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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1920)
K SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 8 Editorial and Doings in Realm of Society VOL. xxxix. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 11, 1920 NO. 28 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiM IN COAL ens S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS GIVEN WITH PURCHASES AMOUNTING TO 10c OR MORE FILLED BOOKS REDEEMED IN CASH, 3D FLOOR MONOPOLY CHARGED V 10c Wash Laces 5c Main Floor At this special price Monday only, and we re serve the right to limit quantity to each customer. Firm Filet Laces, suitable for curtains, pillow slips and fancy work. Large assortment of Bands and Edges. An ex- K ceilent 10c quality. On sale for one day only yard The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, & Kin Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods The Coolest Store In Portland! No matter how warm the day may be, you will find this a cool, inviting place to do your shopping. Rest Rooms, Retir ing Rooms. Public Telephones, Writing Rooms, Second Floor. 1 Great Mid -Season Clear a way o Women s Women's Sport Skirts At $3.00 to $7.50 Monday the Garment Store ywill feature a special showing V4. 0 CtXaVl 4'A13tn.O TV Iff. Skirts at popular prices. Large assortment of styles, made up in the following materials: Pique Garbardine Bedford Cord Venetian Latest sport models with fancy pockets and belts. Some are trimmed with rows of tucks and buttons. Gathered and tai lored effects. Your vacation wardrobe is not complete 'with ou t at least one wash skirt. See this attractive display. Prices1 range $3 up to $7.50 Women's Wool Sweaters Priced $9.50 to $32.50 Second Floor An exceptionally fine showing of new Sport Sweaters awaits your inspection in the Garment Store. Plain and fancy weaves; medium and light weight; coat, blouse, flare and novelty styles in a great range of de sirable colors and combinations. Many with Tuxedo cellars. $9.50 to $32.50 - Women's Smocks Second Floor Smocks of voile, cotton crepe and linene materials, many pretty styles to select from. Some are embroidered in silk or wool; others are trimmed with smocking. Long or short sleeves. Round, square or V-necks, tie sashes, sport pocket. The prices range from $3.50 to $16.50 High -Class Coats From Regular Stock This Season's Best Styles By far the. best Coat values we have offered this sea sob and we have held some record-breaking sales in the past. The time has come for quick action, and' to clear the stocks in short order prices have been cut to the lowest level of the year. Included in this sale are Coats of Polo Cloth, Camelshair, Bolivia Cloth, Velour, Tricotine, Serge, Fancy Checks, Mixtures and Novelty , Plaids. Sport models with patch pockets and .leather belts medium length Coats in loose and plaited effects and many other styles. Some are beautifully embroidered. CJOI QQ Good range of colors. Priced special for the July Sale at DOfxOJ Women's Gowns Special $75 Second Floor A selected group of Women's Afternoon Gowns offered &t a big reduction in price. Beautiful models mostly one of a kind. Made up in the- most desirable materials and in a splendid IJ'7K 00 assortment of colors. Gowns formerly selling up to $145, at 5 ' Other Gowns Reduced Afternoon Gowns, CfQK 00 formerly $45.00, at wOd.UU Afternoon Gowns, formerly $57.50, at Afternoon Gowns, CM 7 PO formerly $65.00, at - J $45.00 S49.98 Afternoon Gowns, formerly $58.50, at Afternoon Gowns, (PFQ rTr formerly $79.75, at DOV i O Afternoon Gowns, CQQ KA formerly $150.00, at DVO0J Odd Lines Serge Dresses at Reduced Prices Silk Waists At $10 Extra special offering for Monday and Tuesday. Women's Waists of Georgette Crepe an especially good quality that will give splendid service. Many beautiful models. Braided, beaded and embroidered also dainty styles trimmed with real filet laces. Novelty effects and, tailored models representing the very newest fashions for the summer season. Long and short sleeves, high or low neck. Take quick advantage of this remarkable sale. Practically all M A flf sizes. Special price Oxli.UU Waist Department Second Floor Women's $6 Underwear $3.98 ' Main Floor. Famous "Polly Anna" Athletic Underwear "yu hear so much about. Made similar to men's athletic union suits. Ideal garments for sum mer wear. Of silk ginghams, silk mixtures and fancy woven materials with dainty raised designs. Shown in flesh color and white. . One of our best $6.00 numbers spe- CJQ QQ cially priced for Monday 5070 Full range of sizes in above gar ments. SHOP EARLY in the day. Underwear Department Main Floor "Housekeepers' Week" In the July Clearaway Many special lines of household needs reduced in price for this week's selling. It's a splendid opportunity to buy at a saving don't fail to take advantage of it. S. & H. Stamps given with purchases. Aisle of Cotton, First Floor. Sheets Bleached ' Sheets of good heavy quality. Size 81x90 inches. These are of a standard make. No QO -J C phone orders. Special at wil.J Bleached Sheeting of standard make. Full 90-inches wide. C- Oft No phone orders. Special 0J-vO Bleached Pillow Cases of splendid quality. Size 45x36 inches. 100' doz. on sale, special, each We give S. & H. Green Stamps. 45c Table Gloths Mercerized Table Cloths' in beauti ful designs, 2 Va yards long. flf QQ Priced very special at D0 Heavy Unbleached Table Linen. Attractive patterns priced $1.75 yd. Towels Heavy Huck Towels with Grecian border. Nice size for general QO use $3.50 per dozen each OUC -Ask for your S. & H. Green Stamps. HEADQUARTERS FOR BEDSPREADS Get Our Prices! Special Sale of Glassware Department, Third Floor Odd lines from our own regular stock and a special shipment of "factory close-outs" Glassware of standard makes but owing to limited quantity of some articles we have priced them extremely low. It will pay to attend this sale, for the values are exceptional. S. & H. Trading Stamps given. Tumblers, Goblets, Pitchers, Etc. Water Tumblers, special only 10 Gal. Water Pitchers only 75 Water Goblets, special at 25 Footed Sherbet Dishes at 25 Grapefruit Dishes, special at 50 GLASSWARE DEPT., 3D FLOOR. Footed Punch Bowls only $2.75 Fruit Bowls, special at 48 Footed Fruit Bowls, each $1.00 Water Bottles, special at 750 6-inch Engraved Glass Nappies, with two handles, special 350 See Special Bargain Tables of Glassware at 100, 150, 250, 500, 750, $1. Great variety of useful articles all marked at special low prices for quick clearaway. A good chance to buy glassware for the beach cottage "at a big saving. 3d Floor. $1 Fancy Voiles 75c Yard Main Floor. Novelty Voiles in many beautiful patterns. Very dainty for summer dresses. $1.00 grade. rTp, July Clearaway a yard at only lOC Silk-mixed Voiles at $1.25 yard. rEmbroidered and satin striped Voiles in latest colorings, $1.23 yard. $4.50 Eponge $2.95 Yard Imported Eponge in the new checks. For sport apparel. Regular QO QP $4.50 grade. Special at DAVD 36-inch silk and cotton Pop- 1- rrt lins in all wanted colors, yard wliDU White Nainsook 10 Yds. $3.15 Main Floor. Beautiful, soft finish Nain sook for underwear and baby ! 1 P clothes. Special 10 yard box. OO.XD 36-inch Percales in light or dark colors, special, per yard Boys' 2 -Pant Suits At $12.85 Main Floor. Boys' Suits in the very latest styles. Brown and gray mix tures. Two pairs of pants with each suit. Reinforced seat and seams. Sizes for boys 7 to 18 O OK years. : Priced special. . wliPO Boys' Shirts At 79c Main Floor. Boys' White Shirts in sport style with flat collars and long sleeves. Of excellent quality material. Sizes range from 12 to 14. HCkr Priced very special Monday JK Boys' Union Suits Special, 79c - Boys' Athletic Union Suits with short sleeves, knee length. H(t Ecru color. Sizes 6 to 16, suit 7v At $13.50 Most stores ask $17.50 ta $20.00 for suits of this quality. Made up in standard quality Palm Beach suiting one of the most desir able materials for summer suits. First class tailoring. Full range of sizes, 35 J- OKA to 42. Priced special, the Suit JJi-OsJU Suits at $25 Lightweight Suits in tweeds and crashes . grays, greens, tans, browns, etc. Latest 1920 styles. Cool, comfortable garments for warm weather. Practically all sizes in (POP 00 the lot. Extraordinary values at D0)3 Men's Khaki Pants S1.65 Pair . Men's Khaki Pants specially priced for Mon day. This is an odd lot from regular stock. Fine for camp and outing wear. Cut in good full styles and well made. Sizes 29 Q- to 38. Regular $2.25 Pants, only wl.OD Sale of Cedar Chests Drapery Department, 3d Floor 39c Wool Soap 10c Cake j 4th Floor Swift's Wool Soap the regular 15c size, special "I 0 for Monday only, per bar -LvFU EEs Swift's Wool Soap Flakes, "I 0f szs special at per package only ' - Gold Dust Washing Pow- O, der special at per package I White Wonder SoapSpe- Qf "EEs cial, 10 cakes for only vl7U H Model Grocery Fourth Floor Special 3 Days' Sale Silverware Third Floor Wm. Rogers' Silver-Plated Table ware in beautiful Lincoln pattern as sketched. SET OF SIX Table Spoons $2.66 Soup Spoons $2.66 But. Spreads $2.86 Salad Forks $3.24 Table Knives $2.95 Table Forks $2.66 Tea Spoons $1.33 Des. Spoons $2.48 Cream Ladles 76 Gravy Ladles $1.14 Meat Forks at 95 Single Pieces Butter Knives 58 Sugar Spoons 580 Berry Spoons $1.52 WAR TAX NOT INCLUDED. TflnrAccoa T? a A ( eA -i A, n-rAiin racf ca J:fr i. - artwfW in uvcr uu uiiiei exit siea unu bLyicft. uu 1 1 L " - 1 1 1 " 1 sie at, special prices, xviany Deautiiui designs, some trimmed with copper bands and corners. Some have removable trays. Guaranteed moth proof. A good place to keep furs and woolens. Don't fail to take advantage of these low prices. Regular $22.50 Cedar Chests. Priced special Regular $25.00 Cedar Chests. Priced Special Regular $30.00 Cedar Chests. Priced Special $17.90 S19.50 S25.00 Regular $35.00 Cedar Chests. Priced special Regular $36.50 Cedar Chests. Priced special Regular $40.00 Cedar Chests. Priced special S27.50 S30.00 $35.00 -Other Cedar Chests Priced at 537.50 up to $60.00 Wash Silks Underpriced Imported Crepe $5.50 Main Floor., Heavy quality imported Crepe, in pink and white. Especially adapted for women's dresses and. separate skirts. The grade selling heretofore at $7.00 the yard.3r Cj Priced very special, a yard DJ0J Japanese Crepon $4.50 Main Floor. A beautiful soft silk for sport apparel. Shown in pink and white" only. Good width. Quality usually selling at $5.50 a yard. Buy all you want of it Monday, Qf Kfl at special low price of , yard wVx.tJvF $5.00 La Jerz $3.98 Main Floor. La Jerz a popular silk for men's and women's sport apparel. Beautiful rich finish and very durable. Pink and white only. Grade selling in the regular (PO QQ way at $5.00. Special, yard DO.0 $4.00 Satin Serge at $3.48 Washable Satin Serge the season's latest fabric for underwear. Pink and white only. Regular QO AO price $4.00. On sale Monday at, the yard DO.-xO White Venetian Yd. $1.65 White Venetian, a splendid heavy quality suitable for sport apparel. : Washable and very serviceable. &t (tZ On sale at Lining Counter special, the yard D-l-.JcJ. Coats Divergent Opinions Given on Present Fuel Situation. AMENDED ORDER SOUGHT Men's Palm Beach Suits I Preferential Treatment Asked by Public Utilities in Various Sections of Country. "WASHINGTON. July 10. Widely di vergent opinions as to the nation's coal supply were heard by the inter state commerce commission today at its hearing: on the advisability of modifying- its order requiring pref erence be given coal mines east of the Mississippi In the assignment of open-top cars. Some witnesses said the country was experiencing the worst coal shortage in its history, while others declared with equal finality that there was no shortage. The commission was asked both to modify its order, originally issued for a 30-day period ending July 21, so as not to give so much of a, monopoly on cars to the coal mines, and also to make the order more drastic and continue it for longer than 30 days. There was no indica tion by the commission of its probable action. Wisconsin Asks Consideration. Carl Jackson, member of the Wis consin railway commission, urged that the commission amend its order so as to give preference to coal mines having contracts to supply Wiscon sin. Minnesota. North and South Da kota and northern Michigan. The movement of 4000 cars daily to this territory must be had until Novem ber, he asserted, in order "to save the territory from freezing." Agents of public utilities, scattered throughout the eastern part of the country, also asked that preferential treatment be given their companies so that a winter reserve stock might bo accumulated in the next few months. Their contention that a coal short age exists was the opposite of the testimony given by George H. Gush ing, of the American Wholesale Coal association, who said present produc tion was equalling consumption. Mr. Cushing expressed the opinion that a fair price for coal at the mine should be 5.50 a ton, and John Moore, rep resenting the Ohio miners, added that with an adequate car supply the cost would fall to 4. Coal Offered at $13 a Ton. Chairman Clark read into the rec ord a letter written on the station ery of the Reeves Coal & Dock com pany .of Minneapolis, offering to sell coalT already'on the cars and in tran sit, for $13 a ton. Mr. Cushing asked his opinion regarding such prices, re plied: "That is a matter for the de partment of justice." Alarm over the situation because of its effect on Canada was expressed in a letter sent the commission by M. M. Mahoney. secretary of the Canadian war mission. Declaring that central Canada normally was depend ent upon the United States for 17,000, 000 tons of coal annually, he said: "Our government officials are be ginning to fear that we may not get sufficient coal to tide over the winter." "Reduced shipments to Canada thi year," the letter adds, "seem to in dicate that American producers have neglected the long-established Cana dian market to take advantage of the European demand." COX INTEREST PERSONAL COUSIX OF XOMIXEE'S WIFE LIVES I TACOMA. Goolmor Porch g Shades Wind-safe and self-hanging. Get """" the full benefit of 'your porch by equipping it with Coolmor Shades. "S Shown in brown, green and combina- J-ss tion of brown and green. E Sizes and Prices 4 feet by 7:6, priced only$ 3.65 -; 5 feet by 7:6, priced only $ 5.65 r 6 feet by 7:6, priced only .$ 6.65 ----- 7 feet by 7:6, priced only $ 8.35 9 feet by 7:6, priced only $10.75 10 feet by 7:6, priced only $11.75 12 feet by 7:6, priced only $14.00 - Hammocks and Swings On the 3d Floor Mrs. Foster Describes Possible First Lady of the Land as a Beautiful Woman. TACOMA. Wash., July 10. (Spe cial.) The nomination of James M. Cox as the democratic candidate .for president has aroused special inter est in Tacoma. since his wife, who is the daughter of Thomas P. Blair of Chicago, is a cousin of Mrs. Charles A. Foster of Tacoma. Mrs. Cox is the second wife of the nominee, to whom she was married about three years ago. She was Miss Margaretta Blair, and at the time of her social debut was considered one of the most beautiful girls in Ch4 cago. Several noted artists painted some remarkable portraits of her be fore her marriage to Mr. Cox. Mrs. Cox was educated at Miss Por ter's echool at Farmlngton, Conn., which Mrs. Foster also attended. Sho was one of the very popular and at tractive girls of the school, with a taste for outdoor sports and riding. She was a schoolmate at Farming-ton of Mrs. Richard T. Sullivan of Ta coma. Mrs. Foeter says that her cousin is essentially a home woman, devoted to her husband and children. She has one child, born during the last year, and the three children of Mr. Cox by his former marriage. MUSICIANS TO BANQUET illlllllllllllllilHIlllHllllH Louis Victor Saar, Composer, to . Be Guest of Honor. Portland musicians and their friends will give a banquet for Louis Victor Saar. a Chicago composer, at 6:30 o'clock tonight in the crystal dining room of the Benson hotel. The toastmaster will be George Wilber Reed, and Mark Vincent Daniels will sing songs composed by Mr. Saar. Reservations for the banquet can be had by telephoning Mrs. Edith S. Miller, East 1967, and Miss Eda Trotter, Broadway 1957. ' Mountain Air Trips Draw. BANFF, Alta. Seaplaning is to be one of "the chief sports in the Canadian Pacific Rockies this summer arrf guests at the hotel can book their flights to view and snapshot the Rocky mountains from the air. Heavy bookings from tourists on both sides of the line have already been made and many are including a seaplant - flight in their reservations.