The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 03, 1918, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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Anniversary of Unrestricted
Submarine Warfare Is
imtrrdaa HandrNblad rnbllsbra
jHTtcl JHsrrsaarnls Msowlng Slrps
That Led to Adopt too of Italtf
Jcsa folic bjr Raiser.
lOTiVOS. Trh. ?. Tl German ns
Vaper claim that In ttie first year of
the unrestricted submarine warfare
.04.4 looa of allied nl neutral
shipping were nek and that only 4.-
.U tone have been built to offset
A showtnc how unreliable I th
Information which the German author!
t ai out. the Associated iTeaa
a il homed to stale that the claim pu
r-rd xae:erale the actual ton
lost be mora than a per rent.
The total net lose of the world'
v-eancotnc tonnage since tha ou'.brea
' the war. in-I'xlmc tria loaa by ma
" rik wen na bjr enemy action.
M allowing for enemy tonnage rap'
tired, tmounlj to lss than J.eee.eoO
tn; or. roue My. pr cant of th
1 mum available at the outbreak of
tUe war.
ruthless war la tha only chanco t d
feat Oreat Britain and obtain a firm
Although tha expert differed aa
tha prospect of war with tha United
Slates, nooa of them advised again
tha L'-boet war on that account.
On tha third queatlon all tha expert
a a reed that tha internal altuatlon de
mended a draatlc remedy. II
Zurkschwert (aid:
"The moat draatle meaaurea ara ad
visable owing to tha feeling of th
nation. Tha nation will aland by th
government, bat not If It ylelda
thraata from America. 8urh weakneaa
would land to aertoua consequences.'
Daaarda a ad t'araa rerwra.
It la sstlte poaelbla that Oerman
will be unable to hold oat." aaid Herr
Schmidt. "Mors draatle atepa should
be taken kef ore . disorder and unreel
artaea In tha agricultural district
arh day'a delay means trouble.
Herr fcngelhard cava bla opinion
"A few weeks delay may render oven
unrestricted warfara abortive of good
Herr von Flnrk said:
A -treat maaa of our peopla ara at
tha and of their resources.
AMSTERDAM. Feb, I. Tha aertHoffl
rial. -Nordayuix-he Allaemelna tltun
and other rWlin newspapers publl:
a runes on ins anniversary of unre
Sirlcled submarine warfara. They trior!
1' he l-boat aa a "weapon wblrh has
achieved strategic and moral results,
particularly again! Ureal Hrltalii. In
lis world poelttun."
omelal Hereels rakllebed.
Tha llandelsblad yesterday pub-
lirhed a series of documents obtained
aecretly from Herman archives show
Ins; tha atepa which led to tha adoption
ky Germany of her unrestricted sub-
marina campaign a year iia Tha fol
luwing Is a summary of tha documents
"At tha cloea of 11 tha Oerraan
Admiralty prepared a memorandum to
how that unrestricted U-boat warfara
would compel Orcat Britain to sua for
ae within six months. Tha wording
of this memorandum Indicates that tha
Admiralty already had decided to adopt
thia Intensified warfare, but desired
eonvlnee tha Fmperor. tha Imperta
'hancellor and tha Foreign Office of
tha certainty of the food results on
economic and general around, rather
lhaa merely on military a rounds.
Early Callatsea Uedaced.
"Accordingly tha memorandum based
Its arguments on stattstlca of food
j-rtcea. freight and Insurance rates In
f.reat Britain. It pointed out tha ef
recta which even tha restricted sub
marina war had shown on prices of
the aseential commodities, on tha bal
ance af trade and on the morale of tha
Kngtlsft people, and deduced from this
hat wth unrestricted submarine war
fara England could hold out only a
bort period against hea factors."
Tha memorandum first waa sub
mitted to Ir. voo Fethmann-liollwva.
ma imperial f hancellor. and then t-
I-r. Karl Jleirferlch. vice-chancellor
Tha latter rejected It on tha ground
lhat it waa impossible to aet a limit
on Fnclands Maying power In tha
abiance of authentic estimates of her
stocks an Band, and also because) be
feared tha action which would result
from neutrals, especially the United
Tha authors of the memorandum then
s-nt a reply. .In which they pointed out
the gravity of tha International situa
tion In .-rrr.ny and assured Ir. Ilelf
lertcn that a desperate remedy was nec-
aeaery. They reinforced their argument
a t tha seriousness or tha internal
state of affairs by calling In nlna as
pens, representing German finance,
commerce, mining and agriculture.
These experts were Waldemar Muller.
-president of tha Dresden Bank: tr.
ralmonsohn. director of tha Isocount
lieeelleechaft : Caul Reusch. ITusstan
Councillor of Comraerca; Dr. 5prtngo-r-im.
an Iron and railway magnate:
Max Schlnkel. president of tha Ham
burg Norddeutache Hank: Herr Zuck
schwerdu Councillor of Commerce, of
"Magdeburg: Wllh.-lm von Flnck. prea
I'lmt of the Munich Hank: R. r- hmldt,
fprew-entlng the lirrtun Agricultural
I ouncll. and Hrr hngrihard. president
Of tha Baden Chamber of Commerce.
EUaarta Called lata issarlL
Aa experts, these men were Invited
to reply to three questions:
First What would ba tha affect on
1'ngland of an unreatrlcted subma
rine, war?
second What would be tha effect on
c:-rmany s relations a 1th tha United
Ir-tatea and other neutrals?
Third To what extent did tha In
ternal sttuatlon -of Germany demand tha
ilea of this drastic weapon?
A:i tha experts agreed on tha first
point, .that. England would have to sue
1 r peace in six months at most. Herr
jlutlcr said England's supply of food
stuffs was smaller than In peaca time
and therefore a ruthless I. -boat war
would probably accomplish the purpose
In three months.
fr. filomonjuhn asserted that Eng
land's position was very vulnerable,
ewine'w her dependence on foreign
rapttal and the absence of a spirit of
clf-sacrtflca among tha English peo
ple. He therefore thought six months
was an excessive estimate.
It. Pprtngorum said. "Everything
rfrpends on the cutting off of supplies
from Great Britain quickly and thor
oughly. Rewech Favors Frlgbtfalaeaa. .
On th second question Hrrr Reusch
said: The neutrals deaptsc our re
stricted submarine warfare. Evtry ahip
In British waters, enemy or neutral,
should be torpedoed without warning.
The world rer-pecte only those who In a
great crisis know how to make the
n:ot unscrupulous use of their power,
('rmany'i position In the world market
after the war will he all the stronger
for her having convinced tha world of
ber power."
Herr Schmidt said: I have no fears
about America.
On tha second question. Herr Muller
and: "Unrestricted submarine warfare
will catiM the wholesale fllifht of neu
trals from the war sone. Their news
papers will abuse Oermany. but th.y
will soon tire. Tha chief danger Is the
United -"tales, but that danger will be
csa in proportion as Germany operates
el-clatvely and rtathlessty.
"Bitter feeling In the rnitrd States
after the war Is not worth considering,
because If Germany succeeds she can
l.ctate terms to assure favored treat
mant for herself. If. on the other hand,
Germany throws away this opportunity.
Iha passive approval of tha United
fc'atte will be of small practical value."
seleeaea ha's Vsrwa itolhlras.
Tr. Saloraonsoha said on the second
f otnt:
"I recognise the possibility of a war
with the t ailed flalee but I am loath
to threw away so desirable a weapon
en this account- .As a banker I realise
Taker Officially Bengals cd by Feed
Adsalalatratlea aad Prtre M III Met
Be Allowed te Rise.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. (Special.)
Potatoes have been placed on the list
of official substitutes for wbcat flour.
From tomorrow retail grocers will be
authorised by tha Food Administration
to sell wheat flour with potatoes
lieu of any other wheal substitute In
the ratio of two pounds of potatoes to
one pound of wheat flour. This an
nouncement Is a concession of great
benefit to the potato growers of the
Incidentally. It deals a shrewd knock
at tha farmers and other holders of
barley. Barley waa the principal wheat
substitute suggested In connection with
the "victory loaf." and as a result the
price of that staple shot up almost as
soon as Its use as a substitute was an
nounced by the Food Administration.
Under the new rule purchasers of
wheat flour are not compelled to take
potatoes aa a substitute; but with every
pound of white wheat flour he pur
chases, the consumer must purchase
either two pounds of potatoes or a
pound of some other substitute or sub
"The present prices of potaloea will
not be allowed to soar as a result of
this new order." said Food Commis
sioner Merrttt. Mr. Merrltt tarried In
his office long after official closing
hours In order to get the necessary In
dorsements from Washington to alter
and extend the provisions of the orlgl-
Hoover order before he left for
Portland tonight.
MOTOR tit: AD COD! CTOlie,
lae-reaae ef Msaes sad Dtsewatleuaaee
f Dssrrlsslaatlesj la Faver ef
TVeeaew F.sasleyes Ueraaaded.
ST. LOCI.e. Feb. J. A strike of street
car motormen and conductors of St.
Louis was ordered at 10:4i tonight.
affective aa the cars turned In at the
conclusion of the night's runs.
temands for a newly organised union
of street railway employes were pre-
nted mis afternoon to the United
Hallways of St- Louis, the local trac-
lon company, and tonight the union
men held a meeting to decide on a
coursa of action In case the demands
hould be refused.
The union demands an Increase I
he wages of motormen and conductors
rom the present average of 2 cent
n hour to e and 4a centa and that th
company discontinue the alleged prac
Ice of giving women conductors pref
re nee over men their senior In service
n the assignment of favored runs. An
djustment of hours also la asked.
Two hundred members of the newly
chartered local of the Amalgamated
Association of Street and Electric Kail
way Employes attended a secret meet
tonight to decide on a course
rtlon In view of the failure of the
nlted Ralawaya to accede to their do
mands preacnted to the company to
It was announced that all men who
continue work after 3 o'clock Sunday
fternoon will be considered as strike
Officials of the company say only
few of the men joined the union.
America's Entrance Into War
Declared Likely to Promote
Desirable End.
Loyalty to an Ideal Elevating; World
May Find Valued Rcconipcn'C
for AH Horrors Accompany
ing Present Conflict.
W "T
Deep-Carve Kryptok
eeace Are Belter
(Trade-mark Registered)
Campflrc Girls at Junction City Give
Banner to School.
JUNCTION CITT. Or., Feb. !. Sp
elal.) The Willamette Cumrflre Oirls
presented a service flag to the Wash-
burne High School t rldsy.
The flag was unfurled, displaying
stars, each one representing a blgh
school boy who has entered Into the
The-programme consisted of "Amer
ica." the .presentation of the flag and
unfurling by Maurlne Carroll. Camp
fire guardian: the response by Princi
pal A. K. Mickey: "High School Appre
ciation." by Helen Young; vocal duet.
by Lois and Helen young; patriotic ad
dress by Rev. T. Cook; quartet of high
school boys: "Joan of Arc and How She
slaved France." by Ellen Van Volkln
burg, and salute and pledge to the flag.
ous general. He motored through
streets that were decorated In bis
honor and received a formal welcome
from the mayor in behalf of Ulster's
Unionist Council and an Informal one
from several thousand assembled per
Sir Edward today conferred with the
Unionist Council. It Is understood that
In order to Identify himself more
closely with Ulster he will resign his
seat In the !loue of Commons as the
representative for Dublin University
and run aa a candidate for a working
class constituency In Belfast.
.at1eaallata Retala Beat.
The Nationalists have succeeded.
after a sharp contest. In retaining the
parliamentary seat for South Armagh.
which was made vacant by the death of
Charlea O'Nell. who waa killed while
fighting at the front.
P. Donnelly. Nationalist, was elected,
receiving :il votes, against 117 polled
by Dr. Thomas McCaxtcn, a Sinn
Dr. McCarten, who baa been called
the "first Ambassador of the Irish re
public." waa arrested In Halifax laat
October In connection with bis alleged
activities In a plot for a new Irish re
bellion, but later waa released and
taken to New York to answer a charge
disastrous America's entry Into .of having fraudulently obtained an
Ua.woX.weiold be. but I laaut that a I American passport.
(Copyright, IBIS, by Edward Marshall Syn
dicate, loo
ROME. Feb. . (Special.) Tha aril.
ele which follows Is not a formal inter
view. Against that form of expression
fope Benedict XV has achieved un
alterable prejudice. It Is. however, the
record of a friendly conversation of
which his holiness granted me the priv
ilege In his study at the Vatican. Since
have written It It has been read and
graciously approved aa the result of
my anxiety In no way to misinterpret
bis holiness to the readers of this
newspaper. J
"There Is one thing for which the I
whole world may pray with an un-1
ceasing earnestness." his holiness said
slowly. -That Is for the speedy res
toration of Justice and brotherly love
upon earth. Ever has injustice been the
fruitful source of human misery. Out
of the leasons of this war. this most
Incredible of all catastrophes which
ever have beaten down humanity, sure
ly It Is not too much to hope that there
may spring a new sense of a determin
ation to do such Justice as can come
only through mutual understanding,
nation to nation; such Justice as. In
the past, right-thinking men have
trlven to do one to another.
Sacrifice fer Ideal Tveeeasary.
"There Is this about this war: It has
brought to millions of men's minds the
glory and necessity of sacrifice for an
Ideal. That la a good thing If the
ideal be unselfish, as usually Is the ca."e
with these Individuals who do the act
ual fighting In a war. Sacrifice is
Those of your countrymen, as those
of other nations who participate in the
reat combat with thia as their ani
mating impulse thereby will gain. The
preservation of this thought among
your men who go to battle may make
he war produce upon their souls that
fleet of spiritual elevation which will
transform them Into better men, and
sacrifice among those who do not know
the perils of direct combat but patriot
ically strive and watch and wait at
ome may have for them the aame high
alue. Thus, possibly, the world may
nd, as It were. Its recompense for all
the horrors which have beset It and
beset It now, for all the suffering and
oss the war has brought.
World Peace Falare Aim.
'One thing It certainly has proved.
seems to me. through all the sacri
fice and all the dreadful effort which
has demanded. To any reasonable
mind, I think. It would seem that If
ow humanity can put forth such
uperhuman effort to make war. In
aya to come It must be capable of
uch endeavor as Inevitably will main
tain world peace. It may be that the
ufferlngs of this war will lead man-
nd to ask Itself the question: M hy
hould we strive and bleed and die In
compassing destruction? Would It not
better sacrifice If we laid down
our lives In tha service of our fellow
en Instead of In their ruin?
It has been by following this line
thought," His Holiness continued,
wly, "that 1 have come to see the
great necessity for Imploring con
stantly that all humanity will Join me
In the mighty effort to make certain
that out of the reaction from the vast
disaster which has stunned the world
may aprlng that newly earnest sense of
fraternal sympathy which alone can
bring all people and all peoples to
complete falrmlndedness. thus Insuring
tranquil daya to come.
rtealred Kad Will lie Hastened.
"Do you feel." I asked, "that the en
trance of the United States Into the
war will serve the purpose of hasten
Ing or assuring that result?"
His Holiness sat for a moment with
his gaxe fixed upon papers on his un
pretentious, carefully ordered desk, yet
I waa sure he did not see them. Then
he raised his eyes and peered, again
unsecingly at the gray and weeping
bit of sky shown through the window,
which, to me. revealed the dripping
piaxza of St. Peter and, beyond, the
haxy outline of the Alban hills.
"Certainly I feel." he presently re
plied, speaking very slowly, "that
America's participation In the great
contest Is likely to facilitate approach
of such a peace as that which often I
have mentioned as desirable a peace
which will bring with It confidence of
full security to all the peoples of the
Tribute Paid America.
"Tours is a great country," his holi
ness continued, presently?- now very
definitely smiling as he looked at me.
It la a land In which Intelligence has
developed splendidly, and I believe its
people are unselfish, generous, and to
them, aa the beginning of another of
these solemn, darkly tragic years ap
proaches. I am most earnest In good
wishes. That the New Year for the
United States may bring It the restora
tion of that happiness of which, with
nearly all the other . nations of the
world. It has been deprived by the vast
conflict certainly is my very earnest
wish, the more so aa In the expression
of this wish for the restoration of tran
quillity to the United States I automat
ically Include expression of the wish
for its return to all the disturbed pop
ulations of the earth."
His Holiness Is very interested in
America, her people and the prychology
of her aims in the great war. After
his expression of his New Year wish
he made some comment on the high
Intelligence of the American newspaper.
In America, said he, smiling very
wlnningly, "Journalism has become a
mlahty power. Prolmblv it is a greater
The Sign of
Perfect Service
We Invite the Fullest In-
vestigation of Our Ability
to Serve You Best.
Many people who feel that
thejr need glasses pat off seeing ;
ns about getting glasses ' for E
fear we will confirm their feel- E
ings. E
It often happens that those E
who feel they need glasses need E
something else and those who E
feel that they do not need E
glasses do need them, q E
Tis better to have your eyes E
examined now and know where E
yon are at. .
We will advise you in your Z
best interests because your in- E
terests are ours.
Complete Lens-Grinding '
Factory on the Premises
Portland's Oldest and Largest E
ZZ laelustve Optical House
ZZ Established ISOl E
E Fifth and Morrison
power there than elsewhere. You must
feel It a high privilege to address the
people of your country every- week
through their great newspapers."
Again he paused and turned his face
to look out of the window thoughtfully.
"The American newspaper," he present
ly went on. "is a pulpit from which
greater congregations can be reached,
perhaps, than from any other in the
world. If all the preachers who ad
dress your people from these pulpits
while the war lasts shall preach to
them the sermon that out of tbe great
conflict real justice based upon full
mutual understanding must be brought
about, then may they achieve a service
for humanity beyond the power of
human computation."
Sympathy and Admiration Expressed.
In conclusion, as my audience came
to an end, the Pope said thoughtfully:
"I , feel myself Impelled, today, to
express my sympathy and admiration
for all those who have shown and who
are showing now their willingness to
suffer the supreme sacrifice for their
love of country, whichever" country
theirs may be; but at the same time it
unquestionably is my duty to implore
them to keep ever In their minds re
membrance of the fact that true pa
triotism must be founded on divine
law, and that no man can be loyal to
bis country unless he first be loyal to
his conscience and his God."
Army lo Keep In Touch Willi Wash
ington by Wireless.
WASHINGTON, Feb. I. Direct radio
communication between Washington
and Army headquarters In France will
be made possible tnis year with the
completion of the $2,250,000 radio sta
tion now being built in France by the
Navy Department, which has charge of
all radio communication. At the close
of the war. under arrangements made,
the station will be taken over by the
French government.
It is expected that the new station
will be finished in August, and by
working with the Arlington. Va.. sta
tion, or the new hich-power plant at
Store Opens
at 8:30 A.M.
at 9 A. M.
Store Closes
at 5:30 P.M.
at 6 P. M.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
1 Here's Another Great .Sale of
I Handsome Metal Laces I
I At 98c Yard
E A Great Variety of Patterns
I In 18, 27 and 36 Inch Widths
I All at One Price
See Our
Third Etreet
Come to this sale and select from a wonderfully attractive assortment of patterns in pretty
Metal Laces. Included are 18, 27 and 34-inch Flouncings in gold and silver effects on white, E
cream and black Silk Nets ; also 18-inch heavy Metal Allover and wide Bands and Edges in
burnt-out patterns for millinery; also fine quality Metaline Cloth in 36-inch width. E
Neiv Spring Styles of Hair Bow Ribbons
at 35c Yard I
the latest new Spring patterns 5
Charming color combinations in Novelty Hair Bow Ribbons
and colors in a worthy quality most moderately priced.
E r
Full Size Comforters
At $3.75 .
Filled with white cotton and covered with
best quality silkoline. ,
Full Size Blankets
At $5.90
Warm, durable Blankets, 66 by 80 inches.
They come full 44 lbs. in weight.
E r
Silk Mixed Fabrics
At 75c Yd.
New Spring Silk-Mixed Fabrics in light,
medium and dark colored stripes, checks,
plaids and plain colors. '
Japanese Crepe
At 35c Yd.
Dainty Japanese Crepes in the most attrac
tive assortment of styles and colorings we
have ever shown.
j -
Annapolis, the radio system will afford
quick relief "
Seven Officers and 317 Men lse Lives
When Boat la Victim, of Ger
man Submarine.
LONDON, Feb. 2. The British armed
boarding steamer Louvaln, Lieutenant
Commander M. G. Kaston commanding,
was torpedoed and sunk by a German
submarine in the Eastern Mediterra
nean on January 21. Seven officers and
217 men were lost.
This official announcement was made
tonight. '
NEW TORK, Feb. 2. The steamship
Montreal, reported last night in a cable
dispatch from London as having been
sunk In collision, was identified today
as belonging to the Canadian Pacific
Railway. The vessel was of 8644 tons
burden and its home port was Lonrlon.
Send Us Tonr Old Rags, Carpets
and Woolen Clothing.
H Will Make Yen Tkoee Everlast
img Western Braad Reversible.
Ilaael - even
Fluff Rugs
They Wear Like Irea."
Oat-ef-Towra Patroee
Scad ffr Descriptive Booklet,
mis at Paid Beth Ways Mall Orders
Western Fluff Rug Co.
M-M I alee Ave. Cor. East Davia.
Ptssrs East SSie, Hesae B 1473.
Optical Department
in much greater perfectn
than ever before.'-
Absolute .Thoroughness Our Aim and
i -
Your prescriptions are on file
and cared for in a more thor
ough manner under our newer
and more efficient manage
ment. Strictly up to date.
A. & C. Feldenheimer
Jewelers, Silversmiths Opticians
Established since 1868.. Washington St at Park.
This Sale of
Our Best
. Oriental Rug's
Will End Soon
It seems everyone has heard of this
sale. Also, most people realize
the condition of the Oriental Rug
industry and consequently they
bought many of the fine specimens
, offered. .
We wanted to lighten our load
by many thousand dollars, which
was the real reason for the sale,
and still have a good many rugs in
the stock on sale at
20 Per Cent Discount
This opportunity is therefore
extended for a few days longer,
that we may decrease the stock to
the point desired.
Eat. 1906.
The Rugs in the .win
dow today are exam
ples of the many good
buys' still to be had.
Reg. Sale.
Royal Saruk
6.6x4..- J270
Bokhara .
3.10x2.4 29
5.8x4.1 74
6.3x3.7 $110
Beioiichistan .
Saddle Bag
l.lxl.l. 18
Saddle Bag
2x2.3. t 20
$ S
$ 88
Cartozian Bros., Inc.
Wholesale and Retail. II
Tenth and Washington, Plttock Block I1
32S Alder St, Near Broadway
Portland, Oregon
"For Anything Musical, See McDougall First"
Ukuleles- Steel Guitars
C G. Conn Band Instruments
Vega Tu-ba-phone and WTiyte -Lay die Banjos
. . Instruments Repaired
Used SageTfea
To Darken
Her Hair.
Grandmother kept her hair beauti
fully darkened, glossy and attractive
with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Whenever her hair took on that dull,
faded or streaked appearance, this sim
ple mixture was applied with wonder
ful effect. Bjr asking at any drug
store for "Wyeth's Sage and i Sulphur
Compound" you will get a large bottle
of this bid-time recipe, improved by the
addition of other ingredients, all ready
to use, at very little cost. This sim
ple mixture can be depended upon to
restore natural color and beauty to the
tair. ' .;
A well-known downtown druggist
says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound now because it
darkens so naturally and evenly that
nobobdy can tell it has been applied
it's so easy to use, too. You simply
dampen a comb or soft brush and draw
it through your hair, taking one strand
at a time. By morning the gray hair
disappears; after another application
or two it is restored to its natural color
and looks glossy, soft and beautiful.
This preparation is a delightful toilet
requisite. It is not intended for th.
cure, mitigation or prevention of dis
ease, ' ' I