lin, second Baseball throw for girb>- more th a n others. B ut there is a limit. 1 sta te developm ent league a re D r Celia Bowdon, first; Bertha Waibel. __________ In educated America, fortunately th e lim it is lower F. A Bailey. Dr. J. P. Tamiesie. J The comm unity _____ feels __________ a serious _____ loss ___ in for ,,, girts , 6 „ t h » H a a th n f M rw ^ J n w p n h in o C a s e n r i n c L countries. Alarmists see communist A. Imbrie. G A. Morgan, A. C. . second. Baseball throw the death ot Mrs Josephine Lase. pnnci- th an in most radical dem otlstratloru of vartous kinds Shute. Ed Schulm ench Jam es H to 12 >'t‘ars of a«e—PnuicU Waite- pal of the Junior high school and m em ber and immediately rush about crying th e country is Sewell. E J Lyons. F. M. Heidcl ilrs t: Ethel Waibel. second Free for and W. V. Wiley. all boys' race—Wesley Lincoln, first. of the faculty of the Hillsboro schools fo r falling apart. Fifteen Years Ago G ilbert Schuh, second Free for all m anv vears. In the years she served in Unrest, strikes and disorders in various p arts of Argus. July 17. 1919 — Monday men's ra c e -G le n Ireland, first; E ♦ ho in r a l scnooi. s c h o o ls . s h ne e h n a a d a d a e e a a l l t t w Present mak<* *reat be«7 registered 102. Owens, second. Pole race, boys— the local n u ith n m a n v the copy UluUd Most States fro n t at pages are covered w ith newspaper stories ua here’? '11'!-1° SPe a 'C Bt cbautau* Victor Cropp. first; Joe Hern. sec- lives and been a good influence for the of these disturbances. But the public has yet to speak. R adicals make ‘ ‘c a p U in T t n i a m B arrett seeks ^ J ^ t h a ^ w i s o X r t ^ X ' t ’1 future of the young people. All m ourn more noise They talk fast and loud. They are birth certificate in order to secure „ i ”'a rL^ her untimely death. spectacular from necessity; otherwise, they would passport for self and wife, one of J £ ! arso?,’ seca" d , Ttiyee-legged never be heard. th e Drexells. race, boys- M orris Schm idt and Ed People who are not sure of themselves often Henry Peterson 78, died a t Farm - Gwens, first. Shoe h u n t- E d a 8ohl- have the most to sav and the most advice to h and . r ,, lrsl; “ vH,L''ba~ f Radio brought the word this m orning out. an d are the most insistent about it. Solid, con­ 1 Claude Betti* retu rn s home from e calling—Mrs. L. J Heesaeker. first; Mrs. P. Hergert, second Nall driv- th a t one of the w orld's g reatest c h arac­ servative Individual* as a rule pay little atten tio n service in U. S. navy. Mrs. Emily E. Hagerman, daugh- mg- Mrs S. A. D. Meek, first; ters, President Van H indenburg. had died. to this type of person. W hen he gets too trouble- ».ff and M rs Paul Landauer Mrs H Baivz. second. Hog calling— He has been a Stabilizing influence in an some, they simply brush him aside as a mosquito l L ' a X i E,"100’ - R,cond. turn of striking w aterfront employes to ly. we assert th a t a t no tim e since th e depression Taylor, who were in overseas "serv" th eir work Tuesday. Business can resum e began have th e evidences of improvem ent been so ice. returns home, its routine and try to make up in some unmistakable or th e prospects so good. T he Roose- /■„_ tv, : __ _______ ve!t adm inistration has brought It about. We are If a picnic m eans a few sand­ degree for the immense losses. Some m ar- them in this, partisan politics aside."—Cum- wiches, pickles, a cake and some kets may be perm anently lost, however. beriand. Md.. News ard of picnicker there are a number elected were J Parsons o f Forest of dishes such as baked beans th a t Grove, Mrs. O. O. Coslett of Hills- may ,M' carried In therm os Jugs boro, R . Rossi of Beaverton ’ and Ii h er® *?„“ i r c.lpc, I J I « or r r t ba, k ed v n ll*'a ni . . . . . . . . . u f th o a l t w i l l satisfy t i u t i i i f v I the rtc l n iilis will most ravenous Mrs. H Ashford of Aloha. out-door appetite. Boston Baked Beans County Red Cross Plana 2 cups dried beans Special M eeting F rid a y ’/ /-pound salt pork 4 tablespoons molasses Devising ways and means to pro­ 1 'i teaspoons salt vide m aterials for the SERA sew­ 1 minced onion ing project will be considered F ri­ 1 teasp w n dry m ustard. day a t 7:30 p. m. during a special Soak the beans over night in meeting of the W ashington county cold water, then rook gently until Red Crons a t the local chamber of the skins crack. Discard the water commerce. and again bring to a boil, dis­ carding th e second water. Score Let th e advertisem ents help you the rind of the salt pork and put half of the pork In the bottom of make your shopping plans A z , t „ „ s V j OOCI A p p o i n t m e n i , i, selves the best they could. W hen business resumes it no doubt is prepared to reappear. Even the radio failed th e public during the strike strike, abandoning many of its best programs. It put out false rum ors th a t had to be denied a t the newspaper offices and frightened th e public need- lesslv with its hysterical reports. Not only did the newspapers carry th e news of the strike, but by their In Other Days Too Sensible Mrs. Josephine Case Recipes Local Boy Scouts fcam Advancements j County Restaurant LxOCie IJOartI Uccteil N orth Plains 4 11 Clubs I I <»lunty a g e n t, nhowt'd M’vrial m ’b» o f motion pictures of the 4 II suii.incr achool iir r n ir ii Altt'ixl N c K cm M W ilbur I »lion und Churl«« 1) ouk - I. l ' v , member» of tlw* local fire dc ixirtnient. o ltc u d c d the Wa.->hliiK ton Fire inc i is latliwi m 'I kmi I at Vam ouver Wa h Hnturduy i lie pi oki am emuttsted of demon»tra- tlons and lecturos HA It III It M l I SEN Avon W II mi I mt ot Hillaboro ami Ml;».. Ilei lih e M NtelM’ii of P o rt­ land were inai i itsl W iy lia sday. July i !*.!. at Koi 4», WiLsh The young I couple will make tlu lr Itoinc ln l*oi t hind at the Irvington aj>aii- ment.s on Thirteenth and Thoui|iM>u • street! A*oi*ult Charge F ie I K oeluike of Cornehn» uu» atK'stcd i'hui.-»duy on an uabuult and lkuttei\ ch arg e T h e complalnl u a s lilt'd h> Wllluun Keddig, u uclglibur All Saints* MK-»lon (l**|»l»ropiih He\ 11 I) Cluunlwrs will give llolv C om m union at th<* (h u tc h »Munday morning, amiMed by ltev H 11 Wi.securvrr Marriage l.lrenur« Frank Henry Blair of FMrent Grove and Mildred E Furr of F or­ est Grove fctur rouU* August 1 J p f c / ' e s r against Die bottom sides of u b u t­ Thu la r g o i merry go-round tered pi,- plat,- Pour in applesauce factory In the world la locslnd Top with rem ainder of crumb mix- at Conwy laland, N. V News tun- and t e l k i - 15 m inutes In a lint oven Chill und serve with whlpi»-vl Item Hut w bal'a III« nam e of cn-ain. (he dletllleryT Strawberry la k e • • • 1 eup sugar Snail liuiiling la a «port In 4 tables,Kuns shortening F ra m e Nowa Item Judging 2 cups flour I truAiKMins Ivukiiig powxler by the tim e It's taking Dio 1 8 teaspoon suit French (o pay th eir debts. It's a 1 cup milk wonder (bey call'll any. I egg • • • 1 teaspoon vanilla A bsolute «Hence la unbear­ ' .■ pint cream able, «dentl»ti, claim. T bat'a no 1 qiuu't strawberries. Cn-ain sugar anil shortening add newa lo anybody who ever made te-uten egg. add dry Ingredients a bad break In front of com­ alternately with milk, add flavor­ pany. ing. mix well and bake in a shallow • • • square or oblong pan in a«- Noted C rooner Heroine» F a­ oven 2a to 30 iiiinulo. When cool, ttier of Twin« H eadline. T hera halve ami te-tum-n layers putw hip- oed cream and cnislaxl »weetenrd 1« noino jUNtlce, a fter all. • • • In mixing together be sure and berries On top spread wlup|»xl save part of the nulk to dissolve the rream anil whole .-.traw berries According to the paper», 4 ream ed M ushroom s and lla m -oda and a part of tile flour for laundry truck» are am ong the 1 can condensed Mushroom soup the raisins Alter well mixed divide vehicle» Idle In the Han F ran ­ '■ cup milk batu-r equally into 4 well greased '■j teas|Mx>n Woii'liesterslilre or cisco «trike Look» like the baking powder runs ,1 pound size,; place tops on and put In a vessel sim ilar sauce women have to Iron while the 1 '• cups ¿Iced Iuun Spk |>ep- with a covered top und tent 3 hours »trike 1» hot. le t ttie water canie half way over per. • • • Heat Da- soup with Die milk, add Die soils .uid os it bolls away add Sir W illiam Illackstone, g reat hum. ix-pprr. Worvhestershlre sauce additional water. Fni(ll»h lawyer, wa» a firm be­ and heal Serves 4 To vary, sub­ Picnie Sandwirhes liever In witches, a story »ays Croum Clveese: Cream cherae, sea­ stitute equal parts of diced cookix, Modem law yers go more for soned with salt mid pepper, soften­ i hlcken and n a a , or chlckm ami cooked asparagus In I 1, In. lengths ed w a l l a little cream and mixed "whereofe” and ” wtiereasee.” for the Ivam with i hopped ginger, dates, raisins or olives is goixl spread between thuv slu es of buttered white bn-iul Eats \dil« I ru m in a tio n s Sehrduled Hum Piquanti- Chopped cooked of civil srrvlee ex- 1 »•!,., -4'» II. fr- Is a / HMt that h» ham moistened with well-seasoned am Announcement w uhi inations for assix-late and assist­ moyonnaiM- Add minced p ickle rel­ - I. I h i « ,M>, lia r Hu« A *«-, < h l(*» o . ant meteorologist and for commu­ II ish to taste • lie III D i l l ' l l Beef and Cheese O ne-fourth nity Worker and supervisory, la-ad * l ea ■ f*m«>u* *l,>m*rh American cticesr. Put dried beef were re. 1-ivi-ii Do. week i>v thi- lo- a|.r. I ¡Hat * trip !* srttoa |>rM<*rl|o. Il» and American c I hs - m - through fixid cul postofflre Closing date for all pun­ a« I* tu iip u lrallto v i c k » *«'lth» chopper and add just enough to ­ positions named I* August 21 In ­ an» i«al the InflamMl a<<»ma«h llnlnc and m ato Juice to soften Spread be­ formation may be obtained from at»i> :>«ln Already M .lrttf leder* pralaln» lf atnraarh ulcere, acid *t(>marh. Cookies for the I’icnie Basket loeul office. *n>llar*tlnn. heartburn, ga* palna. belching If you make it a practice to keep and ,>ther aymptoma of aireaa acidity. W rit» your cooky Jar always filled you'll la rg e Timbers Shipiw-il I IgA Suite 6.1. Foot Hchulae Hl1(101 f<»r a free «ample. The 7 -day trial sert assured by the IlilLsboro Lumber company b<»i of tMga Tablet» la »<>14 nn a ra>>n*y- lta isin Cookies Wash 1 cup seedless raisins in to New York made up a good c a r­ t>a> b ruaranter ,yf aatlafaction by load The timbers 44 feet in len g th ,' |||llal»«*r<> P h a r m a r y hot water, drain anil slice or chop Cream ' cup butter with 1 cup sugar Add tig- raisins and 1 egg beaten Sift I 'j cups flour with 2 teaspoons baking powder and '/ teaspoon salt and add to the cream ­ ed m ixture Shupe In a roll l ' j inches In diam eter and chill. Cut in thin slices und bake In hot oven Cool ¡aid frost with either boiled white Icing or uncooked sugar frost­ ing A R E N O W R IP E ! Have you ever attended a lunch­ eon. a n afternoon lea or dinner party where such delicious and un­ Y o u ’ll H ave to H u rry ! usual dlahes were served th a t they helped make the occasion memor­ able? Here are such concoctions as would rival the choicest of your memories of fine fixxls Try them, next time you entertain or better still give the family the thrill of a new dish, delectably prepared. Chicken Aspic Salad Smith Hospital Phone H71 Dress a thick slice of tom ato tor each portion to be served with salt, 9th and W ashington Sts. pepper and a few drops of vinegar. Hillsboro Chill. Soak 2 tablespoons of gela­ tine i l l a little cold water, add to I 1'.- cups highly seasoned chicken broth Cool, and when Jelly starts; to thicken, a id 3 tablespoons may- I onnaise and '/ cup chopped green pepper. Add 2 tablespoons chopped celery. '/ tablespoon onion Juice and l 1.- cups chopix-d cold cooked chicken Mold, chill. Unmold on the tom ato slices placod on lettuce and serve with mayonnaise Beef and Ham Gumbo Cook h pound cured ham. diced with 1 pound die,si tes-f, until brown in a large Iron skillet Add 2 table­ spoons chopped parsley, l onion ilced 1 green pepper, chopped fine and '/ cun chopped celery and Now A va ila b le at cook for a few minute». Add 1 pint water and 1 quart fresh tomatoes, R E D U C E D PR IC E S on cover and simmer until m eat ls a l­ most tender. T hen add 1 quart okra cut crosswise. Season to taste and simm er uncovered until the okra is tender and the stew has thicken­ ed. Serve In a rice ring made as follows: Rice King Wash 1 cup rice am i sprinkle In­ HTLIHRORO, OREGON to 4 cups rapidly boiling water. Cook for about 20 m inutes or till rlc-e Ls tender and the water ab ­ sorbed. Add 1 teaspoon salt, 2 tablcspooiLs butter and 2 dashes taliasco sauce. Put the rice in a well greased ring mold anil pat It down. R eheat in Die oven, turn on a round platter and fill the cen­ ter with gunite,. Serve a t once. Apple Almond Pie to your e a r’* smixvtb, flaw- la cun shelled almonds 1 2 3 cups finely rolled graham 1,-as perform ance 1« GOOD crackers IONITON. If th e Ignition '/ eup sugar system nt your car docs '/ teaspoon almond flavoring 1 i cup butter not tneiisiirn up to this 2 cups sweetened apple sauce high standard, It’s unwise Chop almonds and combine with to poNt.ponr having t h e the graham crackers, rolled fine, ty necessary work done. You cup sugar, flavoring and softened I butter. Reserve , cup of this mix­ will ,» y th e penalty In ture and press rem ainder firmly i disappointm ent an d re ­ gret. As auto Ignition re­ pair expert*, we attend prom ptly to all Ignition re- pulrs Elberta Canning PEACHES DR. L. B. SM ITH Hydraulic Brakes All Steel Safety Bodies Floating Power DODGE and PLYMOUTH CADY MOTOR CO. J IN D IS P E N S A B L E THE FAVORITE NEWSPAPER LENTZ AUTO PARTS 2nd and Baseline Sts. Open Evening« r h .n e 591