The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 12, 1922, SECTION FIVE, Page 5, Image 69

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Tatent Leather Pump for Street Wear, Plain Silk Stockings and Looee-Wristed Gloves Best Mode for
Spring, While Business SaiU Will Meet Work and Play Needs.
JV&jrr- J?jr-? CZiOtrcv
1 '"rv
ALL lingerie garment now are
designed to occupy as little
space aa possible under the cm
turn that gors outaide. Therefore
auch garments are plain and very
tmple. in style, with flat hemstitch
ing or embroidery for trimming and
no frills or bunchea of ribbon. Ma
terials are soft and limp and radium
.Ik la & favorite. Very sheer hand
kerchief linen Is fancied for exclu
sive garments, and a pale flesh tint
la preferred to chalk white. A short
chemise topped by a drawstring- of
ribbon, and a camlsole-knicker com
bination with houlder-straps at the
tor, la the lingerie allowance of most
young women now-adays: though with
longer skirts, petticoats are coming
juiain. Thoat petticoat. too. are
plain, soft and &kimpy of cut and are
trimmed flatly with scallops, narrow
pleating or hemstitching.
Patent leather pumps with low
walking heels rfre liked for street
wear when one Is in tailored trim.
Strap slippers ilh caby lxuis heels
are fancied with dainty afternoon
frocks, and there is a new high
heeled colonial pump with hiph
tongue and cut-steel buckie that is
very graceful. Keniii slippers of
black satin have buckles of flashing
rlain silk stockings of beautiful
quality: that is. of close fine weave
with no transparently oleazy effect,
are the best style now with pumps
and slirpers. Soim-t imes I here are em
broidered clocks at the side, but lace
inserts and fanciful designs on
hosiery are not now considered good
tte Kibbed wool stocking of fins
(rude are worn with sport oxfords.
I.or.e wristed gloves of black glace
kid. witti heavy white embroidery on
the back and white stitching around
the fingertips are the smart choice
ith sprites tailored suit and coats.
fttret clothes are always more or
less of a compromise with the busi
ness woman, she cannot afford two
full outfits and therefore the tailored
suit she depends on for holiday oc
casions mut be correct also for work
ing hours. lere M3T is a little
ta.Keur that meets both needs, ac
cording to the accessories worn with
it It is a su t of very dark green
xcloiir with a bit of beaver fur at the
neck. Braid and rows of button add
a youthful touch and skirt and coat
have the new. dignified length.
Luxurious s this coat 93tS) ap
pears, it may be the proud possesion
of a business girl who earns a fair
salary, for the handsome broadtail
effect is given by one of those won
derful new pile fabrics that are so
g.Kt looking Parts couturiers are us-ir-
them. A collar of gray squirrel
and sashends of gray silk fringe
firs Ois graceful coat additional stj le
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ant distinction. And the full-length
coat, quite coverng a light frock, will
do duty in the evening.
Without plenty of fun outside busi
ness hours the young working woman
would lead a dull life indeed, and a
few pretty clothes for the playtime
hours do add xest to life, no mistake.
A little frock of the sort pictured
I ;0T) is not an expensive Investment
and any business girl will take
pleasure in putting it on for holiday
occasions, for Informal Sunday gath
erings with friends: or for the pleas
ant week-end visits tlrat sometimes
break the monotony of business days.
It is a one-piece frock, of blue trico
line striped with broken lines of
white and the tiny Testes is of scarlet
silk with a row of tiny white buttons,
There Is always a close relation
ship between styles and fabrics,
and it Is difficult to tell which make
the pace for the others. Closely
ribbed silks are fancied by Parts Just
now. ratner man sleekly piain silks
like taffeta and satin. Gros de londre.
for instance, a sort of faille weave, is
particularly in favor, and kitten's ear
faille is another finely ribbed weave
much used by French couturiers just
In the wool fabrics, broadcloth is
an undisputed leader. This .smooth,
satiny stuff has been -revived and
comes in most exquisite shades.
though it is specially liked irf pure
white and in black for very tailored,
very smart ojie-piece frocks for
spring. Most of these frocks have
elaborate, jeweled girdles setting off
a very low waistline. Broadcloth is
used also for stunning wraps and top
coats, and for the latter pale mustard
or pale gray are the ultra modish
shades. Creponge. a fuxxy-surfaced
material of great softness, is for
sport frocks in the bright colors th.
French adore for this type of cos
tume. Knglish-style .sport suits are
of. tweed and homespuns, and Ban
nockbum crash Is a new stuff bound
to be popular for eport wear. Casa
an cloth, which la predicted an im
mense vogue for spring, is favored by
Lanvin. who is making- it up into
handsome street suits with paisley
appliques and flat braiding.
Fashion, having: brought every
other sort of costume even the
housework dress for mornngs up to
a certain standard of Krace and
beauty, has now concentrated on the
bathrobe. High time, too. for. with
all other garments becoming tand
artistic there was really no excuse for
bulky, ugly flannel bathrobes begirt
with cord and tassel at the waistline.
It is a far cry from these homely gar
ments, however, to this winter's bath
robes. Some of white are quite smart
enough to do duty as evening wraps.
For instance, behold an orchid vel
vet robe with moufflon fur; the
sleeves draped and weighted with silk
tassels, and one front lifted and
draped across the other under a
jeweled clasp. . Bathrobe? : Oh, yes.
indeed, and to prove it, thercare satin
bath slippers to match. Another
sumptuous bathrobe is of cherry vel
vet stenciled by hand in grold. The
model comes also in black with gold
stenciling. If you are a thrifty soul,
select corduroy for your bathrobe,
rather than velveteen, fof a splash or
two of water will not harm corduroy
and.' of course, a bathrobe is sup
posed to visit the bathroom where
splashes of water are likely to occur.
Many women prefer to stick to
the mannish style of bathrobe; with
lapped front, cord and tassel girdle,
coUar and pockets; but even these
have become sumptuous and grace
ful with widened flaring sleeves,
shawl collars and' other touches. A
double-faced robe of quilted satin
may be had for ten or twelve dollars
and nobody could ask anything more
luxurious. A wool albatross robe
lined with satin meteor has pockets.
cuffs and shawl collar of quilted satinJ
meteor and may be haa in rose,
orchid, wistaria or blue.
Snow-white shawl-capes . so soft
and downy of texture that they
are almost like white marabout, are
a veritable craze at Palm .Beach.
They are made of knotted worsted
which has an angora finish. Some
of these capes are ample in size;
others are long scarves which twist
about the throat.
The fabrics' for spring and summer,
established by southland styles, prom
ise to be crepe de chine, printed
crepes, voile and linen the last in
- .. U T ; 1 , waa.rA fn, finfirl WAftT
I SULt Li H.iii ...... i. w r
"and in sheer handkerchief weave for
... . i ..l, cnv.
iace-trimmea iormm irutRo. ... u . .
tweeds are favored for sport suits
and topcoats at Aiken.
One of Least Expensive and Most Palatable of Protein Foods May Be
Prepared While Supply Is Plentiful.
THE' abundance of smelt, available
at this season of the year causes
many housewives to inquire as
to different methods of preparing
them. Smelt are among the least ex
pensive and most palatable of protein
foods and every cook who is anxious
to give her family the greatest value
for the money expended should take
advantage of the opportunity" to pre
pare this excellent fish, not only for
present dinners, but for future use.
There are many attractive ways of
serving smelt, but care must be exer
cised to avoid naving them over
cooked or greasy. Smelt require less
cooking than other fish and with ordi
nary care may be prepared with very
little time or effort.
Perhaps the most common method
of cooking smelt is to fry them, al
though contrary to general belief, this
la not the easiest or quickest way to
prepare them. An aluminum or heavy
iron pan is the best utensil to use
for shallow frying. An ordinary fry
ing pan is the worst possible itensil
to use. because it Is armost impossible
to regulate the temperature for cook
ing, and shallow frying is liable to
result in the fish being partially
burned and greasy.
Smelt may be dressed by either cut
ting off the heads entirely or else
simply by cleaning away the eyes and
gills and serving them with the head
and tail on. They may be attractive
ly prepared, leaving both head and
tail on and running the tail through
the eye sockets before egging and
crumbing and cooked in doughnut
shape. Owing to the bend in the
backbone it is easy, when the fish is
cooked, to break off the head and
draw out the backbone by the tail.
They may then be served, looking
rather like doughnuts, with a bit of
parsley or lemon where the, head
formerly was.
In dipping smelt in flour or crumbs
you will find that much time is saved
by having the materials on papers.
Drop the smelt on a pile of crumbs
on a sheet of paper and by raising
and tipping the edges a quick and
thorough coating may be secured
without actually touching the fish
Following- are a few recipes that
have proved satisfactory; in any case i
the flavor ol tne nsn may usuany ut
improved by previously marinading
them in a little lemon juice and oil.
Fried smelt Clean' the fish and roll
in highly seasoned flour, dip in -beaten
egg. Ollutect Wltn a very iiiaic jimrv,
and then in fine well seasoned crumbs
or cornmeal. A little dry grated
cheese added to the flour improves
the flavor and tends to make a more
nearly fat-proof coating. This is de
sirable so that when the smelt are
fried they simmer in their own juices
and do not lose them in the pan.
When the fish are egged and
crumbed drop into fat deep enouffh
to cover them entirely. .Cook to a
golden brown in the hot fat and then
drain, first over fhe kettle and then
on paper and serve very hot, with
lemon r tartare. sauce.
Fried smelt -in batter Prepare and
fry as above smelt, but instead of
egging and crumbing, dip in a fry
ing batter. This should be well sea
soned and may have a little lemon
juice or dry grated cheese mixed with
it if desired. The batter sticka to the
fish better if they are first dipped in
flour. This is a little quicker and
takes less egg than the egging and
crumbing method.
Baked smelt with bacon Clean,
egg and crumb fish as for frying.
Place in baking dish, head to tail, and
lay strips of bacon over them. Bake
in hot oven and if necessary baste
with a pttle melted butter or bacon
fat. This will probably not be neces
sary if the bacon is rather fat. Serve
with lemon sections.
Broiled smelt Clean the fish and
split them so that they open out
flat. Sprinkle lightly with salt and
lemon juice and allow to drain a few
minutes. " Arrange on a wire broijer,
skin sides down, brush the flesh w'ith
melted butter or bacon fat and broil
to a delicate brown. Serve with
lemon or tartare sauce.
Baking smelt in vinegar, milk or
tomato juice will usually be found to
be the quickest and most economical
method of preparing. When an oven
is not available a method similar to
baking may he used on top of the
stove, provided a shallow covered pan
is used. An aluminum or granite pan
is best for this purpose. An iron pan
cannot be used with vinegar.
Baked smelt No. 1 Clean the smelt
as for frying, but remove the heads,
pack in a single layer, head to tail,
backs uppermost. Cover with milk
or tomato juice and bake or cook
gently on top of the stove for 15 or
20 minutes. They may be served with
the lifluid in which they were cooked,
as a sauce or with butter, lemon
juice, pepper and salt.- If the liquid
Healing Cream
Stops Catarrh
Clogged Air Passages Open at
Once Nose and Throat Clear.
If your nostrils are clogged and
your head stuffed because of catarrh
or a 'cold, get Ely's Cream Balm at
any drug store. Apply a little of this
pure. antiseptic germ-destroying
cream into your nostrils and let it
penetrate through every air passage
of your head and membranes. Instant
How good It feels. Tour head is
clear. Your nostrils are open. You
breathe freely No more hawking or
scuffling. Head colds and catarrh
yield like magic Don't stay stuffed
up. choked up and miserable. Belief
U sure. Adv.
is used it may be thickened or not as
preferred, and given final seasoning.
Baked smelt fio. 2 Prepare as
above and pack in a casserole wih a
small bit of onion (if liked) in be
tween. Two layers may be arranged,
but longer cooking is necessary. If
desired a few peppercorns and a clove
or bit of lemon rind may be added.
Add just enough milk or tomato juice
to cover the fish and cover with dry
crumbs or leave plain as preferred.
Bake until the fish are cooked thor
oughly and the surface nicely
browned. m
Baked smelt in vinegar Prepare as
for other baking. Pack head to tail
as above, add two or three jeloves, six
or eight peppercorns, a bit of bay
leaf and yellow lemon rind, and if
liked a small slice of onion. Barely
cover with mild vinegar or a mixture
of vinegar and oil and cook slowly
until the liquid boils, when the fish
usually will be cooked enough. Serve
hot, either plain or with a sauce made
of the liquid in which the fish were
cooked. Extra seasonings, such as
mustard and chopped pickles, as well
as a bit of thickening, may be added
to the sauce. Baked in this way
sme)t are very nice used cold for sal
ads or sandwiches like sardines.
There are several 'ways in which
smelt may be kept for some time.
Following are some of the most de
sirable: Salt smelt Fifty pounds fresh
smelt to 4 or 5 pounds coarse salt.
Take the fish just as they come and
do not wash or clean them. Pack in
a stone jar, first a layer of fish and
then a layer of salt, until the jar is
full. Put a plate and weight on topi
to keep the fish below the brine that
forms. When wanted for use remove
the desired quantity from the brine,
clean and wash them. Let stand in
cold water six or eight hours before
using. Then bake, fry, cream or use
in chowder.
Smoked smelt Clean as for cook
ing but leae the heads on. Sprinkle
lightly with salt and allow to drain
12 hours. String on a wire and smoke
for three days. Store in a cool dry
place. These are excellent for sand
wich paste or for creaming.
Smoked smelt with liquid smoke
Smelt may be cleaned as for cooking.
Rub with salt or leave in brine for
24 hours. Drain and allow to dry
slightly. Paint the surface with liquid
smoke and dry.- Thick fish may need
two coatings. Store in a cool dry
palce. When needed for use soak them
overnight in cold water.
Canned smelt Clean fish, removing
tails as well as heads. Sprinkle
lightly with salt and let stand two
or three hours. Drain and 'rinse and
drain if very salty. Pack closely in
jars and cover with oil or oil and
vinegar.- or water with a tablespoon
of vinegar or salted water alone, or
tomato pulp. Adjust the lids not quite
tight, set on a rack -in a boiler with
hot water to come one inch above
the tops of the jars. Boil three hours,
counting from the time boiling be
gins. Remove jars and tighten screws
or-clamps While the jars are still
hot. Wrap in paper and store in a
cool place. The canned fish may be
used like sardines or made into
loaves, croquettes, with rice or to
'rnato, or used in creamed dishes.
Canned smelt, sardine style Salt
and drain as above, brush with liquid
smoke if a smoked flavor is wanted.
Allow to dry a little, then plunge into
deep fat, using a frying basket, for
one or two minutes, according to size.
Drain , and pack into small jars. Kill
up with oil and finish as above.
Washington I.uek Is Shown.
George Washington never told a
lie for the following excellent rea
sons: He had no income-tax blanks to
fill out.
He was elected president without
making any campaign speeches.
When Martha found a strange hair
on his shoulder, she always, figured
it came from his wig.
The Anti-Saloon league never asked
him where he stood.
The tough breaks he -suffered that
winter at Valley Forge required no
He never applied for life insurance.
Apply Sulpbor a Told Wkn Your
Skin Break Oat.
Any breaking out of the skin on
face, neck, arms or body is overcome
quickest by applying Mentho-Sulphur.
The pimples seem to dry right up and
go away, declares a noted skin spe
cialist. Nothing has ever been found to
take the place of sulphur as a pimple
remover. It Is harmless and inex
pensive. .Just ask any druggist for a
small jar of Mentho-Sulphur and use
it like cold cream. Adv.
Get a small package of Hamburg
Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a
tablespoon of this hamburg tea, put
a cujwof foiling water upon it. pour
through a sieve and drink a teacupful
at any time. It is the most effective
way to break a cold and cure grip, as
it opens the pores, relieving conges
tion. Also loosens the bowels, thus
breaking a cold at once.
It i inexpensive and entirely vege
table, therefor harmlt . Adv.
Mi Mm
V -: J 5
J, I J
Miss Byrne's Measurements
Taken before and after her tt day test of Ironiied 1 east
Bust .
Calf .
Ann .
Abt. 10
105 lbs.
9 in.
12 in.
9 in.
12 in.
6 lbs.
31 in.
13 in.
10 in.
13H in.
H7C ou simPly not believe what
n t tmf m a wonderful improvement Iron
' ized Yeast can bring in you until
you try it. Mail coupon below fpr the amaz
ing. Three Day Free Trial Treatment. Then
watch the results! , .
Due to the marked superiority of Ironized Yeast
it is being iridely imitated. Ironized Yeast is en
tirely different from ordinary combinations qf yeast
and iron or yeast and iron taken separately. There
is only one genuine Ironized Yeast. Insist upon
it always -for nothing else can be like it.
ANOTHER startling evidence of Ironiied Yeast's value as a
l weight-builder ! In a test conducted under the supervision
of a registered physician, Miss Dorothy Byrne, pretty artist's
model and movie beauty, gains 10 pounds in only 22 days I
Miss Byrne's measurements, taken before anj after the test,
are given below. -
" A striking example yet by no means an exceptional one.
For it is not at all unusual for thin, nervous, over-worked or
run-down folks to gain five pounds and more on the veryjirst
package of Ironized Yeast !
Result in Half the Usual Time !
Ordinary yeast vitamins preparations have' in many cases been
known to bring Rood-results. But thousands now know that Ironiied
Yeast, the iHentficcdly corrtat vitamins tonic treatment, brings results
often in just half the usual time!
One reason for thjs marked snperiority is that Ironiied Yeast, be
sides containing just the right amount of all three essential vitamines,
contains a type of yeast which has positively no equal as a reconstruc
tive agent a yeast which is cultured expressly for medicinal purposes,
nd which is entirely different from the yeast found in ordinary, "yeast
Yeast Best When Ironized 7
But even more important than this is the fact that this yeast has
been ironaeaor treated through a scientmc process
with a special form of easily assimilated organic iron,
similar to the iron found in spinach. When yeast is
ironized in this manner it is found that results are
not only more permanent, but are secured just twice
as quickly.
Watch the" Quick Improvement
You will certainly be amazed at the quick im
provement IRONIZED YEAST shows in you. Note
how it immediately increases your appetite and how
quickly you begin putting on good firm flesh. See
how quickly pimples, blackheads, etc., disapppear
and how yoir newly acquired "pep" makes hard
work or play a pleasure instead of a task. Try
IRONIZED YEAST today! Pleasant to take will
net cause gas or in any way upset your stomach.
Special directions for children.
Money Back Guarantee
IRONIZED YEAST is sold at all drug stores on
a positive guarantee that the first package will bring
satisfactory results or your money instantly re
funded. Or mail coupon for the amazing Three Day
Free Trial Treatment. In either case you do not risk
a single penny to learn of the wonderful benefits
Ironized Yeast holds for you. Get it today!
10 lbs.
9 in.
1 in.
H i
Free -Trial Coupon
- SB I
The Ironized Yeast Co.
Atlanta, Ga., Dept. 261 ;
Please send me the famou THREE DAY FREE TRIAL
TREATMENT of Ironized Yeast.
Addreai .
. City..
Only One Trial Package to a Family
Bath Towels Finished Down
Sides With Picot Edging.
Tinted Linen Is Material Used In
Latest Fad.
RATHER a novel idea, isn't it
bathroom towels finished down
the sides with picot edging? Quite
the latest idea, though, and the picot
edgre tells you that these towels are
no ready-made affairs, but hand productions.
The towels are of tinted linen an
other new idea. And they are intend
ed for summer use n the bungalow or
country cottage where town for
mality is not supposed to reign in
furnishings. Of course a dignified and
distinguished town bathroom,' fur
nished in the best possible way, ac
cording to good taste and good stan
dards, is equipped with pure white
Takes 10 Years
From the Age
Ovavlnr hair aces a younar face and
makes you seem middle aed even when
it la premature. Restore it to its original
natural color and look 10 years younger.
This Is simple, sure and easy, no risk of
the streaked, discolored, freakish hair
woica i
than gray.
Nothing: to
wash or.
rub off.
Mail cou
pon for
free trial
bottle of
Mary T
Goldman'a Hair Color
a clear,
clean as
water. Be
sure to state exactly the natural color
of your hair. Better, enclose a lock In
your letter. Test as directed on single
lock and abide by results. I hen get t un
sized bottle at druggist or direct.
Dm T. rililan, ' OoMman DWt. St. MhM.
a Please send me yoor FREE trial bottle of Mary
T. Goldman's Hair Color Restorer. The natural
color of my hair is .
black jet black dark brown
I medium brown light brown, light auburn I
I or blond - I
I pi"" - - i ..-4
Then Is one simple, safe and sure way that
never n.. to get rid ol blackheads and that Is to
"'To'do'ihS'grt two ounces or calonite powder
n-om any drug store sprinkle a little on a hot.
wet sponge fub over the blackheads briskly
wash the parts and you will be njfeed how the
blackh.d; have disappeared. Big blackheads.
1IK t.kheads. no matter where they are. al.lve and disappear, leaving the parts
l.hon !.v mark whatever. Blackheads are
simply a mlx'ure of dust and dirt and secret cm
t o-i. in b.xly that form In the pores of the skin.
1 in. Mi.g and squeezing only. '"""i?!;;
r e large pores and do not get them out alter
u.y becon e hard. The Mlonite powder and the
water simply dissolve the blackheads bo thej
wash rlgl t out, leaving the pores
and In their natural condition. Anyone troubled
with these misiehtly htemlsfns should certainly
try thla simple method JlUv. a .
damask towels. And the bigger the
towels and the more generous their
supply the more impressively lux
urious the eff?ct. Dozens of enor
mous, smoothly ironed and folded
towels of soft, satiny linen damask,
flung thickly over racks in the bath
robm isn't that the ideal of every
woman who considers herself "up" on
all the details of correct housekeeping?
But for gay summer guest rooms
and bath rooms tinted, hand-made
linen towels are just now the whim.
The towels are finished, as has been
said, with picot stitch down each
side and at the ends there are bands
of filet lace wide band at one end.
narrow band at the other, and the
monogram embroidered above the
wider band. The tint of the linen-
matches the color scheme of the guest
room, so one must have sets of these
towels; some in grayish blue, some in
soft, old pink, and some in daffodil
and lilac.
New Shoes
Old Shoes
Tight Shoes
all feel the same
' jj if you shake into
' them snme
The Antiseptic,
Healing Powder
for the feet
1 freshens the feet and gives new vigor
At night when your
feet are tired, sore
anrl swollen from
: walking or dancing, f3m
spnnKie ALir.n o
FOOT-EASE in the
frw-Kath and mlnv
the bliss of led with-
aat aa ache.
Over 100,000 lbs.
of Powder for the
Feet were used ty
our Army and Navy
during the war.
t - MVS n..
Press the Juice of two lemons Into
a bottle containing three ounces of
Orchard White, which any drugstore
will eupply for a few cents, shake
well, and you have a quarter-pint of
harmless and delightful lemon-bleach
lotion to soften and whiten red. rough
or chapped hands. Thla home-made
lemon lotion Is far superior to glycer
in and rose water to smoothen the
skin. Famous stage beauties use It to
bleach and bring that sofe. clear,
roBy-white complexion, because it
do can't irritate. Adv.
Makes a Bright Spot in
Every Home. A Comfort
in Years to Come
Park Rapids, Minnesota. "I have
taken your medicine Lydia E. Pink-
ham s vegetaDie
when I was a girl
for pains and be
fore and after my
marriage. I now
have a sweet lit
tle baby boy and
will send you his
picture if you wish
to publish it. My
sisters also take
yourmedicine and
find it a great
help, and I recommend it to those
who suffer before their babies are
born." Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Box
155, Park Rapids, Minn.
To marry and arrive at middle age
without children is a great disap
pointment to many women. Think of
the joy and comfort other women
have in their children as they grow
Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable
Compound has helped to bring great
happiness to many families by re
storing women to health. Often the "
childless home is due to a run down
condition of the wife, which may be
helped by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. It brought health
and happiness into the home of Mrs.
Johnson. Why not to yours?
When yeu are suffering with rheu
matism so you can hardly get around
just try Ked fepper kud ajia you iu
have the auickest relief known.
Nothing has such concentrated, pen
etrating heat as red peppers. Instant
rc'ief Just as soon as you apply Red
Pepper Kub you feel the tingling heat.
In three minutes it warms the sore
spot through and through, frees tn
blood circulation, breaks up the con
gestion and the old rheumatism tor
ture Is gone.
Rowles Red Pepper Rub. made from
red peppers. cost3 little at any drug
store Get a jar at once. Use it for
lumbago, neuritis.' backache, stiff
neck, sore muscles, colds in chest lit
sure to get the genuine, with the
name Rowles on each package. Auv.