The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 21, 1913, SECTION FOUR, Page 10, Image 54

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Foundation Is Laid for New
. $2500 Clubhouse on
Russell Street.
Modern Solioolliouse, to Hate 20
Ilooms, In Process of Construc
tion and Many Streets Are
Being Paved Son.
Kenton and Kenton district have
made excellent progress during th
year, and have under way at the pres
ent time many important improve
ments. The toundatlon for a i00
clubhouse lias Just been laid on Russell
street, nur I-ombard. tor the Kenton
Commercial Club, composed of the lead
ing citizens of this suburb. This club
house is being built on ground donated
for the purpose by the Kenwood Land
Company, and besides the lot on which
?he building stands there will be space
for playgrounds. As members of the
Kenton Club there are nearly 200 resi
dents, all of whom have taken shares
in the cost, and will have a community
interest in the clubhouse, which will be
a community center. Joseph Beatie is
president of the Kenton Club. C Spies
drew plans for the clubhouse, which
will embrace such comforts as a com
munity center needs.
: Near the community clubhouse the
district is completing a modern con
crete and brick schoolhouse of . six
flassrooms and an assembly halL It
will be finished some time in Febru
ary. It stands on Lombard street
which was recently paved. The cost or
the new schoolhouse will be about 0.
000. It is part of a 20-roora building
that finally will be built. It Is thought
that nearly all the rooms will be occu
pied on completion of the building.
Cfeildrra CiotaK Klaewlwre.
Many children in Kenton now attend
other schoolhouses on the Peninsula,
owing to the fact that the small frame
building at Kenton can accommodate
but a fraction of the whole number of
children, and hence many most attend
other structures. All will attend the
new schoolhouse.
Recently a branch library was opened
in a room in the Carter building, on
Lombard street and Peninsula avenue,
which serves Kenton, Peninsula and a
considerable district. Later it Is ex
pected that a permanent library build
ing will be erected.
The extensive system of hard-surface
pavements covering the principal
streets of that suburb. Inaugurated a
vear ago, have all been completed.
Practically all the principal streots in
Kenton have been paved at a cost of
from $250,000 to $300,000. Completion
of this makes Kenton one of the best
paved suburbes on the Peninsula. In
addition to this general district street
Improvement in Kenton. Lombard
street, part of the peninsula district,
has been paved from Wabash to Patton
avenue, and the contract has been let
to pave it to Alblna avenue. This will
surround Kenton with hard-surface
pavements. It Is planned early in the
Spring to pave Alblna avenue from
Lombard street to Ktlllngsworth ave
nue, and the contract has been let. The
paving of all the streets of Kenton en
ables the fire company Installed there
the early part of the yt-ar to quickly
reach any part of the Peninsula in a
few minutes.
Move to Kxtead Pattoa Avn.
Kenton has joined in the movement
. - ..... .4 avantlH hv WAV Of
Maryland avenue to Lower Alblna on a j
moderate grade in order to reacn m
Broadway bridge. It is announced that
as soon as this extension is made. Pat
ton avenue will be paved from Colum
bia boulevard to a connection with
(inldsmith street, in Lower Alblna. Of
course. Kenton people hope Patton ave
nue will be one of the approaches to
the interstate bridge, and the move
ment to extend it to Lower Alblna Is In
line with this movement. The most for
midable competitor Is Union avenue. It
Js the opinion of many- who have
studied the question that there must
and will be two or more approaches to
the interstate bridge, although It may
he several years before alt will be
built. J. IL Nolta. "father of tne
Interstate bridge." believes that Pat
ton and Union aevnues must be made
approaches to the Interstate bridge at
the start.
Yaareaver Amw for Approach.
Also, the residents and property
owners on Vancouver avenue will have
to be reckoned with. They have filed
a petition signed by 1000 persons ask
ing that Vancouver avenue be con
sidered. It Is pointed out that the Van
couver avenue Is the shorter route of
any yet suggested Union or Patton
avenues and that there is a rflfht of
way already acquired to the Columbia
River and an elevated roadway built
from Columbia boulevard. The old
Government road to Vancouver former
ly ran along Vancouver avenue. It is
declared, and the right of way was
transferred to the county from the
Government many years ago. It is fur
ther pointed out that by using the pres
ent Vancouver route, the cost of mak
ing a fill will be a great deal less than
by selecting any other route.
I.ihltdLs declared Fine and Average
Score Is 88.5 Per Cent.
MON-rOtTH. Or, Pee. 50 (Special)
The exhibit of the Polk County
Poultry Association, which lasted four
days, shows a greater interest in poul
try than has been taken previously In
the county. Exhibits from several
counties were made and the average
score for the show was II.SC per cent.
Over 400 birds were displayed, some of
which were considered the finest on
the Coast. B. F. Keeney. of Eugene,
who acted as Judge, said that the class
of poultry was much better than ex
hibits of other counties he bad Judged
The cups awarded and their winners
were: Blue Andaluslan cup, D. M.
Calhreath: Barred Plymouth Rock, C.
Butler: White Plymouth Rock. Mrs.
Winnie Brad en; Single-comb Rhode la
land Red. H. C. MoCammon; Single
comb Brown Leghorn, J. M. Card:
Hlngio-comb Ancona, C Darnhscker;
Hlngle-corab Whits Leghorn. J. P. Hall.
The winners In the show follow:
Ducks. W. F. Lee, Falls City: John Mo
He, Pallas: Harvey Opp, Rlckrcall;
Mrs. Ktta Hall, Newberg; Pekln ducks.
Ouy 8 tat gar, Pallas; Blue Andaluslana.
1. M. Calbreath. Monmouth; Barred
Plymouth Hocks, it. 8. Wiley. Rax; C.
F. Butler. Newberg; W. P. Miller. Dal
las; Harvey Opp, ' Rlckreall; Black
Langshan. H. E. Walter. McMlnnvlUe;
Tolouse geese. Ouy Stalger. Dallas;
Buff Orpington.- E. X. Qilltam, Dallas,
rtingle-cumb Buff Leghorn. K. N.
Keeney. Dallas; Edd Loop. Monmouth:
A. V. Oliver. Rickreail; 61nle-cooib
Rhode Island Rod. H- C McCamiuoa
Sheridan ; W. I Renaid. McMlna villa:
Hlngla-oomb Ancoaaa, C Darahkr,
L. H. Barnes Clears Lots Containing Stumps, Erects House, Buys Hens
and Plants Flowers, Shrubs, Trees and Strawberries.
Brill ;fi---Jjbm-aLiifi-;
KattsW'. 'NNsMsMMMendstBHs
L. H. Barnes came, to Lents and
looked around for a home site. He
procured two lots covered with stump,
and Just as nature had made them. He
was 78 years old! lie did not stop to
"I am too old to work, too old 40 ever
plant any trees."
He liked the looks of the lots, and he
went to work. With the help of an
other man, he had the stumps, includ
ing two "grown up" fir trees, dug out.
All the brush was taken out. and the
ground worked over as mellow as an
onion bed. .
After the ground" was cleared, he
thought about fencing and building a
house. He : raised enough vegetables
for the kitchen. He bought six full
blooded brown leghorn pullets.
Mrs. Barnes and her husband both
loved flowers, so roses, geraniums,
Pallas: G. O. Butler, Pallas: Rose-comb
Rhode Island Keds. Mrs. M. G. Covro;
Hilver Camplnes. J. C. Ponsler, Mc
Minnville: Klngle-comh Black Minorcas.
L. G. Small, McMlnnvllle: A. W. Teats,
Dallas: M. L. Wiley, Rex; O. R. Win
ters. Newberg: White Wyandotte. Mrs.
Nina Brown. Dallas; Mrs. J. K. Pogue,
Forest Grove; Hasel Bursell, Mon
mouth: Single-comb Brown Leghorns,
J. M. Card. F. F. Friesen. Henry Voth.
Dallas: W. F. Lee. Falls City: White
Orpington. W. M. Dlnsmore. Sheridan:
C. L. Upson. Grants Pass; White Ply
mouth Rock, Charles K. Kune, Inde
pendence; J. K. Goetx, Dallas: Mrs. R.
Craven, Dallas; Mrs. Winnie Braden,
Dallas. ,
Library Users Xumber 1435.
HOOP RIVER. Or., Deo. 20. (Spe
cial.) The first year of the County
Library shows 1435 registered borrow
ers and a circulation of books during
the year of 16.857. The library started
last year with 1093 volumes and has
added 2063 during the year, 1S19 of
which were gifts. Sixty-six per cent
of the main branch circulation was
Tt?&f JJ
Vancouver Postal Official Invents Device That Does Away "With Pigeon
Holes and Permits Use of Buggy for Deliveries.
m aAXCOL-VER. Wash.. . Doc.
V (Special) An Invention of great
assistance to rural mail carriers
now In use In the Vancouver poetofflce
was worked out by Frank Vernon, a
carrier of rout 3.
"1 would quit my position before
going back to the old method," said
Mr. Vernoiu. when asked if his Inven
tion Is a time-saver and a help to the
rural carrier.
The Invention, yet unpatented, con
sists of a sack having In It one place
for each name on the route. In . the
accompanying picture a carrier is
shown, holding up tha mall for patrons
on one route. ' These sacks are hung
heliotropes and beautiful shrubs adorn
their neatly kept lawn.
They have lived three years on their
little home, three years only' since the
spot was .covered with stumps. And Mr.
Barnes may well be proud that, he Is
now 81 years old, and point with com
mendable pride to his pretty home, his
garden, his coop of bens! - .
Those hens lay six eggs every day.
he said. They looked contented, watch
ing for grass clippings from the lawn.
Mr. Barnes has several thrifty trees
bearing some fruit, and several rows
of neatly kept strawberries. . The work
of this one man is encouraging to any
who may feel disposed to think their
age limits them.
Portland has thousands of city work
ers who can learn the value of a small
garden and a fw hens. No city offers
better advantages than can be seen
anywhere around Portland. "
fiction. There are six branch stations
throughout the county, and at tnese no
tion ran only about 40 per cent. Every
week Miss Northey, the librarian, has
furnished the local papers with a list
nf the additions and patrons have been
kept in close touch. : The new building
is progressing rapidly, workmen now
being engaged on the Interior.
Kelso High School Gives Play. .
KELSO. Wash, Dec 20. (Special.)
Among the number of good plays
staTcd bv the Kelso High School, the
minstrel show last week was the uest
vet. Some special features in songs
and dances were worthy of a hearing
anywhere. Over J100 was cleared for
the gvmnaslum fund. The eighth
grade of the Catlln School, of West
Kelso, will give a play at the theater
Friday right. The schools- will be
rinsed for two weeks' vacation, open
ing again January 6.
A 10-acre farm near Forest Grove,
Or. owned by A. Hedgecock, was re
cently sold to Bruce Parkin, of Gales
Creek, for $3500.
up in the postoff ice and the mail placed
in them. They are so arranged mat
when- the' mall Js in. tile sack can be
rolled up and placed in a buggy. In
unrolling it.' the first section contains
the mail of the first patron on the
route., and so on down the whole route.
When the sack has been unrolled, the
mail has been delivered.
A carrier with - this outfit can use
an ordinary buggy to deliver his mall
and the rolls of mall In the sacks can
be placed in the front of -the buggy,
handy to the carrier. Other carriers
have taken up the idea and would not
return to the old method of putting
mall In little pigeon holes.
The Initial cost is about the same,
but considerable time la saved daily.
Trading in Willamette Valley
Tracts Is Brisk.
Larger -Proportion of Recent Sales
Include Places Adapted to Diver
sified Farming; Many Deals In
" - volve Cash Considerations.
The Downing ranch, near Medford, a
favorite Summer rest for valley people,
was sold last week by J. W. Slinger to
Tom Fariow, of Lake Creek, for
118,000. The ranch consist of 240
acres of bottom land and has been used
for stockraislng, dairying and truck
gardening. Mr. Fariow Intends to de
vote a portion of the place to fruit
ralslng. According to Medford real
estate men, this is the lowest price re
ceived for Butte Creek bottom land of
such good quality In many years. -
L. J- Gribble recently sold his 70
acre farm northwest of Aurora, Or., to
Henry Ollbertson, of Barlow, Or., for
S10.&O0. Mr. Ollbertson will take pos
session of the place at once. E. K.
Oribble. who has been living on his
brother's farm, has purchased a ranch
from A. J. Mlshler. for $220 an acre,
and will move there Immediately.
Frank E. Blair, of Eugene, recently
purchased a well-Improved 100-acre
farm near Fall Creek, Or., for 16000.
The deal included a part of the per
sonal property on - the place. Mr.
Smith will reside on the farm with his
James M. Murray, of Oklahoma, has
purchased the Casper Suhmidhuber
ranch, two miles south of Beaver, Or.,
for $8500. A herd of full-blood cattle
was Included. Mr. Murray will engage
In dairying and stockraislng. F. B.
McKlnley, of Dorr E. Keasey & Co,
Portland, negotiated the deal.
Levi Sanders, of Newberg, has trad
ed a 30-acre farm, one mile north of
that city, for 160 acres in Alberta. Mr.
Sanders will spend the Winter In New
berg. 8. K. Watson 'recently purchased a
129-acre farm from Neil Versteeg. of
Amity, for $5000.
Harry White, of McCoy, Or., recently
purchased a 160-acre farm from Will
iam and Walter Humphry, of McMlnn
vllle, Or., for $20,000.
William Hucka, of Nebraska, recent
ly purchased a 20-acre tract in the
Berger Subdivision, four miles north
of Coburg. Or. Mr. Hucka will build
on the property.
Humphrey Brothers, of Whiteson,
Or., recently sold their 160-acre farm
to Ira White, o McCoy, for $20,000.
The farm has been sold twice in "the
last six months.
James Wallace and his mother, of
Cottage Grove, Or., recently sold a
portion of their farm near that city to
Louis McCoy. Mr. McCoy has leased
the remainder of the place. Mrs. Wal
lace and her son will reside In Cottage
E. Hofer Says State . Commission
- Device to Fake Citizenship.
SALEM. Or., Dec. 16. (To the Edi
tor.) Dan J. Malarkey proposes a
commission form "of state government.
In this he is trying to oust W. S. U'rcn
from possession of one of the latest
devices to fake the rest of the citizen
ship. When the Portland Commission
has been tried out for at least one
term and been found successful. It will
be time enough to extend commission
form of government over the whole
When costs of city government are
piled up each month higher' than1 for
the same month under the old system,
advocates of commission government
should at least be modest and patient.
But they go upon the theory of shut
ting their eyes to the need of solving
any problems now before us and
handing the dear people a new bait for
gudgeons to Jump at and get caught
at the coming election.
Just how to corral the next state
election is the real problem with the
professional office-chaser. He has not
the nerve to attack any existing
abuses. He dare not criticise any of
the profession to which he belongs.
So his mind must turn to new nos
trums for deceiving the public and get
ting the ' coveted votes. One "great
tendency Is notablethe disposition
of the voters to abridge the right of
officials to initiate measures.
At the last two state elections the
voters defeated nearly every measure
invented and forced upon the ballot
by public officials. They decided that
was not what -they had elected "them
for to get new grafts and new acces
sions of power and authority into their
hands. In Portland, the 20-odd meas
ures put on the ballot mostly by the
city officials were all snowed under
at the recent city election. These of
fensive manifestations of would-be
ruleahlp over the people are going to
be smitten more and more. The mod
est, efficient official, performing the
duties of his office and not setting up
as legislator and expansionist of his
own functions and emoluments, will be
more and more appreciated.
The test of commissions In the future
is going to be, how much have they
relieved the taxpayer of his burdens;
how much have they helped the citizen
In tha struggle to make a. living?
The railroad commission that does
most to help Oregon get more new rail
roads and enable those we have to pay
operating expenses, will be voted the
best. The Labor Commissioner, who
assists most in giving the people em
ployment and In opening new indus
tries and helping men with payrolls to
meet them on Saturday night, will be
the best friend of labor. The ideal
public official Is going to be the one
who construes - strictly the laws on
himself and most strictly minds his
own business. If he can so conduct
his office or department as to make it
pay Its own way, or even earn reve
nues for the state, the taxpayers will
be glad to hear more of him in public
life. 1 " . -
The rule that a necktie party should
await the man who goes to the Legis
lature and imposes new - burdens on
his constituents cannot be adopted too
soon In Oregon to save property from
confiscation and industries from de
struction. That the men who have
been responsible for all that the state
is suffering under now should have the
audacity to propose further experiments
would mean that state taxes, which
have climbed from a little over 1 mill
to about S mills in 10 years, would go
to 10 mills in the next 10 years. . But
what care the political overlords if
they can put a new device over on the
proletariat? K. HOFER.
At Qir Istmas
I Make your Christmas dinner good make
the whole Holiday season the most happy
Yuletide ever by having Santa bring youa'
present for yourself a present of some ftne
table delicacies.
f$ Look over this list. ' Make your selections
from these brands, making up your order with
several different brands; if you prefer.
f Express prepaid on orders of $4 or more.
Old Crow, 10 years old, quart $1.50
Old Crow, 10 years old, gallon. 5.50
Cedar Brook, 8 years old, quart. 1.25
Cedar Brook, 8 years old, gallon 4.50
Jas. E. Pepper, 8 years old. quart 1.25
Jas. R. Pepper, 8 years old, gallon 4.50
T. J. Monarch, quart 1.25
T. J. Monarch, pallon , 4.00
Par-Kx., quart l.OO
Par-Ex., gallon 4.00
Cerstley Special, quart 1.25
Oerstley Special, gallon 4.50
lmis Hunter, quart 1.50
Txmis Hunter, gallon 5.00
Cream Rye, quart ; 1.00
Cream Eve. gallon 3.50
Old Hobbv. quart 1.00
Old Hobby, gallon .... 3.50
Old Starling, quart 75
Old Starling, gallon 3.00
We carry a complete stock of imported goods and are the only Liquor House in
the state that carries a full line of Scandinavian Liquors.
Telephones : A-1934, Main 1934
A Place Where Ladies Can Trade . 25 Extra Stamps on Orders Ovej: $3.00
Extensive Improvements Like
ly Under New Administration.
"City Beautiful" Plans Belngr Pre
pared and Parking Considered;
3fcw Buildings to Rise In
clude Big Natatorium.
SEASIDE, Or, Dec 20. (Special.)
Improvements of on extensive nature
for Seaside seem to be destined under
the restme of the recently elected City
.tons are being taken
toward the opening of streets that have
long been under discussion.
i.ninir' session, an or-
dinance was passed declaring the in
tention of the Council to open, widen
and straighten Bridge .street Th. City
Attorney was aVo
for the opening oi
parts vJ"'.'
C$.&1 U 8ttheeTrinc,paI street
.w leUingtrom th. Spokane Port
land & Seattle naiu ,
ocean and its widening and Btraighten
lng has been a bone of contention in
Seaside lor sevc
. .. .v. !,(. fir hp.ra last
At tne lime
year It was believed that a satisfactory
J , ,. nnhul nwlnar to
agreement couia t -
.s K,.iniiv all the bust-
nss1 section Vas" wed out. but fac
?- k thnVir'seftfon
19 8. II U Utca ui j w
of Main streeet with Bridge street.
The Council proposra - - ,
afrcAt BB It IS
with nari suujm;c -
tr.ihtpn only the portion from Mam
street to tne ocean.
n.B.u Utrmmtn to TOUCD 5M.
The proposed street will be 50 feet
in width. Court street and Austin
run nnrnl lei with Bridge street.
so the opening of them will give three
fine straight streets irom mo
track toMne oeacii.
A "city beautiful" plan has been pro
posed for the territory included within
the three streets, whereby the corners
of all buildings at street intersections
will have rounded corners, similar -to
the tpye that has already been fol
lowed in the Moore and Lawler bulld
. . nt RrM.R and Main
injc at v. u i . . - -
streets. The parking of Bridge street
. .. i Knt 1t ia iinitnt.
has also Deen prupyaco
ful if this will be done.
Another step that meets with general
approval Is the erection of street signs
and the adoption of a system of house
numbering that is to be taken up Im
mediately. Heretofore there has been
considerable difficulty In locating
places in the city, although most of the
cottages have names, owing to the ab
sence of street signs and house num-
As soon as the lines are established
on Bridge street, it is the intention of
ex-Mayor Alex Gilbert to commence
building a 30.000 concrete business
structure at the corner of Main and
Bridge streets, opposite the Moore and
Lawler building.
Bnlldlnga to Be Moved. -
Contracts for the moving of the pres
ent frame buildings have been let and
leases secured for their location. Most
of them are to be moved about the first
of the year.
J E. Oates will commence operations
January 1 on a t30,000 natatorium at
California Port, Sherrv, Muscat and Angelica
Quart ...25J Gallon $1.00
California Port, Sherry, Muscat and Angelica
Quart .t... 50 Gallon ..$1.50
California Portv Sherry', Muscat and Angelica
Quart: '. . -75 (Lundvista) Gallon .. $2.50
California PorKHSherrj-; Museat and Angelica
. Ouart. .$1.0O .(Connoisseur) Gallon. $3.00
Calif ornia -Claret, Zinfandel, Hoch and Riesling
Quart. .. .,.r:....25S 50, 75, $1.00
Gallon:;: 75. $1.00, $1.50
California 'Brandy, quart $1.00
California Brandy, gallon '2
California Grape Brandy, quart 1.00
California Grape Brandy, gallon 4.00
California Muscat Brandy, quart 'RS
California Muscat Brandy, gallon 4.00
California Apricot Cordial, gallon 3.50
First, Bet. Alder and Washington Sts.
the beach front on Bridge street oppo
site the Moore Hotel.
The Prouty Lumber & Box Company
practically is ready to begin operations
and sawing will start by January 1.
The daily output of the sawmill will
be about 30,000 feet, most of which will
bo consumed by the box factory. A
small local yard will be maintained,
however, as many Seaside residents are
planning to build as soon as lumber is
As soon as the sawmill starts, Olson
Bros." Logging Co., will resume log
irlnir operations in order to keep the
mill supplied with logs. At present
there is about 1,000,000 feet of logs in
the mill pond and about the same
amount in timber ready to be delivered.
Agricultural College Supervises In
stallation of System.
DALLAS, Or.. Dec. 20. (Special.) A
system of herd record-keeping ia be
ing installed in Folk County schools
under the supervision of W. A. Barr,
of the extension department of the Ore
gon Agricultural College.
It is through the efforts of H. C
Seymour, school superintendent, that
Polk County is to be the first county
in the state to introduce a work of
this kind.
The schools taking up this work are
supplied with a Babcock milk tester.
Pupils in or past the seventh grade, or
over 14 years old, may enter not fewer
than three cows nor more than 12, the
contest lasting a year.
Three times a month, morning and
evening, the milk is tested. An ac
curate account of the amount and value
of both butter-fat and skim milk, to
gether with the cost of all feed, is
kept, so that the profit on each cow
can be known.
This is a part of the Agricultural
College's plan to reorganize industrial
work in the schools, which the col
lege is ready to aid in establishing in
other counties, hoping that through the
children the parents may become in
terested in raising the standard of the
dairy cows.
The testers have so far been installed
in seven schools: Salt Creek, Perrydale,
Ballston, Bethel, Parker, Buena. Vista
and Airlie. Also Monmouth, Fairview,
Blkins, Fall City and Independence will
have them put in immediately. .
- r- .- Blooded Sow Purchased.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. Dec 20. (Spe
cial.) Barclay Henderson, of the big
Henderson & McKay ranch, purchased
the blooded Berkshire- sow, "Bernice
VI," while a visitor at the Livestock
Show, and will engage extensively in
the hog-raising business next year.
They own also the Berkshire boar,
"Young Johnny IX." and expect to
have some of the best Berkshires in
the state next year.
To those who have "the key to success"
to those who are seeking it
to those who desire it
and to all humanity and its friends
are Yuletide wishes of cordiality extended
most sincerely.
fhe Qregon Home Builders
1405 Yeon BId&i
From Feb. 1 Northwestern Bank Building.
"The better to serve you."
O. K. JEFFERT, Pres.. C B. HURTT, Mgr.
of Merit Only
Free Auto Delivery
In Westover , Terrace Mount
Hood Is Reproduced.
Spray Sent Up by Giant Hydraulics
Gives Kffect of Snow on Real
Mountain Visible From Port
land's Scenic Addition.
What appears to be two identical
Mount Hoods can now be seen from a
point on Shenandoah Terrace at the end
of the "Westover carline. The face of
Goldsmith has been 'cut away and ris
ing to a height of 200 feet there ap
pears against the sky a curious freak
of nature in the exact shape and con
tour of Oregon's famous mountain.
The real Mount Hood is in full view
Just across the city and with the ef
fect of distance the appearance both
In size and outline are plainly seen to
have been reproduced exactly in the
big hill back of the Terraces. In addi
tion, the immense volume of spray sent
up by the big hydraulic giant gives the
extraordinary effect of a mantle of
snow, the only thing necessary to com
plete the illusion.
This week, in addition to cutting a
sheer precipice 200 feet high and ex
posing the heart of Goldsmith Hill,
the giants at work have created a new
record by tearing down and removing
6000 tons of surplus earth, on the
average, every day during the seven
day period.
To have done this work by the con
tractors' ordinary method there would
have been needed a string of 700 dump
wagons and several thousand men, is
the statement made by the engineers
of the Lewis-Wiley Hydraulic Com
pany, who are handling this big un
dertaking. Some concrete idea of the
magnitude of th operations is seen
from the fact that 700 dump wagons
make a procession four miles long and
that there are not more than 600 dump
wagons In the entire city of Portland
and less than 700 of them In the state.
Contractors everywhere are studyinR
the method's used In this work as they
find that the earth is being moved by
the hydraulic giant for a few cents,
where it would have cost them dol
lars if steam shovels had been used.