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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1920)
THE SUNDAY OltEGONIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 11, 1920 V MEETING OTICES, KIRK PA TRICK COCN CIl NO. i-'27. SECURITY BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, will meet in reRular closed session at the Swiss Hall, 3d and Jeiferson sts., Friday, July 1. at s v. M. snarp. A large class will be re ceived for initiation. All members and visitors of the order cordially invited to be with us. D A N C K TUESDAY night given by Anchor Council No. 74(1 Security Henefit Association, Tues day night. July 13. W. O. W. hall. l-'S Ilth st. -Everybody invited. Come for the time of your lite. Ad mission 35c. REGULAR mretlm ol Industry Lodice No. 8, A O. U. W.,Sd floor. Pythian bid, (formerly Masonlo Temple). West Par ana Tamhlll. Monday nlKht, a o'clock. Butlet lunch. W. J. ALLUN. BcorUer. WAK11I.NOTON COMMAND ;Ri' No. l.". k. T. A stated onclave will be held Tuesday venlne. July 13. .Washington ilasonlc Hall, at 1 'io P. M. 11 soiouriiini? Sir wiignu urdially nvited to be present. . I. EI6MAN, Recorder. PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD NO. 42. imoTHERHOOI) OK AMERICAN YEO AJKN in the future will meet every Wednes cIhv nicht in the old K. of P. hall. 11th and Alder. Business meeting "Wednesday evining. July 14. Members of the team report at o'clock sharp. Visitors welcome. Y ETTA HAINES. Correspondent. 205 Allsky Bldg. Phone Main 0356. NOTICE TO PUBl.l'J Monday evening, July 112, 8 o'clock. Judge A. B. Duncan of frl. Joe. Mo., past (trand worthy president of Die Kraternal Order of Eagles, will give an address on the topics of the day and Eaule Kraternaliam. Everyone Invited. Pa cific States Hall. 11th and Alder sts. H. E. MILLER. Sec COLUMBIA LODtllJ No. 1, Degree of Honur, will Install officers Monday night, July 1J. llKIti, at S o'clock, in their hall, tiiallfl ave. and Alder St., East Side Busi ness Mn's club. Visitors are welcome. M.VKUAKET E. BECKER, Secretary.. EMBLEM jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new designs. Jaeger Bros., 131-3 Gth st. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems, elas.-, pins and medals. ol0 Washington si. IT'NERAL NOTICE. DONNELLY At the residence of his daughter. Mrs. J. H. Cuniff. 349 Multno mah street. July 0, Owen Donnelly, be loved lather of Mrs. J. McCardle ot Olivette. Wis., and Mrs. John McCardle of Elmwood, Wis. Mrs. Jennie Alexan der of Roekclm, Wis., Mrs. Frank Lew is of Alberta, Canada; P. If. Donnelly of Jtockclm, Wis.: James. John.. Thomas Donnelly, all of this city. The funeral cortege will leave the residence Mon elav, July 12, at 8:30 A. M., thence to Holy Rosary church. East Third and Clackamas street, where requiem mass will be offered at 9 A. M. Interment Alt. Cavalry cemetery. Arrangements in care of Miller and Tracy. PARSONS July 9, Edward D. Parsons, aged ."H years. The deceased was a mem ber of the Spanish-American War Vet erans and manager of Columbia River Xlar Pilots. Funeral will be held from McEntce & Ellers' parlors. Sixteenth ami Everett streets. Monday. July 12. at 8.45 A. M .. thence to the cathedral. Fifteenth and Davis streets, at 9 A. M. Friends in vited, interment Mt. Scott Park ceme tery. (Astoria papers please copy). AC, EN BLAST At the residence. 991 Missouri avenue. July 9. 1920, Adeline AVagenblnst, aged 78 years, beloved mother of Bertha. Adeline and Fred "Wagenblast and Mrs. A. E. Eckhardt. Private funeral services will be held at the Portland Crematorium, Fourteenth end Bybee streets, at 10:30 A. M. to morrow (Monday). July 12, 192U. Re mains at Holnian s parlors, Ihird and Salmon streets. ARRJCONI Tn this city. July 9. Elizaheth Arrigoni. age 91 yeurs; beloved wife of Samuel Arrigoni. mother of Mrs. Francis of this city. Mrs. M . Staples of Astoria. Or. ; Mrs. Roland Stillwell and Airs. Harry Brandt of Yakima, Wash., and S. .1. Arrigoni of Astoria, Or. Fu neral services will be held Monday, July 12, nt 10 A. M. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment at St. Mary's ceme tery. WESTER July 0 nt the residence. OSS First street. Appel Henning Wester, age 4 munths. beloved infant son of Edwin P. Wester. Funeral services will he conducted Monday, July 12. at 3:;ii P. M .. from Pearson's undertaking parlors. Russell street and Union ave nue. Friends invited. Interment Mount Scott cemetery. MILLER In this city, July 8, Diana Mill er, ago 80 years; beloved aunt of Mrs. Joanna Raxworthv, grandmother of Ralph and Helen Miller of McMinnvllle, Or. Funeral services will bo held Mon day. July 12, at 1:30 P. M., at the chapel of Miller Ac Tracey. Interment at Van couver, Wash. LOHMANN In this city July 9. Henry C. Lohmann. aged 05 years, at his late resi dence. 474 Hall street. Funeral services will be held Monday, July 12, at 3:45 P. M. from Dunning's chapel, Morrison at 12th st. Friends invited. Funeral arrangements care of Dunning & Co. CARLSON The funeral services of the hue John W. Carlson, father of Alfred E. Carlson and Wm. C. Carlson, brother of E. J-t. Carlson of Modesto, Cal., will be held from A. R. Zeller & Co. parlors Mt r:day, at 2 P. M. Friends invited. In terment Lone Fir Cemetery. LEIGHTON In this city. July 9, Selden t. Lelghton, aged 00 years, late of 003 Belmont St. Funeral services will be held Monday, July 12, at 10 A. M., at ttie chapel of lireeze & Snook, Belmont at Thirty fifth. Friends Invited. CAIlT-SON Funeral of the late John Carl son will be held from A. R. Zeller Co. parlors Monday. July 12. at 2 P. M. l-' are invited. Interment Lone Fir t t-ir.elery. FCNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AL'TJ LIVERY. MARSHALL, 11. IT'NERAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee Fl'NtKA L. 1MKKCTOKS Kow located in their new residential fu neral home, Morrison at lllth. west side. Fiaone Broadway 430. Automatic 540-08. The l unerai Home of Refinement unU Oitttinrtive Swrvu'e. Note We have no branches nor any con nections whatever with any other undertaking tirm. LiDWARD HOLM AN & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Streets. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors Washington Street. Between 20th and Slst Streets. West Side. Lady Assistant. Main 2691. Auto. 578-85. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of homo. Itith and Everett sts. Telephone Hroud way L'Kt3. Automatic 5'J1 -.f.i. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. F, S. DUNNING. INC. 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52. Terfect service, personal direction, free use of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson . Ross. Multnomah IrvinRton disTict. at Kast 7th. Kaat 54. P. L. LEItCH E. Eleventh and Clay, East 7.S1. Tabor l:i:l A. D. KEN WORTHY & CO.. KS02-04 m d St.. Lents. Tabor J27. F.RICSON Twelfth and Morrison LXvlUOUiX Broadway i.-,;4. A. R. ZELLER CO. 592 Williams ave. East loss. 'C loss. BREEZE & SNOOK V,4il'.-sBeBT BKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. M. 4132. A 2231. Lady assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates nil cases of altered cruelty to animnU. Offices, room 15(1 courthouse. I'hone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to ft P. M. Th society has full charge of the city round at its home, 535 Columbia boule vard. Phone any time. Wooril&wn 7rt4 roKs for sale. Horse ambulance for pick or rusanifia norst-s. fcmall animals pain )ft!Hly Electrocuted when necessary and Htray animals cared for. All dead ani mals, cows, horses, etc., picked up free rhone your want ads to The Oregro- nian, Main ivw, Automatic 560-95, cordially i Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. V7 R" BLACK. Public accountant, an ?', accounting systems opened, main . tained; Income tax service: references. Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. Main 7443 ALTKKATIOXS. LADIES' tailoring. Perfect fitting: work guar. 1. Reubin 408 Bush & Lane bldg. ASSAVKKS ANO ANALYSTS. A ij ANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second t'QId. silver and platinum bought AITO TOPS. ' AUTO TOPS. Work guaranteed, reasonable charges. East Side Auto Top. East 7739. 255 '.rand ave.. corner East Madison st. DON'T HESITATE. Auto upholstering, top, curtains. gen- repair, painting. ., MONARCH MOTOR CO.. ancouver ave.. near East Broadway. Phone East 4130. AUTOS FOR HIKE. ,. AUTOS FOR HIRE. 1!M8 Pierce-Arrow by hour, day or month: long trips a specialty. Jock Houston. Braavay 334. Main 7353. BATHS. DR. McM A HON'S sanitary baths. Always ready. Steam, showers, plunges, tubs. Necessaries furnished. Rubdowns and massage when desired. Service and prices cannot be beat. S. W cor. 4th and Wash. Tell your friends. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and mas sage. 111th floor Broadway bldg. Mar shall 31S7. Dr. Laura E. Downing. CARPENTER, AND CONTRACTOR. CARPENTER. general contracting Jobbing. Tabor It04fl. CARPET WEAVING. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag rugt all sizes Mall orders prompt. Send for Booklet. 0x1- rugs steam or dry cleaned. $1.50. ,, , . FLUFF RL'll CO.. ri4-r,B Union ave. N. East 05! fl. B 1475. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. FLUFF OR RAG RUGS. WOVEN ALL SIZES. WRITE OR CALL PORTLAND RUG CO (EI.LII.OI1I BUTTON'S. oi"1""5 'RWIN-HODSON COMPAN.Y. 3"7 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. CHIROPODIST. FOOT TROUBLE? CORNS. CALLOUS. BUNIONS TREAT-SH- ARCH SUPPORTS. DR. CAROLINE fH'LLIPS, PAINLESS CHIROPODIST. HOLRS: 9 TO 1. 2 TO 6:30. 310 MOR CAN BLDG. MAIN 6383. FFFT HURT Come to Dr. Gartner, foot ''l1 Will specialist: corns. bunions, f. nt arches made to order. 311 Swetlar.d building, nth and Washington. Main 1081. DR. dis O. O. FLETCHER, aseptic chlropo- C. traflUflfp niirca a air. n n . it t iini.iiiii8 or tne root scient r rA iv rnr. reeled. Suite 512 Morgan bid. Main DR. B. LOUISE f'O V na.r.! .. (list, arch sunnort m-ionf fi-,ii,. 438 Morgan bldg. Phone Main 4H!8. IIIMM'IIDIST ARCH SPECIA LISTS. WILLIAM, Estelle and Florello De Veney. the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in the city. Parlocs 302 Ger llnger bldg.. s. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPRACTOR. 300.1111(1 KXOW McMahon. 100 Chlronr.c- ror. Ihrongs pronounce treatment beat. CHIMNEY SWKEPS. BISHOP. CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smokes throuch registers, needs repairing or cleaning? Tabor 3SS3. COLLECTIONS. NETH A CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1706 No collections, no charge. Estab. 1900 DENTISTRY. DENTISTRY DR- A w- keene. 351 ULIlllOini Washington st. Withoi-pal-n. Latest nerve-blocking method. DANCING. PRIVATE lessons given in stage and ball S?n"V.M anci" y a professional dancer. ftlO Ellers Music bldg. MRS. BAVH, 20 s Dekum lessons day and evening. bldg. Private Main 1345. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL 2in-r,j. Dogs and horses clipped. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING?" MOTORS REWOUND Re and epaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS, Phone 3S7-2T. 248 1st St. M. 87L H. M. II. ELKCTKIC CO., 34 X. First, Portland. Or. Re winding and electrical repair ing: a specialty. New or used motors. Bdwy. 1040, A WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' AND MILL SL'PI'LIES. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. S4-S0-S7-SU Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bl.lK. HATS AND CAPS. THANH A USER HAT CO.. 53-J5 Front St. PAINTS. OILS ANO GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. R AS MUSS EN & CO.. Second and Taylor. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS g6 Fourth St., Opp City Hall. Neq Bros. B LAPSING GRANtTE CO. TfimP A T 11. S-J I jaIM 23 1 WEST ' NEW TODAY. rz . . .. Send Us Your Old Carpets i v a tau ana uetiveri Old Rues and Woolen Clothing-' 1A Make Be vendible. Uind-uvea FLUFF RUGS Boom-Size Fluff Ban WoTen. tllM Bar Rusts Woreo All Size. Clotbe Cleanlna; and Dyelns Depta, llail Order. Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning xl2 Ruck. Steam Cleaned. 1.50 WESTERN FLUFF KCO CO., 54 Cnioa Ave N. Fhone at 65tt Parrish, Watkins & Co. Est. 18S7. Frank E. Watltina. Slimnt. Member Portland Realty Board. Real Estate, Rental, Loan and Fire and Automobile Insurance Agents Correspondence Solicited. I0S Second St. Phone Mala 1S44. . LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate, tiret and second mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. XI O Cham. ( Com. Bids. Alala SOaa, Edward E.Goudey Co. mortgage: loans United States Bank Bulldlnav Phone your want ads to The Oregp nian, Ma,in T070, Automatic 560-95. FERTILIZER. FERTILIZE your land if you want big crops: read about "C. M. Wonder" in our ju-u catalogue. Routledge Seed loral Co.. ' -'d St., Portland. Or. HAKUHOOO FLOORS. HARDWOOD floors laid and finished. o,d floors rerinished; work guaranteed. H. W. Heckley. 221 E. 34th st. Tabor 4964. HEMSTITCHING. T. & D. HEMSTITCHING shop; superior work: prompt service. R. 018 vregon Ellers bldg., 287 Washington st. HOTEL SUPPLIES. ROACH powder, insecticides, germicides, brooms, mops. etc. We contract and guarantee to rid your premises of bed bugs, roaches, etc. Main 6571. Coast Chemical Co. MUSIC. OREGOS Conservatory (school) of Music, floor Russell bldg. (ovw- th "Lion" entrance leavt 4th St.. cor. of Morrison. IRON WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS. Engineers, founders, mechanics, boll Br eakers, boiler and blacksmith shop. Of fices and works. Hawthorne avs. and East Third st OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. . I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou sands of aaLtnfid customers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good man, optometriHt, liuu Morrison. M. 11124. -v EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST vd with modern instruments. Glasses fitted $ J. 50 up. A. E. HURWIT2. optometrist, 2 J 5 1st st. UKORUE RUBENSTEIX. the veterau op tician, is an expert eye titter, and his charges are very reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed, 2'Jti Morrison St.. near Ud. PATENTS. PATENTS Send sketch or model for pre liminary examination. Booklet free. Highest references, best results, .prompt nets aasurj-ed. Watson E. Coleman. Pst ent Lawyer. 62 F. t.. Washington. U. C. PAINTING. PAINTING. DECORATING, SIGNS. CAI, CIMIXl.N'G. BB'T WORK. TABOR litftf. PAINTING, P A PEK HANGING. PAINTING, paperhanging. John C. Con iisk. 133 linn st. N. Broadway 'JSMA. PAINTING, PAPEKINU AND TINTING PAINTING, papering and tinting; work, reasonable. East 5410. good PAINTING, tinting, first-class work. Johnsen, Main 3o71. Call PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 4u years. All communi cations strictly confidential; prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service ; handbook free on request. AICNN & CO., patent attorneys, ban Francisco office, Hobart bldg., onl Market st. Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg. ; Washington of fice, room 3 03, 6 lis F st. ; Now York otf ice. Wool worth bldg. H. C. WRIGHT -'2 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. 0l Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R A. PHILLIPS, Broadway bldg., rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver. kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female disorders, akin affections, blood pressure. eutargeu tonsiis, moies, Dirtn mar its. PLUMBING fel'PPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE pricea. ttark-uavis Co., lb 4th, M. 7 17. POl'LTRY SUPPLIES. EVERYTHING needed and used by prac ttcal poultry keepers ; catalogue free. outieuge seea 6l joral Co., 14 2d Portland. PRINTING. PRINTINRF w-BALTES & COMPANY, linn First and Oak. Main 165: 511-65, SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 2 1 OA. We buy and sell everything In the hardware and lurniture iine. Phone Main HUT J. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU, 601 uekum b!dg. u. a., foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH GENERAL HAULING Motor and horse equipment, any pacity. Moving, packing, storage. PHONE BDWY. 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan st. corner l:tth. Phone. Broadway liiiil or 1 lo!. W e own and operate two large Liaaa --v waieiiuuses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in the city. PACKING, MOVING, STORAGE SECURITY .STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 105 PARK ST. Main 310u. A 1001. MANUFACTURERS IIIOKS. WOOL AM) CASCARA BARK. K AH N BKOTH7KRS. 15 Front St. PLI.MB1.VG SUPPLIES AN'O THE M. U KLINE CO.. S4-S0-S7-SK Front. I'HDDICK COMMISSION MKKCHANTS, EVKHD1XG FARREI.L. 140 Front St. SASH. OOORS ANO GLASS. W. P. FULLER & Co.. Front and Morrison ROPK AND BIN OKR TWINE. Portland Cordafie Co.. 14th and Northrup. NEW TODAY. wM Houses w Garages Erected la Portland Shipped Anywhere In built 4-foot sec tions ready and easy to put to cether. first-class bouse or vara re di rect from the factory at a GREAT SA VINO. Tou pay no middlemen's profit. write for catalog. uedimade Building Co. Fast Eleventh and Market. 2 Hiocks south of Hawthorne. Phone taut 5114. l'ortland. Or. its tfK r A, M..A.yA' u i. ? . & Modern Five rooms, fl r e place. bookcase KlintfllrkTV DUIIet' lurnace, DUUgaiOW cement basement, wnice enamel kitchen and bathroom f?as and electric fixtures: flowers iruit; pneasants. chickens: wood, coal urnit u r e. Do you want anything nlshed. TERMS. 113 E. B4th St., 1 widths iiuua vl Ait. laoor car. Mortgage Loans Lowest interest rates Installment re pajments if desired. Bulldinj? loans made. No delay in closing. A. H. BIRRELL GO. V17-219 Korthweatern Bank Buildlna-. Marshall 4114. FOR MORTGAGE LOANS See Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co, 222 Chamber o Commerce NEW TODAY. Auction Sales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 168-171 SECOND ST., NR. MORRISON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRI DAY AT 10 A. M. FOR ALL KINDS OP HOlSEFrB NISHINUS, INCLUDING I I.lvinr Room. Dlnlns; and Bed Room Furniture, Km Carpet. Llsolenm, Pictures, Curtain, Dishes, I tenalla. Ransren, etc. For ponHive Bale, and you make the price. AUCTION AT RESIDENCE ON WEDNESDAY NEXT AT S I'. M. At 6R7 Flanders Street, near 25th. Furnishings of private home, com prising Couches, Easy Chairs. Rock ers. Lace Curtains. Portieres. Solid OaJt Round Fedental F.xtension Ta ble. Chairs, Library Table. Center Tables, Lady's Desk. Iron Beds, Sprincs and Mattresses, tiood Oak Drenmer. Chiffonier, larsre quaniiiy of Beddlnsr. including Sheet. Blan ket, Comfort. Spread and I'illovmi large Body Bruei carpet, axia minstrr Rue. Hall and Stair Carpets, Malleable Steel Ranire, larsre assort ment of Dixbc, filaware and Cook ing Utensils. All in good conomon. ale at 2 F. M., sharp. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. HIGH CLASS AUCTION SALE AT RESIDENCE . ON THURSDAY NEXT - AT 1 favored A. M. with We are instructions rom MB. WAITER F. B-UIIREI,!. aell at public auction the partial furnishings of his palatial home at SSS HAWTHrtRNR AVE., between 20th and S7tb, comprisinfr as foilows: In litIok Room, eoHtly Overatof t ed WaTenport, ,inhnist.rrl in Krencn veiour; lnrjte l..hi- Kih (hair. Morria Chair with Spanish Teather Cushions, oval tafimrMnv 'i nn p. 4iap scrrc. . In ailk with nana rarvea frame; S-dny Cl"c-k with abbey ,.kimM handinm, Malollca and Brans Jardlnerles. choice Plants and Ferns, Mnt oil ntinr. vla.t rfrncr. son at Sunset," oy J. t-- oiuai i, - atr.. ii.nd." hv H. Levy otner nue . kv Hn Ronheur. Lame Ttua:. 18x36 feet: Brass Andirons, Foldins ninine Roomt olia .ManoR-any nuunu Table. Mnhosrany Servlna- la unnH-hlncked Linrn Uranes. large assortment ot silverware, iiiciuuins. .-llnvnl Conenhauren" I llnnrr anil t'lilna ana uiu ,iK ' Ware. Cut ilass, Japanese i-iaques. Stuffed Ducks, Kng-llsh Breakfast Ta- ble. . .. Hn,Dl on II n ll : ljarse r.iK n. Mountain Sheen, Mountain Goat. Iieer Head and 3 Antelopes, all fine speci mens. Costumers, tmbrella Holders, laree Wilton Hall Knn ana itunners. Hall Chairs and Tables. Library: o-mch iounie ri-ip Desk, quartered oak, Leatner-seai Chairs. Reclining Couch, hand-cov ered frame and hair upnoisierinjts. .-ulna- I bIiIii.i. MiKsion Leatner-seai Rockers, also Cane-seat Rockers and Chairs. Pictures. Indian Curios, such as Sadrlle H'aes. Arrow Holders. Sad die Oirth, etc.. Magazine Racks. Brass Andirons, Koldine screens ana r ire et. Bedroom Furnlshlnsrs include very hnnrisnme 1 n In 1.1 Black Wa.Inut Bed room Suite, complete with sprinps and mattrAssps. Iron Bed. complete! Birds- ryc maple and Mahogany L'biffonlera, Mahoeany Ilresslnjr laoie, touenn, Rockers, Arm Chairs in white enamel frames, upholstered in pink monair, P".letrif. Dresser Karrms. etc. Xurservi Couches, Hockers. na-irs. White KnKllnh Brrnkfast Table, Desks Pictures, llxlS Wilton lion. Kltebe n: itriajre Hrara" supe rior Steel Ranice. "Garland" Gas Ranire. Kitchen Cabinet, llousehoia Treasure, tireless Cooker, Hirsrc as sortment of Aluminum Ware CooklnK I tcnsils. Refrlirerator.Complcte J,a.un drr Outfit, all kinds of Garden Tools and implements and other various ef fects. J. X WILSON, AUCTIONEER. We Pay Cash for Fnrniturr , etc Slain 1626. ESTABLISHED 1892. ON TUESDAY NEXT At thr Baker Auction Hour, wr hall aell a flrat-elaaa MBorUnfat of Honac KornlNaina-M from a private home on JVorta 15ta at. ( Irvlnnton Iko the part (nrnlahlnsa from an other resilience. Following is a partial list or what we snail nave to sen: an horary Tables. Easv Rockers. I'arlor Desks Oak Sectional Bookcases. Upholstered Parlor Furniture, ttatian rtocKers b.iectric Xarnpu, Wall Cabinets.- Curtains. Pictures, Wilton Kurs and Carpels in various sizes; a very beau tiful quarter-sawea uak uininR Koom Suite, viz.: 54-inch top table, very fine Combination China Cabinet and Buf fet and set of Chairs with leather seats, all as good as new. Full and three-quarter size Brass Beds; also -sawed uaK suite in joioniai style, Birdseye Maple Dresser, Dressing Ta ble, Rocker, Chairs and Table en swite; Ivory Suite, as follows: Bed stead. Dresser, Dressing laoie ana Chairs, two Iron Beds all complete with best springs, felt mattresses. pillows; large Wardrobe with glass doors, nearly new A. B. Gas Range, Refrigerator and many other usetul household items. Auctioneer's Note Intending purchasers should call to morrow and look over the full list of goods we shall have to offer you. They are well worthy ot your atten tion. Auction on Tuesday next at 10 A. 51. ON THURSDAY NEXT We shall have another lot of hoiue hold grooda to aelL Auction starts at lO A. M. We Buy House Kurnlnhlnis for Cash. Coll Main W.C.BAKER&W.H.DEAN Furniture Dealera and Auctioneera. Pylaian nuildlnsr, Yamhill and Veat Park Sta. (Formerly Maaonie Tem ple Building). Phone Main 3332. WE CALL FOR TOIB OLD CARPETS, Baca lt d Woolen Clothlnx FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Oat Promptly Rax Ron Woven All Sixea Mail Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpet. Cleaned. Laid and Kefittcu. NORTHWEST KCO CO. 1!IB Kast 8th St. Phone East 3580. SEW TOOAT. INDUSTRIAL SITES! i $20,000 One-half block in! North Portland industrial center .on Thurman street between 17th and 18th streets. $12,500 Quarter block on the northeast corner East 6th and Taylor streets in center of east side industrial dis trict. Terms. $7500 Quarter block on south east corner East 7th and Couch streets in east side in dustrial district. Terms. APARTMENT SITES $12,500 Southwest corner of west Park and Montgomery streets facing beautiful park blocks. Easy terms. $9500 Southwest corner 16th and Marshall streets. Good apartment or garage site. $400050x100 on north side of Mill street, 50 feet west of 14th. Improvements in and paid for. Easy terms. j GARAGE SITES $25,000 Southeast corrier Broadway and IJnion avenue. Most ideal garage site in the city. Terms. $4500125x100 on Sandy bou levard, close in. Improve ments paid. Terms. These are a few of our many choice building locations in the city and if in need of a location we feel sure that we can locate you in any part of the city.;!-!:r,.v-;r,:K:sz3a 6U5IHCS9 PROPER' l-Ct8SES L1 IIJI-.l.ilH-!atga.MISla CAREY-SAVIDGE CO. Successor! 'to B I HR-CAKKY CO., Main 7489. 210 Railway Exoh. Bldg:. 500 MODERN CITY HOMES FOR SALE. Photos on display in our largre show rooms of o00 modern homes. Don't think of buying until you have Inspected them. More reai bargains to be found in our of fice than elsewhere in the city. Ktght autos at your service. EXCEPTIONAL R'E CITY BUNGALOW. $OU0O On 4:id St., just off Sandy, 5 rooms. a home wonderfully attractive and right up to the minute. Hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, garage. Let your imagination run riot as to this home; it will mora than make good. Terms. $5000 On 71st st.. Rose City, we have 7 room bungalow, very modern, fin ished In white enamel, and a beau tiful lawn and Vard second to none in the city. Owner leaving city. Terms. $100 Moth in ff to compare with this In Rose City 4-room bungalow, a reg ular doll's house. Interior in mis sion woodwork, built-in buffet, Dutch , kitchen, breakfast nook. 1 bedroom and spare for folding bed. Easy terms. (4000 One of Hawthorne's prettiest houses, 6-room1 , modern, and l! unfinished rooms upstairs, pretty fireplace, paved street, garage. Here is truly a real bargain. $1,"00 down. $3250 Greatest bargain in Hawthorne to day. S-room bungalow on 30x100 cor. lot. Owner leavlnpr for ranch will take $.VH down. This is $4000 property ana cneap at that. $19o0 4-room bungalow with dandy fire place, lights, gas, bath and toilet ; garden, all In, worth $75; stoves in eluded In price. ' Terms. $1750 Alberta 4-room bungalow, lights. gas. bath, toilet, pretty yard and trees. $200 down to sacrifice. $2200 Mt. Scott 4-room house and 1-3 acre of fine orchard and fruit, cor. property, sidewalks In and paid. $400 down. Hundreds of other splendid buys In every district In the city. 8 salesmen with autos at your service. CAREY-SAVIDGE CO. 9 Railway TCxrhnnce Rldor. Ma4n 74R7. WEST SIDE SNAP 100x100 with fine mod ern residence, finished in hardwood and ma , hogany; 3 baths; 5 fire places. An absolute sacrifice at $17,000. W.H.ROSS 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ALBlNA Trackage 100x100 FEET Corner Railroad and Lewis Sts. PRICE $7500 Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 FOtTRTH ST. WEST SIDE SNAP To close estate, 8-room house In Nob Hill district. Will be vacant after the 15th. . Full particulars, 1". W. Torglcr, ll Sherlock Bids. ,' al a 1 V A . NKff TODAY. Chas. Ringler & Co. INVESTMENT BARGAINS. $175,000 Apt. house, best In city; 100x100: strictly modern; fine location. $ 75,000 Apt. liouse. west side; brick, strictly modern. t 75.000 Washington-st. corner. J105.000 Down-town 6-story brick. $105.000 Aforrison-st. business cor ner. $150.000 Hotel, modern, brick, ..down town. $250.000 Hotel, one of best in city. $ 6.500 Flats, west side. - . $ 6,000 E. Wash. St.. apt. corner. 8-r. hotrse, fine for store or apt. house. $ 6.500 E. 12th; factory or ga rage site. HOMES $ 4.500 Irvington bungalow, 6 r. $ 6.300 Laurelhurst 7-R. home. $ 9.000 Laurelhurst 9-R. home. $16.000 Laurelhurst 11-R. home. $ 6,750 Rossmere 6-R. home; San dy blvd. TO LEASE Warehouse or mfg.. 5000 sq. ft. Close-in brick, large elevator. Front-st. 2-story brick. . ACREAGE AND FARMS $150 per acre. 9 miles Portland. 138 acres fine land, partly cul tivated, bides., etc. $100 per acre, 27 acres, 12 miles Portland; springs, creek, etc. $2000 5 acres. Base Line road. $3500 5 acres. Powell Valley road. 16 acres, S2d St., 400 fruit trees. 10 acres, 72d St., close in homesite. SA1.ES ANO EXCHANGES SEE Ol'H 1.IST.' Chas. Ringler & Co. 22S IIENKY HI.OG. THIS BEAUTIFUL ROCKER Jl ST 1.1 Ki; CUT. Extra larjfe seat and back; made from the celehrated Carman Mfg. Co. The covering of the Rocker is extra heavy leather-craft and guaranteed to give satisfaction or jour money will be refunded. (t.VS.OO VALIE EXTRA SPECIAL Mall your orders attention to i In nt once Prompt ill mall orders. FELDSTEIN Furniture Co. 174 lot St., N. K. cor. Yamhill. 53 ACRES COUNTRY HOME 920,000.00. ncxroixG 1920 crops House has modern conveniences, also electric lights and water system lor all Duiidings. $6000.00 produced in 1919 on the farm in wheat, oats, potatoes, other crops errasses. fruit and berries. Soil is deep, productive and easily watered. (RAVKLtD ALTO ROAD in front of house. 1 '4 miles to good town with high school, 2 miles to Capital highway, 18 miles to Portland. Investigate and convince yourself. Geo. E. Englehart Co., Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry Bids. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE BY OWNER MODERN 12-ROOM ltRSIDEXCG Finished in selected mahogany and oak, spacious rooms, hardwood floors throughout: three artistic fireplaces, tile bathrooms, three toilets, latest sanitary plumbinfr; full cement base ment: large finished attic: sun par lor, sleeping porch, breakfast room, etc. One of the finest finished houses in P o r.t 1 a n d. Klegantly furnished. Owner will sell with or without fur niture on verv rea'sonable terms. AR 7r,2, OHK..OMAN. $8000 CASH balance on terms to suit, buys a modern four-flat building. West side, close in. Good renting property. AN 897, Oregonian ROSE CITY 5-RM. Bl'XCALOW $4(150 1 $700 CASH (2 more rooms available upstairs at small cost); hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, cement basement, laundry trays, paved street (paid).. Drive out througrh. beautiful Tillamook street, through Irvington, to 1073, 3 doors west 361b. street. Phone 321-Za. - 1 Js'KW TODAT. MULTNOMAH IS AT ITS BEST Thre Is more building roln on in this flection tliHn any other portion of Mult nomtth count V. Homes are sprinirin up on all will en. I am offering the following:: $in(V) BCYS A 4-RM. COTTAGE, partly furnished. $30' cash. Term. $tI000 Sifthttv TRACT of Rround on the Blvd. of about acre with a-rm. cottage. $:wnO NEW MODERN' BUNGALOW on improved highway, with lare U acre. $3000 HALF ACRE with ripw modern 5-rm. house, fruit end vegetables. $3.00 i acre with nearly new 5-rm. house, large basement. $3500 j-P.m. bungalow on improved highway. Easy terms. $4000 VP-TO-PATE modern bunsalow at the intersection of 2 improved county roadi". Larue gara Re. Every modern con vcn'cnce. Owner leaving the city. Easy termn. jt47,-. NEW MOIERX 7-rm. horn- on larcfl tract of icround. with bearing fruit tnes. Large comfortable garage with con crete driveway and floor. Tins property has never been occupied Is as new as paint and is an except tonal bargain. $.-.000 BBAL'TIFt'L modern 7-rm. bun galow 'Just competed with nearly acre of ground, on tightly location. AKo many hmiitiful vacant trnrt. with Improvements In the Mreets, ready for your home. I am the owner ot a great deal of the property surrounding Multnomah and ex clusive sales agent for the balance. I have built up this district and know every foot of it. Can gl vt you the best of informa tion and service obta ina-Me. If you want i live on the west iie. c'ose t y the business center of Port land , only 20 min utes out by excellent car service at a lower fare than tha city street cars, and more over but minutes from the center of t he city by fine scenic blvd., be sure to investigate Mill t noma. h. 1 shall be gad to take you out in my machine and show you over the district. y Our or$tce at smunomnn is open a.i oay punnay ana appointments may tie maue during the week by calling Main oMi. BEN RIESLAND 404 I'lnlt Hldr. 17 Turk St. Dekum & Jordan WEST SIDE 3-STORY BRICK BUILDING and FULL BASEMENT ONLY 10 Blocks from Fifth and Washington 100x100 Feet on Corner Trackage. Splendid Location for Wholesale or Warehouse Price $60,000 Terms Ground alone valued at $10,000. Building today could not bo built for price asked. Might consider long time lease. Dekum & Jordan 323-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark Sts. Main 2233 WILL BUILD TO SUIT TENANT Close-in Warehouse and Factory Sites East or West Side TRACKAGE See 914 WILCOX BLDG. trr 3S- Portland Heights . BEAUTIFUL HOME East and south fronts; brick and con crete porches; concrete garace with hot and cold water; finished attic, with heat, all white enameled ; fire place; built-in bookcases, buffet dressers, etc.; hardwood floors throughout. No. I7S Council Crest drive, corner of Keaverton avenue, one block from CC car. For sale very reasonably by owner and builder. J. J. ARMSTRONG 383 Cable St. Fbone Main 3470 FOR Two LEASE Garages WELL LOCATED East Side West Side Five-year leases Reasonable rental INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS TWELFTH FLOOR YEON BLDG. TRACKAGE CLOSE IN 100x100 EAST WATKR STRKET. NEAR MOR RISON BHlIXiK. SACRIFICE EASY TERMS. OWNER, AL b47, OREUON1AN. SEW TODAY. 2d Near OAK Cor. 50x95. 3-story and basement substantial brick building:. Rental value $400 per mo. Easy terms. Price $32,500 3d, Cor. JEFFERSON 100x100, cor. 10,000 below value. $6000 cash, balance 6 Price $25,000 N. THIRTEENTH ST. TRACKAGE 100x100, cor., between BTirnside and Glisan Sts. Close in. Spur to curb. $10,000 below value. Price $30,000 NOB HILL APT. Modern; newly painted and tinted. Walking distance. Rents (old scale) $260 per month. $7000 cash neces sary; bal. 6fJ. Frice $20,000 E. J. DALY 221 FAILING BLDG. SOMEONE IS GOINGTOGET THIS BARGAIN I have two beautiful five-room FLATS, fireplaces and sleep ing porches; close in on the east side and in fine condition. Corner lot with everything paid in full. This property is paying 10Ct on $9000 and steady tenants for years. I will let them go for $6500, with but $2000 cash. CALL SELL. 483 WILL LEASE Ground Floor Fifth and Burnside Streets 50x100 With basement if desired, ' Steam Heat, etc. Very reasonable rental INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS TWELFTH FLOOR YEON BLDG. MUST BE SOLD 8-Room Bungalow IRVINGTON 150x100 FEET Located Xo. 847 E. I4th st. X.. be tween Thompson and Brazee sts. Cali fornia type, with larpe patio: hot water heat: sleeping porch: hardwood floors. Kooms ail on one floor. Price redu-ced for immediate sale to $12,500.00 on reasonable terms. Open for in between 11 A. M. and spection today 2 P. M., or by appointment witn F. Y. ANDREWS & CO., Exclusive A Rents. Til FLOOR I 1. ATT HI. DC, Telephone Marshall BOi. RIVERA Just Opposite Vvly Golf Uinks. PALATINE HILL HfGU-t LASS CLOSE-IV ACREAfiK. Twenty minutes out on the PACIFIC HM-IliVAY. and extending1 from th river back on the hill for one-half mile; is one of the most beautiful ppots in Oregon. Hard roads, pras and electricity. Prices vary from $1000 to $5000 per acre. Some is beautifully wooded; some cleared and cultivated." and some parked. NOW is the time RIVERDALE RIVERA RIVERWOOD ROCK SPUR HOUSES IN THIS SELECT DISTRICT. TO rMKM. Building: Sites. V4 Acre and Up, Choice River Front avocations. Have Everything That Is for Sale in This istrict. Information Gladly Given. MRS. HELEN S.TURNER 10O6 Spalding Bide Main !6 Corner Sixth and Burnside 100x100 Elegant location for hotel with -stores on ground floor; will sell at attractive price. Ritter, Lowe &. Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. i 107.5v