The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 19, 1912, SECTION FOUR, Page 6, Image 52

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Committee Busy Preparing for
, m. I .
Big Speed Carnival July
5 and 6.
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Portland Man Delegated to Attend
SOO-Mlle SweejMtake and In
dace Star Pilot to Come
to Xorthweat.
TACOMA. Hay II. (Special.) At the
present rat of pro tress, work en th
track at UkHln tor tba automobtla
rarra to b held In connection with th
Tacoma Montamara Feato will b com
pitted within six weeks and from than
on drivers will bar tha prime- of
famlllarlxtnv thmselva with tb
tounr. Tha work of (ratline tb courae
Into shape for tha approaches' eon
test waa brfun a month ago. Tba
track will b treated with a binder to
harden tba surface.
Ten to tilT teams ara now at
work on tha cours and tha lumbar
will b Increased when necessary.
Lakevtew la fire miles aouth of Ta
coma. Tha track, five mllea In length,
la a lona. Irregular quadrangle and fol
lowa prairie roada that have been In
existence a long time. Aa tha prairie
U gravelly they hare a naturally hard
aurface. In addition to the teama. two
ateam rollera are getting the roada
Into ahape. Several amall buropa have
to be removed and there la much rolling-work
to do. but there ara no aer
loua problema to overcome. The
rourae Is practically level throughout.
The width la to be thirty feet from be
ginning to end.
There are three curvea in me tm:
the shspest having an ancle of "
degrees. It la feet Ion, ui in
Mh.n one la slightly more than 7
degree and the third. degree. la to be conetrocted at aU
Rl ttraadataad Bela BeUt
Work on a huge grandstand will be
gin In two weeks, according to the
committee having charge of tha plana
for the meet. .
The racea are to be held onder the
.i.i. ire. ot the Tacoma Auto Club anl
the Tacoma Carnival Association aa a
feature of the carnival aaaoclatlon a
first annual Montamara Festo. The fea
rMrr to obtain tna sancuou
American Automobile Aaaoclatlon waa
sent Kaat aome time ago and the sane-
i. ...rii her dally. In tha however, tha entry blanka
have been aenl out and when the sanc
tion arrives, the committee will be in
a poaltlon to put Ita plana Into affect
without delay.
The committee la aeeklng to obtain
the aervfes of the slat a guardsmen
In patrolling the couraa during tna
rare. The race are acbeduled for
July S and . the lat two daya of tha and If tha Kesto plan are car
ried out. aeveral companlea of militia
will take part In the parade of the
annual carnival. With the companlea
In Tacoma for the Feato. the auto race
committee believe It will have no
trouble In getting permlealou to draw
on the guardsmen for patrol duty.
The electlon of two of tha three
judge for th racea wa announced to
day, the men choen being Walter
Chnlor of Lo Angelea and Harry
Miller of San Franclco, both proml
ent coast automobile men. The third
Judge will be named later. The race
meet committee alo announced that It
I appointing official representative
In th Important coaat cite. Tb ap
point men ta to date Include tho of w.
O. Nevln In I-o Anrele and J. Stan
ley Clemenca In Portland.
ttmmm tm Driver.
U H. Ro. of Portland, will represent
th committee at the -mll Interna
tional weeptake In Indlankoolia May
J and will Interview th driver for
the nurnoae of arranging for their ap-
irmn here. H. W. Doherty. chair
man of the committee In charge of tha
Tacoma meet, visited Santa Monica
during the racea there thle month and
w a large number of drivers, but la
nnabla to go to and Kose(
who I boosting fr th local venture.
consented to act for him.
According to the committee. Teddy
Teti.sff. who established a world' rec
ord for Sol mllea In the Santa Monica
meet, and Caleb Bragg, who finished
second In the same race, are certain to
participate In the Tacoma racea. In ad-
in awe i jii n p-
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change ara to be made but that, tha
sale policy of the company will ba
brought Into accordance with Mr. Ben
aon's Ideaa of aound business organisa
tion, confidence for the dealer and serv.
Ice to tha owner.
dltlon to other drivers who clipped
records In Southern California recently
All these men are coming. It la an
nounced, to enter the Tacoma free-for-
alL IJO miles to be held July . Th
fre-for-a!l baa been dubbed tha Monta
marathon. In It the contestanta will
circle the track H times.
Frank M. Fretwell. eecretary of tha
Faclfto Highway Association and a
member of the Seattle Automobile Club,
wl'.l act a th official representative of
th American Automot.ll Association
at th meet He Is now In correspond
ence with William Schlmpf. chairman
of the contest board of tha American
Automobile Association and Manufac
turers" Contest Association.
Three Racea Jaly Bw
Thre automobile races ara pro
grammed for July S. one each for heavy.
' medium and light rare, while th Mon
tamarathon will be run th day fol
lowing. Th Tacoma Motorcycl Club,
which Is affiliated with the Federation
' of American Motorcyclists, la planning
. motorcycle racea as part of tha two
dav programme.
Th prlsee to ba offered total 110,090.
dlrtded as follows: Ftve thousand for
the free-for-all: J500 for the heavy
car event: $10 for the medium car
race, and tlOOO for tha light car con
test. These amounts are to be split on
the basis of TO per cent for the winner.
: per cent for second place and 10 per
cent for third place.
Of the i:S.0 guarante required by
th carnival association. SI0.090 was
ubscrthed In on wek by local busi
' tie -men. according to tha committee.
No difficulty Is expected In raising tha
remaining S0. The guarantee la aa
. underwriting pmpoeltlon. tha aubvcrlb
, era to pay only In easa of a deficit.
Doable S jlrra Aid Low Speed.
Stoddard-rayton cars have a twe
rark tanttion sstem which give a
hotter apark at all speeds and allowa
throttling down the motor to a very
low speed. The two-park principle
' really la a compound spark of longer
duration than Is obtained from any
i other system, and It lasts practically
.throughout tb nrlng stroke.
Having given up toe Idea f av com
mercial veMcle show In the Coliseum,
the Chicago Automobile Trade Aaaoci
actoa s commercial veMc! section held
a meeting and decided to promote aa
outdoor truck eiuw the last wek in
Snccesjor of Paul Smith Ifaa Had
Many Years Experience In.
Auto Business.
Th Studebaker Corporation haa Just
announced the appointment of Ernest
R. Benson as sales manager of the
automobile division, succeeding Paul
bmltb. who resigned to become vice
president of the Metxger Motor Car
Together with Mr. Benson' duties aa
head of all domestlo sales, he will have
charge of th Canadian Business, woicn
centers at the Walkervllle plant, and
also over the company'a foreign export
trade, which Is already well established
In all parts of the world.
Mr. Benson, who for the paat five
years baa been the sales manager of
th Cadillac Motor Car Company,
brings to tha Studebaker Corporation
an experience which Includes the de
velopment of the automobile industry.
Aa a friend aptly expresses It. Mr. Ben
son la In the best sense of the word a
bualnesa builder. He Is an organlxer.
a manager and haa aided largely In
bringing tha automobile business to a
point where It permanence Is assured
and where service to the owner Is com
bined with stability and fair profir to
the dealer.
Mr. Benson"s business experience be
gan with tbe Pope Manufacturing Com
pany, of Hartford. Conn, pioneer bi
cycle manufacturers with whom h waa
associated for U yara. during all of
which tlm He waa engaged In th
aalea organisation.
Later, for four years, h waa with
tha A. O. Spalding A Bro In their re
tail business. Leaving them he again
entered the Pope organisation and for
MTaral year was secretary for the
Hartford Rubber Works. While In that
position he cam in close contact with
the automobile Industry, and again hla
attention waa given to the selling end
of the business, of which he had cntlr
If on thing aoov anomer iiinoi
out In Mr. Bnon wora. n
wherever he haa iron n has leu oe
bind the fralts of an extraordinary or
ganization ahillty. He has built solid
ly and permanently. 'In no aense a
promoter, he haa alwajs enlarged tha
business of hi company by making
tha dealera' business permanent and
rewarding and at the aam time bring
ing to the public the advantage which
only an astute and far-sighted man of
high motives could achieve.
With the Studebaker Corporation Mr.
Benson believes he ha found th wld-
t opportunity th automoou item
presents. It la his ambition to bring to
th man of moderate mean vn mor
successfully than In th paat. the op
portunity to owning a Studebaker E-M-F
-10- or Flanders !- ear. Befor
tha Studebaker concern, with It nor
moua resource and equipment, Mr.
Benson believes ther are extraordin
ary poeslbiiltlee for th company and
for Studebaker owners.
Maxwell Will Sot Ite-cntcr Iladng,
Despite Bltf Victory., '
By winning th light car class- In
the Santa Monica road race and estab
lishing a light car record.-a Maxwell
car recovered the title which a. ma
chine of that make won In the' Long
Island Stock Car Derby at Rlverhead,
X. T.. three year ago.
This doe not mean, however, that
the company will resume racing. For
two or three year the officials have
not favored speed contests, believing
that reliability contests furnish a bet
ter test.
"Soma of our competitors have said
that we did not believe In racing be
cause our cara were not speedy," said
President Briscoe of tha United State
Motor company. "It Is true we never
made a specialty of making racing car
and have believed for years that rac-
lng was not the best test of motor car
"It give u some satisfaction, how
ever, to note that the owner of a Max
welk car. making entry without our
encouragement tor co-operation, has
broken the world's record for cars with
a piston displacement np to 231 cubic
Inches, the light- car limit-- To main
tain this remarkable, average It was
necessary to run over 70 mllea sn hour
and do so consistently..
- 'The Maxwell 'Is now on record as
the fastest light car In the world, and
the National touring champion, by rea
son or Its clean-cut victory in tha
Qlldden tour." ' . '
Hundreds Accept Invitation to Go
- Through Auto Factory. -
Hnudreds of visitors -' are shown
through the plant of the Pierce-Arrow
Motorcar Company every year and the
-company has done what It can to make
the visit an- Interesting one by provld
Ing guide and mapping out a route for
them to follow through the - factory
that gives a very good Idea of Its ex
tent. That It - aroe still, further I
shown " by-the , first paragraph -in th
Instructions to guides which says:
P' HE Ear Splitting: Blast of the ordinary Barbaric Horn haa
caused many an Automobile 'accident! . Toavoid acci
dents use - - -
Warns Without .Offence
y ....
is the only. certain, reliable . eflScient, economical
horn for your automobile.
conforms to all the requirements of your city ortjk
nances -' .
is better than any bulb horn because its warning
is always distinct whatever the tumult of traffic
is better than any electrical horn, for the first cost
ends expense. Nothing more for batteries -
is better than any other exhaust horn, for it oper
ates with the foot and. NEVER CLOGS,
Any motor - car: agency,
accessory dealer 'or gar.
'- age will equip your car
with ' Jericho or Jubilee
-and the bill will be
less than $10.
Randall-Faichney Co
This delightful home is located more than eight miles from the heart. of Portland, five miles
from the nearest 'Portland water main, yet its owner, Mr. "W. H. Edwards, enjoys all the ad
vantages of the city as well as the country. This home has its bath, washroom and sanitary
lavatory,' the equal of the finest city home. Furthermore, Mr. Edwards has an abundant
supply of water for sprinkling, which enables him to keep his lawn in the condition shown
in the photo. The fire bogey does not keep this suburbanite awake nights, for he and every
other Mitchell-Leader owner knows his system is positive protection against fire, .always ready
with a pressure as high as one hundred and twenty-five pounds, if desired. Note that the
water plant in no way mars the beauty of the home ; the tank is located underground adjoin
ing the basement, where it not only keeps the water cool in Summer, but prevents freezing in
Winter. - The pumping end of the system is installed in a small pumphouse in the rear and is
automatic in operation.
- , MILWAUKEE, Or., May 14, 1912.
Mitchell, Lewis & SUver Co.; Portland, Or.
Gentlemen : I am more than pleased with the Mitchell-Leader Water System which
yon installed for me about a year ago. We have cool drinking water at all times and
are able to -enjoy the conveniences of the bath, washroom and other modern water
fixtures. The system needs no attention, except for an occasional oiling, as it works
automatically, keeping up a . good pressure at all times and at very little cost. We
cannot recommend it too highly. . Yours truly, W. H. EDWARDS.
Now, About That System
of Yours
Drop into our store, and give hb the ..
opportunity to show you- how reason
ably we can make your home com
plete. . We have a system in: opera- ':
tion and will be glad to' explain its
' simplicity. If you can 't ' call, phone ,
or write for free catalogue. ' ' "
"It should be remembered at all
times that this company is not doing
visitors a favor by showing: them
through the factory, and the conduct
of the guides In every Instance should
be governed by the fact that everj
courtesy they show Is due the visitor
In return for the opportunity he gave
us to show, him through the buildings.
The outward appearance -of the visitor
and whether he Is apparently a prospective-buyer
of. a car must not b
allowed to, govern the conduct of th
guides.' A general Invitation to visit
the Pierce-Arrow factory has been ex
tended to every one who may be In
terested, and any one coming here with
a desire to see the plant is the guest of
th Pierce-Arrow Motor Car Company
and Is to be treated as such in every
THE 19 12
. A Car
for -
Discrimi- ' ' &f
Buyers." V
American Tourist (Type 34), Four-Passenger
"A Car
nating Buyers"
$2450 Fully Equipped
F. O. B. Portland
Arrange .for demonstration
Phones Main 299 and A 2411
690-692-694-696 Kearney Street
Between 21st and 22d Streets
Aiigas. - - - - A
11 I jiaacrtoid . ihat - bo - radical 1