The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 16, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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    1*1 <1 MUI It IO. I»14
toarse vegetables. Whole grain ce-
reals also are condlicive to g"»d
i intestinal action. Vitamin B is said
to have a favorable influence on
appetite. Some of the foods rich in
iting a Christmas party for next this vitamin are beans, raw cabbage,
spinach, tomatoes and wheat bran,
The question as to what eonsti-
The Senate club n <eived a wel.
tutes a good breakfast should be de­ earned reward Friday evening when
Ranks, Dec. 15—Last Friday even
mim < somewhat by the activity i banquet, which they gave at the
ii.g the MiCormac team from P. U1
came up to Banks for a friendly
Banks, Dec. 15—The pupils of of the individual and the time at Grange hall at Scholl», came of-
game of basketball. The game was the grade school weie given a holi­ which he is to have hi» next heavy successfully.
Howard Well’ acted a toa»lma-
lively and well played, with several day Monday in order that the pupils menl. Those who have ample, noon
amusing passes, for the McCormac might see Santa and his reindeer meals and arc sedentary workers, ter, each one responding in a elever
men are huskies, much larger than •at Forest Grove. They not only saw may have very light breakfasts. such manner, the toast program being in
the Banks boys. At the close of the Santa but were given free ticket as fruit, some kind of breadstuff, the form of the Senate club.
The table was beautifully deco
first half McCormac was way ahead to the Star theatre. where they such as toast, rolls, or muffins, and
and they evidently thought they saw pictures of the northland ami a beverage, coffee, cocoa or milk, rated with rxd carnations, ehrvsan
if the worker takes little food at themums, taper and silver til hulls
had a walk away, but in the last its people.
noon day, breakfast should nt least Red und silver are the club color»
half they began to get a little bit
Seek Wild Animal»
include fruit, cereal, breadstuff and
Following the fea ting and toast
worried, for the Banks lads were
Banks, Dec. 15—Hunters were a beverage1.
u*~, the wrecking view, wi'h Keith
gaining steadily and they finally
had the discourtesy to beat their out in the hills north of town again
For the usual mixed family group, Su-ihaue. and Maxwell Chambers
Sunday looking for cougars o r where the adults are not very active
visitors 26 to 30.
wolves. They have been heart! in muscularly, the fruit, cereal, bread sta- t, the capacity of the drier is n
that section, but without results. On and beverage, type of breakfast, ex­ big factor in the si. v of the dried
Tuesday morning a panther was cluding coffee* foe children is most prune output, tlic experiment station
The high school sewing club Will reported to be in the vicinity of convenient and provides what flu* has pointed out. The fan drier sy»-
hold their bazaar tomorrow (Fri- the Burris place west of town, but children need as well as what is tern lessens the drying time in three
nun were too busy to take up the best for grown-ups. For one* who ways: Circulation of air is inere i »<•<!
The Banks Rebekahs are plan- trail.
wishes occasional variety, an egg or and maintained; the humidity of th
a serving of bacon may be added air keeps the skins moist for rapid
Why is it then that so many peo­ without much trouble. As a rile the* "sweating" out of moisture; and the
ple slight breakfast? Lack of time digestion is better when there is humidity gives better conduction of
in the morning is one excuse. No one hot dish served at each meal. heat.
appetite is another. N o t knowing Sometimes the beverage provides for
what we should eat is a third, and this.
The X alue of thinning apples was
a fourth is fear of being over­
For those who are afraid of over­ shown in an Ortley orchard of the
weight. A person who hasn't time for weight. light breakfasts are quite Hood River district, in which one
breakfast should change his hours necessary. It is more than likely, lot was thinned t ■ about one apple
(State Board ot Health)
If you are going to safeguard of rest so as to allow plenty of time that the excessive sugar and starches to four inches, ill another to 7
your health, do not go breakfastless for this meal. The one who has no may be the cause for the tendency inches and another to 9, one lot not
io work. It induces inefficiency and, appetite should see that the digestive to store fat or that the amount eat­ thinned nt all. The first lot ran 16.2
boxe» per tree, the next 12.1, the
in time, is harmful. To maintain tract is kept in a clean and healthy- en makes a difference. Marked un- .
' next 11.6, and the last, the unthin-
good health, it is necessary to begin state by drinking at least four to der-weight or over-weight are equal-
ine.l 13.25. The sale« value of the
the day with a more or less sub­ six glasses of water each day and ly foolish and dangerous.
Absences from work are usually first lot was $19.12 per tree, of the
stantial meal. Experience has taught by eating sufficient fruit and veg­
second $15.20. the third fl 1.61, and
that regularity in eating is the only etables; laxative fruit such as figs, among those who have cultivated the
. .
.. ...
the fourth, unt tinned, *14.31.
safe and satisfactory practice.
prunes, pears, apples, etc., and habit of going without breakfast. .
This habit is a pernicious one and
Native Oregon shrubs are used
is apt to lead to very poor health.
Start the day out right with a good in gaining a natural effect or in
; places where their larger and rough-
!er growth is in keeping with the ar
A our prolapsed stomach and bowels, which cause
ichitacture and the rest of the gar­
that old chronic trouble, can be cured without an
den. Oregon grape is a good la ge
j hedge plant, but may be purchased
anesthetic, incision, pain, and bloodless. See us for
The common “millers" flying from local nurserymen and trail.»
» information.
about lights in the evening are par planted with much greater ease than
ents of the destructive cutworms plants dug from the woods, the ex­
that often strike down portions of periment station finds. Nurserymen
Oregon garden and field crops, the carry the native plants that are best
experiment station points out. The adapted to use on home grounds. In
female lays 200 to 500 eggs singly buying these, suggests A. L. Peck,
or in masses or on or near the food professor of landscape gardening at
plants of the larvae, which are
hatched from the eggs in a few days.
This brood grows up feeding on the
mid-summer plants and develops into
moths later in the fall. It is this
Orenco, Oregon
Phone Hillsboro 2621
generation that lays the batch of
eggs from which the cutworms that
winter over as half grown la.vae
under the surface of the soil are
hatched. They are easily controlled
by a poison bran mash.
* • •
Since the average drying time in
the big Oregon prune districts aver-
No ( olleftioH NoChnigi*
Offices at McMinnville, lliliaboio ttmi
502 Botirii ol’ Trade Bldg., Portland.
Union High School News Notes
Bank» Wins Basket­
ball Game Friday School Children
See Santa Claus
Good Breakfast
Health Essential
View of Experts
the Philo
P ra "Nam
theatre in ■
(Thursday >.
ages only 20 days before the rains
the college, the plants are more life,
Residence Funeral Parlors
h to grow and the woods and high­
ways are not robbed of their shrub».
• • •
Sixth and Washington Sts.
From the standpoint of building
lip a good band of one», retaining
ewe lambs has many advantages for qcaasaKiRSKUiiaiarHEi
Oregon grower» over buying yearling
ewes, says the animal husbandry de­
partment of the experiment station.
This practice is strongly recom­
mended for farm flocks, but may
not always lie practical on the range,
where it is often be»t to get theri
from the
who can handle
enough to
up a straight yeui-
ling band.
• • •
eaves und blossoms are
een feed when knle und
cannot be obtaine I.
Electric Gifts
interested in the hone«*
you suggest Come ta
Farm Reminders
Dr. George T. Darland
_ s'
k SR
. i «irania
r. .
Electric Shop
1228 Main St.
I Gifts For All the Year
Complete Line of Fruit Trees
Ornamentals, Shade and Shrubbery
Grafted Walnuts and Filberts
Gifts that continue to please when Christmas has passed
Gifts that are useful and delightful
Here are a few of the ELECTRICAL gifts on display in our Store
Make Every Nickel Count Now at Christmas Time by Doing all
Your Shopping at Your
Special Thrift Features
BUTTER—Best creamery, lb
2-lb. roll
SUGAR—C. & II. Pure cane. 10
In Sanitary Cotton Bags
fluffy, lb. ...........................................
Gold Fan Japanese Crab Meat,
highest quality, 6*o-oz. can
Waffle Irons
Libby’s Apple Butter, No. 1 tall
. .............................
Swans Down Cake Flour—Pkg.
Pioneer Clams—No. 1 tall cans,
cans .........................i............
PINEAPPLE—2>.j size tin. broken
slices, 3 cans
Snowdrift Shortening—4-lb.
JELLO—Assorted flavors. 3 pkgs.
Large 176 size Oranges, doz.
2 doz. ..
Fisher's Blend Flour
Heinz Tomato Ketchup, lge. bottle 23c
Bulk Dates, 2 lb................................... 23c
CONVOY FLOUR—A hard wheat
blend, 19-lb. bag
Fancy Cut Refugee Beans. No. 2
tins, 2 cans
Blue Rose Rice. 1 lbs.........
Friday, Saturday
Pure Breakfast Cocoa, 3 lb.
Carnation. Oregon or Bor-
3 tall cans
Electric Ranges
Table Lamps
19-lb. bag $2.07
Extra large 126 size Oranges, doz. 52c
2 <loz.
There is an ELECTRICAL GIFT for each member
Tons of Candies and Nuts
Plain Mix, lb.
3 lb. ..............................
Fancy Creamed Mix, lb.
3 lb..............
Old Fashioned Chocolate
Drops, 2 lb...................
Second Street
No. 1 Oregon Walnuts, 2
New Crop Almonds, 2 lb.
Brazil Nuts, lb.
3 lb.................................
Mixed Nuts, 2 lb.
Hillsboro, Oregon