The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 03, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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Forecasters Admit Possibili
tiss of Changes and Hold
Silent Vote Enigma. '
Taft's Known Views on Tariff May
Help Him With Protection Dem
ocrats BrIIlant Campaign
jranagement Lacking.
f Continued From First Pee.)
renters around the vast silent rote in
the Republican part? and the silent In
dependent vote that Is present in every
campaign. No one knows how this
silent 'tote will go. No one knows
whether It will be cast to any consider
able decree, or whether It will be un
recorded, and if it Is cast, no one knows
for which candidate the bulk of It will
be cast. The light Republican- primary
vote in riiunv elates, on its face, fore
shadowed a light Republican vote In
November, but the light primary vote
does r.ot necessarily mean a light vote
on Tuesday.
Further uncertainty grows out of the
presence of the third party In the field
parly whose candidate Is tremendous
ly popular with a large element of the
oeoDle. but whose strength as the
leader of a bolting party is difficult to
ascertain. Having broken with the
Republican uarty. Colonel Roosevelt
win not eet near the vote he would
have received had he. and not Taft,
been nominated by the Republican Na
tional convention at Chicago. It is
also certain that he will not. in some
states at least, get the vote he received
In the primaries, when he was running
as a Republican and not as a third
party candidate.
Secretary libber Only Cabinet Mem
ber in Capital Election Day.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. The close of
the campaign finds Washington prac
tically deserted of ail high Govern
ment officials. President Taft, after
voting In Cincinnati, will not return
to the capital until next Thursday. Mrs.
Taft and Miss Helen Taft probably will
hear the" returns at the Summer White
House at Beverly. Robert, the eldest
son. at Harvard. and Charles, the
younger, at Horace Taft's School, prob
ably will not Join her. Secretary Fish
er, of the Interior Department, will be
the only Cabinet officer in Washington
on election day. and, "sitting on the
lid." he will be acting President. Tie
Secretary's long trip to Hawaii pre
vented his registering (n his home ward
In Chicago, so he cannot vote. Neither
can Secretary N'agel, who. campaign
ing for several weeks for President
Taft. lost his chance to register.
Secretary Wilson, of the Department
cf Agriculture, will vote at his home,
Traer. Ia. He has been campaigning In
the Middle West.
Secretary Knox will return from his
Western trip In time to vote In Pitts
burg, and Assistant Secretary of State
Huntington Wilson will vote in Chi
cago Secretary Stims"i will vote In
New' Tork. as will Attorney-General
Wlckersham. Secretary Meyer votes at
Hamilton. Mass.. pnd Assistant Secre
tary Winthrop at Jericho. L. I., in the
Ovster Bay district.
V-arml Thompsoiv President Taft's
secretary, after his speaking tour, will
cast his ballot at his old home. Iron
ton, and Lewis L. Layltn. Assistant Secretary-
of the Interior, at Columbus.
Assistant Secretary Allen, of the Treas
urv Department, has gone to Vermont
to "vote, and Assistant Secretary Curtis
will vote in Boston.
That part of official Washington
which does not vote remains in the at
titude of an Interested spectator. Gov
ernment departments always are par
tially depleted on election day. This
vear It is estimated upwards of ?000
clerks have been grained leaves of ab
sence to go home to vote.
Virtually every member of Congress
Is out of Washington. Most of them
have been In their home districts look
ing after their fences during the cam
paign. There is no National headquar
ters of any party In Washington and,
with practically all officials out of the
city, old observers predict the coming
clectjon day will fce quiet.
f4 1 . - ... -
Northern state east of the r . -;: v,:. v.. . . ... v; , r
lould not surprise me , " - , 1 - V,
the electoral ote of . , '
Union. We are dead , t t , . .
of 26 state-. in t'lese '
e conducted pre lnct , J. " , ; P"""
led positively mat the - r ? v , f " carried b ft fT v ' k ' X', A
ed to be for Wilson l t i ' T , - ' "
Ined Republican pre- h. ", i ,f . ,'v v?, $y$Zp: , " - "
to be for Taft and f ,t". ' . 5 " 1l 1
I I h"'- " ,,X- - ff ' " I ALL THREE
BITTER Ss- - 0" J
of a singl
Allegher.les. It
at all if we ge
every state in t
certain, howevei
26 states we h
polls and ascerti
total UpuDiica
Wilson or repo
equals the com
cincts reported
We will carry Ohio, Illinois. v is
consln. Michigan. Indiana, Iowa, Aim
onrl. Kansld. North uaKo:aM uan
fornia. Oreiron and Washington, in aa
dition to many other states.'
Medill McCormlck. or the r-rogressive
committee, announced that tne thiid
nartv was assured of a plurality In
24 states.
The Roosevelt landslide is on. said
Mr. Mccormick, "and nothing on earth
can stop It. Our forecast is entirely
too conservative, but we are not claim
njc anything of which we are not ngn
down to the Krour.d certain,
In addition to Illinois, New xork
and California we will most certainly
aet 21 additional states, with a great
orobabillty that this number will be
oushed close to the 30 mark."
Klnventh Hour Tide for Taft Is Felt.
State Race Important.
CHICAGO. Nov. 2. Final reports
from all of the 102 counties in Illinois
indicate that the National election will
be affe'eted to a large oegree by the
fighs to control the next Illinois Gen
eral Assembly, which is to select two
United States Senators.
Bttlng odds favor Governor Wood
row Wilson on the National ticket and
Governor Charles S. Deneen. Repub
lican, on the state ticket. This is off
set to considerable extent by reports
favoring "Coldnel ' Roosevelt and the
Roosevelt Progressive .ticket. Also an
cleventu-hour tide for Taft gave cour
ag? to the Republican managers.
K"y O. West. Republican state chair
map. aid
The Republicans will control the
C.i neral Assembly and elect two Sen
ators." Chauncey Dewey. Roosevelt Progres
sive State Senator, said that Roose
velt would have a plurality in Illinois
of 150.000. Joseph E. Davles. director
of the Democratic campaign in the
West, said Illinois would glee Wilson
the 450.000 votes cast for Bryan four
years ago. and in addition 40.000 to
50.000 Republican and Democratic votes
not cast for Bryan. Of the 629.000 cast
for Taft In 1908. said Mr. Davles. Colo
nel Roosevelt will get approximately
370.OO0. President Taft will not get
inir? than 240.000 votes.
The Republican managers said Presi
dent Taft would get 315 electoral
votes, the Democrats said Wilson would
get as many votes as Taft and Roose
velt combined In 26 states and the
Progressives claimed 24 states for
Roosevelt as a certainty, with prob
abilities of three or four more.
David W. Mulvane, manager of the
Tr.ft headquarters In Chicago, said:
"Mr. Taft will be re-elected, receiv
ing 315 electoral votes. This will be
despite the fact that the Republican
party has been bitterly assailed in re
vengeful fashion by a man who pre
viously received its highest honor,
rpnn a square Issue between a united
Republican party and the Democratic
partv on the issue of protection against
free "trade tiie result wouid never have
been In doubt."
Mr. Davles, director of the -Democratic
campaign In the West, declared:
"The Demcrats will win this elec
tion even if we don"t get the support
All Three Parties to Curry ignt
Over to Monday Xiglit.
NEW YORK. Nov. 2. The candidates
for Governor on the Republican, Demo-
ratie and Roosevelt Progressive lick
ts will carry the fight through with
out cessation until lute Monday nignt.
Th. three-cornered fight for the Gov
ernorshln has drawn Presidential and
vire-PreFldentlal candidates to the
platforms and has divided the vote of
the state so that predictions are not as
freely made as usual.
The Roosevelt Progressive party has
made a strong appeal to the voters for
upport of the state ticket.
Activities that have reacnea into an
corners of the Nation came to a head
here tnriav with the National head
quarters of the three leading political
parties. So far as the chairmen of the
Democratic. Republican and Progressive
parties are concerned, tne campaign
ended tonight. There remained to be
carried out tomorrow. Monday ano
Tuesday the detailed plans tor get
ting out the vote." policing contested
election districts and preventing frauds,
K,.t h.u matters are In the majority
of cases reposing now In the hands of
local chairmen and state and district
The promise of victory percnea upon
very headquarters banner tonight. In-
nirAri hv telegrams from ccairmen
hroughout the state, the Democratic,
Republican and Progressive- cnairmen,
reanectivelv. asserted either that vic
tory was In their grasp, or the condi
tions were such that a tide of votes to
their respectie candidates mignt do ex
pected in the election Tuesday.
Wilson and miles Predict Majorities,
Dixon Says "Landslide."
NEW TORK. "Nov. 2. William K.
Mrrnmbi. Iemocratic chairman, as
serted today that Governor Wilson
would carry the Nation by an "as
tounding majority."
Charles D. Hilles. Republican chair
man, declared that President Taft was
"assured of a majority in the electoral
Senator Dixon. Roosevelt Progress
ive National chairman, said:
"The Nation will be astounded by
the enormous vote of the Roosevelt
and Johnson party next Tuesday. The
election returns of four years ago
count for nothing In the present con
test. All Indications point to a Roose
velt landslide. No one longer ques
tions that either Colonel Roosevelt or
Mr.- Wilson will be elected President
Taft will certainly be a bad third In
the race, with Debs pushing hlrn
closely for third place In Connecticut,
Illinois and Indiana.
"The last 10 days have seen a tre
mendous drift towards Roosevelt in
every part of the country. Facing
political revolution as we do. there can
be no certain yardstick of measure
ment as In former years. Based on
most comprehensive reports from
every state chairman of the Progress
ive partv -It now seems certain that
Roosevelt will carry 25 states, having
a total of "297 electoral votes. Wilson
will carry 12 states having 130 elec
toral votes. Ten states, having a total
of 104 electoral votes I believe to be
Roosevelt Supporters Confident, bnt
Wilson's Chance Looks Good.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 2. California
closed today the last week of what
perhaps has been the most remarkable
political campaign the state has ever
known. Estimates of the coming result
at the polls were flatly contradictory
and the most disinterested observers
agreed that the situation was -vague
and puzzling.
Progressives supporting Roosevelt
and Johnson held to their original dec
laration that the state was overwhelra
Inglv" on their side. Wilson men as!
serted that the Democrats had steadily
gained strength since the Sacramento
convention and the decision of the Su
preme Court excluding Taft electors
from the ballot: that south of the
Tehachapi Roosevelt sentiment had
been dwindling until it no longer could
hope to overcome the majority that
would be brought to meet It from the
north. Betting odds favored Roosevelt
and Johnson, with even money on San
Francisco rly. Governor Johnson's
managers have assured him that his
cause in his home state Is safe.
These are the things that make the
campaign, difficult to gauge:
That women vote for the first time
In a National election.
That Taft electors were barred from
the ballot.
That Taft. and La Follctte support-1
also claimed the election of E. G. Dunn
p.s governor by 20,000 plurality and a
Joint ballot majority in the state legis
Chairman Franke, of the Roosevelt
Progressive state committee, said the
race between Wilson and Roosevelt in
Iowa would be close. He declined to
give figures. Chairman Rawson, of the
Republican state committee, would
make no statement.
Campaign of Oratory Has Been Con
tinnous for Xine, Months.
CINCINNATI. O., Nov. 2. Leaders of
each of Ihe three larger political par
ties at the close of the campaign to
night were ready with claims of victory.
The campaign from an oratorical
star.dDotni. lia been waged continu
ously for the last nine months. Presl
dent Taft. Colonel Roosevelt, Governor
Wilson. W. J. Bryan. Governor Har
mon and a score of lesser dignitaries,
i nitt-d States Senators, Cabinet mem-
hpra .nd Congressmen have kept a
must a continuous trail of special
trains criss-crossing the state.
ers In unknown numbers. were sure to
vote for Wilson.
That the primary results, in which
Roosevelt and Johnson were twice suc
cessful by huge pluralities did not In
dicate the silent vote.
That Governor Johnson himself. In a
fight critically concerning his pwn ad
ministration, was absent from the
state, and thereby his cause lost its
most vigorous campaigner.
Speakers of National reputation were
rare In California during the campaign,
though Colonel Bryan and Governor
Marshall both visited the state brieHy.
In the forensic sense it was a quiet
campaign, but in the newspapers the
fight was waged bitterly, with nearly
all the Taft papers openly supporting
Governorship Campaign Really Most
of Interest In State.
HELENA, Mont., Nov.- 2. Political
indications during the last few days
indicate that the electoral vote of Mon
tana will be cast for Woodrow Wilson,
while Theodore Roosevelt probably
will run second and Taft a close third.
Chief interest in the Montana cam
paign centers in the governorship. The
supporters of each of the candidates
claim victory.- Sara V. Stewart, Demo
cratic nominee, apparently Is In the
lead, with Frank J. Edwards, the
Roosevelt Progressive candidate, mak
ing vigorous Inroads into his strength.
Harry L. Wilson. Republican, will be
considerably ahead of his National
ticket in all probability. The vote on
governor will be close.
Less Interest is being taken In the
preferential vote for United States Sen
ator. Apparently this vote will adhere
closely to National party lines. In the
Congressional contests It is generally
believed that Thomas Stout, Democrat,
will win, with the contest for the other
seats close between Congressman
Charles N. Pray, Repubucani J. M.
Evans, Democrat, and Thomas M. Ev
erett, Progressive.
National and State Contests Promise
TRENTON, N. J.. Nov. 2. In Govern
nor Wilsons own state of New Jersey,
whose 14 electoral votes are claimed by
Democrats, Republicans and Progress
ives alike, there will be' decided also
on Tuesday whether the next Governor
of the state, should Wilson win. and
the next United States Senaor will be
Democratic or Republican. In addition,
voters of the state will elect the lower
House of the Legislature and will de
termine the political complexion of the
State Senate, now Republican by a ma
jority of one.
Should Governor Wilson win In the
National election, the next President
)f the Senate will succeed him as Gov
ernor upon his resignation and would
continue In office until after the Fall
election of 1913. The President of the
Senate is a Republican.
New Jersey will elect 12 Representa
tives to Congress this year. Instead of
10 as heretofore. The present delega
tion from the state consists of seven
Democrats and three Republicans.
Fig-lit for Legislative Control Is
. Most Important.
CONCORD, N. H.. Nov. 2. The con
test for legislative 'control Is attract
ing much attention In the final hours
of the campaign in New Hampshire,
as In the event that none of the five
candidates for Governor receives a ma
jority of the popular vote the choice
will lie with the legislature.
Party managers agree that the vote
on Presidential electors win De un
usually close.
Democrats Confident, Roosevelt Men
Hopeful, In Newest State.
PHOENIX, Arix., Nov. 2. The first
Presidential campaign In the newest
state in the Union came to a close to
night, with the Democrats confident,
the Roosevelt Progressives hopeful and
the Republicans apathetic. There were
closing rallies by all parties in most
of the large towns.
. Adherents of Governor .Wilson claim-
the state by pluralities ranging from
500 to 2000. Roosevelt Progressives
assert that Roosevelt will have a plu
rality and Taft supporters acknowledge
that their leader will be third in the
race. The re-election of Representa
tive Hayden. Democrat, is practically
conceded. No other officers will be
elected. The constitutional amend
ments providing the recall of judges
and giving the State the right to en
gage In industrial pursuits are ex
pected to carry. The vote on woman
suffrage will be close.
Voters Will Express Preference for
U. S. Senators on Tuesday.'
DENVER, Nov. 2. For the first time
Colorado voters will express their pref
erence for United States Senators, of
whom two will be elected by the Leg
islature this Winter. v
The Republicans hfcve made their
campaign on the issue of protection for
Colorado Industries. The Democrats
uphold the Wilson policies on tariff and
other Issues, and oppose the Repub
lican conservation theory as detrimen
tal to the interests of the West. The
Roosevelt - Progressives - support the
Roosevelt National platform and poli
cies. Thirty-two initiated and referred bills
and constitutional amendments are on
the ballot. The Presidential vote will
be close.
Democrats See Nothing but Wilson;
Others Roosevelt.
DES MOINES, la.. Nov. 2. Chairman
Reed, of the Iowa Democratic state
committee, said tonight that about
475,000 votes would be cast. He etaimed
210,000 for Wilson and conceded
Roosevelt 140,000 and Taft 125,000. He j
jshlnstou Party to Cut Down
Heavy Vote for Taft In 1908.
publican. Democratic and Washington
party leaders each claim their candi
dates will carry the state.
In 190S Taft received 745,779 votes in
the state, and Bryan 448,782. The
Roosevelt party candidates In Pennsyl
vania will be voted for principally un
der the name of the Washington party.
Besides the National ticket, great
efforts have been made by the Demo
crats and Roosevelt Progressives to
elect their state tickets.
Democrats Have Taken Practically
No Steps to Arouse Voters.
MONTPELIER, Vt. Nov. 2. Since the
state election Vermont has seen com
paratively little campaigning.
Roosevelt Progressives and Republi
cans have had rallies In some cities, but
the Democrats have taken practically
no steps to arouse the voters.
State, Normally Republican, May Go
for Any Candidate.
GRAND FORKS, N. D., Nov. 2. North
Dakota is normally Republican in Pres
idential elections by 35.000.
Roosevelt Progressive, Republican
and Democratic parties each claim vic
tory at the coming election.
Roosevelt Republicans In Control
bnt Wilson Men Are Sure.
SIOUX FALLS, S, D., Nov. 2. The
South Dakota situation is puzzling Ac
cording to the claims of rival mana
gers, it is anybody's state on Presi
dent. The Roosevelt men. who are in con
trol of the machinery of the -Republican
party of the state and who had-. five
mmwl si k
nJ((sltfBflf JV'"'' '"'
Mr. Voter: If you vrant to elect a dependable man and law
yer to the Circuit Bench of this District, you can make no mis
take in voting fdr Mr. Davis.
tie is a man of character, ability and experience in his pro
fession, and would grace fittingly the position of honor to
which he aspires.
We earnestly urge you to vote for Mr. Davis and a clean
bench. .
v (Paid Advt., by Davis Booster Society.)
? ff ' 1 ' if
' Y
' T '.::-I7 -? . a'"'" ' '
Read What Millie R. Trumbull
Says of W. H. Fitzgerald -
You mothers of girls know Millie R.
Trumbull: she has a high place of
esteem in this town: she probably
wouldn't lie about a -man's character, or
seek to force a reprobate on the public.
She knows Fitzgerald as a man and
good citizen. Here is what she says
about him:
At various times during the past few
weeks the newspapers have given space
to editorials and articles which take
one back to the times of old "mud-
slinglng'" politics. Mr. W. H. Htz
gerald. candidate' for Sheriff on the
Republican ticket, has been accused of
possessing all the attributes of disso
lute characters that his associates belong-to
the ranks of the anti-social
class, that his morality Is questionable,
etc., until the average reader would
come to the conclusion that he has no
standards either as a man or a citizen.
What Mr. Fitzgerald's political affilia
tions are I do not know, but I do know
iH.ff..aM tha rrtnn T have known
him and watched him as a worker and
leader in organized labor ranks for a
number of years. His leadership is
that of positive conviction, quiet, self-
contained, conservative, very far from
the ranting radicalism so popularly
associated with union labor leaders In
the minds ol tne ltfnorani. xna eoi.u-
tive ability Is unquestionea. as evi
denced by the number of times he has
filled office In his own union and in the
State Federation of Labor.
A rigid enforcement of the laws on
the statute books Is the best we can
expect of any official, and to this Mr.
Fitzgerald lias pledged himself. If we
want i different conditions, we must
change the laws.
As to his personal character, I have
never known him to be other than a
clean, straightforward, honest man, al
ways fighting for better living and
working conditions for the man. woman
and child who must work for their
daily bread; always ready to lend his
influence for progressive measures that
were for the uplift of humanity. It Is
painful to read the aspersions against
the personal character of a man who
has sacrificed for his principles as has
Mr. Fitzgerald, merely because those
principles are not indorsed. This mun
has a wife and children and a home,
and these should not be humiliated sim
ply because of a difference of opinion In
economics. Honest defeat isi one thing,
but defeat is not honest which Is
brought about through methods which
are unscrupulous and through false
accusations which blacken character
and bring unhappiness and humiliation
to home and family.
Defeated Candidates
Indorse Fitzgerald
ixr0 triA undersigned, were candidates for the Repub
lican nomination for Sheriff at the April primaries. W. H.
Fitzgerald, the successful candidate, conducted a clean,
vigorous and manly contest and yon the nomination fairly.
The determination, energy and love" of fair play displayed
bv Mr Fitzgerald impress us with the conviction that he
is entitled to the support 01 tne itepuDiiuaiia ui iui
County in the coming election. '
Statement From Mr. Fitzgerald
As a final word to the voters of Multnomah County, I wish to
state that, despite the campaign of vilification and misrepresenta
tion that has been waged against me, I am still standing by my
original platform and will enforce all laws with strict impartiality.
If I am 'elected Sheriff, I will enter the office unpledged and un
promised to any individual, faction or class, but simply as an officer
chosen to enforce the law for all the people. Slanderous reports to
the contrary' notwithstanding, I have never solicited or received any
campaign contributions from the saloon interests. If elected, I will
not permit the saloons to run on Sunday, as my chief competitor, Mr.
Word, did while he was Sheriff, and they will receive no favors from
me while I am in office. I have endeavored to conduct my campaign
in a clean, respectable manner and have refrained from doing any
thing that would cause me to forfeit or impair the respect of a large
number of the best people of Multnomah County, who have honored
me with their support in the past. I expect to. merit this confidence
and, with all of the earnestness at my command, again promise the
Multnomah County taxpayers that, if I am elected Sheriff, they will
never have any occasion to regret supporting me, and the really
honest men who are now opposing me will regret that they were
misled by a few unscrupulous politicians who have stopped at noth
ing in their efforts to besmirch ray reputation and -impugn my
Soliciting the votes of all who believe in fair play and who are
desirous of a strictly business administration of the Sheriff's office
and the enforcement of all laws without unnecessary hysterics, spec
tacular effects and grandstand playing, I am, respectfully,
Republican Progressive Nominee for Sheriff.
(Paid Advertisement.)