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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1911)
TIIR SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, TOllTIi V1, 3fAY 21. 1911. VISiTORS BEATEN TROUNCE HXX WHO HAVE ",C01IE BACK" IN BASEBALL WORLD DURING PAST MONTH. ' came at opportune times, and Vancou ver won the game, 4 to 3. Score: Vancouver I Seattle Ab.H.Po.A.E.1 Ab.H.PaA.E. Br k 4 0 4 0 O; Cr-ks' Adams.. 4 111 Bn'lt,2b 3 i 3 4 Brh'r.lD 2 111 2 J'mes.Jb 1 0 2 a H'fs'n.lf 4 0 0 0 3 13 2 Sp'ro'n.c 2 0 3 1 Kngle.p. 2 0 14 2 H'ym d M 4 11 D'vds'n.lf 3 o;Bues.3b.. 5 0! Weed.rf . 4 0 Kad' 4 2: Iard,2l S 01 Shea.c . . . 4 llZcfrt.p. 3 SENATORS 9 TO 3 , FOR THIRD TIE Totals 25 5 27 17 9) Totals 35 10 24 7 SCORE Br INNINGS. McCredie's Sluggers Pound Portland Twirler Holds Spo Vancourer - 2 0010001 - Out Another Victory With Seaton Pitching. kane to Three Swats in . Pitchers' Duel. eattle 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 SCX MARY. Ruiia Brink r. Adazns. Tl4nntt. JamM Crulckshank. Lard. Zackert. Two-bass hi Zack?rt. Stolen buses Brashear. Rav mond. Bases on balls Off Engle S. off Zackert IV. Strur.k nut Vtv Enelei 2 TlAolfort - Wild pitches Zackert 5. Hit by pitcher -nrasnea r. uouDie d ara Ktnri to Jamrx. Scharnwttber to Bonnett to Bras hear. left BEAVERS "Xature Iiatli framec! strange fellows in lier time'1 but we can fit them. Some liffht on the "extra BEN. HUNT KNOCKED OUT HOLM'S GAME CLEVER, TOO on bases Vancouver 14. Seattle 10. Time of same, x:i. umpire Kane. CATHOLICS ARRANGE SCHEDULE Sheehan and Rjan Am Bright Star In Mrramrnlo Ball llrmimrol and Carry Off Honor With Cum Today. SACRAMENTO. CaL, May 1. (Spe cial. The Beavers continued their w;iioTir today, beating th Senator to . McCredle's boys slugged bard and at opportune times. The? knocked big Ben Hunt oat of the box la the sixth, but Jack i'ltzgerald's offering were no Improvement. He was pelted aa freely aa Hunt, and was given almost aa weak support. Tommy Seaton had h!s teammatea behind him. Sheeban and I'.yan being the particular star. Kyaa gathered In almost Impossible flies, and Sree.'.an took hard c Lances. cramento began at a rood clip by nfnextns two runs in tbe third by Iwis doul.te. a walk and Shlnn's sln- tie Into right, on the hit-and-run play. The Heavers coppered In the fifth on Pheehan's triple and I'ecklnpaugh's sac rifice fly to Lewis. Milli Inning 'Awful." In the sixth the game begun getting Ilk yesterday's, errors by ohina let Seatn and Kxl2ers home. Beaton stole se.-end. and when Mahoney muffed Kjr- an' fly. Beaton scored. Krueicers sln xle to renti-r brought Rodgera In and Hunt out of the box. Rtpps found Kits Immediately, scoring Kyaa with safety to center. Si.eehnn's fly to Ma rmney let ICruexer htne. and when Pevktnpauah ri..ubled to right Rapps croel the pan. The only Portland error was stretched f-r all It as wrrth In the last of the slxlii. when o'lt-'urke cantered around to second, while ilapps was c:a!ng the tail he let to through him. A passed ball advanced O'Riurke to third. After the second out was made. IarvzL walked an. I pulled the double- steal vltii his bold raptuin. who regis tered while the ball was shooting across the diamond. Krargrr .Makes Triple;. Kruea-er opened the elichth with triple, lie couldn't score on Rapps fly to Lewis, but waited until Sheelmn and I'ecktnpaugh bad walked and then was pathfinder for fheeean on a trip home when Murray slnaled over short. Mur ray beat a poor throw from Thomas on a run to second, which let i'eckinpaugn score the final tally. nly one aame will be played tomor row, both teams desiring- to play off the Tuesday tie In some future tune. rnril.n1 I MmiWnlO Ab.H.Po A.E I AD.irPa.AR. "had rf . S I 1 O 0 -Oilnn.Sb. 4 3 o O 1 H r - i I O I "K k.Jli 4 O .1 l:vn.c: S O 1 1 Van 11 rt 4 O 1 O S K r r If 3 Kdr'lt 4 htlftia 2 2 1 U '.tr.i't.lh 3 1 12 O O 14 O i o a 1 a 2 1 VI an jr.rf . 4 a 2 0 I V Thin .. 4111 O !l..lf . 3 1 1 Vutit. 4 S 3 2 Kaaluo.p. 4 a a s I. rr h' 3 14 3a Olhml.p.. 1 O O 1 O I Kits.. r... 1 a o Trials 31 1 1 :T I I Totals 3l 27 14 S-.RB IIT INNINGS. ?.find o o a o i s a 1 a Mi'. I 1 1 O 2 3 2 1 11 riraento .......... o o 2 a a i a a i z Hit. 2 1 1 0 1 O 8 smiiABr. Run. Ftrnfiiers. Rrmji. K r-1 r 2. R.PPS. hta.iMn JL Iwklrrtufl. feton. tVRourka. L.i her. I'tts 4tT klunt. e: runs a. I l-.l lnnlnc ThrM-lMM hits heehn. kru.-er. 1 - bt ae ht: Lew is. I e;ktn u . rv es.TtfLce htt Hunt. Ites no balls - . 1 : s.uo off t'ttxn-rald 2. struck out k:v Hunt he Meat. in 2. bjr r llar-raM 1. p --f KurHe to Im:c. Kysa to K i Kt.urke t l-ervhen ti leasts. f-r- -'.'u fiy l'e.'knpS'Sh. eheehsa. t'S.eed :a'l lnrrsv. baees Sestna. r K.turke. ttoniig: Time ef sane. 1.4a. lm- I11KI.AMI TAKKS THIRD CAHK Tennant'e Home Ran "ails to Glye Seal Victory In 10-S ContrM. SAN rTtAXCISCO. May SX-Oakland n their third tcame out of the series with San Kram-lsco today, h) to X land Inir on itrowtilnit and Henley for 1 hits. i::c t runs and 10 hits wero secured off Frowntnc In four lnntnes. Tennant scored a tutne run. In spite of the heavy liitttnc. Onklaod played Iosely. rle errors beln charged asatnst tha trans-bay players. The mtire: San ltmin Oakland .tb.ll. IM. A. K' AhH To-A E. rf . o . 1 M V e M J 1 H r. t 4 o Tm US 4 - I 4 4 ll-oy.rf. .. 3 1 1 ' M 5 3 3 O t ut's. ?! 4 3 t O 7.r'er.-( 3 3 3 I lt. tl'z 3b 3 3 t ovtare..M. 4 1 2 l IVan-e.e. 3 2 2 1 irr!. a.p 4 e 0'Tkeu'aa.c 1 1 3 O e too 12 2 0 - 1 1 1 4 2 11 31 l-ut .... . l-rr. .-. . Mr... p Itenlet .p 3 3 0 2 1 1 2 t V 3 o Tot. I. 34 J4 IT Totals 33 IS 27 10 3 SiVM HT INNIN'IS. sumsto 1 n a o 0 0 a 3 i 3 I 10 13 12 O 1 4 3 O 2 O O 1.1 03431410 14 SI MX ART. Rur. Vr Vn'. Tennant. PtN-l. Coy il-. xK.rt Kijiht hits. lk tun off (trow a Inr in 4 inr. Hme run- Tennart. sac r.i e rl'ml. -kee. Two-r-u.e hits 'ulh. it:. Sarrince httHetltns Ktrst "n c 11 ha.i llrownlng i.'i. hli t.ift t". sirn.-k out Hv llrrntnc 3. Ny '"fr;tii X Hit b pit. S-u hl!-.i'ttlittis, t) Hrw.tI. LXuble plsys lteln. unaa 1 .aie ef same 1 I mrl. I"in BO. AM.KLS HIT HARD AMI WIS Wmuu Taken Into Tamp Tbrr Runs "to tlw" I.OS ANt'.KUIe, CaL. May Hard Mum la pots featured tha lxs An-aes-Vernon tcame tolay. the VtUatrera riudira Aarncw for fire hits and four rur la tl.e secoad Inninc. Aixnew then trchteeed aj. and his teammates found strwart f-r three runa in each of tha tMrl. fourth and ninth frames. lilloa v? 3s aaaln out of the same, s-nitth piay. In- frret. The score: Veraoo Vom AnrlM AMI To.A r Jtb II PO.A.K. '-! f 4 3 2 0 Akm.r.b 4 3 a 1 a K.- f 4 3 a o U.tO s 2 1 4 a f :t n lb 4 3 3 1 o l .r. d.rf 4 110 0 M I ala 3 2 4 1 2. r. rf 3 3 4 1 e Ma i -t 4 S S O How rt.lf 3 0 3 0 0 l ep.2. 4 13 3 Met 4 3 4 7 O h-.irr , . 4 t 0 2 O snvtrt 1 1 4 13 3 I I n c s 1 0 a Abbott. e 3 114 0 i a 2 a t I " Asnea p 3 a a 4 a fraT. 1 a e a o Tita'a 33t2 3tia l' Totals. 33 11 TT 23 1 brasoeax satted for St. wart la ninth. HXIRK BT INMVUS. Teen.-m 0 400010 1 Hits a a 1 1 1 3 312 L V os-les 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 S lilts o 1.3 2 1 0 0 1 3 11 6131 HART. rtu:is OarlteV. rwttersetv MePnae'l. stta so. I ' rv Kr.Sk Akl X HMf. '. Pern ae1. ' ' Kr.r.u 2 Tire bsse h-ts Me XmssU. Aisrasre. rarlls Twa-aaa r mi mm tfttnamv Hotp. Daly. McDonHI. Facrlflcs hits Bfnvrtl, Alb. Mclronnell. Kratth. i?tew- irt. IU-s on balls orr Mewan a. Airn-w 4. track oat By Htswmrt 4. Arnsw 1. lou ble plavs Hi-o to Patterson. Hit br pttrhed ball Partirnoii, Abbotu Tim 2 :ltX t'm- ptre UlldrbrMpH. SEATTLE T DtCD.U.E BOYS TAKE TO TOBOG GAN AT RAPID RATE. rans In Paget Sound Country Are Expressing Dlgut Oyer Work of I'nijilre Ixtnganccker. SEATTLE. Wash, Mar 10. (Spe cial. When Ven GreeaT. Oen Krapp, "Blar eix" Steen and Joa Garrett put Portland on the baseball map last Fell by breaking tha world's record for go ing a consecutive number of Innings without allowing a score, the fana re garded them as veritable gods from High Olympus. The Seattle, men ar dubbed by tha fans "not products of Olympus," but rather as beings which hare possibly escaped from the realms oU Tluto. Tha slump of the Seattle team has been horrible to behold, at least to the fans here. From being firmly en tab llshed In second place tha team baa slipped back and back until now It bas lost sight entirely of tha Spo kane Indiana, despite the fact that Conn's tribe has failed to advance In tba Portland series. Universal disgust Is expressed by tha fana In tha action of Umpire Lous: - anecker stopping a baseball game between Portland and Spokane thla week for a little "shower. Traditions of Northwestern League baseball ara beld to require tha game to bo played at any cost and It Is held that Long aneckers action shows bias In favor of Spokane, hla wintering quar ters. His youth and Inexperience are alona given aa possible excuses for the act. All week Seattle bas been pulling for Tortland. not so much from lov of Williams' team, but with a hope that pokan be brought back within shooting distance. George Kngle, Vancouver pitcher. Is a veteran of veterans, but his work seems to Indicate that ha Is better than ever. Year after year thla little fellow, has been on the mound, twirl ing sometimes three games a week. But he stands It better than any of them. Engle was pitching when Ovle Overall was a "rah-rah" boy, but thla week be won two shutout gamea In masterly style. Headwork must be given credit for a lot of Engle'a suc cess. , Curt Coleman. n)e t'nlversltv of Oregon boy who has been at third for two seasons with Tacoma, Is booked for bis release. Coleman la not hit ting the ball and his fielding-, recently has been ragged. Georare Shreeder has a - wall. Tie bought Kddle Burnt from Oakland, thinking he was getting a shortstop. When Burns reported he told Shreeder that he was a catcher and the Tacoma man Is still hunting an Inftelder and trying to dispose of a surplus catcher. Aniua Ruste may umpire another series, possibly next week In Seattle. Ruste says there Is too much objecting In the games out here and that any way he never was an umpire and "Isn't stuck oa the Job." acta se-terw. W I. p W. U. P IT .211 S .714 17 11 .oT .14 13 .43 .13 14 .4M . 12 1 3 .4 4 Prwt'snd ..2"2' .-vispokine . tak.snd . - .'" VtnfouTa Sn Kraa..2I2i .3f Tsuoma . 'rnl ...24 33 .4' Pnland SHJiti'lo 22 21 ." Se.ttl. ... LmS AnCI .4kMellclrla T 30 ij atssaau V. U r I r-hlla 31 le .s ramlt Pittpbiirs .ltl .." f-hiraan W. U P.O. .2T S! .1 13 .&3 .14 14 .1.11 N-w Tork.isll . ''ion Chu .so . . 14 13 lacnaa?l 13 13 St. U.uis. .12 13 N.w York. .13 14 ,MT I'blla 14 13 .43 .444 rie. land .13 14 .4'3 Wash ins a . lois .34 .-4-St. LCUIS. . 0 1 .31 Prtk'js .IS1 Huston ... ' paeifte Coast league Pi" Card . gacra- mcto 3: OaUaaa la. ms rraaasco a; Ars-les s. Vernea 4 Northwestern 1 -f u rortiiaa X. ErpoaatM Taeoaaa 6. Ttcturta. 3; Taaooavtf 4. Se attle 3. Nrnti-'cal Leasus St. Leu-S 4. Boaten 1; rtrMiratl V Hrvokljm 1: ht-a T. 1'nlla delrMa 4. New York 2. Pltrsfcura 1. American rnllel:p.h :a 14. r- trwt 12: New Tork a. s'V Liats 3: Cleveland wihtnsin 4; Ch leas -B ton game MiHii aacause eg was. groaaaat BASEBALL IN EPITOME awr Lrsssea at a Glaaea. rssUVs Coast. .. S IX . e "-.. ' : t".-4s pi -f? J 1 A CaV y 'COME BUCK' Ballplayers Who Slump Regain Lost Honors. KRUEGER MAKES RECORD Portland Player, Though Starting Season Poorly, Is .Vow Hitting- at Gootl Clip Mundorrr I Also Another Instance. Instances where pugilists "come back' after being relegaud to the second-rate division are rare. Indeed, but this rule cannot be said to apply to baseball play ers. At least not with any degree of certainty, for diamond heroes often have a slump which sometimes lasts long enough to warrant the belief that they nave gone oacK. ana then, after being reiegatca to the minors, they regain nonors. During the early part of this season a Portland player, Artie Krueger, started poorly. His poor hitting also seemed to affect his fielding. But of all the "come backs" In tbe game today his showing recently has been most pleasing, for the Mg AMitchman has been hitting the ball like a demon In the recent games. Another Portland player who has "come back Is Howard Mundorrr. "Mundy" had been a member of the San Fran Cisco club for two years previous to Joining Nick W Uliama' Northwestern ag gregatlon. and ever since the opening of the season be has been hitting at wonderful gait and Is standing well up among the leading batsmen of the cir cuit. Among the big league players who are making a fine showing to date, when their major careers were but a specul tlve proposition several months ago, axe Ping" Bodle. "Happy Bill" Hocan. two ex-Coast Leaguers, and "Bugs" Ray mnnd. the New York Giants' eccentric pitcher. Hogaa did not stick with the Phlladel phia Athletics, for he did not show speed enough to displace any of -th outer gardeners on the world'a champion club, so he baa been turned over to St. Lou la In the same league, and Is playing fine came. "Ping" Bodle, the cx-Seal, la performing great work for the Chi cago White Sox. and has given as much strength to that aggregation as has Ivan Olson to the Cleveland Club. XATIOXAh LEAGUE. Chicago 7, Philadelphia 4. PHILADELPHIA. May 20. Chicago kit Moore hard today and won their third straight game from Philadelphia. All of the home team s runs were due to home-run drives. Score: R. H. K.I R. H. E. Chicago ...T 13 1 Phlla. 4 g 3 Batteries Cole, Brown and Archer; Moore and Dooln. Umpires Klem and Doyle. Cincinnati 5, Brooklyn 1. BROOKLYN. May 20. Cincinnati stopped Brooklyn's winning streak to day by pounding Barger for hits and five runs. Score: R If. E.I R. H. E. Clnoinnatl . 10 1, Brooklyn ..1 4 0 Batterlea Keefe and Clark: Barger, Pchadt and Bergen. Krwln. Umpires Finnernaa and Rlglar. St- IxtnU 4, Bo(on 1. 'BOSTON. May 20 Securing a lead of two runa In tha first. St. Louis iwn the fast siiK icons Boston todagc. 7Aa 1 V-ft-fcivr vV&ava? cue? fielding of Mowry, Huggins and Swee ney was the feature, score: R. II. E.l R. H. E. Boston ....1 5 4, St. Louis ...4 6 Batteries Tyler and Rariden; Steele and Bresnahan. Umpires O Day and Brennan. - Xew York O, Plttsbarjr 1. NEW YORK. May ZO. New York took another exciting game from Pitts burg today. The winning run waa scored .In the ninth on hits by Devlin and Crandall. an error by Miller help. lng. New York did not get a safety off I.lefleld until the seventh inning. Score: ' R. H. E.l R. H. E. Pitlsburg .1 10 3fXew York 2 5 Butteries Lfefleld and Gibson Drucke and Myers! Umpires John stone and Kason. AMERICAS LEAGUE. Pliilatlclphia 14, Detroit 12 DETROIT. MIcb.. May 20. Phlladel phla broke Its losing streak today by defeating Detroit In the fiercest slug glng match here this season. Coombs, though wild and erratic being effective unt41 the seventh. "Del" Galnor, whose right wrist was broken by a pitcher' battle In the first Inntns, probably will be laid up for six weeks. Score: R. H. E.l R. It E Philadel'a 14 1C 21 Detroit. . . 12 14 Batteries Coombs, Plank and Lapp Thomas; Donovan, Wlllett, Lafitte and Strange. Xew York 6, St. Louis 2. FT. LOUIS, Mo, May 20. Warhop's pitching, backed by almost faultless fielding, enabled New York to win easily from the local team today. Swee ney, the visitors' catcher, made four hits. Score: R. H. E.l R. H. E. St Louis.. 2 4 2 New York. 6 14 Batteries Pelty, Hamilton and Ste phens; Warhop and Sweeney. Cleveland 8, Washington 4. CLEVELAND, O, May 20. Pat Paige, purchased from New Orleans this week, made his Cleveland debut today, and, In addition to keeping Washington's hits scattered, made a two-base hit with the bases filled In the eighth. Score: R. H. E.I - R. H. E Cleveland. 8 13 2Washlngton 4 10 Batteries Paige and Fisher; Groom and Alnsmlth. Henry. Boston grounds. at Chicago, postponed, wet QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS GERVA1S. Or., May In Editor.) In a i the senrs was 7 to Or.. Mar 30. (To the Snort- same last Sunday a in laor or the visltina team whsn the home team cams to bat In tha last half of the seventh In ning. Two men were on the bases snd when the umpire oalled a ball on the bats man, the visiting team became angry and threw the ball away, which allowed both runners to score, making the score 8 to T In favor of the home club. Do these runs count? A SUBSCRIBER. Answer Runs most assuredly count. An umpire's Judgment on balls and strikes Is final In any game, and, un less umpire called time during quarrel over decision, runs should be scored to team making them. Matollus. Or.. Msy 20. Was San Fran cisco ever a member of the American National League? A MKTOLILS MAN. Anawer No. You have evidently confused the Pacific National League, of which San Krancksco was a member in 1903, -with the major league. The Pacific National League was the ex panded Pacific Northwestern League of that year, which Invaded San Francisco and Los Angeles In the effort to break the Pacific Coast League, then an out law organization. jlay SO. Sporting- Editor. Oregonlan.) What is the largest number of batsmen struck out in one gams by Harry 8utnr. of the Ban Francisco club this season of lull? Answer Sutor fanned 14 Vernon batsmen tn one of the games he pitched against that club in the recent series at Los Angeles. Junction city. er.. May 20. please an swer trie to no sins tnroux n the sport ing column: A is on first base. B lays down a bunt aiong nrst nsse line, in running to first be accidentally kicks ball foul. A Is ssfe on second. I'mpire rules R oat snd nermits A to hold seooud. What rule, covers and is declalnn correct? Answer Umpire's ruling Is correct. See Rule M, Section 1. Rule at. Section (, also applies. Keefe Is ex-Tacoma Tiger. WOODBCBN, Or, May 20. Will you kindly Inform me whether or not the Keefe now pitching for Cincinnati In the National League Is the same Keefe who. with Ovie Overall, pitched Ta coma to the championship in the Fa ciflo Coast League in 1904? . A SUBSCRIBER. Answers-It Is the same Pitcher Bobby Keefe. He has been pitching for Montreal and Toronto in the Eastern League for tha past five rears. Bullets Stop Jailbreak. JOLIET. Ill- May 20. Two prisoners were shot tonight when an attempt was made by several convicts to escape from the penitentiary. It Is thought that none of tha prisoners rjs aVtvjr. One-Nothing Contest Without Single Stolen Base Witnessed by 200 0 tins at Vaughn Street Grounds. BT ROSCOB FAWCETT. They got to me the opsnlng week And smote me good snd hard; X guess 1 'peared a busher meek In Josey Conn's yard. But yesterday I turned the tables- Only this Is another of Aesop's fables. Holm's Hallucination. "Kid" Science won a nine-round. 1- to-8 decision over "Knockout" Hurler In Portland's third straight victory over the Spokane champions before 2000 ex clusive fans, and fanettes yesterday afternoon, at Vaughn street. Blodm fleld held the visiting fence-busters to three safe swats as scattered as hope and realization, and when be had con cluded he had an ornamental record to tote hoane with him. Meanwhile Victor Holm waa heaving for the honor of dear old Scandinavia, and no blame can be attached to him for the final loss. He won a l-to-0 game against Victoria one week ago, and hopped over to the other aide yes terday, allowing six safe hits. Btoom fleld Is the same twirler who beat Holm 11. to 0 the opening week at Spokane. It was one of those days dressed up In holiday clothes. The soft, warm sunshine breathed baseball Into both teams, Williams' men getting the bene fit of the draught and winning by In- side baseball in the eighth Inning. Mundorff, first up, smacked a double to the right field fence, was sacrificed to third by Casey and sent home on a beautiful squeeze bunt by Williams. It was an air-tight pitchers' duel from the tap of the gong, with the hon ors slightly in Bloomfleld's favor. Sev eral times Portland had men on bases, but tha necessary clout was not forth coming. Captain Ostdiek switched Zim merman up to the third position In an effort to bolster the batting record, but It failed to take. Mundorff came through with his usual duet of blnKles. One remarkable feature of the beauti ful game was the total absence of base pilfering, Bradley nipping five runners on the sacks and Ostdiek two. Ostdiek will send in Paul Strand, his $5000 beauty, today in an effort to break the "Jinx." while Williams will use either Lamline or Archer. Strand la only 17 years old, and is said to be the young est pitcher ever sold to a major league club. Boston gets him. There should be a crowd on hand this after noon. The official score: Spokane I Portland Jlb.HPo.AEl Ab-H.Po.A.E. Vetsel.Sb 4 110 0!M'nd'rf.3b 4 2 8 4 0 3 Zlm' 4 N'rd' 2 Frtk.rf 3 C-t'gt.Ub 8 K'ro'rt.lf 2 0 3 1 0 0 12 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 2 0 1 o aaey.ilb Z l..-tovall.rf a 0 wiii'malb 3' 8 8 8 0 6 1 B 0 2 0 2 0 2 6 1 1 UMemor.u 8 1 4 OOrt.lf 3 OiBradley.c 2 OBl'mfid.p 2 (Hld'k.c 2 rlolm.p 1 Totals 4 8 24 13 2 Totals 26 2114 0 SCORE BY INNINGS. Spokane 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 Hits 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 Portland O.0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 u 0 1 2 2 0 0,1 8 Hits .. SUMMARY. Runs Mundorff. Struck out by Bloom- field 2. Holm 2. Bases on balls Off Bloom- field 6, off Holm -J. Two-base hits Mua- dc.rff. Sacrifice hits Holm. Bradley. Casey. Williams. Hit by pitched ball Bloomfleid. Tims of gams 1:56. Umpire-1 Longaneckcr. Xotes of the Game, Portland goes to Victoria on Monday for a week. Gough, released by Portland, has signed with Spokane for an outfield berth. Mundorff waa out at second and should never have scored," declares Captain Ostdiek. If Vancouver beats Spokane three straight Browns bunch will be tied for first place, says the bug. Holm set the crowd wild by knocking down a liner off Williams' bat, leaping after the sphere and throwing Nick out from a sitting posture. Mundorff made a sensational catch of Frick's foul fly in the seventh, landing it about ten feet to port of the home plate. It should have been Bradley's ball- In the fatal eighth with Mundorff on third ana one out noim snowed his nerve by deliberately walking Stovall so as to play for a double wlth.Wllliams. Spokane plays Vancouver for two weeks straight opening Monday In the Canadian city. bunday a game, pro hibited by Britain's laws, bas been witched from Tacoma to Spokane. TACOJIA, IX COMEDY OF ERRORS Victoria Loses 5-to-2 Game. Xo Runs Being Earned. TACOMA. May 20. Tacoma won from Victoria today 'In a game which was a comedy of errors in most of the Innings. The final score was S to I nd none of the runs made by either team were earned. Both Annls and Starke 1 pitched good ball but tbe former 'received better support. Score: Victoria I Ab.H.Po.A-B-1 Ab.H.Po. A.B. Davls.lf 3 0 5 0 o Bassey.If 4 2 0 0 0 Ravr.2b. Milll' 1 3 O.Roek'd.2b 1 1 2 1 0 1 3 1 1 10 0 1 1 1 0 2 e u 0 l,Morse,s. S 2 Ken'y.rf. 0 O' 0 0roie n.3b. 0 DiBumi.c. 2 L OAnnia.p.. O Oi 1 6 0 1 1 1 1 1 o e 0 12 o o Ood'n.Sb Hse-r.rf. Be'd' ash'd.c Thomas Stark' ll.p 0 1 1 0 1 Totals 81 T 24 8 3 Totals 31 27 18 1 Batted for Dashwood In ninth. SOORB BT IJTNINQS. Tacoma 0 2 1 9 0 t Victoria 0 0 0 0 O0 20 0 1 BLUM ART. Runs Householder. Kellax, Bassey 2. Kennedy. Lyncn. Annu. btolen basei K-y, Rocaenrielri. Morse. Double play Morse to itocKenueia to Kisner. Taree- aee hit Coleman. .-acrmce bits Lrncn. Burns. Htruck out By Annis H, by Stark- U 1. Bases on halu, Off Annls 2. off Stark- 1 1. -xima a .. umpire tt&umgartan. YAXCOCTER TAKES 4-3 GAMB Seattle Ontbitg Brown's Men but Is Unable to Land Content. VANCOUVER, B. C. May 30. Seattle euthit ancouver and played a better gau las Was. fiald. but the locals' hits N lU'riiai n i n Games In' League to Be Played Until May 29. The Catholic School League baseball games have been rearranged. The new schedule begins next Monday and con tinues until May 29. Following is the standing of the teams and the new schedule: Won. PC. &c Ignatius ............ Bt. Patrick's St. Joseph's ............ St. Lawrence ........... St. Andrew's C. B. Colieee St. Clement's St. Stephen's St. Mary's St. Michael's Sacred Heart . ...... Holy Redeemer 0 l 1 3 .750 1 2 .606 1 2 . 1 2 .Cl'.t) 2 2 .SO0 1 1 .W0 2 2 .500 2 1 .333 1 0 .000 3 u .000 3 0 .000 The new schedule follows: May 23. St. Ignatius vs. St. Michael's; May 23, St. Joseph's vs. St. Andrews; May 24, St. Lawrence vs. St Patrick's; May 24, St. Stephen's vs. C. B. College; May 26, St Clement's vs. St Michael's; May 29, St Ignatius vs. St Mary s. ATHLETES TO BE BUSY BASEBALL AND TRACK MEET OX THIS WEEK. Delayed Interscholastlc Lea cue Games Will Be Played Wil son Is "Find." Athletic events In the Interscholastlc Baseball League last week were hindered by adverse weather conditions, only one game being played. Jefferson High School met and defeated Portland Acad emy on Multnomah Field Tuesday. The score waa S to 1 Every day this week baseball games will be played and Saturday afternoon the annual interscholastlc track and field meet will be beld. Tomorrow after noon Lincoln High School and Portland Academy will meet on Multnomah Field. Jefferson High School and Vancouver High School will meet Tuesday at Co lumbus Club field. The annual Lincoln- Washington ball game is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. Portland Acad emy and Columbus university will meet Thursday, while Friday afternoon Lin coln High School and Vancouver High Bchool will play. Plans are beinsr made to hold trie traca and neld meet on, the Country Club track at Rose City Park. It. has been an nounced that Multnomah Field will not be put In condition for a field meet hence the switch to the Country Club. At that site the races will all be straight away events, and It is believed faster time will be made. . One of the "finds" of the year in state preparatory athletics was the discovery by coacn veatcn oi vuon, n aouius ton's mile runner. Wilson easily won tha two-mile cross-country run and then repeated by winning the mile events at the all-Oregon meets. His 4:46 3-5 record on a wet track at Eugene a week ago showed him to be a consistent per former. McKay, of Lincoln High School, seems to be the only man to press Wil son hard. But Wilson Is not Washing ton's only point winrrfr. Grant, Mc- Isthi. Crlckmore. Parsons, winanagie and Barber are also expected to score for Washington. Ttr.aV,icrtnn was crowded out of first I , , hy-Portland Academy, I P' ,lasl ,", " luT t This the relay race, winning the meet urns year portiana Acauemy i wcab coln Is seemingly not as annus j ago. Jefferson still is a minor factor.. Vancouver does not seem strong. Co lumbia University seems to have as good a chance as any of the teams. This will bo the first time an intersctioiairtic tracK I and field meet has ever been neia at me I Country Club. Olympian Committee Meets. nrroAPEST. Hungary, May 20. The International committee of the Olym pian games will meet here Tuesday. Frofessor W. M. Sloan represents Amer ica, while Lord Desborough and the Hev. Robert S. DeCourcey Lafffan are the delegates from t-nglana. ine most imnortant work Is to arrange a pro gramme for the fifth Olympian games at Stockholm in 1912 and to decide where to bold the sixth in 1916. CorneU 2, Pennsylvania 1. PHILADELPHIA. May 20. CorneU defeated Pennsylvania this afternoon on Franklin Field in a splendidly played baseball game. Score: R. H-E. R. H. K. Cornell ...i 4 21Fennsyl. ..1 6 1 Batteries Nesbit and McCormick; Clark and Cozens. Umpires Bedford and.Adarns. Eastern College Games. At Columbia, O. Ohio State 3, Mich igan 1. At New Haven laie rresnmen s. Princeton Freshmen 3. "At Worcester Tale S, Holy Cross 3. At Providence Brown 3, Columbia L At West Point Fordham 3, Array 0 (10 Innings.) Princeton 5, Harvard 0. PRINCETON, N. J., May 20. The ' Princeton Baseball Club shut out Har vard here today before a good sized crowd. Woodlle pitched a fine game for the home team. Both played a good fielding game. Score: R. H. E. -K. 11. E. Harvard:. .0 3 lPrinceton ..5 7 0 Batterlea McLaughlin and Reeves; Woodile-and Lackey. Whist League Finals Played. BALTIMORE. May 20. The final games of the Women's Whist League, which has been in fourteenth annual congress here since Monday, were played today. The r e w Amsterdam iropny was won by Mrs. C I Matthews and Mrs. George A. Brook, of pniianeipnia. Northwestern 62, Indiana 52. CHICAGO. May JO. Northwestern University won the dual track meet to day from Indiana University, part of the events being pulled off in a light rain. Northwestern totaled 62, and In diana University it points. Best Salmon Catch Made. ASTORIA. Or.. May 20. (Special.) There waa q.uit aa Improvement in the i ' Very large stout men.-...-, . iblender men going up' must be more particu lar, not only in size and fit, but especially in the pat terns of their suits. . Vy Some stores don't give 'tha proper attention to this de tail of their business. I We dof An array of stylish patterns, PUEK WOOL fabrics all hand tailored, in the "extra" sjzea for the "hard-to-fit." Very tall men; Very thin men ; Very fat men; Very stout men. Next time you're down our way see tiiem. 285 Morrison St. Between Fourth and Fift. catch of salmon last night and the de liveries at the various packing plantl this morning were the best since th4 season opened. 1 While the run is no! heavy by any means, somes of the fish, ermen came in with from 25 to 30 fisll to the boat. Commercial League Active. The. Marshall-Wells Hardware Com pany team, of the Portland Commercial . League, yesterday defeated the O.-W, R. A N. (general office) team, 15 to 5, The Marshall-Wells team will meet th4 Clark-Woodard club next Saturday) Pitcher Nichols, of the W. P. Fullel Company team, of the Commercial . League, yesterday won his own gam4 from the Portland Cordage Companj club by a timely hit in the ninth innings Tbe final score was 8 to 1. .Football Player Paralyzed. PARIS. May 20. (Special.) A non commissioned officer of artillery, whil playing back In a football team al Tarbes, was thrown to the ground witU such violence that instantaneous par. alysis was caused. He is lying in hospital, unable either to move or td speak. There is very little hope .ol his life being saved. Chehalis 4, Raymond 1. CHEHALIS, Wash., May 20. (Special. J The Chehalis State League team todaj defeated Raymond 4 to 1. Raymond! errors were costly. Score: R. H. E. R. H. B Chehalis ....4 7 lRaymond ...1 6 -I Batteries Chehalis, Fichtner and Wlli kens: Raymond, Baker and Wineholt Strikeouts, Fichtner 9, Baker 8. Strength Durability Wonderful Power Comfortable Riding . Qualities That Have Mads- the 'WARREN 30' Popular. Model 11-C Touring Car, $1550 F. 0. B. Portland Fully Equipped. WOLVERINE the wonderful car that is touring the United States, will leave Mon day. On exhibition Friday at our garage. . . . PORTLAND-DETROIT AUTO CO. J. E. Maxon, Manager. -Fourteenth and Conch Streets. Marshall 565, A 2103. sizes A