The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 12, 1917, Image 1

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NO. 17
vol xxiv
Ship Itullriliig IMm.U Mean
Payroll In Cily
Timbrr Deal ua Throughout ihr Nurib
writ Country
Wages have gone up the scale
even mirfarinjf gang on the
railroads getting the benefit.
Tin' scale lor surfacing where
hoys of 18 and 20 work is now
$2.r0 per.
Industrial notes for state:
Kugene Woolen Mills have ron-
trneteil for 25.000 yards of army
SiWerton A farmers' wool
pool of hTi.OOO Urn. sold for 72c.
Med ford County court asks
Htate highway commission for
$12,000 io help build highway, to
I'.Ium l.rdM Minu.
Portland ahipyarda employ
f2)0 men at good wages. So far
imiHirted agitator have been un
ul.le to break up the open shop
Salem Work starting on new
Southern Pacini station here.
Pendleton First ten miles
paved state highway to state
line let to Warren Uroa., (bitu
lithie.) as lowest bidders, at
I'orter Hroa. to move sawmill
to Coos Hay and establish ship-
Increasing acarcity of labor iai
alarming eastern Oregon ranch-
Hood River apple crop 1917
will be handled by Seattle North
western Fruit exchange.
I'endleton must cease polluting
the Umatilla river and build a
$20,000 sjitic aewage tank.
Portland Hammond Lumber
Co. plans to purchase 14.000
acres of timber land in Clatsop
county for $1,000,000.
Astoria-$200.000 distributed
last week to lowers in wages.
Cold Hill Heaver Cement
plant near here to start opera
tions. Roscburg A contract for the
entire lierry production of the
Sunshine ranch let to tlile pack
ing company. Eighty thousand
pound crop estimated.
Pilot Rock Three hundred
thousand pounds wool Bold here
at 61c per pound.
Hermiston - Local railroad
yards showing much activity.
We dsire to extend our thanks
to all who bo kindly helped in
any way during the illness and
death of the wife and daughter.
Airs, i'earl Gossett. and especial
ly for thu beau ti f ul floral tribu tea.
Andrew J. Gossett.
Chas. Sewell and family.
w. o. w.
James Austin Williams, of Co
1). Third Oreion. whs unileil in
nuirri.'iL'it Id Miss ltllbv Ml'Willis.
of Portland. July 1) .117. Judge
K 'iiHoinT ofllciat nur. lbe young
man ami his bride returned to
Portland that evening and he
iniim his romimnv at Clackamas
This is the lirst war bride that
.liwlin lu'iiHoniT has ioined in
wedlock -and the venerable
Court wished them a happy jour-
ni-v At that the witnesses to
the ceremony ra'her felt that
perhapa the youngster might not
come back from the front and
those thinirs do not make an
enthusiastic wedding.
Do vou want a homestead? If
so. can locate vou on some line
ones in Central Oregon. In time
these will be valuable. A few
left of 100 acres each. Win. H.
Delsman. Box 200, HillHUoro. Or
Phone. City 102. i;j-tr
J. I. h night anil wile, ol Mc
Minnville. were Hillsboro visitors
on the Fourth. Their Hon is still
in the Polar reirions. and does
not expect to get down to civili
zation for some months yet. J
I. says that he was more than
glad to get tack to liillHboro and
rt-visit his friends of twonty
vears airo. Knight was Justice
of the Peace here, ami many cur
ious incidents took place during
hi tenure of ollii e. one of which
was whea a father tried to olfset
a son-in-law' note by the daugh
ter who married the holder of
the instrument.
Iiring K. Adams, one of Port
land's attorneys, was here Fri
day afternoon, greeting his
Six Days of Splendid Entertain
ment lor Everybody
Ruytl Vcnrllao Hand, Alpine Voillfm,
Military tilrlii, Lyric Olre Club, l ie
The Hillsloro Chautauqua will hi
held July 17, 18. 19, 20. 21 and
22. in the courtyard. The pro
itrams will begin promptly at
follows: Junior Chautaumia. at
10 o'clock a. rn.: admission 1?
cents. Afternoon Concert. 2:.5()
tterntKin lecture. 3:00. Evening
concert, 7:150; evening lecture,
8:15 o'clock.
Some of the best talent of the
United States will be heard at
Chautauqua, and ynu cannot af
ford to miss it.
The program follows:
Afternoon-Opening exercises
Imnortant Announcements
I .
Concert Lyric Glee Club
rrancis Hendry
Admission. 35 cents
Organizing Junior Chautauqua
Making Americans
Evening Concert
friends of 20 years ago. He was Lyric Gl
a law partner of the late Mayor
Barrett in the nineties.
Land for SaleAbout 20 acres
clean, black loam soil, all clear
but half acre oak grove; ground
Dlowed deep and planted to oats
potatoes and beans. Between
Oreiron Electric and S. P.' elec
tric lines; good school, church.
store, milk route and on rura
mail route. On maiiucountv road
two hours drive to Portland
Will sell 10 or 20 acres. No
tinililinL'H- Home Kndish walnut
rrt'i-M I'.nsv terms. Obtain the
owner's name by writing Box 27,
Keedvi le. Oregon. liW
Chris Gertsch. of Hillsdale,
was a Hillsboro caller Saturday
momma, lie put in an indem
nity claim for some cows that
have been condemned m tuner
Lecture, "Eli
Dr.' Andrew Johnson, Humorist
Admission, 50 cents
Morning, 10 o'clock Juniors
"Makinir Americans. Norse
A ftpmoon - Prelude
Kill ion Concert Party
Ponular Lecture. "The House
of Man" Wm. A. Bone
Admission. 35 cents
Rvpninc Concert
ri ion Concert Party
Lecture-Oration. "The Price of
VmtrrpH" (jOV.
Georae A. Carlson, of Colorado
Admission, 75 cents
Morning-"Making Americans "
Enir hsh and Irish Stories.
Afternoon - Prelude
I" , , . - ... ,. . AUernoon -rreiuoe
The back tax for Washington Military Girls' Orchestn
Co. on ihe O. & C. lands which Lecture, "Through Five Re
revert to the government minus publics on Horseback"
thu $.: r0 iwr acre amounts to ii r. WKit
Regular meetings of Camp 5(X).
Woodmea of the World, in the
Moose )lall, every first and third
Thursdays. All Woodmen are
invitud to attend.
Come out Neighbors and help
boost our Camp.
Roy R Heater, Consul Com.
J. II. Ray, Clerk. tf
Found -A gold ring, on the
I 'mil nil road, nort h of Beaverton.
Owner please call at this olliee
and prove property. 10 t) z
the $2.50 per acre amounts to
over $13,000. The list has been
sent hack to Washington and
Senator Chamberlain is looking
out for legislation to remunerate
the county. Ihe tax runs hack
to 1913.
Wanted Hogs of all kinds,
sheen, beef, poultry of all kinds
C. K. Rogers. Beaverton. Rt,
4. Box 20. Phone Beaverton 53,
line 3. Will call at any place
designated. 37-tf
F. J. Williams, of a mile north
east of Hillsboro. was severely
injured on the Fourth. He was
on the runninir board of an auto.
and in some manner tell back
ward, iniurinir the base of the
brain, fcoraevera dava he was
nnulilu in miwn hitt head to the
right or left, but at last reports
was consmerauiy unproveu.
For Sale or Trade for Beef
Cattle-Some good Shropshire
and Cotswold 2 year old ewes
Also some ewe lambs. C. K.
Rogers. Beaverton. Ore., near
Hazeldale. 13 tf
Hans Hansen, aired 31. of
Wheeler, and Rosia Seaman, of
Dillev, were married in Vancou
ver, Wn., last Friday.
l-lXKCUTORS. Aduiinistr tors, Guardians, Pub-
IH lie Ciustodiatis and others liavine public and
private trusts to perform can render proper
service by depositing with ns.
We Have One of the Best Safe
Deposit Systems in- the State
A proper place for valuable papers.
vp inuitp nmnection ot this department in con-
11. -- i
juuetion with the others
An excellent bank for handling all branched
of bank business.
Dr. G. Whit
field Ray. F. R, G. S.. "The
Livingston of South America
Admission, 50 cents
Rveninir Con c e r t-Entertain-
mpnt Mi itarv Uir s
A full evening ot mirth, melo
dy and mimicry.
Admission. 50 cents
Music Day
Morning "Making Americana.
Nature Stones.
Afternoon Concert
Royal Venetian Band
Community Lecture. "The Ad
venture of Being Human
Mrs Lorene Wiswell Wilson
Admission, 50 cents
Evening-Grand Concert
..." Jos. Lo-
Zito and Royal Venetian Band
Popular Selections
Marv Adel Havs
Coloratura Soprano accompan
ied ny IjOZ-uo ana nis enure
Admission, 75 cents
Morning "Making Americans."
Indian Stones.
Afternoon Prelude
.The Wasser Company
Lecture, Misunderstood Mex
ico" W. L. Mellinger
Admission, 35 cents
Kupnimr Entertainment ..
The Wasser Company
Motion Pictures - Mawson Ant
arctic Expedition, with Sir
Douglas Mawson's own Lecture
W. L. Me hnirer.
Lecturer in Charge.
Admission, 50 cents
Morning Usual Services -All
Afternoon Inspirational Lecture
flaying the uame
Wood liriggs
Admission, 35 cents
E. W. C. S. Vesper Services-
All invited.
Kvpninff Tyrolean Concert
Graus Alpine Yodlers
Ad.nisaion, 75 cents
Season tickets, if, purchased
before noon of the opening day.
are as follows: Adults, $2 50;
students. $1.50; children. $1.00.
Dan Ennes, of liny, was down
to the city Friday.
Thrw. Sims, of Karminnton.
was in the county seat Saturday
Thos. Macauley. of Porljand,
was out to MiiiHporo. rrioay,
greeting friends.
Mrs. Guil Wells, of Portland.
was the guests ot rier parents.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Long, Satur
Geo. Madison, who is now lo
cated at Knappa. Ore., on the
Columbia, was in town over the
B. Leis. the Beaverton or-
chardist. was in the county seat
Monday morning, enroute to
Forest Grove, on business.
Dr. Clifford Walker, an Osteo
path, of Forest Grove, was acci
dentally shot through the hand
whilp handling a revolver, one
day last week.
Henrv Schneider, the Gaston
ntprnational. was sentenced to
G months in the county jail by
thp Portland federal ludite. last
week. Schneiderrefused to reg
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ellis, of
Kansas Citv. Mo., arrived here
astweek. and are Kuestsof their
nephew, J. D. Ellis, and family,
of South lualatin.
Fred Ennes. who is running a
camp at Scappoose, is up for a
vacation while the logging com-
... t i
nnnv hm ds a new Dnae on
their logging railway.
John McDonah. of Walla Wal
..... A 1 1 T 1 1 P
a. workinir witn tne u. w. oi
bridge crew, was here Sun
day, the guest ot his sister, Mrs
B. K. Long.
Geo. J. McHenry has sued
Ethel C. McHenry for divorce.
1'hev were married at Ouray
Col., in 1903. and on June o,
1916, the wife left for good
There are no children.
Edwin Bowman and wife, ot
ndependence, returned home
the last of the- week after a
rVntirth of lulv visit with the
Reasoners and Bowmans.
Jos. A. Zimmerman, of below
Witch Hazel, on the River Road,
was in the citv Friday. J. A. is
running the Hazeldale rock crush
er, and is turning out the rocK
fastpr than the teams can get it
Fred Emerson, formerly in the
restaurant business here, was m
town Saturday. His wife passed
awav last September. His son
Wilbur is in the United States
Navy, and is on the Marblehead.
in Southern waters.
.ludce Geo. R. Bagley will cal
.I .T I
no lury until isovemoer unless
the iail becomes congested and
there is ururent demand tor lury
trials. He wishes to give the
farmers all possible chance to
take care ol their hay and har
vest and early Fall work. There
are now but two prisoners await
ing circuit court trials.
Is Pine Cducator, and Held Head
of f aculty lor Nearly 14 Years
Board ol Director Unanimuu For His
Election Finally Coimenl y
County School Superintendent B.
W. Barnes has accepted the po
sition of Superintendent of the
Hillsboro schools, and' will take
charge at the beginning of the
917-18 school year. Mr. Barnes
first came to Hillsboro in 1900.
and took the position of princi
pal. He held the place for 13i
years, when he was elected coun
ty school superintendent which
office he has held since, that date.
le has so systematized the coun
ty school work that his archives
tndav are of much value. He
followed up the good work of H.
A. Hal in that position, and
today the school records are as
complete as possible. 1
There has been a growing ae-
mand for the placing of Mr.
Barnes at the head of the city
schools, and after months of
tamest solicitation he finally
agreed to accept. He is an able
educator and has the happy fac
ulty of harmony in all branches
of the school work. The board
has always had more or loss fric
tion with the school, it being
conceded that the superntend-
ency is a trying affair. Mr.
Barnes, however, has no trouble
with his efforts at discipline.
and he is a diplomat as wen as
an educator.
Mr. Rarnes is thoroughly iden
tified with Hillsboro. owning his
home here. He will get into the
harnpsa in pood spirit, and the
question of a good school year is
assured beyond doubt.
C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc.
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and '
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
' At Cornelius
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
J. C. Garrigns and family, of
above Banks, were in the city
the last of the week.
Mis K'.sie Baldwin, of Fill
more Co.. Neb., arrived the last
of the week, and is visiting at
the home of her uncle. Walter h.
Taylor. This is her first trip to
Oregon and she is very much im
pressed with the country, bhe
reports a scant crop in her coun
ty in the plains country.
M M Hiinham. of Midway.
between Laurel and Scholls, was
. i . II. !
in town Saturday, ne is clear
ing up some new land as a rest
from his school labors. M. N.
is on his tistn year, ana isn i
timid pbout his age. tor the
last seven years he has taught,
and has not lost a day from ill
ness. Doc Osier is scored against
Thos. Withycombe, of Port
land, was here the first of the
wpulf nttemotimr to stimulate
dairymen to become members of
the proposed facinc rsauonai
Dairv show, which holds in
Portland in November. He says
that Washington County has
onniD nrizp winners in registered
dairy stock, and he wants to see
the county, have 9 tine represen
tation, as we sell more dairy
product than any county in the
Adam Beil, now residing at
Boring, was over Friday, greet
ing his Washington County
friends. Adam recently was
tipped over with a load of hay,
the net result being two cracked
ribs. The load completely cover
ed Beil, ant? for a time he
thought he was going to be
smothered. He did a little "go
pher work, however, and soon
found the strands of a wire
fpnet-.. His son9 soon had him
uncovered and he made hotfoot
tr a nhvaioian to Vet his slats
mended. He was feeling a little
sore over his experience while
here, and moved on low all
Frank S. Myers, Portland's post-
mmtpr for four vears. will again
receWe the appointment, nis
nnmp to co to me senaie im
wppk tor confirmation, f. S,
Myers is well known in this coun
ty, having been a resident or
Forest Grove for years. Me was
tvm in the college citv. and is a
the latP W H. H. Mvers
He was appointed to the Portland
office four years ago, and con
sidering the help available, has
made a splendid official, lhere
was a great deal of complaint
against him by the opposition
clique, but the general public
has found him a capable official,
courteous and watchful at all
His Washington County mends
orp nstnrallv rjleased that his
services for the past four years
havo Ptirnpfi re-aiiDointment tor
him. Myers' only fault was that
hp tivik too ereat an interest in
politics, and he was even charged
with attemDtinir to dictate the
nut state aDoointments. ne
annpnrs tn have made g6od to
thp pxtent that he exceeds him
self, anyway, and perhaps much
of the chanre against him was
Mvers received his appoint-
mpnt fnnr vears aero through his
hard work for the late Senator
Lane. The Senators usually name
the appointtee for their home
postmastership. and the Rose
City office was Myers' reward.
These Are Hot and Dry Days. A Good Time to
Have Pumping Outfit Jnstalled !
Good tor anything on the farm. We have them in
14,3, and 6 horse power.
We Also Have Some Binding Twine
That Is Under Wholesale Price!
We have all kinds of Machine and Engine Oil.
We can and do save you money on anything in
the Hardware Line. Call and get our prices.
Long's Hardware
At the old stand on Second St'East of JCourt House.
A delightful surprise party was
given it the Fuegy home. Sun
day. July 1, in honor of Mrs.
Louise Fuegy's bSth birthday.
At one o'clock a sumptuous din
ner was served. The afternoon
was spent in music and games.
Those present were Rev. Scheidt.
Mesdames L. Fuegy. J. Schnei
der, M. and D. Tschabold. M.
Waefler Sr.. P. Pezoidt; Messrs.
and Mesdames John, W. and H.
Fuegv. M. Waetter; Misses Lydia
anH Thekla Scheidt. Marie. Le-
lah and Hmma Fuegy. Marguerite
and Fern Waetter. Anna and hm
ma Schneider. Mav. Lva and
Irene Fuegy. Margaret and Clare
Tar-hnhn d: Messrs. LOU fezoldt.
Robt. Fuegy, Jack and Gottlieb
Snhneidpr. John. Henrv and
Clarence Tschabold. Herbert and
V., Scheldt. Fred Yungen. Al
Bart. Antone Pagel. . Kestek
C R. Rices has ODened a clean
ing and Dressing establishment
in the old Adams' barber shop,
on Main St., and solicits your
nntrnnaire. Work called for and
the delivered promptly. Phone City
1 914. lfa-9 z
Hillsboro Auto Livery .
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. "hene, Main 76
.o v;
waiter rnuay.