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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
THE SUNDAT OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, TX7LT 23, 1920 ' SECRET POLISH PACT WITH U. S. CHARGED This Is Real Value-Giving A price isn 't low if the quality is lower Farmer - Labor Candidate Makes Accusation. HARDING URGED TO ACT I Republican Xomlncc Told to En lighten People About Intrigue of Administration. SALT LAKE CITY. Utah, July 24. Parley P. Christensen, farmer-labor, candidate for president, tonight dis- j closed what he said were "secret rela- hptwppn the United States and I Poland, whereby many millions of dollars' worth of war material had been delivered to Poland. This ma terial, he said, was delivered to Po land for use against the Russian soviet government, in exchange for long-term Polish notes bearing 5 per cent interest. The statements were made by Mr. Christensen in a telegram to Senator Harding, republican presidential nom inee, calling on him to "employ your powerful position to acquaint the country with the immensely grave possibilities to America of a continu ation of the administration's Polish Russian policy." He was encouraged to make the request, he said, by a statement re cently printed in a New York news paper, quoting the senator as saying "it is no business of ours what form of government the Russian people choose." l.nann Held Concealed. The telegram in part follows: "You are undoubtedly aware that the administration has concealed from the people the facts of the immense financial loans to Poland and knowledge of its delivery of huge war stores to the Polish armies. If vou are not, 1 can in form you that the war department has provided the armies carrying on an offensive warfare against Russia with 4600 freight cars. 3,500,000 pounds of canned beef, 5.000.000 pounds of oleomargarine and J53, 000.000 worth of miscellaneous equip ment. . . . The navy department has likewise delivered to Poland large quantities of materials for use in the Polish attack on Russia. In solent refusal by Secretary Daniels to divulge a word or fact have greet ed requests for information as to these transactions." Amrrlean Aid Sounht. "The Polish legation at Washing ton had audaciously demanded a statement of American moral support on the Polish position and the exten sion of further credits is imminent, according to the dispatches. In the event of a general European imperi alist alliance behind Poland and against the Russian government this republic, involved as it already is and more deeply Involved as the adminis tration obviously Intends it to be in the fate of the Polish imperialist ad venture, must needs face the question of transporting an American army to be slaughtered in a merciless and insane eastern European conflict. "If you mean what you said about the right of the Russian people to choose their own government, I would ask you to exert your public influence as I will exert my own. to compel the administration to reveal the full ex tent of its financial relations with the government of Poland and to re ply to that government's demand for an expression of American moral sup port with a statement inviting the Pole3 and all other belligerents ask ing our sympathy to return to their proper boundaries and calling upon them to restore at once the peace of Kurope." DANIELS DENIES CHARGES YOU'RE more interest ed in what you get for your money than in what it costs to get it. That's only common sense. You know what we mean as to quality when we say Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits That's the sort of quality we're offering at reduced prices. We still have some ex tremely good all-wool suits that were higher priced re duced as follows: yt ft W m mm m Iff Copyright 1920 Hart Schaffner & Marx $45 and $50 suits now reduced to . . $40 $60 and $65 suits now reduced to . . $50 Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co. The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes FIFTH AT ALDER , GASCO BUILDING FfllH OPENS IN SEPTEMBER CLACKAMAS COCNTY PLANS FOR FOUR BIG DAY'S. Secretary Says No War Material Was Sold to Poland. YAKIMA. Wash.. July 24. Em phatic denial of charges by Parley P. Christensen, candidate for president on the farmer-labor ticket, that the "navy department has delivered to Poland large quantities of materials for use in the Polish attack on Rus sia" was made here tonight by Sec retary of the Navy Daniels, who is visiting in Yakima. In answer to the charge by Mr. Christensen that the secretary of the navy had "insolently refused to di vulge a word or fact in response to requests for information" as to the transactions. Secretary Daniels said: "I have received no, such requests. Had I received them, they should have been granted. The department of the navy has sold quantities of clothing to Poland, but it was not war material, and the sales were made before Russia and Poland had any trouble between themselves." GIRL, 12, LEAVES HOME "I'll Come Back When I'm 18 Years Old," Says Xote for Mother. i ll come home when I m 18 years old." This was the brief note left by 12-year-old Martha Collins to her mother. Mrs. M. C. Collins, when she left home yesterday morning without the knowl edge of the family. Mrs. Collins yes terday asked the police to assist In lo cating the child. The family lives at 6S4vb Williams avenue. The Collins family came to Portland from Colorado less than two weeks ago, and it is believed that the girl became lonesome for her girl friends She took a small sum of money with her. She is 5 feet 4 inches tall, has brown eyes, very black hair and was wearing a plaid gingham dress and big brown hat. Police officers discovered late last night that the girl had secured ticket and boarded a train for Elk i:ny, Kan. Effort will be made to have her intercepted at Pendleton. Demand for Exhibit Space Greater Than Ever Before Races Every Afternoon. OREGON" CITY. Or., July 24. (Spe cial.) "From present indications," states David Long, secretary of the Clackamas county fair association, "there has never been a greater de mand for space in the big pavilion for exhibits than for the coming fair, which will be held September 20, 21. 22 and 23." There are more prizes offered for poultry this year than any year here- ofore and already five trophy cups have been donated to be awarded in his department. The livestock department is to be one of the big attractions tnis year. Among those to enter pure-blooded stock will be Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes, who will show Guernseys from Red Wins farm at Redland Clackamas county. Following the Clackamas county fair they will take their stock to the state fair. Ensley Gribble Is superintendent of the livestock department. Andrew Kocher is superintendent of the poultry department and Ben F. Keeney will be Judge. A. C. Newell will be superintendent of the horticultural department. Edythe Tozier Weathered, who had charge of the Oswego grange ex hibit last year, has been engaged as superintendent of grange exhibits this year. Among the granges that have signified intention of exhibiting this year is the Oswego grange Warner grange will also be there, with its full exhibit of grains, fruits, jellies and every thing, that goes to make a fine display. A prize of $75 is offered to the im provement club having the best ex hibit of vegetables, grains, fresh and dried fruits, canned fruits, dairy and household products. Monday, the first day of the fair. will be agriculture, dairymen's and Canby day. At.l o'clock an automo bile parade and ball game will be among the attractions. From 7 to 8 P. M. a band concert will be given. Tuesday, September 21, will be Ore gon City day. Wednesday. September 22. will be Molalla, juvenile and farmers' day. Thursday, the last day of the fair. has been set aside for grange day Rev. Robert Cameron to Preach. Rev. Robert Cameron of Seattle, editor of Watchword and Truth." will occupy the pulpit at the White Temple Baptist church today at both the morning and evening services. The topic for the morning sermon will be rne .Difference Between Law and "race; while in the evening he wi discuss the subject, Absalom, an An cient Type of a Modern fast Young Aian. Talk on Russia Promised. C. C. Hatfield, Y. M. C. A. worke until recently engaged in educationa work in Russia and familiar with th political situation there, will be th principal speaker at the regular mem bers' forum of the chamber of com merce tomorrow noon. His subjec will be "Russia of Today." SAGE TEA INTO GRAY HAIR Darkens Beautifully and Re stores Its Natural Color and Lustre at Once. and a special programme is being ar ranged. There will be horse races each day of the fair, these to take place in the afternoon. SUGAR ONLY 22 CENTS Diner Arrives at Xew Orleans With 19,000,000 Pounds From Java hew uuleans, July 24. Granu lated sugar was being extensively re tailed at 22 cents a pound here today. One dealer announced he would sell as high as 100 pounds to a customer. The Japanese liner Yeifuku Maru arrived from Java with 19,000,000 pounds of Java raws consigned to the American Sugar Refining company. Do you believe that anyone can tell your future? Do you believe in the Ouija board? or crystal gazing? or clair voyance? Do you believe that anyone can tell your fortune from a pack of cards? If you DO, see the "Fortune Teller" If you DON'T, see the "Fortune Teller." Common garden sage brewed Into a heavy tea. with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair Deautituiiy dark and lux urianL, Mixing .the Sage Tea and Sul phur recipe at home, though, is trou blesome. An easier way is to get the ready-to-use preparation improved by me aaamon oi omer xngreaients. large bottle, at little cost, at drue stores, known as "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur compound,' tnus avoiding a lot of muss. While gray, faded hair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and attractiveness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, because it does it so natural ly, so evenly. You, Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one umall strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared. After another application or two. your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and you appear years younger. Adv. c olumbia Beach Ride in Our Seagull Games, Amusements ----- there are many good pianos but there is only one Bush & Lane. . ai; that can be said of any good piano concerning excellence of materials used and master craftsmanship, can be said of the Bush & Lane piano; and last but many vitally important clusively in every not least, you have the improvements found ex- BUSH & LANE PIANO .' our endeavor is to make the Bush & Lane the best, and a comparison we believe will convince you of our success practically every home can now own a piano or player piano on the Bush & .Lane plan of selling. Catalogue sent on request. . Bush & Lane Piano Co. Manufacturers of the Famous Cecilian Player Piano Portland Store Bush & Lane Bldg. Broadway at Alder SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION JACQUELIN THE GIRL OF MYSTERY Sensational mind reader. She will answer any ques tion you wish to ask about anything and everything. Afternoons and Evenings (Special Ladies' Matinee Wednesday Afternoon) TODAY AND ALL WEEK Iced to Keep You Cool and Comfortable W- t km nmmiiimim miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mi immmiiimmmii imiimmmiimi imimmmiimimimmmmimmiimimmmi? OREGONIAN AT RESORTS Subscribe with the local agent at your suinmer resort to secure the prompt delivery of The Oregonian. City Rates. Suscriptions by mail are payable in advance. Read The Oregonian classified ads. JciiuiiiiiiimiiiiiMiiiimmiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiimim