1*1 <1 MUI It IO. I»14 THE HILLSBORO ARGUS PAGE TWO toarse vegetables. Whole grain ce- reals also are condlicive to g"»d i intestinal action. Vitamin B is said to have a favorable influence on appetite. Some of the foods rich in iting a Christmas party for next this vitamin are beans, raw cabbage, SENATI spinach, tomatoes and wheat bran, The question as to what eonsti- The Senate club n . opera. I’h.i*,,- 972 ages only 20 days before the rains the college, the plants are more life, Residence Funeral Parlors h to grow and the woods and high­ ways are not robbed of their shrub». • • • Sixth and Washington Sts. From the standpoint of building lip a good band of one», retaining ewe lambs has many advantages for qcaasaKiRSKUiiaiarHEi Oregon grower» over buying yearling ewes, says the animal husbandry de­ partment of the experiment station. This practice is strongly recom­ mended for farm flocks, but may not always lie practical on the range, where it is often be»t to get theri from the who can handle enough to up a straight yeui- ling band. GEORGE J. LIMBER Hillsboro : the • • • eaves und blossoms are een feed when knle und cannot be obtaine I. Electric Gifts interested in the hone«* you suggest Come ta Farm Reminders Dr. George T. Darland OELRICH NURSERY CO. _ s' k SR TheWorlds oreatesr . i «irania r. . rabica Hanel Electric Shop 1228 Main St. PHONE 1091Z « I Gifts For All the Year Complete Line of Fruit Trees Ornamentals, Shade and Shrubbery Grafted Walnuts and Filberts Gifts that continue to please when Christmas has passed Gifts that are useful and delightful Here are a few of the ELECTRICAL gifts on display in our Store Make Every Nickel Count Now at Christmas Time by Doing all Your Shopping at Your THRIFT STORE Special Thrift Features BUTTER—Best creamery, lb 2-lb. roll .......... SUGAR—C. & II. Pure cane. 10 In Sanitary Cotton Bags 25c MARSHMALLOWS —Fresh and fluffy, lb. ........................................... Gold Fan Japanese Crab Meat, highest quality, 6*o-oz. can Waffle Irons Libby’s Apple Butter, No. 1 tall can . ............................. Swans Down Cake Flour—Pkg. Toasters Satisfy Pioneer Clams—No. 1 tall cans, cans .........................i............ 39c Curling PINEAPPLE—2>.j size tin. broken slices, 3 cans CRANBERRIES—2 Ü Snowdrift Shortening—4-lb. WESSON OIL—Qt. tin 42c JELLO—Assorted flavors. 3 pkgs. 29c Large 176 size Oranges, doz. 2 doz. .. ............... Fisher's Blend Flour Heinz Tomato Ketchup, lge. bottle 23c SWEET POTATOES—7 lb. 25c Bulk Dates, 2 lb................................... 23c 43c 85c Heaters CONVOY FLOUR—A hard wheat $1.79 blend, 19-lb. bag Fancy Cut Refugee Beans. No. 2 45c tins, 2 cans Blue Rose Rice. 1 lbs......... Percolators Friday, Saturday Pure Breakfast Cocoa, 3 lb. Carnation. Oregon or Bor- 3 tall cans 28c Electric Ranges Table Lamps 19-lb. bag $2.07 25c Extra large 126 size Oranges, doz. 52c 2