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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1912)
THE STT?ttAY OREGOXIAJf, FORTXATtt). APRIL, 7, 1912. IW TODAY SANDYROAD PLAC e JL. INSIDE PROPERTY Sandy Road and E. 24th st. Just think, 50xl00-foot lot on East Flanders .st., be hveen 24th and 26th, for $13o0 cash.. We will also sell on terms. These prices will be quoted for a short J tune only. Hotter grasp this opportunity now. GEO. D. SCHALK 223 Stark St. .Main 392, A 2392. First Announcement 115 LOTS IN JACKSON PLACE lor sale as a whole. a view lot. Every lot A BARGAIN For some persou, firm or syndicate wanting to make a cleanup this year. No information given by phone. A. E. Jackson Henry Building. WEST SIDE INCOME PROPERTY 12 minutes ' walk from Post office; thoroughly modern and elegantly finished flats. Sleeping porches, fireplaces, etc. Built by owner for per manent investment. Cir nimstances necessitate sale. A bargain. Easy terms. F. W. NEWELL 502 Corbett Bldg. BEST APARTMENT SITE IN PORTLAND 100 x 100 Wet Side, walking distance. $"000 below the' market. SNAP CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COM PANY 404 Yeon Building WAREHOUSE SITE PRICE $10,000 4ornpr containing li lots at East 8th and Caruthers sts., on main line S. P. K. R., and adjoining; Inman-Poulsen mill property. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. JO-J Wilcox Bldg. ungalow SifVO DOWX. BtHSCE LIKE RE.T Very attractive throe-room cottage, pl-i jtrci and flreplac. Kull lot, or wt:i sell acre If desired. Near Ixnta. ivice $1100. If you want a small place. t:i4 la your opportunity. A. W. UMBERTft COMPANY, I'j,.! SIS. 44 Kat alder-t. Rills. Double Your Tfloney $o acres subdivided Into 1 and 20 acre tracts of fln open farm and i-holcek fruit land, except 40 acres tim ber, within IS mit Po. Pac. Sta tlun. County, at $40 per acre. Fl.KTfHFR, Z1S AMngton Hdy. S4000 TVill buy Vr.lon ivenue cornew. SSx90, with 3 housea Income. $27 month. tOUDARD st MIl.nRtCK y S750 EACH J I For Otbeon half acre at t Stanley Station: best of 1 I poil. good school, city 1 I wator: $3 cash down. 1 I $10 per month: interest I I 'r per annum. Take I I Ketacada car, fret off at I Stanley Station. Inquire) . 1 first bouso south. fv JOHJI H. OIB0 E vV CaasaWr at f I I i,""r Blast. Wf I ' 243 Stark t jrrw TODAY. WESTWOOD r Successors to WESTWOOD PARK! On UPPER WASHINGTON STREET EXTENDED ON CARLTNE No bridges to cross. No cuts, no side hills. Beautiful view. Beautiful trees. Hard-surface paving. Bull Run water. Sewers will be Immediately installed. Sites from s lot and a quarter to three lots in size. Prices from $800 to $3750 Including All Improvements 15 minutes from downtown. , Nearer in thanvupper Portland Hts. Nearer in than Irvington. Nearer in than Willamette Heights. W.B.& G.E. STREETER 212 Lewis Building Fine Irvington Residence STRICTLY MODERN, NEW 11-R00M HOUSE. $6500. TERMS. Watson &Therkelsen Co 306 Spalding Bldg. Main 7592. REAL KOTATK DEALERS. BRUBAXER A BENEDICT. 402 McKay bldg. M. MS. Beck. William O, 313-318 railing bldg. Chapln A Herlow. $33 Chamber Comxosrca. Cot,. B. 8. at Cow Bv$ Corbett bldg. Jennings Co. Main IS. 208 oregonlaa. PAUIKR-JO.VE3 CO, U. P, 404-0i-4v$ Wilcox bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. errand ara, at Multnomah si (Holladar Addltloa . KEAL ESTATE. " T or Sale Lets. LAURELHURST CORNER. TSxlOo corner In southwest quarter; I can sell thla lot for $1870. easy terms; If you are looking for extra ttne home alts, see lb Is corner: Inside lots, slae $0x loo, just across street, sell for $2000. F. E. CLEMENTS, East 30th and O'.isan Sts. Phone East frsifc VIEW LOT. 60t1oo on the ALAMEDA, facing the City; OLMSTED PARK. BROADWAY CARLINE. For a quick turn will sell far below real value. Kaslest possible terms. Present Improvements all paid; paving to D lam tnis summer. Af w 1 o, uregoman. OWNER wishes to sell the following prop erty: 7 acres situated on canine, do mm. from city; 4 23-foot lota on the cor. Pat- ton ave. and Pippin at.: 1 corner lot Wa- verlelgh Heights. Give easy terms on any of the above. For prices and further particulars call after 6 P. M., 34S Glenn ave. Take Hawthorne ave. car. LAURELHURST. Near Ladd Park, lux 100 lot for $1070, easy terms; a very good buy at thla price; I win finance building home if buyer wishes. F. E. CLEMENTS, East 39:b and Giisaa Sts. Phone East FOR QUICK SALE. Two Lots at Ivanhoe station. Very e.ghtly: unincumbered. Name your price and terms. James L. Duffy, owner, OuS Ho. gate su Main 7744. MUST sell 1 Irvington Park lots on .loth St. quick; next to Kllllngsworth. 130-foot front: price $1930; terms: Improvements mostly paid. tee owner bunday. sol Dfkum bldg. LARGE Olmstead Park corner, 00O so,, ft., for $-'3oK which Is I.V10 below any other corner la tract. Improvements In: two blocks to car. Phone A 824d or AT . Oregonian. SACRIFICE. TERMS. 100x214. divided to suit; terms to pleaae. Thompson and East 31st. GEO. H. THOMAS, IT Oak st.. room S. Alnsworth BId. EASTERNER If interested la buying for a home. I have 2 large Iota In Council Crest Park which I will sell reasonable; all Improvements In; Investigate. Owner. AD 3S, Oregonian. POUR large lots; rich soil: 5-room house; orchard: In Woodburn; worth $10U: for Immediate sale $.',o. on easy tarma. 13O0 Denver ave., Portland. LAST $aou lot In Swinton: $40 d?wn and $10 per month. Come today. OnTlce. cor ner Alblna and Lombard, Kenton car. or ' 321 Hoard of Trade. IF TOU want a anap. here It la: best lot on13th st. near Kaott. Irvington; got to Kll quickly; terms. See owner Sunday. 1 Dekum bldg. GOOD apartment-house site for sale by owner. 3 blocks from Washington High School, on East Oak st. Phone forenoons or after P. M. East 230T. $3.00 PER MONTH. 83x234. 23 minutes out; $700; snap If taken at once. Ask for Marsten or Hale. 202 Wilcox bldg. Sunday 10 to $. ONE acre at Lenta 2 -room house, barn, horse and waa-on. 100 chickens; only $1000. aome terms. H1GLET aV BISHOP. 1S2 THIRD ST. IRVINGTON park lot $373. $26 dewa and $3 per month; 1 block car. HIGLET BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. $6710 iiUTd ten lots In the Piedmont dis trict, between William and Vancouver avee. Call A MSI, room 72Iafter 6 o'clock. $HH EAST terms. 100x128, blocks from Hawthorne. 1 block from Mt. Scott line. Address A. O . P. O. bos 1- . LoT for sale by owner: fine building lot Mvxl-Vk; 7th. near Market. Inquire-4lt Wnntsomery. TWO iota. 12th and Going sts.. cheap If ao.d at once. Apply W. J. Wolfe. 13th and Al berta. $10 CASH and $3 per month, beautiful lot near Klrland. 20 mlnntes out. HK1I.EY It BISHOP, .132 Third St. HY owner, excellent lot In restricted Reao- iont. way below company's price. Phone Monday evening. Main 47P1. FIVE lot In Laurelhurst: paved streets, etc.. $7&0l It's worth $1200. Berrey'e Realty Co.. 249 4th st. $1000 TWO lots. Lombard and Minnesota, on carllne. near Kenton. Hlldebrand, 3!2 4th St. EmT'ITT of 112$ In 2 fine lots fronting en ML Hood Rr. E sJ. Oregonian. FINE Mew lot In one b;g bargain. Laure!huret bv own A 0T. Oregonian. FOR SALE by owner, a lot oa Hancock and Grand ava Mala StsT. REAL KsTATK. A FEW building alt left In beautl Rtverdale district. th cream of the beat location for high-class homes in or near portlsnd. All Improvement; all con -nlencea; ctty and suburban delights com bined. Call for Mr. Anderson. OREGON REALTY CO, I 43 FOVKIH ST. Phone. Marshall 3780. A 3324. ITS SURPRISING THE VALUE OF" THIS LOT For $3000 $1000 Cash. 60x123 feet, of practically level (round, with the widest range of view In tho en tire city. There are not mora than 20 lota In all the city which can command ao magnificent a view. Hlght In the heart of tha cream of the. West Side exclusive residence district all modern Improvements. This class of property la for people of taste and refine ment whs would pay 110,000 as readily as (3000. but am offering It for 3oO per cent under Its actual worth. Isn't It worth vou time to Investigate? Drop a card and let me tell you of Its advantages. AF 8-41. oregonian. NEAR CITT PARK. $1200 TERM8. UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW. This la an unusual offer of a view lot, close In. on solid ground. In restricted district; street graded, sewer and water In and street will be paved soon. The view of Mount Hood and tha city ' can never be obstructed. Just one block to car; three blocks of Washington at. Wby go to the Eaat Side with Its many disadvantages when you can get a lot with a view so close In on the West Side: won't last five days; see It at once. AP 8421 Oregonian. RIVER WOOD LOTS. Have rlew of river and Mount Hood; close to publlo landings on river; Bull Hun water, hard-aurface atreet In and paid: some lota have sewer In and paid. 100x172. under trees, $3000. loox227. cleared, $3000. 120K3OO. extra view. $4000. H3x50v. river front, $3000. Water, sewer and hard aurface street paid on most of these. For terms see Mr. Van Nice. OREGON REALTY CO., 43 Fourth at. Marshall 3790. A 8324. IRVINGTON. We offer lota In, all the best sections of Irvington at prices ranging from $1230 up. 10 ser cent cash balance to suit. JHard-aurfaced streets. All Improvements In. See us for Irvington properties. DORR E. KEASEY at CO, Id floor Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE $1230. one-third cash; a lot where you can walk to the P. O. In 1j minutes; a lot from which you can for ever see the world, where your friend will be glad to come and sit on your front porch on a Sunday afternoon and be wholesomely entertained by the beautifully Illuminated city; moreover, this lot la practically level, and Is- In a realrlcted residential district. It la only once In a long while that there Is a buy like thla O 938. Oregonisn. r LOIS $-3 BOWN, $10 MO. ROSE CiTY PARK CAR. Sunner Park. 1 block south Sandy blvd, bet. 70th and 72d. facing Klickitat at.. In same block with largest house on thla line: prices according to sise, $4M up. Sandy blvd. Is being Improved, 80 feet wide; 9 new 6-room oungalowa built, one sold, other Just finished, go out Sunday. Jam. c. Logan. $13 Scalding bldg. LOT SOxlftT ON PORTLAND HTS. $930. Only $250 cash necessary to secure It. Tour Inspection will confirm, balance easy terms at 0 per cent. AS 144. Oregonian. IRVINGTON CORNER. 100x100. N. E. corner 25th snd Thompson. $73 under value. DORR E. KEASEY A CO.. 2d fioor Chamber of Commerce. BUNGALOW site; lost In the beautiful woods and yet within the mile circle on the west Side and only two blocks to the carllne; In a locality of fine homes, from IO to 13. beautiful shrubs on the alto. In fact, this la the choicest place to be found for those who revel In nature-like surroundings and yet want all the city conveniences. E 33. Oregonian. CLOSE IN Building Lot $00. $1 Monthly. Fine building lot 100 feet from 39th St.. on Tlbbets St., easy monthly payment, slse S'SxlOO, as cheap aa you buy long way out. A. E. Poulsen. 418 Railway Ex change. 100x200. West Side, two snd one-half blocks from car, lies well, with beautiful trees and near fine homes, sewerage, water, gas, all In and paid. Thla property la very desir able and at the price Is a positive bar gain; $4oOO; favorable terma Sam Nor ton. 7 Cham, of Commerce. LOTS. $10 DOWN. $3 MO. $173 each. 3 fine lots, all under cultiva tion, near carllne. rich soil, water to each lot; 4 more at $200 eaoh; all level and fine: 40x100 each; doeen't take long to aee them. See James C. Logaa. 813 Spalding bldg LAURELHURST. Ws have about 5o choice lots for sale far below list prices, cash or terma for building or investment. See us. CAPITOL TRUST COMPANY. Phone Marshall 8o73. 2J3 Henry bldg. CHOICE LOT CHEAP. Two blocks from Peninsula Park snd carllne; plenty natural shade trees; $00; 10 per cent down, balance easy. T. O. Montgomery, 301 Wilcox bldg. A PRACTICALLY level lot 100x100 corner, oue block to Portland Helghta car ln the beautiful Central Heights, and surrounded by fine homes; price $3000. C 83U, Ore gonian. 14 BLOCK on Eaat list close to Hawthorns "h block on Esst loth st: will sell all or part. For prices and terms see Beats Robinson. 331 E. 11th at. E. 6023. COR. SXIDMORE AND BORTH WICK- $ lota AoxlOO each; will sell one or all very cheap. For particulars see J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand sve. and E Ankeny. xtAROAIN. lot In Elmhurst, on E. 30th SU. near Broadway, with basement, for mod ern house, for sale cheap. Inquire 434 K. 6th st. FIVE corner lot $0x100. pavement, sewer, cluster lights, Ladd s Addition: price right for quick sals. 313 Lumbermens bids- BEAUTIFUL quarter block. Fulton Park, e-raded. sidewalks, unsurpassed view river, mountains, easy of access. 8 950. Orego nian FINE corner lot. $10 down. $10 per month, 2 blocks to car. water In. streets graded, cement walks, all Improvements paid. Owner. K 1)30. Oregonian. SITE suitable for two bouses, looks like a atone s xnrow w " 7.7. . walking distance: 37SO; a splendid invest ment. AM W4. Oregonia: PORTLAND HEIGHTS WTI, waiaing air tance. sultsble for bungalows; $1730: terms. Marshall 4: R27. BROOKE. A $839. LOT on Rodney ave, bet. Golng-Margley. on easy terms: price $17t0. Address T. A. Flint- 7 Qulmby St.. A 23Q2. LOTS 30x100, on Broadway, near 8th. fsc. Ing norm: iw; -. Tabor 2Q24. IF you want a good lot in Jiapienurst, see r ' ... . . . . T M L- u L tr T .tA' I'll A 1 .-1.1.1 ex ,..1-.....-- ' - 3o Spsldlng Bldg. Main 7..D2. oOiIOO LOT. east front, union ana i. worth district: Dig -wenmw. ev, terma See owner. 81 loth. LOTS 1 and 2. block IT, Bertha. $.130. terma C ST.1. oregonian. 1.AIRELHURST equity In choice lot for sale cheap lorcasn. A 7. Oregonian. EAST Mt. Tabor lots $123 and un. $1 down GO and sell this lot to yoursir ana the ( price IS 142i. U oregonien. VfXSON building lots for cash: must sell for cash: this wees, imaar, vtoouiawa rrv. REAL ESTATE. Far Sale Lota YOU CAN BUT A LOT . IN , F R A S E R'S ADDITION. FOR $23 DOWN and $10 PER MONTH. LOCATED At East 36th street, bordering on the Powell Valley Hoad (that macad amized thoroughfare of the South East bide). These are splendid full-sized level lots, with streets graded, water piped to every lot, and only five blocks from two carllnes and the NEW MT. TABOR PARK. THE PRICE Or THESE LOTS HAN'QG FROM $473 to $730. REMEMBER THE TERMS. $24 DOWN $10 PER MONTH. Taks ML Scott car to Powell Val ley road, walk, eaat to tract. J. J. FRASER, OWNER. Taborv 1008. WELL LOCATED OT CHEAP 40x100 East 26th, between Glad stone A Blsmark sts., for $630; $3U0 cash, balance easy. Purchaser to assume a small bonded assess ment. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 33 102 Fourth St. A 3300 RAISK POKLTRY. Snlen'dUt home bulldlna site. 85x22$ feet. within city limits; Bull Run water already on tap; splendid soil, select, restricted neighborhood; convenient to stores, schools ana trolley; apienaia paveu rwtuj plenty of room for fine garden, raise poul trv. automobile earaxe. etc.: can have elec trie lights and telephone. Just think of It, 23 feet longer than a city block; price only 31023: my eaulty $123. balance payable $15 monthly: will assign my contract lor $123. M 30. Oregonian. WEST SIDE SNAP. -For I80O0 we have a close-in West Side lot onlv 100 ft. from Washington street, suitable for apartment-house. Immediate ly across the street from one of the tin est apartments In town. This Is a real bargain and Is located In the center of the best paying apartment property In Portland. GO WEN-IDE TRUST COMPANY, 2 Lumbermens Building, Ground Floor. uni t xnxv Ann . HALF BLOCK. Iwx200 ft., on E. 22d at., between Wasoo and Multnomah: paved streets. In one of the .,i! residential districts of the city, near the net & 21st-sL bridge; price $b3O0, terma H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones. Main !. A 2633. I RVl.VGTON. T-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. VERT LIGHT AND CHEERFUL: 4 CHAM BKK3, ONE WITH WINDOWS OPENING OUT: MAKES DELIGHTFUL SLEKfl.NU PORCH: FIREPLACE. FURNACE AND WASH TRAYS; LARGE FRONT PORCH A BARGAIN FOR $4300. ZIMMERMAN 310 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. LOTS 1. 2. and 3. In Portsmouth illa An nex, No. I. mortgage ana lot J block 1. Spanton'e Addition to Portland, $M street Improvements against same. Want in trstitf for Drooerty In Los An gnlea at same value. Look at It and give me description of yours. If you want to buy for cash write room 40, 204 Mercan tile place. Loa Angeles. Cal. 1 14. APHRi l'.'ltXi. Near Powell Valley road and E. 76th t level has been nlanted to potatoes surrounded bv houses: has Bull Run water. Price $2.i0ii. terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones. Main b69U. A 2633. BARGAIN. trine corner lot. 15 minutes from down town: hard-surface streets, with house, 3 rooms down stairs, and large attic parti tloned Into 3 rooms. cel!"d; $2iM; terms, CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY, 404 Yeon Bldg. MEET ME TODAY AT HOLLY ROOD for the best lot buy In Portland, and on eay terms. 36TH AND KNOTT STREETS. I R HO A II WAV LOT. 30x100 ft-, on Broadway, near Slat St.; faces north on paved street; price for im mediate sale. $ltxio cash. H, P. PALMER-J ONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones. Main SSOtf. A 363$. MEET ME TODAY AT HOLLY ROOD for the best lot buy In Portland, snd on easy terms. 38TH AND KNOTT STREETS. LOTS: JI-KT A FEW LEFT. 3 per cent down. $3 per month. $323 to t.vx) ner lot: fine section? will sell or i,.l' communicate with Joe Nash. cor. Millard ave. and 72d street or phone Tabor 2312. MODERN 6-room bungalow, easy terms, .. ... .d electricity. cement basement. hades and fixtures, street Improvements all In- 032 East 11th st. N. Phone Wood lawn 322. ' FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS Lots I and 2 block 4. Chicago Addition. Wootlmere station, Ml Scott line; small payment down, balance on -easy terms, bee lots. Address A V 140. Oresonlan. EUUITY In fine level view lot on Port land Helghta, 300 feet from carllne: sure to please; terms; deal direct with owner. D ftl, Oregonian. LOT on corner of Lincoln and E. 40th at-, close to 2 carllnes: $SOO. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO., 300 Spalding Bldg. Main 73-'. IRVINGTON lot. 73x100, on 21st between Braxee and Knott, facing east; Improve ments all In and paid for. Woodlawa 3223 or C 1628. owner. FULL 50x100 corner lot. S. E. corner E. 20th and Tlbbetts St.. $1000 cash. Inquire room 1 1 Mulkey bldg, 2d and Morrison. Main 21. WALKING distance. length 134 feet, faces S streets, room for 2 houses; dandy rent ing district, near car and above grade, ' cheap for cash. Owner. 1063 E. Lincoln. NICE lota in Blanchard Park Addition from $3o0 up: easy terms. WATSON THERKELSEN CO, 308 Spalding Bidg. Main 7592. BEAUTIFUL 50xlOO-fL. lot facing east. In heart of Maplehurst; $1100. terms. WATSON A THERKELSEN CO, SO Spalding Bldg. Main T5H2. UNRESTRICTED lot. few feet from 23th and Hawthorne: nne for stores and apart ments; $2300. AT t7. Oregonian. OWN LR will sell one of the best located lots In Rose City park at. a sacrlfioe price of $00. phone Sellwood 1240 Monday. FOR BALE One of the best lots In Rose City Park, on 4uth st, 1 block from ths ear on easy terms. Phone Tabor 1083. BUY thla lot. facing east. high, sightly, near fine homes. East JId and Alameda, O w ner. Its Yeon bldg. Main HI, A Mis. FOR SALE St a sacrifice. Rose City Park lot near 61st snd Alameda; terms for quick sale. K.4l. Oregonian. LOT $300: $3 monthly: $30 cash; no re strictions: near I. car. Johnson Dod son. 120-522 Board of Trade bldg. BELLE CREST For aale lot 8, block 21; 1725 cash. Owner T 871. Oregonian. OLMSTED PARK, fine residence lot at bar. gain. phoneowner.Ta.bor 209S. sox5(wjefferson between Front and First; small Income. E 9--0. Oregonian. GOOD building lot in Owner. East 2482. Belle Crest, cheap. FOR SALE or trade. Woodlawn 614. A-l business corner. IRVINGTON lots cheap, money to loan for building. Marshall 2S52.6unday East 1181. Be"a-jtIFUL building lot. In best residence district- Cell East BOO Monday. V, VALUE 50x100. Esst 33d snd Siskiyou sts.: $10. all cash. Tabor 771. KNOTT ST, close-In corner. $1S00, easy 1 terms; Bus speculation. A 877. Oresoaiaa. REAL EST AT B. For SaleLots TOUR ATTENTION 100x153. cor. 20th and Brazee sts. ; $3000. looxioo. cor. 22d and Pacitlc sts.; $2300. lOoxlOO, corner, Willamette Hts.; $2150. looxlOo. cor. 12th and Alnsworth; 11600. SuxlOo, cor. 4th and Hooker; $6500. 50xloo. Cleveland and Saratoga; $1000. 100x100, cor. Laurelhurst, 3th and . Everett; $3030. 2 lota Hyde Park. $230 each. 5 lots. Concord Hts.; $1000. lots. Lucille Add.: $450 each. 40x100, 32d and Wygant; $300. SOxloo. cor. E. 20th and Alder: $.',000. 100x130, cor. Front and Pennoyer; $30. OOO. 2 lots, 40x103 each. 1 blk. So. of Mt Scott car on 63d st. : $600 each. 100x100, cor. Dekum and Minnesota; $2330. . 77x100. cor. Rodney Ave. near Lombard; $1000. Several desirable lots In Montlcello Add., 68th and E. Burnside. I.ook over our list and when you get the location you will find that our prices are . right. Come In and let us tell you about the terms. Several others. Marshall 3032; A 4134. J. R. HENDERSON & CO., 607 Spalding Bldg. M ALONE HEIGHTS. 600 feet frontage on Harrison st. sold within past few weeks. These splendid 'view lots, the choicest available homesltes in this close-in dis trict on the crown of the hill between Ste phens 4 Harrison and E. 28th and E. 30th streets. Come out Sunday afternoon, see the cheapest and best close-in lots on the East Side. Very easy terms to actual homebuilders; restricted district. im mense activity all around. Look for our big sign at Zyth and Harrison. Salesmen on the ground Sunday after noon. These, lots are priced below any sur rounding properties and are the cream of the district. DORR E. KEASEY CO, 2d floor. Chamber of Commerce. 2 GOOD LOT BUYS 50x100 fronting on East 24th snd 60x100 fronting on East 2th St, between Alnsworth ave, and Hol man st, Irvington Park. Owner In the East and wants to sell. $4.0 cash each and assume a small bonded assessment for street Im provement and cement walks, will buy them. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 33 102 Fourth St. A 3500 COUNCIL CREST PARK. Most besutlful building site of 4 lota with unobstructed views of city snd moun- tains and of Tualatin Valley and Coast range; elevated situation with many fine native forest trees; bltullthlc paved atresia cement sidewalks. Bull Run watet gas. sewers, electric light, telephones and very near carllne; easy terma Owner, loos Spalding blug Main 866. Main 8488. $T50 TO $200 for beautiful lots 40x100; ad- . joining city limits, numi - - cultivated,: Dover Park addition; Kf RENT WHEN $10 CASH AND $3 PER MONTH WILL BUY -A BUILDING SITE? My auto Is at your service to show these lots. George A. Rlggs, 815 Spalding bldg. Phone Marshall 2746; evenings and bunday J 1U1I. IRVINGWOOD That choice restricted res idence sdd. Just east of Irvington, natural shrubs and trees, Improvements In and lots still for aale at $725 on very easy terma There Is nothing In the city to compare with this property. Take a Broadway car, go to Klickitat st, and walk east. A gentleman is on the ground to show you the property. The Western Securities Co, agents, 414 Spalding bldg. iUl", a a wv... -30x100 lots, cement sidewalks In ana paid; sewer in, partly paid; building re strictions. East 4Mh strec-t. two blocks to car; I will sell 11 of these lots and let you make the price; I must have $1100. and I will sacrlilce all or part of these fine building lots to raise the money. Call on my agent, W. H. Koss, i16 bpaldlng bldg. , HEAD O "BELMONT ST. 139 feet front-e on Belmont, running -back 110 feet to Broughton ave. at en trance to park. This piece contains 17,490 " so,, ft. and is the most beautiful tract of land left in thla locality. The price. $0000. Including hard-surface pavement, makes this the one best buy. i'red W. German. Main ur A - i o. In ROSE CITY PARK, Portland's most beautiful residence section. This lot has some fine trees on It. lies about three feet above grade and commanda an exception ally good view of the surrounding coun try Price only $looo: terms very easy. DE YOUNG & JOHNSON, 514 Chamber of Commerce. d. ill Restricted residence sites, fronting on Hancock. E. 28th and Tillamook sts.; slKhtly. hard-surface- pavement; prices from $1100 up. This property will appeal to you on sight. - H. P. PALMER-JONES CO, 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones, Main 8009, A 2053. MOUNTAIN VIEW PARK S acres on ridge above V. lllamette Heights; unexcelled view, on county road; ample water from perpetual spring; price for Immediate sale. $3500. H. P. PALMER-J ONES CO, mi u'llrt. Ttltlr Phones, Main 8699. A 2633 BEAUTIFUL view lot ou southern slope. near Council ureal, sooo ana up. ipciuami cement sidewalks, curbs, graded streets and water; bulidlnr restrictions; sold on easy terma Provident Trust Company, 3101, 202, 203 Board of Trade. Marshall 473. A 1022. LOTS LOTS LOTS Six lota one block to car. beautifully located. $100 each under market price; take the six lots for $1850, terms. See Mr. Dsvles. ... CHAP1N-HERLOW MTGE & TRUST CO. 332-333 UnamDer oi luhiiiiciw $5o LAURELHURST SNAP $950. If you have the above amount In cash, you can buy a lot located in this beauti ful district, slxe 50x100. located one block from car, high snd sightly, like finding money. Phone me today. East 989. Eve ning C 2635. Mr. Delahunty.- T ,-lTC 5 lots In North East Side. $400 each. CASH; cement sidewalks and streets graded to property; will sell one or all; come early; SNAP. CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY, 404 Yeon Bldg. SECOND MORTGAGE BUILDING PROPOSITION. Laurelhurst corner; cost $1000; will sell my 1300 equity for $'-'25 cash; privilege to buyer placing a first mortgage building loan; lot south Rose City line. Owner. 317 Railway Exchange. MEET ME TODAY AT HOLLY ROOD for the best lot buy In Portland, and on easy terms. 36TH AND KNOTT STREETS. $10 DOWN 110 PER MONTH. Fine ylew lot. matured fruit trees, re stricted jllstrlct. near car. cement walk and curC Bull Run watsr. provident Trust Company. 201. 202. 203 Board of Trad a Marshall 473. A 1022. VACANT Lot. 50x100. on Emerald avenue near Glenwood Park and school. Want offer. Ask for Harrison. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTGE. & TRUST CO. 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. IF you wish to buy a lot on small payment down ana Daiame- m iv a uiuuiu, one In Blanchard Park Addition. WATSON A THERKELSEN CO, 306 Spalding Bldg. Main 7392. REAL anap. 6 lots In growing town of Roch ester, new it-rwiii un...-. , workshop, good well, also chicken bouse, only $850, $300 cash. Owner, Henry Kucht, Rochester, Wash. J 100x100 CORNER Halght and Alberta, about two feet SOOVe graue. iikiu Miini.o wcck. ingnn. Ask for Harrison. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTGE. A TRUST CO. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. LAURELHURST. You can have my lot In Laurelhurst for $1630; all assessments and taxes are paid; one block south of Sandy road car line. Phone Tabor 24Q7. HAVE 4 splendid Rose City Park building lots worth at least $4O0O. For a substan tial payment down I will discount to $:t400. This Is a bargain. V 851, Orego nian. $600. $60 CAPH, iu mommy tor a gooa bOXlOO I V. lot wi . ' J ... . ' " - Johnson A Dodson, 620-622 Board of Trade bldg. 100x100 ON Killlngaworth. near Omaha, for oulck sale. $22O0. Ask for Harrison. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTGE. A TRUST CO. 332-33H Chamber of Commerce. WILL sell my equity of $210 in suburban lots for $135 cssh; sale price, $200; cor ner, cleared and water to lota AG 849. Oregonian. MONEY $1250 talks: 105x150. S2d and Tavlor. Mt. Tabor car. on Yamhill. Main 4733J ooTToO. FAST FLANDERS, near 20th tCi price $1600; terma - phone E 1351. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. ALTAMEAD. We had another good week in Alta mead. Eleven lots were disposed of. most ly to new homebuilders. Altamead Is getting the reputation of being the best place for the medium class to invest their money or build their homes. We still have some very choice lots left which will be disposed of at the old price. If you buy one of these lots and want to build a home, we will assist you to do so. Prices of lots from $500 up. sise 50x100. with alleys. Lots with slleys are worth one-third more in any city of the United States than lots without alleys. Call or phone. Our auto Is at your service. GERMAN REALTY TRUST CO, 264 Stark st, Portland, Oregon. WILL UNDERSELL the market on two excellent properties. Have 100x100 ft, S. E. cor. 30th and 4NClinton sts, on Waverly-Rlchmond car; ideal location for stores or apartment; price $2000; also have 75x100 on East 9th st, east facing, 3H blocks north Montavllla car; for quick turn will sell for $700, terms, or $650 cash. Phone owner. East 2964. $600 LOT near Kllllngsworth ave. carbarns terma Plttenger, 1085 Maryland ave. Beam rroperty. WHERE WILL YOU GO THIS 4 SUMMER? WHY NOT GO TO SUNSET BEACH? On Clatsop Beach, between Gearhart and Astoria. SUNSET BEACH. Is the most beautiful section of this famous stretch of strand, broad sand beach, level, grassy meadows, fresh wa ter lake, gives spienaia Doating ana usa lng. . $15 DOWN. $5 Month, no Interest. Buys anv lot In Sunset Beach now, FREE TENT COLONY TO THOSE Making reservations now. Send coupon for full details. norr TS. TTnANfv A Co.. Chamber of Com merce: Send details of Sunset Beach and your tent colony free offer. DORR E. KEASEY CO, 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. Live representatives wanted everywhere. AGATE BEACH, Neat Newport. Or. Moat scenle and de sirable beach resort in the Northwest; absolute Drotectlon from the northwest winds; 40 houses and a new hotel. "Agats Beach Inn, to be built this season, some now in course of construction; hotel te be electrically lighted and to cost $13,000; to be open July L Writs or phone us tor illustrated booklet. AGATE BEACH LAND CO. 111-213 Board of Trade Bldg. 00x30. NEWTON'S Station, Long Beach, Wash. Price $130. Phone East 1351. TWO Brighton Beach lots for sale cheap. Phone G. Hagman, E. oo2. HAVE two lots In Bandon, Or, to trade for small team. AO 961, Oregonian. For bale -llousi HOME AT MT. TABOR. Beautiful b-room modem colonial home. East Salmon, near E. 56th; lot 65x100; reception hall, large living-room, breakfast-room, kitchen. dining-room, 4 bed rooms, sleeping porch. The house Is near lng completion and will have oak floors, mahogany finish In dining-room, elegantly tiled fireplace, high-grade plumbing and be a most attractive home In every par ticular. To be sold- at a close price on easy terma A. H. BIRRELL CO, 202 McKay Bldg , 3d and Stark. MUST SACRIFICE My Beautiful Bungalow. HOUSE COST $2750. LOT $1000. . SACRIFICE PRICE $3330. MUST HAVE $1000 CASH. The swellest bungalow In Portland; a place admired by all who pass; lawn, roses, beautiful llxtures and shades, fur nace, large fireplace, beamed celling, etc.; paved street and all Improvements; a real offer direct from owner. , W 870, Ore gonian. J20O CASH. Never again such a bargain on such easy terms; the opportunity of a lifetime. Here's a brand-new. absolutely modern 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, POLISHED OAK FLOORS, FURNACE AND FIREPLACE. And all the bullt-ln features you could wish for. Full attic and full cement base ment, laundry trays. If you mean busi ness and want a bargain, make arrange ments to see this; 1 block to Hawthorne ave. ; price $330o. Phone Tabor 2S52. INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS CHEAPER THAN RENT. Bearlnjr fruit trees, berries. garden, flowers of all kinds; 100x100 corner: mod ern house: 1 block- WW car; $500 first payment, balance $3 per month. Includ ing Interest; price $.'1750: cheapest buy In the city. M. L. Gallagher, 821 Yeon . bldg. FIVE-ROOM house, with bath, hall and basement, on attractive corner, 100x50 foot lot, nice elevation; new lawn, fruit treea roses and berry bushes; price $3400; can be bought on moderate cash payment and balance at $25 monthly; location cor. East 5th and Market sts, tust two blocks south of Hawthorne ave. Take Hawthorne ave. or Mount Scott cars. Call 310 East 6oth st. Phone B 3157. Owner. " HOME, WALNCTPARK. A beautiful location surrounded by ex pensive residences; lot 50x100. with abundant shade; house has reception hall, living-room, dining-room. den. kitchen, :i bedrooms and sleeping porch. It is right In every detail, price $5225. easy terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO, 202 McKay Bldg, 3d and Stark. SOME BEAUTIFUL HOMES. In restricted districts, with all conven iences, electric cookers, etc.; long ex perience in building enables me to give you well-built houses at low prices, for more Information, cull Main 1498 or see me at 38th and Broadway, Sunday. Rose City car. SUBURBAN home, six-room house and six lots (nearly an acre), good family or chard and berries, spring water, splendid for chickens, best of soil, no rock or gravel, two blocks from electric car sta tion best automobile road. $20oo; easy terms. J. W. Hefferlln. owner. 615 Cor bett bldg, Marshall 2899. MODERN 5-room bungalow; bath, laundry, good basement: beautiful lawn; lot 50x 10O; 2 blocks from Mount Scott car (50th and Division); cement walks: woodllft; house new; rented $20 per month. 2018 Eaat 49th st, third house south of Di vision: can be seen today. HAWTHORN E-AVE. SACRIFICE. $150 cash or desirable lot will put you In possession of my fine new 5-room bun galow at a bargain price. Answer this sd and I will give you the best proposi tion you ever heard of. Address owner, V 974. Oregonian. -IN SWINTON. $2750 takes a modern new 5-room bun galow, full-sixe lot, east front; you must see it to appreciate It; $5oO cash, bal ance terms. Office, cor. Alblna ave. and Lombard st, Kenton car. Here every day. FOR SALE by" owner, attractive s-room house at cnnton ana n;. u , in uun-.-in .-mveniencea hardwood floor, beautiful lawn and roses, nearly new; easy terms. Price $45O0. Phone Sellwood 1947. I AN OPPORTUNITY" for the man with mod erate means, good 3-room cottage, lot 60x100, "In Glenwood for $900; $150 will handle It: bal. $10 per month, 6 per cent. 318 Railway Exchange bldg. IRVINGTON. Will sacrifice my new thoroughly mod ern up-to-date 6-room home, all atreet im provements in and paid for; $4600. Phone owner today, E. 1S72. TAYLOR BUILDING CO. furnish plans and money to build your home or flat in a solid and substantial manner. We offer vou the result of 30 years in this busi ness 202 Lumbermens bldg. NEW modern 7-room house, corner; fire place, full basement, beamed celling: a bargain; easy terms. 414 Dekum bldg. Sunday phone East 4652. SALE or exchange; half acre on Willam ette five-room bungalow, fireplace. Ideal Summer noma. Telephone Monday. Mar shall 1652. $"0 MONTHLY. Including Interest for nice four-room bungalow. lot 50x100, Improved streets. Phone Marshall 275L MUST SELL. Make offer, up-to-date modern T-room bungalow. 1112 Hawthorne. . ITrooM modern house. Beaumont, easy terma W. E. Finger. Phone Main 24s. 411 Oerllnger bldg. 1RVIVGTON I3CO0. Modern 6-room house. . Corner 50x50.' Owner, East 9333. j REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses HAWTHORNE. $:;3.-o .5200 DOWN 5 or 7 rooms 50xKK Lots Will Ta Lot aa Part Payment. I have tho best buy In Portland for the money. The houso Is double constructed and heavy paper between Porch full width of house, has a bun galow door opening Into the living-rouni. LIVING-ROOM French windows, chipped cream brick nreplace, built-in bookcase, metal glass doom, coat closet, arch to dininir-room, hardwood floors. DINING-ROOM Opens on front porch. French windows, built-in buffet with metal glass doors, paneled, plate rail, hardwood lioors: these rooms are tinted a beautiful tan with cream ceilings and golden ouk wax varnished finished wood. KITCHEN Cabinets. cooling closets, sugar, Hour bins, pot and kettle closets. PASS HALL The beauty of ariariKe tnent In this house over the large number being built In Portland, whether of hlsh or low desrree, is tho pass hall, gives access to every room in the Including the bathroom, without soins through other rooms; off the pass hall me the bedrooms and bath and from whuh rise stairs to the upper floor, which has a sleeping porch and so arranged that two large rooms can bo finished at a nominal sum. BEDROOMS Large closets, white en amel, pretty tinting. BATHROOM Latest modern plumblns. low-down Hush toilet, 6-inch aproned washstand, 3-inch roll tub. BASEMENT Cement Moor, trays. The basement has a cement floor and cement wash trays, and, remember this, you can look over the city In any district and nowhere will you find a house with tho ground, location and construction of the house all embodied as in this house. An other thing, if you are all right, answer this advertisement and I will guarantee we can come to some kind of terms, and tho must desirable person can make prac tically his own terma. I will be home Sunday, so phono Tabor 3159 or AP SM. Oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK HOMES. $3350 Fine new home on corner lot, in Rose City Park, 6 rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, cement basement, easy terms (2192). SEE THIS TODAY. . $2000 The cheapest house in Rose City Park and one of the easiest-term places there; only $200 down and payments like rent; No. 512 EaBt 49th, near Sandy road; owner at home to show placo i.25101. $4150 Beautiful 6-room home on 62d St.: every modern convenience, near car, school, stores and In a beau tiful block; suitable terms (24911. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Real Estate Department, Chamber of Commerce. I DON'T NEED THIS HOUSE. Name your terms. No. 473 East 49th st, first house south Sandy road; 6-room modern bungalow, 50x100 lot. beautiful roses and lawn; Immediate possession; tenant will show today; price $:t7."i0. M. L. Gallagher, owner, 821 Yeon bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME Beautiful new 9-rooin residence, with fireplace, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, cut glass fixtures, leaded windows, beau tiful woodwork and cornices; built for home, has every possible modern con venience; 2H level lots, 150 ft. from car. with a marvelous view, which can never be obstructed. Marshall 4827 BROOKE A 3S39 SEE THIS TODAY. $.100 Down. $20 Monthly. 'New 0-room bungalow, block from Rose City Park car; only $3250, with extra room upstairs; completely finished ami tinted, full basement, buffet, fireplace, electric fixtures, shades, etc.; fine re stricted location, view property: owner has to sell, therefore this price. Phone Tabor 3040. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. ONLY $0500. 7 rooms, large, sunny living room, beau tiful view, artistic interior finish, al most new and at cost, fixtures, shades and roses included, lot ."iiixloo. Mar. 42K0. A. J. UEl'SCH CO, A 1559. 840 Chamber of Commerce. $S50 $200 CASH buys bungalow, enclosed, floored, partly ceiled; will he 5 rooms. J lots. 50x105 each; some small fruit trees, chicken-house for loo chickens, fine soil, no gravel, high, sightly, 12 minutes' wuik from Mount Scotl and Cazadero cars, plank walk all the way. located near Mt. Scott. Inquire of owner, 1019 Clinton 6t, cor. East 34th. Tabor 32;;o. ARTISTIC HOME. Best Nob Hill location: containing 8 rooms, splendid interior llnish and arrange ment, parquet throughout, all rooms while enameled, 3 fireplaces and other distinc tive features. For detailed information inquire of GOLDSCH1I IDT'S AGENCY, 413 Chamber of Commerce. $3250, 400 CASH, balance $20 at 7 per cent, no mortgage to assume, buys a new bun galow, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, oak floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases ami buffet; a beautiful . home; hard-surface street, improvements nearly all paid, one block to Richmond car. Stevens, owner, cor. East 34th and Clinton sts. ONLY $500 DOWN.. Strictly modern new 7-room bungalow, double constructed, hardwood floors, full concrete basement, buffet, beam celling, veneer paneling. large fireplace. with bookcases; full lot. 52d and Sherman, No. 420. B 23S1. $35 PER month, nothing down, buys a nearly new o-room oungaiow. iuh wane ment, electric fixtures, shade3, ready to move right In. J32..0, 3 blocks to car and school, one block to hard-surface street. H. L. and A. M. Stevens. East 34th, cor. Clinton st. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW In Rose City Park. 1 blocks from car: buflet. furnace, cement floor In basement, and hardwood floors, for $2750; $1000 cash, balance Ions time. This Is a bargain. Phono owner. East 3301, or H 943, Orcgoniam ROSE CITY' PARK Full lot, JSOO; terms; one block from Alameua, nyue r-ur., coi ner $H00; will trade; a new modern 6 room bungalow: $3000; will trade for un encumbered property. Seo Merry & Davis, 343 H Morrison. SEVEN-ROOM bungalow on lot 50x121 In high-class residence uistriet, e;ose 10 cai llne; furnace, fireplace, gas range, llxtures and shades. A bargain for $:150. on easy terms. Call 26 East 27th North, corner Wasco. BUNGALOW SNAP. 6 rooms, new und modern, furnace heat, 42d. Beaumont district; must be sold; value S300O : make offer. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY, 415 Chamber of Com. S-ROOM house for sale In University Park, new and modern throughout; tinted, tiie finish bath and kitchen, built-in buffet, sleeping porch, cement basement with laundry travs, nice lawn, roses, etc; ' block to carllne. AE 958, Oregonian. HAVE several good bungalows and houses where we caji accept a good lot or equities as first payment, balance monthly. H. L. and A. M. Stevens. 1019 Clinton, cor. E. 34th. FOR SALE House. 6 rooms, furnace, ce ment basement; price $4500. wittt 2 lols. $6500; E. 24th and Multnomah sts, Holla day Park; easy terms. Owner, 653 Claek amas St. NOR HILL, modern residence, rent pays 1 per cent net on $7.v:o; if you have $2000 cash you can buy it from owner at price to net you S per cent. Address H 9.s, Oregonian. ' CORNER 15th and East Taylor; splendid corner and modern 7-room house, good apartment Bite might consider a farm In Tualatin or Wlllumette Valley. Gold schmldt's Agency. 415 Chamber of Com. $20,000. -Nearly as good a home as that sold for $40 0O0 last week and situated in the same block. See us for particulars. Goldschmldfs Agency. 415 Chamber Com. 18 RENT lease if desired. 6-room house. 3 sleeping rooms, i.,... floor, lot 50x100. berries, one-half block to Richmond car. Inquire H. L. and A. M. Stevens, cor. East 34th and Clinton sts. BUNGALOW Modern. 5 rooms. Hawthorne district; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, linen closets, woodllft, cooling closet, san itary wash tubs, etc; bargain. Seo owner, 245 E. 5oth st. So. MUST sell mv strictly modern 7-room home. Furnace, fireplace, all conveniences: tine neighborhood, Bltullthlc streets, garaee space fruit trees, flowers, garden, etc $4500. Cash or terms. Tabor 3018. GOOD plastered 6-room 2-story house for sale; 4 good fruit trees: lot 25x100. Easy terms. 1516 East Pine st. Phone Tauur 3S73. WEST SIDE 7-room modefn residence, cor ner near 14th and Harrison, $9000. For sale or exchange for good lot. Gohl scumldt's Agency, 413Chamber of Com. iROOM HOUSE, modetn. Myrtle Park Sta tion. Mt. Scott line. 5.S30 40th ave. .1. Welch, owner. On account of leaving state. ' NEW 5-room house, cheap. Kenton car tc Kilpatrlck street, 3 is blocks east. Owner on ground today. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, fi-room cottage, on Chapman and Clifton. S4200; terms. Mnr shall 4W27. BROOKE. Ai;"ii': FOR SALE 6-room cottage. 2 large porches. Willamette Heights. Apply owner. 1043 Vaughn St. Marshall 1713, A 1348. 4