Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1907)
HIU9B0R0 ARGUji. A.iol'ST I' Kntrd at the Poet-offic at Hllbhoro. Oregon, u wxvrnd -!( mail matter. MCI 18 A. IOKQ, Effltor. County Official Paper 6ubription: One Dollar per Annum laeord Kery Thareday -BY- LOSO McKINNET -1 WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON Population, 20,000. First Comity in dairrinsr: 1100ruiirt.nA.i miii daily ; two big rondf mwrs: billion of irei mmhantablr timber, thirty million feM annna! rnr. will double product this year: richest of garden lands in the world : bulk of comity ran drive to Portland and re turn in a dar: finest market: irroat hop district ; flue school system; fi- esi riimaie on roast : mild winters: no conuty debt; best natiired and best read people in world, population con sidered. Best in everything. HILLS BOKO Conuty seat: 2.000 neonle- Sii churches, Protestant and Catholic; two banks; two telephone systems, biir milk, condenser; sawmill; two rauroais: and electric line coming. AND THERE Ynr ARE! land Monday and TueeiUy, An just ACKNOWLEDGE IT -6 and 2i. Nine men out of ten "ill tell jou that Ihev want tn bo inn ). u , ... . . and "take the boy down " '"'-'.o Ha. t.. i.w t lhr u. T a T.ii . , ! Sl of fit iron l'roe It i. U. lodd, of beyond purest I Orove, was in town the tirt of the! itcr r,,i, ,,. week, greeting hiS many friends. t, l here a always a welc ome for T. O. i lh vvoviusum: a remedy which down this wav. cured vfars ko, which ha kopl the kid . ! I,c 111 K "od hraiih ninee, can le relinl o. and Jos. S:..i. : Wn t tWoim th 4 Ilia Mr.l- i m , . - . -' i to ruin man. of above (ireenville. were 'in !"-;,N5$- , K''1 ' town todav. ficdinir lh Inta! ,,l ii, J'....V'. Slvr' living three county timber on their l x.v r. say: . 1, .h.tLlv J.oob Jacky. of near (Uenoo-. ! ?.nf. - " r ij jrririiay. i u u 11 i ne rmuit inm the hack . " ! actio . IiiiikIi,! ..! il.. janevs c uned lv a ilrranyeiiieiit of the ...n rarvj. me troul.Ic Will rnt furnihhid h .mi ,1 on Kiret Sirret, bflwrrii I". muro hi .1 Washington, to elderly woman -. pable of boar.i 111 if Mil or t. tu . n and wife, without ihil.l ret), on )iii:c i; terms, ror particular- p!v a: residence. Mrs. A. C. Mnwii.' CORY IN A hi ID EL Or term art A!! U'.H tt v THE MARKETS. i ...... ...l r ." . ... . u,., lumiri rt pons, i " '", ' ' eirg sirainej n,l ever after compiled from Portland nuotatious I ihVr l!'iHK ov'r 'v kiJuexa are: i '!'r,!:1' '' loin. I K..t prompt n-. "Mn M.lney Til!. I Ko ! kuo o; some ol my neighbor who have Vallev Wheat StV R.rl fl . .- - . . !,l,nleo' y neighbor who have narlev fee.i. fi'iii ' .i,.. uv,i ,mr ,.n..i.. ... i . i . . fw n'li, - uu ivmnii u most brewing IV4-U )! . -o i r.. i le.uMe." .- ........ i v aw, nue, W. h-r In all dealers. Sovnts nran,iiC4ii per ton. j v.o lunialo. Xcw ,ik. Clover. !) ,,, fO,., ii,l " I .. the Uu s. and take - I p. i . t n-. : !'i I'LCtT Insure Your Slock Innure y.nir hoie and In.M. cU and when you low our on ,!! i , t cash. loiri Uke 'r w he Ei l( not neCFMir. Tale iit a m!h IX A KKI.Ulll.K tOlll'AW lam agent for the Nat.ou.: c- iih Aavv.atioii. iiuu- .'K on! 'lesth from any came. P. ; me " Terms icaxoiulve. JOHN VAMEIIW... IVai et Ion. or., K. K. I. Xo. 'J The old relia'.le tire ii.Mir.itue .' I U-ts. V: :. ' a W-. J tin rv !1 e.ln'l'-l umi .... ! I'. . i ! 1 1 ! mi h in.! f 1 t e . t . 1 1 v 1 to it! t piti t. o! low n. c I'tiv lal 1.', k Stn:tnd Slrtrttt, Hiilthoro, Or IU CYCLE SHOP liu'wli. l-r.!:-.. I "illlit i ;uiii ,v u ill Al.u iniU'S i v- .t'.: vvl ;in.l v ii'.nii J L Life in Leathe r Il.uu! -a (..lit;; .lin! sett!!!;;. .-.i iici;!-. iiM iu I'lv i !( -.. k'.ill ill Ivli'H' 1 u 1 1 1; "i j;i. tl w m k ili'tic i' Now lu i i- r. R. PAILCY, Main mi vl .T.:.MT-cVa a 'Jtr I . -nil WOI !v!II.II!n!! Wt- u m. t.tily iK. liMtlicr liii(ti(iis iiioiii lliirnt'ss, (( , i.U.!vU- lit!.- of h.UIHSS, li.i!ins lir i!!v vi.l. lies, ii.1h-.n, u hip-., i.i,ius.,( ,in ::' all lUuU, an.! m1 .tt j,,,,,', vui'i .!u.!iv.iio,I ui I'.ntl.ui,!, .lul:i .I'.lil U ! k I!I.U1n1!i i li . ii!f li i! . I iic us ion t v ..lie u i All iv.., 1. ... no pi.'nijdlv. .ui.i duify, ,!.,,. n.iM'ti.i!.-. h... nr !, .,, .,,,!, ,,, ,(. Me,,.!UV, .!! Sf,..!:,! l I ( J. f I 1 : t '.!,..,,,. V IMPORTANT TO READERS Owing to the increased cost of print paper and all material need in the conduct of a newspaper, the Argus wm, arter October 1, li07, charge 11.30 per year as its subscription p""-. The paper trust has stead ily raised on its price, and the type trust has done the same, until it is longer impossible to turn out a dollar ear paper with anything lo the credit side of the ledger. Any subscriber of the Argus, can irom now on until October 1. cal and pay as many years ahead as ae wienes, at the old rate. After October 1 the Argog nd weekly vregoman will cut U 50 per year; the Argus and Semi Weekly Journa.1, 2.25 per year, and the Argus and Pacific Monthly, $2.00 per annum. Jhis is a move that m only in consonance with business "judgement and business necessity. Papers must bur their atork fmm the trust, or through agents of the iruet, ana it is all the same thing and the newspaper man who can conduct a paper at if 1 .00 Der vear can make a living 'on the sands of the Sahara, without capital, with Qflt resources, and without any thing. The Argus regrets to take this move, but it is either that or operate for nothing. Thanking the hundreds of people who have bud- ported the Argus for years, and iwsting that they will all remain with the Argus under its new Bchedule, we hope to see our patrons still continue their ttinrvtrt T. .- , .. 18 understood that all the coun ty papers, not one of which can be making anything under th subscription charge, will advance me rate in consonance with the above. ;2.50( $3 00 rer sack: ne n.n. toe, 2 cents per pound. Kg?s, candled, 2oc. Butter, Creamery, 22h :."c. Ataumea All B!m. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE IN I'll K I'l'IMV i'OI Rf ,,K .: M'Al i: HI' UK l i, ON, l oR WASHINGTON OH XTV In the M uter ,.f the Aj-pluMtim ,.f J J" Al'Mer.uid William Yojiij. for license U' sv:l .sjhhhk.i.s. viiiousaiid malt Ii,,uors .j.MMuu.s man one eallon in I'leeiiicl. i " the,. l ountv Court of the ount ui ott j;,.:,. K.r .ihu.stoii Conn Tl.e iiti.icrno.l H!iliuiieis. 1,-al o!eis ut liurv I'ltvimt. Washm-ton Ue.inty. orison, and ii.ii-tituiiu -, m., : 't '.t v ut t!ic- lei; ,1 vi.tets of s.u.1 I'recmct ...... ':i;ki;,ii rest.ltnls ! said 1're- ciiK-t ar.d Ir.ivins :ictimllv resided in said 1 recnut ilmlN;itelv jncre.1 uii; the .late of this ivt'tion, would re siet!il!v Ktit!on ,.ur lloiu.ralile and uuuid ask. that a license' to sell j-psntuoi!-, vinous and malt liquor m v- i;un man one gallon, in Unirv 1 recitict. Wasliin ! e k ran U-.1 and ivntd to J. '. MiU.-i ' "uniin utini;, residents of said 1 i reciiK t, mch license t.) be for n iH'rio.1 of one ear. M H l'arker. Henri- Susha.ier, Martin amlenlTook. I'lli.a. n . Iheo (.eene. Kli John ......... ..iI);v aiKieiiev, J V. Smith, .i.artiti l.oemans, Wni Smith, (' W M Curiiudey, Henry aiidehev. Win p l iar.'. I rank k" Iin.-.u ... c. i ... I'W K.U!later 1- 4 ki.i x.' i u Win SpreaolHTouKh, W II Baker, J H Kindt !, ( has I VauKl,n, Thos Mussen Andrew I letelier, Martin Keili,,,,. vi Kaliier. Rt,t,K, (i kallier, Wui svii.nj., r i nerrv, . M K inter, 1 X Brr .v. Samuel kuder, .1 M Reynolds. C K i.t jiu...!s, ,rn..I.: anK.tiKlon, Hetirv Tk. P Soiiler. ' X ti;kiii, r I.V....I, l- : Thm ...... nr.aKr. U has I erh. W S s.,1,1.., u-... .. WOrid (tuximr nrtrB ..' U,e u,i,"n' ' '""!. V Vandehev. TIi.k Mnrf!. ti ' ""u:" , ",r' "alter I-. Itcard . c uecnjiieH mii Lsolatotl ceil ' J 1111 licit.. Um K.Iie, II B Lanchev "Well, there's oue tulujr nl-..ut Xti rltoh hen always ready to confess liN fauto." "Nonsense: AVhv. hS f, flug about lliig Bif umdf.- tlf course. That's tnr ir" i.i.ii- dulpbU Pres. "We Wcint Your Pioneer Harness Shop A M CAM III. f,..,. (Miht as v lv jil.iiu a'.,.;;! it.. Au iu ixj.uii. will j;ie vim Ivtti-i hw h-t m,.;,, - t li.ui you can ;et clscwlmc. Wily? (tir cu n ..'s ate !i. -hut; m, v.aur tent; no city ui; n.. suu- a iu; t:.. t !, , I !,;.,.. t r i ii oti live in tins; u :ti;tv iu' kli can serve j-ou Ivtur aiui s.iu- i 1 1, . .. .. i ...hi an i. lie else. This isn't ,iir. c'onic iu .ui.i i .mr p. ami 10 eonviiueil. Due ui tiu- iai.vs; s;,.;. that ic !aniu - l Gcnord! Mori ini:i(ii( Iu the county. The Itm y prices are what count. .'.".is ai, i! tlu- I . i U i "- We U'lieve i is facti if m seiliiiy, th it vju- , ntii, uu. So iTiucin'ier tint a!! i; U, I'liui. tiling that is not will make it riht. iirs for ii jj IHmI, Rowell Bros. & M HOI IS. OKKiOS !UT. 1, ..ll . ! v III an. I we omewlwt Uk that of au old titno her mlt. save tliat It l.iveinnrt. coatracted. uud DlJUo,iy Coru3 ,,t,,r wane n9 la ..j In hu pMlm Altert Si.'arins. W II ,r,l,- i l-.:. I .vtien;iL'S. Ant.m M,,.,c,... i i- ' P N ..n.'er.andet,, II Vandomelrn. Geo aU.t,,,,,, A j a,iellt.v ,., a. i.uv, x rc.i mie, B I-; JI(,r tnil Tk . l'""eui wbloh he is eond.,.m.a , , ? rt i t '. .i ' V. F Diem I, no i.i .mi , r 4 j.u.m Lii .1. 1 I i'riii . . quarters occunfed ,e this ra.i... run. J,.ii in.. . ; .. l" TL'? ' ,,lDy b0UM- Whlcl1 lKlt al-" " SCrerw.'aia, V kulli, The etateof Oreaon can not throw too many safeguards around the Dankmg system, and tbe Oregoniin is to be commended for its intelli gent effort, prior the last merino ' of the leeieliture. fur A et.lnlo ' j coyenng safety to depositors. III timeJ speculation has ruined many mall holders of money, when they Had their nest egg placed in some liAnt. nn 1 - !L I 1 u., iwiuuBioiy sound, and yet rotten, through gross miBmanage i reent, that may. alter all u BA;,l .. . ' nave naa nothing to do with crimi- jmi inieni. cut it is well, how- . j ever, to have a law that will nnt . only close a hank when over tbe r Bafetyjme.but that will carry pun ! 1 hnent for reckless investments, t . i when other nennlca' nn... : .u. . , I , I u.r,,C 1B Wj0 mouve power, lUOSt tin on 1 11 . ..... .. - "'i. nil a rioor space not more than ali g.juare fWL Stand ing by Itself, at leant shiry jnrdH feota an otber atructtire, the little buildim? le Of wood, of the Nlinpleat liimahuil.le i i. up, th finaneial l.isw would t fllmnt 811. a point of aouie Importance Inas much as Ira to oae corwlderable qtiantltleH of explo Te In the busiueMS which engoi'c nta attention, fur a romuii candle is n ort of mapazhie or repeating K.m With a paper tule for a barrel and balla of Are for projectiles." 8h Knew Him. Mrs. K. hud eucHiHil u f,Ji.iii oM ain-d c.ilcnM n..,an ... .. i.j in. k.llllt. kouiwleanliiK. DiiHuk tl.e progress A Colored Ullin cam.. .,l,.n,r t...- ijr.u tJUV Ony last week and wanted work, nod I let bliu waoh aoine wl.,ii....u i..,t . - ' " "ui ue Old not do the work at nil well." "What f lookln' uian was he'" asked the helfwr. ''Well. Le WHS U l.l Iln.nn rn,., ana he hua but um. .t uui.i -.-v. ..v nutu U.U( HiS 1.11 m n- n .i 1m.... . ., . nuiw. vcre Dour " VIA. "I specs be did, lady, lie's du wub' ao 'oouut In lls town." "Oh, tben you know him''" "Know -lui? Why, lady, Is ma!nirl to'lmr-racliitE,. A Litarary Man. "May I ... ,. fwlend?" asked a fashionable youn man at a recent dance. "Ue 1m u lit ewawy inao, yuu know." "indeed:" exclaimed his piu-uier. ' H sent t ie Kwlety News lleltel, R Kulli, J.'raljk s,., w s LoiiKworth W C Schneider, Henry i 'iw! ctpS' A1U'rl Vando.neleii, , ,"Vl,' "m ' iker, John t'ahl- Wtll, fl.llll C,j!l.-t,ic V If I..-:i. ... '.or,,, Martin Cuene, Rene J.i'. l.utison. .lolm II Kessltr, J A Xtwhanser. Ilert Kri-Uv, W II Caskill ' .eo .scl,,,i.,d. r, l'rit Spat, I (1 KirU, I) ..nrvC..v Jesse J Heard. C K Brown, I. V"i"'f. 'I.irry Jortall, John To !i,;i. it may roncern: Notice is hen-bv viv.-.. tin.. .1... i. - . , . o- ...... ins iiiiiivr- 'Kiie.i will on Uchavlav the 4tli day of , i "1 '."' mj u uwk a. m.ol tlmt ' L. V- 1 SI) rilllMl. ,,...1 1 W i f llllJU-l llllll IIIMII I W li'in.-rs in il.nrv l'r..ri.,.-i a'-.i.:.... C in,., " ; " I""."-" ..c Kaii'.n, to tlie toimty C.urt of tl.e ,r HiiVJ ," K"; f"r Wwhi"Kt"n County, Z , , '' " w.,Ku, ami at sai.l time 'i ..... c n SK 111:., a ........... i. - iiied to the uii ersiiriu-d a.,,i. ipiritno-is, vinous and malt li,,i'iors in . ......... .1 II.. t . . ..' -' .' ' asriiiiKt(,n I oiitity. Or I or a jK-nod of one year from the dale ,,f .... '"'"a... e c. .1CII H.lli (I tills Jcth dav i.f !.,!.. """Ki ' a.. Miller. i ..i: ... a '"'Xlcy ifi arc. Attoriii-i.. f.., 1...1. ..mis. ' 'll 11 I I I I T - r i I I I t t 1 Co. - - - " I w v. K-J ,1 1 I M 1 wi nwi a ajaaayiai Tr"tn a 1 m ILij W7c roa Qorhn or Wy- . .... " J.. 1 It., CYRUS NOBLE ,W, k .. - I ... I. . .-. -.-, ,, I . 1. I . ,. 1 hi lfc,L4 '" '-a , ' ' '! ' ' ' " l.W I.A, COQUET (50527) Tlu- IVrclirron Stallion. Iinportfd From I rani t- in Jimr, 1)05. IS j: . . WAIUI f OK Mil HI -OH mm; Friddy, Auqust M) C'i.!..r, l.'.uk, witJj iu !'..! !it..l(l; ,.; .1.. hjiiius In;;!.. I-'. Apnl ,. Cl',,iir Mill Ifuhc,,,, f., Is in,'o! !,v il,c iVnhc.uSv inly 1. 1 An, 1 iu. 1 as ,,.. .j .tf. Will Su,nl Snn of 1907 11 Follows, Will Lo in Mini ,.ly m home !..uii f Hcnn.ui Cl.i kc, '"""l' "'i!M.i , of lMll;U1v. Tail snll.M,,,,. J.!,lC. ,'il!rr, fS; to llistnv, . :llt Tfriii: Siti;;! if Wc arc now !. ,nu; !.;!.;;., in our new Mm.' on s,A , , street, when- uv v. t, iiiect all our fouiicr ;'ili.,u rind evci)'!.oi1v . ! -. w 1 1 te. hit 1: ' ci u . at limtK' liai ti. 9 I Manager The Den ol Sweets 1 M 3 i; 3 ' y i t, t t jt , M M k t , , M , AJminiBtralor's Notice 1 The New York World .Hv. "nd theed,tal1 aotiJtiif."-Tit "What is a rlc,nnn..9)) t . 1. - ".uv.ii 11 ol me -r, . . . . . ... .. 'I I HI urI rauh. ' mAH. 'AMlv ...... 1 1 - "KeallT." 8al,l NH..i. ,.. . ..... '.i.iua a Ut of the iruentB ti.u 1 ; er,iifii.-.l m tl. .,w ),.e f R y ZJa .J" e truestH at the puhty, loiym- in ilillHhoro, Ur..Kon,o.. m l and the milinli nu.,....i 1. . .p, iv.....;. r .. ,.'"t v" '" FARM FOR SALE cwtlj, "Ifaj eawy enough to make mou- Yes," reulled the count, .... -v . . . 1 ...-I u .1- n.n.l.J..J,. 1.1.... ., i liYl . 1 . .. I """U""). "in me iroul.Jti Is to j v,,o .aim iur unit),' une 011; y n into circulation. - I'liiladoluhia i nui vb uiiuor 1 1 1 1 1 w : iihihi. na nnnH i a itm. i liaeture: no limher r l.l.-.- r.'. t... . mho irom witcn Hazel station' exception to the Rule. N.ili.'c i I , . r (-1 . v i.iv..n ih.o ii ... .... ., ; j t'ot or ine ri.iiri- a . . i. ami cniertM ,,n the first . ... v. u.1,.1. appoinlfl.! tt.lii.ii, i, irai-.r ol ti;c .-.fate of .f)i,js Vandec.,.,,,. mjf, ileceds".!. Mini all i...r,...u ........... I claims atiaimi said Kstat.. are liercl.y no iilied to ,n.ei,t lli KH...e, t.elher'witli .... ,.,.,,, ...n ii.TM inereioie, to tin. un ..t. .Kn. ., in i, ,f. ofllr-e of K. B Cl- KA '-n I a Near Bcaverloih Orocont Conducted 1,y the Sisters of St. M.-.rv. I , -lU,l i,, a most healthful district, cleu-i, i;,,;.:, ,, ,,t VI " laud, on Southern Pacilie, -,t ;.k; j...,1 accessible oy convenient railway scfcedule ';i!d jugs new and furnished will, all .....k ru' ,1 ' lences . Spacious grounds and spevial laeiliiy for physical culture, outdoor and cxenis-s Course of Study is thorou,,,, eompr,si, r,,,,,.,,.,' grammar, Acadgnncand ContnuT. ial Di'oarlinen s' Best attention in niusie, ;ir, anr, 1K.,flU.r;(,lk "ls' Si Hill (& Grills PAINTKKS unci DUCOKATOKS We duuo,k in all iiu. sof i.aimi,,,. auddeenialine, will iMiaranne , w,k. We also carry a ',,n ,,"' Wall 1'aiK f, I'aits V:uni.she.s,()ils, fU'.,t j.riivs iliat ;ue SlmpaiidMoi, oltosi,, l'a)m. Ilros." livery haul Main St., nt r Third, IlilNhoro ; I I y'uapwa. llllll- fore ?i mouthy fnim , (,. i.-,....- lJate.1 this 1st day of AiiRUft, A l. I'K'I'Kl! VANI)K(,OKvi.'iN(i A . I in 1 1. isl rati.r. School re-opens wsday, Seir.ilier Kllli I'or Catalogue apply lo SISIfK SUM WOK, i!everlo,.,-((o. f nnr milna frnm Mnni. o-t ' Yo' rtadliur of a heroine- wli k:,v . "li , . . JU V v" ru.nuiB- train . ruoiu uouee; IWO DangOOa Water, wn(r o er a alender brlJKe In tin,,, jiwoweus. Th e ie fine for dairv ... ,rsm; ttraOtB. If BOld B00i, goes for $80 T" J""'! L" ;tei;K"l--nd here it comes, , per acre. Abstract :'to date goes S.I ;rr With dAArl Afttaaa n. ..II I I fJ htw. HinX: n TouIJ hoi. o,p, wh0 WM By a muscular younir imiv wun ,.u. '" I WMn.,l,. 1.1 1 : i ni.ui.ivru uiin out; wade Armentrout, of near ."l,h0T two upi";rcuti" '' Notice to Pairons School District 4:5. N.iti,'.. 1h Ii,.,,.,v given Hint tlio School ......... ... Lionel rt.,, Li, WHuliiiirtHM I utiiitv.,,,i ii-;n ' ... the wild ..!,io.,l DiHirirt. front ilnt hereof umn ..-,i.!ilii,,.r 1, i:r7, Hrhool llistrict ;iria,,IM in ll.u umh. ,. i ;., rr, .1, .irij. iiiatiin.M of iron, f.vj npuHrd, Hiiiil wur- 1 "' ..u'-resi 111 in." rale of li ner uiiiiiii.i. nr.. I ,l:n I, ... l..... t MM,;,li,in to ins...; hhkI wurrantK, tnakinir . .. , jmia..r , ,,,1 iwohiiu inrfw year. prefci (-m e, Lui , iamt ,m fui ullml j .. .. p...'imi iiiiith win 1 rw-eived ,'n,in l.'iriies r'rf.i.liiiK elAPwhcm. l'rMrti-e f 11 rrrhn h rs of warrant will llintn.'t LWrk, Ilillsljor.i, Orii,, It, K. i)! li'.' .Jl'.lfr I'.i.ur.t ..f T.I......1 ... V.U.1 , 11.1. .11 . ..l.U tl.... . f .111. 1.1 ,, . ' . ' : v.. .HUB, BI.II ........ , ,,,, , nujllHr li),. OiUlB, was in lOWn tfiie mommg. And at tha end you will not fall to Ket iuiwaru minoemoyer and Uhae. "Then .. Mtd wayr ftbwn ho-. an,l tl0r .i ' iCostur. of north of RHrill . . . ' i V ' .P a?(1 ctt'e :o town this oornlng, b.vinV . " ".3 n ,('I'h' . Jaidftf tl. k'nJl uL-.J1.- Around the ribbon count.r h- .m. avf rt'". J. fr. HajneB. incemoyer, tSe oale baring been ah. ZZTinT vort knA flght. ! lf ou ffa,r:t ? K'1 velvet talcum , i.ojwkiuj, nir. rvOBlur 11168 I !Vfi, ' "l lno .-'regon, and my stay, buying m " no ,rnu,rui i ' ntrraacy T Building Mcsteria! We have just received a larc shipment of Shin files Umt, Ceiiicut, Urick, iM.e l!, i(k, v, f. c Sand, Gravel, 1-ihered and Unfilled i', ll' hec our prices before !myiK elseu here'. Climax Feed Store W. I. CATE & SONS Kofiislorcl llrrelord Oilllo. ((lesd,,lo rses, l''lui(l Cliiim Hoqs, Shropshire Sheep nd Aftfjor! Oodts H-,";1-ni;,:;L,N!!:.;;:;;'rliMl',k,i,,k '" r,u, ll'-m.livi.lnal,,,,. . "',," 1 ' S' 1 '""I"'- i-.ii.lh-si of r.t. '""I O...I.., ,.IU., ' ,"K, I-ti.. ally umI'uI lo I'-rili.' "' thorooihU r, I I "" '" "lr Wllli.inrltf Vullry '"I l"i ...Hli- a 1 1 1 1 1 . I,v mi' 'in lirnil Ilium I'llll. ll. , hii-l t , v C tit i '' f'Ml oil UI.I) fo Iioi as, U'll- inllv,: I )', .lir.M l''J,""' l,v 1 Kn..wlo,,(,..,a,l A Yoiinq Clydestlolc Stallion I" Tvue to a few marcs; to insure. n"';;C 71 J;u'h r.,r sale, l-asturc for all slock hrccdiii., ,,t roas..nalde prices. Bold Pin.,, ,'S ' " : ' k r m mm mm ar WEINHARD-S ,. , of all Beers. liy Medicinal Use At W. V. WILEY'S mi mewuere el. . . i "Than ai faintd MYr i r0ni mt 4n . j T -iL-i. . . -ooenvtr hwumicm. ArE" n'l Pacific Monthly, $1 50 f i 1 : s5