The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 04, 1914, SECTION FOUR, Page 8, Image 54

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Westover Terraces . Present
Best Surroundings for
Exclusive Residences.
Building Department of F. X. Clark
& Co. Specializes In Erection of
Type Most Suitable to Con
tour of Property.
One of the decided changes in the
purchase of real estate in Portland in
the last three years has been the pur
chase of homes and homesites for Im
mediate Improvement Instead of specu
lative lot-buyinff. Buyers have turned
their attention more particularly to
their own needs rather than to Bpecu-
latlTa i n v P I m o r. t
Consequently, the opportunity of se
curing an attractive and desirable home
In Portland's preferred residence dis
tricts on easy terms, has become one
of the principal attractions for home
buyers. An opportunity has been offered to
Portland people to secure homes on
easy terms in one of the fine West
8ide residence sections in Portland.
Westover Terraces, through the build
Ins department of V. N. Clark & Co.,
now presents this opportunity to the
home-buyers of this city.
This property presents an opportun
ity for the most varied type of archi
tecture and each homesite is given
careful study by experienced architects,
taking into consideration the contours
of the land and the terrace grades, so
that the proper type of homes may be
located in suitable places, thereby pro
ducing a finished and harmonious ef
fect throughout the entire property.
Building? Given Special Care.
Being confronted with a demand of
this nature and anxious to take ad
vantage of the large business that
would come through this channel of
need, F. N. Clark & Co. organized its
building department on April 1, with
the purpose of operating exclusively in
Westover Terraces and Eastmoreland,
two of the most beautiful residence
tracts in Portland.
The results already obtained have
proved the actual need of such an or
ganization in connection with a wide
awake real estate business. The build
ing department of this concern has
completed a beautiful ?6000 residence
Of Dutch colonial type for F. T. Hy
slcell; is now bringing to completion a
fine colonial residence for H. E. Pen
Aell, of the St.' Johns Lumber Company,
n no F t7nnn- V,A I.U Y, 4n,i-n
dation for a $7500 residence for Isaac
D. Hunt, of Wood, Montague & Hunt,
find has plans and specifications now
prepared for two other residences to
cost $7500 each, all in Westover Ter
races. Many Xeir Hornet Expected.
Sketches and plans for several addi
tional beautiful homes are now in
process of completion, the names of the
purchasers of which are not yet ready
for announcement.
It Is the belief of F. N. Clark & Co.
that within the next year they will con
struct at -least 50 homes in these highly-desirable
residence districts. W. A.
'tovett. who has had many years'1 ex
perience in this business, is in charge
of the department.
$30,0 0 0 Trade Tteported.
Br. E. -De Witt Connell last week
traded his beautiful Home on Mount
Adams Drive and Chehalem street, in
Council Crest Park, to Frederick A.
Xribs for 50 by 100 feet of ground on
the south side of Salmon street, be
tween West Park and Tenth streets.
The Salmon-street property is valued
at about $30,000, while the Connell
home was valued at $18,000, according
to a warranty deed filed Thursday. Dr.
Connell assumed a mortgage existing
on the Salmon street lot. T. J. Long
represented Dr. Connell in the trade,
while Harry B. Humphrey appeared as
agent for Mr. Kribs. It is understood
that Dr. Connell contemplates remov
ing the old buildings on his newly ac-c-tiired
property with the Intention of
ultimately improving it with bachelor
apartments or a hotel.
i Sandy Boulevard Building Sold.
A two-story building located on San
dy boulevard, ' between East Seventy
second and East Seventy-third streets,
has been sold by Captain A. E. -Cann
to the Seton Land & Manufacturing
Company for a consideration of $14,000.
The property has a frontage of 228
feet on Sandy road, of 200 feet on Fre
mont street and 105 feet on Seventy
third street. The building has four
stores on the ground floor and doc
tor's offices and living apartments up
stairs. A coal and woodyard fronts
Seventy-third street. The premises
have a monthly rental income of $145.
The sale was handled by Stanley S.
Firm Gets Two Permits.
The Portland Oxygen & Hydrogen
Company has given W. C. Moore con
tracts for the construction of a one
story' frame factory and a one-story
steel frame tank to be erected on Sev
enteenth street between Center and
Boise streets in Boise Addition. The
total cost will be about $6000, according
to separate permits issued last week.
The plans for the work were drawn by
E. A. Kinkheimer.
Toledo Hunch Brings $14,000.
CENTRALIA, Wash., Oct S. (Spe
cial.) One of the largest realty deals
made in Toledo recently was concluded
when F. W. Giard sold his 102-acre
ranch neaf there to W. H. Wheeler, of
aicMinnville, Or., for $14,000. . The new
owner expects to take possession some
time this month. The farm is one of
the finest pieces of agricultural land
on Cowlitx Prairie.
Train Sheds Planned.
Plans have been completed by the
company engineers of the S. P. & S.
Railroad for the erection of two train
sheds on Tenth street between Overton
and Pettygrove streets. The larger
shed will be 34 hy 156 feet. Wood and
asbestos materials will be used, the
cost to .be about $1500.
Bock Bids Are Opened.
' Anton Tellar, among 11 bidders, sub
mitted the lowest figure, $30,290, for
the construction of the one-story mill
constructed warehouse to be built on
Municipal Dock No. 1, according to
plans drawn under the supervision of
the commission engineer. Mr. Tellar
was awarded the contract.
Portland Firm May Get Contract.
An unconfirmed report is current in
the building circles of Portland to the
effect that Hans Peterson, of Seattle,
In connection with the Boyajohn-Arn-old
Company of Portland, has submitted
the lowest bid for the construction of
a, $3,000,000 tunnel which, is to be built
for the City of San Francisco. The
proposed tunnel will run under Twin
Peaks from the head of Market street
to the Parkside district, traversing
about two miles. The work will re
quire about two years time.
Home in Vernon Sold.
Wilhelmina A. M. AVoltring last week
purchased a house and lot in Vernon
Tor $2800. The property Is described
as lot 5, in block 48, Vernon, and lo
cated on East Sixteenth, between
Brainard and Going streets. John Am
berson sold to Margarete O'Brien a
tract in Hollywood for $1500.
For $3000 H. B. Cookerham sold to
J. H. Cookerman a home described as
lots 1 and 2, in block 9. in Kern Park,
South East Side. In Rose City Park
Henry Atwater transferred to W. C.
Repass lots 14 and 15, in block 38. Mr.
Repass in turn transferred the prop
erty to Emma L. Purvine.
James Lester Shaw purchased of B.
M. Lombard lot 2, in block 14, in Olm
stead Park, the consideration being
$1500. Joseph C. Gibson sold to P. E.
Newell a lot in Belgrade for $1050.
The Oregon Home Builders have dis
posed of a bouse and lot in Altamead,
on the Base Line road, to William
Blitsch for $2200. J. G. Hartley pur
chased of Fred A. Jacobs six lots in
block 26, Berkeley, the price being
$920. The Mount Hood Development
Company sold to Andrew A. Braun a
lot in Proctor Addition for $875.
930,000 Property Sold.
S. B. Barker transferred to F. M.
iT's iCI ' If f li IF kl&J
The exterior of the Second Christian Science Church, at the northwest corner of East Sixth street
and Holladay avenue, is practically completed, and the interior finishing is now in progress. An idea of
the beauty of the structure may now be gathered' from the outside view, the walls being white and
the whole structure being surmounted with an artistic dome. It will be several weeks before the in
terior is finished. The members are looking forward with much interest to the time when they can
occupy the new church.
Pilter, in Laurelhurst, lots 1, 2, 3, 5 to
13, in block 1, and lots to 10. 12, 15, in
block 2, and lot 1, in block 3, the con
sideration being nominal in the deed.
About 26 lots are included in this trans
fer and the property is valued at about
$30,000. Most of the lots are located
in sightly portions of Laurelhurst.
R. W. Schmeer sold to Walter A.
Tapscott a half block In Tabasco Ad
dition, near Hawthorne avenue, for
In Hawthorne Avenue Addition Or
ville T. Jackson purchased of Harvey
Foressman lot 23 and south 15 feet of
lot 24, in block 14, for $2755. Emma M.
Osman purchased of Ludvig Anderson
lot 22, in block 3, Albina, with some im
provements, for $3500. The property
is located on Union avenue and Knott
In Belmont Place, Mount Tabor,
James O'Marrs sold to J. W. Barnes
the east 37 feet of lot 9, for $4500. A
house stands on the property. E. E.
Lawrence sold to Rollie A. Leisy a
house and lot in Thayer Addition for
Several Trades Made In One.
Acting as agent for his brother. Dr.
Kenneth T. Long, T. J. Long has traded
five lots on East Seventy-fifth avenue
Southeast to S. A. Weeks for a modern
bungalow on East Fifty-third and
Sherman streets, also a house on East
Sixty-second and East Hoyt streets for
two lots in Rose City Park, the con
sideration in each transaction being
M. 31. Baldwin Is Purchaser.
Mary Cronan Noonan has sold a lot
located on East Seventeenth street, be
tween Klickitat and Siskiyou streets,
to M. M. Baldwin for a nominal con
sideration. Frederick M. DeNeffe has
deeded a lot described as lot 9, block
4, Westover Terraces, to E. A, Clark for
a nominal price of $10.
Many Lots Go In One Sale.
Herbert Gordon, president of the
Lawyers Title & Trust Company, has
taken title through S. B. Baker and
others to 25 lots in Laurelcrest and
three lots in Sellwood, two of the
latter being located on the northwest
corner of Clackamas and East Ninth
$5000 Sale Reported.
Improved property located on East
Couch street, near Alka street, In Haw
thorne's First Addition, has been sold
by Reatha Fowler to Norah Michael
for $5000.
Irvington Lot Sells.
A lot located near the northwest
corner of East Fifteenth and Stanton
streets, Irvington, has been transfer
red by E. A. McGrath to J. M. Thomas.
The consideration is not made public.
Dr. Coe Buys in Albina.
Dr. Henry Waldo Coe has paid E. H.
Carey $7500 for improved property
situated on the southwest corner of
Maple street and Haight avenue in
Central Albina addition.
Rose City Home Goes Up.
For Ada M. Peebles, Contractor
Charles G. Stevens has commenced the
construction of a two-story frame resi
dence on East Fifty-ninth street and
Alameda. The new home will cost
about $3200.
Home Begun in Belle Crest.
Paul Harden has commenced the
erection of a one-and-one-half story
frame residence at 707 East Sixty-fifth
street. North, in Belle Crest. The esti
mated cost of the building Is $2000.
$2000 Sale Made in Edgemont.
A lot located on the northwest cor
ner f East Twenty-fifth and Klickitat
streets has been sold by John Stewart
to Allen McDonell for $2000.
Ontario to lave Xcw Courthouse.
The sale of $30,000 in bonds, recently
authorized by the voters at a special
election for the construction of a, new
Courthouse at Ontario, has been sub
scribed by two local banks.
10,000 Church Planned.
Plans are being prepared at Myrtle
Point for the construction of a church
that will cost about $10,000. The build
ing will be erected next Summer.
Laurelhurst and Olmstead
Park Deals Are Made.
Single Lot With Improvements In
v Albina Sold for $4146 to A. H.
Birrell Trades Involve Resi
dences tind Lots.
Transfers in Laurelhurst last week
aggregated more than $60,000, F.' M.
Pilter alone taking title to about 26
lots in different sections of the tract.
A lot in Central East Portland was
sold. Its value is something more than
$4000. A number of residence sales
were made in Olmstead Park, aggre
gating $20,000. One sale in Albina to
A. H. Birrell involving a single lot and
improvements brought $4146. In Ver
non sales aggregating more than $10,
000 were made, all of residence prop
erty. In Central East Portland lotj, block
300, was sold by T. L. Perkins to H. H.
Carson, the consideration being nom
inal. The lot, which faces East Fif
teenth street, near East Alder, is val
ued at about $4000.
T. M. Word transferred to H. H.
Northup lot 1, block 9, Sunnyside, the
price being $895. M. F. Lawrence pur
chased of Sheriff Word fractional lots
in block 64, in Sunnyside, the price be
ing $2239.
Lot Sells for 24X.
Lucinda Gibson Renner sold to Mar
garet A. Boyer lot 16, in block 16. and
a portion of lot 15, block 7, Foxchase
Addition, for $2400. Mrs. Renner sold
to Muriel C. Orvin lot 14, block 15,
Foxchase Addition.
George W. Cutshaw purchased of the
University Land Company lots 6 and
7 and one-half of lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, all
in block 149, University Park, the con
sideration being $1500. In Foxchase
Addition Albert Donner sold a lot and
Improvements for $1900.
C. B. Hill transferred to G. A. Derby
lot 8 in block 2, Manning's Addition,
with a house, the price being $2600.
Two lots in Albina Homestead were
purchased by James S. Gleason from
Henry Kiecker for a nominal consider
ation. Mr. Gleason also took title to
lot 6, block 15, Williams avenue.
Albina Property Brings 414.
T. M. Word sold to A. H. Birrell
Company lots 7 and 8, in block 4. Cen
tral Albina, for $4146. The property is
located at the corner of Skidmore and
Kerby streets and is occupied with
America A. Douglass sold to James
A. Douglass a house and lot 13, in block
4, Firland, for $2500. W. A. Hedges
took title to two lots in Hyde Park
from the Bankers' Investment Com
pany. D. W. Sheahan purchased in Rose
City Park lots 5 and 6, in block 86, of
James O. Reed for $1250. Hartman &
Thompson sold to Gus L. Deines a tract
in Parkrose, on the Sandy road, for
Fractional Lots Sell for $3230.
George A. Ross took title from
George S. Woodford to parts of lots In
Failing Addition for $3250. In Riggs
Addition J. H. Nash purchased lot 10,
in block 4, from S. A. Paul, the price
being $1000.
H. E. Noble sold to Louise Goddard
a house and lot in Tremont Place for
$1150. RobeH M. Vanderhoof pur
chased of Hiram M. Cole a tract in De
Lashmutt & Oatman's Little Homes
Addition, the consideration being $2400.
The Laurelhurst Company has sold to
Caroline A. Barnes lots 19 and 20, in
block 87, Laurelhurst, for $2980. J. F;
Eddy took title to lot 19, in block 111,
Laurelhurst; W. T. Muellhaupt pur
chased in Laurelhurst lot 13, in block
50, for $1150; Eunice Sargent took
title to lots 7 and 8, block 25, Laurel
hurst, for $3150; Arndt Anderson, lot
24, block 32, Laurelhurst; Louise Sla
ter, two lots, $2800, and the Laurel
hurst Club two lots. $4400.
Sherman County Wheat Ranch and
Farm Change Hands at Agrgrrearate
Consideration of $35,000.
Several farm sales of importance
were closed in Eugene last week by
the realty firm of Peterson, Skotheim
& Co. For C. A. Bonnett, of Eugene,
and associates they sold an 882-acre
wheat ranch in Sherman County to C.
R. Bruckert, a Lane County farmer.
As part of the consideration Mr. Bruck
ert transferred his 180-acre place, lo
cated 11 miles west of Eugene, to Mr.
Bonnett. The aggregate consideration
for the two properties is announced as
$35,000. The Sherman County farm is
equipped wtih hogs. The new owner
will dry farm it.
Last Thursday the ' same company
sold a 160-acre place situated near
Creswell to D. M Parry, who has oper
ated a, farm near Co burg, Lane County,
since liis arrival from the Central West.
This farm sold for $9000.
The Peterson-Skotheim company
also reports the sale to B. R. Cook, of
Eugene, of 42 acres & few miles west
of Eugene, formerly owned by M. A.
Trunnell. By the terms of the deal
Mr. Trunnell becomes the owner of a
house and lot in Chambers' Addition
to Eugene. The value of the proper
ties is cited as $5000.
Lane County Properties Traded.
Arthur Lindley has traded his 36
acre place near Natron to F. J. Berger,
the Eugene hardware merchant, for
Mr. 'Berger's 400-acre stock ranch, lo
cated two miles from Goshen. The
stock ranch was listed at $10,000, Mr.
Lindley paying $1000 to balance the
trade. The deal was made through E.
F. Bean. .
Clackamaa Acres Bring; C 115 Each.
C. E. Sprague, of Kansas, has paid
$115 an acre for the 100-acre C. W.
Keaselring place, near Molalla, in
Clackamas County. The farm has re
cently been occupied by Edwin Wag
ner. Mr. Sprague's father has also
made a land purchase near Molalla.
Firm Xear Gaaton Sells for HOOO.
J. D. Hill has purchased 60 acres lo
cated near Gaston for $8000. The
property is well improved, has the
Tualatin River running through It and
is located only a half mile from an
electric line.
Weston Farm Traded for Equipment.
W. M. Walter has traded his farm
near Weston for implements and har-
ness worth about $3500 and has come
to College Place Acreage.
$20,000 Is Price of New berg Land.
Two hundred and nineteen acres ly
ing two miles west of Newberg has
been sold bf Dr. H. A. Littlef ield to
John Williamson for a reported con
sideration of $20,000.
Ena-ene Man Buys Winona Farm.
According to information received
from Winona, Wash., S. G. Fisher, of
Eugene, has purchased the 360-acre P.
M. Moore farm, located two miles west
of Winona. The price was $10,800.
I. S. Smith, of Marshfield, has pur
chased Frank Murr's ranch on Wil
lanch inlet for $2000.
Forest Grove Farm Is Traded.
Councilman B. F. Purdy, of Forest
Grove, has traded 105 acres of farm
land located at Sholes to F. M. McCleod
and J. T. Seth, of Gaston, for 240 acres
in the Grand Ronde reservation in
Yamhill County. Mr. Purdy" will de
velop his new property as a stock
Bandon to Have New Hotel.
J. E. Tourtt-1 lotto a 1 , , i
tect. is preparing plans and specifica
tions for a three-story brick hotel
uuuuing,. lo oe called the New Hotel
Gallier, to be erected at Bandon, cov
ering a site 130x100 feet in dimensions.
The building with its furnishings is
estimated to cost about $40,000. Bids
will be invited when th. nion .-
. - f ' . . .j a c tum-
pleted, in about 10 days.
Couch Property Deeded.
Title to the east half of the lot at
the southwest corner of Thirteenth and
Marshall streets, in Couch's Addition,
was transferred last week by J. Broun
stein and others to the Title & Trust
O. L. Ferris to Build' In Ueanmont.
A building permit was issued last
week to O. L. Ferris authorizing the
erection of a one-story - bungalow on
East Forty-fifth street, between Brazee
and Wistaria streets, in Beaumont. The
new home will cost about $2500.
Bridge Issne of Clarke County May
Go to Washington.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. 3. (Spe
cial.) Clarke County at any time can
dispose of $250,000 worth of its Co
lumbia River interstate bridge bonds
to the State of Washington, it was
learned today by William R. .Fletcher,
County Treasurer, from Edward Meath,
State Treasurer. The remainder of the
$250,000 probably would be taken un
by the state, as the money is needed
j-ui Liie construction or the bridge.
It is up to Multnomah County to
sell her bonds, or raise the monev now.
so that work on the bridge may be
sLarieu. it is assured by the Mult
nomah County Commissioners that
everything possible will he done to
raise" the money on their bonds, and
tnere is a general hope expressed here
that no more delay may be had, and
that the actual construction on the
bridge will begin not later than three
months hence.
Colonel Young Will Ireslde at San
day Peace Conference.
Oct. S. (Special.) With Colonel
George S. Young, commander of the
Twenty-first Infantry presiding, a
meeting for the "prayer of world-wide
peace will be held in the post as
sembly hall at 3 o'clock, Sunday after
noon. Hundreds of soldiers, who daily
practice the art and science of war
fare, will bow their heads in prayer for
the peace of the world, and their
chaplain. James Ossewaarae, shall lead
At 3 o'clock, the church call will be
sounded by 18 musicians of the post.
The doors of the post assembly hall
will open at 2:45 o'clock and the public
is invited to attend the services.
Chaplain Ossewaarde has chosen for
his address on this day, "Over the
uarK uiouus, tne Kalnbow.
All-teel cars run by trolley now between
n ow. jl orit ua xunluo.
Ground Is Broken and Steel on
Site for Buildings to
House New Shops.
Latter Day Saints - and Kose City
Park Methodists Erect" Homes.
East Side $80,000 Structure
Proposed Again.
Construction was started last week
on the new buildings for the Paciflc
Iron Works plant on the acreage site
on 'the north side of Sullivan's Gulch
on East Thirtieth street. The' ground
is covered with material for the new
buildings and the concrete foundations
are being laid.
The, main shops extend to the rail
road spur at the west side of the track
to facilitate handling building material
and structural steel.
They will be nearly 300 feet long. A
water main has been laid on Clackamas
street to the Tvest side of the site from
East Twenty-eighth street. Much of
the structural steel has been already
moved from the present plant at East
Third and East Burnside street to the
new site, and the entire plant will be
moved as soon as the new buildings are
completed. The south half of the block
where the old plant stands is being
cleared preparatory to the erection of
the four-story structure for the Blake
McFall Company, which will be built
by O. E. Heintz at a cost of $90,000.
Plans for this building are completed.
Work Starts on Two Churchen.
The plans for the new church for the
Latter Day Saints have been filed and
work started on the foundation. It
will stand on the southeast corner of
East Twenty-fifth and East Madison
streets, and the cost is estimated at
$20,000. although it will probably run
to $25,000, including the furmtyre. It
will be a frame building with concrete
walls. In the basement will be the
Sunday school room, while the main
auditorium will be on the first floor,
with a capacity of 600. Pope & Burton,
of Salt Lake, are the architects.
Ground was broken Sunday for the
foundation of the new Kose City Park
Methodist Episcopal Church on the site
at the corner of East Fifty-eighth
street and Alameda avenue. Only the
basement will be built at present for
the immediate use of the church, and
later the main building will be erected.
The site is valued at $3250. Rev. W. W.
Youngson is pastor of this church.
JFSO.WIO Flan Vp Agilu.
Negotiations are still under way for
the construction of an J80.000 brick
building on property 90 by 100 feet in
area at the northeast corner of East
Alder street and Grand avenue. The
erection of this structure was proposed
some time ago but no architect has as
yet been selected. It is oronosed to
divide the lower floor into banking
iuuiiis una tne upper noor into quarters
for the East Side Business Men's Club.
N. U. Carpenter has been in charge of
the negotiations.
Bids Opened For City Barn.
When bids were opened for the con
struction of the city stables to be erect
ed on Sixteenth street near Jefferson
street it was found that the lowest
price tor the general contract Jiad
been submitted by the firm of Parker
& Banfield, $38,973. Twelve firms
figured on' the work, some estimating
the cost above $50,000, the estimate
made by the architect, C. C. Rich. Bids
were also opened for the heating and
electric wiring, but no contracts have
as yet been awarded.
Conrthoiue To Be Repaired.
Architects Whidden & Lewis have
drawn plans for extensive repairs to
oe made In the basement of the court
house. Bids for the work will be
received until October 12. The princi
pal alterations and additions will be
made in the boiler room.
Coach School Bids Up.
Bids for the general, heating, nlumb-
ing and ventilating contracts for the
erection of the Couch School on 20th
and Glisan streets will be received
until October 19 -by F. A. Naramore,
superintendent of school properties.
The estimated cost of the structure is
Sheds Will Coat S40OO.
Bids are now being received for the
erection of umbrella sheds on Yamhill
street between Third and Fifth streets
for the accommodation of the patrons
of the Central Public Market. The
estimated cost of the improvement is
4000. Iron and steel materials will
be used.
Irvlnston Recttdence Beicun.'
A bungalow costing- $4500 is being
built for A. Juniman at the northeast
corner of East Twenty-third and Siski
you streets, Irvington. The foundation
is now under way. The entire half-
block on one-quarter of which the new
house will stand is being graded down.
Hancock Home Started.
Plans have been prepared for a $3500
home for Mrs. Favorette Gilbert, which
will be built on Hancock street, be
tween East Thirty-fifth and East
Thirty-sixth, streets. The contract has
been awarded to Stebbinger Brothers,
who have started work on the founda
tion. Irvington Homes I'nder Way.
V. E. Bowman. & Company are erect
ing two residences in Irvington on
East Twentieth street, costing $4300
each. These structures are of frame
with concrete outside coating. A resi
dence for Mrs. Josephine B. Paulsen is
being built on East Twenty-fourth
near Stanton street, at a cost of about
$4000. Rex Perkins will erect a two
story home in Irvington, to cost $3000.
Charles llson is the builder.
Gresham to Have New Bnlldlna;.
Work has been started on a new
brick building to be erected by Arthur
Regner at the corner of Main and Sec
ond streets, in Gresham. It will be
60 by 50 feet, and it will be occupied
by Bert Lindsey. In order to make
room for the new structure the dwell
ing standing on the site is being moved
to one side. The building will be one
story for the present.
Railroad Starts Dock.
The Southern Pacific Company has
obtained a building permit for the erec
tion of a dock on Front street, between
Pavis and Everett streets, to cost ap
proximately $11,000. The contract for
the work has not yet been let.
Railroad to Put In' Piling;.
The Spokane, Portland & Seattle
Railroad has contracted with the Cow
litz Bridge Company for the construc
tion of a pile and timber roadway on
East Main street between Water street
and the harbor line. The work will
cost about $2500.
Mr. Hrlntx Takes Two Permits.
O. E. Heintx, of the Pacific Iron
Works, last week obtained a permit for
the erection of a one-story shop cost
ing $7500 and a one-story shop and
foundry costing $9500, on East Twenty
ninth and Halsey streets. Both con
tracts are in the hands of John Almeter,
Agent Answers Letter of Man Who Says Faith in Lord Is Insurance
Enough hy Pointing Out Need of Providing for Wife.
NO better understanding of life in
surance as an institution can be
had than by viewing it from two
bona fide letters which went through
the mails in Oregon recently.
One of the letters, I am told, was
written by a resident of Orenco, Or.,
in response to the 'persistent requests
of an underwriter, and the' second let
ter was the reply sent by the agent of
one of the leading life insurance com
panies: The letters follow:
"My Dear Sir: For several months
your letters addressed to me at Orenco.
Or., have been forwarded to me here. I
thought that by disregarding them you
yould finally give it up. but you cer
tainly have a remarkable perseverance,
so in order that you may not waste any
more valuable literature and postage
on me, I write you this letter.
"I infer from your letterhead that
you want me to take out life insurance
in your company, but I have all the
life insurance I want or need already.
How much? I don't believe it could be
estimated in dollars and cents. The
benefits received already together with
those promised for the future amount
to a sum Incalculable.
"What company is it? The best in
existence. No, it isn't yours; at least
not the one named on your letterhead.
The president is the Lord of the uni
verse; the agent is Jesus Christ, who is
such a kind and loving agent that he
paid the premium for everyone who
wishes to take out a policy in his com
pany by allowing himself to be killed
on the cross.
"What is the face of my policy? Sal7
vation from sin and the greatest pos
sible blessing 'and happiness here on
earth, and the promise of a never-ending
life afterwards, which I venture to
say, is more than your company will
promise. And I am receiving bene
fits from the first part of this already.
"How much premium do I pay? I
gave the agent my heart cash down,
with a daily remittance of love, praise
and service. Isn't that about the most
attractive proposition you ever heard?
Better try it for a year, and you'll be
a life member."
"Dear Sir: I have carefully noted
the contents of your letter to me and
desire to express my appreciation of
the admirable manner in which you
have bandied the subject. You certain
ly have got out of it all the argument
that could be produced from that point
of view, and are to be congratulated
upon your effort: and yet, as I read
your letter, in fancy I see the day when
Activity in Securities Taken to Indi
cate That War Has Not Entirely
Demoralised Market.
The ease with which the City of
Portland recently disposed of $300,000
worth of municipal improvement bonds,
running for 10 years at 6 per
cent, is proof that the European war
has not entirely paralyzed the local
bond market. True, the prices offered
were not high, but only 40 per cent of
the bidders could be accommodated.
The money derived from the sale will
be used for street and sewer improve
ments. There is no question but that the war
has rendered bonds less marketable all
over the world. Several local experts
recently have expressed an opinion that
the market will not awaken materially
for some time, but the ready responses
to the city Issues are encouraging.
The following bond activities were
reported during the past week from
various parts of the Northwest:
BrlOse May Be Built.
Kyssa A petition is beins circulated
to be submitted to the taxpayers of
Malheur County for the purpose of
voting bonds in the sum of $30,000. If
the bonds carry a bridge will be erect
ed across the Snake River.
' Idaho Issue on Market.
Idaho Falls, Idaho Bids will be re
ceived by the trustees of School Dis
trict No. 46 at the office of the clerk,
A. H. Beasley, until October 14. for the
purchase of $500 worth of bonds of said
district, bonds to bear 6 per cent in
terest. The money will be used to
construct and furnish a schoolhouse.
925,000 Sale at Hood River.
Hood River Bids will be received
by the board of directors of the East
Fork Irrigation District at the office of
the secretary, George R. Wilbur, until
October 6, for the purchase of $25,000
worth of 6 per cent irrigation district
bonds. The bonus will be issued in
denominations of 21 bonds for $1000
each, one bond for $300. three bonds for
$200 each and six bonds for $100 each,
or in such other denominations of not
less than $100 and not more than $1000
each, as purchaser may desire.
Light System May Be Installed.
Yoncalla An election wil be held
here in December to vote on the ques
tion of additional city indebtedness for
Installation of an electric light system.
The estimated cost is $6000.
$500,000 Issne Up Tomorrow
The voters of Roseburg will vote
tomorrow on a proposed issue of $500,
000 in bonds to aid the construction -of
a railroad from Roseburg to Coos Bay.
S7o,000 Road Bonds Sugsested.
CATHLAMET, Wash., Oct. 3. The
road bonding proposition to build a
county highway from Deep River to
Oak Point will be put up to the voters
of Wahkiakum County at the Novem
ber election. A resolution to this ef
fect has been adopted by the Board of
County Commissioners. The amount of
the bonds are fixed at $75,000.
Bonds Will Build Schools In Idaho.
IDAHO CITY, Idaho, Oct. 3. Bids
will be received by the Clerk of School
District No. 46, Bonneville County,
Idaho, by A. H. Beasley, until 1 P. M-,
October 14, for the purchase of bonds
in the sum of $5000, drawing Interest
at 6 per cent, for furnishing a school
house. Said bonds are payable Octo
ber 15, 1924, redeemable after eight
Burnt Area at Burns to Be Rebuilt.
Buildings at Burns swept by fire
August 31 are to be rebuilt, according
to announcements emanating from that
interior town. Judge H. C Levens has
already let the contract for the erec
tion of a one-story stone building, 50x
100 feet in ground area, on the corner
of Second and A streets. George Fry
and G. A. Bedell are also making arrangements-
for extensive improvement
of their properties in the near future.
Many minor building improvements are
under way at Burns.
U" Building Cou Ahead. .
The Portland construction firm of
Boyajohn & Arnold is preparing for the
construction of the new administration
building being started on the univer
sity campus at Eugene. Tle excava
tion is now practically completed and
tbe concrete laying about to be ini
tiated. The contract calls for the com
pletion of the building in seven and
a halt months' time and the builders
your spirit takes its flight from its
earthly habitat and the good wife re
sumes her place beside the vacant chair,
takes up the business cares where your
work ended, finds among your papers
a copy of your letter to me. As she
ponders o'er it; and realizes its value
as an asset for providing the necessities
of life, will she not, deep down in her
heart, wish it were a policy in the
Good Old Line Life. .
' "It is certainly a duty one owes to
his Creator to give the best there is
in him towards his maker's glorifica
tion; but ' it is also a duty he owes to
the wife and children, who have given
him the best years of their lives, to see
that their temporal wants are supplied
when he adjusts his wings, tunes his
harp to the peace and comfort about
him and takes his place in the celes
tial choir.
"To see that when he moves into that
house eternal, that they do not move
into a tenement house in a back street.
"That when he wraps his comfortable
robe about him, that they are not out
at the elbow and knees.
"That while he partakes from the
table of his Master, that they are not
suffering the pangs of hunger.
"That while he sips at the Fount of
Life, that their water has not been
turned off because the rent was due.
"That as he proudly parades the
broad and beautiful avenues among
God's select, that they are not slinking
up a back alley for fear of meeting
their old acquaintances.
"Could there be Joy in his heart when
he looks down upon his wife in a wash
tub and his children in a sweat shop,
while he reclines in comfort in the
home of his Heavenly Father?
"Will the thought of his comfortable
robe in Heaven protect his loved ones
from hunger and the Wintry winds of
"After the funeral comes the doctor,
the undertaker, the butcher, .the baker
and the landlord.
"Will the children come home from
school and go to work?
"Will the mother close up the piano,
tear up the rugs, sell off the furniture
and with a child in each hand, trudge
out into the desert of life's never-ending
"Father is dead. The provider Is
"My friend, before the sun goes
down, apply to some great life insur
ance company, God's instrument for
protecting the helpless, and by their
great seal decree that your wife and
children shall not be subjected to the
humiliation of an unequal financial
struggle in the dark days following
your final leave taking."
are trying to beat the contract by two
months. The general contract for the
work was let at a figure of $89,000.
Lodge Buildings to Go Up.
The Moose Lodge at Dallas is plan
ning the construction of & lodge build
ing at that place.
At Independence. Homer Lodge,
Knights of Pythias, is considering the
erection of a two-story brick building
to cost about $5000.
At Cathlamet. Wash., the I. O. O. F
have purchased a location on which
they propose to erect a lodge home.
$3000 Home Begun.
Charles Wilson has commenced the
erection of a two-story frame residence
on East Irving street between East
Thirty-fourth and East Thirty-fifth
streets Tor Rex Perkins. The new home
will cost about $3000.
Bonds Voted for Two Building!..
At Marshfield bonds in the sum of
$10,000 have been voted for the erec- t
tion of a gymnasium. The citizens of
Alvadore. in Lane County, have voted
$4100 for the erection of a school build
ing at that place.
Irvington Gets Netv Residence.
On East Twenty-first street, between
Klickitat and Fremont streets, Irving
ton. A. Pajimen has broken ground for
the erection of a one-and-one-half story
frame dwelling. The permit cites $4500
as the probable cost.
A. W. Christensen Ballds.
A. W. Christensen is building a $2000
home on East Forty-fourth street be
tween the Sandy road and Tillamook
street. The building will extend one-and-one-half
stories above the base
ment. Directory of Prominent
' Life Insurance Agencies
Ivl embers of Life Underwriter
Association of Oregon
Win. Goldman, Manager. -'
Oreeonian Bids.
H. G. Coltou, Manager,
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
K. L. Harmon, Manager,
Northwestern Hank Hldg-.
Horace Mecklem, Manager,
Northwestern Hank Bldg.
Alma X. Kata, Manager,
Corbett Hldg.
G. M. Slocum. Mkt.
RELIANCE LIFE INS. CO., fittsburgh. Pa.
zuo juorsuu uiug., t-oriiana, or.
S. P. Lockwood, Vice-Prea. and Gen. igr.
Spaiding Eldg.
Pettia-Grosamayer Co.. General Agents.
8U3-H10 Wilcox Bldg.
T. H. McAllla, Manager.
SSI Sherlock Bldg.
John Fauer, Manager,
Rothchlld Bldg.
E. W. Amesbury, Manager.
Northwestern Bank Bldg.
Judd Lowrey, Manager,
B03 Dekum Bldg.
McCarger, Bates & Lively. Managers.
Yaon Bldg.
Charles J. Little Agency. Inc.,
Managers Western Oregon.
606-607 Veon Bldg. Phone Main 3411.
J. Win. Johnson,
Agency Director,
201-2 Northwestern Bank Bldg.
Phone Marshall 4070.
Have an Artistic Home
Beauty of design costs less than anything
el a vou put into a house, yet It returns
you most in satisfaction and profit.
Complete plans, int-ludlns full details nd
apet'if ict ions. Five Doliars,
We can save you money In building, s
well as in plana. tiee some of our house
now building for fine work, for little money.
360 AiaawurlU Ave, twiUawa