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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1911)
WHEAT MARKET GOES TO PIECES Bull Leaders Who Artificially Inflated Prices Now Give Up. MAY GRAIN DROPS TO 931-4 Armour- Llchsttln-Xorthwrst- Miller Aggregation Pockets Losses, Which May Ron to $2.00,000. t CIIICAOOk May a. (Special.) Bull leaders whd has bn runninc an In flated market In May wheat, which naa been a m.U r of entertainment to the general trade and expensive tor both the Ion" and "aborts." who were mixed op In tho operations, practically threw up their hands this morning and 1st tho market to to nieces. Kit wheat which sold at IS cents? yesterday opened at t7 cents today, sold r qi r.rt. in Ahont a minute, at 9s cents 10 seconds later, and In the pan Irk aallinr which followed the pries. broke to 1U cents. Pearey brokers stepped In and bought less than a quar ter of a million bushels of May wheat and the price rebounded to 9S cents. When the bell struck there was no support and as soon as this was ais covered all the "tailors" and smart ones who were to II owing; the bull leaders, tried to sell every bushel of wheat pos sible. The trade was honeycombed with stop-loss selling orders. Brokers with orders to sell wheat In an emer gency at 7 cents and cents suo ceeded In getting It off their hands at IS cents and cents. Up to the close yesterday ths country had sold Chicago cash houses l.OOO.OvO bushels of wheat to come here and be delivered on May contracts. This morn ing these same cash houses had an other 1.000.000 bushels of wheat of fered over night by Indiana. Michigan. Illinois and Nebraska points, to say nothing of offerings from Kansas City. As the matter now stands ths Ar-mour-LJchsteln-Northwest miller ag gregation probably pockets losses of anywhere from 1500.000 to :. 000.000. Lines Involved sines this wheat was brought from II. 0J down to 85 cents several months ago, no doubt aggre gated 15.000.000 bushels at one time. Of lata the trade tallied of f. 000.000 to 1.000.000 bushels as ths tall-end of the line. Ths leaders lost biff money trying to support the market for two months. They lost big money and every bushel sold out sven on the hard spot. YEAR OF MOURNING ENDS Britain Now Begin Festivities of King's Coronation. LONDON. May . Ths court mourn ing for King Edward was ended today, the first anniversary of tho death of the monarch. Ths occasion was com memorated with a memorial service at Windsor, which was attended by the Queen mother, Alexandra. King George, Queen Mary, practically all tho royal family and the members of the late King's household. Tho accession of King George was celebrated with the customary naval and military salutes and ths dressing of ths warships. Ths coronation- yaar season, which it la expected will be the most brilliant in British history, will open on Mon day, when King George win attend ths Newmarket races for ths first time since his accession. On Tuesday an. Wednesday their majesties will hold court at Buckingham Palace. The Festival of the Empire will be opened at ths Crystal Palace by ths King and Queen on Friday. The fol lowing wsek will wltneos tho ceremo nies attendant on ths unveiling of ths memorial to Queen Victoria, and ths visit of Emperor William and Empress Augusta Victoria. From then on until tho middle of July there will be scarce ly a day without some function In which ths King and Queen will partici pate, ROAD GETS INTO SPOKANE O.-W. R. Js X. Company Authorised to Condemn Land. SPOKANE, Wash, May f . An im portant legal battle between tho Hill and Harrlman railway systems ended today when Judge Rudaln. In the Cnl ted States Court, authorised the Oregon-Washington Ril'way sV Navi gation Company to condemn 11 acres of land near the north bank of tho Spo kane River west of Monroe street for right-of-way purposes. This land, which extends to within half a mils of the center of the city. Is now .owned by the Spokane. Portland Seattle Railway and that com pany has, resisted Its sals to tho rival 11ns which sought a right of way to Its new passenger station, which is to be built where the City Hall now stands. The court's decision clears away practically the last ob stacle In tho way of ths North Coast entrancs Into Spokane. CABINET IS NOT AT WAR Asqulth Denies Story About Home) Rule Controversy. MANCHESTER. Eng.. May . Speak ing today. Premier Asqulth took tho opportunity to dispose of ths reports that thers are dissensions In the Cabi net over tho subject of homo ruls for Ireland. "There Is not a syllable of truth In It. nor Is there a shadow of a founda tion for tho statement." he said. Hs said that thars had been an enormous changs 'n public opinion on this ques tion, adding: "For the first Urns there is a really good understanding between ths de mocracies of both Islands. Material Ilea quite apart from all questions of sentiment, bind them together In union. During the last few yesrs the Irish question has corns to be regarded more ard more as ths most urgent part of Great Britain's great Imperial problem." BRIBERY WITNESSES FLEE Lobbyists Wanted to Testify in Ohio Legislative Scandal Gone. COLUMBUS. X. May Prosseutlnff Attorney Turney says he Is la receipt of Information that several of ths lm- portant witnesses who wsre to have been subpenaed In the legislative j bribery scandal ars missing and have prooaoiy ilea ouisiae ine iaie. Diligent search has failed to locate the men wanted, notably well-known lobbyists, whose presence In hotels and at the Statehouse has basn a subject of comment ever since ths present Legislature convened. An official, who has been connected, with ths Statehouse for many years. Is quoted as having said that this Legis lature Is tho most corrupt In his ex perience, and probably he will be sum moned before the grsnd Jury to ex plain. , PH1PPS ORDERED TO TELXi Xew Auditor of Philippines Asked for Bribe at Columbus. WASHINGTON. May . W. H. Phlpps. former secretary of ths Republican commute In Ohio, and recently ap pointed auditor for the Philippines, who was stopped at San Francisco as hs was about to sail, has been ordered by the W'sr Department to return to Co lumbus, to testify In the legislative scandal hearings in progress there. The Wsr Department's action. It wns said, wss based on a request from Governor Harmon. The story concerned a bill In which Fblpps wss Interested. He was told that tho bill could be passed for $500, and promptly ordered tho legislator from bis presence. It Is to get this Information from Phlpps at first hand that hs has, been summoned here. COHUH AIDS SLAYER 3 LAX WHO KILLED BETRAYER OP DAUGHTER FREED. 6cIf-Defens) Reason Assigned, but Unwritten law" Was Ground for Dismissal. PHILADELPHIA. May . Frank Mc Hahon, a aaloonkeeper of this city, was dismissed on a plea of self-defense to day by Coroner Ford, beforo whom he appeared on the charge of killing Georgs Leary. lie Is said to hava been freed in, reality on tho ground of ths "unwritten law. McMahon. when ar rested after the shooting, which oc curred on a street corner, told tho po lice hs had killed Leary because Leary had betrayed his (McMahon's) 18-year-old daughter. McMahon la 41 years old. Leary was 51 and a bachelor. McMahon at the Inquest made a brief statement of a meeting with Leary, a quarrel and a fight which ended in the shooting. The Coroner then said to the Jury: "I consider this an Important case. We can't free a man when he shoots down another for ruining his home, whatever our sympathies may be, but a man may shoot In self defense. H can protect his own life." WALLA WALLA MUST WAIT Freo-Tezt-Book Election Cannot Bo Held Until December. OLTMPIA. Wash- May tv (Special.) - In a formal opinion glveo to the Prosecuting Attorney of Walla Walla today, W. V. Tanner. Attorney-General, rules that the City of Walla Walla, be ing first class, cannot submit the ques tion of free text books at a special elec tion. Hs holds that there Is no provi sion In the law which authorizes the voting upon auch propositions at any election other than general elections. He advises that ths matter b delayed until December, when ths regular eleo- tlon Is held, for ths reason that first- class cities are not specifically author ized to vote on It at any other time. Postoffloe to Be Started la FalL ALB ANT, Or. May 6. (Special.) Work on Albany's Federal building will begin this FalL The specifications will be completed so that bids will b called for In July. Postmaster Van Winkle has received a copy of the plans. The building will stand at ths southeast corner of Second and Broadalbln streets. The main entrance will be on Second strset and a aids entrance on Broadalbln. Ths design shows a build ing of neat architecture. It will con sist of two stories and a basement. Man Left to Die of Consumption. Left at the Union Station to die of an advanced attack of tuberculosis, a man. supposed to be an Italian, was found yssterday afternoon by police of ficers and. after being sent to the po lice station, was taken to the Multno mah Hospital. Ho waa emaciated and could say nothing but the one word "sick." Hs waa found In the sheds, with his bacrare besids him. frfoodR Sarsaparilla Originated in a physician's pre scription years ago and has al ways been pure, safe, beneficial an honest Spring and alMhe-year-round medicine. It purifies, enriches and re vitalizes the blood and builds tip the whole system as no other med icine does. Take it only three doses a day.- ' Get it today In usual liquid form or I chocolated tablets called Sarsataba. MILD LIQUID CURES ECZEMA Bkla Sufferers! Drop Greasy Salvea aad Kaaty Medlelaea. That mild, soothing liquid. D. D. D. Prescription, stops ths awful Itch with the first drops. A prescription of ac knowledged value. Get a trial bottle at 2S& It will take away the Itch right! away and you will sleep soundly. We assure you person ally of the merits of this remedy; for we KNOW. Woodard. Clarke Ccs. Skid more Drug Co. Each Particular Figure Jfc Considered and Provided Tor in the R and G Corsets. But One Ideal Is Aimed at the Modeling of Each Form to the Fashionable Outline of the Day. There s an C ana lx Corset Expressly Made For You. All the Newest Styles Are Here. Price ffl.00 to $3.00 a Pair Boys' Oxfords at $1.00 a Pair A sale of Boys' Shoes and Oxfords in tan, Russia calf and brown leathers; broken lines in all sizes and styles in values up to $2.50, ' QI (1(1 specially priced at . ..... . . U 1 1 U U The Most in Value, The Best in Quality Children's Slioes at $1.00 a Pair A special bargain sale of Children's Shoes and Oxfords in an assortment of good styles in all leathers and sizes ; broken lines in val- C 1 fl fl ues up to $2.50 on sale at. ... U I lUU pecials rroving OnrS tipremacy Extraordinary Sale of Women's Sill Hose Best 75c Grade 39c This is one of those rare, genuine bargains made possible at tunes Dy an overs wcacu w-mxinuu manufacturers. In this instance the bargain is especially rare, because Silk Thread Stockings are strong leaders this Spring. These are of best grade silk thread and made with strong mercerized garter top and heel and toe. They come in all sizes and. Are well shaped and perfectly finished throughout; all sizes in black only; best 75c grade specially priced QQp for this sale Children's Stockings, the Kind That Wear, 25c a Pair For Boys Fine Fast Black Cotton Stockings in 1 by 1 rib, made with linen heel and toe, all sizes 5 to 10; unusual values at this price 25 a pair. For Girls Fine Rib French Lisle Seamless Stock ings with linen heel and toe, guaranteed fast black and shown in all sizes, 5 to 9U; our leader at this price 25 a pair. Women's Stockings, in-Laces and Embroidered, 50c a Pair In Laces An unsurpassed showing of the popular new patterns in boot, ankle and all-over styles, in black and desirable colors, at ov? a pair. TTmhroidered A full showinir of the new season's choicest patterns in silk embroidered effects; also the new striped patterns in neat colorings; pricea at 50 a pair. Two Fine Specials in Knit Underw'r Seasonable Weight, Perfect Fitting Union Suits At $1.00 a Suit Women's Fine Super-Weight Bleached Cotton Union Suits. in form-fitting Ktvles. made with hieh neck, long sleeves and m ankle length; all sizes; specially C1 fill m-iced for this sale at . 0 I lUU At $1.19 a Suit Women's Seasonable Weight made with low neck with lace-trimmed yoke and ... i i i i ' I. .11 A A witn wiae Knee, iace tniiinigu; an yr i i y sizes, $1.50 grade on sale at 4...0 Ii I I 'J A : r s )lt jj I 1 yyyo mmlm uslin Underwear ,Is unquestionably the best this store ever held. Assortments are bigger, styles are prettier, prices are low. ' Despite a rather unseasonable opening, this sale was the busi est nlace in the store the Dast few days. It is the right kind of a real Muslin Underwear bale. It contains tne very best garments in the newest styles, priced along genuine sale lines; positive price reductions from regular selling prices. "It is the best Muslin Underwear Sale in town," declared a number of. women who had looked elsewhere first. In this enormous stock are garments to please everybody. Come and see what splendid savmgs are possible. Muslin Skirts, Values to $5.00, $2.35 An extra special value in Lace or Em broidered Skirts.. A large line of fine new styles to choose from. Regular QO QC values to$5.00 for OZi J J Muslin Skirts. Best t3 Values. $1.98 Another very fine line of Skirts in a great variety of styles, eitner lace or embroia- erv trimmed, neatly linisned, well made. Regular $3 values specially CT QQ priced this sale .UUUU Princess Slips, Best $1.50 Values, 98c A very special offering of Princess Slips, made of good quality . lawn or batiste, trimmed with Madeira embroidery or laces. Extra well made and neatly fin ished. Regular $1.50 values Qflp special for this sale U 0 U Princess Slips, Best $2.75 Values, $1.89 A choice line of Princess Slips, made of very fine lawn, trimmed with embroidery yoke and flounce. Extremely well made. Recnilar $2.75 values special 01 Q Q for this sale O liUU Muslin Gorns, $2.50-$3 Values, $1.98 A fine showing of Novelty Gowns in the low or high-neck style.' Made of fine qual ity nainsook, with dainty laces, embroid ery and ribbon trimmings. Regular $2.50 $3.00 values specially priced - CI QQ for this sale U 1 1 U 0 . Muslin Gowns, Best $1.50 Values, 98c Gowns made of fine quality nainsook, cambric or Masonville muslin. Shown in the high, low or V-sha ped neck. A large assortment of styles to choose from. All prettily trimmed with fine laces, embroid eries and ribbons. They come good, full size, are well made and neatly finished. Regular $1.50 values, special QRp for this sale -. .UOU Muslin Drawers, $1-$1.25 Values, 75c A line of Fine Muslin Drawers, shown in the wide circular style. Made of fine nualitv nainsook or cambric, trimmed with pretty laces and embroideries. Reg- t a -i r A- c - 1 l mm mm uiar $i.uu-5i.zo vames, special this sale at -"-5- 75c Women's Ready-to-Wear Apparel Never before in the history of this depart ment have we offered so many remarkable values as in this May Sale. Don't make a single purchase anywhere until you have seen our display. Women's Suits at $12.50 to $25.00 A beautiful lot of Brand-New Suits re ceived from. New York's most exclusive Suit makers offered to you Monday and Tuesday at exceptionally low prices. Strictly man-tailored throughout. Materials are of the best French and'English serges, homespuns, weaves, hairline stripes and men's wear worsteds, in the new blues, grays, greens and tans. You will find here a becoming style for every individual. Long Coats at $8.50 to $19.50 New Coats especially, designed for us will be shown here tomorrow. They come in the very newest styles in the most fashionable materials and most desired colors. Unlined or lined throughout with fine grade satin lining. Very handsome, stylish garments. Long Kimonos at 98c to $2.50 Just received a beautiful line of Women's Long Kimonos. They come in the popular one-piece sleeve, in long, medium or short length. Straight yoke or Princess back, with or without belt Ma terials are crepe, ,1a wn, challie; also German flannel in figured, Persian and Oriental designs. An unlimited line to choose from. All good washable colors, j v Lawn Waists at 65c to $7.50 A very special offering of Wom en's Waists, made of good qual ity lawn, madras, percale, etc., and very neatly trimmed with pretty laces and embroideries. They are shown in white and colors, also striped and checked effect. Long and short sleeves. Hundreds of handsome designs to choose from. . Messaline Petticoats at $3.90 A very complete assortment of Women's Messaline Petticoats, shown in all colors, plain or changeable. These garments are made of good quality messaline; also a line made with silk jersey top finished with messaline flounce. The best style petticoat for the new close-fitting dress skirt. Extra good value at $3.90 . An Unexpected and Remarkable Silk Sale At 69c a Yard Beautiful New Silks on sale tomorrow at a much lower price than you would expect so early in the season." Tli is Remarkable Offering1 In cludes $1.00 and $1.25 Silks $1.00 and $1.25 ilki No previous Silk Sale excels this one. Never anywhere near this low price. Silks of splen did quality, comprising the new season's choicest designs and newest colorings and the richest, rarest patterns Included are: Cheney Bros.' Shower-Proof Foulards, Val entines and Shedwater foulards, lara-vviae "NTnrnrnl Pnnjrees. Satin-Strmed and Plain Chefu Pongees, Fancy Jacquard Poplins in the new shades and black, Solid Colored Swiss Messalines in all colors, Pin and JNovelty Striped Taffetas Louisines and Messalines, New Gunmetal Fancies, Rich Persian Silks, "NTp-to nrpsdpn Fancies. Noveltv Plaids, etc., etc. Also a splendid assortment of Beautiful . 1 is, til Black Silks ol standard quality ana wiatn. Peau de (Jygnes, Messalines, Tanetas, etc. . . It is a sale of the greatest importance to all those who are economically inclined. You will exercise the wisest sort of judgment by anticipating your Silk needs for the entire Summer while this eventful sale is in prog ress. Silks of regular $1 and $1.25 fQf qualities are priced for this sale at. . " Yard-Wide Black Paillette, a $1.50 Silk at 95c a Yard A new and extremely popular Black Silk in a peau de cygne weight and a messaline finish. A yarn dyed pure silk fabric that will not slip, split or break. . "Yard . Don't be Late. Come at Your First Opportunity.