Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1896)
miE HILLS BORO ARGUS, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 18. r y THE ARGUS . . .. CALENDAR Hun I Muu "5 "C "! 7 12 I 1.5 I 14 ia 2d '20 "27" 2i 2 Wed 2!) Tli'ii "f 'PrT i'wiii J 10 II ltt I 17 j 2.J J4 25 :i(T -I - it in p in Uslly Mull Arrivals: Foront drove I'nrtluiul, Wuy nnl Kaittcrn GlttllCoe - 1'orvnlliH mid Why rortlanil Ihilly Mull Depart u run: Portland A Eastern vlu SI' n in l'ort vlu (ilciu'ux, Lunox i Ilctliany Coi viiIIIm A Wny 1'iirtliunl & Wuy - p m Forest (trove Furinititfton and Laurel Ixuvhn at W:' u in und arrives at :i:4.1 p in on Tuesday, TlmrNilay mid Saturday No Hiiniluy iiiuIIm. l'oHtnlllce open from 7:1X1 u in to 8:0i) p in, except Sundays. M. 1'. Tlmu Table: Lv. Ar. 1'ortlaml u in 7:1.1 p ni S:M .'nrvitllin m H:fiU p in M l'ortlumi a m K:,i0 p in : MeMlnnvllli) a in 0:00 p in 7:13 7:13 8:.ri0 MM Ma :J0 7iia 7.00 S:W 0:0.1 (1:00 Greers for clover and mmiiyu.uiu 711 -Cornelius will noon hitveucity election ami two ticket are in I ho lii-lij as follow: ropulist Ticket Prcnident of council, A J Wilkes; tress, Nelson Wilcox; recorder, Henderson; for couticilinen, U Utckers, Thco Miller, Marrill, A A Phillips. Citizens' Ticket- President of council, Graham; treas, Nelson Wilcox; recorder, Klmtr McNtittj : I.. I U Mill.. A C II.., nti I i ..linn, . ,,niwn, Thos Tulbot, J T Uorrein. Schulmerich & Son are ngents for Columbia Implement Company j POPULISTS PUT UP hikJ will curry a line of chilled hikI steel plows and cultivators, spring! tooth, lever disc and peg harrows, Silas Pay no is now Possessed of bis mowirs, rakes and hinders; alsoj Liberty and will Leave for other extras lor it. IU. Usiiorne machin ery. (Jet their prices before pur chasing. Montezuma Lodge, I. 0. 0. P. last Wednesday evcuiuu elected J i i..i..t I f t,' v;ii,... ! liiiH morning x ivinmib uiiu Mt. a'j. it iiivi a urn- . gates tothe Grand Lodge conven- v,,;,,n,,y "P''""' ? "T i.nn at Astoria in May W. H.i''.'11 'I'"1. ' t 'e 1'Vck ?lbT Wehmna. who i.sti L ,,1i,.r will ll,Hl,nK tt,mut thrw-qfturtw of accompany the boys to keep them from eating too much of the glorious The Tail of That Comet Makes Trouble. A PLATFORM Climes - Bank Case Disagreed ber f the firm had psid any such amount at or near that particular time, the cape seemed to hinge up-.n the intended application of the mon ey in .jtiestinn. As the wife of Hughes was made defendant and at the time action commenced was the posensor of some property, the re sult wns eat'erlv awaited. The jury Whs out all one night and the best part of two days, when they were fi nally discharged. It is very reliably asserted that the last ballot stood 1 1 for a verdict for I he defendant. Hon. T. II. Tongue was counsel for the prosecution ami Hon. S. 1$. Hus ton was for the defense. Internal Disturbance. about 3:15, this Go to timothy. ' Miss Elsie Ordway is now typo in The Argus otlice. Three yards of Ribbon for 5 cents at Schulmerich k Hon. P. M. Heidel will soon occupy ,the building formerly used by the fcity Bakery. -Six shaves for fifty cents at the Ron Ton Shaving Parlor, most fashionable in the city. Sunday night the gods favored this particular section with about an inch of the beautiful. Jos. Schulmerich and family are out to Rethauy visiting relatives And the trout will suffer. Geo H. Carlton, of Cornelius, was in the cily yesterday und made this otiieo u pleasant call. Revs. Pratt and Kimlierlin are in attendance at the Evangelical conference at Salem !-day. Max Ctandnll is busily en gaged in writing up the Journal en tries of Circuit court proceedings. ' K,ir boot and shoes in till lines Hie old reliable firm of II. U'eh rang &. : us leads all competitors. Hon. W. D. Hare returned Mon dV from the populist state conven tion which held at .Salem last week. I) i no! f irget you can get farm Implements nt HilUhoro nt less th:in Portlsod irtc s at Soiiuluier- R Iv Rr'.an te'um d Isst, week f-oni hisS.tu Fin m i-co irio und re ports having laid in n fine spring rt'fk -Mr. W F. Nelson, of l'oriliud, thecitv the liiht.of ilie week . the tftirst of her sister, .Mrs. Jos. f Huwns. . March came in like the tradi ' tional lion and went out like two of them. The lamb will show up in a few diys. Percale, ginghams and atgan di' chatnbrays and lawns for spring and summer wear at Schul merich it Son. Should Spain declare war a gainst Uncle Ham. Washington co. could furnish 1045 men of military ago subj 'ct to draft. Allrt Savage, of Seio, Linn Co., an uncle to Mrs. M. G. Daly, of this citv, died on March 29th at Ins home, i ged 76 years. V. H. I.ung, of Cornelius, was in the city Tuesday. Mr. Lung i a gold standard republican and ssys his party will stay right there. Get some of those periodicals and muaiues at the post otlice ntor. Thev are instructive and help tJ whilo away the long winter evenings. K. N. Ordway and Rev. Black attended the populist state conven tion at Salem last week making the trip overland. They report the roads in excellent condition. Do you want these ? An equaliser 12-horse Power, Wood hurv. evervthina complete. A enan. Also one thoroughbred Jer , soy 'bull, 3 years, entitled to regis ter; out of Senator. Call on Chas. E. Hall. On Monday of this week Dr. F. A. Bailey, of' this city, removed a cancer from the lip of Mr. Mul loy, Sr , of Laurel. The operation was very successful and the patient returned to his, home recovered from the malady which has given him much trouble for yearn. D. W. Dobbins, ex-City Re corder, a general favorite in this city and vicinity, left Monday morning for Heppner, Oregon, where he haa & position as sales man in one of that city's largest mercantile houses. Warren has a large number of friends here who regret his departure yet wish him well in his new field. There has been much agitation rcoently tending toward the calling of a public meeting to devise ways and means to ascertain just what can be done towards entertaining the Veterans' Association and Lad ies of the Association .in annual ramp fire this year, trying Cs "'' li.i I T. ,L. ... l.flM nn .lull chiuook salmon. Sunday, April 5th, at the Christian church, 11:00 a. m. theme, "History und Eflicucy of prayer.'' In the evening the ser vices will begin at 8:00 p. m. in stead of 7:30. Subject in the even ing, "Palling into the IIhikIb of the Living God," Heb. 10: 31. Thirteen acres, hall under cul tivation, rest slashed and seeded. Three acres is of heaverdain and snail. Situated close to Rase line road between Hillshoro ami Purest Grove, (roes tit $)() ptr acre. Call at thin office. -Mrs. and Mr. J. I. Kniiihl were Monday morning the recipients of ,jff,.r(l a minute. About 90 percent of our population felt the disturbance but many attributed it to the wind. This, however, was soon dispelled as there whs not a breath of air stirring. The firi-t shock seemed to have come from the went or northwest and the return settling seemed to come from the east and northeast. Houses were badly shaken, windowB rattled, bottles clattered on dressers and there are no small number who claim they were rudely shaken while in the arms of restful sleep. It was a great experience and sufficient to make one convinced there is a hot p'ace somewhere. Amongst, the politicians there is a belief that it is a providential warning for the enutiiicrns to get locetner on inetr nces or there will be a simi- a i.ox oi choice oaliiornta oranges, Irpl)Mlfi)g up H,on(, llh(1(t June produced in the Los Angeles fruit I 8l,( 8(,me ,, H jf) (l freruimer belt. 1 hey were much iippreeiateil, j() the jortttli primaries which being the present ot Mr. J. L. Davis, are Mllg ,,ea t(ld and thnt it a Los Angeles friend. has much sianificance. MissCoresea Stratton, of Fresno, I N"thii g eeriotis occurred and to Ca .. snent severs duvs hi the citv ilav s press reports the shock us last week the guest of Mrs L. A. Long. She left Tuesday morning for the Sound to visit her mother. The Ron Ton Shaving Parlors on Second street are the most fash ionable in the city. Childrens' haircutting, 15 cent; shaving on Sunday, 10 cents. Hon. M. C, George addressed the republican club meeting at the court house Tuesday evening and e lucidated republican docirine to a large audience of ladies ami gentle men. The post ollice store keeps cm -stanlly on sale a line of standard periodicals, magazines and montli lys. Anything not on salo will be ordered for vou I: -quire :d J. M. Hrown. Th trcent elimalie changes have been rather pr ductive ol coughs and colds and I he drua stores have been reaping a harvepi. The cheap rales ol live dollars cabin and two fitly steerage, includ ing meals and berth nre still in ef fect m the U R & N Cos', sieain ers from Portland. Steamers leave Portland evei v live ilavs. laving been felt all up and down the valley. -The low rumbling sound, like distant thunder, was one of I lie fentttres generally absent from sucli convulsions. Dead Letter List. The following is the list of letters re maining in the Hillsboro post office un claimed' King, Miss Annie Rendrag, M Tulloch, T All letters not called for by Apr. II, i8qs, will be sent to the dead letter of fice. One cent will be charged on each letter called for. Mary A. Brown, P. M. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. MOT IS MIL Democratic Primaries met Tuesday the 31st. THE JACKSON-SLIGER NUPTIALS Leap Year Parties and Ralls now in Vogue-Splendid Social Danee at Opera House Tuesday Evening. ible to have the same held on July 2nd, 3rd and 4th. If any such meeting is called Thb Argus office will furnish bills for the announce- The republicans meet her to day iu county convention to elect delegates to the state convention at Portland. A full delegation is out, but up to hour of press no elections had been made. Michael Moore reports his hand healing rapidly and he will 90011 he at work again. Rut one finger will be unfit for service. The frost Monday night has done considerable damage to the fruit which was in bloom. How ever the e rop is not. thought to be seiionsly injured as yet as the blooms were not in fuil develop ment. A Demorest Silver .Medal con test will be held at the M. K. chu'ch tomorrow evening under the direct ion of the W. C. T. II. When vou want an "up to date'! hair cut, or a neat comfortable shave or both, call at the City Shaving Parlors. Hot and Cold baths im mediate on order. E. E. Colestock, Prop. J. V. Marsh, Forest Grove's nnstmaster, was in the city Wed nesday. Mr. Marsh took charge of the office yestorday and will here after dispense the mails. J. L. Mitchell, Deputy Stnte Commander will institute a Macca bee tent at Greenville on Saturday evening. A large delegation will be present from Hillsboro and Forest Grove. The robberies are many but don't rob yourself by buying pack age seeds when you can get any 1 .1 .. . 1 ir at .nun Kinn you wanv m u-miv . . i-x 1 1 1 1 1 . John LJODDins nas purunnoou n handsome blooded pacer and will take no dust on the roads hereafter. Chas. Black, now of Witch Haeel, was in the city several days this week. Your attention is called to the fact that telephonic communication now exists between the Delta and Rom. To the wife of J. jTf' Weik, Hillsboro, on March 29th, a son. --Bom, To the wife of "V. T. Heh erlin, of this' county, a son, on Thurwiay, March 29th. J Chitinir flannels in all shades and prices at Schulmerich & Son Ssilor hats at Schulmerich & Son. Populist State Platform. The populists met at Sa'em last week ami put out a state platform that made no mention of any of the planks of the Omaha platform ex cepting that of free coinage and n fer'i-duui. The platform re;ids MiliMautially A" follows: "State Affairs We denounce the re publican party for its entire failure to perform any promises it made to the people of Oregon in the year 1894, and hold it wholly responsible for the reck less and extravagant waste of the tax payers' money by the legislative assem bly of the year 1 895 . "We pledge our candidates for the 'eg is.Hture to vote for the abolition of all useless commissions and boards, for the salary system of paying public officers, for a state appropriation bill providing only for the constitutional salaries and the economic support of necessary state institutions and against any appropna lions for sectarian institutions. ' We demand the reduction of official salaries to correspond with reduction in the wages of labor and the prices ot the product of labor. "We renew our demand for the speedy abolition of all fish traps, fish wheels, and a stringent regulation of seine and gill-net fishing. "We demand the re-enactment of the mortgage lax law. "We favor an amendment to the state constitution providing for the initiative and referendum." Deputy Recorder Cal. Jack is busily engaged in recording a pat ent from the government to the 0. & C R. R. Co., embracing 229,943. 52 acres, but about 90 acres in this county. The instrument will cost !r22.50 to record. J. Greeur, the miller at the Cli max n. ills, has traded residence properties with H. E. Smith, who now resides at Grants Pass, and the newly acquired property will be considerably improved ly Mr. Greear, The Smith residence is on the foot of 3rd street, close to the railroad. Save your money and Any your garden seeds at Greers. Rom, March 24, 1896, at the Hotel Hillsboro, to Mr. and Mrs. Jiathanniel Dalgarno, a daughter. The happy parents came here sev- 1 nil months ago from Traverse countv. Minnesota, and will make this state their future home. J. 1. Knight is make loans ot .from on easy terms. -Deuutv Clerk Frank Kane Imsl been ill for the past week, confin-d to Ins room at Ins forest Utove home. prepared to 50 to nooo COURT HOUSE NEWS. C1RCCIT COl'RT MARCH TERM. State v rarrot erUict ot uot guilty. State v Alexander. Indictment lismissed. Robertson v Robertson. Decree of divorce. Plaintiff to have cus tody of minor child. First Nat'l. Rank v Hughes et nx Jury disagreed and discharged. State v Wilkes and Glass. Char e of assault. Verdict of not guilty by jury. State v Phillips, Alva. Verdict of guilty and sentence suspended during good behavior. Graham v Pennings. Conform ation Plea the e'erner sex and several of our youiii' men have expressed the de sire to have every year divisible by four. 111 Verdict of Not Guilty. Monday last in Circuit court was tried the case of Slate v Silas Payne on a charge of unna'uial re lations wiih his 16-year-old daugh ter. Geo. R. Lngley was counsel for the defense and District Attor ney Barrett appeared for the state. The evidence in the case was bri f. that of the child being opposite to that of the father. The taking of j der. . . ..1. ... 1 .r it evi lenco was eoneiuueu annui n. mt and the case short I v a ft or New Goods. New Prices. We are receiving arlegant line of spring ami suimc goods a prices 10 suit the tiuJh. uall ami exam ine our stock. can save you money. Rrvttn Luidlaw Co. Cash Store. Bob Greer will sell vou more seeds for 5 cents than you can buy in papers for 15 cents. ' The leap year party nt the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gun nel last Friday evening was v. ell at tended a id M iss BlniL was inert- in much numerical strength. A good second hand bicycle for sale very cheap. Cell at this otlice for particulars. A joint meeting of the fire companies has been called by Pres. Wood to convene April Gth nt 7:30 p. rn. to elect chief and assistant engineers to serve one year. Messrs. Geo. Schulmerich, L. K. Adams, m. Roucseiu and L. W. House were visitors to Forest Grove Pythian lodge last Saturday evening. Work was perfotnied in all three ranks. nest and largest shmgton coun- prues ever ollereu. Cash Sloie. A son of Mr. LippschtUt, of North Plains, fell from a load of wood the other day and fractured his arm between elbow and shoui- Ray et al v Ford, Shff. abatement sustained. "Shute v Sewell. Dismissed by motion showing no cause of, action." State v Lee and McCoy. Indict ment dismissed. Lewis v Lewis. Set for April 4th. State v Payne. Verdict of not guilty. State v McMahon. Larceny. Ver dict of guilty. Roman Catholic Archbishop of Oregon v II P. Ford, shff. and Washington county. Relative to taxes on which is located the St, Mar) t home. Under advisement I'BOBATB. Jesse Cornelius, deceased, estate. Ordered that administrator make a corrected deed to Wm. Wambeke Report filed showing personal prop erty sidd to amount of $454.70. Patrick Bvrne, deceased, estutf. Ordered that personal property be sold for cash or approved note at public s. tie. t-viiah rnrmalee, deceased, etaie. Joseph W. Marsh appointed execu tor of last will and testament. Ap praisers appointed: David Smith, W. P. Ferris and John E. Railey. We have tt stock of htittyrt tv at the lovifrst lSrvun Laidln ut-fi went to the iurv. After being nut until 11:00a.m. the next day a verdict of ''not guilty" was report ed. . It is thought by many there is a sort of conspiracy somewhere to get the husband out of the way, as it is said stienuous efforts have been made to get hi n committed to the asylum for the insane. Payne gave his evidence in a straightforward manner and when the vervict whs being read not a tremor of his gaunt ' frame was noticeable. A friend of the ucquilted man says he left as soon as the verdict was read to see the remaining child and then he will go awny forever. Had the verdict been "guilty" his sentence must have been not less than 20 years, or life imprison ment. Of course Attorney Baghy feels that the verdict is a just ore. j c Greer LI U 11 Mai 'and N A Celebrated Suit Last week some, Judge Mc Bride heard the case of the First Na tional Bank, assignee of the partner ship of Hughes Morgan & Rogers, wherein suit was brought to collect a book accout.t alleged to have been owed by Hughes, one ot the partners, amounting to some hundreds of dol lars. The plaintiff alleged the ac count was placed for collection and that it was due an payable, and asked judgement and execution. The defense alleged that the book ac count had been paid by a certain transaction wherein $1500 had been paid into the treasury, the plaintiff alleging the money to have been ap plied as an advance which was to have been prof rata from all members of the ..firm, to pay off certain then present demands. As no other mem- Wash goods of all kinds for I spring and summer wear al 11. U elirung & Sons. Go to H. Wehrung & Sons for your Gents' furnishing goods, They Keep the finest line in the county. J. M. Keene, well known here and at Forest Grove, and now practicing dentistry t Salem, was in the citv yesterday. Mr. Keene kRev. E will in about a moniti remove to Portland to practice. The republican convention to day elected as delegates to the con gressional district convention: in Simmons add to Hillsboro $700. G W Patterson, Jas Withycomb, C F Ti card, J V Tamiesie, I A Macrum, H F Ford, laslmbrie, M D Markham, H S Hudson, G W Stitt and G W Marsh Delegates elected to the state con vention were: T H Tongue, B P Cornelius, Dr Crang, J E Tanch, T I llaty, Wm Day, C Jack, t O iw . l-,n,,All I1 W All H Hall. - The Sons of Veterans will hold their first regular meeting on the second Friday in this month. Stewart Vaughn is in town to day. He will operate his hop yard again this season. . R. H. Greer wears a broad suiile when he meets his friends. It is a boy and was born the date of the earthquake and the republican county convention. --Mrs Wm. Tupper is the proud mother of twin girls born this morn ing. . v What with the earthquake last night and "old glory" upside down on the court house, over the room where the republicans were assem bled in county convention, it would Kom the party is starting out un d er very favorable auspices. The Democratic Primaries. Democratic primaries were held throughout the county on Tuesday of this week and delegates were e lectod to the county convention which holds Tuesday, April 7th. At that time delegates will be select ed to attend the state convention, at Portland on Thursday, April 9ih. The primaries were not by any means largely attended, but when it comes to hannony--there was plenty of that and no differences crept in to make the elections doiib'ful or exciting. North Hills boro elected: Hon S. R Huston, C A. ILinley, J. Lamkin, H. Mc Linn and L. A.Long. South Hills boro: W. H Wehrung, J. 15. Adkins, G. W. Schulmerich, G. Ireland and J. A Bowen. Reports from the out-lying preciects state that full dehigations were elected throughout and the county convention promis es to he a working one, with nodis- cord. 15 very day the feeling of dem ocrats is stronger to stand up and be counted, and they will. Real Estate Transfers. United States to M J Shuck et ux 806.95 a sec 2, 10-11 t 3 s r 2 w pat. United States to John Martin e I n w i and n I s w sec 11 t 3 e r 2 w pat. J R Mays et ux to W E and E C Mays .42 a sec 6 1 1 n r 2 w $1. Mary Kellermau and lib to Mar tin Enplehert 21.50 a sec 35 tlnr 5 w $7. Annie Hohenleitner fo L Hoben 1 tner 160 a sec 9 t 3 n r 5 w $1. M Wren et ux to John Seifert 49 a.M Wren dlctl n to H C Hunter et ux to Henry Frihrer fact in Wm Baxter dlcllsrlw $1500 Gustav Schwadeier to Divid Miltenberger 50 a sec 4 1 2 r 1 w $500. W T Buxton et ux to F Dunlap .20.36 a sec 16-17 1 1 n r4 w $1. Robt A Patterson to Present t Sawyer swsenw sec 16 1 1 s r 4 w $250. Paul Sabbe et nx to Thos Talbot It 70 Cornelius Environs $206. Sarah Baker to Marshal Baker 57 93 a sec 2 t 2 s r 2 w $1. Sarah Baker to W D Raker 57 a sec 2 t 2 s r 2 w $1. F R Ingersoll to Ladd & Reid Farm Co 10.6 a sec id 1 1 s r I w $75. 8 R Bond et nx to Alfred J Ray mond 8 a sec 14 tin r 4 w $200. A B Mullov et ux to G T Hed- rick 26 06 a sec 3 t 3 s r 1 w $1000. Fleckenstein Mayer Company to J P Mohrmann It 8 blk 5 Sher wood $200. Fleckenstein Msyer Co. To J P Mohrmann Its 5 6 7-8 blk 1 Sher wood $225. H P Ford Sheriff. To W Sedlak 40 of sec 11 t 1 b r 3 w $1130. D Keen et ux, to E A Hyde 12 a sec 26 t 1 n r 4 w and other land in Forest Grove $500. Flora Hinman toE A Hvdepart of blk 35 Forest Grove $1200. D Smith et ux to Sarah E Turn bow 10 a of Geo Richardson D L C $1100. U S to A Raymond s e $ of s e of sec 33 s w 1 of s w 1 of sec 34 1 2 n r 5 w and w $ of n w i of sec 3 t 1 n r 5 w. Receipt for pat. S R Bond et ux to A Raymond 499 a of sec 14 1 1 n r 4 w $200 S R Bond et ux to D N Raymond 8 a of sec 14 1 1 r4 w$200. U S to Sarah Baker w of n e and n A of n w 4 of see 2 t 2 s r 3 Pat, Nancv S Clearwater and husb. To John W Saxton Lts 1 and Block Pouth j Coast add Hillsboro $1000. J w Saxton et ux to Nancy Clearwater 80 a of sec 4 t 2 n r 4 w $2500. W Barrett et ux to J Warren 10 a of s 3 t 2 s r 3 w $200. T H Tongue et ux To F Sakalsky 11 w of s w of sec 13 t 2 n r 3 w $230. H W Scott et ux To Ettie Diel s e of sec 19 1 1 s r 4 w $2000. Olive Scott and husb To Ettie Diel n e of sec 14 1 1 s r 5 w. C Carr et ux To J H Walker 195 a of J H Walker DLCtasrjw$6o. J W Mtjler et ux To Ab uglow e y2 ot w X f sec 35 t 1 s r 3 w $100. SOCIETIES. Phonix Lodge Xo S4, K of P mt on Monuc evening or Men wwn In Masonic hall. Phonecia Temple No 10 meets on the sec ond and fourth Friday of each month in I O O F hall. Monteiuma Lotlee No 90 1 O O F meet every V edueday ev ening in their ball. HillHboro Robckuh Lodge No 64 meet In Udd Fellows' hall on the third Saturday of each month. F i!t A M after full moon of each month. Tualatin Chapter, No HI, Eaxtern Star, meets second and fourth Tuesday in each month at Masonic hull; Tnalitv Lodire No 6 A FA meet every Saturday night on or , HillHboro Lodge No 61 A O U W meet every eeconu unu roll nit Friday In oach month. in seifert- t-.i 1 fk ashington Kneampnieot Jtl J,ftiitwi I X U O ' uieois mi second and fo; , , . ' y . l'riilay 01 each iiioi.iu. 1 Andreas A' . f ' ' ..i...ii.,r.. No 17 I i.'U inrol in (iii'i..,' iii.ii t...j Nmjftttay cveu.urf. . df& Hillsboro Grange .'..j Zh ' j 2nd and t h Saturday, i. '( - niest .15 m. Viola Tent, A0I8, K U i M, meet ;n Odd Fellows' Hall on Second" and ti.urlh Thursday, evenings of each nioiiiii. Kuby Assembly, Xo. 20, I'nitod A .limn meet tirnt aiiu ilnrd 'I U"suuy at 0..d Fel lows' hall. : , Ueu Kunsom Post, No SO. U A 11 meet at Orange - all first and third Saturu.t. PROFESSIONAL. BARRETT & ADAMS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Iloouis 6 and 7 Central Block, HUUboBO, Or T. H. TONGUE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, In Morgan block, Hillsboro, OrtfOB. W. D.VV0OD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Chenctte Row. Resident corner First and Main streets, Hillsboro, Oregon. ' S. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Otlice at Residence Fast of Court House. C. B. BROWN JJENTIST, HILLSBORO, OREGON. OOLtr CRoVn and BRIDWfi work a specialty. ALL WORK tjuarentefcd. Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan Block. Offii'K Houks: From 8 a. m. to 4. r. at. F. A. BAILKT, U.D. W. t. BAILVT, UHA DRS. F. A. AND P. J. BAILEY, Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchert. Office In Hillsboro Pharmacy. Resi dence aoutn-west corner Baseline and Second. All eaus promptly attended day or night. ' " . JAMES PfflLLIPP TlMnSIK, M. D. - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Consultation in f rench or English. Jackson-Sliger. iirried : At the residence, of M and Mrs. W. II. Sliger, on March 28. 18, Mr. Loren B. Jackson and Miss Lula B Sliger, both ot Hills boro. Washington county, Oregon, P. Hughes officiating. The bride is a daughter of Mr and Mrs II. Sliger and the groom is the son of Pres. Jackson, whose residence is one mile east of this city. The young people are general favorites and have a large circle of friends who wish them a happy voyage on the marital seas. nd residence south of Hillsboro, Or. Office Main near 3d St., A Serious Fire. ' ' Glencoe. April 1st. Special. The residence of Mrs. J. Johnson, of this place, was Tuesday evening totally destroyed by hre. 1 he con flagration was caused by Mrs. John son's clothing having caught fire from the fire place near which she was standing. Hasti'.y tearing off her clothes, she left the building al most nude, but did not escape a burning so severe that, her recovery is doubtful. The house caught, fire from the burning apparel and be fore assistance arrived the building was, too far gone to be saved. The aged woman was tsken to the ofEce of Dr. Sa ml ford where her injuries were looked after and then she was removed to the home of her son, Henry Johnson. Loss, about I3C0; no insurance. At the democratic primary held here for Columbia precinct th fol lowing were elected delegates to th county convention: Freeman An drews, V. Crocker and Dr. Sand-ford. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and fine map work a pecialty. Lindsay Block, two doors north of the poetoffloe. Second st,, Hillsboro, Or. GEORGE R. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 00m 1 & 2, Shute Block, over Greer's,. HILLSBORO, OREGOJTt Local Agent Royal Insurance Company SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT- LAW, Notarial Work and Conveyancing. Rooms 6 & 7 Morgan Blk., Hillsboro, Ore.', MISCELLANEOUS. Public Sale! At the Tillamook Court House door On May 1,1896. One of the finest improved Dairy and stock ranches in Tillamook county will be sold to the highest bidder for cash. fisk and Meat Market J. U. ROSELAIR, Prop.. HILLSBORO, - - OREGON. Salmon 7i cents per pound. Sturgeon 51 cents per pound. Smelt 3? cents per pound. Herring, suit, 5 for 10 cents. Herring, spiced, 10 cents per pound. Fresh Oysters, Meat and Poultry Con stantly on Hand. ' THE Leap Year Ball. Tuesday evening the ladies of the Hillsboro Terpsichorean club gave a hup year ball at the opera house which was in all respects an en joyable occasion. After the ball a supper was given at urange nan and those present at both or either report one ol the hnest times in the history of the club. Those present wer : Messrs. and Mesdames G V, Schulmerich, W. H. and G. A. WehruiiL'. C. W. Redmond, U. G. Gardner and C. B. Brown; Misses Mary and Bertha-Tongue, Emma Csrsteiis, Louisa Tucker, Berna Latham, Grac Boscow, Mamie Pit tenger, Aha Lntukin, Jennie Arch bold, Winnie Itoirino and Nellie Jackson; Messrs. Burke Tongue, L. K. Adams. W. D. Smith, J. B. ilkes, Wt's. Buscnw, John Dob bins. Walter McKinney, Frank Mitchell, Cal. Jack, Geo. Merry man, Bogard and Jessie Stew art. The ladies have conclusively shown that feminine capacity for management is not behind that of HERE . IS - A . BARGAIN Over 235 acres: 200 acres very lev el; 100 acres improved; good house and hum and large bearing orchard. For particulars address, CHAS. E. HALL, Hillsboro, Oregon. DELTA .: DRUG :: STORE :- (Next Door Bryan-I.atdlaw Co.) Uain Street, - HU!sbr A fine line of Toilot Articles, Brushes Combs, Perfumes, Patent Medicines and special attention given to Quality aim Accuracy- fir J. NORTH. VP , i Newly Furnished and Renovated. Mt. Chrisinger PA T IG A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience ol guests. . . . Paper Hanging and Decorating Sample Book brought to house on appli cation and paper sold at Portland wholesale prices, Notary Public . . . Loans, Collections . . , FIRE . - AND - ACCIDENT : INSURANCE : J. I. KNIGHT, Oonerul Fire Insurance and Loan Krokef HILLSBORO - - OREGON Hillsboro, Oregon CAEPETWEAV1SG, J, Centerville, Orego Weaves carpet striped and measured to fit any room. Price to ttsit ttte hsrel Hme 1