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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUL.Y 25, 1920 mm Look No Further for a Rattling Good Time A Delightful Hour With the Comedienne of Ingenuous Personality and Winsome Mannerisms PROMPTLY AT 12:30 Xy fmm .Mannerisms. "".ai I ' li s a - rv" i wm mm ki x . " . 1 ii bi ' ms f PROGRAMME HENRI A. 1-A Little Jazz w . Arr. by Keates 1 Hid 2 "Berceuse" from Jocelyn 4 "Tawihauser" ' Godard Richard Wagner a "Air de Ballet" C. Cbaminade CONCERT TODAY THE MASTER MUSICIAN AND THE $50,000 GIANT WURLITZER You Can Buy a New Fall Suit at ONE-FIFTH OFF During This Real Clothing Ei VERY fall suit that arrives at my store while this sale is in force l will be offered at the same reductions at which my other suits are offered ONE-FIFTH OFF REGULAR PRICE ! Many additional fall suits arrived last week. If you buy now you save exactly 20 on your suit for fall. Here are the regular prices and the reductions: Men's Regular $40.00 Suits $32.00 All $45.00 Suits $36.00 All $65.00 Suits $52.00 All $50.00 Suits $40.00 All $75.00 Suits $60.00 All $60.00 Suits $48.00 All $80.00 Suits $64.00 i This sale includes every suit in my carefully selected, regular stock. No jobs no sale merchandise. All this season's garments- BEN S IE Lf Lrf . NG LEADING CLOTHIER MORRISON AT FOURTH LEAGUE MT10N SEEN . ) FKEXCH ACTIOX AGAINST ARABS CAUSES COM-UEXT. Situation in Syria Precipitated by France Aroutcs Grcait Anxiety in London. (Copyright by Nf Tork World. Pub lished by Arranrement.) LONDON, July 24. (Special cable.) The situation in Syria precipitated by the strong: action tanen Dy r rantc, is causing: great anxiety here, prin- cipally because of the possible effects on the -whole middle east corridor. At the leaccue of nations it was stated today that no protest had yet been received from Emir Feisal, but if euch a protest is forthcoming it -will be r.eceesary for the council of the , league to take some action. What is more Immediately concern ing Great Britain is the possibility that war between Franco and the Arabs may cause a widespread con flagration which will involve Meso potamia. The correspondent learns on high authority that the French government did not inform the British government that it intended to take the drastic action it has. So long as the trouble is confined to the sphere of the French mandate it is considered improbable that the British will interfere in any way. AN'hat is complicating the matter is the impending visit to London or Paris of Emir Felsal, against whom the French are now aligned. The stanchest supporters of the league of nations assert that France has violated the covenant of the league in precipitating war against the Arabs. France, it is said, is taking it upon herself to demonstrate that a mandatory power can by mili tary means enforce its mandate re- . ardless of the wishes of the people. The situation between France and Byria formed the subject of questions in the House of Commons particular ly with reference to the French ulti matum to Emir Feisal, as to which Andrew Bonar Law, the government leader, said it had not been submitted to the allied supreme council. The British and French governments, he added, are in communication on the matter. ported to the monastery shortlyl be fore the latter's departure. Father Gabriel declared nothing but the monastery's legitimate property. The German customs officials passed the pious tourists with a perfunctory examination. Then the Berlin sleuths intervened. A thorough search of car loads oT monastery baggage disclosed hidden works of art running into mil lions of marks, including a Rafael, the "Madonna With the Infant Jesus," and "St. John the Baptist." Further, sewed in mattresses, the sleuths found checks totalling 800,000 marks, -as well as stocks and bonds with interest coupons running into the millions. The Rafael alone was valued at 6,000.000 marks. Father Gabriel was to have- split fifty-fifty with the art dealers and the Berlin financier after smuggling the stuff over to Switzerland. Under the third degree Father Gabriel con fessed and excused himself by saying he had suffered heavy losses in mak ing purchases for a nunnery and wanted to recoup his losses by bis smuggling profits. SHOOTS BELL BOY F1REXG FOLLOWS IGXORIXG OF INVITATION TO ROOM. PROFESSOR K0R1 CHOSEN Former Pacific University Edu cator Sow at Westminster. FTJLTON. Mo.. July 24. (Special.) Professor Alexis Ben Kori, a native of Assyria, former professor of mod ern languages in the Pacific T-'ni versity. Forest Grove, Or., has been secured for the chair of modern languages at Westminster college in this city. He succeeds Professor E. K. Mapes, who is going to Paris to study French, and his coming reveals an unusual state of affairs. Professor Kori comes from the State Normal school of Gunnison, Colo., where he succeeded Professor Mapes when the latter came to Ful ton to take a place on the faculty of Westminster. Professor Kori has studied in France, Italy and Ger many. Alter spending seven years at Pacific university he went to France to study, but reached there juet as the war broke out and entered the French army. Patrick J. Reany, Reputed to Be' Wealthy Plumbing Contractor, Charged With Crime. DETROIT, Mich.. July 24. Patrick J. Reany, . reputed to be a wealthy plumbing contractor of Dallas, Tex., was taken into custody today follow ing the shooting of a bellboy, which police said occurred in Reany's room at a hotel. Hospital attendants said tne ooy may die. xne Doy, unarics watkins. was making early morning calls when Reany is said to have invited him into his room to talk with him. Wat kins said he was too busy but would return, whereupon Reany shot him in the abdomen, according to a state ment made by Watkins to the officers. Reany was at liberty under S10.000 casti oall in connection with the sud den death of his wife at a hotel here last February. A coroner'6 jury found her death was due to poisoning. Electric Rate Rise Sought. SALEM. Or, July 24 (Special.) lie Oregon public service commission announced today that hearing of the application of the Cottage Grove Elec tric company for an increase in rates would be held at the Lane county city on August 6. On the following day the commission will consider a similar petition filed by the Drain Water company of Cottage Grove. GERMAN SLEUTHS MP PIOUS CROLESTETRS IN ACT. arrarlan Monastery Attempts to Take Art Treasures, Bonds and Money to Switzerland. CCWpynin t by the Kerw Tork Wor'.d. Pub- iisnea Dy Arrangement.) BERLIN, July 24 (Special Cable.) '-rue German crime wave engulfs even tne pious monks. The Berlin criminal police have bared a gigantic smuggling plot which a Bavarian monastery attempted to execute. The Monastery of St. Boniface ob tained permission to emigrate en masse with its belongings and settle in Switzerland. The division of cap ital smuggling surveillance got word that the monastery head. Father Ga briel, had intimate relations with Berlin kommerzienrat and two Munich art dealers. Detectives then discov ered many huge cases being trans SALMON CANNERY BURNED Building, Machinery and 6000 Cases of Fish Destroyed. LADNER, B. C, July 24. Fire to day entirely destroyed the Currie Williams salmon cannery on West- ham island, owned by the British Co lurabia Packers' association. Besides the cannery building and machinery. the names consumed 6000 cases of sockeye salmon of this year's pack, i4,uuu worth or nets, the cannery store, the manager's residence .and 30 or 40 houses occupied by Japanese worKers. The contents of the store, the man ager's furniture and most of th ho. longings of the Japanese were saved Manager Charles Trim estimates the loss at fiuu.uuu, fully covered by in surance. $40,000 Porker Dead. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. July 24. "The Yankee," a Poland China boar owned by B. L. Ellsworth and sons of Gold field. Ia., and purchased for $40,000, died suddenly a lew days ago, accord ing to word received here. Life Insurance Policies Gain. SHE MAKES THE BLIND SEE! Read The Oregonian classified ads. i . ' EmoN I A musjc Let us give you your book "EDISON and MUSIC "Edison and Music aliowa you period cabinets which, reflect England's dignity France's luxury Italy's in spired art. Seventeen of them. Every Edison period phono graph is a monument to the old master designers Chip pendale. Sheraton, the Adam Brothers, and others. 2fo NEW EDISON "TU Pkenirmtk milk m 5m NEW YORK. July 24. Life-insur ance companies throughout the coun J8.700.000.000 during 1919. according Hyatt Talking Machine Co, to figures maae punnc today. This shows a gain of 2,878.000,000 over the year 1918. 350 Alder St.. Portland. Or. - I "Sj ' - is-- v - If ' ' - rV ; -c- : :y r Mm Mho Tf.OW, . SHE MAKES THE LOVE- LORN BLIND! SHE MAKES THE DUMB TALK! SHE MAKES THE TALKERS DUMB! SHE MAKES THE DEAF HEAR! aou ,Zov& coucf jb? pu LIBERTY NEWS WEEKLY "MISERERE" BURLESQUE CARTOON SHE MAKES THE LAME DANCE THE SHIMMIE! '1 . 1 ' fSXEW"- :I"1"S3I'Z1 I. -n CoroNA Tba Personal Writing Machine, KOvOO WitkCMe E. W. PEASE CO. Excl-uslve Distributors, 119 Slztk St. Spot Cash No Red Tape All sizes of Diamonds bought. Business confidential. JOS. LINZ 602 Spalding Bldg. Main 1634. Hours 1 to 6 P. M. Phone your want ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 Automatic 560-95 105 Sv