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About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1899)
. " " f i I ' f ' "'--i mil it.wr"; ,mm ' . . . F TT TT ' ' " " VOL. VI. IIILLHIM)IC EVENTS OF THE DAI Epitome of the Telegraphic New. of the World. TKKHK TICKS FROM TIIR WIRK8 a lnUr.tla Cutlaatlua ul tUrnt rna. tae Te HeMlaalierae I'raaanUd In a Coadaatod Vara. Circle City, Alaaka, now lint I pnpu lUllllll ui nui iuo. A liig yl.ilil i.f whoal ii reported in me nail allM vulley. Tim N. radii, luttit and Tennwtttea Will toon be un their Way holll Kll negrort were kilM lu a riot be tween white nil culmrd milieu nl tar livllla. 111. A. I'HIthiiry, gut! (Inuring mill king ul Mlnnc.ota, I dead at lilt IKMII III AtlIKMMlli. The Dreyfu meeting held in Undon " plrlll affair. Iiiimtwt in tht luiijuct teemi to tw legging. The plunA ul (In American yuhriet tympany, I'raiiilntd l,nml. h. I., was umtroyad ty Dre; lo, 1600,000. The lirltltli admiralty hut irtinarHl war map of Hi. Juhn't, N. K., at pieiiiniiiary to forli.vliig the town. An adobe Iioiim, five nillni from Worn. N. M collapned ami killed Man ual Cordova, bit wife and til children. The memory of thu martvred pr-al-dent, Jamel A. Uaillel.l, ai honored in n rranaitro with a pur wis and eiormt at (lolden (lata 1'iitk. The Hungarian novelltt, Mauri Jokal, now In lilt 7-lh ear, wn mar lied at Vienna to Ilia Hungarian act re, Aiabella (Ironmagv, a girl o 18. Turn Head hai pnblithed hla farewell to hi frlendt of Ilia Brat Mains dli trlot. II any public office hj tnin'i opportunity, nut ribbon to atlck In tba coat. Tha reply of tba Trantvael Ii veiy iiu-ailtfautmy the Uiitiah, and Mr. Chanihailaln declare It will compel tba impanel goveiuuitut to oonaidti the situation afresh. A Manila ill. patch tayt theoiiiltat Charleelon boiuarded tba fort at Sublg bay. Utile or no Injmy mat done. Tha Mnuteiey and Concord were lent to continue tba hoinardtnenl. A Wathlmitou ditnatch UTI ll a Tap. tar recently tUy. lu tha Orient, wai not overuiowded, thai aha had 135 lata than bur capacity, and that tha lioubla waa entirely dua to giumhliiiK. One of tba moat retnaraable religion! inatilutlona in tba oountijr, th Mimat tery and College of tha Holy Land, wai dedicated with (mooting ceremonies by tlia prominent Catholic clergy of thU countiy at Washington, Leadera of tha different railroad em ployes orgaiiliatlona are ditcuaalng plain with a view lo etiabliebing em ploye' grocery tUnr at the dlviilon polnta ol tba vailoni llnea. II anocMi. lul In I hi. line otbor dsparttnvnt will be takun op. Admiral llowoll will iiocond Fur quhar aa oomiuantlant at Noi (oik navy yard. A new cabinet baa been formed In Venomala, with Honor Caloano at the lirad, with Hie foreign portfolio. John King and bit wile, an aged couple, were killed by their Orlnk erased ion at Nouthbridge, Ataaa. Bourke Cochran baiadvlan.) Pie. dent MoKinlay to tender hla utxtd offlcea In the aettlement of the Tram taal muddle. Ilatry Matiler, 19 yean old, wai waihed from a laft by a pnnlng toHin er and diowned In tha Willamette at Portland, Or. The mammoth new Ocean In, thu big. Bint venal lu tba world, arrived in New York, ill day. and two houri from England. Attorney-General liliieku-irn haa de olde.1 that a game wanlen nannot giant permit to hunt game out of aenaon for eclentlflo purioaea. - The Earl of Yarmouth, who hai been pending the uinmor at an Atlantio jwort will go on tha atage. Charlei r lonman nai engaged him, The troop, quartered at the Proa.dlo in Dan rranonuo now Diiuihur tiearly i.uuo. idi no m her luoludoa 5,000 miuine.1 iioiii tne taiandi and awuitiim sai u iitii Willi . II at) a a . . . . f fiinue una hat pnbllabod a proleat aaiuai me nennea- venllot, in which ne anowa oonoluilTely the wauknuM of the proieoutiou,t oaie before the eyei ui me woriu. rt.L , i ...... ' Bommiaiioneri of UIuIImiii oonn ty, natDington, bave appealed to the aeoreiaiyoi the Interior io modify the uuiiuiiariea oi me Ulympio i Veaeive. Four hundred and flfly thouritiid Rcrei of agricultural land la included iu the ruiarre. i The Olyio Federation oonforenoe on the uaea and abuaea ol truata and com binationa onanad in t)l,i repreaentatWa men from nearly every unto in ma union in attendance. Governor Tanner and Mayor llnrriaon each delivered an addreia f wolcomo. Frank H Burlord, a 15-yenr-old boy, haa been admitted to the bar In Guth rie, O T. Two divinity itudenta are working their way through Yale by doing job printing. .The name, of the firm ii Clark & Watklnt. At the coming teuton of conn rem Hawaii will be represented by William O. Smith, formally attorney general of that oountiy. He will be appointed by President Dole. LATER NEWS. Captain Dreyfua haa mn pardoned -J tm iiuint:ii or miuiatera. Dewey'a .-aptHlna will partkijNite lu tiilniMl John Mlley, ina. tiir.gen era! ol voliiatnera, 1 dead at MauiU Hawaii will endeavor to aecure net tliira northern Italy and Hweden Mark lluuna aaya it would lie more man uiMKnM'a lor u U aell the Phillip I'aiKfn, At a lumUtr yar4 Are In Loa AnKeliw wire men were Injured, two ol them IttUlIy, One battalion of the Thirty-fifth will ... i I I la .t a - j oruaurt un Uie Kldor within iu day a. Kcheurer Keatner, chief exponent ol the rauaa of Drey fua, died ou the day win rapiam waa pardoned. A iromliieiit Kill oliui hunt ?.... I ft a . . ' ' ii Artmir in the matter ol nileaaiuii the American prlauuera. ine itiiirM dowaver n( ILInu I. aid to U anrlomily ill and Fjirl LI iniua i iiauii na leu rwa Hod tii xiwer. Pnvtldi'llt Krmrer hu Un l..f..,..,l vim ine win rmniva mi Ii1m fmm t:. many in the event of war with Greet Jiritatn. I)Nr Ulllolia have nritr.wl 11 .t in wutnvtlon with the (lra(o fall lea uvai ahpMMl until au aicreemeut ti muiittii. After a lU weeka' iliva tuU i:... In, the Krenrh autl Semltlc agitator, aurreudered whan the . . . . i. i i . ' ' w Illiri II III lort. Mr. Marv llnaili. hn lia In MldilKan priann for SSyeara haa been lni(iueti. mi iinnieillately married wno nno ner cuuvlctoil KriireaeuUtlva Dalanll. of IViiiihvI vaiiia. aav that lth thu Iliume will iirtwwiit hill. In nuinl tn i lirn'ni'V IlKUlntlull at tlm tii.t u.uili.n ui ningrnta. t. N. Peck, a nmminent fanimr liv. ing near Leaiugtou, Morrow county, OroKtin, (lied from bimuirrhami uf tha lunira. The ueighbora thought he had aux, iietame lrU(litned aud re IiimkI to bury him, and two phyalclana l-'riurmwi ine task unaided. Over 8.000 iwrmuu am AA miiini m a reauit ol the recent ty phooua in the Orient. M.i. h llatllllilH to ahlpplng la reported. The appalling iiimiiinui'n oi Ul eltauhl mliix in ih Inland of M'lkoku enUlled tha l.iaa of oou Uvea, riom aome parte of the aouth reporte mill rome In of thotmaud ujMin thmiwuida of hoiiwn doetruyed, w nue every prefecture count by bun drla lladead. An Intereaiiug ind flent lu the Ileahl mine oataairophe aa uie uuai aavlng of five mlnera, who bad lieen luiprlaoned iu the earth r ais iiaya ny mo caving In of the eu mum. Cuba Ii mffeilng from a long oon unueti urougiit. The Nathville will not be tent to veiiviuela till needed. China hai nrotetted mlmt m..i wua- exciuaion order. Japan ii being uigad to teenre rail way concetaioni from China. James M, Niion, a once famou inowman, I dead in New York Ihe battloihip Kentucky will have Hoi flrat run about the 1st of October, Ihe Indian hnpploken In Pnyallnp vaney, vtasiungton, are aim dancing. Almost tba anlira Imalnuy. .n.... ol Faruham, N. Y., wai wiped out bv . ....... , nwt.uii .i urn. Ihe eoverelgn grand lodge of Odd fellowi met In Detroit, Mioh., in an nual seas inn. The steamer Alpha hai ariived fiom Alaska with ann miun.. ....i i a ton Oi gold. The American ah In Georne Stetson waa bnrned at Looehnn. (ihln. kin imiol Illu resulted fiom the disaster. A 1.111 I k . . . . . . .i...v..i.vii a t uill UN lifMin lntrn.ltinA.1 t. m iMOkasaw lawiniikAr mill it i tUa ui miirriage license from 50 to 1,000, -"--! f I JX1 Major Jone. who has been nnarlnr uiAsier at Man II. haa rHinm.i ii. tlilnkl 50,000 men will be needed in me luiiindi lor 10 yean. Hon. Daniel Ertnentioiit. in ii n irom ine llxtu consrea una .IU Hint uf Pennsylvania, it dead. He wai serivng his sixth term. Olllclalaiiy that Admiral Sampipn will not be iubimiiiII h A,imii liowlson and that the newspaper are iiiHaiiig a mountain out of a mole hill. Chief of Eiuineere Will.nn rill tin I.. mit to oongrenaoompiebenslveiolieme foi the defense of Porto Rico. The spnnlah worki will be utilised In part. A boat COIltlilnlnu ilia Kinlil. ....I II men from the French iteamer Duura is nel eved In h haa,. u. ..... .i.. nana ox Klbaln the Mediterrnuenn " ' ivbi iiv.i ma sen. Thirty transnnrla an ioi tne I-hilipplnea belote Novem - r - "khvi ll icu iu ll an I .....1 ll I . " nnu ii is predicted that the sol diers Of tha llW ..HI .. - " "" .in eat thrialmaa dinner at Manila. The time ha fini he" A ii avIam.Ia.1 a..JI ...eep must ne off the Rainier reserve by the 85th ol tills month. Stockmen jay they will move to Montana or IllHllO Ulllesa favmnhla U..I.I..I i. , , , --ai VatlCIIiuaU uu secured. " Daniel Lamont'a tsflvillal fntataa-A. 1. - - Ultimo lei now said to reach fl,000,000. The imvv denartmnnt hu. 1.1. .1 . 1aa.11 Bioiia for the openina of a nni 1.... nation at Uuffalo, N. Y. The aueen leaent nf Mn.i.. i,...i 1 I deoree calling out 00.000 men of the iovv ciiiaa 101 mintaiy lervloe. Aloxander Henderson, nf R... nui acted as pull bearer at the funeral of 17U of his friends durlns the Inst an year. 1 2 NEGROES SHOT IW1 Bloody Riot at Brush fZz Carterville, UL ,i OPENED FlttK 0.1 THE Vtrrijf s . , . ittlwlaallaa or Lanf -aiandlaa Ttal' Uatwran Unlna and Noa. L'nlua Mluar. 5 - " I (( R.I Cnrlarvllta III ia ilia was the scene of a blooily ) )ke tween wlii til and navrn ml..u, L.faa Six negroes were killed, and oi e3li moitally wooudeil. Compaajt C Fourth regiment, Illinoia Ii, Guard, anived heie late thlijj 1 and will andeavoi to pn-seiaf )r Forty miners from the llHrrif ja left that titace fur this cltr tlaf ing, aimed with Krag-Jorgena. , deteimlned to aasint iha a. Ilioiua their services be requirr" fr irounie naa Demi tirewing et the militia waa rcmiUI l, rl 16 Tanner lat Mon'lay, since wiit . the white minera have refused I me negio Illinois to come hit w HI I .a oiay 13 nigroa maiched own aim oneneil Ore on a am- hltei. The White retnrnall '.ika a. romptly, and a running fight anew 1 ine negioei, closely followtftty t lines, scatteied, some lunninf yi J main street, tne lemainder down the railroad truck. II worst execution wai done. ALl fight was over, four dead bodiawjt: J picked on. and another man waif - mortally woumM. They werf t to the city hall, where the 4 man was given medical treatmi an InqmiKt was h-ddover the dee I-ater, nrnr the liroth mines, i. p i 'at' r pail of the city, two other di ea were imnij. t The killed are: Rev. O. T. J.f 11 lite lirad lev. Juh 11 lllanlr t' Uianniiui. Two unldmitifled. & ' Mortally wounded: Sim Cunf ' The mayor haa t.iknn ar I 1 i tiou to pievent further trnnhk none will ooour nnlnn tha a . -w wake an attack. i Hpuerintendent Di.nnolU a ' Hiimh mine, where the negioeif rKiii unit tne negioei are worl into a fienir. and. while ha i 'aa an 111 ins power to bold l 1 I.. I. .. I ;.l 1 . V I In ,.u i.atraiu ng DSIIIUH f I mnuh lorn-or, and that unless tl" .. tla appears shortly Inrllioi trouljb be liKikeil for. k - Trouble llts existed here nff 1 lor over a vear. but no fatalita . ourrwl until June 80. when a er' w. g-r train on the Illinoia Central fl. road wh Bred into and one negtfc. man killed. Tho.e negroea wtjta aei their way to the mines, having f"se) ". a snort time alteit. pitched buttle ensued betweeaT union and nonunion fon-a which time the dwellings ocennf the union negroei were burned. I eral arrests were made, and the f lie In jail at Marion nn tlia rlia muruer, awaiting trial. ON THE BRINK OF wr- . I - Reply of Transvaal Tr Vn.atl.o ' . noers Moan lo ri(ht. f " London. Sent. IS Tha m . . ; ... -. ;"' v. irausvaai 10 air. Uliainberluin'tl note ll said to cover nln num eminently of the "neiriitivd aud elusive" character, which Mr. berlaiu declared would oompel penal government to consider til ation afresh, it practically rep auaernintv. ntmii in 11.. ....J -y 1 .v .m acq franchise, and declines to frivn nil to the Dutch and English lnnguij the volksrand. In shoit. it ia negative and dollant. The fuB .1 may not oe avanatiie foi a day of out 11 will not CliaiiL'O tlia anr V aC 1 aftuiri. The cnhin.ii will nan meet on Wednesduv or Tllllri-, consider the next Hen. 1 l It ll lUDuosed that Ilia mrl r ! oontem plated by the Transvaal 'ki'i appeal to the powen. begging tat! to leoommend arbitration on the Uaelol the conference at The Hague. a. MFniiii.7 iniorvanaar ' ' The Cane Town corresrjindnns ' '"a n . .j:rn Daily Mall sayt: - "Afrlkandeibund ol roles prof ' have Infornintion that Pmidenl I Kinley hai Intervened betwMn V..? uii.aiii aiiu tne 1 rans vaai, ,(:'. r ,t:W Condemnad to Uoattto Waahlnston. Sent. 10 PS Y tary of war, in 1 espouse to ninf leqneata, cabled Gonoral Otit feg' the two men of the Sixteunth I who, according to the press dir imu ucou vuniieuineii io ueam 111 tly; Philippinei for assaulting nativje f . men, a reply received tonighr;.'lt there waa a third soldier now about to be tried In connection with the same case, and that when the eourt-maitial wai OOlioluded the naneia won 1,1 ha toiiinhei'tli forwarded to the department. The two men lentenced are Corporal Damphoffer and Private Conino. The name oi the third soldier involved lin nnt VAt haan made public The sentences will not be executed until the nut 1 ahall have reviewed the oaaei. The papen cannot teach Washington in less man ou unyi. Hefiirm In Uaseball. Chloaso. Sent. ID A DnW hnaahi.ll league, whose circuit will Include nitlu In both the National and Western Leagues, and which will ha tnnn the Amet lean Association oi Baseball Clubs, wai formed today at a meeting horo of baseball men and luvuia .,1 tha national arnine. The c iron It donMo.i on will inolude St. Louis, Milwaukee, Detroit, Chicago, Baltimoie. New York, Philadelphia and Washlnirtnn A. C. Anson waa nffuind I ho tha deucy. but refused to accept at present. 5 i 5 v (a diieotion of ofllcara )..,:.,. r m u wor ' lsn "ncitcoi wort- reamtuoyeu at the latter place, and it VwU ajt be practicable to lend them tq Furtland. Bulldln Pell la Montroat. Montreal, Sept. 19. One cone ol the Queen's Hall block, In whioh was lo catded W. H. Scoggen' diy goods itore, fell in ton!. lit. Tha hnil,Hn n-i. lapsed gradually, and no one wai in jured. The building Is an opposing one, occupying a whole aquaie fronting on St. Catherine itieet. Dowey Holiday. Albnnv. N. Y.. Sent. Sfi r.n.... - VVIDIIIVI Roosevelt toilay issued a proclamation letting apart Friday and Saturday, September 89 and 80, ai holidays to uo uoHeiveu inrougnout the state ai , davs of .onera! thankilvli,. 1.. ...... of the return of Admiral George Dewey to the United States. This will make the days legal holidays. , A lilver fos ikin was sold in London recently for f 1,780 at an auction. This ia the highest prioe on reoord. I 77: ;),''ti Hamlin, on the night oi Aafttat 14. 1899, pleaded guilty last light aaJ wai lentenced to nine yarn' ia prison men) in the penitentiary.- fe JrOuble be tween the brother anil lister grew oul of the settlement of, Uie estate of theii fathei, the late James Hamlin. Upon Mrs. Carlile'i plea of guilty, her bus baud waa released from custody. Situation at Koy Wait. Key West. Fla.. Sept. SO. Fifty, four oases of yellow fever have been reported in the nnat 4ft ImilM ar .1 I). .a. deaths, making a total number of case! to date of 303, and 17 deaths. Celebration In Mexico. ' City of Mexico. Sept. 20. Thn of President Dial is aomewhatt ti proved in health. J)ut was una' . t taKe pait in the national iiidejf Jk celobratlons, which went off !v te usual eclat.. Themagnlflcen Jia tion of the cathedral of Me lileo tiicity waa the cause of ai jnira. tlon. The .real bnll.ll Ka h. seen for 80 milna liba a iromii. iit. ..,. t " UIIU v. oiaaing tight in the cer . .he Val ley ot Mexico. 7 Wfj - - fFCK OF THE MOATrJiTY.nT)rYCnC P i PnfNFH u i iiuiii i Uvi i nnvviiuu H oav Bolac aa Appalla( Ca. ta.trapka. kohama, SeDt. 10. via Victoria, fl, VS., Hl'pV. l.-mirro"" '' 'aet hand of the wreck of the Ameri ieafatramtport Morgan City, in the 1 t AM .... r.,.n it ama-ara that it ftept 21. Interwitinir dctaila NWV av v 11 etrut very near being an appaling cataa t ttu. ritrikinn upon a reef at 8 e Vkk in the moming, the ship re- I . J nll avli.rht when, bv pi'U wil uuu. 1 "J tins' the expedient of rushing the nurnatelv from one aide to the r- . ... . th ahiD waa roilea irom me I uin Awn watir. where she at Wan to fill rapidly, bne neaaea b . ... I I A nf innalllma ap "i . .1 mi lea distant , sinking percepti . . ..... v. . 1 rl i.iHiiii ... . ... mm 1 . 1 . . - l" d the beacn )- la time. The liline of the men waa aArMrabW, .all wera imttn ashore in aafetv. TTr? seamanship shown app&rx not 4C.v.i5SuKr .rrnl"a I.. . v -J.lV.1 mm m nr.. lo the shore alter beachinz. Thu -tVaa iwiit in rcmnvincr fltnrpfl. the lra.if:iort lvinar verv nearly bowl under. 1-18 :'eU afloat in the after part. Late In f Je afternoon, without warning, ahe i;l en tne steep beacn ana aunt: in t'Vert iix fathoma of water. Axnore favorable or more pictnr f ft loot for a shipwreck could acarce- 1 found. The island of Inoahima But a dozen miles from Hiroshima, f citv of the inland sea. Almost I Instant aiit rami, (mm th" Jatm r ua tha c niwr Vnahimo I at once dispatched, and the Red I Society lending a relief expedi . ; The troopa are loud in their ap- --- al . t Im.aMW .initnaaii. A pV- piiwu v.. 1 ' Ant episode for the shipwrecked ftraa the pasaini. of the Empress of J. which stopped for aome hours . tcoffered everythina which could t a ia In tViA wh nf aid 0 TrKmrporr Jtxy ri tiydmtrr, havlnif ' ttut into Yokohama short of coal later, will proceed via the Inland pd, unless provision has already Bade, will take on board a part I troops. r i 1.. . aipwrekorl Man a Manila. Xhington, Sept. 21. General Otis iormea tne war department of pirai 01 tne transport Ohio with jn from the wrecked transport to City. She left two sick men fcasaki. The City of Sydney also d Manila today. There were no during the voyage, but one man wai rsagasaiu. ivs fighting captains All at Thorn Will Bo at tha Maw York Roeoptlon. Yrwpfcr. Cn... Ol A . il a -fieraia trom Washington says: t Secretary of the Navy Allen has tted arnuurementa fnr tha -. r 1 "l"ul UJ ! n - - w IB1 A in the Dewey celebration at New 1 01 nearly au the captains of the iron which destroyed Admiral jdjo's warships in Manila bav -ftin Charles V. Gridlav funded the 01)-mpia, died while way nome ana captain Lamber rw in command of the Olympia Hiuwaa uewey s duef-of -staff in rUB- " lluW ,-ith Admiral . v,piaa ixtgnian, wno iq. d the Raleigh, is in this country, tt Orchard, Wash., Commander r, who was relieved from com fof the Concord last April, is now Iashington; Captain Dyer, who fended the Baltimore, and Cap Vank Wilder, the commander of . tston. is captain of the New York -.-yard. 1-atr-Admiral Schley will also take jpe la the celebration, though without -iera irom ine aeparunent. The 1 has not received an invitation " tie New York committee, bnt h i nai to take part in his rjersonal ca. and join with others in welcom- C-Ihoulnot beanyofflrfoi i Oil T t' T Si' iha vh w i"!n"" it .hw a' d 11 Company has filed its tamwrr tt- thu petition of the attorney-gen'- c Instate in the case brought under ' pi-trust law, to restrain the oru lm transacting business a the ). The company, In its tu.dwer, that It is in any sense a trust. Jher answers that under the Ne- statute. Which makes the euter. 1 traal a miadamftanoK tmniuha- ,r'forfeiture of right to do businsess 1 state, Ufce eompanyr or its must &m b winvioted of the .eauc batata the tienaltv ran ha (if)t fl jr civil aetioa. jk ianaiirl to .Ho Imallpax. ikjPr.', Sept, - 91. A case of ainallpoT developed In Salem ' laC as a result a lodging house v. i iVdldance are auarantinAd tnniuht SWa-PPllN ten ;um SaCJ, ViatM ;flftvirlKam Battersbv. who has been employed as. "m chambermaid in the lodging hou'w, U the victim. The case is a mild one, bufc over 15 people are imprisoned in the two places, by order of a doctor employed by the health and police euT" of the city council. a Will Vitlt Chicago. Ciiy ofMexico, Sept. 21. President Diaa tM. afternoon asked congress for . . aaya leave 01 absence to go to Chi-c5,'-sBd proposed Ignacio Marchel ItatsjUiy of foreign relations, to subiti, tttte him as president durinst his ab Thraa Ship Will Be Serviceable. Victoria, B. C, Sept. 21. Among tne passengers of the Empress of India was T. II . Dewltt Veeder, who has been at work with Lieutenant Hobson raising and repairing Spanish varani. destroyed by Admiral Dewey. He says but three of the vessels now at Hong Kong will be of anv use to tha TTnitai 8tates the Don Juan de Austria, Isla de Cuba and Isla de Luzon. A-th- "e. Peterson, paymaster of the United States cruiser Baltimore, and Ms secre tary, C. E. Sheaff. were also passengers. Decree Was Signed by Coun. cil of Ministers. CAUSED NO EXCITEMENT IS PARIS Will rraaaWr a Saat aaroea Bafare rtmBalaaUaa Hla Par4oa ta Aval4 DomoBtSratlaa. faria, Sept. II. The council of mint I...... jiu tmtav to Dardon Captain Alfred Dreyfua, in principle. The par. don wiU take eneci m a rew Dieyfua haa relinquished hu appeal lot a reversal of the Judgment of the court, martial. I " BI--CipI M -4 1 aatclal announce. menu 01 lonncomlns actions. 11 aeemt mania A fnvtliMnlnM a tlvna to have but slight bearing on the mat ter, except, perhaps, that it employe the fulfillment of various lorcnalitiel before the pardon is actually issued, thereby qualifying the announcement of the padon with slight tentativeneas. it la not known yet whether the par don includes amnesty. There is much remark here on thn strange coincidence of the death oi Scheurer Kestner, the first champion of Dreyfus, and to whom Dreyfus will nrtuauy owe nis ireeuom, on the very day the cabinet decided to pardon the prisoner. The announcement that Dreyfua wai to be pardoned had already been dis counted by predictions, and there was absolutely no excitement along the boulevards when newsboys ran along at aoout 8:15 F. M. with the Brat edi tions containing the statement that the cabinet had decided to pardon Dreyfus. Everyone expected it, and the decision met with no opposition. The Droits del Homme, socialist organ, says: "Our task remains tht same after as before the liberation ol Dreyfus, to continue the campaign against all those who are responabile for the lamentable affair, and unmask the forgers, traitors and falan witrwaapa even thouah thev mav ha covaKMl with gUttering decorations." It is said that Dreyfus will be sent abroad before the promulgation of kit pardon, in order to avoid demonatra. lions. Up to 6 O'clock this avinino tha n,' most calm prevailed throii-hnnt Pari The decision of the cabinet seemedV' nave passed unnoticed. The onh 7 mark waa, "We expected it. YELLOW FEVER. fit iiaauoa la caba Ha Imarav Watt It I Warn. vtasnineton. Kent, si m- won- General Sternberg haa recV patch from Havana sayif jeiiuw ierer oiuoreas: jf j ndei control, in all the ho vana there are but nine .di Ha- and 11 civilians suffering fnjri f disease There have been no 4 JF .1 u.a at. do, banas garrison since f " The situation at K 1 X mst ia d as grave. Since ll jjrst case wai reported ahont t- -. auaaVa .k. epidemic w yr-rzL rir unUl UMae JlfJSL New cases are F "Sixo at tha rata m aobut 80 adVf.rftvA i. low. Fiftv-i;'r2a anil tA ll-iath. were report. T .'.andav anil fnna As Key W ' yaated below the frost line, the a, fe will have to run iti course. Tla. Aarinn hoanit&l has bee Mng ito efforts to confin ing th evUL-mic to tha ialan.1 .n J has Data rewarded with signal success. umy eaia xfitected person la known to havTi e-r-jfcd, and he was diaoovered at ruiac-i la isolated. He has since re-cgrf-trtj.'' One new case was reported from Kew Orleans todo-v- ', " iaaaraaauit rotaiaia. rioria, Sept. II. ThS reply of tht the latest Bn?4 not. is variously commented upon, but the Pretoria Press, printed in English and Dutch, nd other papers, profess to be lieve that a joint ommission will yel be held, and there is still a possibility that an understanding will be reached. The Yolkstein declares that in the even of war, Holland will send aa ambu lance corps to the Transvaal. The volksraad, aa a matter of urgency, today referred the new draft law, providing for the confiscation of the property of persona found guilty of treason and lese majeste, to a spe cial committee for consideration and report. At the request of President Kruger, the chamber then went into secret session. Fractional Cola la Domaad. New York, Sept. 81. A special tc the Herald from Washington aaya Fractional silver coins are In almost ai great demand at the treasury aa an small bills. The revival f V...nx, all over the country haa absorbed the uppiy 01 aunes, quarters and half dol lars so rapidly that tha u - - - -. J Will soon be entirely out of coins of these ueuuiuuiauons. By a joint resolution nf passed In 1876. Drovidino fnr tha demption of the fractional paper cur rency then in circulation, the secretary of the treasury waa authoriaMl tn chase silver bullion, and coin fractional aiiver to oe issued in nulmmln. h fractional paper. The specie payments brought the old coin out again, and it was estimated that with the new coins the total amount in circulation was $70,000,000. Secretary Gave but vea. nunana-.. ed to congress leigslatlon authoriaitu Ik. . 1 .JJj.l . . .. .. u.o vuuwgo ui auumonai fractional all' ver, but no action waa taken. Both he and Mr. Roberts, the director of tha mint, will make urgent recommenda tions this year that authority be given to increase the supply,