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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1915)
THE SUNDAY. OREGONTAN. PORTLAND. 1915. 17 EASTERN OREGON IS KING OF EXHIBITORS Huge Entries Occupy Nearly Two-Thirds of All Space at Land Show. CROP PRODUCTIVITY SHOWN "Western Displays Also Make Mark at Exhibition of Resources or StateBaker Connty Fea tures Variety. Eastern Oregon has furnished just half of the county entries in the land products section of the Manufacturers' and Land Products Show, according: to a count by number of booths. If the measurements be taken on the basis of space in each booth. Eastern Oregon constitutes probably two-thirds of the Land Products Show. The huge entries from east of the Cascade Mountains were due to per sistent and energetic "boosting" on the part of the county officials, individuals and commercial organizations, and now that the exhibits are installed in the Land Show, the energy does not ex pend itself, but continues in the tire less activity of the men who are in charge of the booths. Baker, Wallowa and Union counties, the trinity of big booths in the south east part of the pavilion, have become the center of the liveliest part of the Land Products Show, and the other Eastern Oregon counties scattered in other parts of the hall are nobly fol lowing the example of these three. Show Atmosphere Is Tinned. There is no discounting the excel lence of the Southern Oregon, and the "Western Oregon exhibits, nor the "live ness" of their representatives. It is imply a case of Eastern Oregon hav ing come to Portland with a determina tion to plant itself on the map more unmistakably than ever before, and the result is that the atmosphere of the -whole show is predominantly tinged vvith Eastern Oregon. It is probable that, besides the tour ists that throng the show, there are residents of Portland and the Willam ette Valley who have learned more in the past two weeks about the magni tude and resources of Eastern Oregon than they ever knew in their lives before. F. B. Currey and C. C. Cate, of La Grande, with the Union County exhibit: W. E. Meachem, of Baker, with the Baker exhibit, and W. W. Bmead, of Ileppner, with the Morrow County ex hibit, are among the most active ex hibitors in the show. Baker County is featuring the great variety of her resources, as "The Land of Diversified Resources," and the ex hibit runs the whole range from dry farming products to mining and pro duction of fire clay. Baker Display Only Hay. The 24-foot background of the booth is covered with grains and grasses and bordered with alfalfa and other similar products. The only bale of hay in the show is in the Baker booth, and it came from the farm of Cecil Sturgill, of Baker. On the inclined shelves in the back of the booth are featured the corn from tho Snake River ranch of W. 13. Baker, which ran 105 bushels to the acre; fruit from his farm and from the farms of M. H. Mul vihill and C. v. Coble, and walnuts from J. C. Bowen, of Eagle Valley. Honey and canned fruits from the ranch of H. McKinney are grouped in the center of the incline. In front are threshed seeds and grains, cabbages, fine potatoes and onions, and an ex hibit of the fire clay, of which there are big deposits in Baker County. Union, Wallowa and Morrow counties firh present similarly elaborate dis plays of the diverse resources of those sections. "Union County, where farming pays," is the placard featured by Mr. Currey and Mr. Cates on their booth, and the display of products offered, both nat ural and manufactured, is probably the most diversified in the show, with the exception of the Baker exhibit. Photographs Feature Stork. The displays of grains and grasses are supplemented with canned goods and mill products, and with lists of photographs, featuring the great ev ports of fine stock, draught horses, etc. Union County boasts the largest single group of cultivated land in the state and every inch of this land is represented as to resources in the dis play that they have installed at the Land Products Show. Wallowa County, while featuring strongly its fruits, vegetables, grains and grasses, with an exhibit of groat variety, places especial emphasis upon its production and export of livestock. A miniature livestock farm is set up in one part of the booth, and this little farm is one of the features of especial attraction at -the show. Wallowa is exploited as "the richest county, per capita, in the state." In the competition of one-farm ex hibits, the Wheeler County booth, in charge of Ivan Stewart, will probably be well up in the running, for the dis play offered here is of good variety and excellent quality. 'rains Featured by Wheeler. Orains and grasses are especially featured in this booth, and there is a supplementary display of fruits and vegetables. The most of the goods in the booth are from the 150-acre farm of Ivan Stewart, near Fossil. The Iry Farming Experiment Sta tion of Eastern Oregon has charge of the Sherman County booth, and the dis play offers an exceptionally fine col lection of grains, grasses and forage plants, with some fine corn and big potatoes. Klamath County stresses its power resources, its scenic attractions, its hunting and fishing opportunities, and in regard to farming calls attention to the fact that good plow land can be secured for J10 an acre. The fine veg etables are the most attractive fea ture of this booth. Crook County will be remembered long after the show for its marvelous tiisplay of fino potatoes. fotatoea Brought From Redmond, These potatoes were brought from the Hedmond country and are among the finest offered in the entire show. Some fine onions and other vegetables are also shown, and there is an excellent exhibit of the products from tho new Tumalo irrigation project. Morrow County features Its great "pp production, its fine horses and other livestock and its annual produc tion of some 1.500.000 bushels of whom It has an overflow exhibit of grains and grasses that are among the finest in the show. Union County also has an overnow exhibit of a similar na ture. While the wool Is perhaps the most noticeable feature in the Morrow County booth, there Is no alighting of other productive resources, and the display of vegetables and fruits is equal to almost any other Jn the build, ing. Wasco County has the triggest apple display in the show, and has one of the biggest booths. Corn is also one of tfce features of its display that will be remembered and there is a. fine 1T - - - - r 1 I ORENCO BAND AND WALNUT CLUB VISITS MANUFACTURERS AND LAND PRODUCTS SHOW. . . - St LEFT TO RIGHT M. SrDOJTALD. L. M. BOOZER AND array of canned and dried fruit and a great variety of vegetables offered. Lake County Shows Vegetables. Lake County, whose exhibit was 18 days on the way to Portland and only arrived Friday, is installed across from Wasco County with a fine general dis play of grains and grasses and vege table products. This exhibit is at tracting especial attention, owing to the large amount of undeveloped land that is available in Lake County and to the interest that is being aroused by the struggle of the county to secure railroad connections with the Portland markets. Malheur County has concentrated in Its exhibit especially on four things alfalfa, corn, cheese and honey. Its booth is strikingly different from any of the others in the show, and its dis play of corn is especially attractive. Umatilla County has devoted its booth entirely to an exhibit of grains and grasses, having concentrated its other exhibits in the Exposition at San Francisco. WAR CAUSE IS OFFERED EXPORTATION AND EXPLOITATION OF CAPITAL BLAMED. Professor Ogburn Says Peace Might Be Brought About by Letting Down Artificial Ban of Tariffs. Declaring the exportation and ex ploitation of capital the great funda mental cause of war, Professor W. F. Ogburn, of Reed College, in his lec ture Friday night on "Sociological As pects of War and Peace" advised as a. means of bringing about peace the making of the exportation of wealth international rather than national. By that he explained that he meant the letting down of the artificial barriers raised oy tariffs so that all nations might be free alike to invest capital wherever they wished, and no one na tion keeping to itself the rieht to de velop any particular province by a tariff prohibitive to others. Professor Ogburn predicted, howevpr that there would be more wars after the one now raging in Europe, and he said he- thought it likely that real peace was a long way off. This, he said, was owing to the fact that it would undoubtedly be a long time be fore the nations would reach the stage where they would be willing to make the exportation and exploitation of wealth international. The speaker took up many of the programmes, which are now being ad vanced for the bringing about of peace in an effort to show their fallacy. "A programme of disarmament would not bring about peace," he declared, "neither would radical changes in the diplomatic corps, nor a great rise of Democracy, the assuming of control of the industries by the workers or the rise of the middle class." This was, he said, because thev 'wat-a not fundamental causes of war. Hatchery Company Formed. CENTRALIA. Wash.. Nov. . fSne- cial. E. C. Brown yesterday announced SOME OF THE FIRST-PRIZE BABIES AT THE BIG SHOW THURSDAY. f pJby -, f s V fe -rV V i' V;' - . '-- : 1- - I t the organisation of th . ?forthwest Hatchery Company, which has fo its purpose the erection oi hatching sta tions in the stats ff speratios under ons management with ths end in -view of increasing the poultry hu&iness.. The incorporators are, Mr, Brown, H S, Mulder and Seth Jadksoa, well known residents of this city, 4 i MAYOR OF OHEXCOl THE REV. B. A. MITCHELL. Delegation, With ' Its Band, Captures Exhibit Visitors. CONCERT FOLLOWS PARADE Drum Corps of Sons of Spanish War Veterans Takes Part in Enter tainment as Special Guest. Delayed Display Installed. Orenco, with its walnut club and its band, was the feature at the Manu facturers" and Land Products Show yesterday. It was also officially Mult nomah County day, but no formal dele gation represented this county and con sequently the attention of visitors to the show was captured entirely for the visitors from Orenco. They arrived in the forenoon in a special train and were met by a joint committee of officials of the show and of the Chamber of Commerce. A parade through the streets was followed by a luncheon in honor of the Manufacturers' and Land Products Show. The Orenco Band of 32 pieces, under A. J. Green, director, was sta tioned in the Land Products pavilion and gave a concert from 2 to 4 o'clock. While many of the Orcncr visitors returned home in the eveni ig, there was still a large representation at the show in the evening to keep the public reminded that Orenco and its walnut club is "on the map." Rex Parsons and John McGee headed the visiting delegation, which consisted of about 150 persons. Another feature yesterday afternoon was the visit of the Sons of the Spanish War Veterans" Drum Corps. which visited the show in full uniform as guest of the' management. The drum corps paraded the streets before going to the Land Show and played several numbers in thn nvhihit ..,n reaching the show. me Lake County exhibit, which was more than a week in getting to Port land, was finally installed yesterday and Will ht nnO Af tha faa,,va- .1 last week of the show. It is under joiin nays ana is in a booth adjacent to tho Forestry exhibit. The attendance throughout the sec ond week of the show has been better than the management had expected and thej- are looking for a still greater at tendance next week, including espe cially bii? organized delegations from other cities. The show will be closed today all day and will reopen on Monday "with a series of special features which are expected to surpass all of those offered in the previous weeks. One shlo In the British fleet In the North Sea is required to be always in touch with the Admiralty. 1 1 "1 r " - ' y ' ' ' ' ' W i OKENHAYSSfiOW BABY SHOW EPOCHAL Interest in Recent Contest Highest Ever in Portland. OLD-TIME IDEAS RULE Expectations of 100 Entries Doubled "Within Two Days and Number at Close Tips Nearly 400 Mark. Other Features in Shadow. All of the modern influences wr f aside and things swung back, to the past in the old-fashioned baby show at the Manufacturers' and Land Froducts Show last Thursday. hAlrf unrfor. ih. joint auspices of the Laughters of the iomeaeracy ana tho Lavender clubs of Portland. 1. of only was It ouita different from the popular eugenio show of the mod ern day, but it was the biggest baby show that has ever been held in Fort land. When the show was planned the com mittee looked forward to perhaps 100 entries. Within two days the entries were 175, and when they were finally closed, two days before tho show, be cause the numbers of children had bo coma too great for the committee to deal -with, there were nearly 400 babies entered in the contest. Interest in the other features of the Land Products Show waned that after noon, and the ballroom of the Armory was packed with men and women watching the judging of the babies. Every class was well represented, and the corps of judges was increased to handle the great task of judging. The full list of judges was Mrs. F. C. Rtggs, R. M. Burley. D. I. Todd. C. J. Slnsel, of Boise; Mrs. C. R. Thompson, Mrs. O. L. Kennedy, Mrs. George Shaver. Rex Lampman. Mrs. A. Gieblsch. Mrs. C. C. Chapman. A. C. Black and J. C Zancker. The committees that handled the show follow: Daughters of the Con federacy. Mrs. F. Joplin. Mrs. K. C. Mo Guire, Mrs. P. L. Thompson and Mrs. V. M. C. Silva; Peninsula Lavender Club, Mrs. Cornelia Haynes, Mrs. J. B. Rey nolds and Mrs. Marlon Dryden; Branch No. 1 of the Lavender Club, Mrs, Maude Burley, Mrs. S. H.. Ross, Mrs. S. A. Thrall, Mrs. J. C. Knox, Mrs. C. K. Claggett and Mrs. Charles Olson. Following was the award of prizes: Either Sex Under Six Months. PMrRt Jnhn intvlch. SOO Williams avenue. Second Frances Margaret Ball, 1325 East GUs&d street. Boys Six Months to One Tear. Flrst-r-Kenneth Richard Jacoby, 334 East Eighth street. second Lee Normair .Thomson, Milwau kle. Girls Six Months to One Tear. First Naoma Maxine Rankin, C50 Fast Fifty-sixth street North. i Second Elizabeth Koch. 43S Clay .street. Boys One to Two Tears. First Carter Parsons, Victorian Apart ments. Second John Edward Myer. Girls One to Two Tears. First Virginia M. Lelhy. 3o3 East Eighth street North. Second Elizabeth Jane Tllton, 164 Grand avenue xsortn. Twins Boys. First Donald J. and Darrell W. Vanden burs. 16 months old. 1717 Portsmouth street. Second Wilbur and MUtoa Brunkow, 479 Forty-eighth street ftortn. ' Twins Girls. , First Katherine and Angeline Ridell, 2 years, 858 Weldler street. Second Marv Louise and Frances Elinor White, 2 years. 671 Kast Fifty-third street fiortn. Twins Mixed. Joseph and Josephine Dubois, S years, 366 san itaraei street. Triplets. Frances May. Dorothy Ray and Elizabeth Fay Tooney, 20 months. 018 Commercial street. Advertising Children. Harold Leonard, 54U Milwaukie street. Grandmother With Largest Number of Grandchildren Present. Mrs. T. M. Brown. 2JO Falling street: four granocnuaren in aitenaance. Great-Grandmother With Largest TVomber of Great-Grandrhildren present. Mrs. A. M. Swain, 354 Salmon street, and Mrs. Sarah E. Lance. 252 Fifty-first street, each with two great-grandchildrea in at tendance. Tonngeet Grandmother. Mrs. Maude Griffith, aged 42, one grand child in attendance. PERS0NALMENTI0lL L. Zeiss, of Yamhill, is at the Seward. W. Fairchild, of Tacoma. is at the Oregon. Dick Smith, of Corvallis, is at the Perkins. ' R. Hauscr. of Hood River, is at tho Nortonia. Dr. C. Balahauff. of Tacoma, is at the Portland. T. M. Wltten. merchant of Clatskanic, is at the Perkins. J. D. Moore is registered at the Ore gon from Denver. Allen Jones is registered at the Nor tonia from Salem. Mr. and Mrs. "John Wells, of Imblcr. are at the Oregon. Charles Russell is registered at the Perkins from Canby. O. A. Peterson, of Peterson's Land ing, is at the Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. May, of Orenco. arp at the Multnomah. H. S. Mitchell, lumber man of Wauna, Or., is at the Portland. Mrs. Joseph Lyons. of Reedsport, is registered at the Eaton. G. N. Heil, advertising man of New Tork, Is at the Seward. P- H. Penges, business man of Cen- , Wash., is registered at the 0orbi!t. raiiwav TuiideF. at Snr,. I Baton, is at the Multnomah. Attorney-General George M. Brown and Mrs. Brown, Salem, are at the Im perial. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, of Wood burn, are at tha Cornelius. . M. M. .Alexander, of Hood River, is registered at the Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sutherland, of Salem, are at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. C. C Canter, of The Dalles, are at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sherman, of Astoria, are at the Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Martin, of Helena. Mont., are at the Multnomah. J. Hendrix and Mrs. G. Hendrix, of Chicago, are at the Cornelius. J- H. Abshier, business man of Cen tcrville. Wash., is at the Eaton. II. O. Burns and Frank Logan, mill men of Brooks, are' at the Eaton. E. L. Youmans, lumber man of Stev enson. Wash., is at the Nortonia. A. A. GustafSOn. srlova munnf SRtnror of San Francisco, Is at the Seward. Misses Jessie - Keeton and Jessie Barnes, of Salem, are) at the Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. M'Crary, of La Grande, are registered at the Oregon. D. N. Pallay and Mrs. Pallay have taken up apartments at the Multnomah. P. J. Stadelman, of The Dalles. Is. with his family, registered at the Cor nelius. 'Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Langhara and M. J. Lang-ham. of Buffalo, X. X., are at tho Nortonia. E. M. Zamzow, of Chicago, who is connected with tho Santa Fe Railroad. Is at the Imperial. ' Mrs. Helen B. Brooks, of tho Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis, is reg istered at the Seward. Miss L. M. Bichel. Miss C. F. Bichel. Morice Goldstein and J. F. Knoblack, of Portland, were among recent patrons at the Hotel Clark. Los Angeles. W.C.T.HDER DIES MRS. SHERMAN P. LESTER EARLY WORKER FOR TEMPERANCE. Pioneer In Prohibttlosi Canse Was Often Attacked When She Spoke Against Liquor "Interest. Mrs. Sherman P. Lester (Agnes V. Blodgett Lester), who died October 16, was one of the crusaders of the Worn an's Christian Temperance Union. She r- y ' r i " ' "" -t ' s $ . I - A ' ? Mrs. Sherman P. Lester, W. C. T. U. Founder, Who Died Re cently. was one of that early number of de termined women who preached the doc trine of temperance and prohibition in the saloons and on street corners, and was frequently attacked by friends of the liquor interests. Mrs. Lester was born in Gallipolis, O.. January 16, 1845. She was married June 16. 1868. , She came to Portland six years ago. She left three children Miss Marian V. Lester, Mrs. Violet L. Mayberry, of Nebraska, and J. Emery Lester, of Tacoma. Mrs. Lester's activities in the Wom en's Christian Temperance Union dated back to 1874. She was also Interested in the Woman's Relief Corps and was active in church work. The verse she had taken for her life motto, found inscribed in her Bible, written when she was a little girl, was as follows: I live for thosf who love me. if or those who know me true. For ttar- heaven that smiles above me And awaits mv BDirit trti! For the caue that lacks assistance. ru me rotiK mat necas resistance. For the future in the distance. And the rood that I ran do. bus buns mm wagon HORSE INJURED A'D TO BE SHOT; DRIVER ESCAPES. Driver of Tyrrell Trips Cars Arrested and Citrd to Appear In Court on Monday. A Tyrrell Trips sight-seeing bus oc cupied by 26 persons on a tour of the city upset a delivery wagon, throwing the driver to the ground and crushing tho horse beneath tho wheels of the big car, yesterday noon in a collision on Oregon street," between Grand ave nue and East Sixth street. The horse was fatally injured, and Humane Officer Lewis Pitts shot the animal. F. Garbarino of 66 East Eighth street ivonn, tne orlver, was unhurt. L. A. Jones, of 125 Sixth street, chauf feur of the large ear, was placed under arrest and cited to appear in court Monday, but only as an indirect result of the accident, charged with wearing a chauffeur's badge not his own. Jones aid ho owned a badge, but inadver tently had pinned on the liadn or T?v H, Groves, of 1S55 East Morrison street, another chauffeur employed by the Tyrrell eompany. Motorcycle Patrolman Bales who with Sergeant Robson, investigated the accident, reported that tho brakes of the large bus did not hold at tho crit ical moment. Chauffeur Jones denied this, and further maintained that the delivery wagon drove, in front of him without warning. He said the brakes had been in perfect working condition all day, and that at the tlma of the accident he managed to stop the bus within four feet. Patrolman Bales re ported that the horse was dragged be tween 60 and 70 feet. Both car and- horsa were going west on Oregon street. Polk Poultry Show l'lans Made, R1CKRHALL, Or,, Nov, (Special.) Rickreail poultrymen are making ex tensivs preparations for the annual Polk County exhibition of fowls to be held in Dallas in January, The key note of the poultrymen's meetings has been the encouragement of exhibitions throughout the Willamette Valley for tho purpose of comparison and to de velop strains that wili lay heavily. Co operation has been obtained with the Oregon Agricultural College in secur ing new methods for obtaining egg records. 1 ? 3 - - SONG AWARDS MADE Jefferson High Students Take Two Ad Club Prizes. HOLMAN GIRL, 14, IS THIRD Advertising of Loganberry Juice Has First Step in Contest At tracting Wide Attention Throughout State. Tune "This Is the Life." Here's the jinks, for fancy drinks. Wipo them all off ot your slate. All hats dorf. by. lid's off To a product of Oregon Stato. It took first prize at the Frtseo Fair. It drives away all doom and care. And makes you feel as llrht u air. Loganberry Juice. Chorus. T Iap a Trt& 41. But this Is the drink, this Is the drink; - . ' " - " tlu.J 111 II o rncHev. " "ttia whUky. when I'm feeling 1 love a Ions mint Julep. But since they've Invented this juice. ' cockuui cnernes. i ll take mine in For this Is the srlnk. this Is the drink.' iuKaaueiT7 juice. Looking bad? Feeling radT SnmAthln, . - - . . That's all right, just sit tight. - - Kurd -uiuaote. It s pure and sweet and ruby-hued. v ' ' ua anna ana not get It's Just like 'nectar freshly brewed. jvfiauD-H-ry juice. This is thA Knl-tor ,- v . - i Prize offerrt hv th. tj i . i - - ' Ul UAUU -T x , 1 u u ior the best song advertising the . . 7 " ,B lo oe sung to the tuna "This Is the Life" and it was written bv Frant old student In the Jefferson High f 0lU He walted "Pon the committee -.jr via u-rangements were made for the award of the prize. Jefferson High School was to the fore also in the second prize, which was wol " -n-u-sseii uensmore, aged IS years. The prizefor th RfrtnA ... -r - The tune is "Put On Tour Old Gray itiiimon s stanzas are as follows: On the old farmhouse veranda, there sat Silas and Miranda, Thinking of the days gone by. Says he. "1 " in y dairies. And I"ll plant the farm with berries for the prices will run high." Says she. "That's what I was saying 'cause the hens have stopped a-laylng. So we'll sell our ducks and chicks and turkeys, too." Then the old man's face grew brighter, while he made his smart tie tighter, And he said all that's quite true. CHORUS. Put on your old gray bonnet with tho blue ribbon on it. While I put some gasoline into the car. We'll go down to Ferry's and buy some lo ganberries. And -we'll plant them In the Fall by gar. So that year they planted berries, then they dug up all their cherries. For tho crop was fine to see. 'Cause the old Willamette Valley Is a very fertile alley and suits them to a tee. Then when harvest time was over, the old couple were In clover. For other things they hadn't any use. then tho old man's face was beaming. On his wife and, all their scheming, and their loganberry juice. A 14-year-old girl, Eva Charlotte Rache. of Holman School carried off the 50 third prize with the following song set to the tune of "Comin Through tho Bye": Tune: ("Comin" Thro" tho Rye.") Hae you eaten Loganberries, Berries fresh or dry? If you've not I ask you try them, "Nana saa fine," you'll cry. Ev'ry body has their fav'rlte Eat or drink, say I; For me there's name sae gude a treat As Loganberry pie. Com and eat our Loganberries, Drink their Juice, say I Once you've tried it you will like it. And for more you'll sigh. Ev'ry body has their fav'rite. Eat or drink, say I: A finer drink than Logan juice. 1 dlnna choose to try. A mlfty cup Is Logan Juic, I dearly love mysel: And was I ken a finer treat, 1 dinna chooso to tell. Come what will Ilka ane. Come what will, say I; I choose a gift th" Giftle gie' us Loganberry pic. The awarding of these prizes is only the first step in the campaign of the Ad Club to make loganberry juice a famous beverage throughout the United States and to make the Oregon brands of the juice among the most familiar names in the households of the whole country. The song contest held by the Ad Club has attracted wide attention and has brought responses from school children throughout tho state. The interest aroused by this contest is to be fol lowed up by the Ad Club committee and the loganberry juice campaign car ried forward more and ' more strongly in the effort to bring this industry to a position of preeminence among the industries of the state which it is believed it is capable of occupying. The Ad Club committee consists of George E. Waggoner, David K. Moses sohn and W. H. P. Hill. Portland Man Sentenced. ROSEBURG, Or., Nov. . (Special.) Charles Condart, until recently em ployed as salesman by a Portland piano house, was sentenced yesterday to an indeterminate term of from one to five years in the state penitentiary by Judge Hamilton. Condart entered a plea of guilty- on a charge of forgery. Two other charges are pending against him here. Rcbckahs Convene at Aurora. CANBY. Or., Nov. 6. (Special.) The eighth annual convention of the Re bekah Lodge was held at Aurora Fri day night. About 60 members of the Canby lodge attended. The degree staff won the silver cup in competition with tne raiem team. Dandruff Surely Destroys the Hair Girls If you want plenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for it will starve your hair and ruin It if you don't. It doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash it out. The only sure way to' get rid of dandruff is to dis solve It, then you destroy It entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring: use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all of your dandruff will bo gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of tho scalp will stop, and your hair will look and feel a hundred times better. Tou can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive and four ounces is all you will need, no matter how much dandruff you have. This simple remedy never fails. -AdT. Helps That Make EVENINGS More Enjoyable DAYS More Pleasant MM Our Special Thanksgiving; Combi nation Offer XV 6 The latest Victrola, most superb tone qualities, elegant case design and finish. Now only ....... $100.00 Plus records, including Christine Miller Neopolitan Trio Victor Military Band John McCormack Fritz Kreisler Alma Gluck Clarence Whitehall and McKee's Orchestra 7.80 Ttal .T$1070 Special Low Terms, $12.80 cash and then $6.00 per month. AT EILERS MUSIC HOUSE Second Floor. Our Special Thanksgiving Combi nation Offer XV 9 The. latest Grafonola, marvelous volume, tone shutter control, every latest improvement, price now Only $100.00 Plus selection of records as listed above 7.80 Total .T$107.80 Special Low Terms, $15.80 cash, balance $6.25 per month. NOTE Any other records out of the great catalogues may be se lected instead of the above, if desired. - "C -' Special Thanksgiving Combination Offer XV 12 Mr. Edison's greatest achieve ment, latest perfected Laboratory Model Diamond Disc Thonograph, new style. Now only $250.00 Selections by Alice Veriet Anna Case Elizabeth Wheeler Albert Spaulding Vernon Archibald Marguerite Matzenauer Hawaiian Quintet 12.50 Total 7T$262.50 Special Low Terms $36.50 cash, and $20.00 per month, or as best suits each customer's convenience. Eilers Music House commodious daylight talking machine head quarters offer opportunity to com pare and hear side by side all the great makes of talking machines. Immense variety of Talking Ma chines, excellent quality, -will be supplied for as little as $10.00, others $15, $25, $35, etc., etc. Pay ments are arranged to suit the con venience of every reasonable buyer. Many for $1 a week. We Fullfil Every Promise. Broadway, at Alder. "1.; I i. n will TOOK: mm r ' ! !. ! i . Ml, :; iR P it I f ( TO5 f It ! lnK" y i J K'itll"- .' i ";''S"J"r ;J'-?V.-,';r.--".fcU . . .;r'