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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1918)
t 68 Pages Six Sections Section One Pages lto20 VOL. XXXVII NO. 37. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTE3IBER 15, 1918. PRICE FIVE CENTS. LEiii-iny TREASON PH EoIshevikLeadersShownto Be in Pay of Berlin. REVOLUTION MADE BY HUNS Documents in American Hands Reveal Dark Story of 1 Betrayal. TEUTON OFFICERS CONTRQL Russia Sold Out to Boche for Gold; Kaiser's General : Staff Directs. WASHINGTON, Sept. 14. Proofs removing any doubts that Lenine and Trotzky, the Boisheviki leaders, are paid German agents if indeed any doubts remain are laid before the world today by the United States Gov ernment in the first installment of an amazing serie; of official documents disclosed through the committee on public information. Secured in Russia by American agents, these documents not only show how the German government through its imperial bank paid its gold to Lenine, Trotzky and their im mediate associates to betray Russia into deserting her allies, but give aaaea proois, u any De necessary, that Germany had perfected her plans for a war of world conquest long be fore the assassinations of Sarejevo, which as the world is now convinced conveniently furnished her pretext. Germans Early Plot Ruin.. These documents further show that before the world war was four months old, and more than two years before the United States was drawn into it, Germany already was setting afoot her plans to "mobilize destructive agents and observers" to cause ex plosions, strikes and outrages in this country and planned the employment of "anarchists and escaped criminals" for the purpose. Prussian Intrigue Laid Bare. Almost ranking in their sensational nature with the notorious Zimmer mann note proposing war by Mexico and Japan upon the United States, which was first given to . the world through the Associated Press, these documents lay bare new strata of Prussian intrigue, a new view of the workings of Kultur to disrupt the al lies, standing between the world and Kaiserism. They disclose-a new story of human treachery for- gold which might almost well be described with out sacrilege as placing its perpe trators or. a pedestal with Judas and his 30 pieces of silver. Expose to Be Complete. The intrigue appears to have been carried down to the last detail of ar rangement with typical German sys tem. It will be revealed completely in a series of seven articles furnished (Concluded on Page 16. Column 1.) J - ; : . .... .... ... . " . . ' ,;' . . ! 7177.1 AUSTRIA INVITES PEACE CONFERENCE BELLIGERENT NATION'S ASKED TO DISCCSS PROPOSALS. Discussions "Would Not Be Binding Says Official Statement From Vienna.- AMSTERDAM. Sept. 14. The Austro- Hungarian government today invited all belligerent governments to enter Into non-binding discussions at some nestral meeting place with a view -to bringing about peace. .The Holy See and all neutral nations also will be notified. An official statement from Vienna making the above announcement has been received here. the Austro-Hungarian government' peace proposition reached Washington too late to obtain from officials an ex press! on as to how it might be received There had been some hints lately that an offer of this kind might come from Austria after the victory at arms in France. AUTOLESS SUNDAY COMING Present Rule May Be Extended to Cover Entire Country. WASHINGTON. Sept. 14. The Fuel Administration announced today that the re was a possibility that its auto less Sunday request might be extended to cover the entire country. This will depend, the Administration said, upon the ability of mid-continent refiners to supply the territory west of the Mississippi and at the me time furnish the gasoline they have agreed to deliver at the Atlantic seaboard. Although the exact amount of gaso line saved in the territory of the Mississippi in the two Sundays' since the request was made cannot be de termined, the Administration estimated it at 413,000 barrels, which has added materially to the reserve material ship ment for overseas. VICTORY PLEASES PREMIER Lloyd George Sends Congratulations to Pershing and Troops. LONDON. Sept 14 (By the Asso ciated Press.) Premiem Lloyd George, on his sickbed, has sent the following message from Manchester to General Pershing at the American front: I desire tq offer to you and your brave armies heartiest congratulations on your great victory. "The enemy has made many mistakes in- this war, but none greater than when her underrated the valor,- deter mination and interpid spirit of the brave soldiers from the great democracy of the United Stats. Now that he has tested the mettle of " the American Armies, the enemy knows what ia in store for him." SEVEN BROTHERS REGISTER Oldest in Spokane Draft Group 36, and Youngest 18. SPOKANE, "Wash.. Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) Seven sons of O. N. Bartholo mew, .3808 Second avenue, registered for the draft Thursday. The oldest, Harry, is 36 years of age, and the youngest. Van, is 18. Both are em ployed at the Coeur d'Alene Hotel. Harry is In charge of the barber shop and Van is a clerk. Harvey, Karl, Walter and Hugo live in Spokane and are working in white pine production; William, the third brother, lives at Davenport, where he Is In business. AH are married except Hugo and Van. GAME WARDEN MURDERED Elijah Roberts Victim of Assassin in Breathitt County, Kentucky. LEXINGTON. Ky., Sept. 14. Word reached here late today that Elijah Roberts, game warden of Breathitt County and a leading Republican poli tician, had been assaslnated while rid ing along a country road. CARTOONIST REYNOLDS INTERPRETS PICTORIALLY SOME LEADING EVENTS IN THE PAST DESTROYERS FOUND READY ON ARRIVAL Sea Greyhounds Prove Fit Fighters. BRITISH ADMIRAL SURPRISED Two Navies Join to . Combat Detestable Foe. WAR BLUE WATER PROBLEM Navy's Action Zone Early Seen to Be Off' Coasts of England and , France Sims' Call for Destroyers Carries. . . BT RALPH D. PAINE. (Copyright 1918, by Ralph' D. Paine.) INSTALLMENT 1. Oar Destroyers la the War Zone. The United States had been a little while at war when the first division of destroyers filed into a port of the Irish Sea and smartly picked up the mooring- buoys assigned them. The Stars and Stripes whipped from their signal masts and the funnels were white with the salt spray of an Atlantic passage. The senior officer reported to a British Vice-Admiral who ruled those coasts and waters, a man keenly critical and of an inflexible temper, who was famed his own service as a master of the destroyer game. Rather expecting de lay for rest and repairs, he asked: 'When will you be ready for serv ice?" 'The ships and the men are fit to sail at once, ar, as soon as we can take fuel aboard," answered the youthful Amer ican commander, in his modest way. 'And we are tremendously glad to be here." Very good.. Very good, indeed," said the Vlce-Admiral, and his stern fea- ures lighted with a smile of welcome, for he perceived that these were sailors after his own heart. This was how the two navies which had fought each other a century and more ago joined hands across blue water and became as one against mutual -and detestable foe. The Amer ican destroyers were as good as their word. No more than a few hours after this dramatic arrival they slipped sea ard to play their part in the hard and azardous business of hide and seek with the U-boats. Every man aboard felt that he was to be envied and he pitied the poor devils at home with the fleet. The risk of being blown up was of no consequence. The great thing was to be in the war! ' Millions Are Thrilled. These lean fighting craft had van ished like shadows from their own ome ports and their secret departure was well guarded. When the news was released it sent a thrill to every city, town, and farm, and millions of Amer icans who had known little and cared less about 'the Navy, talked about it ith novel, eager pride. You heard them say, no doubt: "See the paper this morning? A bunch of our destroyers has crossed the pond to mix it up with the Germans, and our boys are right on the job." "Great stuff! I never saw a destroyer in my life, but theyj certainly sound good to me. We may be slow in raising an army, but you'll have to hand it to the Navy. It was all cet and on the mark." "And this man Sims the Admiral we sent over to run our end of the show they tell me he's a corker. Even the Britishers say so, and they don't waste bouquets." "Some Admiral! Isn't he the wise bird that showed the Navy how to shoot straight?" "He did all of that. And now they've (Concluded on Page 5. Column 3- ! INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather, YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 82 degrees; minimum. 62 degrees. TODAY'S Fair and cooler; gentle westerly . winas. War. British gain. Section 1. page 2. French in new drive. Section 1, page 2. Yankees may have trapped many Huns. Section 1. page 1. Official casualty list. Section J, page T. Austria Invites peace conference. Section page 1. , Comment. American .Armies praised by King George. oeclion .1, page 3. Foch aims to break Hun morale. Section . Page 3. , Foreign. Consul-Genersl' Poole reported arrested by uoisneviKl. section 1. page 1. . Germans -across border prepare to flee. Sec tion l. page 8. American destroyers- ready for service on reacnmg British waters. Section Page 1. National. Lenine and Trotzky proved German agents oougnt with German gold, page 1. Section 1, Tax bill lags. Section 1, page 5. Domestic. Bridgeport strikers likely to return to work. section l, page 5. . South to protest -against cotton price fixing. oecuon i, page y. Bandit roundup In progress in Colorado. section I, page 6. Sports. Shipyard teffms to play double-header today. oecuon -, page 1. Athletics loom at Oregon Agricultural Col lege. Section 2, page 1. Coast's .leading boxers to be seen here Frl day night. Section 2, page 2. directs of knock-out vary. Section 2, page 4. Gymnasium classes open at Y. M. C. Section 2, page 2. interscholastic League football season Is ne4r. section 2, page 3. Tars of Great Lakes training station have strong track team. Section 2, page 3. oolfers will vie for Clemson cup today. section -, page 3. Pacific Northwest. Idaho Democrats in quandary. Section 1. page 9. Oregon State Fair this year promises to be record event, section 1, page 8. Eclipsing performances promised at Pendle ton Round-Up this year. Section 1 page 8. . Astoria is host to Portland merchants. Sec tion 2, page 11. Commercial and Marine. Dairymen and stockfeeders face millfecd Iamlne. .Section 2, page 15. Corn weakened by war news and crop re ports. Section 2, page 15. Stocks close strong after week of liquida tion. Section 2. page 15. Union bollermakers again take half holiday. Section 2. page lo. Max Maximilian, former German, makes plea to labor to speed- up. Section 2, page 16. Official notification made of shipbuilding waras. section z, page 16. Larger marine aim of shipping head. Sec- tlon s, page 4. Portland and Vicinity. Women to hold liberty loan conference. Section 1, page 12. American soldiers are proving snlendid fighters say French officers. Section 1, page 14. Questionnaires soon tn reech waiting regis trants. "feciion l, page lay All citizens are expected to "do their best." aeutlon 1, page 10. National League for Woman's. Service, re-' ports progress in all war- work. - Section 1. page 14. - . . . - State .conference of silled welfare workers to De held tomorrow. Section 1, page 13. Will G. M-ie Rae 'writes of boys In France. Section 1, page 6. Oregon to pledge Its S40.000.000 quota of fourth liberty loan In advance. Section 1. Page 19. State Federation of Women's Organizations convenes here Tuesday. Section 1, page 10. Weather report, data and forecast. Section 1, page 11. CRANBERRY PICKER SCORES Clatsop County Is Said to Have Champion or U. S. ASTORIA, Or., Sept. 14 (Special.) Clatsop County is .said to have the champion cranberry picker of the United States. C. T. 'Grey has been ncreasing the number of boxes ofJ cranberries he can pick each day until now he picks 22 boxes. This for a day's :' work has never before- been equaled in this territory. In fact, no records like it are known to any of the local cranberry growers. Grey, it is said, never saw a cran berry marsh until a week or so ago. At 25 cents per box, his earnings are $5.50 per day. With what his wife picks, their joint daily earnings are between J9 and S10 daily. Two Aviators Interned. PARIS, Sept, 14. An American air- plane has landed near Fahy, in Switzer land, according ' to a dispatch tp Le Journal from Geneva. The two avia tors were interned. lED ICM.of POOLE REPORTED HELD BY BOLSHEVIK U. S. Starts Inquiry Into Rumored Arrest. NEUTRALS ASKED TO REPORT Government , Enlists Services of Sweden, Norway. LOCKHART STILL PRISONER Great Britain Continues Kfforts to Secure Release of Its Subjects Detained by Soviet Authori ties in Russia. WASHINGTON, Sept. 14. A report has reached the State Department that United States Consul-General Poole is prisoner of the Boisheviki. The re port said that Poole had been placed under arrest at Moscow. The United States Government has asked Sweden and Norway to ascer tain the facts. LONDON, Sept 13. The government is still without news from Robert H. B. Lock hart, British Consul-General in Moscow, and other British subjects held prisoner in Russia, but indirect negc- tiations for their release are continu ing. Soviet Regime Crumbling. Latest information confirms reports of the desperate situation in Russia, indicating the breakup of the Boishe viki regime- Premier Lenine and War Minister Trotzky, it is declared, made all prepa rations a month ago to escape to Swit zerland. There is still no direct news of the fate of the former Empress and her family. The Swedish Folkets Dag- bladet says Foreign Minister Tchit- cherin has denied the reported mur ders. ., . STOCKHOLM, Sept. 13! '(By the As sociated Press.) - Events in Russia which immediately, preceded the. sur render of entente .allied interests in soviet Russia to the Ministers of neu tral countries were reported chiefly through Boisheviki and German me diums. Lenine Precipitates Break. j The entente Consuls were without communication and their side was not fully stated during the crucial days of ariy August, when conditions became so unsettled that they decided it was necessary to the lives and prop erty of their nationals under the pro tection of neutrals. The real break began July 29 when Premier Lenine declared in a Moscow speech: We are at war with the Anglo- French imperialists." International Law Repudiated. Posters . reiterating similar state ments were displayed over all Moscow and great uneasiness was felt by all the entente citizens because of threats made in the Boisheviki press. ' The entente Consul asked Foreign Minister Tchitcherin if the soviet gov ernment regarded itself at war with the entente allies and told him that Premier Lenine'e statement must neces sarily be regarded as a declaration, of war - unless it was officially denied. After considerable delay Tchitcherin re plied: ., - "The soviet eovernment is not mak ing war on the peoples of the allied countries and does not recognizs in ternational law." Many Women Arrested. , On August 6 the French and British Consuls and their staffs and many members of the military missions of the (Concluded on Page 2. Column 1.) Progress of the War. MARSHAL FOCH, pursuing his poli cy of giving the Germans never a minute's rest followed up the incisive stroke of the Americans, which wiped out the St, Mihlel salient in two days' time by launching an offensive Satur day morning on the French front along the bend in the line around Laon. The blow took Immediate effect on the German lines, pushing them back from one to two miles at points in this important sector, where it is well nigh vital for the Germans. to hold fast it they hope to retain control of any con siderable part of Northern France dur ing the coming Winter. Meanwhile the process of cleaning up the St. Mihlel salient was being done by General Pershing's troops, who so far are reported to have effected the capture of more than -20,000 Germans as the result of the clean-cut drive of the American first Army-, There were indications In the re ports from the front that the Ameri can success might have done somewhat more than straighten out the line above the former St. Mihlel bend, for the Germans were said to be retiring near Chatillon, along a front five or six miles to the northwest of the former westerly lip of ' the salient. They v.-ere probably forced to this in the readjustment of their line to meet the altered conditions. With the lessening of the tension on the St. Mihlel front, interest is cen tering at present In the French assault on the Ailette-Alsne front. General Petains' troops here were gaining ground where every yard was extremely valuable, as the German positions along the Aisne and the Vesle to the east have been under an increasing threat for some time by the French advance on their left flank. The advance will not have to be pressed much further before a German retreat on a wide front in this sector will be compelled. By driving in sharply in his present move Marshal Foch probably intends to make untenable even the Chemin Des Dames, the former German holding ground north of the Aisne. He has made marked progress already in this by taking Mont Des Singes, south of the Ailette. It is but a short distance thence to Ainzy-Plnon line the capture of which by Petain last Fall compelled the German Crown Prince to fall back from the Chemin Des Dames to the Ailette llrse to the north. The French prcgress here likewise represents a renewal of the drive at the St. Gobaln massif and therefore at the citadel of laon, which that bastion defends. Moving directly into the mas sif further north above the Ailette, the French are reported to be progressing satisfactorily. Along the Aisne the advance has ftken the French some distance further toward the east and they were early reported, to have . reached , Mailly, on the north bank of the AiSne, pushing the. Germans back from the river as th6y advanced. - - - ; The British front has held Intact against a series of German assaults in what appears to be a fit of desperation over the Inroads made in the defenses of Cambrai by Field Marshal Haig's forces In their recent progress. The British successfully beat off several such attacks at Havrincourt and Gouzeaucourt, holding their valuable positions on the ground in this sec tion. 21,445 OF BRITISH LOST More Than 4000 Killed in Week; 'Slight Increase Shown. LONDON, Sept. 14. Casualties among the British forces reported for the week ending today total 21,445, compared with an aggregate of 20,640 in the previous week. The casualties were divided as follows: Killed or died of wounds: Officers; 563; men, 3514. Wounded or missing: Officers, 1702; men 15,666. SWISS MAY GET MILLIONS America Offers to Lend $150,000, . 000 to Electrify Railways. GENEVA, Sept. 14. The Lausanne Revue states the United States' has of fered to lend 750,000,000 francs ($150, 000,000) to Switzerland to electrify rail ways. Switzerland thus would become inde pendent of German coal. WEEK'S NEWS. grew hi m II! Nearly 100,000 Germans Forced to Flee. FOE ATTACKS ARE CRUSHED Americans Penetrate Enemy Positions at St. Mihiel for 13 Miles. ADVANCE MADE SMOOTHLY Doughboys Sweep Germans Up and Go Forward With Pre cision of Clockwork. AMERICAN HEADQUARTERS IN FRANCE, Sept. 14. (Reuter's.) When the St. Mihiel operation began there were from 90,000 to 100,000 Germans inside the salient. They es caped at the rate of 1000 hourly, but the pincher closed and trapped a hitherto unknown number. The 13,300 already taken prisoner does not include the bulk of those believed to be trapped in the salient.' - PARIS, Sept. 14. The prisoners taken by the Americans in the St. Mihiel operations number nearly 20, 000, according to Marcel Hutin, editor of the Echo de Paris, among them be ing 5320 Austrians. Premier Is Satisfied. Premier Clemenceau, who paid a J brief visit to Marshal Foch on Friday, informed M. Hutin that 2100 inhabi tants were still in St. Mihiel when tha Franco-American troops entered that town, arid that the Germans had only taken 76 of the French, for the most part young persons, the night before they evacuated.. "I absolutely refuse to give you any other confidences but this things will go very well," said the Premier. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN LORRAINE, Sept. 14. (By the Asso ciated Press.) (12:30 P. M.) The enemy counter attacked against part of the American lines Friday evening and again during the night, but met with an intense and accurate artillery fire and recoiled. , More Austrians Captured. The Americans took a few prison ers in these attacks. Hard fighting has taken plac in the quarries northeast : of Fey-En-Haye, where the Germans had placed one big gun and many machine guns in a well-defended position. Additional Austrian prisoners have been taken; native civilians said that they, came in only a few days ago. , Artillery fire and gas shells were sent against certain American posi tions during the night, but they did little damage. The Americans are organizing their newly taken positions rapidly and are pushing forward exploitation parties. Prisoners and supplies are being col lected and roads are being constructed (Concluded on Page 4. Column 1.) (Alt