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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
THE SUNDAY OTIEGOXIAX. rOTiTXANTV JULY S.1?, 1920 OREGON RIFLEMEN , LEE T VALU State Team Will Compete in National Matches. LARGE PARTY MAKES TRIP DM W A FEAST Eight Officers and 10 Enlisted Men From National Guard Ready for Kastcrn Contest. Oregon's representation of IS crack riflemen, selected in open competition from Oregon national guard troops, will leave tomorrow at 10 A. M. to compete in the national matches to be held at Camp Perry, Ohio, begin ning: August 1. Eisht officers and ten enlisted men, representing the high point winners in the state rifle matches held July 9-16. compose the Oregon contingent. The party will be routed directly through to Camp Perry in a special sleeper, according to A. C. Martin, assistant general passenger agent for the O.-W. It. & N. company. The en tire time scheduled for the trip is '3 ciays. Transportation has been pro vided for the officers and commuta tion of rations at the rate of $1.60 a day for the men. Officers and men to make the trip re Major William C. White, Kugene, team captain; Captain Kred X. West. Portland, quartermaster; Captain IHnham D. Xail. Portland, range of ficer; First Lieutenant Adolphus A. Schwarz, Portland, team coach; Cap tain (irover Todd, Wiodburn: Edward A. Rohne. Kugene; Captain Harry Hansen, Portland; Captain Lee J. A. Pironi, Portland; First Sergeant Har old It. Stone, company F; Sergeant Frank X. Snodgrass. company O; Bugler Frank M. Marrow, company H; Sergeant John Kurowski, com pany V; Sergeant Leonard C. Newman, company B; First Sergeant Dudley L. Kmerson. company G, and Sergeant William H. Warrens, company B, all of 5th infantry, Portland; Corporal T'rank C. Kinney, 3d company, O. C. A., Newport; Private Frank S. Man non, 3d company. O. C. A., Newport, Hnd Sergeant 13wight A. Newman company '. 5th infantry, Eugene. ALBANY IS DISAPPOINTED Census Total Held Far Short ot City's Actual Population. ALBANY, Or.. July 14. (Special.) While, census reports giving Albany's population as 4840 were re ceived here with disappointment, it was realized that the figures would be low compared with the actual jiopulation. Albany failed to make the systematic effort made by several valley cities to assure a complete enumeration. Albany suffered in the returns in comparison with other cities because of its restricted city limits. Many people reside in additions and suburbs which really are parts of the city, but without the city limits. Accepting the census figures as correct for the territory within the city limits, the population, including these additions, would be between 7000 and 7500. The last school census, always compiled more thoroughly than a government census, bears out this estimate for the city's popula REMARKS HIS OWN VIEWS Ttairyman Denies That He Had Any Inside Information. "I was speaking only for myself when 1 said that the Nestles Food Products company. Swift & Co. and other big condensers were willing to back financially dairymen who would break with the Oregon Dairy men's league," said Harry West, one of the owners ot the Ked Rock t airy at Tigard yesterday. Mr. West made his original statement Wednesday night at a meeting at Tigard. "My remarks may have given the impression that 1 had some inside in formation as to the stand these com panies would take. As a matter of fact I have had no conference with their representatives. Simply my own common-sense view of the situation led me to draw such a conclusion." HAZELWOOD Sunday Dinner Served 12:00 to 9:00 P. M. $1.25 . Sample Menu Choice of Soup Cfem of Tomato, Corn, or Vegetable Soup ;i Ripe Olives Radishes Choice of Spring Lamb', mint sauce Spring Chicken, Giblet Sauce Leg of Veal with Dressing Prime Ribs of Beef, au Jus Stewed Chicken with noodlea Mashed or Baked Potatoes Choice of " Fresh Asparagus in cream Stewed Corn New Peas Fresh Spinach Choice of Fruit Salad Shrimp Salad Tomato Salad with French Dressing Choice of Ice Cream, Pie. Pudding or French Pastry Tea Coffee Salted Ntrts Milk Hazelwood Sunday Plate Dinner, 75c SAMPLE MENU Cream of Chicken, Corn or Vegetable Soup Barked Salmon, Parsley Sauce, or Chicken Fricassee with Noodles or Beef Saute Spanish, or Roast Veal, or Beef or Half Roast Spring Chicken Spinach and Egg Fresh Asparagus in Cream Mashed or Baked Potatoes Choice of Pie Pudding or Ice Cream Coffee or Milk Hazelwood Vegetable Dinner, 40c SAMPLE MENU Stewed Corn Fresh Spinach and Egg Fresh Peas in Cream Mashed or Baked Potato Bread and Butter Coffee or Milk Keels for Three Vessels Laid; Short age of Material Delays AVork at Northwest Bridge Co."s Yard. The Northwest Bridge & Iron com pany, building a fleet of seven 12,000 ton tankers, wi'l save time and money by having steel for the big vessels brought to Portland by water and un loaded right a; the plant, it was learned yesterday through arrange ments made with the Port of Portland for dredging before the Northwest Bridge & Iron company's plant. The steel has ben purchased from the United States Steel Products company WAGE COMPACT EXTENDED "Wireless Operators of Shipping Board May Get Lift. WASHINGTON", July 24. Extension for 90 days of the wage agreement between wireless operators and the shipping board, which expires August 1. was agreed upon today at a con ference of a committee from the Vnited Radio Telegraphers' associa tion and Chairman Benson. The chairman refused the operators' demands for pay increases of from J50 to J75 a month and an eight-hour day, but told them he favored some pay increase. It was agreed th&t tystem of graded licenses for the operators based on their years of tervice should be worked out. State Jr'ish Law Violated. BEND, Or., July 14. (Special.) Trout which have died of spca wounds inflicted in violation of th Hate law strew the shores of Thre Creeks lake, 40 miles from here, Dis trict Game Warden McDonald reported tcday. Beginning a campaign for law enforcement in that section, McDon aid arrested Prentiss Vantassel, Sis ters rancher, who entered a plea guilty in justice court last night an paid a fine of J40, with costs. Vantassel admitted possession of fish spear and the intention to violate the law, but had been unable to fin trout that tempted him, he said. Motorist Fined $50. Because he passed a Mount Scot streetcar which was discharging pas eengers at First .and Madison streets, red Jubb pleaded guilty to a viola tion of the traffic ordinance and wa inifu tju vy juage nossman in mu nicipal i-ourt Yesterday. He paid th fine. Speeders who were arrested an lined yesteraay were: M. p. Brenne SIj; L. M. Shores, J7.50; S. W. Weis JI0: G. B. Stieger, $15; Koy Goodman $7.50. THE Tla zg 1 cDOod Cj C0N FECnONEFOf 4 RESTAURANT 388 W' Jmhinnrton St. 127 Broadway. Musle at the WHklB(t mt. Haselwood t 8:30-9:30 to 11:30 STEEL TO COME HT CANAL IBM BUILDING 7 TANKERS WILL NOT USE RAILS. and will be brought here from the Aait in v.3hTr nf thA Isthmian line. which is own?d by the steel company. Ward C. Bowles, one of the partners in me isorinweit tsriage c iron com Danv. s-iid last nierht that his com pany expects to secure quicker deliv ery or tne steel Dy naving it Drougnt trying to route It through the present -j i 1 r- n -J 1 t t n o 1 W -i r 1.- . tna chin. yard is now being delayed by a short age of steel, though keels for three of the tankars have been laid. JJredging Oclore tne shipbuilding plant and also before the Portland Lumber company's mill will be per formed by the dredge Tualatin, now working before the . Inman-Poulsen- mill. The dredge Willamette will fin ish work at ihc Peninsula Lumber company s new mill site Monday and will relieve the Tualatin on the ln- man-Pouisen cut. LIXS COUNTY PIOXEER, AGED SO, VISITS SON. 1 ..... Dri MAN, 60,-HIT BY AUTO Unidentified Victim of Car Driven by "Woman Xear Death. An unidentified man about 60 years old was seriously injured at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon when he was struck by an automobile driven by Miss Loretta Isackson, 1013 Bast Irv ing street, at Sixth and Washington streets. The man stepped from the sidewalk into the street before the woman driver could bring her ma chine to a halt. The man was be'.ieved to have a fractured skull. He was fiist taken to the police emergency hospital and then to St. Vincent's hospital. There was nothing about his person to indi cate who he might be except for the initials "S. I)." sewed to his coat. Joseph K. Vitn.' VANCOUVER. Wash.. July 24. (Special.) Joseph E. Yates, pioneer of Oregon, coming west in 1852, has been visiting his son, W. E. Yates, county attor ney here. Mr. Yates is past S6 years of age and his principal home since his wife died two years ago is on his farm in Linn county. Oregon. However, he spends most of his time with his children and grandchildren. All of his children are living, and they are: V. E. Yates, Van couver: Calvin W. Yates of Oak ville. Or.: Walter E. Yates of Albany, Or.: J. Fred Yates of Corvallis, Or., and Mina McCon neli of Shedd, Or. His grand children are too numerous to mention. Geologist Goes South. EUGENE. Or., July 24. (Special.) Hubert Schenck. assistant in the de partment of geology at the Univer sity of Oregon this year, left last night for San Francisco, where he will meet Dr. Warren D. Smith, head of this department, who has accepted the position of chief of the bureau of mines for the Philippines government. Both will do some government geo logical work in the Hawaiian islands before going to Manila.- Mr. Schenck will visit a brother in Tokio, Japan, and later will visit In Hongkong, China. Destroyer and Solons Back. The destroyer Waters, which ran into Portland two weeks ago to pick up naval reserves for their summer cruise, returned yesterday and docked at the Supple-Ballin dock at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Lieutenant-Commander C. E. Rosendahl, who com mands the Waters, said that the Port land reservists made a fine showing on the cruise. The destroyer will be open to visitors from 9 A.M. to 5 P. M. today and from 1 to 5 P. M. Monday. Bequests Made Orphans Home. Three per cent of an estate valued at more than 110,000 is left St. Mary's home for orphan children at Beaver ton, by the terms of the will of the K 1 It'lHIII MlIllll ll BlllllllIlllllli m I t It -iMt it in ffj, HI I rl hi II Ml I 1 1 I M t Mil I M 111 1 11 UiJrrVjtf nZJLV h X W a ML -jiitiniuiiiiimtHiiiHiimiumiiiMniiitt V tHiiiiimiiiimiiiiimtiiiiimiHiiimiitnr: ith the arrival daily of the first shipments of our recently purchased merchandise; we are able to offer alarge new assortment of beauti fully tailored suits of sea sonable weights at the following attractive prices: Every one of these suits represents an actual individual saving of at least $10, due to our large buying power and low cost of doing business upstairs. Fit Guaranteed Fahey-Brockman Bldg. . Third and Pike, Seattle Satisfaction or Your Money Back Raleigh Building Sixth and Washington, Portland Alterations Free Arcade BIdg. Over Rhodes Co., Seattle Li N 1 oo late Michael O'Neill. Portland pioneer steamboat man wno died in San Francisco July 5, filed in the circuit court yesterday. A brother, James, living- in San Francisco, and two sisters. Nora Drahga of Portland, and Hannah Gumbleton of Ballymacoda, Ireland, are the heirs. Mrs. Dranga seets letters or administration in Portland. Property in Multnomah county estimated to be worth $10,000, and money and property in California on which no appraisal is made, were left. Slate Pajs $27,264,123 Taxes. NEWS BUREAU, Washington, July 14. Oregon paid into the treasury in internal revenue taxes during the fis cal year ended June 30, a total of r:7.64,123. of which '21,924,S4 was income and profits taxes, and 55.339, 2S9 miscellaneous. Beef Stew. Roast Beef. and COFFEE Hot Cakes and Coffee 15 DINNER SPECIALS Sausage . . . 25? Pork and Beans . . . 20 Eggs and Steaks at All Hours Wood's Lunch and Waffle House Corner Sixth and Stark .....iiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllL i li 1 1 1 tti tit 1 1 1 lit ii i ii i 1 1 i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 ' ' Gifts That Last DIAMONDS ONE of the finest diamond stocks in the north west is carried by this store. Accessions are constantly being made, thus keeping at all times a variety of size and price which comprehends every possible wish of the customer. Our facilities for buying are unusual; they permit us to quote most interesting prices. ARONSON'S Washington at Broadway Valuable: Suggestions as to for those having ACME, ECZEMA, I RHEUMATISM by one of America's most emi nent . authorities on skin and blood troubles. FREE upon re quest. California Medicinal Spr'ga Co., AVlas Bldg., San Francisco. iTrriTiTTi 1 U I H I ! 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M I ! 1 1 1 HI 1 1 1 f 1 1M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 M 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 H H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' I ' 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 n ii 1 1 u i m n 1 1 n n 1 1 m i n 1 1 n i n mi 1 1 n n n 1 1 m 1 1 1 DRUGS BY MAIL! WK PAY THE POSTAGE. If in need of Pure Dross and Chrn lenlM. Shoulder Briicea, Arch Sup port. TKtuSSrJS, i;inlic Stot-kinacn. Abdominal Supporters. SuKprnsory Bandaicea for Men, and all other rubber Broods of every description, send to the TRUSS EXPERTS, Laue-Davis Drug Co. Third and Yamhill. Portland, Orrjton J tl if IV Aw if I ftp. olumbia Beach Take the Family on a Picnic Today TH E highest quality of personal attention in every detail is a mark of distinction placed up on every service we per form. " Phone Main 507 H0LHA.Y Funeral Directors. f? Third STRtf mm 8. A H reeii Hoi man' Fuel Co. Adv. sumps ?vr casi Main tii. btfon. m3 c