Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1899)
; : ; A rxrBR for thiTroi le ; i : : ; . ! A Paean OK Tim I kuhi.h ; -J HILLSBORO ARGUS, DECEMBER 14, 1899. THE ARGUS tlered at, llir Puet-ofnce at Hillsboro, Jrwjtou. a ela matt matter. LUCIUS A. I-ONU, KDITOE. County Official Paper. trfSUK!) EVERY THURSDAY BY til Hips faili&ss Coajutj. Inbmr'.iHnn: On Dollar per Aimmn. Six Month. 60 eta; three Vi.nth, SSota. Opposed to Gobi Mono mctallUm. Be lieve ia the Bimetallic Standard Dear Money means Debased Property, aad Profitless American ProJuct. Our Consequent loss is our Creditors Gain. Has ( no use for Marcos A. Hanna NOW A BIUTISH ALLY! Congressman Tcngue, just prioi to 1895, wrote letter severely con demning the present system of fin ance, going so far as to otate that it Tra. a '"Paradise to creditors but a h-jll for everybody elre,'' or words ' to that effect. Mr. Tongue is now . op to a vote to make it "more so." Will he vote to make it more of a Paradise and more of a hell? Of course he will. Why? the Oregonian would say, "It is broader nli.ica!'' In this letter, Mr Tongue, with his great heart Uatin; for the producing cWses, , said: "It is easy of comprehension why Eng land, tbe creditor nation of the worm, should favor contraction of the world's money and a limitation of money metal. Having no silver mines of her own, and being a purchaser of both silver and food products, it is equally easy of coniprehen .aion why she should use every effort of ' diplomacy and legislation to diminish the value of both, but why the United . States, a deMor nation, with extensive silver mines and vast stores of food pro ducts to sell, should voluntarily assist iu carrying out the same policy and dim iniah the value of her own resources, "passeth understanding." Unfortunate for the welfare of the country it con tains too ma'iy people, who, surrounded by huge blocks of well secured, interest bearing obligations, are interested m leg i station that makes money dear, and everything else cheap; who not engaged ia productive industries themselves, are anxious to secure the product of the toil of others at the least possible outlay." We biing this dead history be- f o r e the people of Washington county to show them what Mr. Tongue thought when wheat and hops and cotton were the same prices as at present; to show them that Mr. To.igue, having taken lessons from the bankers, is pre pnred to vote an" English policy un der which producers must labor; to show them that' Mr. Tongueof 1894 . . was for American producers, ac ' cording to his own assertion, and that in accordance with this same - dictum he now stands ready to "make it a hell'' for everybody, ex cept the "creditor class." What kind of a, political weather cock is Mr. Tongue, anyway? Accord ing to his own logic he is now a British ally against American in terests. "THE KINO CAS DO WRONG.' The Independent, a littla republi can paper published in Hillsboro, Washington county, Oregon, last week quoted the Roseburg Plain dealer to effect that no one believed that Mr. Geer had given a promise of office, for $ 1.000, to H. B. Plum mer, of Polk county. Perhaps this little gold-god organ (it is no long er republican) does not know tha Oregon has a libel and slander law and that were Plummer's statement not well supported, he would now be behind the bars. Theosophilus Geer, "the man who was," has not had Plummer arrested and brought to justice for this "foul slander. Why? A republican paper firs published the story; Plumtrer is djred-tn-ihe-wool "gold'' man; (si is Geer) Ihe courts are open, in Oregon, to slandered people, and open to Governor Geer. Bo, then, the Independent has no license to ' say Geer is innocent; neither has it license to lay this scurvy story to tha ''demo-pops." Plummer start ed the story and he is ready to go to trial. Why hasn't he been ar rested? Please tell us why. you of "sound money" fame, who once said the present system of finance was doubling debt and cutting prices iu two. ' POWDER AND DEBT. The administration still cries for wore soldiers and for more bonds. These two cancers economic go hand in hand and no nation not ven Great Britain has ever paid t ,l,.n nfflir-tBd W th the d .eil,B The great creditor class favors these Twq insiduous assailants of the f , , . . . -oay poiiwc, wecauso P.ov,ue0 ' iriual debt, and the greater the -'holdinifs, the greater is th power of the holder. W are gradually drifting to European condition, and before very long we shall have all thoa iniquitea of govermuenl from which our alien population fled when seeking American shores. Is tin-re n miber second thought notlelioeratpjndj; ment to blight this deadly blossom wiiiioyd in the bud? Must we, perforce, because it is rc-inforced by the venal press of our country, tako up a dark age military svsteui that has roblvd for ivuluries, and is still robbing, all Kur.'i? A TKST OK ettTKNOTII. A "civilised world" looks on at the attempts of a bully nation to bruie a small nation in South Africa, and not a protest is uttered bv a power. This is an earnest of just how much power is possessed by tireat Brit ain. Great American newspajier which a year or eighteen mouths ago forcibly presented the subject as one of theft, now renain silent while the bruising British empire goe on with its hordes of hired fighters, to crush an infant power. But the civilized world sees th it all is not rant and hypocrisy. Beneath the shirts of the sturdy Dutchmen in the Transvaal are hearts which know no fear and English hired men find it no small task to even hold their own. England would ask for owe terms at once were it ml for the maudlin journalistic sentiment iu this country which would like to suck the ear of the Prince of Wales and play casino with 'Queen Vic." ONLY A MATTE It OP .NEWS. The Arovs gave the matter of the missing notice of appeal in the Haines-Cadwell case just a s i t comes before the public record. It accused m one; it nccuses no one; and it doesn't care who stole it, if it were stolen It has nointerest the case, whatsoever. It was pule-lL-hed as a matter of news and such circumstances unpleasant though they may be to all concerned, are legitimate as news. The only sorry thing is that The Argus is the only paper, out of several in the county which has the nerve to give the news, for tins, ihe akgi's gets kicks and curses from but it is ac customed to that sort of thing, as are all true newspapers. The new daily at Eugene comes out with its salutatory captioned 'Our Bow." That settles it If it can run one year after using thi modern start off it will live a thou sand. But more than likely the 'bow-wow" of the Register will not be beard after many months. LOVE LIBERTY NO LONGER. The liberty loving and generous part of the alien born population should not lose sight of the fact that the great dailies of republican management have declared flatfoot ed that England's cause in the Transvaal is right and that every possible argument is used to be little the sturdy Dutch of South Africa who are fighting for the very existence of their nation. This plainly shows where the socalled republican party has drifted Liberty, in their opinion, is damn able. Surejy the once great repub lican party has been killed by its managers. "Cincinnatus" Geer, the honest and upright! Why didst tbon not stay on thy farm and raise goats of the breed Angora instead of entering into the pol itical patch where are grown thistly re putations and vile odors. Timothy, timothy were tby better crop then Pluni- mers. But thou wouhlst raise a crop 01 governor and thou hast reap:d a harvest of uhame. Dear Governor, when you next invest a thousand in paper be sure when you harvest that you at least get your seed buck. Truly, he of the big mouth and brawling tongue which ever shouted cf "honor" and "patriotism' has fallen into deep disrepute. If we had direct legislation the people could vote proven demagogues out of office. Lechery could be rebuked; dis honesty burdened with punishment; sales of offices met with proper repulse and scoundrels lifted out of power. Will we get direct legislation? Of course not too many politicians would be scorched We will not get direct lawmaking if the politicians can have their say. The little whetstone sheets are very busily explaining that Plummer is a very very, sad dog! That is no reason why the 'guvner" shouldn't have known be was loaded. It will be noticed that Mr. McKinley's 1 message refrained from throwing any 'i . r . t. at- , "ouqm ia ai ir. nanni or rUu nuner Recent Oregon disgraces are sufficient warning for people to keep a weather eye on that man who is always shouting from j VI U HI... n..v..i th housetoDgti,at he istt .. patriot. hon Mt, brave and sound cn the " money' question." GRUB, THEE No:2 $37.50 ... Machines Kept in . res-w tor nru- v ' 7 J??- ThU is the only machine that can lie anchored to the ground, any place, without the ne of an anchor stump. Buy no other. Kiolt machine is supplied with a (Ml. Anchor Loop, ami a J0 ft pull rope of j inch best "eel, with patent rope hook attached; a Drum Lock to hold what ia pulled; a Step on iIim Sweep ti hold M from levolung buck; Ihrowotlto ungear th Sweep from Drum, to cms tlm pull roe with loose tugs, or to allow the awe p to swim: part out vroosing the ro(e. 1 opcialed Local testimonials and catalogue upon application. Dispatches from London tell us that "the queen weeps." The queen wilt have a squally lime before her hirelings whip the Boers. Governor Geer writes a letter to the Oregon Scout, of Union, which is practi cal "confession and avoidance" of the Hummer affair. He inadverlautlv il uiits that he "had the change the appoinlm T';:::LrZjOixr Holiday Stock is of under the criuiiuat law? Come, conu-! 0k course there is ' prosprity." Why shouldn't there In-? With forty five cent whent our farmers j ate getting to 1 bloated b uulliold-, erI "What fools we mortals Wl"j The Fjreft drove Times nf even date suv-i that MrN:iner Brotherr re reported noi il-ovvue.l, nod that they will be home Christmas. Farm For Sale. Fifty :icre farm f r slichtly rollina; irood turn, "it)xo4, built two vearn, cosl fiW: fur hoiue. lSx'iS; other building.; good brick ell; runntnt! water vear rouiil; good orchard; 25 seres cleared; rest easy! to clear. 10 vearsslashed ; riveacres stan ing live fir timlier; eight miles from i'oriland. Will sell chest), Inquire of I,. A. f)nir, AKGrsollice. ... Real Estate Transfers. Marv J Mack to Julia Montague 9 a W B Chatficl J donation $ 6oo W N Rife to S JoEarhart a sec 6 tjsr l w Emma G Robbinson to U S Nat'l Bank 32 a in sec 24 t 1 s r 1 w nna M Howell to Ora M Truitt a Lawrence Hall donation . . "5 joo -j C V O'dell to Dilley M E chutch tract iu Dilley I Jas Uowie to C W Bar w 8 w sec 20 t 2 a r a w 1000 C F Wickland to Theodore Weber tracts 14 and 16 t'eachvale 355 Sarah Manning and lib to R F Rite right of way 10 C h Crocker to J A Thwaite 40 a seciBtlsraw 600 Mary Donelson and hd to August Krause s e n w and n e w and at s e and s w X n e X ec 16 1 1 s r 3 w 3800 FOUND! At New Photograph Gallery, 4 Great Reduction in the price of Tho- im.. xt ul... graph Gallery, corner Sev.ntb and Base- LeP.treet.Jin,boro,OreKon. rHllI KilililM. - t Of Toys at Greer's. All kinds vases. The Affairs of Europe are faithfully portrayed in the original and exclusive cable dispatches which THE CHI CAGO RECORD prints daily from the leading capitals of the old world. This magnificent special service is in process of being greatly extended so as to include every important city in Europe; and it is supplemented by the full regular cable service of The Asso ciated Press. The Chicago Record, alone of al! American newspapers outside New York city, now prints original and exclusive cable dispatches daily from the leading capitals of Europe. AND w aW a . - . . x.- ....... ....... vft.'krfc "SSftSS; $3750 Stock for Sale or Trade cheaply and givis eminent salisfaciton wherever It been used t ail ou or Atnireaa, Christmas And everybody who has seen our Beautilut Dls of Holiday Attractions is glad of it... 5.t!Ponular Presents cut for a debt I . and GoOd Taste. It IS ...member this Splendid .(r ,f W nnfl, fnr "0"v ""0 v Tjfiltpl DrilCfStOre. "I .!i nearly with dype p a. tri "I il"ctor,vi-iied spring-', and grew wor. I s-d Kodo' Uyspepiu Cure That cured me." 'i digest what yu f.l Cures iiolie-liiHi, Koiir loiuacli heartburn nod all f'.riiM of dyspe. psia The IMta I)"iig Store. John J'Mis recent I v returned from a trip to Klickitat county. Wash i where he went on a prompt olive s (iheep iiuniiitfo. De Aitl s Little r.aiiy Hirers pur ! tfy the blood, clean the Ii er, mvig orate the system. I'llllintis little I'll I . T ... .. ... 1 1 . puis lor CiinMipuilon mm in" trou'des. I he Delta Drug rtoi". .. . - " . . Notice to Stationers. Sealed bids will be received at the county murt room In ttitlnbom. Waolili.eliiu : county, Ureiruu, on Januury B, nt j 2: 0 o clock , 111., to furuHi a p. in., to iiiruiMi BiHUnni'iy f"r Walilutoii county for the ;wriot uf 1 quired. Niniiplwi mint bcwii (.any eni:li wins vt:nr 111 "IH-II .mu tM. uhi. fLii iiniirj iiii..iiuii,M 1 olituiuwl at the e unly clink aolllce. Ihe cii,t of the HtBte of Ureuon for ViihliiK. Coiiiiiiiiwi.iii,.r nmervo Hie rlKlit to reject u, Cuinty, nm.lii In I lie innlter of tha c any and all Irtda. : late of .Inhn W Mlcbiile.-., ,(.,B.)1 , liy order il foniiiiixMoners' (.oiirt tlih 1 ,lllt.,j lH.,einti. r H. sw, the uiMler-lm,! U publi-heil Hinl d;iti il atllillKlxini , Adiiiliiiatrotor ,iruiiil etnle will from ami Ore., this llth day of December, Ms. I nfter Satnnlay. the tltli iluv ,,f January 1, A ll-'oii. . u.iiiij ii..B-. ... Dyspepsia Cure. a a s-x UiaeSTS Wnai VOU cati ItartlflclallydiKegtsthefoodandal(Ui Nature In strengthening and recon - ran annrnar.h It in efficiency. It 10- BtanUy "wS1?g"" Dy.pea WaCT.S atulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, 1 rk HMdarhe. Gastralirla.Cramns', and iiuaJil,- r.aQtptlrrla Primrbf find allotherresuluoflmperfectdltrestloik, PrcparadbyF C DasYlttaCo., Cbc9 Delta Drug; Store, Hillsboro, Oregon 1 " ' ULLER; a.a and Sold on Trial ... to let ofl ropo, or to allow the team way hack, to make the pull with n. r. rraAunu.i, rariiuiisioii, ore. is Coming ! ut Popular Prices a lallty. Variety, Beauty easy to SGIGCt Il'Om. KC Assortment contains... t in UurUt 'fll'SOl, County Treasurer's Notice, Vlt loimlv unrrutil. inlMrwil irlr to I'Vlirniiry M. IHn, urn imw eulleil ftr himI IMt'alito ill my rtlc-o in i lie iMiy of 1 1 1 ro. lntrel will iwo aflnr llil iUl. Nov. :n. 11. A. It. t'ADY, I'tiioity Tn-iwiin r Notice of Final Settlement Nollifi l hereby veil Hint tin' miller itfiieil, iiHiiiiiii.tia.iil of til 'e.lulw II. I'.iiM'lil'cru, 'IinciiviI. hu lllml In I lie fimii y I'liurt lit 1 be tiiii nf OrtKoit fi.r V nlilUKim 'toit.V, liix llnul iiri'oiinu im mu ll ailiniu ltrl..r nhil that rourt n.m luil M'Hi.luv lliu tstlt iliiy tif iHt'i'iiim'r, ini, 41 urn court room or b.iIU i-onrt nt limir of 0:IKI n. 111. ol mil iluv. ul IlillKlmm, Wiiiliiiiirnin 'ouniv. tirrouu. im Hip tilii uiul iiiiirv hmriiiK hIiIitI. inn w won hi 1 1111m u win nri"iium 11. .11 in limn m nlo- iii, of 1.1,1,1 1 i.,tr. pnted at Ititlnlmn , una Htii iiny of .ovemin r. hi. J. I,. K Ht'SK. ' AiliiiiliUtrnlnr nf llil) CNtale of too. II. rariiiirg, ili' ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. SoTU;K I ft II Kit KHV lilVICN TIAT i miriiniiii 01 an on it ol the 1 i,,nv IM)i proceed l avll nt prlvatn , fr jcann 111 iiumi 1111 nay ol nhIc, IIih follow. 1 i tr oVarnla'd real nutate, to vlt; lominencliiK al tlm Niirtlm et corner nf the Donalloii lniil i. litiin of iiinni Mart oil tho Nnrlli line nf HiKtllon II. T. I H, II. 3 W. Will. Mer, and muiiiiur theme Hotith 40 ehiilns to tho Huniliwe.t corner il salil cliiim: Kaat Ml chiona U the OnMt linn of ui,l Hertion: thence Nnrih 411 uha. to the Northeast corner f mild Hee- tlon 11; ami iiinme Wimt 'JJ elm. to the place of IickIi niiiif, cuitaliiliiK m acres. Haid kiiIh will be ul)i t 1,1 the conlirni ulioii of the Ciiunty Court. III. la w ill lie l.v l.m .it it... ;v.r, .,r '". -. rn iii,iininu i,"w mice o W. rs, Dated this ;ih iay t m., ixr, iw, 1 w. N. mai.k. SHERIFF'S SALE. )Y virtuk ov AN kxkcui ,l free and onlur of sale, iamu the, Circuit Court of tlm Htnl n TION DIC- iamuHl out of I OreKon, f"r Waahii1Kt()n County, in fvor of ore- iron MortKaire C'ompHiiy Limited, Plain. tiir, and aKainit Oroinel JuIhimuii, K. V. JohiiMon, (). (). Joliimon, Am'e Arne,n MoniKoiiiery, Mirl Moutgoiiinry, Htirith llllett. Mary K. Itlrdacll und P. Murray, Defendants, for the mini of tto.OO iimtn, and for the further amir of IIUH.IU U. H, Kold coin, with I liter imt thi,ron at tho rate of H percent pornnniim from the !i"th day of November, iwil), and the further sum of Kilty Dollara, attornny feea, and Intercut thereon at the rule of 8 per tut poriiiiniiiii frnin tlieTth day of Novem ber. IS!, and the further uui of f 11(10.27, with Interest thureon at the rata H iier cunt per aniniiii from the27th day of Novern. Ikt, lwm, and the further niiiii of 1 .(MX) attorney fee mid IntcreM. thernou ut the rate of 8 per cent per annum from tho 27th (lay of November, lawn, und for the coata and oxH.naes of sale mid of said writ. Now, therefore, by virtue mid In purHii atice ol said iudimimit. decree utul orilnr of sure, 1 will, 011 .Monday, the 8th day of .iioiuarv, iw, at ine soutn door ol the Court Hoiiae lis l lllaboro, VVanhiniJtoii County, Uregoii, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. 111. of Hull) day, anil at nubile auction to tho highest bidder for cash, the follow ing-described real nroocrtv. to-wlt: the bouth-caat quarlor of the North east quarter and the North east quarter of the Hooth eiiBt nuurter of Heetlon HI In Township 2 South of Kange t Went of miiaineite Meridian, conta nine eiirhtv acres, excepting therefrom the rinht of way conveyed to the Oregonian Railway Company, and alao excepting one-half of one acre conveyed to the Oreiron and Cal. ifornia ltuilway Company, and all situate In Waahington County. Oregon, to satiufy the hereinbefore named ruiiin, and for the coats and expenaes of aald sale. 8aid proierty will be Hold subject to re demption as wr statute of Orouoii. Witness my hand this 7th day of Dec ern ner, W.D.BRADFORD, Sheriff of WaHhlngtoii County, Oregon, Hnow & McC'amnnt, AtUirneysforPlftintltr. I i. 't- ' S' J Uloriaip Men are not influ enced by blow, brag or bluster, if they were, we too, could outpound the adver tisement boiler factory as some do But in a quiet sort of way try to impress upon you the fact that we are Gothing leaders. H.WKIIItV.NO and SONS, The Hillsboro Pharmacy, The LsadinR: Drug Where Druiia. Msll. Him. I'nlnla, l)l,NHiiera, Ittn.he. and all IirtiKsUt'k hioi.lii,, may ta ir,H'iirHi at ricciiini II live farm and city property for sale all lea price and descriptions. Also saw mills, crennieries and Country stores. Wheat farms in Cal ifornia to exchange.. CM or writ" for list. HILLSBORO, .... OREGON. State. M, li;rlm;llillsl)orolloB,fw2m' Tranaai't a (imieral Itaiiklug Ittialucaa J. W. s:!lTK Mnmutm A. ('. MIIUTK Caahier Hell al(lit Kxclwiiirfe and Telegraphic I'miiMfura and laauiw l,cttcra of I'rrdll avallublo throiiuhoiit the I'liltcd Htiitea. Dra'V HI I Iw of Kxiliiiiiirn on Iunloi l.iveriMHil. liiililin. I'arla. Ilcrlin. Kranl. rort-on-tlin-Vniti,Ht(H'klioliii and all prli elpnl cities of Kiiropn. ColliM'tloiiaiiiiido on all aceraalble polnL Kaiikliig hours from 9 a 111 to 8 p in llillalmro, Orntfoii AdinliilHtrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the under slttned Inn, l oco, by tho County Court of the Ktutn of Oregon, for WaahliiKton County, duly appointed ailmiiil-trator of the estate of II. I,. Ilnmlrli ka, deceaaed, and has duly iiialllld as such adminis trator. Now, therefore, all rons ha. Inn liilms BKailiat aald ratiitu are In rcliy rn qi'lied toiirt'Ment annie to me at Hie law olllcn or John M. Wall, at llillahoro. Wti-liliiKti'ii County, Oregon, toKellier with proper votichcra wltliin all niontha from this (hit. Dated this Kith day of Noveuilier, A. D. WW. C. W. IIKNlmiCKH, Administrator of said eatate, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REV- ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. 6th, IHW), the imdorHlKiied administrator of said estate will from anil after Hatur- ay 1 ie uui iiiiY 01 January, won, proceed to aell at private sale for wall In hand day of sale, the following described real estate Lying, bolng and situutti In Washlnirton County, Oregon, and more partlcuhirly boi'iided and iliwcrlbcd an follows, to-wlt' Commniie lug at the southwest corner of lVtH H 'Sw wTu"lH ,lBrt.", H",,0 11 1 IB H8W Will. Mer., mid rumilnir thence smith to the Tualatin rlvert thence eiiHtward along tho center (r said river to the past line of said Hcctlon Us tlionce north on Heotlon .,! to the H ' """f thp Donation Land Claim of lhoinas Mart and thcuca west to place of beginning, containing: 10 Hcrca. more or leas. B Haiti sale will ,e aubject t the eonllr. niatloti nl the County Court, ilida will L SfaiJ ' order ohe'counw nulir."".'."6 and Yamhill river leavs 7 Hit to of r )n.,n for V fnuu fi f.'" ''"'"'ay, Thursday and Hatunlay for mad. InVuVmatJ:; of t ' fen e' u 'Zll WXW' ltin timtJ"7 '"."'fa Mlchalmi.tlcceaaed. ,i, 1.. i 11 .' ...,. ." ? 3: W 1 " Monday. Wednesday and llliuiri. !l u'1 J, 'yr,,!Hi'l"e tiear''J has duly qiiulilled aa sucli adinlnl- 1 . .. ,M. l" "HUM Ol W, N, A,Ir..l.,itr,.iMP,.r,t ,f,,N;"ALK, .1 W N S i,, c .. W. H, Hurrntt, Attorney fur AdmlnK'r. nowa-The Weekly Oregonian. 0 I I tni Matt or TNt rHou OUAftANTtU CLOT HI SKI IIILI-SIIOUti, OUF.tiON. Union Illock am Hi. A. HalU-i 'roprliant. House. kiiiiiiv iimmiice , iii fiiiii.ii. I'hal ii r it v and freilmees of driiija and rlo ci cala is what briuifs the most satisfactory re sults; and vou will alwavs find thitii at THE DELTA DItUG STORE. W'e alaocurrv the Im-nI aumtlrd stm-k nl Toilet articles and drux suudrii in the county. Fart that ve buy for mh enables us to ile uilli llrl t hs and pet the ImsI. Fati ilv reiijus fee- ive as cartful nMenliou as pliyciciai.s' pieicriilioiis, Street is ihe lurn'ion. J. Northrop, Proprietor. Newly Furnished and Renovated. A first clau table ami all accommodations for the convenience of guests, , , , OR&W Time Schedule .. .. From Portland t nat mall leave at 8 p in for Halt l.aka, Denver, Kt. Worth. Omaha, Kaunas City. Hi. unils, Chicago and Kaat, arrives tl:t.'ip 111 HHikau, Klyer leaves 8:4fl p m for Walls Walla, Vlmicapolla, HI. Paul, Imlulh, Mllwaukeo, Cliliairi) and Kaat, arrive H;U0 a 111 it 4 iv nan r raiiciscu, aiming every (lv inya. Columbia Hiver leave H p m except Hundiiy, Katurday 10 p m for Astoria and way landlnga, arrive 4 p m except Humlay WlllHimitla river leave II' a 111 except Huiiiliiy for Oregon City, Newlairg, HBlein and way landlnga, arrive 4:.Slp m ocet H 11 nil ay ...iiuiBue nvor leave 0 a m Tttesnaji Thuraday and Hiitnr.lay for Corvallls and win i. . . . ,- way bindings, arrive li Humility and Saturday (units, arrive :H0 n m Tuesday, Snake river leave Hlparla dally al l:iao a, m. for I,swiatoii returning leave bowlaton dally at H:3(0 a. 111. Address W. II. HULBUUT, Oen. Pass. Agent Admlnlatrator'a Notice. Notice ia hereby given that the unrtor "lltnod has lionii, by the County Court of the Htate of Oregon, for Washington dmif ty. duly aniiolnteil adiiiliiistmTor of ths estate of Krnest K. Kreoh. deceaied vrnvor. ; quired to prtiatint sumo to me at the law 8 ton. at, VVa',httm County, (regon togethsi ! with iier voucher , wltliin I six mtintha irimi una uale, Ailinlniyy wrlilnalaH, enUiMS tkls ff- rrniay x