The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 12, 1922, SECTION SIX, Page 4, Image 76

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' 5,. .. ' . ..
Handsome Maltese Forwards
Much of Advance jf Civiliza
Letter to Auto Editor.
tion Due to Device.
" 'tk&t:
.V J MVS. sj
cars, mi
Trip to Vanvoutrr. B. C, and Tilt
With Customs Officers Is
Inscribed by Pet.
roRTI.AXD. Feb. . (To the Auto
mobile K'ittor.) I enjoyed Rover
teller in last Sunday's renonlan very
much. .My master read It to me. 1
am writing thin letter to let Rover
and Kido and all the rest of their
friands know that they have nothing
on me when It comes to enjoying a
irood automobile ride. I am not a dog:.
bat a beautiful Maltese cat. (My
mistress tells me I am beautiful, so
I know It must be true.) I take real
long automobile trips every summer I
la my master's ear. I have been
twice to Cannon Beach twice to Til
lamook beaches and only last sum-
-V ',
" -4
t ' - ,
sr I went as far as Vancouver. K. C I COMIXG YEAR "vTlI.1.1 BE ACTIVE
lopping on my way to visit at uay
Island. Tacoraa. with Tlge Reynolds
and his family. Had a real good visit
with too tiger, too. He Is really quite
I do not ride en the seat of the car.
nor on the running; board, but like to
be In ray own basket, which has
nice wire window In 4L I prefer to
-Jds this way because I am rather
aei iuus. and also because I must have
my nap both In the morning; and In
the aXternoon then. too. If I should
seo a bird, or a squirrel, or a dog I
am aura I would spring right out of
the car to chase It. and In this way
I might loss my happy home, and I
do not want to do that.
I acre with Rover that every dog
owner ahould buy a car. and I also
thtnk svery owner of a tine cat like
myself should have a car. too. aa It
Is much kinder to take a pet cat along
on a trip than It la to leave him home
alone with a can of salmon and
ran opener for an Indefinite period of
I Ilk to camp out. too. and we do
this on some of our trips. I must
tell you an amusing Joke I played on
the customs officer at Blaine, V.'ah.
last summer. He saw my basket,
which my mistress was guarding very
carefully, and he evidently thought
Committees to Lead Various Activ
ities to Be Named by Presi
dent lies This AVeek.
i'te-n for the coming- year, a year
which It is declared will be the most
active thus far tn the history of tho
organization, were tentatively drawn
up by .president A. H. Lea, and the
Ti-ew board of directors of tho Oregon
state Motor association, and during
tns coming week committees to ban
die all tho varied activities of the
organization will be announced, Mr.
Lea stated.
These committees, whien will, to
gether with the, board of directors,
guide tho state motor organization
during 123. will Include tho follow-
tag: Legislation, auto theft, finance.
touring and road information, public
alety. membership, auto camps, high
way maps and highway activities.
In addition to tho usual information
service and aid to members, among
tin particularly important features of
the coming year will be leglslat-ivs
matter! and imtmhAmhln TLf- Tjq
no was going to find -something" In rtated. The legislative committee will
mi wnsi no eapecieu a uuu v uow. be appointed at once and will bee-in
i lnar motorists, with a view to aldins-
I didn't seem to be what he was look
ing for. He seemed to Ilka me' and
to think It real nlos that I was hav
Ing auch a lovely trip. 1 was glad
to get home to my own country
again, however, and especially to my
own Portland.
tn tha solution .of some of the prob
lems. -Which It is felt at present are
far from being solved. Motorists and
automobile dealers in considerable
number have felt that changes should
oe mao In existing license laws, and
with this in mind the Oregon Stats
Rover doesn't like The Oregoalan Motor association will be resdv to co-
any better than I do It la my favorI operate with the Portland Automobile
Ite newspaper I listen to my master association, the Oregon Stats Auto-
read the headlines every morning I motive association and other organ
while he Is standing around waiting 1 nations in the drawing up of a pro-
for his breakfast and 1 like It even I gramme of prospective legislation felt
better when It la a day or mors old.
It Is so nice and warm to curl up on.
and It also serves very nicely for
tablecloth for me.
I want to Join my plea with that
to bo fair and equitable; Mr. Lea said.
In the matter of new members that
association -will also Joe most active
during the new president stated.
The new membership commute will
f Rover's for the master of every I be announced during the coming week
dog and cat also to buy a car. be- I and will bs expected to start work at
eauss It gives us a great deal of l ones. The association has been carry
pleasure as well as themselves and I ing on a membership contest for sv-
tneir families. Respectfully yours. I era.1 months past with exceJlent mo-
wiiif.ii.truj. cess, and it is clannod to continue
P. S. Tou can use my name If you this drivs actively during 1922 in
ant to. J don t care who Knows It- I many parts of ths state.
Co-operation with other organiza-
ATJTO MAKERS GIVEN MEDALS tions In the stats devoted to supplying
I road servioe to members will be an-
Adiievemente of Six Loading Man
ufacturers Fittlncly Recognized.
NEW YORK. Feb. 11. Judge Gar
rett Wallace of New York became fa
mous as a wit" at the annual dinner
sf the national automobile chamber
of commerce during the New York
show, when he drew speaking carica
tures of six of ths leading manufac
turers and presented them with med
als of distinction for notable achieve
nentN during the past year.'
C. H. Wills, president of C. H. Wills
A Co.; Howard C Marmon. president
of the Ncrdyke sc Marmon company;
a. R. Ersklne. president of the Stude
baker corporation; Edward S. Jordas,
president of the Jordan Motor Car
company: David S. I.udium. president
of the Autocar company, and George
M. Graham, vice-president of the
t handler Alotor tar company, .were
the six manufacturers who carried,
away medala the size of a motorcar
wheel and were otherwise the sub
jects of a humorous entertainment at
the merry of Judge Wallace tor the
. guests.
This dinner was not unlike the fa
mous Gridiron dinners, except that the
speakers were limited to Kdwin
Denby, secretary of the navy and him
!elf a former automobile manufac
turer, and lrvln S. Cobb.
Cobb tn his characteristic manner
lauded the automobile Industry as be
ing the second in size and Importance
in the country. The first, he said, was
Tour-IKxir Jcilan fs Latest An
nounced by Indianapolis Company.
The latest of the new closed cars
recently Introduced by -Nord ke
Marmon company and formally pre
sented at the New Yorok automobile
show, is the four-door, four passen
ger sedan.
In outer appearance the four-passenger
sedan is similar in its lines to
the seven-passeniter sedaji. with the
exception of the trunk placed on the
rear. There is the same quality of
lownes and light weixht thiyl are
distinctive of the entire Marmon
In interior appointmeuts there is
no departure from the design of the
other closed cars, with the exception
that there is but one dome l;ght and
that the foot rest is stationary. The
rear aeat. intended primarily for two,
is only slightly smaller than that of
ths seven-paswen er sedan.
lord Output Heavy.
Henry Ford turned out 1.OS3.00
i Ford cars Ford trucks and Fordson
tractors in 1SJ1. This figure was
104.211 more than 1:4 saies. Ford
looks on ls:J with optimism. The
December. 1SC1. s)fs exceeded De
cember, 1 !'. by per cl. snd
Fordson tractor retail saies were 100
per cent greater.
Vibration Loosens Parts.
Because of the vibration, practic
ally every part of an automobile be
comes loose. Apply the wrench and
screwdriver occa:orai:y to make sure
that everything is tia-ht. Much trou
ble and expense may be saved through
this attention. Squeaks and rattles
will likewise be suppressed. -
Isleaboro has the distinction of be
ing the only town in Maine where a
motor vehicle is not allowed.
other aim of the organization in 192
it has been decided. The Orogon State
Motor association will aim to get Into
closer touch with the Eastern Oregon
Auto club, which has headquarters In
Pendleton, and with ths Klamath
County Auto club of Klamath Falls,
so that there will be an interchange
of courtesies among members and
road information will be freely
swapped between all three.
To Get s Clean Plug Just Turn
Over, Says Factory Description.
News of the Invention and manufac
ture of a double-headed spark plug by
company in Peoria, I1L. known as
the Reardon Co.. Inc. has been re
ceived here and is attracting interest.
The new spark plug fires at both
ends at the same time, according to
the description, one end in the motor
and the other on top. Ths top end Is
described as acting a9 an intensifler
and forces the working end to fire
through oil and grease. The air cir
culating under the hood dries up the
oil and the continual spark cleans the
top plug automatically while the mo
tor is going. To put in a clean plug is
merely a turn-over proposition. Also
it is declared the top end of the plug
shows the operator the kind of spark
being delivered to the working plug
at all times.
y ' i
f " j V
Tension in Big Plants During Peak
Hours Relieved and Lights Pro
vided for ' Every Machine.
Above One sf beautiful esunplag
places enjoyed by Whiskers and his
snaater and mistress on motor trip
last avnamer. Below Close-as of
Whiskers, beautiful Maltese eat be-
loaglaar to Mr. asd Mrs. Iewls J.
Kohl. 1314 Garfield avenue, who has
written a letter to the editor sf the
antoawobile section au-gias; all eat
owners to have automobiles and te
take their pets ont for rides fre-
sjaesitly. The letter comes
sequel to the one written .by the
dow. Rover, and appearlns; oh the.
front paste of the automobile
tloa last saaday.
Preserving electric eneTy the
pewer that keeps tn worm irem
slipping back 100 years is the func
tion of the storage battery. Without
it the use of electricity would be
greatly restricted. So writes an elec
trical engineer m an interesting ar
ticle in a recent issue of The JJany
Colonist. Victoria. B. C entitled! "The
Romance ox ths Storage Battery.
The article continues:
The storage battery bears the same
relation to electric science as the cold
storage of the banking system bears
to our economic life. It is these sys-
LESS THAN HALF OF C03IMON J"8 that. help ns to save enough dur
ing tho seven years of plenty to
STOCK NOW OUTSTANDING. tidie us oyer the "seven years of fam
When one gazes at the lines or tne
Reserve Is Being Built Up and powerful dynamos generating great
VUlUincs Ul guiiein., ii a
Company Is Adjusting Itself
to Changed Conditions.
chronicle happenings In motordom of
interest to car and accessory dealers.
and, as well, to serve as an idea ex
change in which dealers may Instruct
one another in successful sales and
service methods.
Charles V. Gilbert, formerly editor
of the Mason Mail, is editor of the new
Maxwell-Chalmers trade paper.
NEW YORK, Feb. 11. Of the Gen
eral Motors corporation 60.000,000'
shares of common stock1 carrying no
par value, only 20,646,397 shares are
outstanding. On these a recent di
vidend omission saved the company
more than $.5,-000.000, and if the omis
sion were continued a year, more automobile owner is the battery that
than 20,OO0.OO would accrue. furnishes ignition and lighting. This
Wall street apparently expected weighs approximately BO pounds.
tne passing ot tne common biock ai
Imagination to tie up the idea or
great potential energy with these
whirring machines. The storage bat
tery is not a thing of motion or noise,
but rather a plain box affair, rang
ing in. size from that of a camera. to
the proportions of a house. As a
atter of fact, a storage battery can
weigh a few ounces, such as a labora
tory cell, or 450 tons, which is the
weight of a central station sia-nuDy
battery, but more Important to the
vidends, for General Motors was of
fered in single lots up to 10,000 shares
at a low record of S. The stock.
however, rallied with the general list
at the close.
Although carrying no par value, the I aDi hie yourself away from c'viliza-
Many Uses Are Possible.
The storage battery is often re
ferred to as "canned electricity.
With It you can take a load of elec
trical energy (volts) on your shoulder
Maxwell-Chalmers News to Bo Is
sued as Monthly Magazine.
The first Issue of the new Maxwell-
Chalmers News, a monthly periodical
published by the Maxwell-Chalmers
organization, has just been received
by those Interested in automotive
It is a newsy paper designed to
Commissioners to Discuss Matter
at Meeting in Portland
February 21.
EUGENE. Or., Feb. 11. (Special.)
The question of the amount of money
that the state hignway commission
and the forest service will furnish
for ths construction of the Eugene
Florence highway this year will come
up ac a meeting in fortiana re-Dru
ary 21, when representatives of the
commission, the federal government
and the Lane county court will con
fer, according to announcement of
County Judge Barnard yesterday. The
question of where the money will be
laced this year win also corns up at
that time, said the judge.
A stretch of 11 miles of this high
way extending over the summit of
the coast mountains by way of the
low pass was built last year, and it Is
likely that another stretch of similar
length, or perhaps longer, will be
ordered built this year, according to
county officials.
The highway commission soon will
have its engineers at work north of
Florence and the Si.ushvw river, lo
cating ths route of tho Roosevelt
highway through that portion of
Lane county, said Judge Barnard. The
engineers will make two surveys, one
irectly north from Florence, close to
the ocean, and the other, following the
north fork of the Stuslaw for some
distance, thence leading over toward
the ocean further north. It Is the
belief of many road men and others
interested that the latter route will
be preferable on account of so much
sand encountered on the route nearest
the ocean.
Energy Needed to Move a Motor.
Picture 264.000,000.000 foot pounds
of energy-r power more than three
times sufficient to lift for a distance
of one foot ths great Japanese Mutsu
dreadnought. This is no greater than
the amount of work required to give
an average 5000-pound car momen
tum sufficient to carry over 10.00C
miles of average roads. This momen
tum is transmitted to the car through
the rear tires. Miller tire test men
say these figures take no account of
possible exceptional mileage.
Report all accidents
common was placed on a cash and
stock dividend fcas's in March, 1920,
with quarterly disbursements of 25
cents a share cash and l-40th of
share stock. In December, 1920, stock
dividends were discontinued.
Pierre Dupont, presldentiof the cor
poration, in a statement asserted ac
tion on cash dividends had been taken
not only to strengthen the corpora
tion's position, but also to maintain
the investment character of Its de
benture and preferred stock.
"The past year," he said, "has dem
onstrated satisfactorily the large
earning capacity of many of the more
important divisions, the aggregate
profits of which, even under the ad
verse conditions in the automobile in
dustry, are estimated to have been in
excess of the amount requested for di
vidends of debenture, preferred and
common stocks.
"On the other hand, substantial
losses were made by other divisions.
due mainly to large Inventories car
ried at high prices in the face of a
constantly declining range of prices
for the finished product, and also to
extensive commitments entered into
in the earlier part of 1920 for parts
and supplies at high prices.
"Moreover, in closing the books as
of December 31. further charges will
be made against surplus to write
down Inventories to market prices
and set up reserves to provide, for
losses properly chargeable to prior
"The corporation is in a strong po
sition financially. Inventories have
been greatly reduced and bills pay
able, which amounted' to about $72.-
000.000 on December 31. "1920, have
been reduced to about $49,000,000 as
of December 31. 1921.
"Cash on hand amounted to ap
proximately $41,000,000; accounts pay
able and other quick liabilities have
likewise been reduced from $49,000.-
000 to $42,000,000. After writing off
all determinable losses and writing
down inventories, the ratio of current
assets to current liabilities, as of De
cember 31, 1921 win be approximately
two "for one.'
Uniformity Would Insure Fewer
Accidents, Is Belief.
Standardize danger signs along
American roadways. Make them alike
from coast to coast.
So urges the bureau of public
roads. United States department of
aarriculture. The. recommendation is
mads for the consideration of high
way officials, automobile organiza
tions, municipal officials, and other
tion. and there, in some dark corner
of the earth; write letters to the folks
at home by the light of the electric
lamp. Some batteries have frequently
been referred to as a contrivance used
to store electrical energy, hence Its
name, "storage battery." It has beem
pointed: out. however, that, strictly
speaking, it stores the energy of the
charging current from the generator,
.either from the powerhouse or the
generator under ths hood of your
The storage battery 's said to have
been actuaLly Invented in the year
1860 py Plante, a Frenchman Plan te's
battery was composed of two lead
plates Immersed In diluted sulphuric
aci-d and then charged with electric
current. He discovered that this ar
raxigement would hold part of the
charge, and thus he stumbled on ths
idea of "canning" electric energy.
By passing an electric current
through the acid, electrolysis was
caused!, the -lead plates were changed,
one of them becoming coated with
lead peroxide and the other with met
allic- lead in a spongy state. This proc
ess was known as "forming the
piatea," and consists of sending the
electrical current through the battery
first in one direction and then pass
ing it through again in the opposite
direction. This alternation of direc
tion is repeated a number of tim
The storage battery then becomes
source of electricity, and the electric
current that flows fSom it flows in
the opposite direction to that of the
current which was required to
charge it.
. Battery Is Improved. .
In 1880 another Frenchman, Faure
(in France) and Brush (in the United
States) produced an improvement over
Plantes 'battery. This consisted in
the .use of the lead. grids, into which
were pasted lead oxides. It was at
this point that an American company
stepped in and developed the stor
age battery as we know it, beginning
with Faure's principle and developing
to the type as we know the storage
battery today
It was not, however, until 1887 that
the storage battery industry was
really founded. This was made pos
sible by another Frenchman, Clement
Payen, who came to America with
storage battery radically different In
design and superior to all other types
then existing, but the lead grid prin
ciple. So impressed were the men
who afterwards became the founders
of the storage battery business in
America that they immediately pur
chased the patent rights.
Progress was slow during those
days, as prejudice, always the barrier
to every radical or unique idea, had
to be overcome before the storage
nnronr, iilmr,t oH tn Ufa rirlvin-p
.-- I ...... i i ...!
By standardization of all highway uilllery i'1 i
danger signs the department believes cal engineers. They were skeptical
automobile accidents may be less
ened. Deaths from automobile acci
dents have nearly doubled since 1915,
and the rapid Increase of such acci
dents, the department believes, can
be appreciably checked by the adop
tion of standard danger signs, easily
read and distinctive, along American
and characterized the idea as "a cloak
of poor engineering." 'They always
declared it a commercial impossi
"Elide" Declared First.
In 1911 the Electrical Storage Bat
tery company produced the first com
mercially successful starting and
lighting battery for an automobile.
A tourist at the present time will This was the "Exide" battery, used on
see almost as many kinds of signs
as there are states he visits. Also,
in some cases, the style of sign
changes In going from one county to
The subject is now under consider
ation by a committee of the Amer
lean Association of Stats Highway
' - J
. ' . c -
The Eases eoaek was a el ed ear acasatloai whea it appeared a few months fiarav and mmmr comes Its bis brother,
the Hadaom eoaek. Simplicity sf maasfaetsure. Improved methods sf assembly aad economy In balldlng are said
to save mads It oaalbls to nrodsiee this new eauk to sell at m airles very little more thazt that of an ordinary
tn toerrtzta; ear. Tka first ef tae Badsom esaehes will arrive shortly at ths ahswrsoma of the C. L. Boss Anto-
the Cadillac car. The same skepticism
however, was encountered, and- those
who invested in self-starting systems
for their cars were warned to be
ware of "the box of tricks."
Probably the most popular concep
tions of a storage battery is a small
black box as used on automobiles.
Yet there are batteries used to light
entire cities. The batteries adopted
for this purpose are huge affairs,
large enough to house, a family of
six" with probably more comfort than
they could find in an average city
All the large cities and the majority
of the smaller ones use storage bat
teries in connection with their light
ing systems. The. largest on this
continent, and said to be the second
largest in the world, is that used to
light the city of Detroit. - This bat
tery weighs 4o0 tons and m known as
a "standby" battery, held principally
for emergency. When storms gather
over the city during the day and
darkness drops, everyone naturally
reaches for the electric switch and
thousands of bulbs sparkle as the
current Is turned on. This . sudden
demand for light would be too heavy
to 'be met with normal daytime con
ditions, and it Is the storage battery
that is called upon to help until, the
dynamos are set in motion.
Battery Reduces Bills,
it you have just been down in your
coal cellar comparing the size of your-
coal pile with your -pocketbook, it
might be interesting to know that the
storage battery is a- means of reduc
ing your coal bills.. Those who have
visited the coal mines will remem
ber the old blind mules that pulled
the coal laden cars to the foot of the
slope. Now this. In all efficiently
operated mines, is changed. The small
but powerful electric locomotives have
supplanted the old mule, one of these
locomotives doing quite easily the
work of five mules. These locomotives
are propelled in the majority of cases
Leland-Ford Organization
announces new prices on
Lincoln cars as follows:
Seven-Passenger Touring $3300
Permanent Top Touring....... 3400
Five-Passenger Phaeton... 3300
Phaeton de Luxe 3800
Two-Passenger 'Roadster 3800
Coupe v 3900
Five-Passenger Sedan . . 4200
Town Car 4800
Seven-Passenger Sedan 4900
Seven-Passenger Limousine . 1 . 5100
F..0.B." Detroit
We will be pleased to demonstrate this won
derful car. Phone today.
Prasp Motor Car Co.
Eleventh and Couch Sts.
Broadway 3495
by the storage battery, and by this
means the highest cost in a-coal mine,
which i3the hauling, has made a tre
mendous reduction possible in mar
keting the coal.
Do you ever marvel at the easy
manner in which a drawbridge swings
aside or a cantilever is raised to per
mit a ship to pass? Storage batteries
are the unit that supplies the power
for this work. As your train threads
its way through the maze of switches
entering or leaving the terminal, you
may wonder that more accidents do
not occur. Storage batteries are used
to furnish current that instantane
ously locks these switches and pre
vents accidents. '
When you turn the switch that
floods your Pullman berth with light
you again open current from storage
Then comes the advancement in
telephone engineering. How many of
you cussed, a few years ago, because
you couldn't get the right number
from the "hello girl." Now in all prin
cipal cities we have the automatic
system, which allows us to obtain our
own number without assistance. Here
again the storage battery figures
prominently. In the Alberta govern
ment telephone system the storage
battery is used to .make all this auto
matic phoning possible.
Wireless Also. Helped,
Everyone who hears, sees or reads
of wireless invariably thinks of the
'S. O. S." The reason is quite appar
ent- Jack Binns used it possibly for
the first time to call for help and the
S. O. S. that -sputtered from the steam
ship Republic a few years ago brought
relief and saved hundreds of lives and
became history. But for the storage
battery the Republic's wireless would
have been speechless with Its silence
to mock th.e despairing victims. Nor
mally the wireless is operated by a
generator, but in wrecks, as in the
case of the" Republic, the dynamos
were soon put out of business by the
flooding of the engine room, and the
storage battery did Its duty as an
emergency when all else failed.
For eons of time the Aurora uore-
alis. or "northern ligbjta, had no
competition but the sun, but a few
years ago Eskimbsof the polar re
gions gazed Jor the firs time on an
electric light. 'This was the light
furnished by storage batteries in the
eauipment in the Crocker land expe
dition, which was headed by uonaiu
B. Mae-MUlan, the explorer, me re
turned only a few months ago and led
another expedition to the polar re
gions. The second party, needless to
say, was also equipped with storage
To submerge a submarnne is a com
paratively simple matter, and to speed
along the top of the waves is a ques
tion only of fuel for the oil engines.
But to swim around under the sea is
adlfficult feat, and to do this stor
age batteries must be used; there is
no other way. Batteries used for this
purpose by all nations are charged by
the oil engines and dynamos wniie
the submarine is resting or cruising
on top of the waves.
Back on the farm nowadays pa
reads the political news to ma whilst
she darns his socks by ihe electric
ight. In the parlor sister Sue is
vamping her "steady." The old game.
but the glances exchanged are no
softer than the subdued glow of their
electric light. All this is largely due
to the development- of the storage
So the wheels of progress are ever
revolving. Whilst the big cities are
using storage batteries to solve their
problems, your small boy squats on
the. floor, building in his own childish
way the great railways of tomorrow,
with his toy electric train propelled
around the miniature track by the
current from a storage battery.
.Tire Company Official Promoted.
John V. Mowe, general sales man
ager of the Kelly-Springfield Tire
company, was elected vice-president
of that company at a recent meeting
of directors. The promotion of Mr.
Mowe w-ith this -company has been
rapid. He joineu the organization
January 1. 1915, as assistant general
sales 'manager, and- was located (at
the general sales offices, which were
then at Cleveland- Five years later
he was made general sales' manager.
At that time the sales department
was moved to New York City. Mr.
Mowe, prior to entering the, rubber
business, was in the wholesale wood
enware business in Chicago. He was
secretary and treasurer of the Henry
Knight company. He disposed of
these interests in 1906, and joined the
Firestone Tire & Rubber company
at the Chicago branch. He was trans
ferred later to the Philadelphia
branch, of which he was made man
ager, and In- 1907 was transferred to
Detroit as manager of the Firestone
branch in that city. He remained in
this position until January 1, 1913, at
which time he Joined the Goodyear
Tire & Rubber company as special
representative. His duties with, the
Goodyear were the handling of the
manufacturers accounts, and in tak
ing care of much special- work for
that organization.
Car, Tracks Injure Tires.
With nearly a million new drivers
on the roads this year one may b ex
cused for reiterating the suggestion
that running on car tracks is a deadly
habit as regards the tires. The small,
sharp pieces of steal that flake off
from the tracks cut the rubber and
tear the tread, and cost the motorists
of America many miles of honest tire
wear every year. Keep off the tracks
as much as poswible.
Gasoline Logic Illustrated.
A simple but frequently forgotten
precaution in regard- to filling the
gasoline tank is that the mouth of
the gasoline can should be carefully
wiped off before filling to remove
any dust or dirt that may have lodged
there. Otherwise, in the absence of a
strainer, the gasoline will carry the
accumulated dust into tho tank and
later there will be trouble with
cloprged1 pipes or carburetor.
New Top
New Paint
Let the Covey Motor Car Co.,
.. Washington at 21st, paint
your car arid 1 re-cover your
cop at prices reduced to suit
the times.
A Better Truck Has Hot Bees
Built to Date.
State Distributor. -577
Washington Street.
Phone Broadway 4233.
There has always been
- too much lost motion .in
tire selling; too many
middlemen too much ex
pense loading; too many
' ways to increase the price
before it got to the user.
The Culp plan, on which
, we are now operating,
eliminates all that waste.
We are, oife of 2500 retailers who are taking the
entire output of the Empire factory. We pay
the factory one small profit and that, plus the
freight and our profit, is all you pay. This is
why we can sell you Empire tires -at these
prices: .
' Non
, Skid
30x3 Clin S 8.25
30x34'CUn 9.25
Non- Non- Non-
Skid Skid Skid
Cord Fabric Cord
33x4 J33.20
SS. 14.85
Clin 16.55
14.S0 34x41,4
19.75 35x4
22.80 3-6x4 ,
. l.i!i 2a. ltt 33X0 ,
. 20.30 25.90 35x5
. 20.80 26.55 37x5
. 32.45
(These prices include war tax.)
They Cost Less at Coffey & Conway's
distributors for
Across From
the Artisans'
and One Door