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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1917)
JL SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 10 EDITORIAL AND SOCIETY VOL. XXXVI. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY 3IOKXIXG, JANUARY 14, 1917. NO. 2. WE ARE EXCLUSIVE PORTLAND AGENTS FOR RICHARDSON'S FAMOUS LINENS RECOGNIZED EVERYWHERE AS THE STANDARD OF QUALITY. liiVesatory a l ei ORDER YOUR GROCERIES AND PROVI SIONS HERE AND GET BEST IN QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICES DOUBLE STAMPS WITH PURCHASES. Annual Extraordinary Opportunity to Save on Seasonable and Wanted Merchandise of Preparatory to Our Annual Inventory Only a Very Limited t Number of the ENJOY THE BEST LUNCH IN PORTLAND IN OUR BEAUTIFUL TEA ROOM ON THE 4TH FLOOR. . SERVICE 11:30 TO 2:30 DAILY. 25c Ribbons 15c Yard Main Floor At this special low price Monday only. All-silk fancy Ribbons and Hairbow Ribbons in assorted colors. 25c grades IT on sale at special, the yard -' Double Stamps M i T Sale of Silk Petticoats Second Floor Monday we shall have on sale a very special lot of women's high-grade Silk Petti coats at a low price. Extra good quality silk taffeta, silk jersey and mescaline. Latest styles, with deep full flounces, trimmed with narrow ruffles, fancy plaiting and shirring. Plaids, stripes, change ables and plain colors. AM QQ Priced special now at P"t'C) Dainty Waists At $1.98 Second Floor Great many differ ent models in this lot of high-class Waists. Fancy and tailored styles, trimmed with laces, tucks, em broidery, etc. Large collars and full-length sleeves. Oh t"I QO special sale now at only P--.'0 Women 's Handkerchiefs At 17c Main Floor Women's plain Linen Handkerchiefs of fine sheer qual-. ity. Neatly hemstitched. "I H Priced very special at, each - DOUBLE STAMPS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS MONDAY New Popular Copyrights At 60c The Auction Block Rex Beach The Turmoil Booth Tarkington The Twenty-fourth of June Grace Richmond Wild Animals I Have Known Seton Thompson The Ranch at the Wolverine B. M. Bowers K Mary Roberts Rinehart The Price of Love Arnold Bennett Daddy Long Legs Jean Webster The Book Shop Main Floor 1 11 II W KODAKS FILMS DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING" FRAMING 4TH FLOOR. ALL WORK GUARANTEED FIRST-CLASS PROMPT SERVICE. Monday A Notable Sale of Women's Dresses Lot 1 - $14. 98-Lot 2-$ 19. 95 Lot 3-$24.95-Lot 4-$32.49 IN LOT 1 there are beautiful dresses of wool serge, satin, crepe meteor, messalines and velveteens. This season's smartest stales. " Fitted and loose effects. As- C1,1 QQ sorted colors. Sale price P-lT'.v'O - IN LOT 3 we show dresses made up in handsome styles for all occa sions. Velveteens, satins, messalines and other materials. Good range of medium and dark colors. Ml Priced special at only P J 4 Specials C 3 W o m e n's Dress I J0, yO Skirts of wool ppp- lin and serge. Smart styles in tailored effects, trimmed with belts and pock ets. Shown in black, navy. All sizes. j x Or flCi Dress Skirts, made L v0. LC up in broken plaids, navy and black. Materials include serges, poplins, velveteens and satins. Flare and plaited effects wth belts and pockets. A very special offering. Boudoir Sets Reduced 4 f'-f If fP BOUDOIR SETS, BOUDOIR SETS, BOUDOIR SETS, BOUDOIR SETS, BOUDOIR SETS, yu rj - Spring Millinery Advance Showing of Early Spring Styles The Millinery Salons announce a special showing of the first Hats of Spring Monday. In the display there are the new small Hats in many different shapes, also smart sailors, made up in black and colored satins and in silks. Visit the Millinery Salons tomorrow and see these Hats. Monday wBf- Dollar Day In Housewares Section, Third Floor Mop Pail and Fancy Straw Waste Baskets, various styles, $1.00 Splendid heavy grade Coal Scoops priced at $1.00 Covered Seamless - Roasters priced special at $1.00 Bird Cages in assorted colors priced at only Sl.OO I Good Quality House Brooms priced at 2 for $1.00 Demonstration and Sale Punch Floor Mops & Polish . Third Floor During the demon stration we will sell the regular $1.25 outfit Punch Mop and 'Polish at low price of ' 25c Cedar Polish priced at 20( 50c Cedar Polish priced at 40 $1.00 Cedar Polish now at 80$ $1.50 Cedar Polish now $1.20 $2.50 Cedar Polish, now $2.00 Olds, Wortman. & 1 9 Reliable - Merchandise" rrr onday w&Sitsor In All Departments IN LOT 2 you will find any num ber of .handsome styles for street and general wear. Serges, messalines, crepe de chine, velveteens, "satins, etc. All new models. Priced C1 Q special for this sale at P1'.'J IN LOT 4 there are dresses suit able for afternoon wear, made' up in charming styles, in combinations of satin, Georgette crepe, velvets, broad cloths. Exceptional C"2 4.Q dresses at low price of PJ Ss in Skirts A OC OC Women's and jTL l PU. yO Misses' Dress Skirts of wool serge, satins and velve teens. Various good styles in plaited and flare effects, with fancy .belts, pockets; etc. Black and colors. At SQ OC This lot' of Skirts J,y yJ is composed of bro ken lines, selling formerly at a much higher price. Flare or plaited effects in styles suitable for all occasions. oo.o oeis oo.yo A rousing one-day sale of Wom en's Boudoir and Apron Sets at the. Center Circle, Main Fir. Practically our entire stock is included in this offering. Beautiful styles. One of the popular models is shown here with. Made up in combinations of i 1. 1 : j . v - bitiiii, lace, nuuuns, crepe ae cnine, )wash crepes, organdies and figured BOUDOIR SETS, former- "30 ly selling at 50c, now at only J' t. BOUDOIR SETS, former- TQ ly selling at 89 to ?1.29, at OC BOUDOIR SETS, former- QO lv selline at $1.49. now at sOC formerly priced at $1.75, $1.95, $2.49, now. $1.30 formerly priced at $2.95, priced now at $1.80 formerly priced at $3.75, priced now at $2.35 formerly priced at $5.00, priced now at $2.95 formerly priced at $6.75, priced now at $3.05 Universal Food Choppers (family size) now at .SI. 00 Covered Galvanized Garbage Cans priced at $1.00 Cake or Bread Boxes (round comers) now at $1.00 O'Cedar Mop with O'Cedar Polish priced at $1.00 Cotton, both articles, priced at $1.00'1 M. J. B. Coffee Why? M. J. B. Coffee ' is alwsfys the same in quality, strength and flavor, and is unquestionably the most economical of all coffees, because it goes further uses less per cup. M. J. B. is vacuum packed to preserve its strength and flavor. Note the . prices: M. J. B. in 1-pound cans at 40 M. J. B. in 2-pound can3 at 730 M. J. B. in 3-pound cans $1.1 0 -M. J. B. in 5-pound cans $1.75 All Kinds to Reduce the Stocks and Clear Out All Rejnnants, Broken Lines Small Lots, Odds and' Ends Items on Sale Are Mentioned Below Visit the Various Depart merit s"and See the Bargains for Yourself . TELEPHONES MARSHALL 4800 A 6231 '. The Standard Store o the Northwest Learn to Knit -& Crochet Beginning tomorrow morning Mrs. E. B. Luscomb, of, Philadel phia, will conduct a series of free classes ir. knitting and crocheting. You are cordially invited to join these classes and learn of the many new and novel ways of using LEISHER Mrs. Luscomb will have with her a notable display of garments and novelties made from Fleishcr yarns, showing the beauty, ; soft ness, fine finish and brilliancy of the famous yarns. This op portunity no one interested in fancywork should miss. FREE CLASSES wll be held from 9 to 12 and from 1 to 5 daily in the Art Needlework Dept., 2d floor. Housekeepers' Week In the Inventory Sale JHain floor With all likelihood of still further advance in prices of cotton goods it behooves all thrifty housekeepers to supply needs NOW. Extra Special Offerings TEA SET Scalloped and embroidered cloth with one dozen napkins to match. C G( Regular $22.50 sets priced now at PlJ.l $3.50 hemstitched and scalloped (T'J ff Tea Cloths priced special now at only PJ."v TABLE DAMASK, splendid heavy grade. Full two yards wide. CM CH Priced special at the yard pi-Jv. $8.00 Linen Napkins,-dozen, $.95 $10.00 Linen Napkins, dozen, $8.7." FANCY HUCK Toweling, 20 inches wide. -All pure linen. Regular CQ 85c grade. Priced at, the yard "OL Hemstitched Tea Napkins C"? jff priced special at, the dozen PvJ.UU Mercerized Table Damask, 1 58 inches wide. Special, yard TJt Bleached Linen Damask on Oft special sale at only, the yard $1.75 extra quality (PI CO Double Damask, the yard P--.JO $2.25 Imp'ted Bedspreads $1.98 $2.50 Imp'ted Bedspreads $2.15 -r-85c White Corduroy, yard, 50 50c White Madras, the yard, 38 Inventory Sale of Odd Pairs Lace Curtains t : Economical Housewives Will Avail Themselves of This Great Opportunity to Save Saxony Net Curtains Third Floor Special lines of Sax ony Net Curtains in two-tone ef fects are also included in the sale. We have these in any quantity. Regular $3.00 grades, pr., $2.1 9 Regular $3.50 grades, pr., S2.07 Regular $4.00 grades, pr., $3.24 Regular $5.00 grades, pr., $3.98 French Net Curtains Third Floor These have very dainty edges and are of excellent quality. White and Arabian. $3.00 French Net Cur- ffl QO tains, epecial, the pair Px'0 $4.00 French Net Cur- C? 4Q tains, epecial, the pair P .TO King z Reliable Methods , - 40cPpiind Paper -At 29c Extra epecial offering for Monday in the Stationery Dept., Main Floor. . Woodland Lawn Pound Paper, of superior Qual ity and finish. Regular 40c grade. The pound y $1.50Chiffon Cloth 98c Main Floor 42-inch Silk Chiffon Cloth. Splendid quality for waists and dresses. Not all the colors made, bat 30 of the best shades are here for your choosing. QQ Standard $1.50 Chiffon, yd. sOL, $125 Metaline Cloth 88c Main Floor 36-inch Metaline Cloth in several of the best colors. This grade usually sells at $1.25 a yard and is well worth it. QQ- Priced special at, 'the yard OOC Em broideries Half-Price .Main Floor Embroidery Allovers 'in small neat designs on fine Swiss and nainsook. Open eyelet work on fine cambric and Swiss ma terial. 50c up to $1.75 grades. Priced, now at Vz Off , SlJiO Nets at 79c Main Floor 42-incb Silk Nets for waists and dresses. Small mesh nets, alto in the larger meshes. A great assortment of colors. 7Qr $1.00 to $1.50 qualities at ' C 4-lb. Comforter Batts for $1.75 50c Madeira Doilies, each, 38$ Dress Linens, price; colors, navy, brown, helio, tan. See these. Large heavy Sheets, each 75 - Longcloth, special, piece, $1.38 Annual Inventory -- ' r - : ' . V YOUR SHOPPING TOUR IS NOT COMPLETE UNTIL YOU VISIT BASEMENT UNDERPRICE STORE THE BARGAIN CENTER OF PORTLAND. 49c Ribbons 25c Yard Main Floor Hairbow Ribbons of heavy, lustrous wash taffeta and wide moires, brocades and fancies. Usual 35c to 43c Ribbons O.-, on special sale at, the yard Beginning Monday, special reduced prices on famous "Mildred" Stout Under muslins The "Mildred" TJndermaslins Arc Built Especially for Stout Women Secqnd Floor Here is an event that will be of greatest interest to stout women in Portland and vicinity. Beginning Monday morning, wo will place on sale our entire line of the famous "Mildred' stout Undermuslina at substantial savings. Women who wear the larger sizes will be glad of this opportunity to buy, ready to slip on, extra-size garments that fit All "Mildred" garments are reinforced at the seams, which insures bet ter wear and all seams are flat-stitched and nicely tailored. Every "Mildred" garment is guaranteed to fit perfectly or your money back. " Sale Prices of "Mildred" Garments Mildred Stout Gowns, sale prices range $135 to $4J0 Mildred Stout Skirts, sale prices range $US,to $4 JO Mildred Stout Drawers, sale prices range 77 c to $2.70 Mildred Stout Corset Covers, sale prices 77c to $225 Mildred Stout Envelope Chemise, priced $1JS0 to $3.15 Mildred Stout Combinations, sale prices $135 to $3.15 Note! In order that every woman of Port land may have an opportunity to buy the famous v GossardCorsets At Old Prices New prices will not go into effect at this store until Tuesday, Jan. 1G. Women who wear Gossard Corsets and women who are thinking of trying Gossard Corsets are urged to come to morrow and let our expert cosetieres help them select the proper model. WE ARE EXCLUSIVE PORTLAND AGENTS FOR GOSSARD CORSETS. CORSET DEPARTMENT, 2D FLR. Third Floor Several hundred odd pairs Lace and Scrim Curtains go on sale Monday at just half regular values. Great assortment of patterns to select from, and they come in white, cream and ecru. Double "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps with all purchases. Curtains . $2.00 Scrim Curtains Q1 CC priced' special, the pair pJ-vvy $2.50 Scrim Curtains CM priced special, the pair P1J $3.00 Lace Curtains (?1 CfJ v priced special, the pair PJ-Jv Ohio Standard Ohio Standard Electric Suction Cleaners are -the most efficient and satisfactory vacuum cleaners on the market today. Visit our Carpet Department on the Third Floor and let the salesmen demonstrate its many superior features. Moderately priced at only $30. OO Sale of Furniture FURNITURE SOLD ON THE EASY PAYMENT PLAN IF DESIRED FOR DETAILS INQUIRE AT CREDIT OFFICE - ON FOURTH FLOOR. Price $3.50 Lace Curtains priced special, the pair $4.00 Lace Curtains priced special, the pair $5.00 Lace Curtains priced special, the pair $1.75 $2.00 $3.00 Electric Cleaner Now in Progress