Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1896)
v-.-v THE H1LLSB0R0 ARGUS, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 18. i p it- '1 THE ARGUS County Official Paper. the Only Democratic Paper in Wash- j ington County. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY BlilMCKlPTION PRIOB. Single copy five cento. One year, frl.OO. Six months 60 rents. Three months 35 cents. : I Entered at tne rost-omce at nuisooro, i Oregon.assecond-clas mail matter. , .- . Tv ,t mi i . ! JJcIllUCIullU llCJVG 11 ' -" State Ticket For Congressman JKFF MYERS cf l.inn County. Supreme Judge JNO. Bl'RXETT of Corvnllis. District Ticket For Joint Senator W. B. DILLARD of Columbia County. District Attorney J. E. HEDGES of Oregon City. County Ticket State Senator S. B. HUSTON of Hillsboro. For Representatives IRA E. PURDIN DR. F. M. ROBINSON ED. SCIULMERICH County Sheriff THOS. TALBOT of Cornelius. County Clerk CH AS. - CROCKER of Hillsboro. aCounty Commifsjoner F THATCHER of Thateherville. County Assessor ROBT. THOMPSON of Cedar Mill, bounty Treasurer , . PETER I OSCOW of Hillsboro. County Coroner - DR. R. SANDFORD of Glencoe. County Platform. Whereas, the existing depressed con dition of the country demands rigid econ omy in government affairs, we hereby condemn the last legislature for its wilful disregard of its pledges for economy and its failure to repeal the laws creating useless commissions, and we pledge the candidates nominated by this convention to favor reduction of salaries in all de partments; state, county, and municipal. And whereas, as the excessive salaries ai ine present paia 10 our couniyomciais render taxation almost confiscation, we I most heartily endorse the action of Sen ator S. . Huston in the fixing of salaries of the several county offices of Wash ington County as introduced by him in the session of the legislature in 1893, bv which there would have been a saving to the tax-payers of this county of (1100 annually; and we demand a reduction ofij... ,.1.-0 1- . j the present fixed salaries of said county i de,,t of the Senate' the PeoPle "eed omces as toiiows: county cleric and de. ffiru;?rttrrff aan"dd g? $1500. thfennt' orsuch0' Cs SSffi lize the labor of the State convicts for the improvement ot the public roads in the several counties of the state where such labor can be conveniently used. In order that we may have an econom - ical administration of state government, we demand that the salaries of all state officers shall be kept strictly within the letter of tbe constitution: that all laws now existing providing extra fees or com- ed by law upon such officer shall be re- i pealed. We demand repeal of the laws creat-l imr the Railroad commiasinn Hi iinniM. ingine Kauroaa com mission the domes-. tic Animal commission, the Horticultu- ral commission, laws creating the appro-. priating money for the support of the state and district fairs. wc urvicsi aruuisi an appropriations by the legislature of this state for the w- -tn,.t n , support and nia ntenance of colleges re- gardless of kind or sectarian denomina tiotis, excepting one State Normal Sci?l t. mi r, , That, having full confidence in the patriotism of our citizens and in their fidelity to the principle ot these United States and the constitution of our state, we view with regret upon the part of the so called ''reformers and good govern- ntent to foment the religious discord a - mong our people and to incorporate re- ligion with politics and business and de - nounce such attempt as un-American, a violation of our constitutional rights, and revolutionary in tendency destructive all ir A -f t H llhnrtv of 4 Ha 1 nrii ifiil 11 a 1 an4 ikv st iiivi fcj wt iiiuiv til mi piiu peace of society. We further endotsetbe principles ex pressed iu the state platform. INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE. To the Citizens and Voters of Washing ton County, Oregon: 1 At the request of my friends I hereby aanounee mv self an Independent Candi date for the Office of County Recorder of Conveyances at the coming juneeiection. bated this 83rd day of ApriIjjr8o6,, WILL, VOTE RIGHT. These times are eadly out of joint I with high salaries in public circles, , and excessive appropriations. The republican party, in the strictest ense of the word, is responsible for the actions of the last legislative body, although the general repub lican voter is just as anxious for good government and economical business management as any other citizen. Republicans openly con- demn the ring'exders who slate their, j tickets through and make the pop-j ular franchise the steuidna stone . , , ., . ,. . for people who consider public of , fice a "private snap." It is a well known fact that the republican ma chine has dominated in Oregon for j I many years and the average repub- lican voter has raid his taxes with-' out complaint. It is the mathine iu each county that throws the re publican party of the state in bad repute in local affairs. Without the earnest thought of republicans, and action to purify the condition of af fairs in their party, these outrageous acts of Simon legislatures will pre vail. Republicans will consider well before voting the strwight re publican ticket on June 1st, for the rank and file of republicans in Washington county are too reason able men to be fooled nil the time. A rebuke to the spoils hunters will do much to make the party repre sentative of proper and popular in terests and that rebuke should come the first of the month. POPULISTS NOT FREE SILVER. As a matter of reason, and plain, everyday, common sense, there is no more affinity between democrat ic and populist doctrine than ex ists between daylight and darkness. i Populism, through its orators and confessed principles, believes in fiat money and it is stated time and again that the stamp of the govern mint creates the value. The Ar Gt's, believes, therefore that for pop ulism to expouse free silver is simply to catch democratic and republican-free silver support. This is a reasonable conclusion for in no manner does a true fiat money man see any benefit from free coinage of silver. The fiat is enough, so they say, and it this be so, the govern ment would, if the populists were in power, issue paper money with redemption of no kind, therein, if populists doctrine be true, creating something out of nothing. If pop ulists believe in their doctrines it would be foolish to waste time and money digging for silver ore when money could be made and thrown to a citizenship. The dem ocrats of this state believe that a law of free coinage would create a greater use for silver and this use would create a demand, and the demand, in turn, would throw its bullion value to the place it at one time occupied. The democratic t: t t ; ,i i UtKel 18 Uie 0nly haven for free silver people of Oregon. Free silver men will vote for it. ? A QUERY? 80 lone as Joe Simon is nresi- nave no delusive nopr 8 ot retorni ' lion, or the repeal of any "use. le,s commissions," for his appoint- 'e"8 f be to prevent' the passage of such ; . . a: : 1 11 , 18. feimon is a holdover : and will be up for re-election. ' i.a n.,-t.. ...l n;ii...i .v. iMessrs- "Bt "'' DlU'trd, the democratic candidates will not vote 1 1 1:.. ti' ii m n 1 1 : for !m- W 1,1 Mr- Hu,,es and the nominee for joint senator say to'sunday. tl,e PeoPle of Washington county that they will not vote for Joe Si-i 1 r .1 . r nioii as r resident of the next Ore- , , gon state senate, if elected? The . . .... 1- ,, ABGUS maJ' err. but t believes they will not eav th e. Shou Id thev de- . . . n .M Blre to m 8t,,te' Ihe Argis g,ve them space. I . r "mm R Argus is pleased to again S . , r . . , glv the vote on appropriations by j the members of the last legislature. ! ,, , , , , .,, 0 j 1 UOlwands Of other bills were Up before the house, but onlv those 1 . . , . ' . i Which reached the Senate are given. f The man voting lowest was Hon. 1 ., . ,. . li. Huston, ol this county. His ipurty )mg again placed hiui in the " " field and those who are in favor ot law taxation in these trying and troublous times should vote for him. He has been tried and not found wanting to put his hand in the pocket of the taxpayers. Brother Gaum, of the Indepen dent, lust week had a very revere i attack of virtue on the subject of fusion between democrats and pop ulists. Thk Argus would advise the worthy Independent that this!"f l."wn- 1G,00,d fenc,e around ot' .fusion question is only a matter otUmel6. in residence. Also pump vniiwinnu are fusing rigl.t along, the third party liaving pulie.) down a man and endorsed Jonathan Bourne, a republican candidate for the lepis- jkture. In Alabama the republ cans and populists fuse at every opportunity and as the blight is now iu Oregon and attacking therepub licans ranks, the Independent's Fpasm of virtue is painfully out of date, and to say the least, quite in opportune and out o'line. . The republican county conven- tion made no declaration of irin . , ., , , ,e i ci pies, laid out no platform, and turned a deaf ear to the urgent ap peril of the tux-paying elements. This is because the politicians in tend to whip old time republicans into line. The fact of the matter ii, they want no reduction of salar ies in county it flairs, for the emolu ments of office are the chiefest con- (federation of politicians. The popJ ulists are down to n minimum in their declarations, hoping to catch votes. The democrats, reasonable, and knowing the wisdom of moder ation, having the last county con vention, did not seek to make polit ical capital out of their platform, but pursued a wise course regarding the reduction of salaries, and will get the votes of the better class of citizenship The tin God of populism sees nothing but material to "sell" in every legislative ticket. The "man" who edits the searchlight sees no higher principle in anything, than "barter and sale." "Barter and sale" is his ideal type of politics, partyism or advocacy of any stand' urd. Doubtless he was infused wit! the idea of getting "something for nothing" when he insured property to which he absolutely had no title, having the los payble to himself. That the property burned and tht.t he tried to collect the loss for him self is but a fitting conclusion to his principles. Yet, the man has pleuty to applaud. If the free silver men of Wash ington county liesire to have a free silver delegation elected to the next legislature they should vote the democratic ticket. It is the one i,--sue as 1 lie plalform touches upon natioiiul tifi'iiirs and is handicapped by no '"Omaha- platform." All pop ulists who are iu favor of monetary reform on free silver lives should recognize the expediency of the hour and help to send the luket to represent Washington county. If taxpayers want low state tax ation; reduction of ollicial salaries; abolishment of all such ns railroad com.iiissions, etc.. they shoti S aciilu 4lt rnii-t I'luiit uml -,t: liiiuif acme iiiui ai mipiiiiiiu tut the democratic ticket for ihe legis lature. CENTERVILLE. A Tilden and family, of Indiana, are recent arrivals here. They intend to lo cate and make their home here. The business of the Creamery is in creasing daily. M Wren, who has been confined to the house for the past three weeks with a se vere cold, is recovering. The roads in this vicinity are in bad condition. Preparations are being made to cele brate childrens' day. A good program is being prepared School is piogressing nicely under the management of Mrs Dorrien, Mrs C Williamson, of Portland, is spending a few days visiting her parents prior to her departure for San Francisco, where she goes next week to meet her husband who has been there since last fall. J Scheffelin left for Los Angeles, Cal, SCHOLLS. .. . , Wm Hurt was a visitor at Mt Side Sun- day ! Mrs Miller visited friends in New Jeru- i 8aleln aurlnK llle weelt- Dr Linklater passed throuch Scholls this week enroute for Sherwood. Mrs Estella Groner has moved to Port land where she will reside in the future. The Evangelical Conference meets at the Evangelical church, of this place, next Saturday and Sunday. A temperance concert at UnityChapel, Scholls, May 31. Music by Mozart Soci ety. Some excellent male choruses are proniibed. All are invited. L E LaRue made a business trip to Newburg Monday, B P Cornelius addressed the citizens of this place, Friday eve May 22, at Mt School House. T Sutton left last Wednesday enroute for Hood River where he will remain an indefinite time Miss Ada Gordon is visiting friends in Portland, later she will extend her vis it to Eastern Oregon. Mrs Hunt, Wallan, Laurence and Mis ses Ora Brooks and Ida Wohlslegal were visitors at Mt Side School last Friday and expressed themselves weil pleased with Prof Springer as teacher. A Bargain. A neatly constructed 5 room cot- t'o ':thiii 2 blks of businer-s pari .VERTON. D Evans, who was suffering from gau- i rene of the leg, died Thursday and was luried ou Friday in the ration burying ! ground near Raleigh. No democratic speakers have yel ap peared upon the scene but they are anx-1 lously looked for by the faithful few. ni.t C-.1 lino ntruili f-miflfundeil to . dim., tiia f;ir in tlii vii-inttv nnil neonle ; rejoice anil are exceeding glad. Mr Laurence, the blind populist sing er spoke at the hall Monday evening. His sineinc was fine, but his speech was mostly historical facts with little or no populist doctrine. j Revival meetings are still in progress. : Our wide awake Marshall is hustling the poll tax utid improving the roads. Pf TV,,,,.,, tiao titnVAii in IWHnilrt Prof Traver has nioxect to 1 ortlaml , neiUtS, ttllU la UUMi UU3UIC33 IU IIIOI yL. Notice for Publication. Land Orrici at Orkoon City, Oh.( May IS, 1KIXU NOTICK is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice o ing-nained settler has tiled notice of , bis intention to make tinal proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof wilt be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Oreo.:, on July 6, ltM, v'ii: Joint M. Brown, H. R. No. R721, for the N H KSK 4 N 4 of 8 K x4 A K Vk of S W )4 ec 30 T 3 N K3 W. H naiuea the followine witnesses to Drove his continuous reKidenee unoii and cultivation of said laud, vix: A. C. Archbnld, J. (J. Magruilur, W llliain Bouseien, i illsborxi. Or-koii. and 10. il. Unwell, Mountaimtale, Drejion. 9-6 Kobkrt A. Mn.LKR, Hegister. Notice for Publication. Land Orricn at Ukkuoh City, Or.) May 18, 1SH1.( NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled noti'ie of his intention to make tinal proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington countv at Hillsboro, Oregon, on July 7, 1806, viz: Joseph Hickeiibottoin, Pre. I). 8. So. 790(1, for the NVJ of 8 B I v 1.: 1 sn is 1 a . it h . 1 e names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Thomas . I,u vender. Joseph. A. Kveritt, John 1). Baker. Kinnest Hinder.of Vernon ia. Oregon. 0-0, Register. Notice for Publication. I,i nu Omit at okkuok City. Ok. i Mnv 18, lSDH. f NOTICE is hereby Riven that the follow-ing-nanied settler has tiled notice of his intention to muke hnul proof in sup- Sort of his claim, and that said proof will e made before the County Clerk of Wash ington countv at Hillsboro, Oregon, on Julv 7, 1890, viz: J. P. billy, H. K. No. U790, for the 8 E of S K Vt Sect UT1NK5 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lionl. viz: J. F. Utterly. J. T. Fleichor. I.. N'. Witt, S. Culver, of dales Creek, Oregon. !H1 Robert A. Mn.i.m, Register, Notice for Publication. I,ani Omen at Orkoon City, Oh., Mav 18, IKiHI.i NOTICK is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, uml Unit said proof will De made before County Clrk of Washing ton count) at Jiillsuoro, Uregou, on July 7, 189i'), viz: liciitoii b. Phillips, H A. Xo. THV). for the W of 8 W 14 S.c 15 T 2 N It 4 W. lie names the following wiliuwscs to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: C. b. Uenellel. Samuel Davidson, W .1. Thoi-nbuig, Perry b. Ilenetiel.ol" aioiing, Oregon. 0-0 Roberta. Miller, Register Notice for Publication. I.An Orptrit t Orkoon City. Ok.I Slay IS, lWW.f NOTICK is hereby given tlial the folluw-ing-nnmed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup- IX ort ol his claim, ami that said prooi w be made before the Countv Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro. Or., on July , I8US, viz : Joseph narffhclzpr, H. A. No. 7444, for the S K 4 Sec 15 T 3 NR5 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ami. cultivation of said land, viz: H. I. Stnwell, Peter bund, John Oliver, John Hauseh. of Huxton, Oregon, 0-0 . Kohkut A. ii.i,i-;r. Keifiitw. Notice far Publication. Laxii Oith e at Orkoon C'TT. Ok.I ill ay IK, 1WW 1 NOTICK is hereby given that the follnw-ing-naiued settler has tiled notice ol his intention to make final proof iu 8tij nort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Oregon, ou July i), 1806, viz: George Kelser, H. A. No. BM2, for the W M 8 E xi, A E nfSWX Sect 'JO T 2 N It 4 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Donald McMillan, John Iloos, John Martonsaud iieriuan Hunger.of Haywani, Oreiror. 0-8 Rorrbt A. MiLtiKR, Register. Notice for Publication. Land Orpici at Okkoon City, Ok.I May 18, 18J.f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named yuttler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in ruj port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Oregon on July 10. 18!W, viz: Samuel Paisley II. A. No. 82C9, for the N N W & 8 W SVf 4 tec. 8 & S E '4 of N K Beet 7 J 2 N R 4 W. ue names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz . T. Buxton, C.J. Vendenhall, N. R. WestaudO. 1 . Hiddink, of Huxton, Ore. 9-t Korkut A. Mitxkr Kegistrr. Notice For Publication. LAND Omrl AT ORKOON (.'TV, 0. ay 18, 18M.1' TOTICK is hereby given that the follow i. 1 ing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before County Clerk of Washington County at Hillsboro, Oregon on July 10, 18!M, viz: Herman Lelstikon, II. E. No. 8227 for the W K of 8 W Sec M 1 3 N K 4 VV. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William Hart, Amos ead, J. A. Shep ard, of fireenville Oregon. H. W. Tolkc, Buxton, Oregon. 0-0 Robrkt A. Miller, Register Wanted-An Idea I Who tea thlak thing to itentr mn some simpi B Look! Rare Bargains IW Kiniuire at. Tub Auoi'8 o'liee. N() j j iu.r0s, adjoining eltv limits, ! sitlowtvlk within one block of property, j lt acre cleared, tlnest quality of bottom ; land, 4 acres bench, lino site for building : pin-poses, some timber on same. Will sollln a body for jrjJOO part down, bal- i Mill Ol, I1IIIU I" Ullll llll 1 1 IIWSl'l . ! lll sul(llvl(lf, H(, ,(, , ,.lwpe(, lot. tout and part bench, in plain from 2 to 8 acres, at 1JS per acre, llerels a chance for a good neat little homo which can bo madoHttlf sustaining investigate beforn some one gets it. On the market for a short time only. Nn8 10 iurw. imlt'clfHimil. 1 acri bea- ! verdam. rest slashed ami mvtn to grass, iivf ,ii,iiiiiif(n, ((in -n 1,11 . i ... iim- in two miltts of Hillsboro. Terms, $I(K down, balance in 3 years at 10 per cent, . Or will sell 41) acres, of which above Is n part, at same price per acre. Including 16 acres of beaverihun and swail cleared. No 3 12H uci'pM, highway running through center of iilueo, fiUacrca In eulti vation; 3 ucrcn in orehard, appUw, peara and plums; (J room hotiHe; log burn, good well of water: SO aereH of beuverdain, euay to put In cultivation; plare well watered by Hpriuga and creek; 100 acres under fence; U inllcs front poHt otllce, daily nnul; 1 uillu troni m-hool Ihiiisc anil mix miles north of Hillsboro. tinea cheap for cash. No 4 A good comer lot on Main and Third streets. 7.'ixl7i"i, with good building thereon, siiltiilile lor any kind of business, and in oxcellxut repair, will go at n tar- 1 iruin for cash. Part niivnient and balance ! on long time with security. j Mr, r 1) nrrtft- btilf rlcared .bulnnce in ........... . - --- rass. liood House 01 tour rooms; good barn and outbuildings, b'iue orchard of 50 trees and various other small fruits. ISO chickens so ducks, i-liorse wagon, i sets single harness, good cow, 3 heifers , Uorse aml (,,,, i,plenitnts. Every- " v K. .Mi .Nhll., Kece vet. TO TEE EAST . . . .Gives the choice of ril'O TllASSCONTlKKXTA I. ROUTES T "IA DENVER OMAHA AMI KANSAS CITY ! SPOKANE MiNNlOAI'Ol.l.S AMI ST PAUL LOW KATES TO A 1.1. EAMTKliN CITIIOS Derail Leave Portland Every l''ive Dnyt ... KOU .... SAN FRANCISCO l'.r full details call on or address; W II HUKI.bThV", (ieu'l I'ass Agent Portland, Oregon. Or J. I. Knight, Hillsboro, Ore. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of Ihe fittito of Oregon for the county, of Washington A W Lambert, Plaintiff, ) Vs. David T Hiilsleml and Henry H Travis administrator of Ihe estate of Eva, deceased Defendaiits. To David T llalstcad ilol'eiidiint: IN THE NAME OF Tllli STATE OK Oregon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer t he complaint, died miiiinst you in the ahovo entitled sitifiind Court ou or oeiore the iiihi Alointiiy 01 the next regular term of said Court, to-wit: Mon day, the 20tli dsy ol July, A. it.. 1S!KI, uml ifyou fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaiutlll will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded In the complaint tiled here in, to wit: for a decree f'orecl(siiii a cer tain tuortimge on the north hull of the south west quurter of the north eust quar ter of section 'In township 1 smith range 2 west 01 uie Willamette .Meridian contain ing 20 acres more or less, and recorded iu Book "V" page 243 of Mortgiies of WaHh ington county. State ot Oregon ami tor iudKincnl fur the sum of two hundred dol lars and interest thereon from January 22, 1802, at 8 per cent per annum less the sum of ibrtv-l'onr dollars paid December 7. 1802. and for lifty dollars attorneys fees and for costs and nisbursemeiits ot this suit and for such other and further relief as the Court may deem nroner. 'i bis Miiniiiion? is served hy publication by order of Hon. T. A. McBride, judge ol saio conn, made unci oaten April !, ihiw, A. T. I.KWIH, Attorney for I'laintiH". Notice for Publication. Land Ovnve at Orkoon City, Or. I ay. 14. 1806. NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named teltler has tiled notice of his Intention to make nnul proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Tilla mook (Joiiuiy, at Tillamook, Oregon, on June 30, 1800, viz: Daniel Murphy, Pro. I). 8. No. 7874 for the X: E of sec. 28, 1 1 sr 7 w. He names the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous resilience upon anil cultivation ol said land, viz: William Carver, C P Rowland 'Willfli Ryan and F 0 H Konip, all of Trask, Oregon, 0-6 ItoBunr A. M im.eb, Rogister. NOTICE. Notice is hereby jjiven that on the 27th day of April, 1896, there was 11 darkbay horse with small white spot in forehead, about 3 years old, weight seven or eight hundred, jumped into my inclosure one tnille west of Laurel. I have fed and cared for said horse since shove Hut The horse will be delivered to owner by 1 proving property ami pHving costs of J,,.,',, l . i n i n n i nuvn r i ' ii a v viw ! 1. . . .1 L- 9 vliJoifuo JTqo wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamma (Purest Drups and Chemicals. The Hillsboro Select Stock of Stationery. HILLSBORO CITY I. IC IIKUSI. IW Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest : Market : I'ike : Paid : for : lat : Cuttle, : Sheep : and : Hon. Cash Paid for Poultry. MAIN 8TUKKT. W. T. Andrews. President. ANDREWS LUMBER CO. I luRorptuated June 8, IMW.) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. MOUNT A1NDAI.K, THK BUFFET CAR ROUTE ? Shortest I ... i 1., 1 K H PACIFIC COAST POINTS ... ST. PAUL, AND THK FAST. Cro."seH both the lu.-i,i,;i- and the liock)' Mountain in DA Y 1. 10 IIT, itH'ording pu. s-iigtis tlieoppoi'luiiity of vieuniK the Grandest Scenery in America. 1 no i nioi' u.ui' in mi 1 oniinio : one 111 via o. K..V. .N.aiio pokaiie. Kuns -iipcil' 1 1 Deary curs, palace and upliolMi'i't 0 OiliriHls' vols of eleguni'.e uml t-tuii l.n I . coiituiuiiiK Mill I IJ Twin steumships "N'oilliwest" anil "Norlliliiiiil" have Inilnlh every Moutlity untl Eriiluy lor the "Son," Mackinac UImhI. Hi inai, t'liM luml anil Itiiftulu iu conueetKoi with Ihedreat NoiiIutii liuihvitv tiuve yi.ur tickets 11-ml via NoH'IIIKIIN MKAM SHIP COM PA X Y and enj.iv a delinhlhil iiilt- lire in. in tin- heat 1. i.d duM. For tick elMund general iuroriiiutioii clion or adtlrr II. C. HTKVKXS, (1. W. P. A. U12 Front St., Seattle, Wash. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY TiiitKi: t ou.w.i: 1 ofitKKH . . . Classical, rpilH At'ADKMY pri' nrrH for iii'ii I'.iitifiilinii; tun tuM pu'jiarilii.n lor Inifliing or Humim Ail exifiisen vol y low, llonn! ntitl I'm ii.k lit tl.i- l.iiiii.V Hull, ;.'! t.i ( it r unk, iu-li.ih c il, cliic light lict. Tlie Ciill"(ii. Doi iniiiiiy, 1,1 dt ) .-xi lit .t 11,1111111.1 d,. i tf fur Iniitnl ui ii 10., ,n nt Hii.2".i-i-r uffk. t.i. nl uml Muni in piivnlu fiunilith, !2."ilJ niitl iiiimiiiIh. Mi.ny ntii tli'itlH rniit rooms ;i nil luntui tin inn-lvcs 11 1 a cosl not . to fxi-t'fii $1 ol) k r ,rk. Tlie spring term lamina April 1, lS'JG for pnriiciilitrs or catiilngiie inluross, thomas mcclelland, Korci-t (ikivh, ( trogiin WILEY Sc DENNIS, ZZZCITY LIVERY STABLE Cor. 2nJ aa4 Vaahiastoa Street, Is WHERE VOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES and DRIVERS, to your doctor for fidvlce ; he b t!ie" best man to tell you whit medi cine you need. cj to your druist for your medicines ; he knows more about drugs than a dry-goods man. Stick to your doctor and to your druggist If you're a sick man, but don't go to your druggist for advice, especi ally If your doctor has told you what to get. If your doctor tells you to get sion G It u k. l. u,, 1 "M(l heretofore exidtinn betweou the It IS because he knows Ot scores of plaintiff and defendant and for 11 decree a cases which havo been benefited by ' warding the care, custody, and control of Its use- beeauip hi l-nmvj thot it h-t ! the minor chlldroii of iilniiitirt tmrl ilefeiut ItS use , Because tlo UOWS that It hS ; ttIll t (he plumtitt herein, and that Hbe re ft record ot more than twenty years j nunc hor maiden name of o Dell Hack results back of It H" "" mr tnc eosts and disbursements if Yi, V,-i ..i-ht i it ,. t 1 VliH Buit- "lul f("' Nt'cli other nod luitl-"" YOU have no right to let your drug- ! decree in. may 8eem inete with touity ...,d gist advise you cgalnst this prepara- : K"1 conscience. tion and Induce you to try an obscure by&HT. V'lKt'tfcfiRldlSi medicine, the Value of Which Is ' otl he above named court made in Ctinm- doubtful, for the sake of the few cents be,'B ttlHl llllteil 11,0 20111 (luy "f M"y- im' more he may make. Let your tailor, or your butcher, or your grocer, fool you If you will, but when It comes to a matter of health, get what you ask for. All druggist sell Soott'l Emulsion. , Two size 5ocemand$i.oQ. Notice for Publication. Laud Office at Oregon City, Or.i May 14. 181X1.1 NOl ItK is hereby given that the follow- HK-nained guttler hiiH llln.l , f his Intention to make tinal proof in sup nnrt. til' In rlaln uil u..i.i t ...'11 . be niade before the County Clerk of Tilln- luuwi, .-uuubv ai iiittiniooK vneffou. on June0, 1806, vii: H John Murphy, i J V S.-,787Z f',r 11,8 w "A of 8 W M and W V of N W of 8ec ''i f i k ii t V prove n s continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lund. vi.- wm,viit,i'r" otM, viz William Carver, C, P, Kit- owland, F. C, Patent Medicines. Proprietary Articles. Pharmacy Particular Attuiiii h id to I'll ysiriu us' I'umti ipi It. iim suit rVmily Keclics. MEAT MARKET. IIILI.SIIOUO, OltKliON. 1), W.Dotruiice, Ki i ielm y OKKC.O and Quickest Line u a. 111 , via ru'imie, aim one at n i-lii p, in., eoiiipmi lit, consistlngol dining ears, bufli t is' eh 1 piiil' tins. 'I he I'lillel eiii 111 um. eoiiipmi lit, consistlngol liming ears, In sl 1 pi I'ath room, liiirlier shop, easy chuirs, cic, A. It. C. I)CNMST'N,C. P. ,t T. A. I"-".' I bird Si. Portland, Oreiniii, Scientific, I iter an C-lliv :c l givnc 11 f oivngb SUMMONS. In tin' Circuit Court ol tin, Stuto oCOrt'tfon lor WiMihiKton county, tint IHnl P-mt-roy, Pliiintlll'.i VH John V, Pniueroy, Dofcildmit.! To John 10 Pomerov, the above niiini'd ilvluiidiint, IN Til 10 N A M U Ol' THK STATU OK ()rooii, ymi lire hereby (mnniui(U'd mid reouirud to iippnur untl unswer the I'.oiunluint li ltd uimliiKl v.ui in Um nhtivn entitled court, in the ubnve entitled unit, on or before Monday the 3Jth day of July, i A. U., 1NIKI, the Biuno lieiinj th'o tirnt diiy ; of the next rrfriilitr term of the above nuin ; ed court next following the exniratitHof : the time prescribed iu Ihe Order of Publi cation of tliis HiiiiiniuiiH, and if you fail to ; "o appear and annwer miid e.oiiiplaiiit, ; Pliiintiff will apply to the. Court for tlie re 1 In;! therein prayed for and demanded, to jjytt: Pora decree dissolving and aniiiil ; line the marrinure and oinrriVurp i-mttriict Oko. K. Attorney for Plaintiff. Administrator' Notice. NOTICK is hereby given that the under signed has been by the comity court ol Washington county, Oregon, appoint ed administrator of the estate of Oeorge K. (ironer, deceased, ami has duly qualified as such. All pei'Hous buving claims against said cstule are hereby no tified to present the same to me with prop er vouchers at the law ollice of 8. 1J. Hus ton, in Hillsboro, Oregon, within six mouths from this ditto. I uf Mav IHIKI , JWteu at Hillsboro Oregon, Ibis Htliday ; W. II. WKHMJNU, Administrator. j WM. TUPj ER, (Sucoe.jr to C H Meud) EXPRESS! ! , regular trips to Portland on turning on TueHdny , ximrwiayii ud aiTTt-" ys. All biiHiness entrusted tnflihji ..... .JolMo,ijI,uy una curetuny Mieouw to. rnurht mid Hxnrnnm mtoa mnnnniihl-