The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 19, 1917, Image 1

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NO. 18
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lmn rmriil to Start on Itavrlliic
in City In n lew lny J
Will. WIN Sllllltl I OK J WO MIIIS
Think I'uiul Will Inkc llllulllhlc Hold to
VMlhyiiiiiibc Cumrm
c( n-
Tln city will soon Httirt
KlrnrtiDii on a mneadiitij road tu
juin lit county roud on Baseline,
lending in from KoivhI Grove.
Tin county will put on u bilu
litliic dressing on force account,
imhI when thut in finished to the
1'. K. & N. track the line will he
taken up from the eondetiser,
south to the Jackson Bottom
bridge. The road will then he
extruded on miulh. and Judge
Keiisoiier thinks there w ill fe
Htillicieiit funds, with the Hub
ricriplion by the fanners Bouth
of town, to build nearly to the
Withycombe corners.
The highway between here and
Portland is Htill in the air, and it
is nut known whether the hard
Huifiice will Blurt this year or
nut. The. Beaverton-Bertha road
M about graded and the three
concrete culverts and bridges will
be built an mum an the contrart
ol grading iH liniahed. The
county board will probably con-
15. P. Cornelius enjoys telling
the following story (in himself,
aid he says it iH true. When
citizen applicants were being ex
amined the other day one on the
Hl.ind waH linked how many con
gressmen we had. The armwer
w ih "two." "When BHked who
they were the reply came back
"It. P. Cornelius and Steve
Meek." Hen telephoned out to
Sieve to appriHe him of the
honor the duo had been extend
ed and the WuHhiriKtoti County
oldlimer lellrt the Htory with
great gusto.
Do you want u homestead? If
ho, can locate vou on some fine
oneHin Central Oregon. In time
these will be. valuable. A few
left of 100 Keren each. Win. B.
I Human. I'.ox 2tx;, Hillsboro. Or.
Phone. City 102. 13-tf
The roud roller engine out at
the Milne Farm Friday tttarted a
lite in the machinery shed and
the flames burned out several
yard of the roof before they
extinguished. The engine later
started a lire in the l,unow hay
lield and at the Hartrampf ranch.
About an acre and half of h ly
wan burned before the lire was
put out. The chemical engine
whh sent out from town to get
the lire under control no that it
would not Hpread to the hay and
grain tie-Ida.
0. K. UiggH ban opened aclean
'ingand veHning establishment
'in the old AdaniH' barber Hhop.
on Main St, and Holicita your
1 patronage. Work called for and
! delivered promptly. Phone City
1 in i IP. 0
fer with the State Highway i
lonmiiHHion in a few days to i Postmaster J. U LamKin nan
the line will run out I received eleven mail boxes for
into Washington County. If itithe city delivery districts and
be heated on the Hertha-Hea-1 the receptacles will tie placed at
verton-Keedville roud. and the street corners as soon as the de
work is attempted ttiis Fall, it partment at Washington puts its
will jnean a busy time for high- stamp of approval on the expense
wav construction. If, on the 'estimate, lied tape makes some
other hand, the line is sent in by idelny. for the posts could be set
ih.. tV.lur Mill route it will mean and the Uixes made ready in a
Mint Mnitie hVurinir will have toUlaif the official here had the
done. In any event it is not yet! authority to say "go ahead."
known whether we shall have
any suite highway work done
here this season, outside of the
Kex-Tigard improvement.
The Uex-Tinard contract will
doubtless bs let Friday of this
week, and ihe state commission
will ask the contractors to com
plete the sector this Fall.
Mound Trip f rom Mlllnhoro is
Negotiated Inside of Two Days
W. 0. W.
Regular meetings of Camp 500,
Woodmen of the World, in the
Moose Hall, every first and third
Thursdays. All Woodmen are
invited to attend.
Come out Neighbors and help
boost our Camp.
Hoy K. Heater. Consul Com.
J. II. Kay, Clerk. tf
For sale: Yearold White Leg
horn hens, Tancred laying
strains, at 75 cents each. Also
xtragood cedar posts for sale.
-Mrs. Weisenbeck, Reedville,
Oregon. 16-8
Assessor Holey is working hard
to get his rolls for the 11)17 as
Hessmcnt into the books, and his
corps consists of the Misses Katie
Hmntiiiw, Mattie Case, Hillsboro.
and Misses Leone Graham and
Margaret Hancock, of Forest
Attorney Wm. Hale and wife,
who are visiting on the coast,
were here Sunday, the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Green Hale. Mr.
Hale still has one of the classes
in law in an Illinois University.
He ami his wife and child will be
here until September 1, visiting
I Wanted -Hogs of all kinds,
sheep, beef, poultry of all kinds.
! - C. K. Rogers, Heaverton, lit.
1 4. Box 20. Phone Heaverton 53,
'line 3. Will call at any. place
i designated. 37-tf
Hmmett Quick conveyed Fred
'and M. H. Warner, of Hillsboro.
to Gilliam County, last week,
making the round trip from Mon
day to Thursday night, in a ma
chine. The Warners went up to
'look over some wheat land which
I . . . i rm - .J
is on me marKei. ine rounu
trip was made without a mishap,
and covered over 400 miles
For Sale or Trade for Beef
Cattle -Some good Shropshire
and Cotswold 2 year old ewes
Also some ewe lambs. C. K.
Kourers. Heaverton. Ore., near
lia.eldale. 13-tf
List of unclaimed letters week
ending Julv 14. Hillsboro: Dr.
Lee Brown. Adam Hellish. J
Grand. K. M. McKnight. Miss
Kelta McCoy. Arthur McCoy,
Muirnus Ouhieum. Lincoln Iru
mnnd; cards, Mrs. Laura B. Me
Innis. N. Mortenson. Unities Go,
Tharp & Matson Lbr. Co. -J. C.
Lamkin, postmaster.
Found -A gold ring, on the
Canyon road, north of Heaverton.
Owner please call at this otlice
and prove property. 16 'J z
I Fred Heckmann. of Bethany,
was in town Saturday in his ma
chine. Fred says that the aver
age country mads these days are
such that an auto driver is in
.little danger of exceeding the
state limit of 25 miles.
! Mr. and Mrs. N. 0. J. Chris-
I0P Of MI,
swiss vrnms and nation
Four Mlniftlrn Included in Trip with
the Kunlli Brother
A lively party of fourteen Wash
ington County and Portland res
idents left Hillsboro Thursday
for the summit of Mt. Hood.
fiey made the trip by auto, and
reached government camp the
same evening, inisis a nines
from the summit and the party
started the big climb at 2:50
'riday morning. They reached
Crater Rock by 10 o'clock, had a
lunch and then started on the
hist mile of climb, which meant
a further elevation of 1280 feet
They attained the summit at one
o'clock in the afternoon, where
they had refreshments. Swiss
yodels were intermingled with
the Star Spangled Banner and
America, and the weary crowd
then started back tor camp.
They reached Hillsboro late r ri
day. night. Ihose in the party
were liev. Scheldt, Phillips; Kev.
Hatfner, Portland; liev. Laube.
of Dubuque. Iowa; Kev. Boeder,
Phillips; John C. Kuratlt, County
Clerk Henry Kuratli. Lrnest
Schaer. Walter and Alfred Dysle,
Alfred Schindler, Francis Link
later. John Kuratli Jj. FJw.
Scheidt and Paul Boeder
Pranki Sell, of above Banks,
wa h town Saturday.
W.LMarsh. '-if Centerville,
wapiti tiifvii the last of the week.
I Win HeilTert. of Phillips, was
a city cajler Saturday.
Mrs. Arthur MeGahey and son.
of Timber, were week-end guests
of Mrs. lcGahey.
H. (J. UiUck. or above Moun-
taindale, Kvas a city visitor Mon-
lay morrnng.
Marriale license was issued
last weiit to lhos. Storey and
Alice Gnre.
Mr. ail Mrs. J. T. Young de
parted Tiesday for their annuil
outing or at Harview.
Harry Cline, of Laurel, wa9
over towti Saturday, having some
machine work done on his auto.
Money i to Loan Low rates nf
interest; charges reasonable. E.
L. Perking. Hillsboro. Or. 44tf
Wm. of Sheflli n. came
in Fridavfcnd had Dr. Robb oper
ate on hi little son. Francis. lor
adenoids nd enlarged tonsils.'.
Jitnev Ktwrt-waist dance' at
Moose Hill; 'Saturday evening,
July 21. Electric fans installed.
Walkers orchestra.
Miss Margaret ' Hancock, of
Forest XJfove. is assisting in
writiniriUD the assessments in
the Assessor 8 office.
Jitnev : aiirt-waist dance at
Moose Hal. Saturday evening,
July 21. ljectric fans installed.
line, the Reedville
isor, was up to me
U of the week, on
Mill and Camp Over Slate Still Show
(treat Activity
At the G. S. Robinson Farm, at
Farmington, Phone 1555 Line 10:
Fanning mill $15.00
Binder ' 20.00
Garden cultivator 3.00
Gas tank 4.00
Vise 2.50
Hack v 5.00
Buggy 7..... 15 00
Iron kettle 8.00
2 tons baled straw 5.00
Wagon 60.00
Grain drill 35.00
Roller 10.00
Disc harrow 12.00
Soikesharrow 12.00
Spring ooth harrow 10.00
Mowing machine u.w
2 hay racks, each 5.00
2 plows, each 7.00
Sulky plow lo.uu
Cream separator 15.00
The City Ordinance requires all
automobiles within the city limits
to keep the mutller closed, and
inasmuch as complaint is being
made that this ordinance is being
constantly violated it is now the
ouroose of the city to enforce
this law.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon,
this 19th day of July. 1917.
Grant Zumwalt,
Chief of Police.
. V .1 I I . J
in l'ortiami, nere ano
Southern I tensen, of Laurel, were city
callers the last of the week.
EXlvCDTORS, Admiiiistntors, Guardians, Pub
lic Custodians and others having public atul
private trusts to perform can vender proper
service by depositing with us.
We Have One of the Best Safe
Deposit Systems in the State
A proper place for valuable papers.
We invite inspection ot this, department in eon
junction with the others.
An excellent bank for handling all branches
of bank business.
Out of ) Washington County
for the Portland Yards
Try the Argus for one year.
For sale: Horse. '1000 lbs.,
harness, wagon, plow, cultivator
and portable hay rack. Price
for all. $75. Inquire at Badger
Lumber Co. oflice. 18tf
Fred Goetze, J. N. Loudon,
John Koehnke and Ben Thurn
her. of above Blooming, were in
town Saturday, taking a day oil'
al ter the hay harvest.
Leo Lucas and Sam Cox. for
mer Pacific University students,
are enlisted in the radio corps
lor the United States navy, am
already are on their way to the
training stations at Seattle.
County Clerk H. A. Kuratli
and Rev. Laube went over to
Tillamook Monday morning to
visit the beaches. They expect
to return by sea and make the
trip over the Columbia River bar.
Anyone wishing to enter the
second Officers' Reserve Train
ing camp may get all. desired
information as to examinations
and qualifications by seeing
David Kuratli, Cashier of the
Hillsboro National Bank.
The Gas Company is getting
its main pretty well laid as far
out as Reedville. and the will
soon enter Hillsboro. The ad
vent of the construction has
given considerable employment
to labor.
E. I. Kuratli has his office in
the Hillsboro National Hank
Hldg. Loans your money, in
sures your buildings, rents your
houses, buys and sells your prop
erty, makes collections. Notary
; Public Also speaks .German
i and Swiss. 42tf
Jonas ?A1
road super!
city the ti
road busim1
Jitnev slrt-waist dance at
Moose Half Saturday evening,
July 21. .'ilectric fans installed.
Frank Ritchey has enlisted
in Co. B. Ilregon rield Artillery,
and reDoHa. on July 25. The
company oe3 tfi California and
is mustfjrM jn aooui August o.
A fire fet the G. H. P. Co.'s
logging kdjtfit above Buxton
damaged 1 rear jof . the donkey
engine4jCast qf the week. The
delay was tor three or tour days
so far as yarding is concerned.
B. K. Long departed for Star
buck. Wn Monday, after two
weeks of visit with L. A. Long
and family. His wife will re
main here for an extended period
Wm. Boucsein. of above Moun
taindale, was in the city ftlon
day. He says that the waters
of Murtaugh are as cool as the
Polar waters almost any of these
hot Summer days.. ,
M. C. Biddington. who has
been railroading with the Porter
neoDle in Montana, arrived here
Sunday. He will go up on the
United on Gales Creek and take
position with the construction
Taken Up At Mt. Calvary
Cemetery. May 30. a bay mare.
Owner please call, prove proper
tv. nav charges and take same
awav. A. N. McGregor, Port
land. Ore.. R. 2. Box 9. Near
Mt. Calvary cemetery. 16-8 z
Kathleen Suitor has sued Hec
tor Suitor for divorce. They
were married in Canada in 1915,
and she alleges the husband de
serted her in February, 1916.
There are no children".
For sale: Horse, 1200; buggy,
rubber tires; buggy harness. 2
saddles, one for boy and one for
man; set good breeching harness.
To he sold at Wiley Barn. July
28, at 2 p. m.-D. H. Hanshew,
of Oak Park. 17-8
The auto livery and feed and
sale stable of Quick & Russell
has removed to the old farmer
feed stable. Main Street, east of
the Hotel Washington. Charges
reasonable. Come and see us,
and watch us get you to your
destination. 17-9
The United States Federal
Court convenes in Portland. July
24. The following trial jurors
from this county have been noti
fied:' B. K. Denny, Beaverton;
John McNamer, Forest Grove.
There is an extended docket and
the court will have a lengthy
Auto and Livery Service We
can give you the best auto ser
vice in the city. Special service
to auto parties. Feed and sales
stables. Careful drivers. Give
us a :all. Becker & Corkery, op
posite Main street S. P. depot.
Phone City 506.
Wm. Hughes, son of John
Hughes, of below Newton, is
with the United Stales regular
army, and recently wrote his
father from New York that he
expected to go to France on the
firing linV. along with Pershing's
forces. Will joined the army
about a year ago.
Washington County is furnishing
many ship "knees" for the
Portland ship building yards,
and truck load after truck loads
lave been sent in for construc
Other Oregon Industrial notes:
Oswego-$100,000 being spent
repairing steel mill here.
St. Helens shipyard to build
two government ships.
Heppner gets new two-story
brick bank t uilding.
St. Helens rock quarry to get
out 200,000 Belgian paving
John Day As young men en
list old men do farm work here.
Umatilla county has need of
many narvest hands.
Marshheld -Chas. ' Hall com
pany building four-way shipyard
Freewater- 30 to 50 ton fruit
drier to be erected hee.
Western snipyards might have
built hundreds of wooden ships
while political red tape methods
in wasningion nave waaiea
months of valuable time.
Springfield Mohawk Lumber
Co. has resumed operations.
Portland will launch a steel
steamer every 15 days.-
Mt. Scott Miller-Mowey saw
mill to operate with 30 men.
Portland reports a 54.000.000
timber deal covering four coun
Wallowa-Foundations in for
brick opera house and telephone
huildinir. '
Cloverdale - Sour Grass road
cutting out heavy grade opened
to public.
Eugene, Junction. and Cres-
well canneries operate to full
North Bend -Contract for six
government boats to be built by
Kruse & Banks. In addition the
government has contracted with
Smith mills of Marshfield for fir
material for 30 more boats.
Twenty government steamers
having a value of 810,000,000 will
be built at Portland and Aber
deen by the Grant Smith Porter
Guthrie Co.
S. P. & P. E. & E.
C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc.
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plaint
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber Shingles and Lath
At Cornelius
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
These Are Hot and Dry Days. A Good Time to
Have Pumping Outfit Installed!
Good tor anything on the farm,
la, 3, and 6 horse power.
We have them in
We Also Have Some Binding Twine
That Is Under Wholesale Price!
have all kinds of Machine and Engine Oil.
can and do save you money on anything in
the Hardware Line. Call and get our prices.
All. except the P. R. & N.. trains
are electric, and stop at the de
jiot on Main Street.
Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m
McMinnville Train 7:36
Sheridan Train 10:03
Forest Grove I rain 1.2:50 n. m
McMinnville Train 2:1b
Forest Grove Train 3:55
Eugene Train 4:45
McMinnville Train 6:40
Forest Grove Train 9:50
Eugene Train 8:15 a. m.
McMinnville Train 10:13
Forest Grove Train 11:59
Forest Grove Train 3:14 p. m
Sheridan Train 4:33
Forest Grove Train 6-40
McMinnville Train 7:15
Forest Grove Train 9:00
McMinnville Train 12:15
All trains stop on flag at Sixth
and Main; at North Range and
Fir streets, Sixth and Fir Sts.,
and at Tenth street.
Steam Service from old depot at
foot of Second Street
P. R. & N. Train 4:05 p. m.
P. R. & N. Train 10:00 a. m.
Motor Car Service
To Buxton 12:25 p,
To Timber 4:20
From Timber 9:55 a. m,
From Buxton SJUO p. m,
Long's Hardware
At the old stand on Second St. East of Court House.
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. Phn, Main 70
N. A. Frost, of above Forest
Grove, was down to the county
seat Monday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry
'Miller, of Connell Station, July
14, 1917. a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Wells
and Dr. Robb and wife motored
over "to the Nehalem Sunday.
Bruce Purdy, of Forest Grove,
and D. B. Cooley, of Laurel,
met the first time since 1876 the
other day, and had a regular con
vention of their own. When
bovs they attended the same
school together.