The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 19, 1912, SECTION FOUR, Page 9, Image 55

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0 NS
Four Years Sees Great Change
in Means of Conveyance
for Officials.
Ir. Harry Lane, aa Major, Intro
duce llrC Machine, Wtilch Car
ries Chirr of Fire Department
Thousands of MUea.
Expenditures for tbe operation and
maintenance of automobiles by the city,
to which attention was called last week
tMUe of some fixures compiled by
rity Auditor Barbur. broucht out the
fact that Portland has virtually trans
formed Its departments. Insofar as
means of conveyance Is concerned.
ft was but four years aa-o that the
first city-owned automobile was pur
chased. Great ceremony attended the
event. Ir. Harry Lane was Mayor and
Marcus A, Flelschner was chairman of
the fire committee of the Executive
Board. David Campbell was the Klre
Chief. He virtually selected the ma
chine, which has been In constant ue
since and Is considered a nood as new.
In It. the lste Chief, who was killed
tn an Kast Side fire and explosion,
drove thousands of miles on all kinds
of runs and his successors have done
likewise. Chief Dowell now operates
That machine was the envy of every
department head. It started an epoch
of automobile purchasing". Since then
the city haa bought 20. Nearly every
department head has one: thev water
department has several. And the end
Is aot yet. for the fire sen Ice Is to In
stall 1. or a dosen hose and chemical
combination carts of the same pattern
as two that are now a part of the de
partment. They cost a sooj deal of
money to operate and to keep In re
pair. It Is now proposed to build a
municipal a-araice. equipped with suffi
cient force to attend to the upkeep of
all city machines and where they all
may be stored when not In use for public-
business. That the automobiles are
a permanent feature and are doing; ex
cellent work for the city. Is conceded.
For the first time In many years, the
CHy Hall bu!ldln Is belli rleened
with steel brushes snd the exterior
presents a splendid appearance. The
stone looks like new and the workmen
are receiving; many compliments. The
ocraston for the cleaning up of the
bulldlnir Is the approachlnr re-unlon of
the E;ks and the other festal occasions
.hed'ilrd for the Summer. Chief Jani
tor Simmons Is superintending; the
work. The City Council appropriated
tis necesssry funds by unsnlmous vote.
The Hall will be elaborately decorated
this year to be In keeping with the
spirit of the numerous special occa
sions. e .
An Interesting; point of lsw that fre
quently la brousht to notice Is as to
whether the city officials actually have
the riant to award contracts for psv
nc. sewer ar other Improvements by
waiver. City Attorney Urant haa held
that the city has such right, as hs
points out that tbe people of a com
munity or the residents of a street
here the right to say over their sig
nature what they want without refer
ence to regular charter provisions, to
the extent that. If tbey all agree to
have a certain kind of Improvement,
they are entitled to It. This, notwith
standing the fact that they might get
such Improvement cheaper by means of
railing: for bids In the regular compe
titive manner. Many new sections are
paved by waiver, the sewers are In
stalled and water mains put In. By
elgnln waivers, the people Interested
rellquiah all rights guaranteed under
the charter that they might other
wise avail themselves of and the city
Is absolved from difficulties that might
In bo manner Is the rapid growth of
Portland better Illustrated than with
regard to 'the supply of water. It Is
found to be next to Impossible for the
Water Board to keep up with the nu
meroua extensions demanded for every
section. More crews than have ever
been at work have been kept busy this
sexson. but the demand st. 11 far exceeds
the facilities of the department for In
Mnir.nt; mains. The water department
this Summer ha ample water In stor
age and the only problem now facinit
it la the laying of the required pipes
in carry It to the residents of the dif
ferent sections. The Board Is not en
couraging non-resident supply, the
members feeling that It Is a doubtful
policy to cater to outsiders, although
a comparatively few people are fur
nished with water who live beyond the
city limits. They are charged hlx-ber
rates and have to Install meters at
their own expense. Numerous effort
of promoters to run pipes Into tracts
that are to be sold for speculation,
with a view to having the city take
the mains over later, are saeetir.a with
p.Mir success, also. No ve-fiwe are
.l.k...h . XnaH has tha in
thorny to purchase pipes put In In
this manner when they yield a return
of not less than per cent on the cost
of Installation.
With the advent of the Bummer sea
son, accompanied by dry weather and
the usual amount of dust, there nave
developed a good many demands for
sprinkling; of macadamised streets and
road a Irate citlsena, who do not real
ise tbe system now in vogue la Port
land, register a rood many complaints
about this subject. Aa a matter of
fact, sprinkling by the old water
wagon plan baa been abandoned In
Portland. Water la used only for the
flushing- of the hard-surfaced streets
or ahead of the sweepera on these
pavements. Rarely ever does the
street-cleaning; department resort to
sprinkling by water on account of
dusty streets. Oil la being; need exclu
sively for this purpose, as It has proven
more economical and one application
lasts a long; time. A prink line of
water on a dusty street lays the dust
less than an hour and Is very expan
sive In operation for an entire season,
Need of a purchasing agent to look
after the very large outlay of publto
funds for the operation and mainte
nance) of the several city department
la constantly noted by those familiar
with city business. Under the present
system it Is certain that tha people
are losing; money through the axnaU
quantltlee of materials, feed, etc, ne
cessary to the proper operation of the
different branches of the municipality.
There la no unanimity of action what
ever between departments. For exam
ple, the fire committee of the Execu
tive Board orders separata supplies for
that department, while tha street
cleaning- committee, police committee
and the other committeea art inue
pendently In every Instance. Were it
possible to ctora large quantities of
supplies for all of the departments,
having- some one to supervise the pur
chases to tbe best advantage of the
market. It Is said that many thousands
r tollsr could be saved oy tne city
every year. In fact, many times tha
..i.rv of a competent buyer. The char
ter does not provide, however, for such
an agent and thns far tne city council
haa not seen fit to create the position.
Promt neat Person Will Speak at
Commonwealth Sessions
men. War 1- Spec.I.) Ths fourth
annual commonwealth oonferenc will
b held at Euirene Mar 14 and 25 tin-
der the auspices of the UnlYsrsity of
The program m aa arranged for the
coming eeaalona follows:
Hrtt wwMlon Mir 2. A. M. Taxation
an4 tfocial JusUir.' pavfrcr by fharl V.
(rtilew.T, chairman ttmie Tax Comrallon ;
paper br Purtr J. Nff, City Attorny, Me4-
fortl; dlKUMloa ltd br William 8. TTK-n.
cf Onion city. "Justice In th Division of
Coit and of Frortuct o Industry Bstwaan
Kmployor and pi or" papsr by R. .
lirrt, discussion lsd br James B. Kmrr. of
tcond session May 34. t F. If. E-o-nnmio
and SocuU fr'actor In OroT iood
Koada Problem. Plr by Gsorso O. Put
nam. diKiMioo ld by C C Hpsnca. mastar
h it Unnft. and J. H Albert, of tSaUcm.
"Kitsnaloi. of tn Area of Cultivation In
Or-a cm 1 hrouf b Co-opratlon and hoc la I
Organisation." papsr by W. K- Comtn. n
ral freight ar?:it Hill lines; dlacusalon ld
by Jttin X J-oott. irnsral paseanser ant
t.uthra Pacific I In a.
Third Mtoo May 34. P. si. Tha
Probim of TTarWormlns; Orin from a
Mriy Geographical to an Organ Ic and
M'trirua Knrity", dtseupslon by K. Feaca
ami Lr J. K. Wilson. bnh of Portland.
Fourth rfulor-May SS. A. M -VorthT
atandarde af Una on Nonnal-vHtsad Farm
l nits In Oren" trly.n strong. y on tha
iionMoa of tbs us vf alectricity in agri
cultural pspsr hT W T. B irhanan. public
ity director Portland Railway, Light a
fowmr Company: d --iori led by saraul
M. RvareS -d tor "Klamath ! is North
wantora. aad Profanaor P. J. 0"Gm "lm
provwiaant of tha Eoooomle Organisation la
irgon for Haxruring to tha Producer Hte
ruil har of Valusa PratMl.- papar by W.
K Nawoll. Oaion. dlacuasloa lad bf K. 1
MMl-r. Mvdford. m
Ki f'b Muion Joint tnHnf af Commo
wvaltb ronttrtnes and Oragon Conservation
Commission) May 2A. 3 P- M- "Mora Ac
tive Co-opraMon Baiwan Oregon and the
Nation for Promoting Right and Prompt
Development of Oregon Kaaaoorcae, paper
bv John H. Iewta. Htata Engineer: dltwua
sion led by Henry . Craea of I'nited States
rret Service. J. N. Teal, chairman Oregon
Conearvatlon Commission, and Walter M.
Pierre. "Corporation Laar and Corporation
Furve-vfcrlon for Oregon to Insure Safety to
naetors and Kfft-tnry for Development,
paper br C. IX Babcoca. corporation depart
ment. Salem.
Math aasaion May S3. P. M. -Oregon's
Ro in the Solution of America's New
problems address by C K- S, "Wood, of
Minimum ITage and Maximum
' Honrs Go Into One Meuorc.
Instesd of snbmlttlnir separate meas
ures, the executive committee of the
fitate Federation of Let bo r has decided
to propose under the Initiative in the
November election only one bill In
which will be embraced the essential
provisions of the minimum wsae and
maximum hour workday contained In
measures originally considered.
Although not finally determined. It Is
understood the proposed minimum wexe
schedule will be 10 cents an hour for
male and Z cents an hour for female
The measure wilt provide for a uni
form workday of eight hours for labor
ers employed on all state, county and
municipal work. It Is possible that
the maximum hour workday may be
made applicable to all labor In the
stats. - Lawyers representing the State
Federation are preparing the draft of
the bill which will be reviewed by the
executive committee at a future meet-in.
MAIN 73 PHONES -A465 5
Bring Any Engine Expert
and Let Him Be Judge of
the Paige Power Plant
r IVUS Is aa open invitation to every prospective
I purchaser of an automobile. We dont ask you
-1 to come here to be sold a Paige Car. We want
70a to come and study the Pake, and if you are not
an expert yourself we would Be glad to have you
bring an expert with you.
Pick out a man who knows motors. That" a the kind
of a man we like best to show the Paige Car to. The
average prospective purchaser, being experienced in
automobile sales methods, may take our statements
about the construction of the Paige motor "with a grain
of sahV The engine expert sees and knows that what
we say of the Paige motor is true, every word of it.
Particularly Distinguished' by Its Power Plant
The Paige has achieved Quality Leadership among
popular-priced cars principally because of the superior
Paige power plant It is distinctly superior in its
price field, and is built with the same care that marks
the construction of motors for the highest priced cars.
A hf hour's time spent in going over the Paige
power plant will convince your expert
Top and Single-Vision Windshield
Multiple Disc Cork Insert Clutch
Tub la the turdv, stylish Paige Model Beverly Touring Car. t37
Equipped, aa are all Paige Models, with Top, Windshield, 5 black enamel
lam pa, generator, born. jack, tools, tire repair outfit, etc Self-atarter
and Prest-O-Lite tank installed at factory if desired, $25. Quick
Demountable Rims (set of S) on touring car model, including tire irons,
f 15. Same equipment on roadster, $1X50 J
J!w m liK hiv.U a anil ft n if er tmrhf ear
racaaboot vricas St7& and elOUO. Ttaa beautiful La Marquise
Cosp 610OO.
EDWARD E. CEHLIVf.EH, Geaeral Haaaaer.
SERVICE DEPT. M Tralfc Street. Marshall 343.
laUIBOOHS, ea Wuklr St. MarakaU ISUt, A 1IT.
Milwaukee Men May Build Perma
nent Concrete Race Track for
National Road Kvents.
Confronted with several serious
problems of hlg-hway rehabilitation In
preparation for the Vanderbllt Cup and
Grand Prise road races, the race com
mittee of the Milwaukee Automobile
Dealers Association hs eliminated all
but two. There remain the proposi
tion to build stretches of concrete
roadways for tha racers and the more
simple one of simply favlnir up the
highways selected for the course and
making- the turns wider and safer.
In order to set data on the efficiency
and cost of concrete roadways, a dele
gation of motorists hss been sent to
Wayne County.' Indiana, to study th
concrete roadways Installed In the
Hooster territory. Test runs are to be
made on the concrete roads from which
technical experts will draw deductions
on wear on tires, safety under speed
conditions and the factor of engine ef
ficiency. "Fifteen nominations ara as good as
made for the Vanderbilt race." rays
one of the race committee. "That
makes It look as If it were time for
Milwaukee automobile Interests to set
together to accomplish something: defi
nite In regard to the course for the
big race.
"We have several routes available.
The co-operation of the city's com
mercial and professional leaders are
promises of funds -for road improve
ment as well as offers of trophies.
Haste inlfrht mean m'aste. however, in
the matter of roadway preparation,
hence, the desire to ascertain whether
or not we can afford a permanent con
crete race roadway."
Sew I. O. O. b Temple Started.
A MITT. Or May lg. (Special.)
Work began yesterday on the new Odd
fellows' temple, which Is to cost 110.000.
"What I a sardine?' ha come up be
fore a Uondon court fnr declalon In a suit
srowlnr out of th sale of various kind
or small fish under thin label.
' 1 I II If K 'V. rssasBaTaw
II i; FLANDERS - mum
I ill
Do You Want Your Money's Worth?
Flanders "20" Touring Car, $804
Tbe next time an automobile salesman tries to sell yon a car
at a discount, tell him that the old "something for nothing"
story can't fool you.
The 'best automobiles fat the world are sold for their list
price, not a penny less. They are worth it. But the lame ducks,
the second rates, the rjondescript and assembled automobiles
are in the public market looking for the highest bidder. Look,
out they don't get you. If gold-brick cars are not worth their
list price, bow much are they worth ? Nobody knows. Cut
price deals are frauds.
But if you want a car of one price to all and worth every
cent of it. get either a Studebaker E-M-F "30," $1100, or
Flanders " 20." $ 800. You can trust them. You get all that
you pay for and that is more than you get with any other
car at near, their price. Studebaker guarantees them. That's
the big reason. No matter what price temptation falls in
your way. Studebaker E-M-F 30'' and Flanders "20" cars
are far bigger bargains, because fat years of good service and
satisaction, they pay big returns.
Wm can provm it Send for ear nets catalogvtm
The Studebaker Corporation
Detroit, Michigan
I H. ROfX Jiecthwrsl ataaaajrr.
artle Braasrb! r.rtlaad Branch:
tiel-S Ci 1 Ave. rnapmaa aad Aider 8ts.
Ti lie Uraaceil lltS Taeome Are.
Tto Woi ifa8s lire.
n ino ivonu.
Here are the reasons:
No other tires in the world are made
. under conditions so favorable to the greatest pos
sible tire durability.
In no other tires is there combined the tire
knowledge, skill and experience of four corps of
master tire builders.
In United States Tires only is the motorist
protected by a four-factory "check" against de
tects of any and every kind.
tThe tremendous facilities of the
United States Tire Company are
devoted exclusively to the manu
facture of superior, grade tires.
And the avowed purpose of the
Company (a purely selfish pur
pose) is to build tires that will
positively and appreciably reduce
the season's tire bills for motor-,
ists who use them.
(Mark that word season's.
'it is your season's, expense, and
not the purchase once, tiiat de
termines how much you actually
pay per tire.
'Don't overlook that fact for a
single minute..
(The more experience you have
had in tire-buying the more fully
you know that last costs are the
real costs, and the less apt are
you to be influenced by the cost
less" argument
You know just as the makers of
United States Tires know that
the stronger the tire the longer its
life, and the lower its per-mile cost.
And it ought not to be difficult
for you to believe that four im
mense factories, working as a unit
are better able to put strength and
wear into tires than any one fac
tory could be expected to put into
Take your tire question seriously,
and select the tires that your best
business judgment tells you are
most certain to give you the big
gestmileage return for yourmoney.
The tires that can do this are the
cheapest tires you can buy, regard
less of first cost
United States Tires offer you in
a single tire a combination of the
strongest features of four world
famous brands.
Mad In Cllnoher, Dun lop Catralgrrt aide) and Quick Detachable Btyleov.
Sold Everywhere
We now have on exhibition in our showrooms
one each of the
5 - Passenger Touring Cars
4-Passenger Touring Cars
Price $3300 Fully Equipped
F. O. B. Portland
Absolutely noiseless; low, spacious bodies with
straight, strong lines; self-starter; deep uphol
stery; easy riding, 128-inch wheel base; wide
doors; powerful motor, 4 7-8x6, always quiet in
operation ; large tires ; smart slope to hood ; center
control with left-hand drive, foot mat on running
board; gas and electric lights; access to both front
doors; always dignified and serene in action.
And, the National's heritage of reliability, power,
speed and general armospnere 01 elegance.
History's most phenomenal race record was made
by National Cars last season, crowning their past
performances. They won 84 firsts. Among these
victories, proving National quality, are: World's
fastest road race, averaging 74.63 miles per hour;
world's fastest stock straight-away mile, 40.32
seconds; Elgin National Trophy (stock), 305
miles, average 66.4 miles per hour. Nationals
have shown superiority over cars of greater cost
.pn road, hill," beach, track, etc.
These Cars Must Be Seen to Be Appreciated
Howard Automobile Co.
Phones, Main 4555; A 2550 Seventh and Couch Streets