The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 18, 1914, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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Rosendaal, Holland, Is Haven
of Rest for Unhappy Ant
werp People.
Panic at Frontier Follows False
ltumor That Germans Are Com
ing Many "War Babies"
IOtt, .Others Adopted.
AMSTERDAM, Oct. 11. (Dispatch to
the London Daily Chronicle.) When
the people of Antwerp had to fly at
midnight by the light of their burn
ins homes and to the death march
of booming guns, they naturally sought
the line of least resistance and for
the majority that line led due north
through Esschen to Rosendaal.
Though. Rosendaal is little more than
a village, it is an important railway
center, . commanding: all the main
routes and with a station nearly as
large as all the rest of the town in
which to handle the frontier traffic,
it became an ideal clothing house for
refugees. It is estimated that nearly
200,000 have passed through during
the last few days, thence to be dis
tributed all over Holland.
Frontier Days an Nightmare.
The townspeople and troops alike
threw themselves and all their re
sources into the work of helping the
helpless. It became unfashionable in
Rosendaal as seen during the painful
days and nights spent there to stand
Idle for a moment or to snatch an
hour s sleep, if there were, as there al
ways were, fresh streams of refugees
to care for, and to eat while refugees
stood unted was unthought of.
we must write Rosendaal high in
the list of places that have served
the world -by love and mercy. These
days and nights on the frontier seem
a hideous nightmare.
There come in little flashes of mem
ory, blurred by fatigue and want of
sleep, pictures of weary women tramp
ing along- the country roads with ba
bies and bundles ever pressing north
ward from the glare and guns and
terrifying cry, "The Germans are com
ing ; of mothers who sobbed in
churches and railway waiting-rooms,
soooea over ine loss of little ones
from whom they had been separated
in the rush and confusion, children
who cried for food; of unknown mites
only weeks or months old, who had
been found unclaimed In the railway
carnages, and had been carried to shel
ter by ever splendidly tender Dutch
But babies, who in the tidal wave of
war have been washed out of their
wrecked homes, are cast on no inhospi
table shore, for there is hardly a mother
in Holland who will not adopt a little
Belgian war baby -if efforts now being
maae to trace its parents fall.
ot Enough Bnblea to Go Around.
Just now a young, married Dutch
lady has been telling with tears in her
eyes of unclaimed babies in Amster
dam and other towns, and it was sug
gested half jokingly that she should
aiiopt one.
-I have offered to do so," she said,
"but there are iut enough to go around.
We would all take one" and that is
the spirit in which Holland is working
for the refugees today.
The Amsterdam Telegraaf is opening
its columns free to refugees who wish
to advertise for relatives from whom
they have been separated in flight. The
tirst notice appears on behalf of a baby
girl live weeks old. and asks in her
lKime, though she can give no name, it
anyone will claim her. There follows
a -description of her appearance and
Dutch Soldiers Help.
At the central station, where train
loads of refugees are arriving, over
crowded, understaffed but ever willing
Rosendaal motor lorries driven by sol
diers meet them and hurry them oft
with their pathetic little bundles to
shelter in the Bourse and in the diamond-cutting
factories which are stand
ing idle, to private homes thrown open
to homeless and to hotels that take
them in for most trivial sums if they
offer to pay and for nothing if they
have no money.
On one lorry a woman suddenly
threw up her arms, uttered a cry, and
waved her hand to a group on another
lorry. She was too overcome to speak,
but on the other lorry a man heard her
cry, looked across, and then burst into
tears. They were husband and wife,
and had seen nothing of one another
since they, left Antwerp.
-Separate- and overwhelming are the
tragedies that every one of these tens
of thousands represents. A young
mother is hunting through every shel
ter in Amsterdam after vain searches
in Rosendaal and Rotterdam for two of
her children. During the flight from
Antwerp her husband fell dead at her
side under spattering fragments of
German shells.
Refugees Pear Germans.
The feeling of terror is still on on the
frontier. In the early hours of yester
day a rumor ran around Esschen, on
the Belgian side of the boundary, a lit
tle to the south, of Rosendaal. that the
Germans were coming. A panic set in
among the thousands of refugees, and
there was a stampede, the alarm being
quelled only by a parish priest, who as
cended the church tower, scanned the
countryside, and assured the people no
troops were in sight-
Motors from Rosendaal are scouring
the countryside as far south toward
Antwerp as possible picking up the
sick and aged stragglers.
The Rosendaal correspondent of the
Telegraph wires: "I have Just driven
as near Antwerp as possible. This is
nut e.asy with roads blocked with
streams of refugees. South of Esschen
the numbers decreased. From Bergen
op-Zoom I learn there are about 25.000
refugees in that town. The situation
is desperate owing to lack of food, and
doctors fear that concentration of so
many people where insufficient accom
inodation is available may cause in
sanitary conditions and bring about an
outbreak of disease. There are still
thousands of refugees at Flushing. A
frpeclal train is taking as many as pos
sible to Xorth Holland. The Belgian
steamer Euphrates left with hundreds
of refugees this afternoon for Bruges."
.Madrigal Club at O. A. C. Has Mem
bership of 4 8.
.orvams. uct. 17. (Special.) Tryouts
have resulted in the selection of 22 new
voices ior me Madrigal Club, the wom
en s singing club. These additions
bring me total membership up to 48.
me gins wno were voted into the
club mis weea are:
first sopranos Elva Lucas, of Cor
vallls: Daisy McPherson, of Pendleton;
Ethel Wright, of La Grande; Genevieve
rrazier, oi aaiem; Ruth Tuttle. of
I'ortiana; iuise Kmmons. of Rose-
burg; Kareen Hansen, of .Corvallis:
Esther Fenton, of Meridian, Idaho;
Margaret Wet, of Bend.
Second sopranos Lavilla Cooper, of
Independence; Janet Stirling, of Burns.
First altos Bernice Forrest, of Port
land; Ruth Hill, of Eugene; Edna Cor
nell, of Grants Pass: Mildred Brockman.
of Weiser, Idaho; Florence Knight, of
San Luis Obispo, CaL; Mary Currin. ot
Heppner; Edna Conner, of Sheridan.
Second altos Grace Negberg, of Port
land; Mary Patterson, of Portland;
Ailene Stark, of Eugene, and Anna
Sigurdson, of Warrenton.
Members of last year's club who will
sing this year are:
First sopranos Eva Gentry, of Port
land; Anna Kuks, of Milwaukie; Ruby
Lorence, of Monmouth; Mary MacDer
mott, of Portland: Louise Pirtle, of
Albany; Lorene Parker, of Independ
ence: Lorene Riley, of Baker; Esther
South, of Juntura.
Second sopranos Marie Anthony, of
McMinnville; Amelia Burns, of Spokane;
Lela Bartholemew. of Corvallis; Lorna
Collamore, of Portland; Gertrude Hol-
lingsworth, of Newberg; Lucile Hayes,
of Portland; Jean Ketchum, of Inde
pendence: Irma Stidd, of The Dalles:
Cora Ueland, of Roseburg; Qrace Wood-
worth, of Portland.-
First altos Winnifred Aldrich. of
Corvallis: Julia Miller, of Amity; Made
line Rawlings, of Albany; Anna Rut-
ledge, of Corvallis; Elma Rogers, of
Second altos Audra Clock, of The
Dalles, and Beth Ketchum, of Independence.
Most of "World's Savings "Will Be Ab
sorbed and Progress "Will Re
ceive Serious Check.
PARIS, Oct. 17. Paul Leroy-Beau-lieu.
the French economist, estimates
that each of the greater belligerents is
spending an average equivalent to
1200,000,000 a month.
In presenting these figures to the
Academy of Moral and Political Sciences
today, he said that he considered it
probable that the war would continue
for seven months, from August 1. Ac
cordingly the five greater powers en
gaged were committed to an expendi
ture of 7,000.000.000. Each of the
smaller states, including Japan, will
have expenses from $600,000,000 to
$800,000,000 to meet.
M. Leroy-Beaulieu continued:
"One might say that the war will
cost the fighting powers, roughly, from
$9,000,000,000 to $10,000,000,000. These
figures, which do not take into account
the losses of revenue during hostili
ties, will be met, first, by the issuance
of notes against the accumulated gold
in the government banks; second, by
the issuance of short-term treasury
bonds, to which all governments are
having recourse during the war, and,
third, by delaying: payments for mili
tary necessities. The larger part of
the savings of the world will be ab
sorbed by the taking up of national
loans, and economic progress will be
seriously checked."
Hubert I. W. Hamilton and 10 Other
British Officers Among Dead.
LONDON, Oct. 17. A casualty list of
the British expeditionary force In
France, dated October 14, reports the
death of Major-General Hubert i. W.
Hamilton and ten other officers and
the wounding of 25 officers.
Major-General Hubert Ian Wetherall
Hamilton commanded the third division
of the British field troops and was
mentioned in official dispatches of
Field Marshal Sir John French to Earl
Kitchener early in September, report
ing the desperate fighting in the vicin
ity of Mons. He was born in 1861. He
served in the Egyptian and South Af
rican campaigns in 1900-02, was mili
tary secretary to Lord Kitchener, who
at that time was commander-in-chief
of the British forces in South Africa
He was also military secretary to Lord
Kitchener when the latter was com
mander-in-chief in India.
Lotion. AOv.
perfection; Santiseptlc
Stop Falling Hair and Itching
Scalp At Once.
There is one sure way that has never
failed to remove dandruff at once, and
that is to dissolve it. then you destroy
It entirely. To do this. Just get about
four ounces of plain, common liquid
arvon from any drug store (this Is all
you will need), apply it at night when
retiring; use enough to moisten the
scalp and rub it in gently with the
finger tips.
By morning most, if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or
four more applications will completely
dissolve and entirely destroy every
single sign and trace of it, no matter
how much dandruff you may have.
Tou will find all itching and dig
ging of the scalp will stop Instantly
and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous,
glossy, silfey and soft, and look and
feel a hundred times better.
If you value your hair, you should
get rid of dandruff at onoe, for noth
ing destroys the hair " quickly. It
riot only starves the hair and makes it
fall out. but it makes it stringy, strag
gly, dull, dry. brittle and lifeless, and
everybody notices It. Adv.
How Thin People '
Can Put On Flesh
A New DiscoTcry
Thin men and women that bit:, hearty,
fining- dinner you ate last night. Vha be
came of all the fatoroducins nourishment
It contained? You haven't sained in wetgot
one ounce. That food na&sed from your body
like unburned coal through an open grate.
The material was there, but your food
doesn't work and stick, and the plain truth
is you hardl jret enough nourishment from
your meals to nay for the cost of cooking. J
This im true ot thin folks the world over.
Your nutritive organs, your functions of as
similation, are sauly out of gear and need
Cut out the foolish foods and funny saw
dust diets. Omit the flesh cream rub-oni.
Cut out everything but the meals you are
eating; now and eat with every one of
those a single Sargol tablet. In two weeks
note the Five to eight good solid
pounds of healthy, "atay there" fat should
be the net result. Sarcol charges your weak,
stagnant blood with millions of fresh new
red blood corpuscles Rives the blood tne
tarrying power to dt liver every onnce of fat
makinx material in your food to every
part of your body. Sargol, too, mixes with
your food and prepares it for the blood in
easilv assimilated form. Thin people gain
all the way from lo to 23 pounds a month
while takine Sareol. and the new flesh stay
put. barcol tablets are a scientific combi
nation of six of the best flesh -producing
lements known to chemistry. They corn's
40 tablets to a package, are pleasant, harm
less and inexpensive. For sale by all lead
ing druKfiists: suLject to an absolutely guar
antee of weight increase or money back.
Natural Brown
16-inch width,
on sale at . . . . .
18-inch width,
at 20 and ;
20-inch width,
at 25, 30..
22-inch width, .
at 35 and
36-inch width,
at 30 to
45-inch width, .
at 50 to
All the latest and best styles are here in Ladies' Home Journal Patterns at 10c
and 15c each They are seam-allowing patterns, that are guaranteed not to waste
materials and to insure a perfect-fitting garment Fall Style Book is now here
Our Store
Opens' . -
Daily at
8:30 A. M.
At 9 A. M.
The Most in "Value, The Rest in Quality
Our Store
Daily at
5:30 P. M.
At 6 P. M.
Full-Bleached Linens
36-inch width, QV
at 35 to ..... yvC
40-in. width,
at 65 and OC
45-in. width, Ji nn
at 65 to
54-in. width, rri
at 75to ...tpl.UU
72-in. width, Jf ff
on sale at . . P 1 UU
90-in. width;
on sale at .
rt i n
ju.aisuau. TV
Some A2112 JT
r ua '
01 un DffIT
Home A2112
Now is the time to buy. Not only because of our present large assortments and broad varieties, but because of the numberless special
values we are offering; goods we will be unable to duplicate at the same low prices again this season. So don't delay. Early choosing is
always best choosing. Today we will tell of some of these attractive offerings; just a few here and there from a store full" of tempting
bargains. Be here tomorrow morning early, if-possible; you will thus avoid the discomfort of buying when aisles are crowded.
Another Great Purchase and Sale Over 30,000 Yards
: of Dainty - .
Narrow Embroideries
Novelty Edges embroidered on fine crepes, voiles or
organdies with a pure silk thread. Exquisite patterns
in the best colorings; also Baby Sets and Edges, r
5 to 12-inch widths in 20c to 35c qualities, yard. .- "C
See Our Third Street Window Display
A great lot of beautiful' new Embroideries ' comprise
this sale. It is impossible to describe their attractive
ness and beauty satisfactorily, but suffice ta say it is
one of the most remarkable purchases .we have made
ths year, and you can't afford to miss this sale if you
are looking for out-of-the-ordinary values in Embroid
eries. You have hundreds of patterns to select from,
all new; a few are on display in our window. ; included
are both Novelty and Staple Edges and Insertions. The
Novelty Edges come from 2 to 5 inches wide and have
been skilfully embroidered on fine crepes, voiles or
organdies with a pure silk thread, and they are shown
in all the best color combinations. ' You also have choice
from an elegant, line of Snow-White Embroideries in
baby sets and edges, as well as an extensive variety of
patterns embroidered on dainty Swisses and 'cambric
suitable for undergarments. 5 to 12-inch widths in
qualities usually sold at 20c to 35c a yard, "t r
priced for this sale at, the yard . . ... . . . V
Dainty and Effective Creations in New Fall Neckwear
A Magnificent Display of the Popular New Styles at
Moderate Prices '
Just received, several large shipments of Fashion's
latest dictates, including all staple and novelty effects
in Women's New Fall Neckwear. The popular Soft
Roll, Military and Flare Collars, Vestees, etc., in organ
dies, Oriental laces, piques and other desirable mate
rials. Really remarkable values at 25 c . d ofi
50, 75 and up to ................... .PA
An Unusually Large and Splendid Collection of Women's Fashionable Fall
and Winter
Coats and. Suits $18.45
From Regular $25.00 Lines
Fashion's latest dictates' correctly and elegantly interpret
ed by the greatest inan-tailoring establishments
ork City. Exclusive fabrics, for the
most part European importations of
exquisitely fine quality.
Coats in Balmacaan, Belted and other
popular models in plain colors, plaids,
stripes and novelties. . All sizes in
such fabrics as Nub Sponge, Baya
dere, Kurltex, Hindoo Ljtix, Salts'
Plush, Salts' Arabian Lamb, Tweeds,
Zibeliues and Cheviots.
Suits in an Endless Variety Redin-
gote, Military and other fashionable'
models with 36 and 38-inch coat, and
plain, tunic or yoke skirts. They
come in Broadcloths, Poplins, Gabar
dines and other fabrics in fancy
weaves. All sizes in black, navj-, Rus
sian green, nut brown, etc. In their
elegance and perfection of mah-tailor-ing,
as well as in their originality and
beaut3r of stvles, these garments are
without rivals elsewhere in this city at $25.00. For
tomorrow they are placed on sale at
of New
Come Profit by This Sale of
Iaistrous Silk and Wool
Shown in the fashionable plain shades for street and
evening wear. Best $1.25 quality, on qo
sale at.'the yard . . yOC
These extremely beautiful Silk and Wool Poplins are
of soft graceful weave that drapes nicely and they are
of uncommon attractiveness. Those persons .who have
been waiting to get a high-grade-fabric for street or
evening gown will appreciate the saving made possible
by this sale. They are the finest of Silk and Wool Pop
lins in 40-inch width, shown in all the best plain qo
colors; a fabric of $1.25 quality, this sale at. . . .vOC
Two Fine Underpriced Lots of AU-Wool Double
Weight Coatings
$3.50 Lines at $2.95 $3.00 Lines at $2.50
Included are the season's best styles in plain colors and
novelties. 56-inch double - weight fabrics that are all
pure wool. Colorings and weights suitable for both
women's and children's-garments. . There's splendid
economy at this sale, for you have choice from regular
$3.50 lines at Jj2.5 a yard,
and $3.00 lines at"
Popular Priced Fall and Winter
linit Underwear and Hosiery
Exceedingly comfortable, satisfactory and dependable garments for women
and children. A showing that includes a broad selection of shapes, weights
and fabrics. Every conceivable style and desirable quality is represented,
all of which we can commend to our patrons without fear of unsatisfactory
results. We emphasize the values at the following prices:
At 50 Garment Women's Heavy Fleeced Cotton
Shirts and Drawers. All sizes.
At $1.00 Suit Women's Heavy Fleeced Cptton
Union Suits. All sizes. '
At 79 Garment Women's Fine Ribbed Wool Tests
and Pants. All sizes.
At $1.50 Suit-Women's Fine-Ribbed Wool Union
Suits. All sizes.
At $1.00 Garment Women's Extra Heavy Wool
Vests and Pants. All sizes.
Women's Hose at 12V Medium-weight, Fast Black
Cotton Stockings, made with double heel, sole and toe.
At 25 The Burson Fashioned Fine Wool Stockings
with reinforced heel and toe. All sizes.
At 35S or 3 Pairs for $1 Women's Long-Wear Silk
Lisle Hose made with six-thread heel and toe.
ft: V
. Large Assortment
At 124 For children's medium
heavy Fast . Black Cotton Stockings
with reinforced heel and toe. All
At 19S or 3 Pairs for 50 Boys'
fine lisle-finished, Fast Black Cotton
Hose in all sizes.
of Children's Hose
At 25 For boys' and girls' fine
mercerized and extra heavy Lisle
Stockings in all sizes.
Phoenix Silk Hose for Women A
full-fashioned, high-grade Stocking,
an sizes ana-coiors mciuamg
black, priced, the pair
Royal Society Ar tamo Packages
From 25c to S1.50
CMSlIf Why not purchase some of these packages and
t make dainty little gifts at a small cost? It will
to advantage later. Stamped lingerie and other
useful articles are ready for the silk and needle.
They are the new Fall lines. Included are Wom
en 's Waists, Nightgowns, Combination Suits,
Dressing Sacques, Caps, Combination Knickerbockers and Chemise, Corset
Covers, Infants' and Children's Dresses, Pillow Tops, Centerpieces, Scarfs,
Aprons, Fancy Bags, Corset Bags, Etc. Your choice of these J rtf
articles from 25 to. ... . ... . . P 1-OU
Siiowin of "G-olden Fleece" Yarns
If you want the best, buy the Golden Fleece Yams. They are the best Yarns
and we can thoroughly recommend them. All kinds at popular prices.
German Knitting Yarn,
35 per skein, pound. .
Spanish Yarn, 20 skein;
box of 8 skeins
Jjinens and Hucks
An Opportune Time to Supply Present Needs and to
Purchase for Holiday Sewing.
We sought the source of supply months ago and pur
chased freelj'' at the then prevailing and much lower
prices, therefore we are in a position to offer our store
friends unsurpassed values in these lines. You may se
lect from a brand-new stock. All good qualities and
all good widths. We suggest that you anticipate fu
ture needs and purchase NOW for immediate needs
and holiday sewing.
15-inch width 25 to 75
18-inch width 12lsd. 90c
20-inch width 30d to 90d
15-inch width at 25 to 75d
18-inch width at 20 to 90e
20-inch width at 30d to J5c
18-inch White Linens on Sale at 25c, 30c, 35c and 45c a yard
20-inch White Linens on Sale at 25c, 30c, 35c and 45c a yard
22-inch White Linens at 45c yard 24-inch White Linens 45c yard
1 1