The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 17, 1910, Image 1

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m-irLt OmvMiUon mid ltli-
cation i I'oirnK.iove
f ihi Fletel Mmvhrts la
(.It. K Iff
nr two hundred rjth'i attend
.1 the dedication cl the eaelU hall
of IMphiw l.olg Kolgbucf I';
lbl.t tnd the diatricl convention
It Korwt firovit, Haturday i iahi
Tlit Of liH lhr-lory build-
in and i tin of lli flnetl 'id
owl finely eiWild buildings in
ihicillfKtM'ity and U immuuintil
10 lb en trr r t of tbe i'ytbiatia
idJ lu ihir fiib la .heir home
eitj. K, W. Heine delivered lb
nldnrtt of welcome, aid rmpoiieea
Km in clii by Judge tiixxtm, for
Gltncoe; John M. Well and L. A
Look, fur Hilltbiro; J 11. YV recoil,
for (Union ; Mat, far Yamhill;, Jaovl-t end l'i)gr
mm, fir McMinnville, nd Cbet.
0. K e, f r Del puna, ibe borne
kxlg J II Wreootl ami Mr.
liui t ihe only iwocbailer miiu
bn of Delphi rwenl.
After tlio addreanei were over (lit
trillion ere seated lo to elaborate
bei iul unh aa lh Kufftt (iruvt
kotU burl ainw bo to aerre
Tbe gtiMti iik much tat en with
Um beauty and ap U.tltilinuU of
lb hall, and ewaiuied Ibe c'ub
roottn, ball, dining room oil
billnfr 1 1 r lor hours
Af n (tuiurr over, Craud 1'hti rel
t Mf oclrr, ('.land Krrj- 4l krcunU &
Seal Ijlm .Suuaon, I'aat (.rand Cliatirclloi
Jt4)M M Wall, Ciarid I'irlalc liru
tkhalniriu h, tifand Maairi at Aima Kd.
Cailia, tin! Grand tinlrr Guard J II.
Wtacutt piiH-rrilrd lo ilrdltalr tin rati If
ball villi llif imprraal illiiall.lic cere
atony Work In tht third tank a thru
put on l arlerttuu (mm tlir varluut
Mfri uf tbe tlii m t ami touw uf ihe
brtt riftii.liln atloini.f ht Iraaiiiit if tlir
rant ttrr Leant In tbr Nurlhwc at rir
rf.tirt A .lo b Mr. Wilbur Mc
Rldovury waa enroled lu I It trim, ami
Waiktti' iirvliratta lur tiulinl umair
throuKhuiit the araaloo. alllill It cull'
tuWrtil thr mewt irrtful ilialilct cn
ttnllun rvrr hrlj.
I'ar4 ol Tbaoka
during the recent Hint, demlee
and funeral ohtttjtiiee, of tl n but
bind and brolher, the late Caeper K
Bergh Mr,Caer K Itergh,
Mra. J U Itmhen,
J. C. Bergh.
Wett I'nion, Hre, Mtrcb 11
Karly Koee Ktaleeat Grfr'a.
W. II. Railing made a buainete
Wp to itankt, Halurday.
I' Hajort, of Hberwood, waa a
Oounty aeat vleilor Haturday.
H. M. VandeiMnden, f.f North
Foreet drove, wa In the county
Mt Monday.
Mrt. Anna (lamMla, of near
irtuir.gion, waa in town Friday,
tid called on the ArtH.
Peter Z e'eher, of the lUaverlon
outrict, wte up tn the oily Moi day
odctl!e on the Argu while in
John I'ieren and Wm '. e cher,
bo recently eold out over at
KUVfiidd, WaBb., were down lr
the city Monday.
Mica Marie Tunt, (todent nursf
the Nirth Taciflo Hanatonum
roriland, was in tha olty Mondav,
"'ting with triendi.
C Holmold, of ni wmlng. wai in
the oily the flrat of the week, and
. hie annual visit to the Argu
wore leaving town.
n,)L l Lilly, formerl7 of title
;'k, and now raiding at Hilleide.
U a of VMy, dm In town
"onday, paying taxes and greetirg
J- 8 Miller, of Soholle, was up
ne oounty teat Friday mo-uing
reporte the warm lunehine ol
week as having a very bene
"olal tiled on the roads,
'o Bohwander, who hie been up
n Mountaindtle eeotiot fji
"nj, yeare, waa down to the city
urday, greeting friend. "Koade
Kwtting better," he eayii.
, Rn Urry pUnte-dOO One,
nutty yrung planle, just ri,ht for
"planting, For Bale by J 8
ti!:.Bu.nH. N wton atation. east of
Mmo, Oregon, on Southern
roiflo. 1 3
W. Correliue, the old time
noreeman, and who now own th
IVi . P'oe Bouth ' Corceiiue,
a .l ""P" Mm bupy.waB down
J the city Monday, n'ending that
""y handehake of hie to his
. . "n"lllv K-xhJ mpplv of
mB I'KM'ta Mr call.,, f,)Uud,.
...,. , ,7 0t ouiiuu.g blotki for
7ur notikn lotin-laliurn Chaajn-r
tban cMiiant i.r hru k ami l,tu,r
Itrolacttoti aifainal frott. V hava
OuiabfKl nur run of UrKa tila n,J
r again running on imallnr tba
and bave u,,l, i the yard'
i.rl,.7 ,wt",in doliverad
ahould I'laca thair ordara now ao w
can baul Ibam Ufore bad waatbar
I'barala alaaya a ruh of hauling
ordara In the Kali whn roada are
aliuoat lmt.aabl Wa have a
good aupply of rough and draamvl
lumlr at our mill, and a (iianlity
of common lumlwr at lb Haia
tmr, !iIow Nton. tba Uttar to
nil at a aacrific. 2tl2. 2xH, 2ifi
hi 1 1 l, tnj ()f
arioii lanrbti Thia la all grjod
dry atoi k, and it will )lty y0U to
invaatigala thould y-.u want any of
ibima dltnnnimuia (ifotlfr A Kow
all Co, Hcholla,, K 2.
1.. C ILgcra and tif returnad
few daya agi from a two rnontba
trip to lhir old borne in Wi-coo-In,
aftar an abwncai f ev-n iera,
and bava again aallled at Co neli
ti Mr. Kogara naya it u :!,r. U
low back Ibr-ra laat Winter, and
that una day, in m two buura drive,
be fn.t lao ot hit tei Mr.
Kogara rlali an anuming incident
of bow they log back in the lladger
late. All uf the big timer la gone
and they are now culling anything
out of which they cn whip the
nialleat piece t.f rtiioolh lumber.
They have iod aled rotde, and he
brought ahh him a photo of a four
borne load nf log", nurniMring 202
piecee, and rcaling 17.HO0 tat and
a little over Thin would make
giKMj whipelorke fur the
Oiegon farmer.
Rural carrier all tgree that
here the eplitlo; drag bat teen
umhI the pael Winter tha road
were a great improvement over
iboee where the log or drag wai not
oaed. All that ia nnednd ia good
drainage and then frtiuant uiu of
Ibe leveler and a fairly decent road
(be r'ult. If a portion of the
road mi ney were bald out from the
Spring work for Winter uaea in
Ihi manner half of the road prob
Inn would be e.ilved Hut the
diainage ahnuld ftrwt hav attention
if beet retutut are to be obtained
The tuoehiue of ihe pant wek,
however, waa the ml road builder
that we have, coneidering tba ooet.
and Ave year later Bellied on bit
farm above Ibe 11 ove, wa down
lo ibe city Haturday. Mr. 1'illey
knowaall the old pioneers of bie
tectum, and retutiulwrs many a
good old-time yaru.
The llilltboro Lumber Co.'s mill
... i . i .
i tawing ngiu along on oruare,
and the camp above Buxton geie
down four big carload of logs
daily. Mr. Heit expectB one of
the beet eeato i since the building
,f tht mill. The comply ie now
cutting on the timber owned by
Wm. lUglcy Sr. and A. H smith
luirvmen atlentiou--Tbe undor
aigned bat for sale Home registered
Jeney bulk yearlings, and a few
regietered Jeraey hellers, oreu anu
unbred-M finely bred stock a can
be found in theetate. v m cuui
merich, near Farmington, Oregon,
nilleboro. Oregon, Route 5, Inde
pendent Telephone. 1 6
L. J H ilder, of PortUnd, but
who mends the most of the time
on the ranch near Beaverton, was
n ton Saturday, gr.elnig frlemis.
and paving taxes, and wntie to .ne
olty coupled up with the gioat
Northwest daily ena me uomo fu
For sal: Kelley steam wood
... in onmt reoair. For cutting
cord wood or stovewood out of the
i J W. Kevnaru, nmeuoru,
n.. Umiie '2. Between Laurel
and 'totalis. Ind. Phone Soholla
Div. 0i J
ii, drber and wi! and Miss
n..,iu. Wvman. of near Cedar
u;ll In town Saturday, and
-.,,' it, Arous a uleaeant oall,
while making the rounds ol the
u7i.n lie kitchen is properly
et.uipiel there ia sunshine in the
I i .4 ua nnr
house, uome iu
Champion and ChartorOakrangee
They are the best .-Kmnck & tot
ufaatriniT. one of the jolly
farmers from the Beaverton-Cedar
Mill seoiion, wan in the city Satur
day, and oalled lor a mioum, ....
naving taxes.
Judge Goodin has had the boys
confined in me oouu.jr -li
iha nourt vara iroi
,he past few daye, parking the plot
between tne coucrow
A. W Pike, of Beaverton, was up
Saturday, paying taxes and lod
dentally renewed the Argus .for he
alxteenth time-and that's going
, K. Uillf.ol rtt Qtv
i I
""aWJMBBaaaBaMa,-. "
county mm
I'.lectcd DelcKittes to the State
(i ran go (lonvention
1ad tit Dtlriiitu ia Oregaa City, far
Mty Aonatl
le!egal6a from the variout ouoty
grange met in Hilleboro lant Hat
urday, at the (I range Hall, and
elected the county representation
for the annual (irange convention,
which convene at Orcon City the
aecon I we.- In May. Ihnll Ha
ker, of Gale (iritige, Koreet Grove,
w chairman of tho eeetion, and
Arthur Cutting, of Kinlon, was the
The dulegaUs aelected at county
repreei-ntativnH were aa fillowr:
Mr. and Mn Frr.I Caldwell, Creen
Mountain (irauge, liuttoo.
Mr. ami Mrt. M. 11. Tignr.l, Butte
Cringe, Tiitaidyillc,
Mr. and Mr. J. C. Miller, Washington
Oraugr, Clciicue, Arcade Iut.
Aida from the election of dele
gate the indorsement of the preeenl
primary law, in Ihe form of a reeo
iution, wa the niHl tmprt.n
feature of the eemiion. There waa
a go nlly attendance at tin meeting,
tnd ihi delegates attending were:
I'rrd I.anger, II B Nicholwn, Mra.
Mulli Hall.drlegatrs, and 11 0 Haya,
alternate, Slierwocxt Cratir.
A II Fimi.ey, C A Kaylironk, ltnlert
Thompaun, Ijtc.Iv (iratigr, CrUr Mill.
Floyd llicrly and Geo Wiihyrouitxr,
Scholia (irange
H K lrntiy, Jul D Wiluiot and Mra.
Ktiliy IViyd, llrhyrrtou C,riife.
t'baa iicilwrgrr, L J traiicin, J V
1 1 c u i v , Willi. n CirKiir, Tiulatio
Walter M.ngtn, J O Miller tnd J C
I'orey, Waihlngnm Orange,
Mr.. Maiiit Caldwell, Mrt. L A I'liil
and Mra. M.ugarrt Crawford, Green
Mountain Grange, lluxton,
A N Daviea, II It TiKard. Arthor N
Culling, Butte Grange, figardville.
C A iUiilry, Win Kchulinerich and
Ira llaiiley, llilltboro (irai.Kf.
Daiurl lUker, Mrt. Itrialerson and
Samuel Walker, Galea (.irangr, Vorest
A. N. Daviee, of Kinton, was in
the city Saturday.
Dr. BheeU of FoieH Otove,
called ia the city Saturday.
ti fc-'WMj
loa, were up from Scholln, Friday
Mr and Mrt. Albert Friday, of
Hanks, were county seat visitors
John K. B-rger, on6(f Bethany's
hustling ranoheis, was in the city
John Zurcher, of Helvetia, was
in town Saturday, and paid tbe
ArguB oflice his annual call.
John Koh, of south of Cornelius,
and J N Loudon, of beyond Bloom
ing, were in ihe county seat Mon
day afternoon.
John Herb, 'of the Greenville
Banks section, and road supervisor
of that nourishing district, wae in
the city Monday.
Studebaker wagon, 3J inch, in
good repair, for sale En e3l
Kraus. Cornelius. Koute 1, two
miles south of Cornelius, at Bloom
log. 1 3
Henderson Smith, the Banks
hotel man, was down to tbe city
Saturdav on business. Mr. Smith
says that Banks ia rapidly forging
to tne From along Dusinete mui.
Geo. Schulmerioh, Cashier of
the Commercial Bank, started for
Southern Oregon M nday evening,
to le aluent several days. While
down in that section he expects to
buy another ranch.
Geo. McGraw, who eayB that
Banks will soon be on tbe map
with two transcontinental mlways
th Hill and Harriman lines-
was down to the county capital the
first of the eek. "Pin your faith
on Banke," says McGraw.
Dr. 0. H. Sohee'i, Chiropractic
Snlnolotrist. of Forest G ove. is
finely equipped exponent of the
science. He has taken theoourBe
under D. I). Palmer, the disooverer
and developer of ohiropraotlo. All
desiring freedom from pain and
nick nees should consult him. All
diseases. Examination free. Next
door to LaCoursea Store, Foreet
Grove, Ore.
T. R Irobiie, of this city, Rnd
Dr C B. Brown, of Portland, and
well known here, were at Loa Ang
elea the first ot the week, the guests
of Med Mosher, who ia known to
many HillBboroitea. Mr. Imbrie
and Mr Brown came through "Old
k'alninnk." and vieited a short time
with V. II . Behne and wife, of
Madisonville, and who were here
last 8ummer, guest a of J. A. Imbrie
and family. T. R: will be rolling
m n i.k.di,aHW. r n M KK In llin JVuy Lfrun Otorc
in home in a few daya.
White Houae cr.fTie ae goaran
lee every can. Kmtnott Bros.
Jacob Schmidt, of Klmonica, was
in the city Haturday.
Blue Ribbon tomatoes, corn and
been, 3 cans for 25 cents. Era
mott Bros.
Robert Thompson, long years a
resident of the Cedar Mill section,
was in town Haturday.
Everyone likes to have a nice
lawn, therefore buy Greer's lawn
grace seed.
A. N Cutting, of below Kinton,
was up to tbe city Haturday, on
businees at tbe court house.
P. I. Lilligar j and wife, of Lau
rel, were in Monday, guests of their
daughter, Mrs Chan. Parker.
W, II. MtCormick, of near Lau
rel, was over to the city the last of
the we-k, the guest of his son, E.
L. McCormick.
Closing out sale at Schmidt &
Kulirch store, March 21 to March
2U Klmonica Station, ou Oregon
Electric. 1
W. 0. Hock en and Neils Ander
son, of Beaverton, were in the city
Saturday, and called for a minute
on the religious weekly.
Smoke just half aa much, and
when you do smoke, buy a Schiller,
and you'll never be accused of be
ing "grouchy."
Victor Collier, wbo owna a
splendid ranch south of Cornelius,
was over to the county seat Friday,
and called on the Argus.
For sale: Baled clover bay;
baled tare hay; and haled straw
I). B. Burkhalter, near Farming
ton, Oregon. 1 2
Peter White, who has been on
tbe sick list for some months, has
recovered and will get busy at tbe
McCumsey sawmill thit Summer.
Four room house on Washington
Street, on car line between Second
and Third, lot 50x190, for sale
Erneet Lyons, 2 miles northwest of
liilleboro. 51 tf
John Ireland, one of the "old
settlers" of tbe Greenville feciion,
was down to the county seat Satur
day, calling on business at the
court house.
For home portraits or views, call
on J. E Jjhnon, photographer
Residence, Sixth St bstween Base
line and Oak. Phone, Independ
eot 287.
Tha food weather has started the
week, tryinf
National game
Everyone knows that bulk gar
den Beeds are the best, not only
fresher but you get more for the
money. N R. Greer keeps a com
plete line.
J. W, Marsh, well krown to all
ihe pioneers of thia section of tbe
county, was in Saturday, accom
panied by his eon, John, the two
calling on the Argus for a few
minutes vint Mr. Marsh Sr. was
in on probate bushels.
J. C. Bergh, residing at Hendrum.
Minn , is here this week, at the
home of J. C Bechen and family,
of West Uoion, attending the fun
eral obsequies of bis late brother,
Caaper E. Bergn, who passed away
ast week. He returne in a few
daya and will be accompanied by
the wife of tbe deceased brother
Mrs. Irving Ballard, sister of
MrB. J. A. Imbrie, left Portland a
few days ago, enroute to tbe Philip
pines. She accompanies ber son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Liet. Margette, to the Orient, where
they remain soma time. Mr. and
Mre. J. A. Imbrie went to Port
land to see them depart for their
lengthy voyage.
Fred Fritz and wife came out
from Portland Tue'day morning
and went on up to Buxton, where
Mr. Fritz owns the soda springs on
the Reie place, a mile from that
town. Mr. Fritz will make a Sum
rxer resort of the place and aheidy
has three baths installed. He will
use the log cabin as a ruetio home,
and put up a $5,000 hotel for his
An incipient blaze started be
tween nine and ten Monday night
in the woodshed lean-to at the rear
of the Odd Fellows' building. A
match doubtleBB bad been thrown
in some excelsior in one corner of
the place, and it ignited the shav.
inga. The firebell called the de
partment and the blaza was ex
tinguished before any dtmtge was
involved . At the time the Crescent
Theatre waa full of people, and
many a heart went up in the throat
of those at home in fear that the
theatre might have caught fire.
The band was playing at the time,
and Leader Parker signalled for
heavy work and bo Buocessful was
the ruse that but very few in the
houfe knew of the alarm. Had a
etampede taken place many might
have b3en Inure!. C. w. uarn
sou is said to have been the one
who discovered the bin .a.
17, 1910
linn llniin nin.f. I l-S mnm . I VW i I
I v u ' a u & Uiil ill w "
Heat Room Committee Sends
out Letters to, People
With It Ralae Fir, Be id red Cellars
Mere, at Oace
Tbe Rest Room Committee of the
Ladies Coffee Club have sent out a
circular letter to people all over tbe
district, appealing for funds to
complete tbe fund for the purpose
of building and equipping a com
modioua and comfortable rest room.
That it will meet with popular
fnvor goee without saying and there
will be many responses. The com
mittee has also appointed sob com
mtttees to solicit aid in the city
and an active campaign has been
started to complete the amount
needed and start the building by
May 1, so that all will be in readi
ness within a few weeks af'er that
date. The committee expect to
put up a concrete structure, and
one that will be an ornament as
well as useful for its in ended pur
pose. The letter sent eut follows:
Hillsboro, Ore., Mar. it, 1910.
Dear Sir:
The Rett Room Committee now have
f5oo in cash on hand, but 6nd It neces
sary to raise $500 more before beginning
work on tbe Washington County Heat
Room, May 1st
The building of the Rest Room it whol
ly a philanthropic work in which all
may join. Out of town people coming
to Hillsboro for a few hoora, on business
or pleasure, have felt the need of such a
place for convenience and comfort, for
many years. The rest room will be
maintained for the people free of charge,
therefore one dollar ia but a email sum
for the amount of bene6t to be derived.
Washington County it the garden spot of
uregon, ana we do not with to be behind
other placet in public tpirit.
The namea of those subscribing to tbe
fund will be published in the county
par era each week aa they are received
with the amount donated, (yon are not
limited to One Dollar) and will alto be
placed in the corner ttone.
Send all remittancea to Mrt. H. T.
Bagley, Secretary of Rett Room
Committee, or leave your contribu
tions at the Argus or IndeDendent of
fices, where the money will Se properly
receipted for.
Whatever yon give is entrusted to the
careful judgment of the following com
mittee who stand as a surety for the wise
use of the money eipended. They be-
twf"'Prii and are not only
; ' ,cx anca pt t&eu
f. 1.00 or more to this worthy faav 49tk
ours KespecUulIt, J
afro T P T.mi..;. Mr. It T R-1
Mrs. Emma McKinney, Mrs. John Con
nell, Mrs. John Sewell, Mrs. Alonzo 8i(j
ler, Mrs. Geo Seliultuerich, Mrs. S. C.
Killen, Mrt. C. W. Rollins, Mrs. C. E.
Lytle, Mrs. R. C. Vaught, Mrs. L. E.
Wilkes, Mrs. Edna Imblie Zilly, Miss
Claire Imbrie.
There will be a benefit entertain
ment at Beaverton Hall, at 2:00 p.
m , St. Patrick's Day, March 17,
for the new Calholio Church, at
Beaverton. A 6ne programme has
been arranged , and the admission
will be 15 rente for ohildren nr.der
12 years, and 25 cents for adults.
The programme:
Piano Solo Mrs. J. F. Dufresne
Recitation..,. Mias Mary Cardiff
Chimney Sweept, character aorg
Masters Arthur Albertine, Bardinelli
and Christophoro.
"It is to Laugh" Prof E. J. Qnillinan
Vocal Duet.... Nellie CarcliU and
Ethelee Longaton
Oration -.Rev Wm. J. Deeney
Vocal Solo .Miss Rosina Mcintosh
Foatenov .E J. Ouillinan
Specialties ...Mist Eldridge
Sketch, by requett uiris
from tbe St. Mary a Institute
Music Miss Jean F, Dufresne
Already County Clerk J W. Bai
ley is jeceiving applications for
fishing licenses and the open t aBon
begins April 1. Many who apply,
simply because it is handy to get
the peper while in town paying
taxes, color up a little as though
bystanders might think they were
getting down to business a little
bit early- Owing to the not ex
tiemely cold Winter the festive
trout are supposed to be plentiful
and one mountaineer, who says one
foundered on the high water and
landed at his cabin dcor, bright
and early one morning, says the
flavor is just a little bit better than
last season.
J. C. Hare, of the Hilltbiro Lum
ber Co., says that the season is
opening in a promising manner,
and that ne anticipates one 01 me
best years since the sawmill at the
foot of Third Street was installed.
He is cutting for the United, the P.
RAN., b asides filling orders tor
local trade and for Oienco,
Rudolph Hofman and wife, of
Pbillrps, were in the city Monday
"" ' " " ..i.-... ,,., , , 1 1 h
Our Greatest Ambition
is to Deserve to be Your
And to supply you and your home with
with all the needed sick-room supplies as
well as Toilet Requisites and othar goods
carried by a High-Class Drug Store.
Our Prescription Department represents
the best in quality and skill.
Give us a trial and you will find
Our Goods are Right
Our Services are Right
and Our Prices are Right
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
Forest Grove
Third Annual Statement, March 4, 1910
Loans and Discounts - JJW.Ul.ll
U. S. Bonds at par - 21,000-OiJ
Other Bonds - 28.3W.0O
Banking House - - 1H.2S3 00
Cash and Dae from Other
Banks - 111,298.23
Tlosorvo 3
We Now Have A
TKos. G. Todd John E. Bailey J. W. Fuqua
Wiiber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburtf
tte-... -
Save iw-.wi I
By buying Your GENERAL
Forest Grove,
4 S We have quite a number of pairs of child's,
f f women's, and men's shoes which are sliehtlv
i damaged and more or less out of style which
4 we will sell for one-third price viz $1.50 shoes
for 50c; $2.25 shoes for 75c Men's and
( women's up to $3.50 for $1.00.
j a) 1 hese are all good material but not up to
9 0 present styles. Now is the opportunity to
t Set a g00 she fr little money. We shall
J be pleased to show them to you as long as
I they last.
I 3
All kinds of jewelry repairing at prices you'll feel right
about. .
In nearly every home there's some article of jewerT
that Is useless because of needed small repairs. Now is
the time to get this work done promptly.
Have you a ring, brooch, or tie pin with one or more
sets missing? If so bring it to me and I will replace it
for you from 25c up, depending on the kind and qaulity
of stone selected. See tny window which shows yon a
part of the large assortment I have.
Watchmaker and Jeweler
NO. 1
Vice-President Cashier
Capital Stock and Surplus $ 12,000 00
Undivided Profits - 771.41
Circulation - 25,000.00
Deposits - ... 8UVJ08.23
O r or Coiit
Savings Department
... A j
Graduate Optometrist.
"ay oounly seat frleude.