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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1914)
THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 28. 1914, LOCAL GHAu PROGRAI T IE MADE AULIUA Schedule About Complete for -Auditorium Events at Ses' ; siontoOpen July 7. ONE ATTRACTION CHANGED Free Classes In Music, Physical Cul tare, Domestic Science and Art to Be Given Forant Hours to Be of Interest. OREGON CITT, Or., June 27. (Spe ciaL) The schedule for the 26 audi torium attractions to be staged at the coming session of Chautauqua practically complete, according to statement made by Secretary Cross yes terday. Owing to the fact that one of the Eastern attractions was not up to the standard, the local directors can celled Its engagement, and this has necessitated a slight deviation from the original programme. , With this "llth-hour" substitution satisfactorily made, however, the sec retary reports everything in splendid shape for the coming assembly, which is to tpen Its 13-day session at Glad stone Park July 7. Interest among Clackamas County and Portland people has been unusually good and every in dication points to the greatest assem bly ever held at Gladstone. Programme la Given. The complete auditorium programme follows: July 7 2 P. M., opening address, President Fletcher Homan; response, W. 8. U'Ren; 8 P. M, concert, Portland Ad Club quartet. July 8 2 P. AL, lecture, "Literature and Life," Bishop R. J. Cooke; 8 P. M., Illustrated lecture, on good roads and Oregon scenery, Samuel Hill, good roads evangelist; 2 P. M., lecture, "A Trinity of Power," Dr. I G. Herbert; 8 P. M., lecture, "Cash. Conscience and Coun try," Dr. L. G. Herbert July 102 P. M.. lecture, "The De cline of the Russian Empire," Alexan der Lochwltzky, a Russian exile; 8 P. M., lecture, "A Russian Nobleman's Story of Siberian Kxlle and Escape, Alexander Lochwltzky. July 11 2 P. 1L. leoture, "Worms Beneath the Bark," Charles Howard Plattenburg; special concert, Fergu son's Dixie Jubilees; 8 P. M., concert. Dixie Jubilee Singers. July 12 2 P. M.. sermon. Dr. Walter Benwell Hinson, of the Portland White Temple; 4 P. M., sacred concert, Dixie Jubilee Singers; 8 P. M., concert (46 minutes). Dixie Jubilee Singers; 8:45 F. M., lecture, sermon and chalk talk, Ash Davis, cartoonist. July 13 2 P. M., lecture, "The Vocab ulary of Success," Professor Lee May nard Daggy; 8 P. M., "Chalk Talk," Ash Davis, cartoonist. July 14 2 P. M., recital, "Aunt Jane of Kentucky," Edna Eugenia Lowe; 8 P. M., "The Gospel of the Common place." Professor Lee Maynard Daggy. July 15 2 P. M., concert, Chicago Glee Club; 8 P. M., concert, Chicago Glee Club. July 16 (Patriotic day) 2 P. M., lec ture, "The Burden of the Nations," Dr. Thomas E. Green; 8 P. M., Illustrated leoture, "The Fanama-Paclflc Exposi tion," Dr. Frederick Vinlng Fisher. July 17 2 P. M., lecture, Dr. Fletcher Homan "World Visions"; 8 P. M., lec ture, "The New China," Ng. Poon Chew. July 18 2 P. M., Simpson College Glee Club concert; 8 P. M., grand ath letic carnival, direction Professor A M. Grilley; 9 P. M., annual fireworks dis play on athletic field. July 19 2 P. M., lecture-sermon, speaker to be announced later; 4 P. M., oratorio, "The Holy City" (Gaul), direc tion Professof J. H. Cowen. Chautauqua chorus; 8 F. M. recital, "The Divine Tragedy," Mattie Hardwicke Jones, as sisted by chorus and orchestra. Classes to Be Conducted. During the week-day morning hours free classes will be conducted In musio, physical culture, domestio science and art health lectures and .bible talks, the latter by Dr. W. B. Hinson, of Port land. The domestio science and art classes will be conducted by the Ore gon Agricultural College ana tne urn nf Oreeron will give a course of lectures by Dr. Schafer, L. H. Weir and Dr. C F. Hodge. The forum hours at 11 o clock will be of unusual Interest, as practically every college In the state wm mv charge of a programme, as well as the Oregon Congress of Mothers and the Women's Christian Temperance Union. ThA Oresron Congress of Mothers will --...rliict a daily round-table talk In which Judge Gatens. Mrs. A. King Wilson, Miss Emma Butler, Judge Earie u .h Dr. Mae CardweiL jars, mu ll. Trumbull and others -HI partici pate. Parson's Orchestra to Flay. Parson's orchestra, of Portland, Is to give two concerts each day during the assembly In the main auditorium, and Stuart McGulre and other well-known vocalists will be heard during the as sembly. The dally baseball game will prove unusually interesting, as five first class amateur organizations will vie for the C"- utauqua pennant. The sched ule to be played Is as follows: July 7, Commercial Club (Oregon City) and Clackamas; July 8, Molalla and Esta-cada- July 9, Macksburg and Clack amas: July 10, Estacada and Commer cial Club; July 11. Molalla and Macksburg- July 13, Clackamas and Esta cada: July 14. Commercial Club and Molalla; July 15. Macksburg and Esta cada" July 16, Molalla and Clackamas; July 17, Commercial Club and Macks- day and the Brentwood International cup contest will be started, to finish in Vancouver. During the afternoon a series of speedy automobile races will be run at The Meadows, while in town the Dads' Day pageant will take place, headed by Governor Lister and Mayor Gill. During "the evening the Mardi Gras carnival will be held, with the downtown section turned over to mer rymakers who will throw confetti and engage in a hilarious riot until mid night. nnMnrsinjiTinMflr UU limiOHIIUllHUI MAY BE CHANGED The Potlatch proper will begin July UashinatOrr CommiSSIOn COfl" 15, when Aviator Silas Christofferson VcKlllliy lUIt UUII1IHI&&IUII UUH will arrive from San Francisco at the completion of his long-distance mara thon flight across country. On Thurs day, the second day, the Llpton races will start; automobilists will be enter tained and will organize a state asso ciation; a fraternal and military pa geant of 10,000 men will be held and siders Inclusion of Almost, All Industries. FIRST AID CLAUSE IN SIGHT WASHINGTON GIRL WlJfS GOLD MEDAL. - V X 3. i its M 'I S r i- " ; T&lmm Genevieve Matchette. Miss Genevieve Matchette, of Ladu, Wash., was the winner of the grand gold medal' in the Cowlitz County W. C. T. TJ. con test held at Woodland Wednes day. Miss Matchette Is a former student of one of Portland's leading schools of expression. the city's new Alaska totem pole un veiled. On Friday similar features will comprise the programme. Including decorated automobile pageant. 26 IH GARDEN CONTEST BOYS TAKE KEEN INTEREST GROWING OF VEGETABLES. IN Account Kept of Expenses and Re- ceip ts eir plan Conducted by Normal School. OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL, Mon mouth, June 27. (Special.) A greater interest in the industries of the farm and valley, a spirit of keen competition and the development of the faculties f discrimination in the choice of plants are declared results of the garden con test, being conducted among the boys of the training school by the normal department of agriculture. Encouraged by the garden expert' ments of last year, the department, nder the direction of Professor L. P. Gilmore, early this season outlined plans for a contest under a new meth od, which is unique. A thaee-acre tract of land, east ol tne normal building, was secured and pu pils were assigned from one to three plots each, 10 by 12 feet, with instruc tions to plant two kinds or vegetaoies. Under the plan the pupils are Keep ing accounts of their own individual expenditures and the receipts from sales of garden truck. This is the prin cipal feature of the contest. Some pupils planted all peas, others beans and peas. A few thought cao bage the most profitable. They are marketing the earliest of the vege tables. Twenty-six boys are In the contest. They are Edward Daniel, John Ostrom, Harold Johnson, Johnny Stump, James Higgonbotham, Bruce Rogers, - Earl Conkey. Wendell Van Loan, Russell lcholson, Herbert Powell, Max Bow- ersox, Denzil Moore. Everett Jfivans, Glen McNeil, Ward Haley, Clyde Dos- ett, Manley Arant, Robert Henkle, Clay Moreland, Claire Winegar, John Henkle. Joe Staats, Floyd McClellan, Lyle Oakes, Maurice Gentle and Rus sell McClellan. I Reduction in Xumber of Classifica tions and Revision of Kates Fro posed and Imposition of Penalties on Employers. OLYMFIA, Wash., June 27. (Spe cial.) Sweeping changes in the work men's compensation act, including ex tension of the act to cover practically all manual labor instead of confining It to occupations classed as "extra haz ardous," and addition of a so-called "first aid" clause that will guarantee Injured workmen medical and hospi tal attendance, are being considered by the Industrial Insurance Commission for recommendation to the next Legis lature. In view of the many changes pro posed, it Is altogether likely, that Gov ernor Lister in the near future may name a special commission of employ ers and employes to work with the Industrial Insurance Commission on the amendments. The bill originally was drafted by such a commission, nearly four years ago, but suffered considerable change while going through the Legislature. The extension of the scope of the act proposed would take in all manual labor except agricultural, horticultural and household work. Rate Change Proposed. In addition the Commission will recommend a thorough overhauling of the rates charged various industries. The new rates to be recommended will be based on the experience of the Com mission after three years' operation of the law. Data are being prepared showing the rates actually needed for each fund, as compared with th theoretical rates contained in tho draft of the law. A reduction of the number of differ ent classes, now 48, to about one-third of that number, also will be recom mended. The purpose of this change is to group small industries, providing dtnerentlal rates commensurate with the risks of each, so that each class may keep on hand a sufficient working rund without entailing too great hard ship on individual contributors. Employers' Penalty Proposed. Another change proposed Is the penalizing of employers who neglect to furnish their .payrolls to the Commis sion, ino penalty is provided at pres ent. The Commission's recommenda lion prooaDiy wui be that such em ployers be adjudged in default until they furnish payrolls, and that during the period of default any workman suffering injury may elect to sue the employer at common law, instead of taking compensation from the state. the employer being deprived of the customary' legal defences during the default period. Whether a special commission will be appointed to take up these and other proposed amendments probably will be determined as soon as the fate of the seven sisters" initiative bills is de termined, which will be soon after July 3. A "first aid" bill is one of these initiative measures. If this fails to get on the ballot for want of sufficient signatures, the entire programme can oe taicen up immediately. If the ini tiative bill is to be suDmitted to the voters, however, work on this part of tne programme probably will have to be postponed until after the November election. PIONEERS HEAR BOOTH ANNUAL ADDRESS IS HADE AT LINN COUNTY CELEBRATION. bUThe leaders will play off the series for the championship July 18. PHMATO VISIT POTLATCH CARNIVAL TO SEE BIG DAY ON JTLY 18. Portland Invaders of Seattle WUI Be Guests of Honor During Day With Events to Midnight. SEATTLE, Wash., June 27. (Spe cial.) The visit of Queen Thelma and a delegation of 60 Rosarlans of Port land on the closing day of the Pot latch carnival, July 18, will be the feature of the biggest day of the local celebration, according to definite' an nouncement made here by the Tlllkums In charge of the big show. The Portland invaders will be guests of honor during a day packed with events from morning until midnight. The finishing race of the Llpton chal lenge cup series will be run on that Sons' and Daughters' Day Is Observed. Members of Same Wagon Train In 1853 Renew Old Friendship. .BROWNSVILLE, Or., June 27. (Spe cial.) Brownsville was just as busy today, the last day of the Linn County pioneers' reunion and picnic, as It was yesterday. The day was fine. There were many new visitors among the happy throng. Many who have attended the three- day reunion were meeting friends and renewing old acquaintanceships. Some friends met today for the first time In many years. One meeting took place between parties who crossed the plains in the same wagon train during the Summer of 1853. ' This was Sons' and Daughters' day. They were well represented and shared the honors with their brave fathers and mothers who withstood many hard ships in the early days. The annual address was delivered by Robert A Booth, of Eugene, Repub lican candidate for United States Sen ator. In an eloquent manner he de picted the trials and struggles of the pioneers and their ultimate triumps La Grande to Provide Place for Dis- I over many obstacles. , , . . I A selection by the "Carolina Coons," play and Office for Agriculturist. jocal quirtet of young men; vocal solo bv Miss Alice Skiff, of Salem, and LA GRANDE. Or.. June 27. (Spe- I. band selection were Dart of the musl- cial.) Final decision to replace the old cai programme. exhibit hall which was removed irom George H. Himes, secretary and eus Depot street, near the depot a year orjtodian of the Oregon Historical Society, so ago was reached last nignt ar. a delivered a short address. His words meeting of the Commercial Club dlrec- heid hla hearers spellbound. His tribute torate. I to th nlnnnm who have Tiassed awav The building will be of modern de- hrou-ht to the eves of many of his sign and instead of standing at an hearers Tne aftern00n programme ln angle to the street, as did the old h dd b 200 AT SURPRISE PARTY Neighbors Pay Honor to W. I. Cole man on Hla 8 7th Birthday. EUGENE, Or., June 27. (Special.) Two hundred residents in the vicinity of Lorane, 18 miles south of Eugene, formed one of the largest surprise par ties perhaps ever held in Lane County. It lasted all day. The surprise party was held in honor of the 87th birthday of W. I. Coleman, who has lived about Lorane for over half a century, settling there first In 1852. With the exception of his sister, Mrs. Joseph Teal, in Portland, Mr. Coleman Is the last of a large family of pio neers, the family of Nathan G. Cole man. It was en the old Coleman dona tion claim that the big surprise picnlo was held. Buy New Curtain, Drapery, Upholstery Materials This Week for Much Less By Participating in .These Special Offerings A sale that comes in good time for those who axe completing new homes; a sale of decided advantage for the reason that every yard of material entered therein is new goods that are in greatest demand for present-day home-beautifying. We've arranged this sale for the purpose of reducing our stock of Cur tain, Drapery and Upholstery Materials as much as possible before the completion of our semi-annual inventory. You who have windows or doors to drape, or furniture to cover, will' profit by taking advantage of this lowering of prices on up-to-date materials. Sale begins tomorrow and will continue throughout the week. Imported Cream Madras, figured, one yard wide, reg ular price 30c yard, for, yard.... 18c Plain and figured Swiss, 40 inches wide, regular price 30c yard, for, yard 18c Ivory colored Scrim, 40 inches wide, regular price 30c yard, for, yard 18c Block patterned Scrim, 45 inches wide, regular price 40c yard, for, yard 28c Bungalow Net, figured, 50 inches wide, regular price $1.00 yard, for, yard 68c Cretonnes, both imported and domestic patterns, plain centers with borders, one yard wide, the regular 50c yard quality for, yard 35c the regular 35c yard quality for, yard 25c Sundour Curtain Materials, 36 inches wide, in 15 col ors, guaranteed sun proof, regular price-75c yard, for, yard 55c Plain Drapery Velvet, 50 inches wide, in green, brown and mulberry, regular price $2 yard, for, yard $1.50 Double-faced Linen Velours, plain, 50 inches wide, in four colors, regular price $2.50 yard, for. . . .91.85 Cotton Reps, for drapery purposes, in green, tan, blue and brown, 50 inches wide, regular price 75c yard, for, yard 55c Verdure Tapestry of extra good quality, 50 inches wide. The $2.50 yard quality for fl.90 the $3 yard quality for, yard 52J25 the $3.50 yard quality for, yard $2.75 A correct scheme in Interior Decoration, whether simple or elaborate, calls for expert handling. Allow us to suggest, either by color perspectives or an ensemble of materi als, a decorative treatment that will produce the desired harmony true of all successful decorative schemes Fifth and Stark J. G. M ack & Co. Fifth and Stark ASSEMBLY EVENTS SET PROGRAMME COMPLETED FOR AL BANY'S CHAUTAUQUA, Work of Preparing Grounds of Parfc Is Well Under Way and Many Reser vations Are Made for Campers. EXHIBIT HALL TO BE BUILT one, will be set along the west siae of Depot street and will not obstruct the view of Depot street from the trains. lnent pioneers and sons of pioneers. The ball game between Brownsville and Harrisburg resulted In a victory An office will be provided for the 'or Brownsville by a score of 11 to 1. county agriculturist who will have charge of the exhibit. SHERIFF ON WAY TO BAKER Mr. Rand "With Ed Fisher, His Pris oner, Reaches La Grande. LA. GRANDE, Or., June 27. (Spe cial.) Sheriff Rand, of Baker, arrived ST. PAUL PICNIC SUCCESS Third Annual Booster Event Takes Place Despite Rains. , ST. PAUI Or., June 27. (Special.) Regardless of the heavy raina yester day and today, St. Paul's third annual booster Dicnic was a success. Dele- on the Elgin branch train today with I Rations from neighboring towns, par- E. Fisher, of Copperfleld, his prisoner, ticularly Woodburn. were present. Fisher was arrested on the Snake Judge P. H. D'Arcy presided. Judge River, In Wallowa County, suspected William Galloway, candidate for the of shooting ex-Mayor Stewart, of Cop- Supreme bench; D. C. Freeman, of the perfleld from ambush. Oregon Electric; Dana H. Allen and Sheriff Rand was Jieeompanled by Thomas Brown made talks. Just as Jay Ballard, and, while the hunted roan the shower was at its height, J. E. was acquainted with every nook and Werlein. representing the Portland corner of the country where he was Commercial Club, was speaking. Al- oaptured, so also was the Sheriffs though tne Iiem was wee xne oaaj game guide. Fisher win Be taaen to p" - wjuu.wb tonight I Hopewell. ALBANY, Or., June 27. (Special.) The programme for Albany's fifth an nual Chautauqua assembly, which will be held in Bryant's Park, at this city, July S to 19, inclusive, was completed today, and one of the best gatherings nf the Icind heM here is assured. Scores of reservations for camping- ground in the park have been made and a big at tendance from many places throughout this section of the state IS In prospect The work of preparing the grounds of the park for the coming assemoiy is well under way. The programme ia as follows Wxlnearinv. Tnlv 8. 3 P. M. MllSlC&l Pre lude, by the Dixie juDuee-singers; uivol. inn T?Tr A n rhin-imina: address of wel come by Dr. M. H. Ellis, president of the Albany Chautauqua Association; concert uj Dixie Jubilee Concert Company; organiza tion of Chautauqua Summer schools; an- nmtnomAnta hv ( f T CrOOkS. Dlatform manager; Dixls Jubilee Concert Company, 4 P. M., reception ; band concert. :.t r-. M.f concert by Albany High School Band. P. M.. Full concert by Ferguson uixie Jubilee Concert Company. July 9, 9 A. M. Domestic soience demon stration, preservation of food materials (can .iiii' 1.1.. HNMnw. AIR. I . OV JUFB. XtUBVI.- ta E. Templeton. 10 A. M., literature, lec ture, "In Defense of Fiction." by H. M. Crooks, president of Albany College. 11 A. M.. Bible study, conducted by Kev. John Lewtas, of Tacoma. 2 P. M Albany Mlgn School Orchestra. 2:80 P. M.. full concert by Ferguson's Dixie Jubilee concert com pany. 4 P. M-. domestic science leoture, "Housekeeping as a Business." by Mrs. Ro setta E. Templeton. 7:30 P. M., musical prelude, by the Dixie Jubilee concert singers. 8 :30 P. M.. lecture, "A Russian Nobleman s fi.nnr rt flihrln.n Kxile and EsOaDO. by Count Alexander M. Lochwltzky. X.L.. D. .Tuiw m u a M Domestic science demon stratlon. vegetables, by Mrs. Rosetta B. T.m.i.t.n in A. M literature, lecture. "Are Private Libraries Still Desirable?" by H. M. Crooks, president of Albany College. 11 A. M., Bible study, conducted by Rev. John Dewtaa. 2 P. M, Albany High School Orchestra. 2:30 P. M lecture oy ur. a. a. Berle. "The Fuzzles of Social Progress. 4 P. M., address by Mrs. Rosetta E. Tem pleton. "Health and Efficiency." 7:80 P. M.. musical prelude by band and orchestra. 8:30 P. M lecture, "Cash. Conscience and Coun try." by Dr. U. G. Herbert. .. July 11, 9 A. M. Domestio science dem onstration, baking powder mixtures, by Mrs. Rosetta E. Templeton. 10 A. M, lecture, "Introducing Bernard Shaw," by President H. M. Crooks. 11 A. M.. Bible study, con ducted by Rev. John Lewtas. 2 P. M High ci 1 9-3tv lnoture bv Dr. A. A. Berle, "la the World a Dice Box r" 4 P. M lecture. j i j- n. -' by Miss Grace Lamkln. 7:30 P. M.. High School Band. 8 P. M entertainment, by Ash Davis, cartoonist, artist and story- teju!y 12. 10:80 A. M. Regular services at all the churches of the city. 2:S0 P. M sacred music by band. 3 P. M., address, by Mrs. Lillian M. Mttchner, president of the Kansas Woman's Christian Temperance Union. 7 P. M., union service of Young People's Christian Endeavor Society. 8 P. M, song service. 8:30 P. M., sermon by Rev. Murdoch McLeod. of Tacoma. July 13. 9 A. M. Domestic science demon stration, pastry, by Mrs. Rosetta E. Temple ton. 10 A. M children's organized play, under supervision of Miss Graoe Lamkln. 10 A. M- literature. 11 A. M.. Bible study, conducted by Rev. John Lewtas. 2 P. M., concert by Chicago Glee Otub. S P. M, lec ture by Dr. A. A. Berle, "Shall the Re public Endure?" 4 P. M.. domestio science, lecture, "Modern Apparatus for Emclent Housekeeping." by Mrs. Rosetta E. Temple ton. 7:30 P. M, High School Band. 8 P. M. full entertainment ty Chicago Glee v. Sub; campflre. t 1 1 ; u 11 rWnmnn'a dav. 9 A. M. Domestic science demonstration, frying, flih cookery, by Mrs. Rosetta C. Templeton. 10 A. M children's organized play, under supervision of Miss Grace Lamkln. 10 A. M.. literature. lecture. l no urama ana ffcw,.,.. Movement," by President H. M. Crooks. 11 A. M.. Bible study, conducted oy iwiv. jood Ju'iy" 14 "(Woman's day). 2 P. M. Enter tainment by Chicago Glee Club. 2:45 P. M address by Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin, of Port land: vocal solo, oy v nnaoi v-- ..i. of Lebanon; address by Mrs. B. w. renneii. of the University of Oregon; reception. 7 :3o P M concert by High School Band, s p.' M, last appearance of the Chicago Glee OIJuiy 15, 9 A. M. Domestic science demon stration, meats, emphasis upon cooking the cheaper cuts of meats, by Mrs. Rosetta E. -r.m;i.i.n to A. M.. children's organized play, under supervision of Alias Grace Lam-1 kin. 10 A. M literature, lecture, "Concern ing Popular Taste in Drnmatio Productions," by President H. M. Crooks. 11 A. M, Bible studv, conducted by Rev. John Lewtas. 2 P. M music by orchestra. 2:30 P. M.. leo ture. "Napoleon Bonaparte," by Professor B. R. Baumgardt. 4 P. M.. domestio science lecture. "Finishing and Furnishing a Home," by Mrs. Rosetta E. Templeton. 7:80 P. M., band concert. 8 P. M.. grand entertainment by Simpson College Glee Clubs, of Indianola, Ia. These two glee olubs number 45 people, and their entertainment will be one of the great events of the assembly. .iti iv ia iiiovernors oay. w a. pi . la mest to science demonstration, soup and soup stocks, by Mrs. Rosetta E. Templeton. 10 A M . ljtnture. "Phvalcal Defects Among Children Their Causes and Cures," by Miss Grace Lamklu. II A. M, Bible study, con ducted by Rev. John Lewtas. 2 P. M musla by High School Band. 2:80 P. M address. "A r?rntr nr.rfin" bv Dr. James Withy combe. Republican candidate for Governor or Oregon; music; aoaress. i nm duiulm Side of a State Government. by Dr. O. J. Smith, Democratic candidate for Governor of Oregon. 2:80 P. M., High school nana. 8 P. M.. illustrated prologue, "bee America First," by Professor B. R. Baumgardt. 8:B0 P. M Illustrated lecture, "Switzerland, the Ideal Republic" by Professor B. R. Baum gardt; campftre. Ttv 17 h a M -Domestio science demon stration, salads, by Mrs. Rosetta E. Temrrje- ton. 10 A. M., children's organized pioy, under sUDervislon of Miss Grace Lamkln. 10 A. M, literature, lecture. "The Theater and Social Problems." by President H. M. Crooks. 11 A. M.. Bible study, conducted by Rev. John Lewtas. 2 P. M muslo by band. 2:30 P. MM lecture by Dr. A. A. RT-t "An nntlmist's Notebook." 4 P. M . address by Mrs. Rosetta E. Templeton, 'Do mestio Art in woman s jiaucanon. i .ov P. M High School Band. 8:45 P. M- Illus trated lecture, "Turkey and the Holy Land, by Rev. John Lewtas. of Tacoma. Tnlv in 'Children's day). 9 A. M. Do mestic science demonstration, desserts, by ft-M. Rn.Ti. R. TemDlbton. iu A. lec ture. "Recent Novels and Religion, uy President H. M. Crooks. 11 A. M., Bible studv. conducted by Rev. John Lewtas. 2 P. M., High School Band. 2:30. Miss Grace T.amlrln win direct her Bueclal feature. "The Great Pageant." This will be a spectacular affair, put on by the young people wno have been under the care of Miss Lamkln, and will be the exclusive feature of the aft ernoon. 7:30 P. M., High 8chool Band. 8 P. M.. entertainment by the Portland Ad Olub Concert Company. July 19, 10:30 A. M. Regular serviceat all the churches of the city. :JO f. 31.. sacred music 3 P. M.. address by Rev. R, J. Cooke, D. Dm bishop of the Methodlet Epta oopal Church. 7:30 P. M., music. P. M. .riTHr.. hv Rev. R. J. Cooke. D. D. bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. PUBLIC LIBRARY ROBBED Oregon City Institution loses Type writer and $7.23. OREGON CITT, Or.. June 27. (Bpe- claL) The Oregon City Public Library was entered between 10 o'clock Friday night and this morning, and a new typewriter, valued at $105, and $7.25 In small change were tanen. bow city and county officials have been notified, but no trace of the Intruder could be found. The loss was discovered by Mrs. John Adams, librarian, when she opened the building at 11 o'clock this morning. When she noticed that the typewriter was gone, she found a large window on the south side of the build ing had been opened. Later she found that a cash drawer, used to bold book fines, had been robbed. Grade Crossing; Is Changed. JUNCTION CITT. Or., June 17. (Spe cial.) The Railroad Commission of Oregon met in the Junction City Council house Friday and held a hearing on an order concerning a road crossing of the Southern Pacific at grade. Thej granted the change, which, made the crossing at Oak Grove two miles south of town. The new site will be 1100 feet from the present site. They ar ranged with the County Court to change the crossing. Coos Bay Band to Tour Valley. MARSHFIELD. Or- June 27. (Spe cial.) The Coos Bay Concert Band has been engaged to tour the Willamette Valley during September, and will fill dates at Roseburg, Eugene, Albany, Corvallls and several other cities. The hand has bidden for the State Fair joo and has good prospects of landing the work. The band will tour with a a pieces. BEDEWONTRUH,HESAYS COTTAGES GROVE MA PUCLIttES PROGRESSIVES KOMXM ATIOX. Fttrlas Ball Mooiert Art Trrlav t "Get Erea," KefoMl to Eater Hmrm Is ads Public. COTTAGE GROVE. Or.. Jun 27. (Special.) Elbert Bed lie today mailed the following letter to Ben "W. Olcott, Secretary of State, decllnlnff the nomination for the Leg-Ulature on the Progressive ticket: "1 notice by the morntnt pspra that I have rclvd ths Bull Moon nomtnatlnn for Representative In the Third fMetrlct after bavins been tied with Walter K. Dll lard. "I fear thut the Bull Mooeers have fir ured out this method of eettltiff even with me for the mean th trine eald about Teddy two years aa-o. That le on reason .why 1 can not accept this nomination. "I was a candidal on th Republican ticket becaue of what I took to b a fn uln demand for my candldai-v and was fortunate enough to be defeated by a few votes. The votrs may not have decided as wisely as I mlght hav susiteetad, but I did not ask for a vot and hav no sore to nurs becaue those who did ask fnr them secured them. I Intend to support those who I would have expected to have sup ported me hsd I been successful ovr them. That Is e second reason why 1 can sot ac cept a nomination on th Bull Moos ticket. "My nomination on th Hull Moo tlckM Is merely on of the accidents that result from our expensive, somewhat freektah primary system. 1 csn not accept that kind of a nomination. 'It will b far mor pleasant for m t b In a position to susicest to leslsletors what thr should d then t b In a v"""'" whr I mtsht not b b? t rio whet vm supporters would ipt hi Sv 1 .i not hunting troubi. That te a rih r-. eon why I must dclin the nominal. o kindly given m. "1 van tusk onomles enow eh as e-4ttr ? th tnt1nl without th uiiiimr , political of fir. 'Tor the five rasns f wish. !" ' preludlr or mallr rorthoihi, t bm th nomination on th bull M tuw. i.i g to Mr. PUisr-d. wh wss tle-4 witb i for th position ' $20,000 SCHOOL ASSURED Amity Hoard Will lt Contract fr IllSlwr Institution This YYrrk. AMITT. Or.. June ST. -(Special. ) The Board of Education will let a con tract next week for the erection of a flt.004 nlg-h school bulldlnt. which I. to b completed In time for use this Fall. The bond Issue of at per cent hss been purchased by te Lum bermen Trust Company, of Port snl The construction of the building will be of wood stucco and contain four classrooms, two laboratories end e.-sembly-room. It will accommodate J" students. Krlito IrsgTie to Fight ft.Ilour Last. KELPO, Wash.. June 17 At a myel in yesterday afternoon In the Klo Commercial Club rooms arttoa s taken forming a Cowllts County Hop. Look. Listen League. J. P. Vount. manager of the Inman-rnuleen ramp, was rhoeen chairman, end Ueorre V Cochrane, secretary. The purpose nf this association Is to oppose the Initia tive petitions sni tha eight-hour law If it Is the sain- Adv. -use Kantlseptle Lotion. , .... IV, ' a' its' r 1 I"-'- - C. xmr-" -- f f.ii va WMisimt i : ljLt i-.-'i " '. .ZTCt-v- " ,; i r ' 1 . i . e Lucretia Court Apartments Situated on Lucretia street, 100 feet north of Washington, nser Twenty-third street. In a Urge garden with fountain, and Is located s In a large plot of ground. This spsrtment-house Is built for comfort. with all large outside rooms and a reception hall to each apartment. with built-in writing desk and buffet and disappearing braaa beds end hardwood floors. This is one of the finest snd most expensive hulM- J Ings on the Pacific Coast, and recently built. While this building Is first class In every respect, yet the rents of the spartments are not a any higher than In any ordinary apartment-house; they sre built with two to five-room suites, with all modern conveniences and first. class Janitor snd superintendent services. Kaon spartment has a J free private telephone: there sre only a few va.ant apartments left. References required. Telephone superintendent, Marshall 1UJ, a A.-SIT; Janitor, Marshall 1300, A-.S37.