Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1900)
HILLSBORO ARGUS, FEBRUARY 8, 1900 xxxxa-xxxxxxicxifa Al f AUitllT VaJ W fc L'i kill v n i lliiiTCMillLI Two Masked Men Entered his IIouno Saturday. ! TNEFtVkUEK COVEK Wf lARUFSS .n Thin In tin Svcond Tle Svhirchcli ha , 4 lkca Kwbkc. f iitut Saturday viniuu, afUr dark neaa approached, two masked men iUrd lh homo iif VeinM Hclir hlt, wW-f ridiw nmtr Cdar Mill. nml roUwd U h i ' rly forty dollar. v SoheroMI't hired man waa jrwi- nt but ih intni'lora notified thwit that objection wuuld weot wilti hot! from IN MVolveri the otil- lawt carried, and UU juil4 re balance. The int." then buiul chenclill and the man h(i work for him. Mr. Schwclwll, who b lame, waa alio threatened, hut the husband inlerjmed, Having "She it latin, and can d" nothing " To this on of t h e robber a i d, "I know that," clearly showing that he wat not a alraiiRc U that at-cl-ion. The men then proceeded to take the money, 20 dollar in gold and mum silver and fractional cur rency, and wade good their ec.i. tH-herchell wa roblx-d of over 1100, several month ago, and witliin a few feet of where the rohber found the money taken, waa several Y hundred dollar which they did not find. L Mr. Soherchell U alwut 70 yearn v . .. i l ... - i, ..I., r... oi ago, ami nas a imnv imm on the Celar Mill. Heaverdam. There it' no clue to the rohlwra, allho' every effort I Iwing made tu find theiu , They t'Kik aievolver with them and tbi may load to Iheir dt-tection. Five Dollar Reward For delivery of etray w; 3 yer 4d. nuKt; f Jereey; crop off left er and elil in right ear; bluish brown, with um v tft on Mly. 5u iioced to hve been fruili in July, II. V Four mile N. K. n( UIiic.; 4illiie addrnni,' ti!encH, Or." POLlfiCAtTNOTES. In reone to a call by tin) utiimi Xwuiive eoihiHiitrv. i"rv nreiiifl the v. ve one, ih rHirt- i Itv l-tttr nf i-rmni in a wet- Jlg lieiil Ml IMUCMV w.mriiay auer. 4IOOII fur till! UroHH ill 'i I'lillltf tin I'.MK) c.ij,i:iigii i lie nn-itiijt whk ' .if silver republican. )ii- ll-U an I Uiiinerat. t tin- niuiotiily dTid'.i lii wi-rk fir ' tin- Mon dull in erh pm-inel, and to hold a maea county convenlion to nominate a county and legislallvf ticket. While no date aaa et, the ntinint tceiuud tn If) for an early convention and thorough rauvaee. The HilUboo Republican Club flulurday evening elated ollicere a follow: I'rcaident. K. B. Tongue; vice Vrefiilenbs W. ,V'.' W iley. J. A. Thornburg and Jihn It'. WilliK; ec retary and treasurer, K. MeCorui ick. Ktal Eatate Tranafer. NKs W WUnii by ahfTto Alliance truit ICo Lid H5 nee 14 t I r I W....I1501 Anton Murencli to (irrtude l'lippen bdnstejtiiiiliwue X p C Brown and wf to C C Ulllott n Hltii HCnilil r 4 w anu other land ajo C C Klliott to E C Bruwn tame is above Donald MeMiilsu and wf W C Rein ecke a e sec 19 1 a n r 4 w (ck 1 a) v.. A J WlrU to J J Wlru part It 1 blk 5 forest Grove ' Alinorsn Hill to P M Hill 1X4 7 a A Hill don Chaa Wall to L I. Davidiwn n w X aoo 5o 300 a X KC3Jtnn w 450 Win Hanson to K C Hanson 11.93 Peter Swank don 190 SRL McCortmck to Louis 1 finue I gan b a sec 19 1 jar 1 w 65 S "nnant Hale 6t shoe, now and ' style, cheap, at .Sob ul merich & .in. Sr Resuhtr service Chriatiun church Sunday; morning n d evening. ! . .. i:i.n:... ..e ii... a evening: me reuiuimy i i yft5criptures." All ate welcome. Do not fail to go to the, .Wen tine Ball at the Opera House, Feb. 14th. Ticket, 5 0 cent, "tuppcr .... f l. ....... I... ...... nun. Iejlira. Bimilllir luny uo jiiiivui ed al hull. The women of the ChriHtian I - I U .. 'II ...... .... I. vliuroil win wirvo oyoioi: uuy, vnno and coffee. Thurcday evening, Feb 22, from 5:30 to 7 o'clock;. Thone refreshment will he curved for 25 cent, All are invited. Next Sunday, Rev. II. Oberg I will present the following subjects in the Methodist church; tn the morning: "Living in the right Kle ment;" In the eveniilg; "The great Mystury." Kvervhodv will find a icordial welcome at thorns services. A tVlMMl.llllff it I ' nua iliety of Hillnloro in a'IM for Tuea iday, Feb. 13, at 2:!i() V. M. at - the residence of Mr. S. B. Huston. p e 0 i a 1 business of Importance. p-F u 1 1 attendance reijuested, Mrs. I. B. fusion, Pres. A . The verdict of the coroner's jury that iuventigatfi the death of ThoiiiH N Corni'liiis, which occur ed near (tb'iicoe, IVcenilxT, 20, wa uiado public today. It wa to the ell'ect that deccawiil, who' wa com monly known a 4 Unberl" came to hi death "from cuh unknown to the jury, but which, after full in vestigation, wa have satixfhtd onr-' selves indicate that no crime line been committed, "The jury at lirst decid ( that dtx'eii'fd coiiiinitti'd suiride by taking poison, but us the stomach was not examined, the jury was not aatisihd with the ver-j diet. T h e coroner resummoned the jury January ii, and condition being still turns tisfat'tory, another session was held January 17, when the verdict today given out was! agreed tipo i. It was further agreed thill in Ciise evidence shedding fur slier light on the case should be diwovercd in the trunk of the de ceased, which the coroner wa di rected to send for and examine, Wiii should not stand as lh jury's verdict. No further evidence being found, the verdict wa made public. Forest (i rove's corresHndt'iit in yesterday's Oregouian. Talk about shoes for men, women and children if you donl believe 11, Wehruug Si Hon have the most complete line in the city you should go and satisfy yourself. Also a few oilds left over, regardles of cost, if we can only lit you. Cbiue and see us. Citizens who desire to vote at the next general election should re member the new regis! r law. You have only until the 15th of May in which to get on the registry Issues, without which you will be unahle to vote even for road suer visor. If you have ever taken out citizen's papers and lost or mis placed them, start in at once, so as to gut copies of the papers in lime to register before the Inuks close. For the next thirty days II. We ri lling & Hues will make the follow ing M'duclion in I, nl its and gents' mackintosh: ' Present price, t.100, reduced to 2.40; M.50 value, reduced to 2 W; fl 00 VMlue, to 1:1.20; I.VOO value, to 1.00; 0, to .V Dr. C. I,. Large was down from Forest (irove yesterday and gives the information that Austin Craig's trials and tribulations 111 Wash ington county may he rewarded by receiving an appointment in school work at Manila, I'liillipiue I binds Mr, Cniig, ha says, rxpet ts to leave fur the Orient el any time in the very near future and cntummice Ins woik of "In n vuli ill iissiiniliitioii." For sale or trade: 75 acres furiii iih Hillslxiio or I'ortlaud for a market. (i0 sen under 11 1 u w. liniid lioiice, Imrli and nulliuildingK. Will eel I for cash or trade for uioihi-r farm more suil.iMe for running stiK k. Inquire ut Altius olliee. T. ('.' JohiiHoii and f nir of his broilier liavii made arrangements to purchase the sawmill nfC. W. Hendricks, snua eil near uloomtiig. The hoys will ciimmeuce cutting this week, ami as there are nearly enough of he partner to make a lull crew, tliey should do very well. Mr. Hendricks expects to retire to his farm !efore many weeks. Now in thu lime to get your sub scription on it cash in advance basis and take advantage of the Auut's cluhlung rate. 1 iik Amies and Oregoniaii, or line A ho us and Ex aminer, cash in advance, 2.00 per year. The Hillsbnro Used A Cornet Band i s making rapid improve' moot In execution these days and ly be able to give a more extensive repertoire, bas sent after and re ceived about fifty dollars' worth of the latest band music. I he. boy are assiduously practicing and will soon lie ready for campaign ue mojvds. This is now the only fully organized band in the county. Don't fail to got one of those K. N. F. Co. suits while their stock is complete in all sizes, nt 'I. Well rung & Sons. Also splendid line of overcoats. No trouble to (it. vou and no trouble to show you our lines. Washington county is well rep resented in the Farmer's Congress held at Sale ai this week. Thos, Paulsen, of Uarden Home, spoke on "Co-operative lnuuelry; l)r, James Withyoomh, 0 n ""Animal Husbandry as a Factor in buccess ful Agriculture;" arid W. II . Well rung, the president 0 f the state board, mentioned in n n 0 1 h e r column. . Size doesn't indicate quality Uewari of counterfeit und worth less salve offered for DeWitl'a Witch Hazel Salve. DeU'itt's is the only original. An infallible cure for piles and all skin desenBes. The Delta Drug store, , The body of John Spurring Jr was received at Greenville Monday and the remains interred at Ver boort cemetery yesterday.' Those of the Oregon volunteers from this county who were present at the funeral, wore: A. Stephens, Chas, Herb, Alh. Spiernngs, Harry Hells el and Hoy Latham. , Taxpayera outside of city limits will not tmy over if Bo tax this yet where they paid 1.00 last, year A higher levy does not always mean higher taxation. 1 Ills governed by the assessment, which this year is 25 prr cent lower than that of last year. Hay for sale, loose or baled ; east of Hillshoro; E. H. Warren. fl iwpiiTCi n liV 1 1 WHshinKton Co. Will Save Considerable Interest. 0 V V. K TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS. Hack tax will Amount te over Seven Thousand Dwllurs. ho recent decision of the Oregon Supreme Court denying the State the right to collect interest on tax- s unpaid by Marion county will affect Washington county consider ably. When the State, through it Attorney General, brought suit gainst this County for 7, 113.08, principal of taxes delinquent, he asked for interest which a year ago aggregated 2,124.22, and which at the present time w-uld aggregate nver The Marion county case is identical with our a to merits, and the county will now lie free from paying interest unless it shall fail to pay the tax before a judgment is given the slute. Farm For Sale. ifty acre farm for sale; slightly rolling; good bam, 50x51, built two ears, cost f-100; fair house, 18x28; other buildings; good brick well; running water year routiu; good irehurd; 25 ai re cleared; resteHsy to clear, 10 years slushed; five acres Standing live fir timber; eight miles from IhllHhoro, and only ten miles from l'oriland. Will sell cheap. nquire of L A. Long, Aunt s olliee, or at the farm. C. Hanskn, Bethany, Ore. PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will sell at public ale, 111 llillchoro, on baturduv, February 17, 1!'00, at 1 p. in. the following personal properly: 1 hree work Horses. Two wagons, wide and small tire. One Refrigerator and numerous other tools and articles. Terms; I0 und under, cash. Over !(), nine month's time, an- pr Ved note ol H per Cent. F i v e M-r cent off for cash over f 10. S II. lit MI'HHEYS. 1'. Cohnki. its, Auctioneer. Chowning McLeod. Married: A the home of ihe bride's parents, at Dilley. . S. 1W0I, Mr. S.inmel Choiuiing und Miss Kihel ci.eud. TllK Anuls extends con gratulations to this Mipular ynting uple. Highest market price for l!nr auk potatoes at cnulmerich A Son. Clerk linhrie received fees for January, 113 35; Recorder Jack, 158.70. Miss Minnie Spaulding, of Port- laud, is in the city this week, the guest of Mr. anil Mrs. Cady. Go to V, J. Barber, Second Street, for a neat shave or hair cut. Satis faction guaranteed. Fine bath room in connection. W. H. Wehrung, president of the slate board of Agriculture, is in Mulu), this week, where he has been doing '.he Capital city, rep resenting the state fair al the con grea of farmers. John Heisler, of -Gales Creek, was in the city yesterday, en at lendunt at commissioners' court A. Eddv. of Tualatin, was also a county court visitor. Ten head work horses for sale; weight from 1,200 to 1,400 lbs, Also 1 fresh milk cow. Inquire of II. A. Ruble. 1 i miles west of Hills boro, on Baseline road. W. A. Finney, who has lived in Hillsboro for manv years, will soon move to Tualatin, where he will go into the blacksmithing business He is an excellent workman and w ill do well in that location. Wm. Hendershott. now of Port hind J but formerly of Newburg and McMtunville, was in the city the tirstof the week, looking over the hop situation for the A. J. Luce Company. : The Hatchet appeared last week the first time sinco Dec. 28. The name of J. II. Dolslrtim appears as editor and proprietor. In his tare- well one ot ratti s kind, no doubt) Mr. Craig waves the bloody shirt as a reason for public support. Thh literary meeting of the Ep woith League will be held Friday evening at the home of R. H. Greer, Longfellow's great poem, "Hiawa tha" will lie discussed All young people interested itr4itrfrture -are-cordially invited to be present. Special levies of cities and school districts follow: City of . Hillsboro, 10 mills: Forest Grove, 10 mills; Iteaverton, 2 mills; rchool districts: No. 2, ljuiills; 3, 5 mills; 7, 10 mills; 8, li mills; , 2 mills; 11, 71 mills, 14, H mills; 15, 6 mills; 16, 2 mills; 24, 3 mills; 26 Jt., 17 mills; 27, 8 mills; 28, 15 mills; 20, 2 mills; 43, 3 mills; 53 Jt., 124 milis; 57, 1 mill; 58, 1 mill; 61,5 66; 10 mills; 79, 3 mills; 80, 24 mills; 96. 3 mills; 100, 10 mills und 103, 3 mills. T. J. Bramel write from t !i e Rosebtirg Soldiers' Home: "I ar rived here right Vide up with care, finding my old friend O. I). Camp bell and David Hice both well and happy. I find this a brighter Home than 1 expected. We have" Reveille al 0;'J0 a. ni ; breakfast at seven; dinner at 12:1 0 and upier at 6 p. m ; Taps, at 9.00, lights out. Our board equal that of any Rood hotel and our beds are first class, with nice clean linen. All the buildings, are situated on a 40-acre tract. There are 2 acre in strawberries and about 8 acres in a peach, pltnn, prune, apple, mulberry and small fruit orchard. "O. D. C." tells me that these trees beir the ft n e s t peache he ever ale. As I set in my quarters, writing, I can see tiiliks, carnation and cowslips in bloom. I am highly pleased with the Home, and the officers are more than comdderate. Messrs CainidielL, Rice and myself send our kindest regards to all Hillsboro people. John Heisler, who about a year ago conceived the idea of a Portland-Gales Creek motor line, via Hillsboro and Forest Grove, says that he is receiving many commun ications from Portland and eastern capitalism relative to the matter. The project wa to have the line built along the main thoroughfare between the two points and have some sort of arrangement" whereby gravel could be furnished the rail line in return for delivery of gravel along the line of the route for such purposes. That the motor would be a paying proposition from the start, is generally conceded and that it would give us an opportunity to gravel our roads in good shape at an economical figure seems very probable. Mr. Heisler says that he is still willing to put some mon ey in the proposition and that cap ital will sooner or later take up the project. The city council met Tuesday evening and audited and orderd paid: Thos. Gheen, salary as mar shal, 121 00 and Hillsboro Light & Water Co.. January service, etc., 105 25. An ordinance was passed ordering all sidewalks in need of repairs to at once be fix-id. The action on street improvements on Second ami ltitselitie was conlinoeii u.lll ll, nutl .Hinnr.wwl milin I -v """6t rtu. n. The famous suit wherein J. X. Card ner seeks to recover a . horse from Muse lliri-ehey, which the lat ter iioiiuht ni Linton, is being tried for the third time before a jury in Justice Smith's court, IihIiiv. I'Ii- cai-e is a peculiar one, and M'tracls much Mitel. tluij, Hi the Linton c.i- . 1 1 1 1 ...... 1 pinnate Mini many non-es 1.1 ims vicm, y, ,1m nci. uey u,M pur j ... .1 ...t.:..i. . 1 1 uifvi en i-1 01 1 lid iiiniitii III,?. , i 11 isp has gone to the jury. YHMt'id.iv and t.ubiv i'.h f,tmiv (Nillrl lid. Im.hii !.i'!lLit,r u-illi rn:iil i, and as a result, several hundrul dollars will go into circu lation. Ihere aie now over 5 0 supervisors, but next year there will be but 21, one for each pre cinct, ll will take nearly 12,000 to pay laet year's fcupcrvisorships. A.T.Knox was down from Forest Grove today, settling his account, as Supervisor, with the cotintv court. When nskid as to how lite Forest (5 rove postmaster- ship was going, Mr. Knox suddenly closed as still as ach.m, but gave it out that he was still in the race, just to see how long he could stay. Richard Perkins is up from his ranch today and buys that in the 48 years he has traveled over country roads, he believes the pres ent condition is the worst. Mr. Perkins was a witness in the fam ous Hirschey Gardner horee case. County Superintendent Ball states that he expects to make an apportionment of school money some lime in April, but may not get funds with which so to do, un til May, as all depends on how early collections of tax commence. , Dr. F. A. Bailey has purchas ed, at sheriffs sale, a one-half in terest in Ihe finest brick block in the city, for the sum of 14010. Dr. Bailey already owned the other half, and this was the foreclosjre instituted, which culminated iu the sale. Laurel hopgrowers, who have not sold their 1899 product, are this week shipping 178 bales to the Hop Growers' Association to be handled by that institution. The hops have been, s i n oe harvest, stored in the Masonic building. . The endeavor of the Christian church will give a Valentine Soc ial at the Crandall Hall o n the evening of Wednesday, Febuary 14, Refreshments served at 5:30.' Val entines for everybody. Admission, inoludiug refreshments, 15 cents. Chas. True, of Middleton, is in the oiiy on supervisor business and gives us the Bret encouraging re ports of road conditions. He saya theast week has seen a great change for the belter. Washington county is hone red by the recent state league of repub lican club. One ex-railroad com missioners nominated another ex railroad commissioner for vice and he was triumphantly elected. The Hillsboro Native Sons last Thursday evening entertained the cabin of Native Daughters, The numbers were speechmaking, a musical program and a delightful spread at the close. UPtf Sum Total Will Exceed That of Last Year. AKOl'T THKEE T HOLS AND DOLLARS. In Warrant Will be Ordered Drawn for Tear'a Woik. This is road supervisor month and the county court has been buy auditing claims for supervisor sr vices for the year 1800. The amount paid is somewhat great er than last year and will aggregate about $3,000. The claims are aud ited as follows: I E A EMv... I 86 00 a A S Ford 29 50 I)B Ruirick 60 00 4 Chun Johnson 5H 15 6 F M Hill 36 00 7 E K Wood 72 00 8 Ferd Groner 74 00 0 Andrew Johnson loo 00 10 C W Allen 80 00 II Jas Rasmuiken 63 00 ri And EKKiman 14700 13 Peter Nelson 47 00 14 J J Vt'ismer 8j 00 15 P II BaUKhman 76 00 16 W L Balchelder 50 17 Wm Baley 48 00 iSJBMcNew 8000 19 Hubert Bernard 30 00 io Andrew T Kno 258 00 21 Win Wilson 35 00 22 John Heisler 74 00 23 A B Todd 64 00 24 M W Patton.., 6 00 25 Ja Cummings 4300 26 Harry Ball. 5200 27 Ed MuDot . II 00 2S Henrv David 81 00 2)N A II Meek 33 00 30 C W James 0 Ml 31 Ham Orndiiir. 50 00 32 Jolin A J Jobnson 5200 33 L, F Larsteni 71 00 34 Clias True 72 00 35 Henry Hot;refe 50 25 36 Cbas Scbamburg 56 00 37 J S Robinson 5200 38 J A Chapman 38 00 3V Wm Burner 4100 WT It Davis JS 00 41 Tho Kmeriek 40 CO 42 Rodert Service 46 00 43 John Loftis 30 00 44 itertliolil l,uck 3800 45 J J lle.icliam 28 00 46 Jolly Oillisoi 20 00 t7 T U juliiiwm 00 4" !!","m"n UilCon . 22 15 49 M H It llaycock 29 00 50 H W Turner 44 ob M 1 C flutter... 24 00 52 David Wenger 56 00 51 FMKclsey 90 00 51 J C SiniH-k M 11O V) John liulivrt .Jit 00 56 llirmaii Baker 37 00 57 Fiank Pclerzilka. 15 00 IMPORTANT ANOUNCEMENT. ti..,,..-!, . ...i-.-ka in the conv - " - - - r - )an,,,, jn t)3 d:lten of the Forest drove Farmers Institute, which will tiike place February 15 and 16 was nude to r.'nd, .March lo and tb Remember that the dates are Feb. 11 and 16. The meeting will be held iu Vert's Hall, and the program, (free for all) is: Feb 15 Morning. Address of Welcome Col. J. B. Eddy Response Dr. James Withjconib Paper, "Fruit rests,". Pro. H. R. Lake ReaditiK Selected. .. .Mrs. S. T. Crow A f tern 00 1 Paper, "Farm Manures". ,W. K. Newell Pbper, "Conservation of Soil Moisture" Dr. James Withvcomh Paper, "The Goat Industry, "Otto Parson Evening Instrumental Muric. .Walker's Orchestra Paper, "Willamette Valley Soils Miss Hattie Schofield Recitation Selected, Miss Bevva Nauftts Paper, "Pure Foods," bv State Ford Commissioner Hon. J. W. Bailey Feb. 16 Morn in e Paper, "Country Life" Mr9. A. B. Todd " "Household Economy" Prof. ., Margaret Snell Paper, "Home Problems Mrs Oila... Buxton Afternooti Paper, "Care of Milk" Prof. F. L. Kent " -"Forage Plants and Grass es" Dr. Withycombe Question Box Attendance bveninu Music WirU Grchestra Paper. "Wastes on the Farm" S.T. Walker Sone, Selected Mrs. Alice Pratt Illustrated Lecture, Dr. Withy comb and Prof Kent Recitations and Music Bring your iunch with you, i vou' wish as the Institute will pro vide a suitable place. There will be discussions innumerable, and music in profusion, not in this pro gram as published. Go and have a profitable time. The Argus sincerely sorry that the wrong date was given last week. Kemember February 15 and 16. The finest cuts of meat at Berst's, Finney building. Bom, Saturday, Feb. 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ornduff, of Laurel, a daughter. Forty acres of land ir. Southein Oregon: easily tilled; lo sell, or trade for team, harness and wagon. Enquire al this office. Mrs. Sylvia Tucker, of Albina, was in the city the first of the week, the guest of relatives.. Benj. Collins, of Fir, was in the ciiy this week, the guest of his brother, Captain A. M. Collins. Will Harrman, August Wedek ing, Wm. Bellingher and John Trontner have been admitted to citizenship by Judge Rood. For each $1.00 cash purchase you get a ticket entitling you to a chance on a 1900 model Columbia Bicycle at H. Webrung & Sons. Wm. Pointer, now employed by the State, at Salem, visited the first of the week in this city, returning Wednesday. While here he was llii. intact, nf li i o rlullahtor Mrfl I J-Iarrv Gault. The Gtencoe Woodmen have fin ished their preparations for their .masquerade ball, Monday- evening, retiuary , and they anticipate a great time. , The wives of the wood men are preparing the supper and you may dep nd upon it that Gleucoe women are Past Comman ders, when it comes to getting up a table Vou will have all you W;Mit for the inner dancers as Glencoe women are the world's equals in the culinary art. The boys have made arrangement fur plenty of stable m nn, and when once you are in Mays' Hall, Walker's orchis tra will start your feet going. You are invited out 1o have one of the ''old fashioned times.'' One big "16 to 1" dollar will buy your nun her and entitle you to supjo-r Spectator will be charged 25 cts Good ll'Kir managers have been chosen and there will lie the lies", of order maintained. Do not fail to go. "After doctors failed to cure me ot pneumonia I used One Minute Cough Cure and three bottles of it cured me. It is also the best reme dy on earth for whooping cough. It cured my grandchildren of the worst cases." Writes Jno. Berry. Loganton. Pa. It is the only harm less remedy that , gives immediate results. Cur s coughs, colds, croup and throat and lung troubles It prevents consumption. Children always like it. Mothers endorse it. The Delta Drug Store. Mrs. Nettie Olds-Haight, of Me- Minuville, gave a lecture in the Craiiuall Hall last Friday evening, her subject being, Practical Relig ion." Mrs. Haighl is a very pleas ant and forceful speaker and hand led religion from the standpoint of the liberal view. About 60 people were present one of the number being a minister. Mrs. Haight ad vances the religion of '"doing right because ii is right to do right," as against the religion of "doing right because of future reward. "I had dyspepsia for year No medicine was so effective as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It gave immedi ate relief. Two bottles produced marvelous results." Writes L. H. Warren, Albany, Whs. It digests what you eat and cannot fail to cure. The Delta Drug Store. The ladies of the Congregational church Monday evening tendered Mrs. J. C. Hare, who leaves today for Portland, a pleasant farewell surprise. 1 he evening was taken up with games, music und conver sation, light refreshments following Mrs. Hare was presented with a very handsome silver bon-bon re ceptacle in consideration of her pleasant relations with the church societies. W. S. Philpot, Albany, Ga , says, "DeWitt's Little Larlv Ristrs did me more gojd than any pills I ever took." The famous little pills f o r constipation, billiousness and liver and bowel troubles. the Delta Drug Store Mr. A. B. Clark, who several years ago resided in South Tuala tin, is up from Last Oakland, Cal., on a visit with his numerous friends in this section. When Mr. Clark leu mis city seventeen years ago, there was not a brick building in the town, except tne original court nouse. is o w a e can see sev eral of them. Lie will's witcn Hazel Salve is unequalled for piles, injuries and skin diseases. It is the original W itch Hazel Salve. Beware of al counterfeits.-The Delta Dru2 Store, The Forest Grove associated press correspondent reports that w m Moore, of Greenville, has sold 15,000 lbs. of hops to A. J. Ray Portland for 6 centa. Also, that E. W. Haines has sold 50,000, and Wm. Porter, I'OOOIbs., at the same price. It is said that the products were damaged by the wet weather, For the neatest shave or hair cut to be had in Washington county go to E. h. Colestock s Shaving Par lors, Main street, Hillsboro, Ore Finely equipped bath room con nected. Popular prices. C. K. Henry, one of Portland' prominent business men, was in th city last rnday, and made thi olhce a pleasant call. Mr. Henry has bee.i one of the level heade business men of the metropolis who has conaisotently fought against Simonism and all that the word implies. Eighty acres of unimproved land within a few miles of Greenville Easily cleared and will mak splendid dairy ranch. Running water on place. Will sell cheap. Enquire at Argus. Joseph N. Dolph Jr., a nephew of the late Senator Dolpn, was in the city Sunday, a guest at the Hotel iualatin. lie is a graduate of the Washington & Lee University, is engaged in t ie drug business in Portland, and is the only democrat in the Dolph family. The Argus is now prepared to give a club rate of $2.00, cash, for The Akgus and San Francisco Ex aminer one year. This is open for all who pay in advance. Lillie Meyer, of Cornelius, who was the other dav refused a divorce from Lewis Meyer, has filed another suit, and proposes to prove neglect and failure to provide by the ad missive evidence of the defendant at the last trial. Uncle Dan Phillips, of Cornelius, called in Monday and added to the financial strength of the Argus exchecquer. Cigars at F. J. Barber's, 2nd St. THE ARGUS FEBUART 1000 II 'Li I I 25 I I 6J 7 a i0 I 13 J4 15 16 I 11 I 20 I 21 22 jtt j 24 PKOFKSSIONAI.. F. A. BAILEY, M. D. Flifiilclan, Bnrgeon and Accoaoha Office in Ilillsfxjro Phm.a. b..i . deuce south-west corner Baseline and Second. All caU promptly attended day or night. a S. T. L1NKLATER, M. B. C. M., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Rtsidenca East of Court Hons JAMES PHIL LIFE TAMIESIE, . D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Consultation in French or English. Of fice and Residence south side of Main, near Odd Fellows' Buildine. Hillsboro . THOS H TONCOa. B ToMCnB noraaf THOS. H. A E. B. TOMGUE, AttoiVys-At-Law. Rooms 3 4 & 5. MorKan Blk, Hilkbor H. T. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW Deputy District Attorney tor Washing ton county. Office upstairs over Delta Drug Store. JOHN M. WALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office Upstairs, Bailey-Morgan Block. Rooms, 1 and 2. HILLSBORO. - OREGON. SMITH A BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW Notarial Work and Conveymcinf . Itoomse & 7 Morgan Blk., Hillaboro. Or W. N. BARRETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (.Successor to Barrett A Adams.) Office, Up Stairs, Central Block. HILLSBORO, - OREGON. DR. J. E. ADKINS, Fifteen years Experience in Hillsboro. DENTIS'I Firstclass services; Charge reasonable. Office, Union Blk. over Pharmacy. " HILLSBORO. OREGON. DR. C. B. BROWN, DENTIST 516 Dekutn Building, Portland, Oregon Will be in Hillsboro every fourth lion day in each month. Carstens Bros., MANUFACTURERS OP Rough & Dressed Lumber Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. HILLSBORO OREGON Executrix' Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed lias been by the County court of the stale of Oregon, for Washington coun ty, appointed and confirmed as Executrix of the estate of George Oscar Rogers, de ceased, and haa duly qualified a such executrix All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to me at the law office of Hun. S. 11. Huston, in Hillsboro, Ore., with proper vouchers thereto attached, within six months Irani date hereof. A delink K. KooKas, Kexeculrix of the estate of George Oscar Kogem , del-eased. Dated at forest Grove, Ore., this 11th dav of Jnuarv, 19 0. S. 1$. lies-run, Attorney fur Executrix. Administratrix' Notice- Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has lieen by tho County court of the state of Oregon, for Washington coun ty, npHintel lulniinistratrix of the Ratata o'fS. A. Klink, deceased, and that all per sons having claims against the said Estate are ieiuested to present the same to m. properly verified, within six months from dale of this notice, at my residence In licaveitim, wasningtou county, Oregon. Ki.izaukth M. Klink, Administratrix of the eatate of 8. A. Klink, deceased. Dated January U, 1900. A. r. tnegel, attorney for administra trix, Knoni 44, McKay Building, Port land, Ore, Shute A Foote, Backers Transact a General Banking Business J. W. SSIUTE ...... Manaiei A. C. SHUTE ..... Cashier Sell sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers and issues Letters of Credit available throughout the United Htateb Draw Bills of Exchange on Londoi Liverpool, Dublin, Paris, Berlin, PranV: fort-on-the-Vain, Stockholm, and prii cinal cities of Europe. Collections made on all aocewible polnk . Banking hours from 9 a m to S p m Hillsboro, Oregon