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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1911)
THE SUNDAY 0KE005IA5, rORTLAXD, MAY 21, 1911. Modern Dentistry as It Is Taught in the North Pacific College rIB so'sodid sw fireproof bom of the North Pacific College Is rapidly Bearing completion at Eut Sixth nd Or. nil streets. It Is constructed upon Oraciaa lists and will b one of the. beautiful buildings or the city. It trill o devoted exclusively to Instruction Pantistry. Orml Surgery and Phar macy, and will settle beyond question tha supremacy of Portland as aa edu cational center srest of Chicago for these Important branches. Tte Portland institution bales one of the never schools, baa bad the advan tage of being able to profit by the ex perience of older Institutions and la providing for the advanced work de manded by leaders la the dontal and modicaJ rrorsions throurh-nt the werid. C'ntii recent years the dentist was eonsMred to be a person who ex tracted. Mid and rialrfd decayed- d made artificial substitute. His dunce were chWly mechanical. The American dentist has always ranked first as aa operator and skilled me dia, ale. It Is ms.nlfr.tlr the f'rst duty of the Physician to preserve health and pre sent d.seax. l or a coni.Mrrable period of tinre sci.mirio Investigators have been studying the cau.os that lead to destroctioa of the tenth necessitating so much rilr work by the dentin! and to discover the breed inr places of the dlxcase-produrln? IpatbnKenlc) bacteria that cause ao much tLvei. and suffering-, la this Important work the barterKUoeIxt Kith bis mlrhcsrore haa ha working band In hand with the chemist, and the knowledge obtained Is resoluUonlaine; dentistry as well as medlclaek Cariea (decay) of wttt fai raud by be MWsHesm sawdla and possibly same other forms of wg-etable life which become attached and srow upoa the sheltered and profe-te( surfaces of the teeth' that are difficult to reach aad scour cba with the brush, and poa ts oe surface that are permitted to retnaia habitually tincleaa. The.e llttie plant uuti their ftirawling fluid Uctle add) wklcb dissolves out the calcium aaJta from the er.rrvl first, and thea crow Into the opening made, attack Inx the dentine or Ivory portion ootil the pulp I tiixiird and the tooth Is finally destroyed. Ioring this de- strortlve rr.ts the victim Is likely to suffer front nfurafcta. and other c rarer cumi llcatlona. But this la not aU. laveativatloa haa shown that these, carlooa teeth are protected hotbeds of di-ieaje-pnmr!n hartnrls, many of them contmiunx the bacilli of tuber culosis ud the Mnawwrn of pneu snonta. ready when favorable oppor tunities and conditions c-xl.t to be mrrled to more remote regions and vi tal omaa of the booy a here they art p raflammntory movement., and pro duce dlseaaoj conrilttnriS ao destructive to life. '"cayed teelh are the cause of more saffanns;- tima stiy other il-ca.e-iro-rtm-lna- wici with htch the human family is sfrilrlfl The muuth. nose aad throat are the vato and hlshway throrjra which mnjt of the dlseay-pro-duclBj K-rnn ohtnin entrance to the bJy. And urn the membrane cover In the?, portals and In decayed teeth are fuad BaCnrul conditions essential far their arrovth and development. Tha event H la be a sat. auardlan ef the month and teeth should not only be a skilled mechanic, but he should have a thorough iindrrstandlns; of the fursinitw-ntal branches of medicine, lie hiu;d aave trainod eyes that are capa ble vf dciccUir.s; abnormal or vron conditions and a cultured brain that cm understand the meaning of tbcat or m s ' -- " '" I f lllTi-A V' Sr' S .. izr - if .- .-i t t : . - Mrr- ! . , A! I I I vV 4 V S.-a i I If I f P"" - " . .. '-. I WH Hill , !'M14ajsjj I I iiT'iif r rn nm -" I Z ; tit Til ' - jffl Mil I - i r-r-vtT - f a . W?T i adeols of tne Xerth radflc Coilere pes forming prartlcsl opmuloae apea patieota. Ia thla rraat clinic, esubi actus; thoa- t paileats eaotl yeas, atadeata hare aa eppectunlty te see aad ta stody a creat variety at, from the simplest d-viailea frens the asiiiwl te the awe areve aad complex roadltioaa. IiTesrularltles aad deformities ef the teeth aad Jaws are studied aad corrected. A careful otoeerver Is able to ere more of practical dentistry and more of the pathological conditions of the tertb. trrea-ularltlca aad deformities, aad cases for artificial replacement, etc-, ta thla clinic than be would observe In saaay years of erdlaary private practice. enn sooa determine the mean'ns; by IE vestlRatlon and ure of the microscope. The Gorman. English. French anl foremoat American educators Insist that the dentist should have a medical education to which shall be added the special training In mechanics and sur gery, which shall be followed by ex tensive clinical practice In the col lege Infirmary under the direction and aupervlslon of experienced Instructors. The North Pacific College has recog nised the necessity for medical train ing, and the sphndld new laboratories are expected to furnish as good oppor tunities for scientific training and re search work as can bo obtained any where In America. The f ict that there are so many fa cial deformities, so that many of our people are not as gond-lnnklns; as they should br. Is .due largely to lack of understanding, on the part of parenu. of the baneful Influences of bacteria permitted to grow upon the teeth, caus ing toelr destruction, and in the nasal Imssnges and pharynx, resulting In the development of adenoids and other en Ltrircnncnts, obstructing the nasal pas tares and compelling mouth breathing. The preservation of natural beauty, the development of the face and Jaws as Intended by nature, depend largely upon preservation of the teeth of child hood and healthful, unobstructed air passages, ao there will be no Inter ference with noraial breathing througo the nose during the period of develop ment. To permit normal development of the Jaws It Is Imperative that the temporary toeth of the child shall be preserved In thotr natural positions un til their successors are developed and practically crowd them out. The per manent molars develop and grow Into position back of the last temporary mo lars, and In the lower Jaw In front ot the ascending or perpendicular portions of that bona These permanent teeth act as wedges to force and project the bony processes forward, carrying with them all their respective teeth. In case the temporary molars are prematurely lost, or their crowns de stroyed by decay, there will be cor responding contraction, the bony pro cesses are not carried forward, and deformity for life results. In the case of adenoids and other abnormal growths obstructing the air passages of the nose, the child Is com pelled to breathe through the mouth and sleep with the mouth open. Where thla condition Is permitted to continue for a considerable length of time the muscles drawing the lower Jaw down ward and backward at 'this tender age when the bone is not sufficiently ossi fied, cause warping and bending of the Jaw at the angle, resulting In receding chin and wrong positions of the teeth; while In the upper Jaw the de formity Is even greater. Open your mouth and place your finger upon your cheeks above the upper molar toeth and yon will observe the pressure of the powerful muscles In these localities upon the sides of the Jaw. In mouth breathing It It this lateral pressure that forces inward the bony processes containing the molar and bicuspid teeth, causing the central or palate por tion of the mouth to bow upward, en croaching still further upon the nasal passages; while the front or Incisor teeth project forward. The chief characteristics or deformi ties observed in the features of these victims of conditions resulting from too much unicellular vegetable life in the mouth, nose and throat, are hollow checks, protruding upper front teeth, small contracted lower Jaw, with re ceding chin and irregular teeth. In the dental profession several Im portant specialties are developing, among them Oral Surgery, which claims for Its special field all surgical work in connection with the mouth. Jaws, and associate parts; and Ortho dontia, which Inquires Into the causes of irregularities and deformities of the teeth and Jaws, and has for Its mis sion the prevention and correction of these defects. The North Pacific College and other institutions undertaking the prepara tion of men for this' kind of profes- ay" '''''' ry, . ,V alleroscoplcal laboratory showing a section of the freahmaa class of the North Pacific College studying the. animal tissues through the microscope. Individual work with the microscope is required In hist ology, pathology and ; bacteriology. The . study of bacteriology has become a necessity to the student of dentistry. It relation to hygiene and preventive medicine Is J of fundamental Importance, The mouth and teeth are the richest field for investigation and research, and the knowledge therein gained is of vllul importance ia the prevention of disease. ! tt n i or' - iifyr. 'lrJik' i Senior students engaged la test work constructing artificial teeth during their final examinations. slonal work, embody In their curricu lum, first the study of histology, anatomy, physiology, embryology, chemistry and metallurgy, accompanied by an extensive course in mechanical laboratory work. Then follows the work In pathology, bacteriology, ma teria medlca and therapeutics, princi ples of surgery, and laboratory work In operative dentistry, mechanical or pros thetic dentistry, and construction of appliances for correcting irregularities and deformities. The course then pro ceeds with an extended - clinical prac tice In the college infirmary under the supervision and guidance of experi enced teachers, ' This clinical practice is accompanied by courses of lectures in operative dentistry, prosthetic den tistry, oral surgery, orthodontia, dis eases and pathological processes, phy sical diagnosis. ' hygiene and prophy laxis, diatetics. Jurisprudence and ethics. SAN FRANCISCO SOCIETY TAKES TO RAGTIME DANCE WITH GUSTO Tartey Trot, Griszlj Bear and Texas Tommy Much Affected fcy Number of Swell Set Walker-Biven Marriage Promise Afterclap o f Unpleasant Sort. NT T1AKRT tt. firTH. SAX rULVNCISOO. Mr 20. Thm rait tim iUnn; an Innovation that rtKtnalrtJ lomr yvara aico on thm H--vrtar CVnt In San Kranrtaco and l a a mprrad Inln thm tnlrlon, S all tr rm trm thi rfsy. Ptirity hna taken It utK anJ whit ptvrlvtjr tia-n't n yt iatn: ta lntr.Hlur U at the awellcr ftiRrtt4na. the various mrn and 'women ha irtnke up tvr(rl- admit that the? lik y tha r v ibm-f and will atep It wfccnwrr thr chance occura, IUtj;tlTir iif.nririt ..-ts trrr. Varl-t-tMa, Im lu.ii m: the Irlisly iU nr. the Tuikev Trl and the Trti Tommy. Tlvt .r!zxly Bs-itr hy all way the snot (( uUr. It can te tin nerd at the trit a r-stort and la danced there. Iut Ihrrr are ome ei,l who ob ject te the rilicht excumlune to the t-w-tveb cafen, and ther have adopted the Lua rf private rarttea at much cafes la t he e!:.r im Ten a and othrr eatab lihmnl9 that dnrlriK floors. j The lute!, howrvrr. Is a lare on the liaxbary Coast known aa Caesar's Orlll, There you can set a irood Italian dinner for $1 a throw, and at the same time barn all the raKtlme da net n a; that you like, Society has taken to It by storm, and particularly on Saturday and JSundy mifchts there Is a crowded bouse, I'ntll about S o'clock at nlKht everythlns; Is decorous, with the peo ple cat In calmly enough at the verl u tables. Then tht ruir that covers over the dnticlns; floor la yanked aside, and the fun starts. lift ween courses the pianist plays a merry rns; and the din ers settle their dinner by two-stepping or ratfRtna: to the wa.ta, aa they may see fit- Jt's a arreat lifo for those who enjoy It. and It certainly la the latest of all fads. The grill is crowded and people are turned away as a rule, so anxious are the people to do a little two-atepninic. Inasmuch as the city ordinance per mlts music .until 1 o'clock In the morn4ns;. there is evidently no way to ACTSXiS TAKES PAET OF AMERICAN MUSICAL COMPOSERS lUaiirl.e ivlrnr. the clever rem-e-rilrnne and air.xer. was very mar a eserriped tna other day to learn from Pu-lnt. the composer, of t.e Bmslc "The Utrl f the (Vi n West tl-at AmerUa had no c ha ract eristic music. J:ie ' said: "t am much perturbed to learn that a e Amert-ans have no muU; chnractertstinUy Ameri can. Surely Puct-lnl knows not whe'eof he speaks or he would not thus slangier us. " And to think that, after all thr- rars d voted to sfuJylns; tet l nutue end the method, and the r.ttr. is s;ent In llofhraua. to ret the aUn, here In order that they inlant r.(ii;rtnely srhjf- tin tne the Innermost thoughts. "llcture t:ie sleepless nights, the f hunger, and the Tonreuited c .'forts of those gtnl lases who tared, ae. went wtthout shore, that they might 13 the a. me ot their despair give to the world sua t, masterpie- es of ctisr.rteritir American music as 'lias Anybody llrre I-Wo Krl ! r ivins on Her ringer. He ils on lier Toes"; and my heart cries out In anguish when I think -f even tha trox poser of Tlp-I-AJvl-l-Ay" feeing accused of th Tun-Americaa ihactcrtsttc; and why? Because a frw foreigners assert that hit great Italian com f4ers plav upon thrir heart strlr. gs. LKn't teitevs tliem. they are mercnarr. "But wry dwell n the base ness ef rjiCinL Le'.asco has his cuxtr and now they say he Is g'-'ing to put MliAT.f X tO DlUllC If te does be will have to get Jerry Co! aa to write the lyrics. I woiiUia trust It to iorr. for etnee te wrore Vc Kich Qui. k Walllngford" be has forgotten the inericaa chararterisUc v 3 r V: i . If r t jt Blaacka alaa top this now phaaa of San Francisco amusement. The marriage of youns; Clarence Walker and Miss Caroline Blven. which was celebrated Monday, has caui much pleasure to the friends of the couple, and has also caused said friends to wonder how the wolf is to be kept from the door. The fact that Mrn. Althea Walker, mother of the jcroom. opposed the match, and did all la ber power to delay the marrlaire. la well known. Youns; Walker haa been dependent on his mother for sup port, lier opposition to ber son's mar rlaae was so great that she cut off his allowance In the hope that he would relent and remain a bachelor a little longer. Hut Walker was obdurate and In formed his mamma that while she mlicht hold the purse-strings, be has an aeroplane, which was aa (rood aa a bank account any day. and that with his trusty aerial ateed he could capture a sufficient number of the elusive dol lars to keep the larder supplied with necessities and a few luxuries. So the youns; couple were married at the residence of the brides parents. Mr a Walker's opposition to the match was. due entirely to the youth 01 her son. who Is only XI years of aire. The Walkers formerly lived In Salt Lake City, and the baviker'a widow was left a large fortune by her husband. Her eldest daughter married Roland Reed. a lawyer of Seattle. W ash. Eleanor Sears and Harold vanoer- bllt are reported to be engaged to be married, but the masculine young lady from Boston haa been reported be trothed so many times that her socl ety friends In tJan Francisco are skep tii-aL The report of her impending marriage to Mra O. H. P. Belmont's so.i recalls the last time Miss Sears was la San Francisco. She was In dustriously wooed by a certain weal thy club man and It was tuny expected that he would pop the question. The romsnce was watched with arreat In terest but at about the time that de velopments were expected. Miss Sears started on her famous walk to Del Monie. While she did not make the entire distance, ahe went far enough to dem onstrate her pedestrian ability and also to frighten off her wooer, for he left for the East immediately, remarking to friends that when he eventually married, he would marry a woman not an athlete who might prove too much for him. Humor next linked Miss Sears' name with mat of Graname-woite, ins Eng lish aviator, but he soon afterward left for bis own country and la now married. At one time Miss Sears was reported as enraged to "Tony" DrexeL but this likewise proved a false re port and her name was later connected with young Jay Gould, who married Miss Graham the other day. Ttiuraton Hall, who before bis wife. Lucille Perry Hall, appeared to put to flight his affinity, one Amy Dale, was leading actor of the Alcaxar Stork Company, haa assumed another role Well. Thurston, debonair and frankly killing, is still playing comedy, but at he M. James Hotel. He Is perform ing the -duties of telephone central here every day from A. 11. to 1. P. M. Being out of work, the hotel management, represented In the per son of H. F. aloore. a most kind- hearted gentleman of the old school. beard, agreed to give him the situa tion. He needs It so the story goes. He ia possibly drawing X16 a week for his services. The selection of an Immigration Com missioner for San Francisco to. succeed Hart North seems to be still undeter mined at Washington. D. C A recent report Is that the name of General Backus, ex-Postmaster of San Francis co, has been sent to the Department o Commerce and Labor. Recently a new candidate for the appointment has been reported, much to the surprise of some of the mem bers of the department. This is Harry Kdsell. formely a Portland newspaper man, chief deputy at Angel Island un der Acting Commissioner Luther Stew ard. Edsell was an active factor l the Investigation of the North admin istration and supposed to be friendly to the aspirations of Steward. Edsell comes from another state, as does Steward, and It Is known that Senator Perkins haa made a vigorous nrotest against the appointment of carpet-bagger. Of course, the two Cal Ifornla Senators and the Department o Commerce and Labor will come to an agreement, but recent Washington ad vices indicate that they are still far SDart. Abe Ruef devotes a portion of hi evenings to reading from the Bible to his cellmates at San Quentin. Ruef la religiously Inclined, but objects to th report being circulated, that he has PORTLAND MUSICIAN WRITES MARCH AND DEDICATES IT TO ORPHEUM. ' ' is - . ' . . ' ... -. , - .v . .,." ... , .. - . - . " - S - ' . . j : .- L " -a, V v 1 r- , ARDEY ALLEN. Music made In Oregon will be played for the benefit of Portland era who patronise one of the focal show shops during the coming week. Arden Allen, first violin In the orchestra at the Orpheum. hav ing written a new and swinging march which he has named "The Orpheum." The composition will have the place of honor on the mu sical programme for that house during the week. Mr. Allen will be remembered as the man who dedicated a march to the Oregon Knights Templars, and which was the popular air at the encampment held In Portland a year ago. Mr. Allen haa been a resident of Portland for the past four years. While doing orchestral work he has found time to write the words and music for many songs, none of which have ever brought him any substantial monetary returns, however. He WTote "Howdy Do? How Are You?" and gave It to Miss Verna Felton, who made it a very popular piece of music, and who Is elnging it to day. After setting to music "She's My Post Card Girl," Allen sold the song to Miss Maud Rockwell, of the old Lyric Company, for 125. It would sell now for $500. One song was aold for the sum of 50 cents, and that time Allen thinks he got the best of the deal, 'because It was never popular. Mr. Allen Is now arranging for the publication of a set of waltzes which be will call "The Beautiful Willamette Waltzes." He Is also ar ranging with a movtng-plcture firm for the Illustration of a song story. The principal character is that of a little boy, mischievous and full of fun. The song tells of all the scrapes such a lad can get into In one day. the anxiety of hie mpther at the different hours, and how all is forgiven when the little fello'w reaches the hour for his even ing prayer. "experienced religion." Then, too, Ruef is still very busy with his ego and too much occupied with receiving visi tors between his working hours t4 give very serious consideration to the ology Beautiful Flowering Plants FOR YOUR WINDOWS, PORCHES and GARDENS L( ' i1 " Ornameatal Everjcreens. Bay Trees, Box. I, a a re L, Etc., in pots and tuba, porcneav balls, gardena, entrance, etc. We have stock ot thla kind at our city tree yard. Fourth and Madison. Plant Dahlia Bulbs Now The Improved types' are the most Beautiful and satisfactory Summer and Fall flowering bulbs. We grow acres of them See our catalogue for full description and prices. How Ia Yonr Lawnf -This Is an Ideal time to reseed It or touch up the thin places. Our Evergreen Lawn Grass Seed will give best results. Of course, you need a sack of WUgrow, the great lawn and garden ferti lizer. 'r Rose Spray and Sprayers Don't let the aphis and worms spoil your roses. Rontledes Plant Spray Is most desirable for this work; 25o and 60c bottles. Excellent hand sprayers, 50c up. Other Seasonable Stocks Poultry Supplies. Thick Feed and Conker's Remedies, Insecticides, etc., Sprayers. Garden Toola and suppllea of all kinds. Weed Killer, Wire HaaaT Ing Baaketa, Jardinieres and Poll, et e. Vegetable Plants and Roots. Our 104-page Inscriptive Catalogue tells all. .N 159 2D St. Bet. Morrison 6 Yamhill WE KOW HAVE ready for plantin g the largest and best assortment of GERANIUMS, PETUSIAS, HELIOTROPE, LOBELIA and all the popular and most desirable foliage plants and vines. Every plant will grow and bloom profusely all Summer. Remember, there is as much difference in plants as In seeds. fttTALITT COUNTS, and our motto Is "QUALITY FIRST, price as low as we can make It." - WINDOW AND PORCH BOXES MADE TO ORDER AND FILLED WITH LARGE PLANTS FOR IMMEDIATE EFFECT. who would net sse any one hunaer lor 4-