Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1896)
THE HILLSBORO AUG US, THURSDAY, APRIL 18. THE ARGUS County Official Paper. The Only Democratic P per in Wash ington County. ISSUEtf EVERY THURSDAY BY Thfc Argra Publishing Conpany. SUIWR1PTION FBIOI. Single copv five cents. Ou yeHr. !.(. Six months cents. Three months 35 oeuta. ntrl at the Post-omce at Hillsboro, Oregon, as Second-clas mail matter. OREGON'S DISGRACE. : , Th county ieublica conven tion which convened at Portland ;Httird'ay last was characteriied by unlawful acts and cited s that would hardly be countenanced by the t worst elf ment of outlawry. Revol v --r npi'i ivnrn bv mnn v deuutv isher- itl who were I lit: re in the interests of the "little Jt.e Simon" faction and at one and the fame time too "chairmen were acting a double header, as it were; a hand to hand light was engaged in and the scenes tl at followed beggared description. Nearly one half of the delegation, those under the Mitchell banner, left the hall after both factions had each elected delegates to the state convention and here the mockery of a convtntion closed. The Dolph "men remained and ab they are the only delegates having the proper credentials there will be war in to day's convention. Will good citi jens see such deviltry and yet sup port it by their ballots? Either faction, the Hume-Minto-Frank Combine, or the Sinion-Oregonian-Polph, represents a machine which, if put in power, will bleed the state through. th legislativee nactnients. When f-uch rogues fall out it is time for nien who pay taxes to get togeth er and preserve the good name of Oregon. Thb, Hatchet is afraid Thi Alt ers is unaware of its editor's colle giate education, and hastens to give the information. The Argus be lieves in collegiate education, if properly used, but had not hitherto thought the rustling editor a college graduate. Rather, it had believed the benign publisher a graduate fro:n some ministerial academy by the frequent uses he made of such words as "Sadduces" and "Phillis tines." Meditating, however, we be lieve Mr. Craig has the collegiate trainirg beyond doubt, for if we are 'not mistaken he recently had some thing like "O'tem perry," O'moores" in Inn colums. The Hatchet furth er thinks The Argus is ignorant of the school law, but The Argus is pleased to note that the county sup erintendent "pungled" up some thing like $47.50 to the Institute fund, before The Argus' last issue had been published many hours, at that. A very amusing story is told on Jos. Simon, the little republican leader of Multnomah county. On the day'of the convention a Strang er, who was a delegate, met Jos. in the hall and landed a warm one on Joe's nose. Simon said "whv do you do this my friend?" The strang er plunged again and retorted: "you are a Jew and you people killed Christ." "Oh Pshaw 1" exclaimed Joe, "that was 1800 years ago." .."Well," replied the stranger, as he punched the Multnomah states man the 3rd time, "I just heard of it today." f , ,.1'oob Hermann, poor Hatchet. The latter's blade is badly hacked and its handle rudely splintered Quirks and quips, and attempted bleeding was of no avail. vThe free silver republican paper, the Hatchet, will soon show its con sistency by purporting the equiva lent to a gold standard platform' if not a gold standard plallorm it Self. COUNTY NEWS BEAVERTON. Mrs Anderson, (nee) Ida Burbank, has returned from her wedding tour and is topping with her mother and sister for a' few days. A H Wolf foreman of the S P section at this place for the past six years has been removed to Monmouth and the va cancy filled by Mr Wallace of Corvallis. Prof L R Traver will soon move to the city of Portland, UmtA Hucrhton. tb. v.,-..., i. . . i. i? ' -- r- marshal, hM been appotnted as street fTSlliZi dam w.ich-i. one of the mosTim- portaot road leading into town. Commencement exercises of the Beav-" erton school passed off with reat credit to both teaclrers and pnpils. The or.-' ions showed careful study, deep thought I and vast reading and were delivered! with such force and elequence that one j nr.ght easily predict a Clay or Webster, j The hall was beautifully decorated with plants and the graduates received many i beautiful and rare bouquets. The music , was well rendered and the address of Prof Stanley of Hillsboro was very sensi- j ble and pointed. Sunday evening Rev i Sykes delivered an address to the grad uates and their parents urging the grad uates to further stndv and the parents to give them the opportunity. The little i6-tnontha old boy of Rev Bradley, of Progress, was unfortunate enough to get the index finger of the right hand into the gearing of a cutting j machine crushing it so badly that ampu tation was necessary. j Wm Pates, of Beavetton, and Miss; Carrie Hobble, of Mountaindale, were united in marriage at the residence of the ' bridegroom by A B Cady, J P. Both the , contracting parties are well and favor- j ably known in this town and many Wish them a happy journey through lues pil grimage Born, To the wife of Ed Fuller, April 3d, a son, weight 8 pounds. CORNELIUS. Mr. Howard and daughter of Hillsboro were visiting Mrs Jacquot last Saturday. A show is billed for the 7th and 8th o! this month. Col. Brit ton was down to Cornelius last Saturday. Carol McNutt and wife returned from Yernonia last Monday. Mrs McNutt's sister came out with them on a visit. A W Bross is working for A S Hatch in the blacksmith shop which is crowded with work. I E Berst, of Hillsboro, was in the city last Monday on business. The city election passed off quietly and the following officers were elected to serve year: Mayor, A J Wilks; for Coun cilmen, T H Miller, G Vickers, A Phil lips and A S Hatch; Recorder, M H Hen derson; Treasurer, N Wilcox. There was a suit injustice court in the city Tuesday of this week between A VanDonalson, of Greenville, and J Penn ings, of this place. Judgment was en tered against the defendant by default. Edward Phillips, a son of J D Phillips, of this place, who has been stopping in Portland for a few months came out to Cornelius ou Tuesday morning's train to visit relatives a few days. CEDAR MILL. Mrs Seigenthaler recently fell and broke her ankle. The Cornell road has been consider ably improved of late. Miss Barrett, who has been ill for some time, will visit California for her health. Mrs Walters, who has been under the care of Dr Robinson, is much improved. Mr Suber, while attempting to ro'.l a log, severely sprained his ankle the oth er dav. CENTERVILLE. Walter Lyons, formerly of this place, died at Dufer last Wednesday. G W Marsh attended the republican district convention at Albany Tuesday The Easter services at the school house was well attended and the pro gram, though short, was well rendered. Trout fishing is the order of the day and many are the speckled beauties that are brought in. Real Estate Transfers. H P Ford Shfl" To E D Shattuck n e J of s w of sec 17 t i s r 2 w $4500.55 H P Ford To E D Shattuck 40 a of N Dbe D L C t 1 s r 3 w $778.38. Janet Kirkwood and husb To W O Jonelson It 12 ande of It 11 of blk 7. Bertha Gray and hb. To Nettie Alvord Its 1 2 3 8 9 10 U 12 22 23 29 and 30, in Grav Oak 1 00. Ole Olaen. To Philina Olsen 103.20 a of R Dennev's d 1 c 1 1 8 r 1 w $4500. Philip Streib et ux To S Herr man s of 8 e of sec 34 t 2 s r 1 w and n of n e of sec 3 t 3 s r 1 w and w i of n e 4 n of s e of g 34 t 2 s r 1 w 285. Max Rossberg et ux to Win Mel lien 141.74 a of sec 16 1 1 8 r 4 w 3920. Sarah Smith and husb to J M Greear Its 10 11 12 blk 8 Simmons add Hillsboro $1500. United States to G V Betts et ux 320.90 a of sec 3 t 2 s r 3 w Pat. United States to Karl Ullrich e of n w of sec 7 t 2 s r 1 w Pat. J M Greear et ux to S E Smith n i of Its 10 11 and 12 of blk 18 Sim monejadd Hillsboro $1200 F Strobel et ux to F H Binz lot 1 in Cornelius Environs 62 a $400. Frederic Klieir to Neil G. Mc Donald w n w i and w s w sec 6 t 2 s r 1 w $2900. Same to Philips Fightling I hit in 2 a tret sec 6 t 2 s r 1 w $1. V Cimino et ux to Geo Galbreath I a sec 23 t 2 s r 1 w $30. R L and E J Ayres to Wm M Lyda 1 a sec 17 1 1 n r 4 w $110. J A Wenilt et ux to Wm F Lawf fer trt No 29 Peachdale $450. C M McKay et ux to A M Schil ler 15 a sec 26 1 1 s r 1 w $1. Chas P Bacon et ux to Eugene Schiller 8.43 a sec 12 1 1 8 r 1 w $1. E H Marsh et al to H L Bates pt blk 1 Forest Grove $800. U S to W T shearer It 1 sec 5 1 1 n r 4 w pat. A S Watt to J W Gates 5 a E Wiilker d I c t 1 n r 3 w $559. ' M E Hoxter and hb to Alace S Watt 2 a E Walker d 1 c 1 1 n r 3 w $559. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. ' Washington, D. C. March a8, 1896. Information has been received at this Department from Mr. W. Blacklocli the Vice Consul of the United States at Apia, Samoa, of the death, on the 8th of February, 1896, bv drowning in the river 1 Manm nf T T Mn!!. .1!.. Tirl 1 r """ J J - " " wiimid, 01 anerwoon, ureeon. The leal renret..tiu.. f .t,. . ""information by "1 7a ted Febru- ary 24, 1896. Hnnumum h...,U .n m MZ H Circuit Court. Meyer v Hogrefe. Action on foreclosure. Under advisement. Miller v McLeod et al. ConrirV tuation of sale, ... .1 - II vatt v Cox. Att'v fee cut down to $;)o. Paulina Preoechtil. Decree of divorce granted. State v McMahan. Verdict of guilty and sentence of 2 years in the pen imposed. Noland v Geiger. Confirmation' of ale. Le v McNauier. Verdict for defendant. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor the county of Washington, Mary C. Fluvel, (ieorge C. Flavel, Nellie Flavel and Kutie Fluvel, Plaintiffs, vs J. J. Morgan and B. V. Cor nelius us assignees of the estate off. K. Coriielius.iii solvent; T. K. Cornelius, J. j. Morgan and Robert 1 111 brie, Defeimants. BY VlltrUK OF AN KXECITTION, judgment, order and decree duly is sued out of anil under the seal of the above entitled Court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed dated the ath day of March . lSSXi, upon a decree rendered and entered in the said court on the 30tb dsiy of Juiy, isiin, in iuvor ot tne auove named filaiutiffs and against the above named def endants, for the sum of thirty-eight hun dred and forty-nine dollars with in terest thereon Irom the 30th day of July, 1816, at the rate of ten (10) per cent, per an num, and the further sum of fifty-seven and forty-five hundredths dollars (8j7.4"i) costs and disbursements, and also the costs of and upon said writ, com manding me and requiring me to make sale of the following described real prop erty, to-wit: '1 hat certain tract or parcel of land situ ated in the County of Washing ton, Stale ot Oregon, and described as follows, name ly: That certain lease and Lease hold es tate executed and granted on the l.'Sth nay of December. 1875. bv the Oregon Central Railroad Company to T H Cornelius, for tne term ot ninely-nine (in)) years lrom said December 13th, 1875, in and to the do not grounds of said coinnunv at the town of Cornelius, Oregon, which premises are more particularly described as a tract of land 1240 feet long and 250 feet wide, and designated and marked on the recorded plat 01 sain town in me ornce 01 tne itecoroer of said Washington county, as the depot grounds for suid company. Said lease and lease hold interest conveys the warehouse on said grounds and also the exclusive warehouse and storage rights at said town of Cornelius, as well as other privileges more fully described in said lease, which is recorded on page "U of book ' A" .Miscel laneous Records of said Washington coun ty, Oregon, in the ottice of the Recorder of said County. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execu tion, order and decree, and in compliance n un me commands 01 sum writ. 1 nave lev ied upon, and will, on the 4ih day of May, lsiHi, at the hour of ten (10) o'clock a. ir., at the frontdoor of the Court House, in the City of Hillsboro, suid County. a:id State, sell at public auction, sulijeci to le demplion, to the highest bidder, fur Unit ed States gold coin, cash inhaud,ull the right, title and interest which the aliovo named defendants, or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage to plaintiff-, herein, namely, the 1st day of April. 1H.S.S, or since had in mid to tiie above described real property to satisfy said Execution, Or der and Decree, interest and cost- and uil accruing costs. 1 illshoro, Oregon, April 2, 1HWI. II. 1. FORI), Sheriff of Washington Co., Ore. I y W, D. Brai fokii, Deputy. A smart Broadway, New York, druggist has this sign hanging outside his store; it marks the new era of drug selling. Is it any wonder that he has to enlarge his quar ters, that his clerks are busy, and that his store is one of the most popular along the leading thor oughfare? You can afford to trade with a druggist who gives you SCOTT'S EMULSION when you ask lor it. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE is hereby g von that the un dersigned has tiled her Anal account as administratrix of the estate of 1 enrv Dentin, deceased, in the County court of the State of Oregon for Washington county, and that said court has appoint ed the 23rd day of March, 1SW, at ton o'clock a, m. as the time for hearing objec tions to such final' account and for the settlement thereof. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this Febru ary 111. USX). Hkrtha Demin. Administratrix' of the estate of Henry I'euiiii, ueceaseu. TWO FOR ONE Send for free sample and judge thereby. II lpAnd n li Both 1 K Cash in Per Year' Advance. Ti e Enquirer is a 9-column, 8 pHgn pnper, issued each ThnrHtluy. Largest in size, clieapnst in price, must reliable in news.nll large type, plain nrint. eood white naiwr. It' our reader want another live paner, the Enquirer is that paper. uau or Kena orrters to Argus Pub. Go;, ' HlllaboroOre. KDODire Notice for Publication. . -JHD.Orm-t at Okkook Citt, Oa.t - Kdb. 25, lNSKU .mjOTlCK is hereby given that the follow il ing-naiued settler has tiled noti :e of her intention to make dual proof in sup port of nor claim, and that said proof will lie made before the County Clerk of Wash ingtou county at Hillsboro, Oregon, on ay 7, lHi. vis: i Lecy A. Reueflel, H. K. No. MoT1-', for the e 11 e W Soo U, ! e t, se i Sec i i I N. K 4 W. - She names the following witnesses to! prove her continuous residence upon audi cultivation of said land, vis: I N S Pricket, A It I'hipps, It S Mullock and 1 II I, I'nitlipsall of Manning, Oregon. 50-4 Koukht A., Register. Notice for Publication, Land Omcit at Ohkuok Citv, Oh.i Feh. 25, IKWI.t NOTICE is hereby given that the foliow-iiig-uamed settler has ti led notice of his intention to make final proof 111 sup port of his claim, and that said proof will he made before the Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office at Oregon Cltv, Ore., on May Hi, lW. via: Joseph Miller. II K. No. KlTsM, for'the S K of Seo 10. T 3 N R W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles ason, of Olencoe. Oregon, Albert Kahliue, of Portland, Oregon and Ambrose Cox and Jack Hobble, of' Moiiutaiudale. Oregon. 50 4 Rohfrt A. Mu.i.ifR, Register Notice, for Publication. Land Okhi it at Obkoon City. Or. i Feb. 'J7, WW. t NOTICK is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make linal proof in sup port of Ihk claim, and that said proof will he made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county at Hillsboro, Oregon, on ay 7, viz: George Goos, , II. E. Xo. 7K, for the W or the N W and N i IS W '.' of Sec n, T 3 N K 4 W. He names the following witnesses to prove Ins continuous residence upon and cultivation of said html, viz: John 11 Kennedy, Amos K Mead, John l.ippert and Peter fittg. all ot U recti vine Oregon, T0-4 Rokekt A., Kegister, Notice for Publication. l.ASU OkkICS AT OllKtlON ClTY, Oa.l Feb. 20, WXi.f TVTOTICK is hereby given that the follow i.1 ing-naiued settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in tuji Port of his claim, and that suid proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county, nt Hillsboro, Oregon 011 .May 0, lKKi, vi?,: Olof Suiulbervr, H. K. No. S:!W, for the N K Vi N W M and Lots 1, 2 and a, tec. 31. T 3 iN Kange 6 W He names too following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol suid laud, viz. Henry ltaker. S. ti. Reed, Charles Wedberg and Oust Kngestrooin, all of Oleuwood, Oregon. 49-6 Hokkht A. Mu.i.kk Register. Yesterday's Portland Market. Oats, good while, 2;(&2() $ liu. Out, ooi giity, 2S(a!24 bti. Potatoes f) suck 15(25. Onions s:ick oo(a(io. Butter, creittiierv, 3CS5. Butter, fancy dairy, 25. Butter, (ti numon. lo20 roll. Hav. timothy, 8..j0&lJ.UU. K '.'! Hops 2Ct'3. Wheat, W'i.1 la Walla. 50 $ Oil. Wheat, vullev, 511 $ 1 .11. wm. ru:rER, (,Succei...r to C U Mead) EXPRESS! Makes regular trips to Portland on Mondays, ednesdays, and Fridays, re turning on Tuesdays, Tliursdaysand Sat urdays. All business entrusted to him will be promptly and carefully attended to. Freight and express rates reasonable. Leave orders with him, or at Led ford's, or at Thk ABOtm. OlVIITt. TRADE nun OttlON PATENTS. For Information anil free Handbook write to HUNN ft CO., 8(1 Broadwat. New York. Oldest bureau for eecuring patent In America, Every patent taken out by tin U bronrtht before the public bf a notice given tree ot charge la tu Lareeat olrenlatlon of any iclentlflo paper In the world. Splendidly Illustrated. No lutclllpnt man should be without It. Weekly, 3.00 a Joan HJ50 tlx montln. AddrMMtUNN & CO UBLEUsu, S61 Ilroadwuv, Haw York City, Aoa, F. Oaken, Henry C. Ptiytie, t, Henry C. Iloiiso', Keclevem orthern IVl pacific r. n. u N Pullman ! Sleeping Cars Elegant I Dining Cara Tourist Sleeping Cars T PAUL MiNNCAPCLis DULUTH FARQO 1 GRAND FORXS cnooKsroN WINNIPEO HELENA DUTTE ' rHROUQK ' TICKET TO CHICAGO iVASHINGTOM PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK f" I08T0N AND ALL POINTS EAST SOUTH F"r InliiriiiMtiiui, limr- esnlc. i'r. tir i.ets, nali en i,r write I. D. CflARifCN, A?sf. (Ten! f, ,. 255 Moirlwm Street. A 8c!enilf.9 American Agency tMy OltlOM PATENTS, Look! Rare Bargains These Properties For Sale Enquire at The Antics oflice. No 1 '.'0 acrea, adjoining city lliiiitH, sidewalk within one block of property, ltt acres cleared, finest quality of bottoin land, 4 acres bench, tine Kite for building purnoNos, some tlmlier on mime. Will sell in a ImmI.v for '.1Wu part down, bal ance on time to suit purchaser. Or will mil (divide so its to give part cleared tiot torn and part bench, in pluta from 2 to 5 aci;en, at ih per acre, llere is a chance for a good neat little home which can lie made self sustaining Investigate before Nome one gets it. On the market for a short time only, No 1 10 acres, half cleared, 1 acre bea verdam. rest slushed and sown to grasn, no buildings, goes for ua per acre. With in two miles of llillslioro. Terms, $UH) down, balance in 3 years at It) per cent. Or will sell 40 acres, of which uhove is a part, at same price per acre, including 15 acres of lxaverdam and swail cleared. No 3 138 acres, highway running through centerof place, aOucrea In cuhi vution; 2 acres in orchard, apples, pears nuo mtMin;u room iiousti; log nam, gnou well of water; 0 acres of lieavercliini, eusy to put In cultivation; place well watered ty springs ami crooKj tuu acres under fence; miles from post oftlce, duily mail; 1 mile from school house and six miles north of Hillsboro. liocs cliean for cash. No 4 A good comer lot on Main and Third streets, 73x175, with good building tlierooii.Hiiituiiluforany kind of hiiKincHN, and in excellent repair, will goat a bar gain for cash, l'urt payment and balance on long time with security. No 5 12 acres; half cleared .balance in grass, uooti house ot tour rooms; good barn and outbuildings. Fine orchard of 50 trees and various other small fruits. 150 chickens 50 ducks, 1 -horse wagon, 2 sets single harness, good cow, 3 heifers 1 horse and farm implements. Kvery thing goes for $650, cash in hand. EL K. MrNKlb, Met ver. TO THE EAST . . . .(lives the choice of, . . . TWO TRASSCONTINEKTA I ROUTES Northern liy. - Pacific Ry. yi -u SPOKANE DENVER MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA Ann xsn ST PAUL KANSAS CITY LOW KATES TO K., KASTKKN C1TIK8 Omm SUnmrn Leave Portland Every Five Day ... FOR.. .. SAN FRANCISCO For full details call 011 or addrens: W H HURLKt'RT, Oen'l I'ass Agent Portland, Oregon, Or J. I. Kiiiuht, Hillsboro, Ore. Notice For Publication. Kakd Okkh k at Orkoos Citt, Or. 1 Feb. 1!), 1WK1.I IOTICE is hereby given that the follow. yi ii)?-naiiied settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, under Sec. 2305 Kevised Mtatutes of the IT. 8., and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver l'. S. hand OHIce, at Oregon City, Oregon, on April 9, 1W, viz: than. H. Welch, II. K. No. llMlU for the K Vf N K V. and K M S K 14 of See. 1H, T i N R () W W M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of suid land, viz: Thomas Pettijohn of Keasoy, Oregon, Palon Clarke " " C II Wheeler Olatskanie " Geo Riciiwine Jr , ontavilla" 49-0 Koiikiit A. Mti.i.KK, Register, SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon 101 r uiiingtou cuuiiiy, 0 Melvin Th"rn, " Plaiiitiff. vs Alice M Thorn, Defendant, To Alice M Thorn, tha aImiva ntmal defendant. IN THK NAME OF THE STATE OF Oi'CKon. von are herebv rnniinanriiH and required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled court in the above entitled suit, on or before Monday the 20th day of July, A . I)., 196, the same beingou the II rut day of the next regular term of said court next following the expiration ol the time pre scribed in the order of publication of this summons and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein prayed for and demanded, to-wlt: That the marriage and marriage contract now existing between you and the plaintiff be dissolved forever, and that such other ami further decree be made as may be equitable and for his costs. this summons is published agalnit you by order of Hon. Thos. A. McTiride..hidi?e of the above named court made in Cham bers this 20th day of February, 1890. uko. w. f. .Iomkpii. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon Citv.Ob.i ' Feb. 27. 18(Kl.f NOTICE is hereby given that the follow-ing-nemed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make linal proof in stip iiort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Or., 011 May 8,1898, vU: Henry H. Winter, H. K. No. 892), for the n e U Sec 29 T 5 N K 5 W. He names the followine witnesses tn prove his continuous residence u Don and cultivation of said land, viz: MSB Haycock, o A naycock, M B La thronaud W 11 Venable. all of Fir. Wash. iugton county, Oregon. SO-4 Komirr A, M Jlfcgtner, Save Your Dollars ' By buying your HarnenH, leather Finding. Ktc , at the Farmers' Harness Shop Repairing a Speoialty-Prices below Competition Ferry V. Call, lbigley Building, Second SI reot, llillslioro, Oregon. Purest Drugs and Chemicals. The Hillsboro Select Stock of Stationery. HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET. 1. K IIF.RST, 1'Hop Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. Holiest ; Maikct : I'ticc : I'uid : for : Fat : Cattle. : Slieqi : and : Hum Cash Paid for Poultry. MAIN STRKKT. llll-I.SIiOUO. UUIifiON. W. T. Andrews, Prvsideiit, ANDREWS LUMBER CO. ( lui'orpiiiuted June s, IMKI.) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. MOUNTAINDAI.i', OKKCON. ? BUFFET CAK ROUTE I ium a Shortest and Quickest Line IIKTWKKK- PACIFIC COAST POINTS ST. PAUL, AND THK EAST. Crosses both the t'uscades mill the Ui.eky Moiiutaiiis in DA V I, Hi II I , albodiii hn-m-ii(rii s I he opportunity ol iuwili( the Grandest Scenery in America. ?,,' '."'v"" ,l?ily ,,"rtll'll,l i ' 11 n. m . via Seattle, and olm t s u .. via U. K. A ,.aud .Spokane. Knits miperh e.iuipin. lit, rtiiisinl iiiif .if tliii 11 ir 1 urn biiBM llhmry ears, palace and iiplMilicred totirlHls' ML epina rais. ' I. IhiIIiiI i. mi'. vels ol elegance nutl comlort. eoulaiuiiiH bath room, bar her shop, casv elniin r' ummnmi 1 win steunislnpi N..rllie" ami ' Norllil,,,.,!" leave Hultttli evry M,i.U ' .lav lor the "Son " M.el.inae Llaml, lM,it, t levHaml un.i llnllsl,, , ! 21, li lie .rea, Noilli,,,, M1U, line,. r In 4.h ml via Ntib'l IIKliN KIKAil il l' (MIA M u.hl enjoj a d. Imhlfnl free from the ),.., , ,n, Ki'r tlidi. ami general ml union n.Hou or address C. STUVKN'H. (). W. , , 012 Front ft., Senttlti, Wash. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Ti:i!KK ( OI.I.IXiK Ctlt'HKEH . . . Classical, Scientific, Literary. WIK ACADKMY prepares for CmII,. ,v,,l pv,., ihtU Km IihIi ktlufution; the Hy .r..,mnniHi. for 'lVttfl.iii or llithin.sii. All oxuiiKfH wry low. Ilimnl nml rootnH nt-the Ladie Ilnll ; t,i4 per ivee, .ii,.(iliiip.(.(.ri(; li,, H1)( hfa, llie Ccillep,. Dorn.iiorv, nutl. 1 f.jc.'ll,;t nmnirneni.-nt, itiHhPB bimr.l noil rooin nt i'lMT, er week. Itonnl ni.d room in iirivu'e fumiM.. ift.TM nml i.,iml(.. Mt,v m. dents rem rooms nml l,otil 1 l,rM,H. ves n! 11 cost not ' I" re' VM per. w?'k- T,,H sl,ri" u'r, "wgi'ii 1, lii.m ror imriicularH or nttiilogut. U((ir(.H(1) T20MA3 McCLET LAND, WILEY :CITY LIVERY STABLE" Cor. and and Wanhington Street, Is WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES tnd DRIVERS, Notice for Publication. LANDOmiKAT Orkoon Orr, On.l Feb. 21. I8HB 1 TW-OTICE is hereby given that the follow- XI illir-lllLlnH HHlllnr h,.u tllu.l ,,. .,:., ,.f his intention to make final proof in sup- nnrl. of ..:,;, 1 , 1, 1 , 'r, port of his eluini, nml that suid proof will be made before tht (Jounty Clerk of VVash iiigton county, nt liillsboro, Oregon, 911 nJnti O ton' . ' Oust EtitfCHtrooin, U.K.Nti.WH2,fortheR W N W and lit milllPA I If, li, nu- nir .;t ... prove his continuous residenco upon UNd cultivation ofsnid land, vi,: Henry linker, 8. 8. Uced, Charles Wed beru and O oi ' Nuiidherir. nil ni' i:in,, ,.,,.i Oregon. 49-0 KoBEBT A. MiM.nn, Register. Land Ofkick at Obeoow City, Ob. arch, 17, 186. ( Xnt.lrA Im bnrnKv ivtvan tu. . .. , , 1 v 7. w ni un proved plat of the survey of Township Throe North, Range 7 West, has been re ceived from the surveyor General of Oregon, and on Juno 10, 18, at 9 o' clock a. ni. of said day said plat will therein enibrnced will bo subject to en try on and anor said rlate. w . luiBMir a. .iiiLLEit, Kegister. Wm. Oalloway, Receiver. Notice to Stock Holders. i-iiuLniiuKu, uhswin, mar. J ism ' To the subscribers of the capital stock t,f Driving Association. YOU and each of yon are hereby notl fled that the Board of Direotor has levied Assessment No, I on suid capital stock, the same being per eent. of the face thereof. You are requestod to call on the Secretary, take out certificates and pay said assessment at once. C. Wi RwPMTflcrJ, SMfy-TrMM. Patent Medicines. Propiietary Articles. Pharmacy I'ai-ltrtilHr Attention I'm Id m Physicians' I'resd liitiuiiH mid Family Keel pes. 1 . W, lori'siii , SeerutKi y A. II, f. DHNMNTilN.C. I', T. A. I'bird ,xt, I'.irtlaud, (htgrn. rore.t drove, on. & DENNIS, Sheriff's Sale on Foreclosure. R V1,MU,' W AN' KXK0UT1ON, 7T AV'""'" alul "n'vt "f isHtied out of ? w Z luTH"( ihe .Ntnle "f 0n"" ! "Ir " HsnillBttlll ( OUIltV. ill liiviir .if llimrv I it,l!'iK;r,i ''''I'!;''"'', i"11 Kinst Minnie Mit'linel and Frank kiil,,,ui i,-i,,,i 1 yjll","l'',)l. Anton Wieke, A S Wilcox; II A Klliiii.t uiwl v v 1 . ' , ' ii MiTiniui, jL'iummnip. h ,, iilffii"1 !' Flfty"' hJ twenty-live " huiHlredths )ollr ($,,1.2 ) ousts, and for t ic Ilirtliur uiim ..r u n... , . , 1 li,teiTVl. ' ('VW ,T" 81 guld " wH'' irini.V ii T iT " vuii jiuiinreu n 1 March twir T VJ u"' 1 ? r"1 es of sale Hmlof said wruT VXP" ' ih,v'K,i'"'e by virtue and 111 pursii. I I 1 I',"1 J"' B"--"t. decree and order of iw Monday the 4th day of May, TO, at the south door of the Court II t se, .11 Hillsboro, Washington County, ?J t, i,Vailtm,l,!!"ru1' HftWoUHik. a. f. h J I !'"yisolJ i"ll,IUl '",n'' t i' f. h. 1'i i,U0'eBllof theabovd na.nod de "is following described real property, to ,7nl 80Utu h"lf of tlw W(!,,t three-quartors So SMU Tinvnshii, Two v ,;, ui nie vyiuainciMj ,.,.r '('iu"j.90,,'ii,l" Hlteen acres, all sit- i f .U,.,Vrbll,B,1"? -'ty. Oregon, to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums, and lor the costs and expenses of said sale, it,.,.,ii ' nul" "'"'JBct to re- rtet ptlon att por statute of Oregon. isn.i ' """ l's "imi nay 01 Ji 11 roil Sheriff -ot Washington Count?; Oregon. J. K. STOmuHiiJUtoruey for I'lainti.l. '''' A Bargain, Jt A neatly t'ontrucled3 room oot tage within 2 blka of business part of town. Good fence around lot, rnnrl tn, ,iUI,nr ... j . floeetB in residence. Also uinp in good ivjiair. Gow for $600. . In quire at this office.