The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 09, 1922, Section One, Page 17, Image 17

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Tonnage Handled in Six
Month Period Triples.
204,268 TONS IS GAIN
Increased Volume of Trade Is
Taken Care Of at Less Cost to .
Consignee and Shipper.
For six months ending Juno 30,
this year, 390 vessels berthed at the
tour municipal terminals, handling
a total of 311,552 tons of freight,
whereas for the first half of 1921
there had been 160 vessels at the
same berths and 107,284 tons of
cargo handled. Combined revenues
for the first six months of 1922
were $252,806.54,. as compared with
$193,053.51 for the corresponding
months last year.
Significant Story Told.
The gain in the number of ships
and tonnage moved tells a story,
through sources rated as the most
dependable indicators of the port's
A comparison of total revenues
does not give the same relative pro
portion of increase, due to the fact
terminal tariffs for virtually all
classes of service have been low-
firftd- Rn TvhilA thprA haa rtfier, ft
striking jump in the volume of
trade, it has been taken care of at
less cost to shipper and consignee
than, during preceding periods.
The data is compiled from tabu
lations at the office of' commis
sioner of public docks, which er
ganization constructed the ter
minals and operates all features of
them. An analysis of the records
show that all terminals added to
their business, but the most strik
ing feature is that Terminal No. 4,
the big development at St. Johns,
where most of the foreign move
ment is taken care of, with 171
vessels and 163,290 tons of cargo
in the last six months, did consid
erably more business than all of
the terminals ' during the first six
months of 1921.
At Terminal No. 1, where prin
cipally intercoastal freight is dis
charged and loaded, with some for
eign business as well, there were
65 vessels to take care of 47,261
tons of cargo during the first half
of 1921, but for the corresponding
period this year the fleet numbered
141 carriers and the freight grew
to 95,577 tons. At Terminal No. 2
there were 41 vessels berthed in the
six-months' stretch last year,
freight aggregating 20,352 tons
and for the first half of this year
71 vessels were alongside and 50,785
tons moved. Terminal No. 3, which
is the former St. Johns city dock,
did no ship business for the 1921
period, while this year there were
seven ships tied up there in con
nection with which 1900 tons of
freight were handled.
Special Facilities Added.
At Terminal No. 4 special or ad
ditional facilities have been added
as the need has, arisen in conjunc
tion with the growth of trade and
at Terminal No. 1. which 'offered
adequate ' space for intercoastal
freight and ships until the pres
ent year, a. secona unit is oeing Iln
ished that will virtually double the
cargo space under shed, adding as
well, two berths for vesBels of the
type engaged in the . deep -. water
Besides the combined freight
movement at municipal terminals,
private docks have gone along as
before in the accommodation of
vessels and gains for the year are
expected to be shown by them as
Surplus Materials and Supplies
to Be Sold Tuesday.
Charles S. Gerth of New York, se
lected by the emergency fleet cor
poration to conduct public auctions
of surplus material and equipment
left over from shipbuilding days,
will be due in the city tonight The
stocks at the St. Johns concentra
tion yards will be offered for sale
Tuesday, beginning, at 10 o'clock.
The auction of property at the Ta
coma yard has been fixed for July
ia ana at Alameda August 8.
Ralph Gerth, a brother of the auc
tioneer, has been on the ground for
a week preparing for the sale.
which is to be conducted in the mold
loft at the yard. A platform has
been- arected and seating accommo
dations provided for more than 20-0
persons. Catalogues have been is
sued covering the stocks and it is
promised that short work will be
made of the supplies and equipment,
Mr. Gerth is credited with having
sold a life-sized painting of the kai
ser, taken from one of the seized
German ships, at an eastern yard for
935, while another of President
Grant, also seized from the Germans,
brought only $35 under the same
persuasion. Sales at the St. Johns
yard were halted a month ago to
prepare for the auction, and with
everything to be put up, from boil
ers to hand tools, it is xpected
there will be lively and interesting
T. G. Baird, in charge for the ma
terial and sales section, said last
night he was advising prospective
bidders to arrive early and with
their lunch, for he thinks it will be
such a busy session there will be ac
tion every minute.
Dredging Operations to Be Start
ed at Grays Harbor.
GRAYS HARBOR, Wash., July 8.
(Special.) The port of Grays Har
bor will start terminal operations
about August 15, following instal
lation of a lumber crane, according
to a- statement made Saturday by
W. H. Peters, port manager. The
crane materials are scheduled to
arrive Wednesday and about ZO days
will be needed for erection.
The port dredge is now at work
on the Hulbert mill slip, having
ee-mpletec channel work to tha
point from the dock terminal. After
the deepening of the slip dredging
of the channel to the eastward will
be resumed. There are more than
SO acres of port terminal lands now
filled and ready for use as industrial
Shipping Board Asked for Three
Steamers in Monthly Service.
Asking that three steamers a
month be operated In the Portland
Oriental track, instead of. one car
rier -as at-present, exporters yester-
More than 300,000 feet of timbers of various sizes and running in length from 60 to 80 feet, dispatched
aboard the motorship Annam for London July 4, are intended to supplement timbir stocks, because those
drawn from the Baltic territory are
quantity being no longer available, according to information reaching here. , Besides the timbers there was
700,000 feet of flitches aboard the ship, they being ordered to be cut into special stock for interior finishing.
manufacture of doors, panels and the
movement of such lumber to Europe,
fe,et a month is being floated for the
ouu.ouo reet. w . J. Jones, as esons, sieveaores, wno loaaea ine vessel, say xne cargo on tne- Annam inciuaeo
some of the best fir timber specimens they have loaded. Both the Clark & Wilson and Eastern & Western
mills contributed to the shipment, which was assembled by the Pacific Export Lumber company.
day telegraphed the shipping board
through the Chamber of Commerce.
It was set forth that tonnage is not
adequate to meet the demands for
new crop cereal shipments to be
ready to move in August.
Among those to sign the request
are Kerr, Gifford & Co., Portland
Flouring Mills company, Wilcox
Hayes company, Pacific Export
Lumber company. Bant & Russell,
Northern Grain & Warehouse com
pany, Crown Flour Mills and the
Chamber of Commerce. Vessels
withdrawn from the trans-Pacific
service are tied up at St. Johns.
They were withdrawn because of a
slump in business.
Timbers and Oregon Grape Root
Taken lor New York.
On the steamer West Haven, of
the Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific line.
which departed yesterday, was the
last lot of a considerable Quantity
f timbers that have been moving
via that service to New York, also
consignments of Oregon grape root,
classed the same as cascara bark,
shipments of cross arms for New
York and Savannah public service
interests, as well as case goods,
doors and general freight. ..
On her voyage from the east the
West Haven had a total of 12 cabin
passengers bound for various local
ities from the Panama canal to San
Francisco. Other vessels of the
line carry passengers, and while ac
commodations are limited, H. T. An
ning, Portland manager, . says the
company will book through passage
to any east coast point or to the
Shipper's Funeral Tomorrow.
Funeral services for Yoshltaro
Moriwaki, Portland manager for
Mitsui & Co., are to be conducted
at 1 o'clock tomorrow at the Japa
nese Buddhist church, Tenth and
Everett streets. Many shipping
men are expected to attend. Mr.
Moriwaki was operated on for ap
pendicitis, and his death occurred
Friday. His wife, son and daughter
survive, the latter being in school
in Japan, while Mrs. Moriwaki and
son. Yoshiyuki, reside here. Mr.
Moriwaki had been connected with
the Mitsui branch here for several
years and made many fast friends.
Marine Notes.
Statter & Johnstone. agents for the
Furness-Prince line, expect the steamer
Eastern Prince, which is on its way for
oriental ports, will arrive here in Sep
tember to load for the United Kingdom.
The Mongolian Prince Is scheduled to
work cargo here this month for Europe,
to be followed in August by the Siberian
Thii Hteamer Pennsylvania shifted yes
terday from Mersey to the North Bank
dock and will depart about Wednesday.
She will call at Liverpool, lilasgow, Lon
don and Hamburg.
The tank steamer W. S. Miller cleared
before daybreak yesterday and the tanker
H. T. Harper got away last nignt, Dotn
returning to California for fuel oil
cargoes. .
The steamer Daisy' Matthews, lumber-
laden for San Pedro, departed from St.
Helena last night
1 The steamer Munairea finished dis
charging sulphur from the guif yester
day ana In tne afternoon aepartea ror
Coos Bay to load a lumber cargo for
New York.
The shipping board steamer West Cay-
ote, recently relinquished by the Columbia-Pacific
Shipping company, from Its
trans-Paclflc service, shifted to the St.
Johns moorings yesterday, having fin
ished unloading cargo at the Portland
vegetable oil plant, and she will bepre
pared to lay up.
The steamer West Kader of the Colum
bia-Pacific fleet, shifted from the In-man-Poulsen
mill to the Crown mill yes
terday to finish her cargo for the orient
and the steamer Hannawa. which arrived
late Friday night from far eastern ports,
shifted from terminal No, 4 to the veg
etable oil plant. The latter departs in
August. - -
The steamer Robert Adair of the
Isthmian line, left terminal No. 1 for
sea yesterday afternoon.- She will load
lumber on Fuget sound for New York.
. The steamer Eagle of the Crowell &
Thurlow intercoastal line. left the harbor
yesterday afternoon for Westpprt to load
lumber sjpr the east. . -The
Iutch steamer Tjikerang of the
Java-Pacific service will shift from termi
nal No. 4 to the plant of the Portland
Flouring Mills company today in srather-
Ing cargo for the far east and will de
part tne latter- part or tne week. .
The Japanese steamer Melgen Maru
will Bhlft from Llnnton to St. Helens
today to take on the remander of her
Australian lumber cargo.
The steamer Georglna Rolph, of the
McCormick line, departed yesterday
morning with cargo - for San Francisco
and San Pdro.
The Norwegian steamer Bratsberg: of
the Asiatic-American line, which is in
from the far east, discharged tea at
terminal No. 4 yesterday. She brought
more than 780 tons.
The steamer K. I. Luckenbach. due to
day from New York. Boston and Phlla-
delphia, has aboard 908 tons of general
freight and considerable is to be loaded
outward. v
In an advance schedule to govern the
steamer Admiral Goodrich of the Pacific
Steamship company, which replaces the
steamer Admiral Rodman on the Port
land - Marshfield - Eureka-San Francisco
run, it is provided that she leave San
Vrinelioi Saturday and reach here July
19, leaving on the southbound voyage
at 7 o'clock the night of July 21 and
reach Sau Francisco the morning of July
There was a large crowd aboard the
steamer Georglna when she left at noon
yesterday for Astoria, where connections
are maae xor points on iortn Deacn
as welt as for those between Astoria and
Seaside. It was her second Saturday
afternoon trip, her leaving time other
days being in tne morning. The week
end schedule was arranged to accommo
date business men leavinr down.
limited to from 32 to 40 feet in length, longer Umbers in marketable
like. Since January 1 there had been a noticeable regularity In the
and it is estimated that from northwest ports approximately 2,500,000
British market alone. Of the amount,
Major Richard Park Files Re- j
quest for Permission to Ke-
- .
move Hull From Channel.
Permission to take immediate
possession of the wreck of the Brit
ish steamer Welsh Prince at Al
toona, in the Columbia river, so that
vessel and cargo may be removed
from the channel, was requested by
telegraph yesterday afternoon of
Washington authorities by i Major
Richard Park, corps of engineers,
United States army. - He had given
representatives of the owners and
underwriters until 4:30 o'clock to
make a showing that they were in
position to proceed with theVwork
of salvaging t!e cargo and remov
ing the wreck. .
Authorization-' for the United
States to take over wrecks in navi
gable waters carries with it pro
vision for advertising for proposals
to remove them, and as soon as he is
directed to assume charge of the
sunken ship and cargo. Major- Park
intends proceeding with a call for
bids. The law provides for the gov
'ernment to act in such matters
when the owners fail to undertake
the removal of a wreck within a
reasonable time.
It appears from local information 1
that underwriters representing the
cargo interests are willing that the
highest bid recently filed for the
cargo and wreck be accepted, and
while the bidder expresses a will
ingness to proceed at once with the
work, he insists on a bill of sale
from the owners of the vessel, but
so far those concerned have been
unable to obtain the consent of the
owners for the transfer. Legally
that has not been an abandonment
of the ship or cargo.
An answer to Major Park's re
quest is looked for tomorrow, and
should owners and cargo interests
get togetBer as to a contract with
the high bidder, there is a feeling
that the government would not in
sist on undertaking the wreck's re
moval, in any event, whether the
work is under private or govern
ment contract, a bond is to be ex
acted by the United States to insure
that all parts of the hull and cargo
are taken away. , . .,
Late reports from the Scene are
that the vessel is sinking in the
sand, and Major Park desires to
have work under way before it set
Port Calendar.
To Arrive at Portland.
Unlta .Orient ..July 9
Forest King ....San Fran.... July 9
5exa .; Bordeaux . . .. July 9
Rose City. gan Fran.... July 10
Anneiie noipn San Pedro.. ..July 10
i. mcKenbacb Boston July 10
Robin Goodfellow... Seattle . , .July 10
Remus. . . 43. America July 10
Ibukis&n Maru vAi.Au-.- t..i
uauiro ...Europe July 11
umyo maru Sou. Amer. . . July 13
w.7,T ' " V an uiego... .July n
XEaSSTSSaHa::: is 5.-::::5!i!
To Depart From Portland. -
Vessel Vnr r.-
.agle New VnrV T..iu 6
, - . . ..u U.J o
j Ti' San Diego.... July lu
r. . . . Hu,,'-Bsl1 jiego.. . .July 11
A- Lu JL,ucaenDacn...New York... July la
"-". orient July 12
7, . Europe July 13
Rose City ; Kan Fran I.,l li
Carmarthenshire ...Europe July 14
Senator... gan Diego July 18
Admiral Goodrich. . .8. F. & way.. July 21
Vessels In Fort.
Vessel Berth. "
Admiral Farragut. .Terminal No. 2.
audc naouj wesiDon,
Brnlawers Olobe mill.
Bratsberg Terminal N l
Canadian Prospector.Eaetern & Western.
Eagle Westport.
K.H.Meyer. sr Helena.
Flavel 4 St. Helens.
Hannawa Vegetable Oil Co
Meigan Maru....... West Oregon.
Munaires Terminal No. 4.
Nehalem Warrenton.
Oregon fine. f enmauia mill.
Pennsyivanian North Bank.
Shasta St. Helens, i
Santlam.' Tongue Point
ShlnkokuMaru Wauna.
Thos. Crowley Tongue Point.
Tjikarang .Port F M Co. ,
Virginia uiiob vvesiport.
Wapama St. Helens.
Went Kadei Crown mill.
Trans-Paelfie Hon.
Closing time for the trans-Pacific
mails at the Portland main postofflce is
as follows (one hour earlier . at Station
U 282 Oak street): -"
For Hawaii. 7:45 P. M.. July 10, per
steamer Matsonia, from San Francisco
For Hawaii, 7:45 P. M., July i0 per
steamer Matsonia, from San Francisco.
For China, Japan and Philippines.
11:80 P. M., July 12, per steamer Em
press of Russia, from Seattle.
For China, Japan and Philippines,
11:30 P. M., July 21, per steamer Presi
dent Jefferson, from Seattle.
M. Bollam. Agent.
123 Third St. Pkone Bdiry. 7326.
" ' J '
the average of big timbers is about
tles much deeper and salvage is
made more difficult.
1 1 i ' .
About 18,000,000 Feet to Go East
f - on Vessel's This Month...
Lumber shipments to be loaded
this month for the Atlantic coast
market in the interest of the fihas.
R. McCormick company will approx
imate 13,000,000 feet. The steamer
Robin Goodfellow, which left Se
attle yesterday, is due at Westport
today to start taking on 2,500,000
feet, part of which will be furnished
at St. Helens. The steamer Mobile
City, due later in the month, is to
work the same amount, while the
steamer Munaires, which left Port
land yesterday for Coos bay, loads 4,
000,000 feet between there and Grays
harbor, ana the steamer Santa Bar
bara takes 1,000,000 feet in the
north. The steamer Willfaro, which
sailed from the river yesterday, is to
load 1,000,000 feet on Grays harbor.
It is said all of the material has
been sold. In spite of the rate war
between intercoastal lines the
charge for handling lumber shows
no signs of weakening and some
quotations for north Atlantic de
livery are as high as $16.
Neutral Hall Opens Tomorrow.
Longshoremen will be hired to
morrow morning and in the future
at the newly established neutral hall
at Fifth near Everett street, which
has been prepared for the union and
non-union workers. A committee-of
three will manage the hall, one each
representing the employers and the
union and non-union longshoremen.
A dispatcher will direct crews to the
ships. .
Grant Smith - Porter Brothers
Company Files Articles. .
SALEM, Or., July . 8. (Special.)
The Grant Smith-Porter Bros, com
pany, which operated extensively in
the construction of ships during the
war, has been dissolved, according
to articles filed with the state cor
poration commissioner here today.
The Oregon Date-Prune Orchard
company, with headquarters at Mc
Minnville, has been incorporated by
C. Burleson, H. S. Gile and William
H. Trindle. The capital stock is
The American Publishing company
is the name of a new concern incor
porated at Astoria by D. L. Moore,
H. L. Henderson, O. C. Narvestad,
J. J. Pittinger and G. A. Hellberg.
the capital stock is $50,000.
S. J. Frohmer, Tillie Frohmer and
Arthur Wolfe have incorporated the
New chef. The capital stock is $4000
and headquarters are in Portland.
The Toke Point Oyster, company,
a Washington concern, nas with
drawn from operations in Oregon.
Read The Oreeronlan classified' ads.
Delightful Side Trips
You Should Not Miss
Your journey through the
Canadian Pacific Rockies
is even more enjoyable
when broken occasionally
by interesting side trips.
I I One that will add greatly
I . to the "vacation you will
I never forget" is the seven-
II mile drive from Field to
lifjl Emerald Lake, through a
III perfumed forest of balsam
' pines and spruce.
Canadian Pacific Railway "J I
II 55 Thlrd'Street - PORTLAND Broadway 9?tOTA
North and South Jetties Are
Proving Worth.
Latest Investigation Shows Depth
at Entrance Sufficient for All
Vessels Coming Here.
Influence of the- north and south
Jetties continues to maintain the
channel at the entrance to the Co
lumbia river, the annual June survey
ihowlne much the same condition
as in June, 1921 In every respect
the channel is holding Its own.
Maior RLchard Park, corps of en
KHnurs TTnitRd States army, in
eharsre of the second Portland d's-
trict and under whose direction the
survey was carried out, compared
charts of the two years yesterday
and found a depth of 40 feet for a
width of 6500 feet as measured just
outside the ends of the Jetties, while
there is a depth within that range
of 42 feet for a distance of 6200 feet
and a depth of 43 feet for a width of
2000 feet. In the latter zone was
perhaps a slight, gain,' but in the
main it is held depths are com
parable with those of 'last season
and having ample water for all re
quirements of navigation' with the
types of vessels plying in tne aeep
watnr trad a out of the Columbii
river, the new survey is regarded as
most satisfactory.
The 60-foot contour is within 4000
feet of deep water on'the ocean side,
the condition being about the same
&9 in 1921.
As the official depths are recorded
on a basis of mean lower low water,
tidal -.hane-es are not taken into
consideration, the deepest ships be
ing handled in or out of the river
rearardless of tides. At mat me
tida Is close to seven feet,
so if -taken advantage of at least 50
feet of water would be avauaDie,
ShiDDine- Interests that have kept
in touch with the entrance channel
details incline to the view that the
stability of the marine road perhaps
indicates the extreme influence of
the Jetties, that with scouring regu
lated through the flow being con
fined between the .structures, arti
ficial means- have mada permanent
the denths.
The official government project
called for m low water depth or 4U
fivot- Md th-at has been available for
the past few seasons. Dredging
ended ihere in 1918, with the with
drawal of the Chinook, and since
then the jetties have proved their
worth. , Unofficial reports recently
were that 44 feet was available, but
the official chart does not show
iifh a. overninsr depth.
Many ships constructed of late
years and some on the stocks at
present are of a design for general
world trade, and for harbors where
less water is to be had than at the
entrance to the Columbia river a
loaded draft of about 30 feet or
under is provided. Ships are turned
out longer and with more beam than
before the war, increased cargo
space being afforded In sucn
changes rather than through deeper
draft. , .
v Ship Keports fcy Radio.
By the Radio Corporation of America.
(The Radio Corporation of America, in
co-operation with the United States pub
llo health service and the Seamen's
Church institute, will receive requests for
medical or surgical advice through its
KPH San Francisco station without cost.)
All positions reported at 8 P. M. yes
terday, unless otherwise indicated, were
as follows:
SE-A LION, towing log raft, Columbia
river for San Diego, 243 miles south of
Columbia river, July 7.
EL GRAILLO, San Francisco for
Shanghai, 730 miles west of San Fran
cisco, July 7.
MICHIGAN, Union Bay for San Fran
cisco. 800 miles north of San Francisco,
July 7.
OCEAN PRINCE, Victoria for Balboa,
280 miles south of Victoria, July 7. ,
-ADMIRAL SCHLEY, San Francisco for
Seattle, 275 miles south ot Seattle, July 7.
WILHELMINA, San Francisco for
Honolulu, 740 miles from San Francisco,
July 7.
GEORGINA ROLPH, Portland for San
Francisco, 110 miles outhof Columbia
river, July 7.
STEEL RANGER, San Diego for New
Tork, 600 miles south of San Diego,
July 7.
MEXICO. Ensenada for San Jose Del-
cabo, 452 miles north of San Jose Del-
cabo, July 7.
SANTA CRUZ, Seattle for San Fran
cisco, off Tatoosh, July 7.
HTADES, Kahulul fy San Francisco,
1797 miles from San Francisco, July 7.
MANOA, Honolulu for San Francisco,
1365 miles west of San Francisco, July 7.
WEST MAHWAH, Papeete for Hono
lulu. 884 miles north of Papeete, July 7.
for San Pedro, 759 miles south of San
Pedro, July 7.
INDIA ARROW. Shanghai ' for San
Emerald Lake, exquisitely
colored and serene under
the protection-of three
mighty mountain peaks,
is well stocked with fish
and is the starting point of
such wonderf ul trails as to
the scenic Yoho Valley.
A picturesque log chalet
rfffers the hospitality for
which the Canadian
Pacific Railway is noted.
Francisco, 1895 miles from San Francisco,
July 7.
YANKEE- ARROW, Shalfghal lor San
Francisco, 2132 miles from San Francisco,
July 7.
CANADIAN winner, snangnai tor
San Francisco, 1180 miles- from San
Francisco, July 7.
THOMAS. Honolulu for San Francisco,
latitude 21:58 north, longitude 15i:27
west, July 7.
CALIFORNIA, Portland for Hamburg,
18 miles south of San Pedro, July 7.
OHIOAN, New York for San Pedro,
968 miles south of San Pedro, noon,
July 7. ' "
BLDONA Honolulu for New York, 14
miles from Honolulu, noon, July 7.
ORLEANS. New York for San Pedro,
780 miles southeast of San Pedro. July 7.
SANTA RITA,. Everett for San Pedro,
1085 miles from San Pedro.
JOHANNA SMITH. San Francisco for
Coos Bay, 137 miles south of Coos Bay.
TASCALUSA. Hongkong for San Fran
cisco, 222 miles west of San Francisco.
NILE. Victoria for San Francisco, 0
miles north of San Francisco.
CHARLIE WATSON, El Segundo for
Point Wells, 110 miles from Point Wells.
SANTA RITA, Everett for San Pedro,
1085 miles from San Pedro.
FRANK G. DRUM. Port Costa for Se
attle, 640 miles north of San Francisco.
HOYBISON MARU, Union Bay for Vic
toria. 170 miles from Victoria.
CELILO. St. Helens for San Francisco,
115 miles south of Columbia river.
WAHKEBNA, Gray, Harbor for San
Francisco, 530 miles - south of Grays
NORTHWESTERN, Seattle for Ketchi
kan, 112 miles from Seattle.
FRED BAXTER. Eagle Harbor for
Union Bay, B. C., 36 miles from Eagle
FRANK G. DRUM: Fort Costa for Se
attle, 640 miles north of Ban Francisco.
CELILO, St. Helens for San Francisco,
115 miles south of Columbia river.
LYMAN STEWART, Oleum for Port
Moody, 854 miles from Port Moody.
BL SEGUNDO, Point Wells for Rich
mond, 205 miles from Richmond.
PRESIDENT, San Francisco for Se
attle. 65 miles north of San Francisco.
SENATOR, Wilmington for San Fran
cisco, 265 mlles south of Saa Francisco.
San Francisco, 145 miles south of San
MICHIGAN, Union Bay for San Fran
cisco, 800 miles north of Sah Francisco.
SEA LION (tug), towing log raft. Co
lumbia river for San Diego, 0 miles
northwest of Cape Mendocino.
NORTHLAND, 310 miles from San
ANNETTE ROLPH, San Francisco for
Portland, 25 mile8 north of San Francisco.
HU8B CITY, San Francisco ror Port
land, 75 miles from San Francisco.
R. J. HANNA, Richmond for San
Pedro, 273 miles from San Pedro.
ADMIRAL DEWEY. San Francisco for
Wilmington, 108 mlles from San Fran
cisco. WILLAMETTE, San Francisco for Se
attle, 165 miles north-of San Francisco.
CHINA ARROW, San Francisco for
Hongkong, 88 miles west of San Fran
cisco. ESTHER DOLLAR. San Francisco for
Yokohama, left San- Francisco 1 P. M.
K. I. LUCKENBACH, San Francisco
for Portland, 291 miles from Portland. .
GEORGINA ROLPH, Portland for San
Francisco, 210 miles from San Francisco.
By Federal Telegraph Company.
for Yokohama, 807 miles west W Hono
lulu, July 7.
MEIGS, San Francisco for Honolulu,
932 miles west of San Francisco, July 7.
New York, 285 miles south of San Pedro.
July 7.
HAMBR, San Francisco for Honolulu,
1682 miles west of San Francisco. July 7.
DERBLAY, Balboa for San Francisco,
1800 miles from San Francisco, July 7.
for Mobile, 1056 miles south of San Pe
dro, July 7.
San Francisco, 5 miles east of Honolulu,
July 7.
WEST PROSPECT. Yokohama for San
Pedro, 1544 miles west of , San Pedro,
July 7.
BOHEMIAN CLUB, Manila; for San
Francisco, 1556 miles west of San Fran
cisco, July 7.
W. F. HERRIN, Honolulu for San
The Coolest, Cleanest,
To get the greatest ampunt of enjoyment from
your trip to California, include a delightful sea
voyage on these celebrated steamships:
San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego
Wonderful meals and -service luxurious quar
ters dancing in special ballroom and other
pastimes these and the cool breezes of the
Pacific are yours to enjoy.
- Tickets, one way and round trip, may bo routed L, A. S. 8. Co. '
between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Same fare as all
rail. Meals and berth extra.
Ask your local R. R. Ticket Agent, or write for folder.
Los Angeles Steamship Co.
R. V. Crowder, G.P.A.
685 Market St., San Francisco
R. F. Cullen, D.P.A.
617 So. Spring St., Los Angeles
: : ; 67 Wall St., New York City
fel."W'ull!lIW-.?!lF?!Wii- l Managing Operator for y
Between Portland.. Me.. BOTtcra!ewtork. Phnsrip . liIS
Between Portland. Me., Boston, New
Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco,
t Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland. Seattle, Vaucouver, B. C. g fW MStfcil V5,i I
r NOBTH ATLANTIC ft WESTERN 8.8. CO. IS f P frfl I f 1 I 3 HtVsl! I
3rl Portland. Me. Boston New Tork Phlla. Baltimore Charleston ( 111 11. I I I if il I! H H 121
rJroi.n HARBOR Jnlv IS .lulr ir July 20 Sl 1 I BlIIVllllTllSUI'II
Portland. Me. Boston
iroi.n HARBOR Jnlv 13 .lulr
IBLFE TRIANGLE... July 28 Aug.
AKTIGAS Aug. 13 Aug.
SB. BRTJ8H July 111
S.8. WABASH August 4
b a rm.n HARBOR An runt 18
101 Third St. THE AIJM1KAA, r.,
Sailings for Japan, China
ana uniiea mnguum
203 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 43Z9 fortland, or.
Neic York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk and
San Francisco, Oakland, Portland, Los Angeles
Harbor, Seattle, Tacoma.
Portland and Columbia River General Agents
203 Wilcox Building Phone Broadway 4529
- TO THE .
. From New York, February 10, 1923
A Luxury Cruise Next Winter
.' under the management of the
AmericaiiExpress Company
Madeira, Gibraltar, Algiers, Monte Carlo, Italy, the
. Dardanelles, Constantinople, Greece, Palestine, Egypt V -
The Mauritania, 32,000 tons, holder of the blue ribbon of
the Atlantic, swiftest of ships, is one of the largest, most pop- .
ular vessels afloat. Tho first mammoth Cunarder to be taken v
from regular servic for r. special cruise through the world's
' mo6t popular cruising ground. Perfect arrangements for . i -leisurely
shore trips. Inclusive prices from $950.00 up. - .
Details. Itinerary and Prices on request. Call, j ;
or write, any American Express OffUxrOT - r .
EARL D. WALKER, D. P. A., Corner Sixth and OatSts. -'
Broadway 5060. "
Wtienever you travel always carry American Express Travelers--Cheques.
Francisco, 900 miles from Honolulu.
July 7.
ASTRAL, Shanghai for San Francisco.
4488 miles west of San Francisco, July 7.
BROAD ARROW, . Shanghai for San
Francisco, 4135 miles west of San Fran
cisco, July 3.
WEST OROWA, Shanghai for San Pe
dro, 3000 miles west of San Pedro,
July 7.
Kobe, 160 miles from Kobe, July 7.
EASTERN SAILOR. Portland for
Yokohama, 2670 miles west of Columbia
river, July 7.
BESSIE DOLLAR. Tacoma for Shang
hai, 1752 miles west of Tacoma, July 7.
ALLOWAY. Yokohama for Vancouver,
2328 miles west of Victoria, July 7.
HANLEY, Yokohama for Victoria, 2030
miles west of Victoria, July 7.
MANDASAN MARU. Yokohama for San
Francisco, 2300 miles west of San Fran
cisco, July 7.
STOCKTON, San Francisco for Manila,
117 miles from San Francisco.
FRANK H. BUCK, Monterey for Avon,
10 miles north of Monterey.
LOS ANGELES, San Francisco for San
Pedro, 25 miles south of San Francisco.
YALE, San Francisco for San Pedro,
70 miles south of San FranciBco.
way to Travel
York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and San
Portland, Seattle, vaucouver, a. u.
New York Phlla. Baltimore Charleston I
in July SO
1 Aug.
13 Aug. ao
racuic toass agents, xrwuwj otoi- i
and West Coant South America.
ana Eoropean x-orin.
ASBINET, San Francisco for New Tork,
70 miles south ot San Francisco.
. LOS ANGELES, Sn Francisco for San
Pedro, 25 miles south of San ITrancisoo.
LA BREA, San Pedro for Martinez, 65
milps from Martinc;:. ' '
Over the Short Northern Route
Yokohama, Kobe, Shanghai, Hongr Kofig-,
Manila in express time. American vessels,
providing: unexcelled American food,
service, comfort. Sailings from Pier B.
Smith's Cove Terminal, Seattle, Wash,
j President Jefferson. . .. ....July 22
President Madison .Auk. 5
President McKJnley Aug. 19
President Jackson Sept. S
President Grant Sept. 16
And every 14 days thereafter
For ducriptivt booklet addreu local agent or
101 3d St., cor. Stark, Portland, Or.
53 Market St., San Francisco. Cal.
L. C. Smith Bldg., Seattle. Wash.
17 State St.. New York. N. T.
Managing Oyerntora for
Fastest Time
to Riode Janeiro, Montevideo and Buenos
Aires. Finest ships-American service
American food American comforts. Sail
ings from Pier S. Hoboken.
Southern Cross July 2S
American leiou Aog. 5
Pan-America- Auk. Jh
Western World Sept. t
Fortnightly Thereafter.
for descriptive ooo&Zef, address
Munson Steamship Lines
Admiral Farragut . .
galls from Municipal Dock No. S
Tuesday. July 11, 4 P. M.
Every Tuesday Thereafter for
San Francisco ...$n0.00
Los Angeles .174.00
San Diego .$81.50
Phone Broadway 481
Seaside North Beach
L,vs. Sally except Fri. and Sat.),
8:311 A. 91.
(No Stops Direct to Astoria.)
I Direct Connection for North Beach.)
Str. Madeline Sat. Only, 8:30 A. M.
Leaves Daily (Except Sunday) 7:30
P. M.
Fare $1.85 One Way $3.00 Season
llounu -trip.
Week-End Round Trip C2.SO.
All Hoats Make Direct Connections
(or Seaside, Gearhart, North Beach,
Alder.St. Dock. Broadway 6344.
The Har tins Transportation Co,
Suva, New Zealand, Australia. '
The Well Equipped Royal Mall Steamer
MAktnA l3,aw tons), Anc 18, Oct. to,
Dec. it: NIAGARA (20.000 tons), July 81,
Sept.22, ov.24. Sail from Vancouver. B.C.
For rates, etc., apply Can. Pac. Hallway,
65 Third St.. Portland, or
'Canadian-Australasian Koral Mail Line.
141 Hastings fit. West, Vancouver, U. U