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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1909)
THE STODAT OREGOyiAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 24, 1000. 7S IVllf I K 1 . i .3 . . . . I - - I . . . I -. - " , . I I .1 I " 1 ltanM, Orcu, Xul Imt rumrnta. LM OOIN'O to Canaila. cunt tak. my fin. plajio with m-. who w-viua It at a .aeri fy.? A F. Cathoun, pacific Coaat man ap.r ('oIUTT.bAn CnOTvory of Mualci f- 2 Culaa.u. bid- ; wUi be la 1 to Sunday. . tu. .aia, or '.:! trace. Whit bare you? k l.or.e labor bT. coon r'"-o. t,"t or JMX: pr1c T,rr re.ji.aD.e. Bli C.-Wa-T.aa at. J'lO'I-r.RADE mand'-lln at reasonable rrioe. Inquire 41.1 K HM piioneATtta. CO T ,.ronl-iiAJid li waoli. X 467. Orezonlan. ton gAI.K f'acl'.lan playetv flrat- ilaa, coiil.llJn. r-kor.e y.iUn 1VWT to e.l or trade a 2-lajeErer road-r.-r ut..rm.b!!e: 4-ry!!nd-r. Mse-swto-E.ectn,- UMi t.'P- -. fr.-nt. -hp ; ;..e-t iO .:. per hour; mod-l. T.K. . r la braJ r.e and '-aa ijLA.lAMf.j j-.i.-n tee oons : " ;1 ''! m !... !r c::v "a.l bttwn lt aj.1 li: 6i li ,:hi-MIJ I'.ig. 10 "R Irt a-re ef rr'" le- nT TIo1 River to ejrhansa f. r a 4 t 5-!"r.sM . :r; irtual t lu fiiui atupe. U 4.., Lre- PAHTMIK i!iict !.r artlvo ty tirm con-t-o'liic Mr.r nut rorr.i-Wt lln rf oivn-rcer.-.a: ami ;-!" .;t..:n,.i.i. m-: .ua.a.a s:ao.--heJ. II.-) u lv.0 wan-.ei. M.lcLro, T,Z2 A;ir at. WILL aell or uad. f r real ealiate mjr K I..iirr auto. i-J. !!.- 3'. liiiwhina la ri;n k-.a t.-wa So il-a. C 4-i. Orjo- l.lall. Eiirrj.-e at. B 1 F1NFJ u-r-ir.V.: f.r Mi or f.a 'nr rJ c-.t f.r bvii.a. 4 'Ionian. r H P.VLiC P.i:r.ab ut. Kl l n ; cnmplcu T1VHKR land f..r iod 2 to .1 pasner an t..uiouiia. AM 4sl. Orenonlaa. Uirda. Ft Stock. FIVE frr yourj can. J..rsya and jMhar mo 6 Bli-.r .-hT. ri:ra rlcj ITlca up or fiar f r b-f cw 1 h Un lout. BT.'wn h. .ue. rtir batcur 'kiey GreTi. rt. JvUin oar. l!A:t'1AINS In Blark Mlnorcrs nnd K. I Si co 'cre.a. ood ato. k. h-p. . T. :rn. X-adnr li.mtvl.i:v ,an"" r-M Ad'liti.'n. Ali-o htrt bl iiu Cotnln BantaJJia oa tha lout. A PAIR o hautlful l'rsin klrttf.i. ore aJl o-anre tabby, the other cieam: par-nta the Cnnt i1!rrpad atock In tt..a country ar.J jirlae wtnnera. TeU-phor.a A S9T9. TH' m'ff; TnREt ii.A'-k mt.nok-'a rm'KEKELS. 2os EiaT TATLoK SX, iHj.NTAVIILA. A VAT':K FfAN.KL. pup ror aaiw e mcmtbj old d.-.t?riuan at. BLOODED Beaton Terrier puf for aaie. li Hlh at.. ." FOR BALK Thr.rouihbr'4 Alaakaa Bplta I'upa Phone Tabor 15i2. T.VO H-t-m F.uil Torrl.-r?. fcmJila. S each. tl7 i'.llwaukle at. tlcliwood car. I I Lb-f LiiuHUi Huff Iyrhorn cocka. Phone E. r.T4:t. Cull 87 Kt -.:h at. tt'IT puppy 6 niontha old. 21 North 11th. MUeellaAOoua. 6CKCIAL OFt'EB Wi hnt 1"0 aecontl hand a-wtng n:a'-hlnia that rnurft be Bold this ; r-KardJa of prlr. to make room for carload; 40 drop-bead, a'.l makes. "While. Nw Home, singer. W'Ueeier A "Wlfson. Loraeat!c arirt standard. Io not Jor;i tt place." White fiewlnf Machine Store. 4-' waahlngton, cor. 11th. H. O. Jonee. proprietor. CORRU'lATKD IRON. CorruKa: 1 Ir.-n lluhber Huli!.r iK.n:.. P-TtWely ' New. Il.ii l-er square. J. blMOM A H HO., X44 Fron( atrewC MONARCH ma-' rel rarjra. mx bolsa, o&ly few months: in rtnrt-o. con aulon; (SiM $Ti; will eU or iX Tle Vhor. JL Tui. Also oo-i tor Ui&aLP. 22 - nj V pTLaoiir. launch for Willi ei ther i or lt-H. V. 4-cycle nKlne. new bnftt. onlv month oid; rood mixlel; ha it.aa cabin: wl.I eat X eopl. Addres P. O. Box 720, Astoria, Or. TIFEWRITERS. all makea. g0 to flO. fnllT Biia.ra.ntJ.; eay pajmenti; rentsla, 9 Vr mouth. FkwlOc aUitloiiary & Co., 2m 2u au FOR SALK Remington automatic-loading r.fle. Lvman peep rear i,-ht; like new. M. B. lienderaon, 10.ii K4.iili u Phone -MONTHS-OLD bull caif for breliuir- pur p.ti; from LadJ'i reMiatered itock ot UiH-rnseym; $25 if taken at once U B-ra-mrildu Keadail atailon, KtAcada line. fuR fiAl.i cUtap. enine. boiler, filmplez churn, vat, etc. ail or part; tiuoii Teirphone bond. 145 r'rant . ,or Ux H.iverton, or. ... i . i CHEAP Gent'teman'a overcoat. ra'. Bia Sa, artiatlci.y datgi.ed; 2 pairs wool bUnkeu. on. jatUr k.tra. lvy; today. i-ar-raliee. - i PAWN CHlvVK on diamond ring-, due Eaturday. ring; wortu s3- Will Mil at bx Sn. O Or-jnonlan. tiKNTLK Jersey cow. alao g-months-old heifer; wl.l aIl both fur 4i. Plione A 37. TOO. SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at loweat market prices. Hoover, S13 Water st. Phon Main 7431 A 645. JNS proreller hull. Wxl2, nw. staunch build, suitable for tu. cheap. Inquire Supple s buipyard. tout f Bwrniunt at. Fur. SAJ.E One 7i!4 double drum don key rr.iclce with 0000 ftt sil oale. Bekxg-aiii. H 4ii. OrKunian. RAMBLPR btcycie. practically now, csmpleta with Miti century i.uai Uuuu, leas tbaa baif price. Oo3 Kaat Slat st. PLATEN preas, iXS. hlirh pecd. 4-roiker. ucd 1 year, bargain, opcratiuf at KaUunal Coiortype Co., ii V Third. FOR SAL Underwood typewriter, practi cally ; chsap fur caah. Address AH 4M, Oretfonian. ML PT bo sold at once, nsarty new National Cash RtftjiMier. coat $06. for (o. fti N. d tret. t4,FK3 Nineteen second-hand aaNs, very low Vjric-; new tafo. ail etxea. Portland Baf ., t. Tin at. TYPEWRITERS Factory rebuilt, absolutely guaranteed, ail bargains, f 15 to North west Typewriter Co., Abinaton. M S&70 LKA 1NG city, sell cheap. Reminfton T-pe-wriit-r No. , pra-tlcauy new ; also good suitar. SOtf Clay. Phone Main 7KH. 600 BL'FINKftS CARDS. 91.25. Ryder Pt. Co.. HStl Burnside st. Mala Bo3C UONKSV ENGINE. 14. OvO feet 1 tn e, near Spokane. $l.nn. Viiiard, Kug-ena, Or. iJAiK Y and milk root for eaJe cheap. Phone Tabor 4iX. FOR 8l.E Steamer Star. Inquire Star Band Co.. office ruom ul B ard of Trade bldg. THOROUGHBRED female Spits do for sale. cheap ; a dandy. 2tV 4tn st. EXCEPTIONAL MOTORCYCLE! BARGAIN, 1--4 ad st. FR ALE An I. O. S. scholarship, any courio; reduced price. AH 473. Oresjonian. PIERCE bicycle, a-cod as new. Coaater brake. AB 477, Ureifonian. 9-o OCK-iD Industrial stock, trad for launch or small auto. S 4AL Oreconiao. AT A barsTRln tor cash, a diamond sunburst brooch. Addrnae AF 4.1. Oreronlan. A 0OL Jersey milch cow-. 1K Kxeiar at-. Portsmouth. Bt. Johns carllne. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. 6 rear oid ltJ3& Last llth st. Nortl. NEW Parker shotgun. Damascus barrel. 12 ,bore. cheap. All 488. Oregonlan. FoK PALE A :0 mission doms for $2 A. Y c,d. i)reonian. OIL ROfTB for sala wagona, t horses and C00 oil cuna Inquire at 4f'3 Shavar st. C3tEA-P-rColfa army press, 14xia and tor I" 1 , .ra-A,. ! HFIP W AJCTKT MALE. I IfEI-P WAXTEMUK 1KXF WA.XTKIAIX , HEUP WANTED FEMALE. MlaoeUi g-FIECB ferlor suita, tuahorany frame, 1 2. RO ; oak morr la chair, gd. SO; da en prt ed- $12 io; aanitary atel couch with pad. to; weathered oak su'.tue, $H.oU; ma-ht-rany lai's drait.g- table, 50; white enamelled dresser and comjnode to match. $12 50; weatbvrwd oak dining- room suite cunfllvtlnr of a sulid oak chairs, solid oak extension table and buffet. SaO; another dlnlna; uli. imitation oak. g.i4; antique oaic china closet, gltf; nice uak hal rack. $12; good Horary table. ;0. heating atoves from Si and up to Mr; gW Horn stmil ranee, g-ood as new. 40; Lslreraal caat range with water coil and upper oven. iiuiclc-Moal gas range. S 50; sas water boater, 9-3 gas ari ol heaters, 50o up to 94.50: folding; b-ids. 95 up to grood Iron beds. (2. dnp-laf kitchen trexsure, large wur-lrobe. a.'.; everything- to furnish a house cumpiete. both new i.nd fine second hand household soofla and n the lnstall xiient plan, too; termj. Aown and small monthly payment "We nave a completely furnished houe at 40 fetark st. X-T rent, $.5 per muiitlL WE.-TERX SALVAGE! CO. 'arr. fltte, 631, :43 and 8:;5 Washlngrta st, Corner 20tn St. Buth Phones. CORUUOATKD IRON. CorruKated Iroa p.ubber fioofli:. Rubber Rovllf.g. Positively New. 9l.ti pe" Quaro. J. .1M.)N et BKO., 244 Profit etreet. INVENTORS Ha-rlng electrical piwtenia for teO or wlsn l;.K nnaniai asalstanoe should address (itrneraJ fiopertnteudent. Box 17a, Boston, BAHGAIN M-ft. B-ft. beam. 11-H. P. erjciiie. first-class cndltion; owner must have money; price 5k Call aUiuday, C lafti. week days East 4W. FR KALE 1000 cords of flr wood on the stump: close to Portland, on the East very acctseible. W. N. Carter. 7ld WUUtimi ave. Woodlaws 71H. ONS Burroughs addinx machine, style No. 4 adds to 8.fiS.i, lateet lir.proni?nta; tisetl very Uttia, O. D. Hayes A C Van couver, Wash. FOR SALE cheap, Una solitaire diamond rlngr. iarse diamond; w til take horse, but-gy r ha rues In rhanfre. S09 Kast Mh st. W-W car to Olaostone ava. A xOUNO Jexfcy cow for sale, price 96; also aur.jr l.tJiAur 9 months old, cross be tween Jersey and HolsiaiD. 920; bota atund. E. WUbelin, 4fc Bornslda. EVENING tat. blue broadcloth, perfectly nw; will eeli cheep. Phone ilaln 4J.J.B, or addreas i2l Board of Trade Die. MARBLJ9 sUb. 2ot-t lnchtiJ. swltabie t-a canly nukcr, 97&0. SrniU-Wa-oner Co Cliam- ber of Commerce. BOM E nice furniture by the piece, boa couch, chairs, tables. bufft. refrigerator. eta. 404 Ciay st- Main wio. IF you are looking- for a No. C Underwood, like B'w. at a bargain, answer this ad. AH 4M, Oregunlau. FOR SALE A Jwel (as ranjre in gO"d con dition. u4 WliliaM ave., after ilonday noon. ONE Fairbanks tloor ecale, capacity 160 lbs., price 97.60. C D. Uae A Co Vancouver. "VVaah. FOR flAXr cheap. 2 Urst-claJW fresh milch rovi. l4Se kcsUun st. Fulton car to Idaho st. . WE have a wlde-corrlaa-e typewriber ws will Ht a Inmost your own prloe. A1 463, Or egTonian. A GOOD typewriter cheap. AE S0, Oregjo- nlan. WB have two typewriters: will sU ne rea eonable. T Oreonlan. fS Ptandard make sewing macblne. all at tainments. 350 1 Morrison St., room 42. NICE bedroom suite and atOTw. with water back. 14tf E guth. LARGO safe, g-ood as new, lumber KxctunKe bldff- FREH Jersey-Durhsm, third calf. 9ft Eaat 30th. near Base Line, Sunnyslde car. WA5TXD MISCKLLAXEOUS, WANTED Men's cast-off clothing- and saoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 47 d st. North. Phone Main l72. HoRES Will wintT team In return for their us at tight work on small ranch. Ad drtas II. W. Brown, route 3, Oregon City. Or. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni ture; we buy all kinds second-hand men's and ladltw' clothing. K. lOfcl. 94 Grand are. SEJaL your second-ha ad furniture to the Ford Auction Co., or you'll get leas. Phone A 2445, slain 51. WANTED dog- more for pet than watch dos;; aiate breed and prioe wanted- M 4.7, Ora gunian. WANTED To buy U. S clfar store cer tiheates. Phone Main 756, or addreea D 482, Oresjonlaa. SECOND-HAND fnrnlture and household soods Woodard's Auction House, 201 2d. Highen prices paid. Main 8078. B 1034. WANTED A span of horses on the farm this Winter for tbelr keep. Address 8o9 Ban Rafael at. WANTKD Fresh and beef cows, calve, steers and bull; highest price paid. Phone lo&O. A ild re ms 1176 Gey et. 1UCK DM One trained on upland birds; no mutts wanted. P. O. Box 17d. Tilla mook. Or. FITR RUGS MAI IS "Big game mounting;, i-i arris,, 49 Wumatrton. Main 1UGHB6T prices paid for cast-off clothlnr. shoes, hata. jewelry and furniture. 08 N Kd. Main W248. 6TE?L range with water coll and tank for ale or exchange lor fag range. Phone Woodlawn 13WS. GOOD aecond-hand carpet wanted, 40 feet suuare. Call Main 27&4, B 1447. SiOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East loo 7. WANTED Farm team. 1200 Kb eacn; not too old. V 47. Oreg-oulan. WANTED A set of booke to keep evealng Lt 47. Oregonlan. WANTED Billiard or pool table, reasonable for caah. Phone Main 6120. WANTED A Scotch collie pup. Phone Main VOSO. or Main 2257. WB buy. sell or exchange anything: pay high esK prlcts; swU fur leas. M. ti-Gf. FOR manure and fertiliser phone East 4 92 ft. 1LEXJ? WANTED MALE. PORTLAND CORPORATION, being oryan laed to handie Invaluable worid-wtde in vention, desirea to arrange for senrlce 4 oapebie stuck salesmen; proposition imme dlatvly Interesting and understandable by ah ; three men last week, which was first week, made from 1 200 to 936V each tor the webk, company making- kO per cent of Its stock available a treasury; absolutely olean and open for eloe9t Investigation; only men able to give A-l references regarding; oharacter and abfltty need anwer. Address, Owl handwriting, giving fall references, ad dreea and phone rst communication.' L 472, Oregon laa. WANTED A man successful In real estate to assume full er.arge of well-establihed busineas on taw peninsula. J 4b7, Ore gonlan. sALESM EN. all lines, bookkeeper, stenog raphers, city and country. Commercial Abstract Co., 4Ua Commercial Club bldg. WANTEH) Salesmen to sell orchard tract. Call on sles manager. S3S Chamber of Commerce bldg. W VTED A first-class man at the S. D. WilU Tailoring Co., 291 Stark st. WANTED A man to clear and level about ' 10 acre oontraot. J 486, Oregon laa. AOTS wanted: good men are making from girt to gift day. Call at room 62 MamiitOB bldg. W A NT KJD Firs -cl as bushel man. X. & Ervtn St Co., Itd., ZWt Alder st. V WANTED Uouae to nous peddler Call 487 Hoyt. GROCER T clerk wsnted; competent young man. Apply 676 Williams av ynKR ladles' tailors and fitters; steady Job ACHESON SUIT MNTAJ. Co. WANTED Director for road stow. R 4S6, Oregon la n. ERRAND boy. 16 or over, 6 week. Room 14 Stark st. BOT wanted, over 19 years of age. 29T Morrison sU WANTED A real salesman, a man wno has ability, who will work for us as hard and conscientiously as he would for himself to represmt us exclusively in Oregon for M'10. Must be ready to commerce work January 1. We have a large well-known and in every way first-class line of exclu sive calendar and advertising specialties. Our line Is so attractive and varied that euch and' every business in every town In the country, without regard to siss san be successfully solicited. Our goods are very attractive but no more so the,n our rea sonable prices, and we know from the e-rpertence of others who have been and sure now In our employ, that any bright, hustling man who has ability and is will ing to work, can make with us all the way fr m 9r0 to gL"0 per week. Commission liberal. Our company was organised In We are capitalised with $2iki.0i. Wo state this simply to show you that we are responsible and meaji buslnean. if you d It will pay you to write Saies Manager. Merchants Publishing Company. Kalama soo. Mich. Inclose this advertisement with your application. HANSRN'B EMPLOYMENT OFFICE OPEN TODAY" WANT 3 M!f elki-neous LOGGERS. MILLMT.N. FARM HELP. CITT LABORERS, COOKS. KITCHEN HELP. HEADQUARTERS FOR R R. WORK. Ship South, West, East and new R R. construction on the 8. P- O. R. & N. and Tillamook line FREE FARE- W aes J to fZ per day. Ship caiiy. NkAV LOCAL uKDBiCS DAIlrY. C R. HANS FN A CO, rmployment Agt. 2 North tveooad su. Portland. Or. Ean Franoisno. Portland, Spokane. THE PRACTICAL LUMBERMAN Is an up tu-dato and approved book on sawing and figuring, octagon xars squared and tiLper ing lumber; standards, metrical order specifications and lumbe carrying ca pacity of veeaeta; log rules, ffrauej, stand ard welghtv and niiidhed sfres of OrKon pine, spruce, hemlock, cedar and shin.- Cies ; artlcjea covering the teredo, tree orer; select luniler tallying and inspec tion and other valuable Information neces sary to hold the beat-paid positions In the lumber trade; mailed for 91 by the author, B. IB rervton. box 1 1 T aoozna, WeilA. LF a salary of 96 per month and all travel ing expenses, wrth advance check for 950 wuuld l-e an Incentive to go to work for ua taking orders or appointing agent w rite at once for particulars. The in structions snt when engaged are so com plete that previous experience becomes un necessary. Our goous knock out all coin petition, milking you king ot your line. Addrtts R. D. Mattel. Dept. gov Chi cago. UL I WANT acme good rustlers, experience not necessary, to assist in orgaulxing lodges In uri(on; also experienced men for dis trict moJiageis; no order pays belter or h.u a larger reserve fund per capita. If you are open for something good write us. biate previous occupation. Address C. B Davis, state manager "Royal Ulsh landers." Salem, Or. STENOGRAPHER and assistant bookkeeper f;r manufacturing comwrn; one with sum a lumber office experience preferred ; must be accurate, steady and willing to put In long hours. A small salary to start, but good future for the right man. In reply give complete Information, including ex perience, aK. addrea and phone number. N 479, Oregonian. CIVIL service employes are paid well for easy work; examinations of all kinds soon. Kxp?rt advice, iiijnplu questions and book let 3 00, describing positions and telling ean test and quick eel way to secure theia free. Write now. Washington Civil Serv ice School, Washington, D. C WANT.UD STATION MEN. . New Work Rock. Mancy Bros., Msdford, Or. WANTED An all-around sash me chine man ; a young man experienced tn as aembliiig sash; and two bench carpenters; answer, stating age, experience and wages expected. Th Lilamond Match Company, Chico, Col. SALESMAN, experienced In any line, to sell general trade, Pacifio Coast, unexcelled epecialty proposition. Vacancy after No vember 1. Commleslens, with 935 weekly advance for expenses. The Continental Jewelry Company, Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED Voung men for wireless and railway telegraphy ; complete wireless equipment and railway wires in school; day and evening cla&se. Oregon College of Telegraphy. 84 6th, corner Oak st. e)UOC BS SFU L stoc k sal eeman for la i g gest and bst Indumrlal enterprise ever offered; exceptional opportunity for brainy reprs aentatlves. Cen tr&l Securities Oompony, Fuller bidg., Jersey City, N. J. WANTED Watchmaker in town of 15.000 population ; will hold proposition open 9 days; tine opportunity; would consider partu-ttrship arrangement. Address Jew eler, R 4 it, Oregonian. SALESMAN Resourceful, energetic and tact'ul men on our circulation proposition; 95 to 910 pr day to the men who are wlll iiigj to work. Review of Review Co., 024 Fhedner bldg.' WANTED Clerk familiar with logging-camp operations and requirement; In ujw-werli.g give age, salary" wanted, and reference Ad dress P 470, Oregonian . WEsiTERN SALVAGE) CO. wants man fa miliar with the second-hand business) that can make himself useful in general; $1& per week to the right man. WANTED 2o0 men to wear my Priestley Cravenette Roincoai3. on sale at worth vt0 apiece Truly Warren, room 815, Oregonian bldg LADIES' TAILOR. A crst-class man with a special knowl edge of alterations on collars. OLDS. WO HTM AN 4 KING. RAILWAY mall clerk pos toff lea clerk carriers, examinations Portland. Nov. 17. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, dept. 424 G, Rochester, N. Y. WANT ED Good Japanese boy to do gener al housework and light chorea in amall family, country town; desirable home. AN 467, Oregonian. THERE Is a large demand for first-class piano-tuner For particulars, write West ern School of Piano Tuning, Pocateilo, Idaho. WANTED Watchman; none but man with references need apply. Call at office of 1'nited Engineer A. Construction Co.. East ' Madison-, bridge. WANTED An experienced salesman to sell the capital stock of a life insurance com pany; salary and commission will be paid. Address P. O. Box o42, Portland, Or. IF 918 profit In 8 day on $2 Interests you. send 4 red atampe for particular Roy Specialty Co. W Aiujrhead bldg.. ban Francisoo. STENOGRAPHER and office assistant with fttw hundred dollars can secure good posi tion with investment secured. AE 4a3, Oregonian. INTELLIGENT youth. 10 to 18 years, gram . mar school education. Kxcetleut opportu nity lor learning established business. F 4i3. Oregonian. - WINDOW-TRIMMER for men's clothlnr, bat and furnieiiing goods; first-class man wanted. Y 4 72, oregonian. MOTION picture operators' earn 926 weekly; learn In short time; easy Inside work; les sons reaeoAao. Particular Wash. WANTED Salesmen for specialty sfd lone of framed picture Benedict. 1112 East Lake st., Chicago, 11L T " EXPERIENCED advertising solicitor Christ inas edition. Catholic mogazinee; couimis s4on. Benedictine Pre Goounough bldg. TAILOR wanted for repair work in clothing more. Jas. J. padden. 602,-4 Main St., Van couver, Wash EXPERIENCED packer and crater In whole sale furniture housw. Carmen Manufactur ing Co., lath axid Upshur st WANTED Iwo team steady work all Winter. Cell before V A M. or after 5 P. M. bWk Williams ave. WANTED Gentleman to oia photographer and nkoving-picture exhibitor; must have soma cash. M 47D, Oregonian. FTNB opening for young men with engy and mall capital. Inquire S-i!rs WaMuingLon, ruon 417. TWO first-class showcase makers; must be thorough workmen; good wage Call 413 FentoQ bldg. WANTED Live agenta to sell Dhot.i con tracts; good money-maker. C. Elmore Grove. 8&2 Washington et. A MAN, dark, medium height, going to Chicago, may pro-lit by addressing A 4SL Oregonian. WANTED Shipping clerk In furniture store; permanent work to good man. Edward Fur niture Co. 23 PICK and shovel men wanted at 8th and Nehalezn ave Ball wood. PHOTO coupon agents; something strictly good. Cutberth, photographer, Dekum bldg. AR3 ydd aarlsfled with your present posi tion 7 Do you feel that you are receiv ing all that yeur ability and energy can producer Do you want to better your condition 7 Thre are many agents of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United fltstos whose Income exceeds 9ii)0 per annum. They employ th-elr fac ulties and reoeive a profit upon the use of their brain Don't be a slave to some poor little Job. I can put you In the way of something betwr, with the centainty of an increasing in corns as the years go by. Call on or write to D. C Herrln, Agency Manager, 906-7-9. Oreg-onlan bldg., Portland, Or. MANAGER for first-class retail dry goods and suit house; salary 9125 month and commission on Incresed business; good opening for right party; none, but capable - .r,r. ndrl niktilv trnta HSt vi- experience; applications will be treated L-.1 Aa V A7fi OM. J aonlan. WANTED by Chicago manufacturer capable salesman or gueral agtisi in each of sev eral Important unassigned territories to push the sale of a high-grade patented specialty. v e want to mar irum ayu cants who possess good personal selling ability, and who can also superviw and successful results from first-class sub- agent An exceptional opportunity for a few men who nave tne ngnt amu wi i;uu and aoillty. Give full information con cerning yourself first letter. The Prognose Company. Kana iic.-saay uiog., o. WANTBD, RELIABLE Wanted, reliable middle-aged farmer, tn iir.'lia ma ivn-AiTA TTn.r.t and tO- cept employment; must know how to Ing; 5uO caah required; good wage con tract, position permanent. Call or wrlti 5 Hi0 SOTJTH E Fl-ALBBRTftOK COMPAK1 Oak Street, Portland, Oregon. 8AK FRANCISCO firm, doing large volume In Washington In imported china eham ,A wuta ntiii general imuort zoods de sires representative on comniiaelon for State of Oregon, with headquarters at Portland. ADnltcants must kuow the cro-k:ry business thoroughly, and be well acquainted with the trade. References re quired. Applications will be considered strictly confidential. Line open January 1, 191V. 6 47i, oregonian. 8HOWCARD writers and window trimmers wanted; every retail store in the country until showcards snd window trimmers; the demand for men skilled in these profes sions is enormous: we teach both show- card writing- and window trimming by mail. write now, stating wneintr inner t. d in both subjects, or which one. I. C- S.. Box 2130 W., Scranton. Pa, MEN wanted, young, strong, good vieioa, account increasing business on all rail road for firemen or b rait em err. experi ence unnectsary 'r permanent positions; 9715. 9100 monthly; promoted to conductor or engineer, 915, f200. State age. weight, height; send stamp. Railway Association, care Gretonian. WANTED We want to pay several young men to join a practical sales school. If you think you can soil, see us. We will show uu how you can make good money. Ask for Mr. Llndolph. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 84 Fourth SU Board of Trade Bldg. SALESMAN traveling mediumr-sise towns wanted by largest Kuropean lace-embroidery manufacturer; take orders for Janu ary and at euce delivery. Sample HO pounds; liberal arrangements. -Consolidated Lace Work 470 Broadway, New ork. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduate last year; men and women to learn barber trade In eight week help to secure positions; graduate earn from 9?" to 92-5 weekly; expert instructor; tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 84 North 4th St., Portland. Or. EITHER SEX can make 4 dally all year raising mushrooms for hotels and rant with my spawn In cellars, shed, boxes, etc Fnee illustrated instruction booklet. Hiram Barton, Sii Wast 4ath at-. New York. WANTED Young men, honest and Indus trious, to prepare for Civil .Service, positions; clerks, carriers, railway mail, etc.; thou sands appointed; good entrance salary, with promotion Call or write. Pacific States School. McKay hldg. EXPERIENCED salesman to cover Oregon with staple line; high commlfotons with ad vance ior expenses; permanent position to right man. L. H. Drake, assistant superin tendent, Detroit, Mich. EARN 9L5 to 9: week, watchmaking, en graving, op tics ; learn 1 n a few months ; positions furnished to start buslnesa with out capital. Watchmaking School, 325 Kear ney st. ban Francisco. TWANTEtD Reliable agents to sell Honolulu cnotce BUDuroen property; nuei a. cuhhuh on; best references required and exchanged. Address Kaimukl Land Company, Honolulu, T. H. MAN Must be willing to learn, capable of acting as our repreaentativt; no canvass ing or soliciting; good income assured. National Co-operative Realty Co., 7S2 MartWn bldg., Washington, D. C. WANTK D An experienced ahoe man to take charge of department; one who has ' had experience in "Sorosis" shoe: man wi.tta progressive Idea Addreae G. Knowl: ton, box 134, T acorn a. Wash. SALESMAN WANTED Embroidery and lace manufacturers want salesman now travel ing having established trade in small towns; liberal proposition. Mark A Co., 416 Broadway. New York. POSTOFFItE clerks and carrier wanted Examination held In Portland and other oitles In November; particulars free. Wash ington Civil Service School, Dpt. 369, Washington, D. C FOREIGNERS learn to speak, read and write English in 2 months; new method; 95 ier month. Address Teacher, P. O. Box 33S. or phone Main 4740. WANTED Competent ladies' tailor, to buy my buulneas; established trade; will sell on the easiest term Loia L. Wallatoad, Aber deen, Yah, WANTED Job printer, one that Is handy In all dopartmenta. State wages wanted. Per manent position. Address the News, Rose burg. Or. SOBER, Industrious1 man, employed during day to light furnace Are and do a few - chore In exchange for room and breakXaat. Call at 711 Johnson at. A GENTLEMAN and wife can find pleasant home In finely furnished flat, by applying 8"5 Clinton st- W. R- car. Phone Seliwood 902. WANTED Partner, to make the trip Into Lake County, Or., with me; object to lo cates homestead. No real estate agent. L 479, Oregonian. MANUFACTURERS' representative wanted to handle this territory. 910o0. Must fur nish Al references. Want man not tha money. F 481, Oregonian. WANTED Salesman, experienced in real estate, must have references and be will in K" to travel over stat G 4ft 3, Orego nian. A PARTNER with some money; must be practical printer. wiii pay w investigate. A 4K4. Oregonian. WANTED First-class coatmaker. Steady work and good price Railroad fare paid, (iarl E. Franseen. Astoria, Or. WANTED Man to take care of the furnace of Hotel Larrabee. corner Larrabee and Hoi lad ay at, for hi lodging. NEAT, active boy to work In drug score ; one with some experience preferred and not un der 14 years of age. M 481, Oregontaa. WANTED Experienced, all-around man In clothing store, one who can handle work lngmen'a trade. N 483, Oregonian. RE LIAR LB man to work on small ranch for what he makes on It ; will pay cash for some grubbing. L 4 is 2, Oregonian. BOY for general work; salary 95 week- X 9IM Unrrimn rf WANTED Two men tailors and two lady tailors; good pay. A Llppman, 1294 5th. WANTED Men to smoke NEW YORK BOND five -cent cigars. SALESMAN, calling on mills, ia line. Room 35 New Scott Hot el. WANTED Solicitor. Will pay high salary. Spring Valley Wine Co.. 244 Yamhill. BOY wanted to learn en graving. 271 H Mor rison st., room 6L CHAUFFEUR to travel; Hay nee 6-passenger car. Call 448 Columbia at. COATMAKERS; bast wages in the city; steady work. Room 14, 2ft$ Stark st. WANTED Correspond with young man going Kat before Oct. 3i- V 478, Oregonian. MAIN OFFICF. 12 N fMOCOND ST KPICOIAL WANTS- ' Open Sunday, lu.30 A- M. to 3 P. M. Man and wife to wash dirties, hotel, 940 month, room and boa rd : farm hi.nM, g.'tfl room and board; pond man, small mill. sflI watT, 922:i; trimmer-mari, gng, 93.75; planer feeders, 2.2' , donkey engineer. Ing Juiler. 9: head feller, file fur saws. .2B; operating millwright, 97o to 9l month ; rough carpenters and carpenter helpers, going WBK"i; H laborer help clear place to build large power plant, wages 92 AO day; close In; see boss In and yardmen, I2.2&; section men for lodging ruilroad. 92.25. A steady come and go of good Jobs; vatch our Inside bulletin boards. KXTRAI EXTRA I TO CALIFORNIA. FREW FARC FREE FARE- We Khlp evnry day, frvo furs, to big logging camps. SOUTH OF THE tflSKI ToUS. Order standing today for lo load ers, rigging slingers, and line horsemen; geod wngf s. GET IN EARLY ON THIS SHIPMENT. A rare opportunity to gt f re fore to longing camps La California and good ob la the bargain. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Main Office, i n. Second St. WB receive more calln for salesmen than we can fill from best firms in country: traveling salesmen are best pa'd rlats of imr.i iu wui iu ; mey earn irom 1 mw to 92S,n00 a year and exnensuH von can easily enter thl pleasant, well-paid pro 1mstnn: wo teach you to be hWh-grade saiewman by mall; our froe employment bureau will assist you to secure a good position If you earn less than 9"0 a week and want to ln'-rease your earnings or secure a better position, our free book. "A Knight of the Grip." will show you now. vvrue (or call) for It today. Dept. ho, i. a. i . a.. iNew york, I'nlcago, Ka sas City, MinneapoU San Francisco. 1000 STATION" MEN WANTED COPPER KIVE.R RAILWAY, CORDOVA, ALASKA. BoMd rock . . . . . gi. jo cu. y4. J--xws roc ,m cu. yd iXirth . . . Jo cu. yd. v.muriag .....f. . . .xoo per acre. tn?Wiing -910 per station Tunnels - . 855 lineal ft. Oimpa) run sll Winter; havy work, si tie cutting. write for full particulars. M. J. HEN BY, Contractor. 014 Column bldg., Seattle, Wash. TAILORING salesmen who are huatlers ean make $.'i5 to $(i wwlt right in tiietr home town and vicinity wHth our sample: big. handsome line froe; attractive advertising mat ter furnished in large quantities ; our tailoring 1a positively heet at lowest prices. This Is opportunity for eneraetlc men to prove their worth and start in a permanent and profitable business; be quicit; now is mo time ana season for profits with our line, f ales Manager, Dept. irr B, laock Box 483, Chicago, 111. SAT-ESM5:N. I WANT MORE UVB WTRH, RrVNEST Y(UNG MEN TO giEJ.L REAL ESTATE; YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW MUCH ABOUT THE BUSIN3383; LEAVTD THAT TO M; I WILL SHOW TOU: CASHT COM MISSION; QUICK. I NEED YOU. P 4o, OK13GONIA-N. POSITIONS open in our factory for 1 bench man (:ab!netmaker, 1 tinner, 1 plumber and 1 finisher (painter) ; prefer men who wlh to Invert a little money In biielnew; sound lnveaimont, good wag; neatest factory in city. Call at factory office Sunday. 10 to or any week day. R. il, Jns. Mfg. Co., cor. EL 9th and Aider at Phone E V9, ts 1131. WANTED A man to take charge of office In Central Oregon; a booming town ; two railroads building there; 95 per week and commission; this Is a splendid opportunity ror a gooa man; wui stand cltest investi gation; party must ha-ve 91000: money se cured against loss. O 480, Oregonian. WANTED SOLICITORS OF NEWSPAPER EXPERIENCE; MUST BE ABLE TO PRODUCE REHTT,TS. APPLY M F. HOYLB. WITH THE AMERICAN WEEK LY OF THE SAN FRANCISCO EXAM INFR. AT OREGON HOTEL, SUNDAY "Vf r T? TC T Tv n GOVERNMENT poaltlons by thousands tn Census and other departments ; examina tions soon in Portland. Particulars as to salaries, dates, etc., free In circular 101 or National Correspondence Institute, Washington, D. C CALENDAR salesmen, exclusive line, some thing new In calendars fox men with rep utable standing; only those need apply; splendid opportunity to develop fine busi ness. Calendar Ma nag or. Cruvor Mfg. Cc, 1439 B Carroll av, Chicago. SALEPMAN traveling to sell our dnefs fab rics, white goods, etc., for Spring to re tailors In small towns: good commission. profitable side line. South Phila. Woolen co., nox i4i, piiii&aelphl, Pa. WANTED Experienced solicit orn for city and adjoining town; trK having experience in nana soliciting prererreo:; steady work; best references required. L 486, Ore gonian. SALESMEN to hnndle our larre line of calendars, signs and novelties; largest complete line in 1 nnea Mates; liberal compensation. The Scioto Sign Co., Ken ton, Ohio. WANTBD Reliable man, able to invest little money with services; will pay $80 month salary, also share profl t ; p re t er m an used to farm produce. ' Particular room 4J.7. Board of Trade bldg. APPRENTICESHIP to leam lithography, one wttn some anowiewge or a rawing prcferrfd: small salary to start. Address G. W. Bills, care Irwln-Hodson Co. 9100 PER month or better to good live agents, to write health and accident in surance; best policy written. Fidelity Mutual Aid Asso., 604 Worcester bldg. A CHICAGO firm wants a few men desirous of earning money during spare tirrfe; no canvassing; can double salary. National Dist. Co., 1337 Wellington st.f Chicago. SALESMEN to handle our fine line of cal endars, signs and advertising novelties; exclulsve or sld line; liberal compensa tion. Mahon Novelty Co., Kenton, Ohio. EXPERIENCED salesman on Texas land and tnwnsltes; liberal contract. Winnie Townsits Co., Security bldg., Minneapoli Minn. FINE opening for young man. Easterner prererred, experience unnecessary, small capital required. Call 10 to 12 today. 828 Washington St., room 417. I WANT to start you In business, spare time, homo; most Ingenious money-maker devised. Free particulars. F. E. Abbott, Desk A A, Omaha, Nob. SOLICITOR for flr and casualty by large agency; give experience ana rererence Ad drosa G 4Sd. Oregonian. A DARK and medlum-slxed man going to Chicago will profit by answering thi AH 4S5, Oregonian. YOUNG man as assistant bookkeeper and stenographer; stage ag and salary. X 484, Oregonian. MANAGER for country store; furnishing- goods salesman, city; shoe salesman, city. Room 29, 823 H Washington st. BOOKKEEPER with mercantile experience; Bookkeeper ana stenograpner. Room 2a, 823 H Washington st. WANTED Three live agents. $5 to 910 dally canny made. Call 819 Chamber of Commerce. COATMAKER and tailors wanted; pants or vestmakers. ACrHESON SUIT MNFO. Co. EXPERIENCED hands in alteration room. New York Outfitting Co., lt5 1st st. WANTED A boy for delivering. 205 Wash. n., room iz. WANTED A young school gir! to do work for room and board. Main b44. LADIES' tailor and helper wanted; steady work. F. W. Pratt. 75 N. Iflth st. A BOY aftout 18 years for office and errand ,aU oeu xv viau j jo a iiiv m, WANTED Instructions to handle set of books at one evening. D 478, Oregonian. HIGH-CLASS hustling salesman; big wages; permanent. 216 commercial Diock. WE secure positions for our member Speciai memDcrsiuji, . ja. a. WANTED A doctor; flT credential. AK 405. Oregon!.. WANTED Flrst-c'asB tailor. Apply today. st,, room ax. HXXaP Wa4xNTEH FK3IALE. TWENTY tailoresses .-aid finishers, steady, rot rush season work. ACHE3QN SUIT MNFG. Co. WAI3T and skirt finishers at Ditchbum, wanted at once. 4G6 Fliedner bldg. EXPERIENCED girl, general housework, 2 In family. 01 North 21st st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY Wnn's Monday HOTETa, RESTAURANT. FAMILY COORA VValtrowne city and country. r'hsnii.TrTMihl rlty and country. HOliiSlilHOLD HELP OF ALL KINDS.. N w situations dally. HiANSBft LA DIES' A lENCY, 4R Washington St. cor. Ttu, upstair LADIEil of individuality and character, will ing to work, can make big money assisr Ing In organizing lodges for the "Royal Highlands" In Oregon, a Joint order, tak ing both lmriea and gentlemen. Financially and socially we stand at th-e top. Ex perience nnt nefv-niary. If Interested, ad dress C E Pavts, State Manager, ha em, Oregon. I WANTED First-class J- bands for al teration room. The Be.rthoLom.ew Co., 4u0 Washington st. GIRLS wanted to make shirts and overalls. Ut Hood Factory. 2S3 Couch. LADIES and girls anywhere can earn good steady pay writing adv. letters for us Ht home; snnd 10 cents for forms and full - InstrurtloiAs; no more roonoy required; no canvassing American Kales Co., Dept. H 17. Ielaware City, Dol. SALESWOMEN. Thoroughly ei-er.enod and competent, wanted In a number of our departments; permanent position to the right, person OIJJS. WORTMAN KING. WANTED At once, a capable girl, family of 2, near carline; lWht general work; good wages. Main J26J. WANTED Good Swedish woman to do gen eral housework for small family, country town, good home, .r.o children-, references requirod; state wages. AN 4dti. Orego nian. MUNICIPAL Department of Public Safety for Young Women. Advice or assistance gladly given to ail youns; women. Mrs. Lola Q. Baldwin. Supt., room 87 Y. W. C A. bldg., 7th and Taylor et. WANTED Woman to cook and do general housework for small hoepitai ut x'acolt. Wash. Man and wife could be employed if fiesirod. Twin Falls Logging Co, iWO Mo hawk bldg. GIRL wanted in a family of three to amst in cooking and general housework; refer ence wanted. For particulars call at resi dence. 243 Cornell ivad, between Marshall and Northrup sis. WANTED A young; lady stenographer, good at dictation: experience not necessary; sal ary 93 a week to begin; give telephone) num- ircr. xv lav, n--fcu;iiti-u. WANTED Capable young women to enter training school for nurs. For particulars write to Hoquiam General iriospiuu, no qui am, Waah. LADY SEWERS Make sanitary belts at home; materials furnished, 912 per hun- area. farticumrs stampeo envelope. tept. 000, Empire Mfg. Co.. Chicago. WANTED 10 ladles' hata to trim 50c; your old hats rebiucked into the latest shapes. Hat Renovatory, IN. cor. otn ana Alder, basement. COLORADO Nurses' College opens In Seattle November 15: six week' term; thorough course. Including mamsugo; oipiomas. u. n. Miller 17U9 Believue ave. STENOGRAPHER and office assistant with few hundred dollars can secure good po sition with Investment secured. AJ 484, Oregonian. CHOCOLATE and bon bon dippers wanted; 912 per week to one who can show results, let tering, etc. writs axacy s tjoniecLiunery, Corvailis, Or. STENOGRAPHER wanting general office practice only for Bhort time, wl.l be given Opportunity d sxioressing a. eoo, urBtu nlan. WtM EN and glrio to work in fruit cannory. Holmes Candy Co., h.atft bth ana JJtvi sluu star. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 843 Washington st., cor. 7th, upstair Phone Main 2002. SKIHT MAKERS and finishers on ladles' tailor-made suits. A. Llppman, V2a 5th street. LADIES at home day or evenings, applying transfers on porcelain. 9 1.50 dox. upward steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg. WANTED by widower, unincumbered, house keeper. One who is good cook preferred. Address A, Box 86, Wasco, Or. EXPERIENCED stenographer and law offlcs LlcIB , SIK te aUl.i J eMMl IOi,.UV. JD 111 Oregonian. WANTED A girl to do general housework from h to Ml every morning, jraoue iiiasi 4318. WANTED Younx woman for general house work and plain cook lug; two in family; 925 per month. can ti. Aiaer. WANTED Good finisher and button-hole maker on men's coats, can Fnoenix mag. 83 5th st. United Coat Makers. W A N'TKO A firat-ciass shirtwaist ironer. Good wages and steady employment. Hood River Laundry Co., ttooa Kiver, ur. ENERGETIC woman over 25 for position AJUU0U, LA.A essary. AB 478, Oregonian. WOMAN or Kirl for general housework, fain liy of three. Phone A 6723. Norwegian or German preferred. WANTED A girl for cooking and light general housework ; small xamuy, ie wages. I4i North 22d st. WANTED Good girl for general house work. Apply In morning, 10d9 Thurman st., cor. 3U. WANTED Middle-aged woman, general housework, small-country hotel; wages $'J5 month. Address Jo Kcsyaar., ur. WANTED Reliable girl for general house work, good ages. U05 Commercial blk., telephone Tabor 1S-S. WANTED German woman for general housework. Phone A 8W41 or Main 94Jd. Good wages, nice home. YOUNG lady wishing to go to Minneapolis. or Chicago plea's consult JS. n. o.. muu 2Sfet. GIRL to assist with housework; good wages. innlv 77tV JnhnHtn St.. bet. 23d and 24th. NEAT girl for general houjwwork. Call Mon day, 7? Johnson st. Phone Main KUSS. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and h.ast layior. INBXPERIENCiOD girl to assist with house work generally. Phone H 1350. GERMAN or Swede girl, 8 adults la family, 18. BS4 Broad way. bet ween 9 and 12. FAMILY cook. 935. Scotch or German pre ferred. Ht. Louis. 145 Wash. Main 20-iSC 6 DEMONSTRATORS. Call at S&fi 14th sC Call Sunday and -evening WANTED Girl to assist In dressmaking? Catl at 475 Salmon st, apartment 1. WANTED Woman for general ho u.- work In small family. Jackson, near i-arx. A YOUNG nurse girl, colored preferred. Phone C 243(1. WANTED First -class taiiorese. Apply today, 142 Vi 2d at., ruuiu Si. WANTED Young lady to do housework In private family. rnone mum iva. SHOE FITTER, apply to Bergmann Shoe Co., ox I. Tnu L imj GIRL wanted for housework. 509 Beacon st. Sail wooa cr. GIRL or woman for general housework. Ap ply So etn, near aiii. - ERRAND girl, call Monday, B. Ball, ladies ta:lor, 4ii jaoiuwu at-. n h OtROUGHLY experienced help on ladles COALS. "" " - .- . HELP wanted for general housework. 210 25th St., Lrv. jju--jv.7 roMPETKNT girl Cor housework. Good wge Phone East 2927. QiK L, for cooking and general . housework; tod wages. 340 Haasalo. go GIRLS wanted to work In bindery. Bufhong & Co.. & Prk st. POM AN to 8J?sist in tailor's repair shop. 226 Alder St.. room 13. WOMAN for very easy place, 916 per month. GIRL to do housework. 702 Northrup j st. EXPERIENCED fur sewer. operator, liner and finisher w-anted; steady work; from 96 to 9 per week to right party. See mo any time. Open to 9 P. M. A. Reiner, 148 5th st. WANTED Saleslsdies for muslla woder wyar and jewuiry department. SILVEKFIELD CO.. 4th and Morrison. , 2.5f per day paid to one lady in each town to distribute free circulars and take orders for Concentrated Flavoring In tubes; per manent position. J. S. Ziegier Co., Chit- . cago. WANTED Experienced hands on ladies' jackets; must be good seamstresses and understand alterations. Eastern Outfitting Co.. Washington at 10th st EXPERIENCED young woman for general housework and plum :okiug. family of two new flat, gemd wages; references re quired. Call H 2rtl?i. FITTER Thoroughly competent; none but thw with iirst-class ex;terlec wanted. Ap ply at on"e lu OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. W A NT ED Woman to do washing by the dozitu at own horn Phone A 325S or Main 7J19. WANTED BY 24TH Ex;eriencd girt f-ir general bou..owork; must be good cook; ao warning; good wages. 445 11th st.. aer C:llfcga GIHL wanted to do llyht housework and as sist In care of baby; miut sleep at horn Apply mornings, 4 Tenth si., near Buxu- sido. WANTED Iteflnftd, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vtavl Co., 6U9 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington., THOROUGHLY competent, experienced lady book keeper and sisnugraphor ; salary 975. AD 4l7, Oregur,ian. FiRST-CLASri laundress for hand laundry work, alfco goud seamstress, at 408 JefCer son. bt. GIRL for general housework:, small flat; no washing. Suite 810 Benton street. Phone Eat 365. ItELIABLE and competent girl for general housework; good wages. b09 Lovejoy su Phone Main A 4-10. EX PERI ENCED wonmn for alterations, in department store, near Portland. AM 4&5, OreKuIiULU. EXPEK1ENCED helpers and buttonhoJe niakers on men's coats; glK a woek; steady work. Room 14, 2uii Stark st. A COMPETENT Gregg shorthand writer. State ago, experirtioe, telephone, V 44, Orvgonian. UNTIL further notice the Boston School of Millin-ery will trim and remodel ladles' hats free of charge. 1:74 Williams av WANTED Girl to assist housekeeper. Ap ply forenoons. 26 Tillamook st. WANTED Girl for housework. Apply 906 lith st.. top flat. WANTED Schoolgirl to work for board and nce room. Phone East 4319. WANTED Experienced waitress at once at the Newport Komaiiran t, 58 Third St. MILLINER Y apprentice wanted. Celesta Hyde. 8U4-Sd0 Fliedner bldg. WANTED An apprentice for drissmaking. Apply 704 Gllsaa st. PRIVATE lessons in shorthand and tvpe writ ing; expert method. 804 12! h. Main ttfrW). MIDDLE-AG ED lady for light work, small wages; good homo. 427 Harrison. GIRL for general housework. Inquire 480 Mill st. WANTED Lady as housekeeper for wid ower. Y 4M. Orogoulan. LADY teachers for M. K. Chinese Mission School. S. K. Chan, 2i:tVx Murrlsou st. WANTED First-class finishers of men's coau. 205 1 Washington St., room 12. GIRL or woman wantod for general house work. Call at tS2S Fourth st. WANTED To meet stenographer to exchange dictation. Main 6aW. GIRL for genexal housework; small family. 737 Johnson st. Apply mornings. WOMAN General housework, family oc thre Q&o East Aider. j A GOOD girl fur general housework. Call , 330 Park st. . i LADY going to New Orleans soon will proctt by calling Woodlawn 1473. WANTED Good waist and skirt help. A0- Murqimm bldg. HLTHaP WAXTKD MAJaK OB FTCMAIJE. STENOGRAPHERS A busineas institutloo k.cated In Portland, empicying a large cler- j leal force, wishes to compile a waiting list of stenographers, both male and female, subject to call ju vacancies occur or as addi tions to Its a la IT are required. Examination to determine ability of applicants will bs given at hours suitable for those already em ployed; papers will be graded and selections made according to efficiency demonstrated. Applications should be typewritten and allied personally with pea and ink, stat ing the ago of the applicant, number of y airs' experience, poeiti.-ns held, and sal ary that would be considered sufficient to justify a change. All applications will be regarded as oonfldentlai and no reference will be made to present or former em ployes without applicant's consent. To any eueiiographer desu ing for any reason to make a change, thin should be an exoellent opportunity. AB 4tt5. Oregonian. INTELLIGENT hustlers to demonstrate and take orders; eny seller, big pay, perma nent. Write, stating age. experience and phone, H 4W, oregonian. TEN persons interested In learning the Spanish language to form a free co-operative class. Call 309 Commonwealth bldg. GOOD opening in town of 2500 for lady or gentleman witli smalj capital to start side line in millinery store. AF 900, Ore gonian. MAKE money writing stories; pleasant work for you; big pay. Snd for free booklet, tells how. Press Syndicate, San Fran cisco. SALESMAN to sell out Una of goods. We start you without capital. Give telephone ; number. AL 4fo, Ortjgonian. RURAL teachers for Nevada, $60 per month ; board and room. 914 6 wet land bldg. STUDIO German, Fre.nch, English literature. 452 Morrison. Main 20D7. LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by expert, $5 a month. 2l;t 14th. Main 3503. . FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offors good po sitions to A-l Instructors. 514 Swetland. SITUATION WANTED MAta Bookkeepers tuid Clerks. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and thorough cffJce man desires u niaky change where execu tive ability Ut appreciated. N 4h2, Ore gonian. YOUNG MAN. 23 yenrs old. would like of- fce work for exptjrience , resident of city 'ir years; good reierenct s. Phone Mala 5-5-. WANTED Prisltlon by stenographer who can spelt ana punctuate correuu . mkii ru ence In law office of o months; Remington typewriter preferred. 1'hone Seliwood Uii9. EXPERIENCED hotel and restaurant man open for proposition on salary or percent age line ; good references. Address Lock Box 424, Portland. Oregon. YOUNG man with several year?' experience in P. O. deairt'B position In mailing depart ment of wholesale hoiuie. H 47U, Orego nian OUT-OF-TOWN young man must have po sition; reliable and capauie; experienced m offloe work and as gent's furnishing sales man. H 484. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER. 10 years' experience, wishes position in oftice; Dest oi reierencos. A 4S2, Oregonian. PROFESSIONAL STENOGRAPHER. Wishes position with pood firm; A-l references- Phone Main 70f5; A 1725. YOUNG MAX wishes position, wholesale house preierrea, es asaigtanc booKaeeper. R 4fc5, ortgonlan. V ANTED Position as bookkeeper by young man ; good penman : re.'ornce as to ouax acter and ability. B 4tt5, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN who haa passed U. 9 civil service examination would lias posmoa as clerk. AN 400, Oregonian.. BY competent grocery or general merchan dise man, city or country. speaKs i.nrmaai j reference N. S. Berg, Portland, Or. Al ACCOUNTANT will open books or keep a. small set. S 482, oregonian.