Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1899)
HILLSBORO ARGUS, JULY 6, 1899. : : : A 1'apkr roa ths 1'kople ; : : , . . A I'ai-xk f Tim 1'Kor-l.n ; i i t zxxxxxxxxxxxmjuauti 1 THE ARGUS intend at tl.r Post-ofhce at Hillsboro, Oregon, a ivcmiil class niil matt r. r l.ttii:S A. !0N, EDITOR. County Ofllc ial Paper. TSSUK1) KVKRY THURSDAY , '' BY .TkilrgM Piblishisg Company. Subscription: One Dollar per Anniiin. Sis Month, eOcts; Thiee untlir, ct. Oppose to Gold Mono mctallism. Be lieve In the Bimetallic Standard. Dear Monty means Debased Property. 4 Pro6tless American Product. r Consequent loss Is our Creditors' Gain. Has use for Marcus A. Hanna AN KVIDKXT D1STRI ST. From the tone of many of the great metropolitan papers President Mc Kinley is distrusted by the very powers which made him. There is n evident, deep-rooted and com plete dissatisfaction and there is a very apparent attempt to either ... sidetrack" the major, or force him to declare in favor of government of, by, and for the banks. In this re gard it can, and must be said for McKinley. that he has watched the political weathervane rather too , closely to suit the extreme base pro duct supporters, who want immed , late legislation and such legislation as will stand against time. Mr. Mc Kinley, however, has shown an in clination to keep his ear close to the ground and his apathy has oc f casioned a distrust which has grown to almost an open rupture. What next is wanted, is not a base pro duct candidate to succeel Mr. Mc Kinley as the banker candidate, but t succinct and candii avowal by Mr. McKinley that he theirn." 18 HANNA, THE CHIEF. , Mr. Hanna's reported question to an Englishman in Parlituent when a , certain bill was up for passage, r, "Wbat is a vote on this bill worth?" is characteristic of American poli , tics in these piping times oi banker administration. Legislation and leg islators are bought and sold like so much mere merch andise; senatorial scats are purchased by the aspirant who bas the biggest brink account, and apparently, without shame, these proceedings continue to dis grace American politics. Mr. Hanna is the real leader of administration politics and purity cannot be ex pected to come from such a source. A congressman to Mr. Hanna and his colleagues is but a pawn on the cbeckboard of po'ilical merchandise and it is no wonder that the Brit ish stand aghast at such a eharac ter and such a question coming from -his lips. The British Parliament, so far aa the lords are concerned, by environment of its membership, leg islate for the monopolistic elements while the House of Commons de rives its greatest membership from those districts largely like con troll j i ..... . ea, so ciass legisimon mere is looked at, not with askance, but as a matter inevitable. But for a repub lic to practice buying and selling is a new theme for British subjects, vand in this buying and selling, Hanna is the chiefest character. AS THE AUG 178 HAS SAID! 1 he a nous nas oiten Paul mat our great metropolitan papers were in too close touch with commercialism to represent that line of economics which would redound to the best in terests of the great producing mass es The Oregonian, editorially, July 4, says: "But with all this manifest advance with all tbil appearance ot large rltvelop Blent the metropolitan press of the coun try has sensibly declined in influence and standing. As the larger newspapers have f;rown in one sense they have clearly lost n another. The reason is plain. To pub lish a general newspaper today costs a vast volume of money, calling for com mercial above all other kinds of energy and skill. The making of the newspaper ' it lest a matter of conscience and ability in tbediscussionofpublicinteresttlmn in adequate organization of business forces. Again, being as it must necessarily be, a 1aige business enterprise, the modern newspaper nnus us neaa ana us spirit in the commercial rather than in the oro- "feaaional idea. Trie editor the man of light and leading in the discussion of pub lic interest hat been lost in the admin-istrator-tbe organizer of newspaper forc es to the end of commercial profit. Al amort, it may be said, the editor, as he was kaowa a generation ago, no longer exists. Han aaa there, to be sure, may be found belated survivals of the old system : but Cay pre few and fewer, and as they pass M. Nobody rise to succeed them. Com- rfCialUtB. that force which now suhor- iaates allot tor forces in the world is ntkUg -indeed, ft has already made the fI ewapaper press, generally speak ij, its own. . ''But auudi of the old professional spirit rfbrnalism the journalism founded by. 1 y lia and adorned by Greeley, Bowles -i Lna survives in the community -r tptrs of the country. Too sumll in strain? oower to excite the interest of the commercial exploiter, too close to the public to be able to deceive it, too weak financially to disregard public respect. the country press continues to be, in its essential character, measurably what the mt-lropol'tan press was in its better day.'1 Indeed, the Oregonian says "Com mercialism, that foroe which now subordinates all other forces in the world, is making indeed it hasal ready uiade the larger nfvsiaprr press, generally spe;ikine, its own." This is true. This mniimaruia.lism is the banking interests ami tin credit interests, lnrgi lv ami it dws not stop at metropolitan m-wspai-erdotn, but govs into political con ventions, cabinet aintiuents, president making and alt lines of governmental dictation. It assidu ously fights all which wouhl tend to give the producers a profitable re turn. It asks for product and prop erty, dollar measurable, debased, for the greatest debasement in these is the greatert measure of them in each of the units controlled by this very same commercialism. But the country press will never win in it fight. The money of commercialism is against the country press and against country people generally. This commercial force is too heavy and the city vole too venal to al low a decent victory unless there is a complete overthrow occasioned by too vulgar approach of commercial ism, which alre .dy controls the great trained brain and cunning of our country. Hillsboro should take active measures to encourage capital, to put in any kind of manufacturing enterprise which would be adapteJ to our resources. A good big cream ery, or cheese factory, would pay well, and the local on another paje mentioning a capitalist who desires to locate in the Northwest, should receive interested attention. Get to gether, gentlemen, and pull togeth er. If the man should come here, make him invest before he gets away. Governor Hogg, of Texas, stam peded the Tammany Hall Fourth of July assemblage to Bryan, while making a speech. The Crok erites had prepared to launch a presidential boom for Van Wyrk. but the name of Bryan receive1 such a tremendous outburst of ap plause that Croker'a little coup d'etat was not consummated and the New York mayor's name was not mentioned. Marcus Hanna is still holding his ear to the ground. The Filipinos will now be whipped af ter the close ot the "rainy season.'' If the Filipinos have any sabe they will come under and get their seventy-five dollars, allee same Cubans. We respectfully wonder just what Gov. ueer mints 01 mat "per cent he so graciously wired an eastern paper ? ihe per cent of Oregon volunteers who wished to remain in the Philipines, we mean, of course. Perhaps Grover Cleveland could write a very nice essay about this season of the year it his subject were "The Man With a Hoe;" this in the light of his recent ex perience in being fired from a farm by an irate proprietor armed with a weed killer. Col. J. B. Eddy last week published his initial number of the Forest Grove Times. The paper was, lccally, very bright, and editorially, well written from a republi can standpoint. There seems to be a lack of intuition, however, or an inexcusable ignorance as to the Telegram's politics, which the Tines quotes as 'democratic." The Telegram is not and can not be, democratic. It is, politically, the mere 'stinco' body-sweat of the Oregonian and a summer's perspiration without ab lution at that. If the Oregonian is ri'ht, this country is in a thunder of a fix, and the common wealth should at once itart out with a search warrant and an Edison lantern in search of a patriot to fill the presi dential chair. According to that able paper, McKinley is a craven, cringing blatherskite, a veritable tool oftutt-hunt-ing politicians, while its editorial pabu lum designates Bryan as a dishonest demagogue. For God's sake, let us put up a Jew and elect him a patriotic 'sbound monish" man ! The term "copperhead" is a very nice thing to apply to a man who does not agree with you. 'Copperhead" is a good argument especially for a fool. You can always tell a fool by his argument. Iu pontics ue invanaoiy uses tlie terms "cop perhead" and "traitor;" in religion he is the loudest ahouter in prayer meeting and when he goes away from home he takes his whiskey without sugar, while at home he is a church member, like enough! This kind of a man will mouth the word "copperhead" very nicely. It is his size his calibre. He is a fool and he can't help it, Don't blame him. srxrxxxxxmaai v i IS I K i tannaaEzexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Closing Out Sale ! .. R. E. Bryan Sc Son .. Retiring from Business! Our Entire Stock of General Merch andise Regardless of Cost. Commencing, Monday, June 12th We will place our stock of General Merchandise, consisting of Pry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Kurrishing Goods, etc., on the market at Closing Gut Trices, as we are Retiring from Business.. We desire t,i real ire cash on our Goods at the curliest pos sible date. Come early and secure a i-hare of these Immense Bargains before the stock is broken. Fixtures for Sale. R. E. BKYAN & SON. CALIFORNIA J S Dark C : inf K Hrwve 1 John Witsmt Capt Hanshv s Mocn- J I Merrytinui I AMnf. HilUtKiro,1 taineen tiales Creek . f, . , ' 1 V v ... V'-v SUMMONS. color a no O B Edstm B t cav Harrison J F Hut A 2 Dillcy IN 01 AN A M !' J N r Isilu-r I 42 lot Iteuvi-t'tou K Myer t I art IjuiivI I A Long I 73 inf Clenroe L C.roumlvke b lb inf... ....Dillcy . .l.ieticoe Cornelius . Oswego V idiyiiain It to A I" AreliM.I 1 -J.iii( . S V Cii'keranti I t5'v... J S Panlsell t b I art U r Myer h. 1 2 mil . ., M Lone K si inft. . . . 1 Thompson K 149 inf J Garngus I 21 inf Greenville irustlaie G 51 mf Kintoii W G Hager no co 154 unasigned inf Hillsboro J H Morton E 154 inf Beaverton low A TSXilbwKIC J Miller D 10 inf. ... Kolt Varlt-v I. i-uv V l.UMter ll 6 cav Wet llrilxn 11 i tut' V. F Grove ! ' "a"'" K 2 inf W.tolllSUTON ! S Kalrvhild II I Inf ... ... I. S Porter A I inf til the Circuit I'mut uf llio Slain of(rootl for Vsliinu;tou I'mllitv, r,t'V,"ylllw' Villmr K. Citi oil. riaiiilllV.) . Iltllstwru; v t. 1 Kmma K. Coeowrll, iMon.lmil.l To Kiiium K. Cik"I1. tliritulaiit almva iniiiitHl: 111 tne iianie 01 iiie.Mnlnoriiretfoii yoil Uillxhent ruriielliiM lileiittiMnl .iale t'n-ek I-' tirove the (-oiiillnt heroin tiled HKaiuM roll, in tint uImivb enlilli-.! milt nnil iniirt, en or 1 ueiora ino .'Tin my or July IHim, nml In 1 cnmi yoil hIhiII full so to iiipi-nr anil nil- .toriu liim swer. the iihiinlitf will applv to tlm o.unt i for the -i-lii-t ileniaiiiliMl in III i-otnilnlnt, ... K Howe ' I" wit: l-'wr ileeree of llin ismrt illoxilv Yamhill '"K 'be lunula of matrimony between the illlNlMiro I'otiiiuii aim neieiuiAiti. on Hit- Krolliul 01 John Harris l'xlo Itni 4 v it...i.... 1.- -t ...I I L-..1.... i. vst.. i...u... ili'Miirtliiii nrih. I,l.lillitl ll.- M .I..I..ii.Imi.I V """" ' 1. I l ornell A 3 lilt ... ll IstMiroi- inirairaiiiw wnil 11 1011 yon 11 v v it 1 owns 1. 4 env itmitua 1 Mil-v IMIIotKiro lin-envljlt' Dlenrue ...NewberK . I' Umvv S A Howell I 10 cav Beaverton V Kldgely t 19 nil K Crove ; A r. l!iis It 1U Inf . t- iimve H Sargent K 6 inf Corvallit ! K (ir.wt K 1 inf Si-holln J Benin K 6 inf Aurori. i w Harinuii.r K ; inf. l orn. ltux V Doughty I 7 cav. Hillsboro i " ""'"T w ' W Jackson K 33 inf Dilley ' R B 3 "1 Hillsboru ! W io, ,e, C l inf N Moner D S cav ..OaK-s Creek ! H ii(.pkii M t iav. A B Thomas L I cav K Grove ! A Purser 11 U in(.. ... !!Ik! ,3infF8S""! ITh'-re is !ik. Iv J N Howard E 36 inf Cornelius ! " t'nies. m 111 B F Blood I 16 inf F Grove , IU'lilshed 1 P H Maury G 7 inf Dillry ILLINOIS I Weyler Wrltea Otla. M C Collins D lot inf Fcholls : J D Hite H 10S inf Piogress RKuhnB64inf Cornelius I " " eyier aumrin, to air. utis, B K Haines C tart Hillsboro I ': o'K'ior F S Haines to III. to SOIII.- ni;liiit- 11 Mr i-ripl i.lililli-iiluiii fur Mix iutiolve wi-ek lo onier of tlm Hon. Arthur I.. Kmxnr, Jll-'ueof thx -till JiiiIIi-hI liiKlrii't, duly inaife ihl Kill iluy of June I'T" aul ( ptihlWhvil for the 1st time mi the t.'nh ilnv of J 11 ue isw. IIKM.,IUI.I.KSIMK, Atiorm-vn f..i 1'hiliilill Notice of Final Settlement. Man- Since niv ilhutroiH roun J Roach H 14S inf F Grove A Cbalcomb I 97 Iowa Hill i C Giltner G 15 inf F Grove D C Miller E 84 inf Portland W J Beach vol F Grove J Neap C 9cal v Cornelius N J alker I 1 Mexican war. . . . F Grove J H Dolstrum II 109 inf... u Iv Mooberry A 150 mi. . , J L Barngrower E 58 inf. . L, It Herman K 9 V V Cul . W Arnold K I inf A M Badt-r K 5 cav W H Glass E 95 and 47 inf KA! SAS Chas W Phelp K 19 cav.. E N Ordway V 7 cav KEXTl'CKV G C K 11 cav Torest Gr-jve MASSAClllSKTTS H Yoman sloop of war Portsmouth . . Port MAINK John Mowrie G j inft Portland MICHIGAN N J Summons I 20 inft Cedar Mill J Hatch A UiUt-v . . .Cornelius .. Hiilsboro . . . Almneila Uiiley . . .Hillsboro Dilley . . .Cornelius ' NotU-o i hereby irivon that the tinder Hituxl. uiln 1 111 li rut. t i .1 tin itateof J11I111 Mi't'onkey, iIi-ii-ilvc.I, ha lilml Ins Until 11c coiint ui siieh ailiuinistrator In lln- ruuniy (smrt of the Ml ale of Ort-Kon for V5lilnif toll eouiity unit Hint thesiilil eoiintv eoiirt has rl.el oiiiluy th Ulih ilv 't July IMiO, nt the i-inirt mom of irnl.l cmirt nt 1 1 ill-lMiiii, eouiity ami .nto HforeHnlil, at the hour of III o'l'lot-k it. 111 of mhIiI ilv try has seen fit to disr.ose of the Philip-! as the limo ami pliii for lirarliiir ohis-t. ine annex to your firm of Haunn, Al;er I""" tornikl Dual aii-oimt. II any there be & Co without first stitumtliiiK a ImUnce ' 0I"' ""; "ettleiuenl of wil.l ette. sheet. I would respectl'ullv submit that! I'"u''1 ' ."I?!, .'.''f ..''"""M' asuianaKrrt.uaieudly in need ol a ' Adiiiinlatratiir of the Utale of John first clavi type-wrilniK machine. I have j MoLonke.iUveaMHl. such a rmuhiue It is nu'.omatic. cheer ful eiul never fails to record whipped Filipinos. It was never know 11 tolillof. . " a Spanish lo- auo" it will do equally as well in kiepini? dow.i the American niortalit) rate. I wi:i trade you Una lit tle wumler lor t're Island of Guam. ; PU tse let me hear from you at ot;ce. As suring viiii of mv ilisiniiiislieil co-isiil-r r.tum, la-, vours in a cu-e " K (01(0(0) lii.lsl-oioi l).-VitiV I.i tV K-irly llise hen. ;efit pi iioii.eiitly. Tln-v lend k title af.-i-i.iiice to loiMire. cmi-iiig ioi (aii.a or ueitkius-, j-erii.tiiu'n'lv ttliii'i: ct.iit-t 1 1 titio'i ami livt-r nil ineiits The Ib-lta llrtii; Store. AJmintstrat3r's Notice. Notice in hereby eiven that the iinilernuMi Iihh been iiiiiMiioti-d Adiiiinintritior of Ihe H M Croakite QMS 10.. . Hiiislmro "late oj I'mrir-k Knrcotar, ih-cil. by the W R Whitnev H t inf F Grove ; '"u,.".' l'""rt "f "" "f ren :r . . I U alilnifoiin..iiiilH All tu.u. I... ..I.... , mi j r 1 1' 1 1 r 1 1 v 1 1 K rotate w ill jrMit tlm EitonA26in! Oswego . (lm of W. 1. Uare. llilUIKir.i. Or..i.. MISSISSIPPI i withm (i mo from the date of ihi inti. f tl.lit fctllt .l.ttr i.f Ittttn IklJI W U Whitney 11 t inf F Grove Y'""."v E N Buxton 1) 16 inf S ho-iftoiic,,..... v. , ..... i A ciainia Bpi list :ml e: J V Wheeler Bat F 1 F Grove Wl.B uXmy.M pm OJIQ Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food sod atdi Nature In stretifithenlnir and recon ltructlnftthe exhausted dlfteatlve or gans. Hlsthelatestdlscorereddlpest ant and tonic. No ot her preparation can approach It In efficiency. It In stantly relieve and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache, Gastralgl a, Cramps, and ail other results of Imperfect digestion. PraparadbvF C DaWiitaCo., Cb'cag Delta Druir Store, Hillxboro, Oregon J P Hauler A 1 cav.. . MISSOURI j W Leach I 4X inf F Grove i J M Edwards B 2 cav " J Baldwiu G 2$ inf " j H Crane A 22 inf Cornelius! E H Parks H 1 inf Gaston i H W' Hesse C IS inf Hillsboro J F Fletcher M S M Gales Creek , 0 Seeth A 27 inf I J A Moore I, 5 cav Cornelius 1 1 Crane A 2 cav Gleiicoe ' R R Bryan I 62 cav. Hillsboro ! J W Adkins C 13 Gales Creek j MINNESOTA j A M Collins F 1 Hillsboro' W L Pike 16 Beaverton ! R W McNutt E 9 F Grove PWCronerE4 ' I M S Barnes A 5 Beaverton E A Alderman B 15 Cuba F Grove NEBRASKA. A H Gates B 2 cav Forest Grove O C Zook C 2 cav HilUboro NEW YORK E Cheney C 10 h art Foresl Groxe Walter Bmnson H 1 light art. . Hillsboro Friend Barnes K 35 inf F Grove O S Allen II 112 inf Beaverton C P W'iudertich H 4 cav. Centerville NORTH CAROLINA ' J W York U S Navy Reedville PENNSYLVANIA A R Cramer D 179 inf F Grove O M Godfrey G Ha inf Cnrnrlina J K Rceper A 139 mf F r.rnve J N Spaugler E Mi inf. F Grove ORKUON M Schuct n 1 M K Santtfnpl 0 1 Aast 8urg iW iiayden li I cav. ... W M Htophens V 1 r.av J I Laiighlm U 1 inf. W It Karrett U H Daeirn O 1 cav G N Hale U 1 inf. E J Bryan li K Noah Job cav W Kane 1 1 cav W I l.oiin 11 liarriMon il M V H 1 1 Powell II 1 M V " J Harper ll 1 inf ., ' J V i.ui-hanaii 2 Cornnliua A lipioiTing 11 2 Greenville li T lidlord 11 1 cav Hlllaboro HJ Killen li 1 inf Greenville M A 11DA l!KT FOIlWI'KIt AilinliiMtrator of the estate of Patrick resur, deceii.ol Celinquent Bicycle Tax. Notice Ih hereby (flven that bicycle tax will bcc.inie delinoiii ht Julv H Inn P ,ii u- 11. '"' '"'"'eillalelv therearter all wheels 011 lOr. ZO tlaM ,i ; which the bicycle tax has not been paid, I aa prencriheil hy law, will lie IbvIinI uihiii I ill siilislactiou thereof, W. II. r.KADI'dUt). Hhcritl. Daltul this itb day uf June, uw, J. Noriliiop, Proprietor. Ne wly Furnished and Renovated. A first-class table ami all accommodations for the convenience of guests. . . . j Eyes exit inihi'd tree at lloyt'n, land glit.-Ki'a us cheap us the cheap ; est. Furmiiigton Olencoe 'l'hateher Buxton . F Drove ....Greenville Manning ....llillsboro K Grove ..HillHlwro OR&I I ime Schedule . . . . From Portland (Jun-chot wounds and murder- ; burns, RiitM, I'ruiHea.i.prniiii', w.nindu 'from riiKiy iniiU, ineiti slings and jivy poisoning qtiii-klv healed bv DeWillV Witoh HnzefSalve. Vo jitively prevents IiIihkI poiaoning j Bewiirei.fcounterfeiu ."Dd Witt's" is sitfn an. I sounil. Delta Drutr htore. Flint mail Iphvch at 8 p m for Halt l.iiko, Iicnver, Ft. Worth. Omaha, Kansim Cuv. Hi. l.onin, Chicago and Ennl, arrives 6:15 p 111 Rpokano Flyer leaves 2:10 p 111 for Walls Walla, MliincapoliM, HI. Paul, Duliith, Milwaukee, Chiimgo and Kaat, arrivoa H:.'iOam Ocean fiteaiiiHblps leave at or Han Francisco , HHiling every Columbia P.ivor leuve S p m exeunt Sunday. Haturday 10 p in for Astoria and way landings, arrive 4pm except Hunrlay Willamette river leave B a Nnnilav lor Orciron Cltv. N'hwIm- and way landing, arrive 4.-.'J0p 111 except Sunday Willamette- and Yamhill river leave 7 a m Tuewlay, Thursday and Haturday for Oregon City, Dayton and way landings, arrive p m Monday. Wednesday and J-rid ay Willamette river leave fl a in Tuesday, Thursday and Haturday for Corvallls arid way landings, arrive 1:30 p m Tuesday, i hursday and Haturday SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of thoMtato ofOroKon 1. u ii umiiiukioii conniy. Kminn Mirks. Pliilntilf.) vs Itoht. W. Marks. Defendant, j To Hobert W. Marks, the said defendant! In Hie inline of the State of Oregon, you are hereby notllled that tlie Plalntlll liore in has (lied a complaint agiilntit you in the above entitled ciiune and you nr'e, here by required to appear and answer said complaint on or before the IhhI dav of the nine presmheii hy the order of iiiildlc.a. Hon hereof, to-wlt: ir before the Hlh uy f,lJily l yo'i are further notllled that if you fail tn appear and answer the coiiio a iitor 11 cad lliepnlo Dm' rn except : " "1'1'iy w'-iiu cnurt lortiin roller pray THE ROSTER List of Veterans Encamped at Cornelius July t, 2, and 3rd. It W Pool r: 11 and Lj inf.. P Siguier II 1U2 inf I, Bailey C II ll Pitch navy ....Gaston ! A II HchotioM I&4 inf Qleiiwoodl Snake river leave ltlnurla dnllv for bewlslon; retnriiiiiir leave Lewiston .....iirieut ! , mMJin Dufur i """J cecpi. nuiiuay, '..F iirovo; Address W. H. frfTf-TtllRT Gun. Pass. Agent cd for ill the toinplaiiit, that is to sav. lor a decree dissolving forever the tsinds of iiiair:mony existing hetween deiniidaut ami pinmiitr herein, and n,r sui h other ni'o iiiiiiier roil 1 as to the court may Miem pi-uper; the dale of the tlrst puliliea lioiinf this HiiininoiiR, is Thursday Ilia tsl day ol 'June, I!IH, mid the last pu'lillca 1011 hi-rcof is 'i hursday the lth day of July. lK!;siildsiiliiinoiisliiill bo puhliMh (d on Thursday of 'each wee for the per- iw.i in ni. I'tTLneen sum oaicsi Tills summons is piiilishnd by order of I on. T. A. McHride, Judge of said (.'ourt, made at I'lmiiilior". Dated lliis!ir)th ilay of vBy, H!)i. T H A V Kit, 8T. R A VN K It & H( ! 1 . N A II K I ,, Attorneys for Plalntlll'. Another Popular Suit tkla 5prlaf b Mr 5lftil Braaaled Mralhl Cut mck mtiU by I h lamiw Kuh. Nathan I'IkHm- Co., and soM hrt u'tutlvaly Ijrtt 1 comblnatlutt l Wat maUtUU, bl sklU and bt klm mk thU tin th. bMt. Vn o by this mark-. It's uaraata4. 'v. V I r I r I 7 n II. WKIIUI NG and S(S, JHtl.sllOK. OJUMeOM. The Hillsboro Pharmacy Tho Loading Drug House. I'nion Itlock Mam Mi. Dr. r. A. llalU-t Priprliinr. Where I'ruB. Medicines. Paints. I ills. Sponges, llinlii and all I'miiBbd'a Knnilrlra in-ty be procured at prices Unit implY distance coliip-lltioii. Fuel is, that many tvnjile do nut kn'W where our niiine(-nin from it's a riioiI name and we h id ,""d reaiuia fur adopt- lug 11. Let im txtiiiii: is tho 4 ill littler f tli" (ireek Alplials-t mi l is shaped like I rianj,'i three sided. Now, as we wee ; .iii.i rii ally Ihe third Store! urn estalilili"d in llillrhoro, ih llre eini'ti-d hllt-r il Hkliillii-aht rli-ii-c l.-lii' lid" r 1 a 1 t nit o ir iiiune is. nisi always will be, too. the hi;r" siiin "f h'hcnl iju.ility mi h,w. est price, m e 111 is in ways pii-usi-n o line ymi ran at inr FOl? THE FINEST DRUGGIST'S LlE IN WASHINGTON COUNTY. Priace Almo I' v- - v-i - 1 I- -' ".a f fv.'i3 H. Sewell, Owner Hired t.y PolliH:k. Pirit duiii, queen, by Itotoiu igo liingc: third dnui. Puis, bv Mir 'Iiili1ii fin trlh itin.. J. A. Johnson, Manager "' d dam. KcIIimii hvl-hnl. mi (-.migrant mare. The Per .heron Stallion Pr nee Ahno It a dapple grey with black points, and bciutimi white inane itn.l talb 1 i-t i " ' "!'""" '"Mt walker. Ills I'.ns.ding coml.lnri " ,r, LThlL,.l r,r dinlt and irencrn nurnosn hone ll,.u 1.. .11" , . . v"r,."."11 w"l fr IWias follows! Nfo..,,.,. in .111 I..... 5 . ."!":""" ,"i' "iiiiMitim season ol Jri'lutid'n. lirm-iiv . 'runs.l..u w... ... .1.. . . ' 1 ' F. P, Morgan & Oo.,Real Estate Agents. If yoa want to sell your property, list it with us. others on commission. We buy, sell and exchange for ARKANSAS Perry Watson K I cav .Greenville We want a few more pood Improved farms to handle ; we' have Buyers. We have some choice Residence property in Hillsboro and Portland to trade (or tarms and pay the difference in money. We write deed. n.ntrr .. r.,,ii, .k-. llr.H. in.,...;.,... I!.!... ' ' O O t OU We also foreclose mortgages and do a general land business. Satisfaction guaran teed. Call on orwritc F. P. Morgan & Co., Hillsboro, Ore. Skite I Foote, liaiers Transact a Gonoral Banking Business J. W. SHUTE Managei A. 0. S1IUTB Cashier Sell sight Exehanire and Tolearaphlo Iransfors and issues Letters of Credit BvaiiHiiie inrougnout the United States. Draw hills of Exchange on Londoi Tdverpool, Dublin, Paris, Berlin, FranV. fort-on-the-Main.Htockholm and all prli clpal cltlos of Europe. Collections mado on all accessible point Banking hours from 9 a m to 8 p in Hlllaboro, Oregon ; vi.ui-oviiii.. iiieHimy noon. Wm' H h o. ,..i eyers , Vdar Mill. Wednesdays, (I p , and n'il, hcI , lis T .da" n Howell i larm. rlday, s a , . r te(,oml , Ha,,p , K( ,'" , uy, 8 t.Mp in, Forest llrove. . riday and Haturday , hhts an. in ml Jolinson.. place near Dilley. Cure to prevent, hut,otKresV"..-ihk fl .TKHM8...TF.X DOMolItS Foil IKMUItANVK ni ami uluht, John I iiluht. John illnlit its at J II slinru. Hatur- Hundava at J A (miiisiIiIii for ai-cldeiits Prrpcsali for Wood, Notice is hnriiby givmi ihit tha under sIkiiikI will, IVoni dm. i until July ft Mt 2;ll p, in , receive hiils ,,r ih fiirnlshin ol flftv crds of iiieri-hanlahlii lour foot wooil.tolinili-livered at the county court house on or before Sciitcmlicr ir,, ihihi W. ll KU All OKI), Hherlirof U'unliliiKtoii Cnnntv, Or, Dated at hillsboro. dr., this JiiU (), ISM I2MI. a 1ft Executrix' Sale. BY VIKTUK OF AN (i It DICK (if TK CouiltvCourt of Mull,... ,,.!, i ty, Oreijon, In the mailer of the astute of Marah Ann I, ill her, )lecensed, 1 wlll on July 11.1HW1 , at 10 o'clock a in, at' tho I r 1 w V Harris rt a I to WmMahier', 'id '' in Port Place, ii hi.16 a Michne Moors .11 .. ... . I error In former deed, . . I l l'l1' "'" wf to John llr.iKBer,'l..t:iVln I . hriiKSMi' tract, III.Mo a tpjNO, j Arwed alinerlo Jacob Haner'aoi'i Mek kl" ' W a III Kdwln II Comfort il I o. Kl iWV h Krcen'i'airioM'ary viimo'ii m "a John Pool i ,. " and f 10 a In ('has (j Merrill d 1 o, $W0. court House door In Ilillshom, VViishlinr. ton County, Oregon, sell at publlu aim ion, me iiuniviiiiiii i-n or tho n '4 ol the n w '4 and the V, of the n w K of sec ,T' t I s r C w of the Wll. Mer. " I'.xocutr ix of the esinin i.r sj..,. i. V.... ,,,.., ......i ...ii ion II. I1 ian HI M. Nicholas. Altnrnoy 7lfi Oreuoii Idg., Portliuid, " Real Estate Transfers. lorv and hus In A n.,ii,i.,o-. 4.'l a In 1 1 sri w tymu Hart to M Hart 4b a In 1 2fi 1 8 n r 4 w' tr..u M i-art to F nart lf)o a In see t'A' n r i 0 A C it it to Honrietla'DunVschat 40 a In see Ii, 1 2 n r 8 w, o,)0 1) W Ward to 0 t. Largo lot 7, hlk 0, W Port P ace ' m John W Kens ex to C and Uarah ii Van Kleolc 80 a In see 25 t 1 r 1 w, 7Ml, II B Johnson and wftoK A ilyiln lot, 1 T i kwr!1 ''"r'",t"r"ve .' HIO. John II Dorland admrto Ellen I. Jackson 7tl a In John H Jackson din, ... .$115(111. Win Booi-chetal to Arwed Zailmor H2 a In Edwin B Comfort d 1 c siuoo LIl llaghes and wf to J M Hmlth 6 a In t Dead Letters. The following is the list of letters re manilng in the Hillsboro post olhct un claimed: Meloda Jane Woodward, Mr. John Whites. Alllttters not called for byxIwly ie. IH99. will be aeut to the dead litter of flee. One cent will be charged oa each letter called for, H. SCHUI.MRRICH, P.M. Tho Washington Counly VolMiiteena f Contributed by a "Copperhend.") The volunteers are coming home rhey're coming home to stay I God bless the gallant little band We U welcome them so gay We'll march the band a'down the street And martial music play! Our hands and hearts go out to tilt. As down the line they come: nh!'.ts,areayn,ntl,e'' While loudly beats the drum And yet, we can't repress the sighs, For two wht-se lips are dumb,