Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1899)
;'3sfi-a&3ft9s-isaj&& HILLSBORO ARGUS, NOVEMBER 30, 1899, m x a -a t.2L" A ! ! I A WHKK WITH TMK J'KllPl.K III ALL ASKJT Tl hr-- : : : III Aawt mm? M I II i'j mi iiinrmin 'llv 1 IIU :jn The Waters of Tho Yukon Klvcr? MUCH ANXIETY AT FUKKST GROVE. Jloat Cflfli'd la The Icy Current. 1 Probably Theodora and Coarad. JAVIuhi lite OreKonian of Saturday uM about two MeNauiara bfiiig ,lrowiii-(l in ihn Yukon, Nov. 11, the people of tliit county became 'very aniloua Ut it wan 'IVinlorn and Con MoNaiunr, of Koreat 0 rove. jTkeae Brother were loliaveatarti-d lown ll Yukon with mock, about flliatdate, im! It look oiniiioii. The Forest tirove corrjomlimt auint up the matter in the follow ing article lo the Saturday Oregon- Jan: i There it a stroiif, probability that the , two brother who wrre drowned Ihe Mill Intl., (rum a miw, in the Yukon river, went Theodore and Conrad McNamer, of " Fore at Grove. They were suppos t to lie In the very locality where accident oc currrd, engaged in shipping been, hoi; and cattle ou K'ui down the Yukon, fotti of tlieM lirothera have been at Daw uii, engaged in mining the nut two J 'tare. They returned to this plate last uly and retiiaiucd a month visiting their muily, Intending to return to Dawaoii. The elder of the two brolhera, Theodore, ia a great atockuian, and for the Ut u fear ha furnished meat for Die I'orl land markets, ami it widely known over Ihta ttale. The McNamer though they aw a chance to make money in Ihe ship , rue nt of slock li.lo the Klondike, and Mara enrouie there with $7,000 worth of tuck. I Hanoa-Pollock Naatials. .Mr. U U. Uanmt and Mia Kll.i Adi'lHide Pollock, of Cornelius, Or., Mere united in marriage ai the rea ,denc of Col, U bt. Pollock, Thura lav, Nov 30, IH'.I'J, Hev Ken-haw, i.f the Cornvliua M. K. Church of liciniing. Mr. Hanita hat lnn a fteaident of thia county for ten yrara nd baa many friemla lo re, wlitl he briila ia thu eMeal ilauihtir of ,!ol. I'olhwk. Ihe happy couple ill at once take up tlnir residence tl Fore I Grove, where Mr II in lot ha a titinit with (1. V. lia tfcott. TiIK ArWl'l wialiee tltt-tll i-v- a-ry happiocaa. Raymond Marsh, Marrird: At Urn rraidenee of tin; lirid'a tiarmiu, Mr. and Mm. (1 V Mtrah, C.".t,rville, On-.. Mr Vtn. Uaymond and Mi-a -Nellie I) t'M 111, Uev. A. Kershaw nltMatiiiir, fWr.'and Mra. March wi!l at present reaidtt ntf Ceiierville. I PROBATE. J u a r d I a n (and bnndimen) of .J aeon and JoM'ph Antratn fully Isihonnraled and diacharged from futhor liability, the gtinnliansnip Slaving Imeit fully aftthid. Mary K. Patton appointed guard an of Dot and Kdwiu .V. I'altoo, nd fixed at 3,U00. C. C Caplc ha filed hie acini- nnual report a executor of the (). I. Uaher eatata; Liverne llalwr hue received 1(1 .20.12.r and the bilance iiif eetate ni per Apprnivemnnt in i23.7(X).Gn. Trimtee allowed f2()0 or hia eervioe. Adininialrnlrix nulhnriied to fell peraonal property of eatule of Cpn- rati Kaai deceaeed. )EATH OF CARLTON TUPPER. arlton Tuppor, of Gnaton. died at hia home Hatiirduy evening, Nov la, IWJ, rrotn an attack of appo plexy, Mr. 1 upper was u yearn iol ago, lie etngruted to Oregon in 1848, thence to California in 1840, jthan back here in 1852. He epent wevernl years lit Jfianteni Orecon where he was in tbo iheep and attic biieineas. In 1801 he married Ming Fidelia Mutteeon; to them VTOIO infill fcVTV illin, llll W.. now reeidee at Foreel Grove, anu ait a t m.. '. 1 1 ma, 01 uasion. xnrg. luppereuii irvivea him. 1 he funeral oceurr Tn Monauy, inienneni iuKug :.. 1 1 11:11 1.,.., tr 111 1.11Q miuuian ai-iii uumon-i j . For ft long time Mr, Tuppor ban been engaged in farming and en'w milling at Gaston continuously lor about 20 year, lie was un- ivenally respected and eeteemed, and goes to hie rwt with a large oirole of pioneer friemla to mourn nil demise. For 15 years be had been an Odd Follow. Strayed Reward. From near Cedar Mill Oregon, on June 23, 1890, a small red cow with urindle markings, and with red and white spotted bull calf by her ide. I will give a reward of 95.00 'or any information leading to the ecovery of same. dward L. Nay lob, Lock box 6, Forest Grove, Ore Three hundred acres in Belknap lonation for sale; 200 nores under fcultivation. Bee j. W. Morgan, at (count) clerk's office. Will sell at A bargain. 0. G. Wilkes will repair bicycles .typewriters, umbrellas, etc. Satis laotion guaranteed. Bhon on Sec 1 . a md St., next door north of Hills- wo Hotel. The atory of Woman' weak hem Is herein told to the heart leal jib ing w orld: The-local ice cream and oyoler parlors the other day sent to L. W. Mouse two aervice tables for alteration. Mr. Mouse turned them over just aa the AKora rnmrt er happened along, and lo, and he litiltM under one were nine wads of chewing gum serenely plastered! The other said "We are Kuven." They had been tilaced there by our young Indie, while awaiting order tilling, and then cruelly deserteil by the fair masticators. What a couftiion the last tine must have exMrieiieed as she reached under for Iter carefully dcosited quid and found a half-dozen awaiting berl Col. Kddy, of the Times, hob iinbbert with ihe members of the bar at circuit court. Thk Alines editor would seek adinixsion to the bar had he not been disillusioned by the very unseemly language us ed by aomu of the attorneys while trying a case the other day. Ho, we will allow Mkssis Craig and Kddy to revel in thu Iteauties of dimd and obsolete lungnagea and stick to newspnperdom. M. Wehrung A Koiis' slock of clothing was purchased la-fore the advance in prices, and they are enabled to sell clothing at the old irices. I hey guarantee their cloth ng the best, and prices the lowest, I hey also take orders for tailor made suits, til guaranteed, or money refunded. We like to show goods. Sinci the bicycle tax went into effect the ehcrilT'e oHice has collect mi ou 023 wheels. This nets f'J'J.'l for improvements of the county'" bicycle pnllis. Next year this source of revenue will net more than a lhouKud dollars and good work will be done. Our stock of dry goods ia ready for your inspection. Full line of outing flannels and wrapper goods, in fact, a full line of all kinds of dry goods. Come and see before purchasing else. a here. II. Weh rung iV Hons, Wheat still remains in the dump., not alone at Portland, but at Liverpool and Chicago, The Hillaboro market follows suit, the market price now being 4") cents Mra. Imisa Tuckcr-tflwell is in the city from Portland, to spend thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tin. Tucker. For Hale; 83 acres; hH cleared; good soil. Fir house and barn. Knoii iro t l L A. lions, A lull's. r.iioinre tl IIiIUIm.m. O re, Oyctere cm-ktails at (inlea'. I.ietit rc. J. lirynu was a rort Ininl visitor Moiniiv evening. Thanksgiving was a quiet affair n llillsboro this veur, hut little lr.iinra being done in the stores. l'Mtt in Ciir.n-lius, of (ilencM, and George Morgan, of HilNboro, are acting a a hnilifTs during circuit court. Dorsev Itensoner, of the GaW Creek new sawmill, was in the city one day last week and aavs he has had a line run this season. Defectives H. P. Ford and Cor- dano, accompanid by their wives, were Ililiaboro visitors Haturday, and guiala at the Hotel llillsboro. Next Thursday, Friday and Sat urday, three days, positively no longer, y u crn have Dr. Lowe test your eyes for glasses at the Tuala tin Hotel, The foot I m 1 1 gtme in Portland today between the Mutlnomnlis and the Olympic resulted in a score of 0 to' 0. The game will lie played over. J. Burrell, a first class band man from the east, has located in Hills- Born. He will join the Reed A Cor- Set baud ami will prove a valuable ccesfion to Unit organization. Congressman T. II. Tongue and daughter. Miss Mary, accompanied by Miss Winnie Rmiaine, departed Tuesday evening for Wafhington, I) C. 1 hey will go east via the Union Pacific. Hon. II. V, Gates was in the city the first of Inst week, having return ed from Eastern Oregon. II i s I'rineville plant will soon be run ning and he will soon place the Elgin lights at work. T. W. Thompson will on Tues day, Dec. 5, one and one-half miles east of Gaston sell at public auction, several head of horses, cattle, sheep mid hogs, farm implements and household furniture. Usual terms of sale. Mr. J. W. Brooks and family, Mr. Brooks Jr and family, Falls Cily, Nebraska, and J. H. Kreps and family, of Salem, Nebrat-ki, are in the city, registered at the Hotel llillsboro. They are seeking for homes in Oregon. Thos. Otchins, of this city, re cently celebrated his 85th 'birth anviversary, h 1 s relatives giving him a banquet in honor thereof. Mr. Otohins hasbe?n on the coast 60 years and is perhaps the only man here who yet owns all of hiB original donation land claim. TN ,1 A la I I'orme nrsi time in years we have no grand jury in Washington oounty. This can. be made good law and it can be made bad law. An unscrupulous man in the office of District attorney and . justice could go begging. A conscientious man in that office and money is 1 . 1 ... 1 1 . suveu wie county on an points. And yet, for the money involved, the old grand jury system is to be preferred. Ten Thousand Dollurs Dam tigc (jisc. T. J. BKAVIHI. V8 ISAAC ALLEN. Verdict Wua K' lurntd for The Defend ant. Circuit court opened Monday morn ing wilh Hon, T. A. McBrideon the bench. The first jury case was that of T. J. ltramel vs Isaac Allen, suit for 10,(HK) damages on alleged defamation of character. The jurors' were: Kmil Kuralli, Ia-hoox,, Julius Asbahr, 8. Tuala tin, N. C. Lilly. Gales Creek, L. Hhogren, Dilley, M. 1C. Dilley and J. C. Clark, Forest Grove, J. W. Jackson, Glencoc, J. P. Cahow, Farmiugton, John Sax, Tualatin, W, A, Herinens, Christ Hchimller, and L. Manning, llillsboro. Hmilh St Bowman appeared for plaintiff and Tongue & Tongue were counsel for defendant Tin case wua lull of denouements and had no very seiioua phases. The trial dragged through two days nod at a b o u t 3:00 o'clock Tuesday went to the jury, Mr. Allen slat ud that he would not positively Mate that he did not utler the words as charged in the complaint, but did not think he had. Tongue it Tongue worked very hard t prove that even had Allen ro said, and it were false, that Bramel had not b-en damaged The jury wax out about 1 hour and r turned a yerdicl fo' the defendant Mr. Allen. Settled and dismissed: A. J. Fanr.o s Volney Hall; A. R. Fan no vs A. J. Kaiiuo. Stricken from docket: Brad'ev A Metcalf vs 1. It. Cornelius; Eugene I). White vs Richard Morton. Divorce grant ed: Nellie Bntgger vs John J Hrjgger, decree by default. Thomas Haines pleaded guilty to assault ami battery and was fined f.r)0. Her tence suspended CO days. The prosecuting witness was John Masters, a prominent citizen. Set f..r trial: J. M. Wall vs 1). T. Phillips. Win. Kerron vs 0m Thayer, Dec. (i; Maggie Haller Brock vs .I1.I111 Weis, Dec. II; llainea vs Cadweli, Dec. 1 and 2; I. ina Grilliu vs Andu L. Patterson, Dec 5. Sheriff sales confirmed: J. A. Iiubrie, clerk, vs Jim. W. Ficken et al; Win, P. Lord v Jas. G. Lee etal; Jennie. K. Haines vs J. R DeVinney, Foreclosures: -Mary Vinson vs & II. HumphreyBt'tal; Tyler Wood ward vs Then. Liebe; T. T. Geer II, B. Luce; F. A. Bailey va J. J Morgan; ihos. it. Kolnnson vs Chas. Jensen; W. T. Blake vs Jno. Nelson; Benj. Anderson vs II. Peterson; Union Havings A Loan Assn. vs John Northrop, execution not to issue for 30 days. The court ordered J. A. Brisbine lo pay l!)0 tu ihe clerk of the court to enable Mrs. Brirbiue to prosecute her suit for divorce. Defendant has ten days in which lo comply. 1 The old indictments against Dr. M. II. Parker, of Greenville, alleg ing illegal sale of liquor, were all dismissed and defendant discharg ed. R. L. Dorris was yesterday tried for forgery uf a note and convicted fifteen minutes after the retirement of the iurv. It aunears that Dorris 11 d . Stevenson were located at Forest Grove, where they were sell ing sewhig imtchint s for a Portland parly, F. H. Lechler. Ihey sold a machine, took a note in lieu of cash, sold the note, pocketed the proceeds and then turned in a foraert note to Mr. Lechler, Stevenson will lie tried Saturday. E. R.Gregory de fends both Dorris and Stevenson, An order was made that Lewis Me er must deposit $40 with court clerk before he shall enter a defense to Buit of divorcement brought by his wife!. J-'dgements by default: C. L. Large vs Austin Craig; James II. Sowell ys John Masters; C.-Koch vs Fred Jungberg; II. Vehrung & Sons vs J. E. and Emms Foord. Confirmations of sheriff's sales: A. Johnson vaF.T. Berry; J.Thor burn Ross vs Augusta Chivil; W. D. Bradford vs A. E. Osmund The case of American Type Founders' Co. vs Austin Craig, publisher of the Hatchet, Forest Grove, was set for Dec. 8. Circuit court, hag adjourned until Friday moruing. Finest oranges of the season now in, at Gates'. W. H. Lung, the veteran phi losopher of Cornelius, was on our streets yesterday. Born, Sunday, Nov., 26, 1899, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hilke, of southeast of llillsboro. There is some talk of putting another city ticket in the field. If there is not, it will be the first lone hand played for years. The Hatchet has skipped one is sue and comes tonight, as of even date. It will next graduate into a monthly, Mr. Thompson's name still shines resplendent ly as pro prietor, and Tim may have to get out an Injunction, Lawrence Bailey was in the city yesterday and stales that owing to the light apple crop he only manu factured 12,000 gallons of cider this season. He ii shipping jelley clear through to North Dakota. What ia the matter of Comeliur? Mr. Bailey wants to wager that Corne lius ships more product than llills boro. Not desiring to "break" him. our reporter didn't cover bis bet. But If Cornelius doesn't quit getting so suuey over those new lights and all ber money in the treasury, there'll be trouble. It is reported from Forest Grove that the veur.rahle Tim Thompson has ordered bis name taken out the columns of the Hatchet where it poses in slate as proprietor, and Mr. Craig must now search for another decoy. Thk Ahous would, only for abject cowardice, nominate a jolly Forest Grove republican as Tim's ruccessor but it doesn't relish getting hard Knox. . Benefit to farmers: Far over a year Hchulmerich A Hon have bought plows, harrows and wagons direct from the factory, and have been able to sell a Ik tier article for less money than has been sold heietofore. They keep the old reli able Buford Clipper, Rock Island plows ami Fiah Bros, wagons of Clinton, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hiatt, of North Yakima, are in the city to spend several weeks with their daughter, Mrs. R. II. Greer. Mrs. Shearer, a sister, is also a guest at the same residence, and Miss MyJ tie Stafford, of Puget Sound, is visit ing with Miss Jennie Greer. Remember, our motto is: "16 ox to the lb, 36 inches lo the 'yard, and one hundred cents to the 11.00 to each man, woman and child who deals with H. Wehrung & Sons. All goods gnarant,ed or your money refunded. Chas. Miller, the Forest Grove druggist, lias decided to appeal the case wherein he was fined 75 by Recorder Laugley, for alleged sale of liquor contrary to ordinance.. New styles rf Photographs at thei new Gallery. Call and examine them. Gallery corner "ill and Baseline, llillsboro, Oregon. ,"'' Dr. Ixme, the optician, has been visiting Hillsbnro since 1891. If his work was not O. K. be would hardly come so often. Mrs. T. A. Rhea departed for h.r home in lleppner, Monday, after a aeek'a visit with her daughter, Mrs. II. T. Baghy. Cigars at F. J. Barber's, 2nd St. A fresh supply of this siasou's nuts, jnsl received Gates', C. W Hudson, the Gaston post master, was in town yesterday. Mrs. T. J. Cleeton is in the city while Mr. Cleeton attends circuit court. Saturday will lie election day with Gen. Ransom Post. Members are requested to attend. Fred Hamel was up from his ranch this morning and says that the roads are a terror to wood- haulers. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Reames, of Jacksonville, are enjoying Thanks giving week "in the city, at the Tongue residence. Go to F. J. Barber, Second Street, for a neat shave or haircut. Satis faction guaranteed. Fine bath room in connection. . r . llunman writes that he is working for the Waverly, Wash., leet sugar refinery as oiler. He slates that there will be a six weeks' or two months' run. Before you have your Photo-x graphs taken for the Holidays, see the work at the rsew Oallery, nve blocks east of the Court bouse. Perry Ellis, Photographer. A. B. Cady has taken a broker's license from the Collector of Rev enue and will hereafter be prepared to buy county warrants, lie must pay face fjr warrants as the 'law forbids a county olticer discounting county paper. Messrs G. P. Larson and J. Lin- dahl, of Central City, Nebraska, have arrived 111 llillsboro and are contemplating putting in a general auction store, It would appear that this would be a good point for such a business. State Senator Patterson was a Portland visitor Tuesday evening. It is reported that he will be the next republican nominee for the Multnomah-Washington joint sen atorsbip unless this is opposed by the great and only Hatchet. L. E. Wilkes, well known in this county as one of the best transit men in the state, returned Tuesday evening from Columbia county, Wash., where he was on railway Biirvey. He starts at once for Klamath Falls, Southern Oregon, 011 a like mission. The Washington county moun ment fund is not dead it is just sleeping. There is already over $100 piled up to its credit and there has as yet been no active canvass. As Boon as circuit court is over Mayor Barret will push the good work to a finish. Our stock of boots and shoes, rubber goods and mackintoshes iqr men, women and children is com plete and at prices that can not be- beaton in Washington oounty. All we ask is that you call in and ex amine our stock and get prices. No trouble to show goods. H. Weh rung & Sons. .11 J 1 11 1 J AT MSS MEETING City Ticket Nominated Last NiKht. A GOOD REPKESENTATIVE TICKET. Large Taxpayers Generally Remained at Home Nearly one hundred citizens turned out at the mass meeting last night, and although the ticket nominated was a good one through, from top to bottom, but little interest was manifested by the general taxpayer as about one half present are not 011 the tax roll to any extent. At the tame lime they are men who pay rent, consume, and thus in- lirectly pay a big per cent of the city tax. Geo. II. Wilcox was un animously chosen as the mayoralty candidate. Mr. Wilcox has four years been county assessor and several years councilman. He should make as good a mayor as llillsboro ever had. Benton Bowman and 8. Everitt were nominated for record er and treasurer, respectively, and they are good men in every respect. The three men on the aldermanic ticket are good citizens; one is an extrrmely heavy taxpayer and the other two are steady, industrious citizens, each contributing to the city's revenue; they are John Milne, John Dennis and m. J. Benson. No other ticket will be put in the field against it. R. H. Greer, Hon. W. N. Barrett, E. B. Sappington, B. P. Cornelius and J. A. Imbrie were appointed a committee to till vacancies and provide tickets for election. Ro- dolpb Crandall acted as .chairman and J. W. Morgan was secretary. Matter of Roads. To thk editor: Having lost faith ia the county manage ment of public roads the good people of our vicinity pooled their forces this last tunimer and endeavored to improve the condition of at least one of the hills on the county road one and a half mile south of Uilley. A good many teams turn ed nut and donated a large amount of Kood work and giaded down a long hill greatly improving the grade by lessening Us Meep assent. 1 He people expected the county to assist lv graveling or planking said bill so as to make it passable during die coming winter a comuuen it has not usually leen in winter, but unfortunately said lull is too far Iroui Hillsboroand the county Bosses coucluded that they have a large anil overwhelming party vote tor their supjort cunsequeutlv they could nut be seen or felt on this hill. The couseuueuce is that this hill and some others are now impassable except with lour goed horses and au empty waon. ihe voters ami tax payers are now in clined to ponder ard ask themlves how Ii ng they will tamely continue to sup port an incompetent and dead headed county management that receive double the salary they justly deserved with hired help who do most of the office work paid by the county while the tax ridden popn lace travel up to Jerusalem to bo taxed ovrr roads that are a shame and as-Tidal lo anv atate or county all for the want of a proper direction of public affairs. R. S. Lybarger, ' Dilley, Oregon, Nov. 18, 1S99. HAZELDALE ITEMS. Miss Edith Crawford is visiting with re latives, Mr. J. U. ! leeks, this week. T. A. Flecks came home Friday even ing, returniug to Vancouver Sunday. After a few weeks sojourn in California, we are glad to have Eddie EUerson with us again. Mr. John Summers and Bert Cady were seen on the highway Sunday even ing, mating tor me west Mrs. Morton, who baa been staying with her tick daughter in Vancouver for the past three weeks, is home again. Mr. John Frutcliey and Oscar Taylor are oack from lolumma. Real Estate Transfers. Sarah E Bcntley and lid to Harry Hainea 90 a Wm Cstching don. .$ Jas C Suess to Mrs J Neep a..vt a Wm McLin donation rji Aug Hellebuyck to F P Huuike J 1 30 - asecaotisr2w. 450 W M Tipton and wf to G R and E L, Adams 34 a sec 35 t a a r I w. , aio J J Morgan et al by Shfif to Mary Vin son sad Jennie Chapman ex 145 a Isaac Buttler donation 3000 Stephen Blank and wf to Eugene D Smith It 4 blk 1 Naylor's ad V Grove 210 Peter Jenson to Joseph A Moore 7 a Beek donation 350 W H RucVer by Trustees to J W 1'ike It 1 blk e fairview ad Hills I M L Reeves to Fred P Humke It 1 sec ao 1 1 s r 1 w 1.30 r Cephas Eisenhauer to C R Bagley quitclaim 11 DlK 3 lhornc a ad,. I O H Temple to Kate Tern pie 483 50 in 1 1 a r 4 w 1000 II C Plumuier and wf to Wm Tipton yi a near Sherwood 1 Nearly all the houses in town are occupied, those now empty not being in condition for residency, Mrs. James Nichols, of Portland, is enjoying Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Randall, of this city. The State has dismissed the in dictment against O. Johnson, charged with forging the name of H. O. Hayes to a note. At the last term of court the trial jury disagreed. Geo. Noland, Rockland, 0., says, "My wife had piles forty years. Pk Witt's Hazel Sulve cured her. It is the best salve in America." It heala everything and cures all Bkin diseases. The Delta Drug Store. Last Saturday evening, while Herman Toclle was returning from Portland on the Germantown road, north of the city, he was held up and robbed of eight or ten dollars. Mr. Toclle threw the coin out ia the mud upon demand of the highway man. After the fellow had disap peared Mr. Toelle examined the place where tin had thrown out the specie and found a five dollar gold niece which th 5 robber had failed to find. Mr. Toelle is a perfectly reliable citizen, and lives near Bethany. The continued wet weather will mean a great loss to those potato raisers who have not yet dug their potatoes. Thousands of bushels are in the ground and the rot is getting a large per cent. Two car loads of the tubers will be shipped from this point to California mar kets this week. Fifty cents per sack is the ruling price. John McNamer has traded his interest in the North Yamhill stage line to John Barker for Barker's interest in the Tillamook Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, and the same day sold a half inttrest in the stable to (ieo. W. Grayson. It was, a great day for trading, and we hope they all got rich. Tillamook Her ald. The Grange Store is selling more stoves this season than any other house in llillsboro. This is due to buying in quantities sufficient to make a low price to the purchasers. Go and examine their stoves and heaters and get prices. Main st., Hillsboro, Ore. Chas. Morgan, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Morgan, writes that he is at Pomona, thirty miles below Los Angeles. He left here on Oct. 5, and started south without ad vising his parents. Chas. didn't like Oregon and wanted a sunnier clime. For the neatest shave or hair cut to be had in Washington county, go to E. E. Colestock's Shaving Par lors, Main street, Hillsboro, Or. Finely equipped bath room con nected. Popular prices. The recent heavy rains have rais ed all the streams in the county and quite a lot of fencing has been flattened out. No serious damage is as yet reported. Ladies' and children's wraps, in cluding jackets, capes and c 0 1 larettes, just arrived at Schulmer ich A Son's. Try a box of our bonbons. Gates. Mrs C. E. Runyon is in the city from Astoria. Call at Gates' for fresh chocolates and bon bona. W. V. McQuillan reports that wild strawberries are in full bloom down on the river. - H. Wehrung & Son's lines of grocerieg are complete. Prices al ways the lowest. Highest market price paid for produce. Robert Hunter, the engineer who was Killed under his engine the other evening, was married to ccusin of Mrs. C. E. Deichman, of this city. Mrs. Julia H. Godfrey, of Corne lius, sues her husband, 0. M. God fiey, for divorce. Plaintiff alleges cruel and inhuman treatment and desertion. , Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McEldowney are down from Broadraead, Amity, spending Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Butler and Mrs. M. McEldowney. Mrs. U. h. Beckwith arrived on Monday evening's train, from Cat ifornia. Mr. and Mrs. Beck with will reside in the Gcodin residence, corner First and Baseline. Hare's sawmill is busily engaged in sawing out ties for railroadork and will make a winter's run on orders ahead. He keeps a logging crew in the woods constantly. Eighty acres of unimproved land within a few miles of Greenville Easily cleared and will make splendid dairy lanch. Running water on place. Will sell cheap. hiiiquire at AKGtisothce. Liehtship No. 50, on which Syd ney Thirkell is working has been wrecked and now lies on the beach on the Golumbia river. Unly one man hurt. The storm broke the vessel loose from her moorings. thanksgiving Union services were held at the Christian church this rooming, Rev. Balantyne, of the Evangelical church, occupying Ihe Dtilpit. Atter services manv attended the dinner at Grange Hall. Dr. F. A. Bailey, who does much driving through farm sections, re ports that but a small percentage of fall sown grain is yet put in What has been sown, however. looks very fine, owing to the warm weather. Mrs. H. V. Gates returned last evening from Reno, Nev., and ac companying her was Mrs. Layton, a sister to Hon. H. V, Gates. Mrs. Layton will remain about thrte weeks. John Gates still remains at Reno, where he has a position with a drug company. W. H. Lyda, the Galea Creek sawmill man, was down last week. He says he has shut down his mill for a couple of months and is going into the woods with a crew of 12 loggers He expects to Boat to the mill about 15,000.000 feet of loss for the spring trade,' and will start THE ARGUS : DECEMBER, 189 9.: Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu frl 1 84 3 4 3 61 71, 9 iu j u 171 18, 18 J 19 JO 21 j 22 L?3 24 I 25 I 26 27 28 29 30 ?Li-.iz.iz:izrnz L ..-lJlZi. I'KOKrXSIONiL F. A. BAILEY, II. D. Pbyaic-tan, Rarfmia alnai AecoetMs Office in Hillsbcro, Pharmac. Resi dence sonth-weat corpej Baseline , anal Second. All call promptly attendaal, day or night. S. T. LINKLATER, M. B, C. U,,1 PHYSICIA AND SURGEON Offlca at Residence Raatof ourt Hons JAMES PHILLIPE TAMIES1E, M. H, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Paci6c Railroad Qo. Consultation in French or Engliah. Of- u sou ncsmence town aide pf main, near Odd Fellowa' Buildine.' Hillaliorav THOS TONCOat. Towcm. KOTABV THOS. H. TOJiUUE,' Attoray-At-Lai. fcootua 3. 4, & s. Morgan Blk, Hillsboa. H. T. BAGLEY, ATTORNBY-ATtAW Deputy District Attorney lor WaaftTAf-' ton t'onntjr, Office upstairs over Delta Dray; Stoke. JOHN M. WALL. ATTO KKB Y-AT-LA W Office with 8. B. Huston. Unlou Bk' HILLSBORO, - ORKOOjf. E. R. GREGORY, L. L. B. A TTORX E Y-AT-LAW NOTARY PUBL!J' Orcgoa, Hillsboro, . Corwiu & Wooster Block, Upstair-. SMITH ft BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS. AT. LAV Notarial Work aad Coaveyaaciag. Rooms & T Morgan Btk., HUUboro. Or W. N. BARRETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (Successor to Barrett A Adams.) Office, Cp Stairs, Central Block. HILLSBORO, OREGON. DR. j. E.ADKINS, Fifteen years Experience in Hillsbom. DEJSTISTi3 Firstclass services; Charges reasonable. Office, Union Blk, over Pharmacy. HILLSBORO, OREGON. DR. C. B. BROWN, DENTIST 516 Deknm Building. Portland, Oregok. Will be in Hillsboro every fourth Mon day in each month. MISCELLANEOUS.: Execntor'a final Notice. Notice U hereby (riven that Herman H. Boge, executor of the last will and testa ment of Anna W. Boge, deceased, baa filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon fur Washington Couuty, hia thud acuonnt as said executor, and that said Oounty Court has fixed Monday, the 26th day of December, 18U0, at the hour of IS o'clock a. m. ot said day, at the Court room of said Court, in Hillsboro, Wash ington County. Oreenu, aa the time and place for hearing objections to said ao account, and the final settlement of said estate, , Dated thia 23d day of November, 1899. HERMAN H BOGE, Executor of the lust will and testament of Anna W. Boge, decerned Carstens Brosr MANUFACTUKKKS OP t Rough Dressed Loei; Sash, Doors, MwiMIaga, Etc ' HILLSBORO - OREGON. - - -f. OREGONIAN AND ARGUS. la.oo.T The Weekly Oreconlan and thla'-'payer give you all tha near ot tome, state, taW Northwest and the ?JMy ,' 'mW Dead Letters. The following is the Hat of letter re maining ia the Hillsboro post office un claimed: 'i.i'lr. Miss Grace Harris ,. , Mra Katy Bo wen All letters not called for by Dec. 9, 1S99 will be sent tcitbf dead letter otjioe. One cent will be charged on each lfjte. H. ScHULataaiCH, P. M. Plain sewhg. Mrt.O.G. Wilkee, vr bicycle ehop. Second atreeV Hillaboro, On. ' ... t . the saw about March I .Times .. ii i'