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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1908)
8 rHE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 5, 1903. WANTED AGENTS. SfrmT unique and fawtet selling book of the age. Two Republican Editors of great Rniihllpn FMII Vanon wrlta t hi story of William Jen nine Bryan. Not a political handbook or a criticism of Col. Bryan. It Is an accurate and impartial appreciation of his fine fruitful life re corded in lmple words. Sella at popular price of $1.00. Agents are reaping a har vest. Outfit free. Send 10 cent for mail ing. The Thompson Pub. Co., St. Louis. AGENTS Rummer resorw. Decoration Day, Kourth of July and campaign buttons. badg, canes, pennants, confetti, postal cards of all kinds; Mexican spiders, feath er dusters, paper sunflowers and rosettes, the latest fad: 2000 different novelties for fairs, celebrations and carnivals. Writ til .... . to 1, TV v vm 158 Park Bow, New York. MAIL O RDHR b usi n ess . Before you at art get a copy of my large illustrated 120- nutra KriU tl hnv tn ariverfffte. hnv goods, exposes all secrets; not issued In interest of any supply house: over 3O.O00 copies sold: satisfaction guaranteed; par ticulars free. A Swett, W0 Royal Insur ance bldg., Chicago. TO introduce useful home article, money maker. Call Monday, 1 to 3 o'clock. 403 Buchanan bldg. WANTED Agents, legitimate substitute for slot machines; patented; sells on sight for SI. Particulars Gtsha Co.. Anderson, Ind. WALKMAN Postcards as a side line; cam .. paten and cards that are winners. Nor wood Souvenir Co.. box 597. Cincinnati. O- W AN TED TO RENT. WANTED WELL FURNISHED HOUSE of 8 rooms or 10 rooms, in gxa resiaenee district, for one year or more, from Aug ust 1, by responsible family of three adults. Address, giving location and brief description. V 41, Oregonian. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, stores, oflce, rooming-bouses, etc Land lords will do well to call ou Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. B. cor. 2d and Oak. Phoae Exchange 72. MAN and wife wish well furnished house keeping rooms or a cottage during Sum- mer months on the East Side, vicinity of Hawthorne Addition preferred. Address P. O. Box 630. "WANT ED Room and board for man and wife and 3-year-old child; yard preferred; can furnish room complete; references the best. Give terms and particulars; walk ing distance. Y 55. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT July 11 Three or four furnlAhed housekeeping rooms. West Side preferred; must be modern and reasonable; give particulars and phone number. P o.l. Oregonian. WANTED Furnished or unfurnished house in Irving ton. modern 6 or 7 rooms with bath; references given; reasonable rent, 3 months or more. G 5-. Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE party would take charge of nice home during absence of owner: would consider renting if reasonable. K. l. Oregonian. BY responsible party, use of well-furnished modem apartment or cottage during Sum mer; will pay reasonable rental. W 53, Oregonian. WITH privilege of buying later. 6-room mod ern house with basement; 30 minutes walk Oregonian; give location. X 55, Ore gonian. WANTED By young couple, no children, three or four-room furnished apartment or cottage: state price and location. T 59, Oregonian. WANTED To rent cottage Tith barn for 2 horse or near barn; adults. X 57, Ore gonian. WANTED To rent building in East Port land suitable for shoe factory. G 56, ON Sell wood carllne, vicinity of Gratton's Grove. 3 or 4-room house with 1 or 2 acres of land. R 56. Oregonian. YOUNG couple; no children; would Ike to rent small cottage Summer months. Ad dress Y 50. Oregonian. WANTED To rent. 8 to 10-room modern house, central and reasonable. Main 4766, A oll0. WANTED 4 unfurnished rooms, sink; 2 adults; West Side; clean and neat. K 57, Oregonian. 3T VPN ROOM corner flat, bath, etc.. welt fur nished and two rooms, rented If suitable to tenant. 344 Columbia ttt. . WANTED To lease a storeroom on Wash ington or Morrison sts. F. Fuchs, 221 Morrison st. ItOOM and board for couple with Infant: mut have shady yard. Particulars and phone No. AD tW, Oregonian. ROOM and board. East Side, on E. Ankeny or Burn side car line. A B 53, Ore gonian. WANTED Modern cottage, August 1st. West Side preferred, walking distance; reasonable rent. AC 50. Oregonian. WANTED To rent a flat 4 to fi rooms. West Side, modern. Phone Main 5ti53. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR, FURNITURE. And any thing else you have to selL PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main 6035. A 4121. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d st. Phone Pacific 1722. THE FORD A I JCTI ON CO. Is forced to pay the meet for second-hand furniture. They have to get It. B 2311 East 988. WANTED Covered buggy, with extra long bed. In good condition, with pole and steel tires. Cash if price la low. O 63, care Oregonian. WANTED 2nd bath, toilet, sink and gas hot water heater In good shape. 833 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED To buy good logging donkey, would like to furnish cordwood as part payment. Seghers Wood Co., both phones. WANTED -By carpenter, rome in country; will exchange work for room and board. P 51. oregonian. WANTED A duck lake for this season; would rent or buy. Address Box 688, Port land, Or. PARTY wants to buy a photograph studio or hear of a good opening. J 50, Orego nian. WANTED Gent's second-hand wheel, good condition ; Mate make, price. Pacific 671. ' Oregonian. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. WANTED Male fox terrier puppy; state age and price. S 54. Oregonian. SMALL job press wanted, must be cheap for cash. Y 58. Oregonian. WANTED Used cash register; will pay cash Phone Main 1433 or A 1433. FOR RENT. Rooms. NICELY furnished, also unfurnished rooms, single and en suite, quiet and very suit able for single gentlemen. Kamra bldg.. First and Pine. Furnished Rooms. CLEAN, cool room. $2 a week. 13 EatK 7th st. Phone East 1929. THREE furnished room. $1.75. $2.50 and $.t icr week. 20IH 4th. Main 2tt9. WILL give 2 working girls room cheap. Call Main iSS31. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia; modera rooms, bath, 6oc to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk. HOTEL ROYAL HH 4th; nice rooms, $1.50 to $5 week. 50 cents. $1 night. THE DORMER, 283 13th. beautiful rooms, modern, every convenience; $2.5') and up. MAXWELL HALL. 27 14th. clean, light rooms, hot water every room; reasonable. NICE rcom. furnished ; conveniences; $1.75 per week; block to car. 566 Johnston. TWO single rooms, furnished, modern. 43i Jefferson st. TWO nicely furnished sleeping rooms, with Dam. -id um st. rnone a oojs. ONE large furnished front room, suitable PLEAS A NT front room for 1 or 3 gentle men, central, reasonable. 202 12th st. FOR RENT Small room, $1.50 per week 251 6th at. NICELY furnished room; gas and bath. 141 13th St.. cor. Alder. $3 PER WEEK, fine, large, cool room, prl vate residence. 2SS 12th st. FOR KENT. Fwrnlfh Rooms. HOTEL PALMER, cor. Park and Alder, un der new management ; thoroughly reno vated throughout; rooms( single or en suite; transients, $1 ; special rates by the week ; free bath and phono. Mr. X. A. HUis. prop. IF you are looking for the best rooms in tne city for the monry, pnone tne uien dora for particulars; rooms $3 to $15; strictly modern 19th and Couch, ono block from Washington. Main 680. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington sts. Newly furnished throughout; new buildings, suites with baths, hot and cold water in every room. Phone Main 7196. Long-distance phones In all rooms. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington ana 17th nrst-c is iurmsnea rooms, single or en suite; every modern convenience. $3 week ly up; daily. 75c up; special monthly rates. Main 5647. LARGE room, with stationary wash bowl. sua ana eiejinc ugni ; nns view ; Doara one block distant; walking distance from business cenuer. Price $16. 'Phone Paciho 12 70. THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay window ana otner outsiae rooms; electric ugtits. baths, etc. ; $2.50 wee-k up. Transients. 2&hi Washington. NEWLY furnished front room in private fam ily ior a lady: call Sunday P. M. or after 6 P. M. week days. 304H Montgomery, between Bth and 6th, S mln. from P. O. PACIFIC HOTEL, 214 Columbia st. 1 block from Salem Electiio depot; running water In all rooms; free bath and phone; 50c to $1 4ay; $2.50 to $4 week. HOTEL KENTON, 18th and Washington saoaem rooma, single ana en suite; aieo housekeeping; running water; private and free baths; rates reasonable. Pact tic 496. LARGE, well furnished front room, also elegant two-room suite housekeeping rooms; ground floor. Phone East 2013. 407 Holladay ave. THE BARTON. Sunny outside rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water; most reasonable rates. 45& Alder. FOR comfort and rest, try the Hotel Mento. Rooms all newly furnished and up-to-date. Fine river view. 1S3 Holladay ave. THE E8TE8 Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 32 11 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea, FURNISHED rooms in nice location, all conveniences, walking distance, on car line; reasonable. 508 Jefferson. THREE furnished rooma, 166 E. 16th. South, i oiocK irora Morrison; Dreakiast served if desired. FURNISHED rooms, with running water ana ail moaern conveniences, near steel bridge. 310 Crosby mu TWO suites, electric lights and gas; one mngie room, tw jx. autn st., near Wash ington. THE AUDITORIUM. 208fc 3d. newly fur nished, elevator, baths, hot, cold water in each room; permanent and transient. LA RGE, sunny front room in strictly mod ern apart me nt-nouse, lour blocks from Washington st. 584 Flanders st., suite 2. A SUITE of nicely furnished rooms, suit able for 2 young men or man and wife. 533 Johnson st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, walking distance; running water, sink, gas, bath; also sleep ing rooms. 8824 Hawthorne ave. ELEOA NTLY furnished, steam heated rooms, hot and cold water. Flat 10, 494 Morrison St. HOTEL OXFORD, corner 6th and Oak; sin gle or en suite: modern conveniences; rates very reasonable. Main 88. THE WILLAMETTE, 322 Stark St.. large light rooms, well furnished, single or en suite, 50c to $1 day; $2.50 to $5 week. THE HYLAND, 490 Morrison St.. well fur nished rooms, electric light, baths, walk ing distance. Phone A 2210. NICELY furnished front room, very reason- aoie ; one oearoom. so per month. 211 Park st. FOR RENT Cool, pleasant room newly fur nished, all modern conveniences. 164 Grand ave.. North. FOR RENT Front suite, suitable for two gentlemen, a blocks from Portland Hotel. 24tift 7th st. HOTEL MONARCH. Park and Stark, fur nished rooms, single and en suite; very rea sonable. PLEASANT front room, two meals; good nome ior iaoy; moaern; reasonable. Phone Main 6485. FOR RENT Rooms, without board, private iamny; ufo oi parior ana piano; refer ences. G 61, Oregonian. NICELY furnished rooms. $1.50 up. Hotel 'DU. 7 J7ij.i.u bi., o iui.k.s j, rum posi offlce. TWO very desirable, nicely furnished front rooms; gooo location; close in; references. 303 12th st. Phone A 3640. NICELY furnished large room In private family, gas, bath, phone. 2tf& North 10th street. 215 llTTH Modern newly furnished front room, outsiae entrance, private family; gentlemen only. A 5692. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE large, pleasant rooms, unfurnished; sink in kitchen, bath, gas; desirable lo cality, $15. 187 Chapman, near Yamhill. THREB unfurnished rooms, first floor, close in, yam, cneap rent, ror working people. A B 62. Oregonian. FOR RENT 4 unfurnished rooms, $8. 350 14th st. Rooms With Board. PORTLAND Women's Union. 20th year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room, use of library; Women's Exchange. Ad dress Mrs. Ella Raw lings, Supt-, 510 Flanders st. BLAKELY HALL. S0O Jefferson, large, cool rooms with first-class board; center of city, beautiful grounds, finely located for tourist, transient, permanent guests. A 5345. THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morrison, 3 blocks west of Portland Hotel; special Summer rates, large, airy rooms, with good board, by week or month. 238 11TH One large front alcove room, suitable for a gentlemen; also single room, all conveniences, with board, private fam ily. B KAUT I FUL furnished parlor bedroom, suitable for two, with board; strictly first class, beautiful lawn. 1M 11th, cor. Yam hill. Main 5330. A 3580. GOOD board and room in private family ; quiet neighborhood, moderate charge. Call 308 Marguerite ave. or phone B 2271. THE MARLYN, Washlrgtcn and 17th, well furnished rooms, hot and co.d water, home cooking, permanent or transient. LA RGB front parlor room with best of home board, walking distance; rates ff 2, $4.50 per week: for 1. $5. 229 13th st. THE ASSEMBLY. 265 6th st. Nicely fur nished rooms, suitable for 2 or 3 people, with good table board. ROOM and board In private family; very cen tral; gentleman preferred. 2S4V4 Park. Phoae Main 3202. 332 10TH ST.. pleasant, well furnished room; buitable for two; home cooking; all con veniences. 83 NORTH 17th. one block off Washington; well furnished rooms, modern; board op tional. $20 a month: room and board for two young men; private family. Call after 5 P. M. 547 3d st. NICELY furnished rooms, with board; terms reasonable, home cooking. Main 5826. 349 Jefferson st. 1 i. LARGE, airy rooms, hot and cold water, modern conveniences: extensive grounds, walking distance. Pacific 314; A 2618. PLEASANT roomB. with or without board; walking distance; terms reasonable. Phone A 3622. 328 6th st. BOARD and room, large front room, $24 per month. 328 Clay. Phone Main 5963. ROOM with flrst-clasa board, at the Ster ling. 353 Couch st. FURNISHED rooms with board. The Oiark. 225 11th st. ROOMS with board, single or double, home cooking. 24 Main st. WANT two gentlemen to board and room In a widow's home. Sellwood 605. PLEASANT front room, with board, rea sonable. 201 iftth. cor. Taylor. Main 22S4. NICELY furnished rooma with board; also table boarders. 451 Morrison, corner 13th. FOR RENT. Rooms Witii Boar YOUNG men. if you want first-class room and board for $5.50 per week, all conven iences, good home cooking, nice yard and porch, call at the Aster House. 7th and Madison. W ANTP3D 2 to 4 young lad4es for large par lor alcove room, best of home board: rates per week for 4, $4; for 1 or 2. $4.50; close in. walking distance. 220 13th st. 'Phone Pacific 12S7. Apartments. APARTMENTS. 7-room, steam heat, janitor service, close 1. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Third and Oak sis. IONIAN COURT Elegant 3 and 4-room, reception hall and bath residence apartments- new. including all modern conven iences; walking distance; terms reason able. Apply janitor, 18th and Couch. BEST up-to-date 6-room apartment In the Ormonde, 656-658 Flanders st.. fully equipped with all modern conveniences, large out side rooms, efficient janitor's service, desir able residence district. Phone Main 8251. THE MARLBOROUGH 21st and Flanders, beautiful 6-room apartments; steam heat, hot and cold water, refrigerator, range, telephone. Janitor service; surrounded by beautiful homes; rent reasonable. THE SHEFFIELD Unfurnished 3-room apartment with bath; new, modern and fully equipped for convenience; rent rea sonable and location eaves carfare. Apply to Janitor,' 7th and Jefferson sts. NEW, attractive 2 or 8-room apartments and small kitchen, all modern convenien ces... fireplace; reasonable. East Side. Phone E 6116. FURNISHED 4-room apartment for three or four months; complete, modern and very convenient. Apply to janitor. The Shef field, 7th and Jefferson sts. COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS, 11th and Co lumbia, 4-room unfurnished apartment, modern conveniences, walking distance, reasonable rent. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 6 large north rooms, for 16 months. $60 per month; ref erences. The Mordaunt, Everett St., cor. 18th. THE MAJESTIC, elegant flat. 4 rooms: bath, heat, hot water, phone, close in ; reasonable. 390 Clay St., near West Park. COLUMBIAN apartments, 11th and Colum bia, furnished 4-room, modern apartment; reasonable rent; will sell furniture. WELL-FURNISHED modern 4-room apart ment from about July 15. Apply apartment K, The Mordaunt, ISth and Everett. WANTED Child to board, nice home and yard: kind treatment; reasonable terms. B 67, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent. 12tn and Columbia. "The Bralntree." Flats. FLATS FOR RENT WEST SIDE. 6-room, Johnson st. 6-room, 22d t. 4-room, Kearney s. 6-room. within 10 minutes walk of Post office, only $30. EAST SIDE. 4-room, Williams ave.. $14.50. 4-room, Russell st., $15. 4-room. Larrabee. $20. PORTLAN D T RU ST COMPANY OF OREGON, Third and Oak sts. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. Close in furnished fiat, new and mod em; will sell all at big sacrifice; everything of 1 the finest and newest; lots of room, novelties of all kinds; will not reserve anything. Call room 210 Ablngton bldg. LOWER flat, finely arranged for re-renting, 9 nice light rooms, newly tinted; furnace and fireplace; good yard; choice west Side location. D. G. Woodward, 104 Sec ond st. 4 AND 6-room flats, modern, exceptionally pleasant, light rooms, fireplaces, veranda, laundry, basement, attic; reasonable if permanent. Main 2160. MODBRN fiat of 5 rooms, centrally located. West Side, Nob Hill district, janitor, steam heat. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablng ton bldg. FOR RENT Flat 444 Park st, 6 rooms and 2 rooms In attic; fireplace and furnace; new and modern; no children: $35. Phone Tabor 763. NEW 5-room flats, oath. gas. electric fix tures, shades, fireplaces, cement floors and washtubs In basement. Apply on prem ises. East 16th and Oak, or 495 E. Davis, MODERN flats, all sizes, for rent. East and West Sides, Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak- Phone Exchange 72. 3-ROOM modern flat, gas range, linoleum on kitchen floor, shades, ras and eleetrlo fixtures. M. E. Lee. room 411 Corbett Diag. FURNISHED and unfurnished steam heated flats for rent, 3 or 4 rooms, modern. Cottel Drug Co., 1st and Sherman sts. 6-ROOM fiat at 25 Overton, rent very ra sonable. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett tiag. NICELY furnished flat, modern, to responsi ble iuiy ir moniiiR, retLsonaoie. v JNOrtn Hth. Phone Main 7U30. MODERN 4-room flat, with 2 extra Bias- tered attic rooms, cheap. Near 23d and Washington. Pacific 1 245. ELEGANTLY furnished flats, rent reason able; also unfurnished flats; janitor serv ice. 401 10th st. Apply flat E. FOR RENT 5-room strictly modern flat. im t. riai open toaay. m. E. Lee. room 411 Corbett bldg. 565 EVERETT Lower 5-room flat, rooms newly tinted; ront $33; no children. A VERY desirable 4-room flat, first floor, cen trally located, s.eam heat. Inquire 325 MODERN 5-room lower flat, best location. elose in. Park, and Harrison sts. Inquire FOR RENT Two 5-room flats, nearly new- ana moaern; rent reason aoie. inquire at ow union ave. 5-ROOM lower flat, bath and gas, rent $15; near 24th and Vaughn sts. Phone Main to us. TWO flats, one 6 rooms, gas, bath, fireplace 8 rooms, bath, gas. Main 1079. 4-ROOM new modern newly furnished flat; 9 walking distance; $25. 93 East 8th North. FLAT of 3 rooms, nicely furnished; modern; first floor. Phone A 3458. 548 Lovejoy. FOR RENT Modern 5-room flat on car line. Inquire 43d and Hawthorne ave. 4-ROOM flat. $15. with gas and bath. 745 first, u-aae & car, get o:r at I'orter. TWO new 6-room flats, rent $10. Inquire iov ruge hi. rnone iiiast 000. ROOM and board In private family. 335 Mont gomery. UPPER 5-room modern flat, 3274 10th st. near Clay. Key at 330 Mill. MODERN 5-room flat, steel and gas range. winuow inaaes. 1 iiaisey. 6 AND 7-room modern flats: heat, hot water. Janitor service. 715 Johnson. A 1678 NEW, modern 4-ro6m furnished-unfumls fl,r R tntnutea tn nnatnffliu Ifil (It v. ihed st FOR RENT Modem 5-room upper flat; adults. 169 B. 15th St., near Belmont. FOR RENT First floor of new flat. 230 N. 18th at. Housekeeping Rooms. 435 MAIN,' cor. 12th., 3 unfurnished house keeping rooms, ground floor, $10 per TWO or three housekeeping rooms, first noor, private restaence. very convenient reasonable. 2S6 12th st. NICELY furnished front parlor; privilege jignt nouse Keeping, -ao iztn at. 435 MAIN. car. 12th. all kinds of furnished housekeeping rooms, cheap rent, central. NICELY furnished nousekeeping rooms. ciose in. auus etn st. TWO or 3 new and clean, reasonable. 328 itn st., Aonn. none Main 7528. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping; rooms. 01a zulh st., roniana iiejgnts. HOUSEKEEPING rooms 370 7th C Inquire aionigomery su VERY desirable completely furnished alcove room; every convenience. 536 Johnson. MODERN furnished light housekeeping rooms. IZ .Hall st. Call after 2 o'clock Sunday. THREE housekeeping rooms; also sleeping room. av9 x'ara sr. juain -toy. FOB RENT. Hoasekeepinc Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.; newly furnished, fuliy equipped for house keeping. Including gas ranges, with the free use of electric lights, hot water, baths, large reception room and laundry room ; furnished apartments from $16 ui; also single rooms; wlih similar conveniences, $2.50 per week up. There is nothing in comparison in the city for the money. This place will bear Inspection. Short dis tance from Union Depot. Take S or 16th-st. cars going north, get off at Mar shall st. Phone Main 677L No dogs allowed. THE MERCEDES. One elegantly furnished housekeeping smite $20; one beautifully furnished suite, hot and cold running water, both phones, modern conveniences, $27. The Mercedes, 20th and Washington sts. THE NEWCASTLE, cor. 3d and Harrison sts., iurmsnea housekeeping apartments, also single rooms, hot and cold water, baths, phone, modern and reasonable in price. THREE clean, airy housekeeping rooms. completely iurmsnea, bath, large pantry, basement; would like to board -with rent er. Call evenings or next door, 2v2Vs Clay. ROOMSi for light housekeeping; also single rooms for young men; modern conven iences; central. 82 E. loth st- Phone East 168. THE SANOERT Washington and Trinity, oeiween jtn ana 2Utn ; newly furnished 2 and 3-room housekeeping? apartments; private baths. THE ANGELUS. 272 6th., cor. Jefferson, suite of modern furnished housekeeping rooms, gas. electric lights, phone, walk ing distance; reasonable. 6-ROOM house. 349 Market (at Park): Interior renovatea tnroughout; 5-room cottage par tially furnished. 310 College. Call 303 Mo hawk bldg. Telephone M. 286. $30 Two nicely furnished rooms, with cook ing apartments, use or piano, hath, gas, electricity, both phones; adults. 12&2H Park at, near Jefferson. TWO large, well furnished housekeeping rooms for July and August; will rent very reasonable to the right party. Inquire 407 Holladay ave. NEW brick building, housekeeping rooms, single and in suites. $10 to $12 per month; transient rooms, $1.50 to $3 per week. 350 Vt Hawthorne ave. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms gas. .-.. u..u jiiut, ww1.11 hj itguia, iins ana laundry tray. 781 Kearney. Phone Pa cific 311. THREE very nicely furnished housekeeping ruma; large Kitcnen. pantry and bath, free phone, nice yard, no children. 307 N 10th st. FOUR large rooms, newly furnished for house keeping, with all conveniences, and large yard, walking distance, at 111 North 21st st., near Glisan. Phone Main 3740 or call after 3 P. M. Monday; adults. THE MAJESTIC Elegant two-room suites. uii l umisnea ; nams. not water, phone, close in, reasonable. 390 Clay St.. near West Park. TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms, ev ery modern convenience, $17; walking dis tance. West Side. Phone Pacific 816. SUITE of furnished housekeeping rooms for rent to people without children. 300 Mar ket st. Phone Pacific 2506. A 1284. FOR RENT Suites of 2 unfurnished house keeping rooms, with gas stove; $1.25 per week. 282 E. Yamhill St. DESIRABLE unfurnished rooms. brick building, centrally located, saving car fare. 211 Second, corner Salmon. $1.50 WEEK up. large clean furnished house keeping rooms, laundry and bath, 184 Sherman st.. South Portland. 3 OR 4 connecting furnished or unfurnished moms in modern brick. 561 Irving, cor. 17th. Main 3424. THREE or four nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms, good location, 390 H Jefferson st., cor. 10th. HOTEL SACRY, 545H 1st., furnished rooms, light housekeeping; reasonable; electric lights, caa. bath, phone. THE JHFFEESONIAN, 514 Jefferson St., 2 and 8-room suites, strictly modern, house. Main 5432. NEARLY new 5-room house, modem, shades, walking distance. 322 Hancock st. Phone E. 390O. TH E MI LNER, 350 Morrison, corner Park, modern housekeeping apartments, furnished or unfurnished. 468 TAYLOR Two neatly furnished houae keeplng rooms, good location, gas, phone; rent reasonable. TWO pleasant front rooms, furnished for st. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; good Iocs tlon ; hay window ; bath, gas, phone. 615 Yamhill. 354 SALMON One very desirable room fur nished for light housekeeping ; gas plate ; no children. NICE, clean housekeeping suites, from $10 up. 544 Pettygrove st., cor. lftth. Main 3540. BEAUTIFULLY lrcated bay-window, unfur nished 2-room suite in centrally located apartment-house, 305 H Jefferson, cor. Gth. DESIRABLE 4 rooms, completely furnished for housekeeping; lawn and porch; gas range. Woodlawn 1205, TWO rooms, completely furnished for house keeping, bath, gas and phone. 342 Clay St., cor 7th. Main 1799. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, rent very reasonable. 91 East 8th. near Washing ton. Phone East 3914. 3 OR 5 housekeeping rooms for rent at 351 Couch. Call before 6 P. M. By month only. THREE newly furnished housekeeping rooms, with bath. 85 North 17th st. Phone Main 6075. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 2 rooms, 1 small kitchen, modeftn, furnished. 432 Jefferson THE ELMS Housekeeping rooms, com pletely furnished 2 and 3- room suites Phone, bath, heat. 191 14th st. TWO nice ground-floor housekeeping rooms, close in. Inquire at Studio, 163 West Park. TWO very nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, $3 week; Union block, 91 H 1st st Apply room 18. TWO or three modern housekeeping rooms in private family; no children. 331 Market NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, light, phone, bath, every convenience; $8 and $12. 224 N. lttth st. COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping rooms; also sleeping rooms; modem convenience walking distance. 209 Tenth st. 430 STARK ST. Very pleasant front suite of housekeeping rooms, suitable for 2; va cant Wednesday. TWO rooms furnished for light housekeep ing, free phone and bath, nice yard. 331 14th st. THREE rooms, partly furnished, modern, choice neighborhood, close in, to adults. 249 Grand ave. North. TWO newly furnished rooms for housekeep ing, gas, bath and telephone. 332 Mill st. TWO housekeeping rooms for rent. 631 Morrison st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. Call at 269 7th st. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. 4.11 6th st. SUITE of 2 clean, nice' furnished rooms; gas. bath, nice location; $2.25. 72 N. 14th st. FOR RENT Housekeeping or bedrooms, close in; $2. 265 3d st. TWO suites housekeeping rooms, one mod ern; $2.50 and $5 per week. 208 4th st. TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent. 223 Pine st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 2 on first floor; rent reasonable. 392 4th st. 291 CROSBY, near Steel bridge, two rooms, gas range, modern house, all conveniences. FOR RFJXT Pleasant unfurnished rooms. Apply 500 Jefferson st. $12 2 unfurnished front rooms; light, bath, phone, garbage. 408 4th. near Harrison. WELL furnished housekeeping; rooms. 175 14th su NICELY furnished two-room suite. 667 Everett. NEAT 5-room cottage 10 E. 14th St.. between Ankeny and Bumside; fine location. 1 UNFURNISHED housekeeping; rooms, 326 1 fans. st. FOR RENT. keeping; Rooms. THE HOWL AND APARTMENTS, 631 Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot wa ter, free bath free phone, both floors; nice suites from $12 up. CLEAN, well furnished housekeeping rooms, small flat and 5-room cottage. West Side of river, si wees: eacn room; uniumished cot tage. $13 month. Room 31, 323 Wash ington. THE best housekeeping rooms lr the city for the money. $10 to $25 for two rooms. Strictly modern. The Glendora, 19th and Couch, one block from Washington. Phone Main 6280. Ill N. 18TH Most attractive. homelike ground--floor and upper suites; modern, rea sonable; walking distance; Nob Hill. Phone A 41M7. SUITE of two front rooms, nicely furnished for housekeeping. Alt conveniences, 210 13th st. 487 TAYLOR, near 14th st,. pleasant front housekeeping suite, upper floor, modern conveniences, $17. THREE very pleasant furnished rooms, facing wide veranda: phone, gas. rea sonable; references. Main 2100. PLEASANT housekeeping rooms; good gar den, fruit, bath, phone. Main 2266. 105 20th. SAVE searching. 202 14th. two nicely fur nished front rooms; gas range, bath, , phone, quiet; $25. 308 13TH ST. Housekeeping suite, modern conveniences; also small suite; no chil dren. FOR RENT Lower floor. 4 rooms and bath, completely furnished for housekeeping. M W. Park st. NICELY furnished rooms for housekeeping; gooa location; gas, phone and bath, oil Everett st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, very cen tral, electric light, phone and bath. 70 North 15th st. FURN7SHED housekeeping rooms, : cheap; gas plate, light, bed, phone free. 207 Sherman. Pacific 455. HOUSES FOR RENT, WEST SIDE. 6-room house. South Portland. $20. 4- room house. South Portland, $16 6-room house. South Portland, $15. 15-room house, Hoyt St., $60. 8-room house 23d st.. $40. EAST SIDE. 6- room house, Holladay Add.. $22.50. 5- room house, Rodney ave., $15. 7- FOom house, E. 27th St., $25. 5-room houae, one-half acre ground, plenty of fruit and yard for chickens, only $15. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, Third and Oak sts. WHEN YOU MOVE you always need SOME furniture. BUY AT NO-RENT prices; the sav ings will exceed cost of moving. WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING; oc cupy one-half: collect rent on balance. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO., Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone East 2929. FOR RENT HOUSES. 7-room house, near Steeel bridge, $15. 5-room house on Union ave., $12. 5-room cottage on Vancouver ave.( $13. 5-room riodorn house. Clackamas st. OTTO & HARKSON, 133 First st. 6-ROOM house. 790 Clinton. $15. 6- room cottage. 688 Belmont, $15. 7- room house,, ISO Grand ave. N-, $25. 9-room house, 745 Hawthorne. 6-room house, 834 First, $20. F. W. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock bldg. MODERN 7-room house, with block, beautiful home at Harold-ave. station on W.-W. car; rent $16. Information at premises. HOUSE of 14 rooms, suitable for boarding or rooming house; water in each rooms. 30 N. 17th st.f near Washington, Apply 53 N. 18th. corner Davis. 5-ROOM furnished cottage, called "Htllar den. on Columbia, east of Vancouver. Call owner. 1010 Board of Trade bldg., or phone evenings Mala 3297, A 5110. A MODERN 6-room notice, 129 17th et; also 7-room house, 195 15th st ; also stable. Call 4fl9 Clay st. Phone Main 2840. COTTAGE. 4 rooms, and stable for horses, at Centervllle, Wash. Call 469 Clay st. Phone Main 2840. DESIRABLE 6-room house, 448 East Ever ett. Inquire 601 East Morrison. Phone East 1619. FOR RENT Modern 5-room cottage, close in. East Side. $20; also one for $16. Inquire 4o8 Tillamook st. 12 ROOMS, upstairs. East Water and Washington, reasonable ient to good ten ant. F. O. Northrup, 315 Couch bldg. 6-ROOM cottage. $13 month; 7-room cot tage, $18; West Side river; will furnish $7 more. Room 31, 323 Washington. 6-ROOM cottage in Montavllla: newly kalso mined. bath, one block from carline; key at 428 Grove St.; $10. 8-ROOM modern house, pood condition. 124 East 15th st. Inquire 396 Taylor. Main 65&. TWO new. modern 6-room houses. Mississippi ave., between Fremont and Beech. 330 Grant, owner. NEW modern 7-room house, 145 East 27th, bet. Morrison and Belmont. Phone East 1308. PLEASANT 6-room upper flat, 2rt4 Stout at.; attic and basement. Take Canyon Road car. Inquire 260 Stout at. 6-ROOM house; bath, newly renovated. 311 2d st.. near Clay. Inquire 635 Chamber Commerce. FOR RENT Modern 11-roora house built for 2 families. 791 East Taylor st., corner of 25th st. Home phone C 1563. $25 Modern 6-room house, close In; good neighborhood. 14th, East Oak. Phone East 2409. MODERN 8-room house, newly tinted, 389 Harrison, near Park. Fairchlld, 175 East 15th bL. Phone East 2154. FOR RENT Good 8-room house, porcelain bath, gas, full basement, furnace. Apply at drugstore, corner 3d and Harrison. 6-ROOM modern residence. 38!) Weidler st., $20. Western Oregon Trust Co., 14 Cham ber of Commerce. MODERN 6-room house, cement basement, stationary tubs, furnace, lawn, Holladay Park; $22.50. East 4857. 7-ROOM modern bouse in Sunny side, partly furnished, gas range. Phone owner. Tabor 1226. WANTED By permanent tenant, modern 5-roora cottage, within walking distance of 5th and Washington. P 30. Oregonian. $20 6-room cottage, modern improvements, nice yard, good neighborhood. South Portland. Call Main 6323. MODERN 7-room house. newly tinted throughout; fine lawn. 931 East Flanders. Phone East 5852. 4-ROOM bouse for rent at 338 Ean 44th St.; $3 2 per month. Phone Tabor 3.t6. FOR RENT Modern house, 6 rooms. 1627 Peninsular ave. GOOD 6-room house for rent, with water, $12.50. 94 California St., Fulton car. A NICE 9-room house, $16 rent per month. 542 Karl st., near Brooklyn School. FOR RENT Modern 6-room cottage. 750 E). Salmon st.. near 23d. Home phone C 1503. 6-ROOM house in Sunnyslde. $10. Call at 311 Market st. Phone Main 7657. FOR RENT Houce of 7 rooms; bath, elec tricity. Call 425 7th. MODERN 6-room house for rent, 966 E. Glisan St.. first-class, furniture for sale. DESIRABLE 7-room house, close In, $25. Haver tic &. Gallagher, 343 Wash. st. 304 N. 24 TH ST., new 8-room house, $40 per month; references required. MODERN 6-room cottage. 89 West Park, near Stark. Inquire at 85 West Park. MODERN 6-room house on St. John carline. lot 100x150; $15. Call at No. 4 N. 6th st. $8 MONTH House of 4 rooms, large yard, in Sunnyslde. phone East 1346. WE rent houses and flats. Haverstic ft Gallagher. 843 H Washington st. 343 13TH ST 6-room house. Inquire 835 West Park at., or phone Main 42S5. 6 ROOMS, modern house. $20; cor. E. 8th and Davis. Apply 67 E. 9th N. MODERN 5-room house, call 732 East An keny. Phone B 1956. 231 MEADE, near First, 6 rooms. $14. all newly papered; key next door. Main 1015. FOR RENT. HOUSES FOR RENT. 9 rooms. 24 N. 24th St.. $oO. 6 rooma, 8Txi Savler st.. $20. 5 rooms, 6S3 Northrup St., $14. 12 rooms, 891 Seventh St.. $75. 9 rooms. 341 llth St.. $75, 6 rooms, 452 Market St.. $27.50, 5 rooms, 703 Hood St.. $15. 9 rooms, 642 Third sL. $50. ' 7 rooms. 628 Fifth St., $25. 6 rooms. 491 N. 22d st,, $17. 8 rooms. 455 N. 22d St.. $25. 9 rooms, 588 Main St.. $45. IO rooms. 37 12th St.. $30. 8 rooms. 353 12th su, $35. rooms. 306 17th St.. $15. 8 rooms, 234 Porter st.. $35. 6 rooms 129 N. 17th st.. $35. 5 rooms, 410 N. 23d St., $18- 5 rooms, 177 Sherman St.. $11. 8 rooms. 390 Jackson st.. $30. 10 rooms, 54 N. 16th St., $50. 6 rooms. 612 Front st.. $15. rooms, 772 Everett St.. $50. 6 rooms. 231 Meade st., $14. 10 rooms, 489 N. 22d St., $25. 6 rooms, 433 Davis St.. $16. FLATS. 5 rooms. SS6 Park st.. $25. 6 rooms,290H 12th at., $30. 6 rooms, 694S Irving St.. $30. 8 rooms, 70 Cornell st.. $30. 9 rooms, 404 Park St., $47.50. 6 rooms, 388 7th St., $35. 5 rooms, 3!0 7th M.. $35. 5 rooms. 613 Northrup at., $27.50. 6 rooms, 2T6 Nartllla St., $25. EAST SIDE HOUSES. T rooms, 860 East Main st.. $30. 6 rooms. 760 Minnesota, $20. 6 rooms, 634 East 3Ut St.. $21. rooms, 5S3 Clinton st. $25. 7 rooms, E. 13th and Salmon, $40. 7 rooms, 489 East Davte st., $28.50. 10 rooms. E. 7th and Everett sts., $26. 6 rooms, 716 E. Ankeny st.. $20. 6 rooms, 361 Ross St.. $20. PARR1SH, W ATKINS ft CO.. 250 Alder st. UP-TO-DATE new modern C-room house, gas. electricity, cement basement, walk ing distance. Phone Eart 2245. Furnished. Houses, FURNISHED HOUSES. $30 7-room house. 1 room reervH completely furnished, with the exception of some bedding and dishes. lOOtt Haw- inorne ave. $256 rooms comnletelv furnished. large grounds, all kinds of fruit. 1450 ave. wooaiawn. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 248 Alder Street. PARTY leaving city wishes to rent small, completely furnished house on Council Crest. modern !y convenient; dancing -room, large porches: cheap to responsible people. Phone Aiam aeof. 5-ROOM furnished cottage, corner E. 8th and Wygant sts., porcelain bath and elec tric ngnts; large lawn. roses, rnone pacific zjo. WELL furnished 6 or 8-room Nob Hill home;- moderate rent to careful tenant 706 Everett st. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room cottaee. cheap to parties without children. 376 rtoss st. TWO adults. July, August, part of furnished nouse, reasonaoie. iuo litn, cor. oc .Bel mont. FURN ISH ED 4-room cottage, with bath, basement and garden. 504 EL 30th. Cal Monday. $20 Completely furnished 5-room cottage. close in. East Side, neat and clean, bell wood 289. MODERN nice 6-room furnished house, lawn with roses, gas. bath, piano. 617 Powell st. laae rooKiyn car. inquire next door. 8-BOOM modern completely furnished house, 712 East Taylor; $40. F. W. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock bid. FURNISHED 5-room house, with gasrange and bath. Inquire 406 Freemont st. Union ave. car. FOR RENT for 2 or 3 months, furnished flat of 7 rooms. Call forenoons only, at Kth st. 6-ROOM cottage for rent until September; rent $io. inquire iz xvortn 1 1 tn unaay, between 11 and 4 o'clock. FURNISHED HOUSE Furnished 4-room bungalow and bath. 2 lots, near Mount scott car. inquire 1041 E. luth st., N. MODERN 6-room house elegantly furnished; a oargain to rignt party ior a year or more. iia Worcester oiag. FURNISHED 6-room cottage, modern con veniences. Call mornings. 87 East 17th. Phone East 2463. FOR RENT Furnished 6-room cottage at Oen terville. Wash.. $55. Phone 8356 morning. j&ey at 64b Yamhill st. FURNISHED 7-room house. 104 East 19th near Aldr, from July 11 to Sept. 1. Apply alter tr. m.. TO RENT 5-room furnished house, near carllne; nice yard; $25. 172 E. 32d st. FURNISHED 7-room house for rent. cor. ana tj. uavis. se-t iavis; 325. 8-ROOM furnished flat, alcove, bath and gas. inquire la n. 14th. MODERN 6-room house, furnished, low price. can at iw r isae St., university fetation, FOR RENT 4-room furnished cottage, two months' lease; reasonable. 342 n. 19th st NICELY furnished 5-room cottage for 2 monins. is. mm st. NICELY furnished 5-room lower flat, Knabe piano; $40. 686 Glisan. Phone Main 3547. NEW 6-room house, furnished. 772 E. Yam hill. Phone B 2465. East 3128. FOR RENT 7-room furnished house, nice yard. 663 oth st. Phone Main 20. MODERN 6-room house, close In. room 40. Washington bldg. Inquire 9-ROOM house, close in. Phone A 3558. Houses for Kent Furnitnrs tor Sals, FURNITURE 6-room flat, mahogany furni ture, velvet carpets, draperies. 2 rooms rented $au; rent .; must sell, account of sickness. 36 Park. Pacific 441. FOR SALE, cheap, furniture of and 8-room dressmaking business; must be disposed SACRIFICE sale furniture of 10 rooms in two connecting flats, or would sell separ ately: all in perfect order. 3C9 6th st. near Clay. NEW 5-room cottage for rent. 547 E. Davis: furniture for sale cheap. Phone E 2275, or can at ziz xtotncnua Dimaing. MODERN six-room house. Nob Hill, newly furnished; furniture for sale. A 59, Ore gonian. NEWLY furnished, 7 rcoms. 2474 Taylor, for sale cheap. Inquire at Cohn Bros. furniture to- Ju -ist. FOR SALE Elegant furniture of 6-room house, including piano at a sacrifice: leav ing city, house for rent. 681 East Stark. FOR SALE "Furniture of 9-room house, fine location for email rooming-house; reasonable. Jt 06, oregonian. 7-ROOM nicely furnished flat for sale at 432 Jefferson st. FURNITURE of 6-room house for sale cheap, 266 Hall st.; house for rent cheap. 9 ROOMS, good furniture, central, rent $30, rooma rented. Phone Pacific 253. FURNITURE cf 5-room cottage at a sacri fice; leaving city; rent $18. 106 llth st. NEWLY furnished 7 rooms, good location, for sale cheap. 180 First st. FURNITURE of 6-room cottage for sale. 84 West Park, near Stark. Summer Resorts. SIX-ROOM furnished house at Gearhart Park. Or- Inquire Mr. Wills, Main 6688. A 5515. LOTS and cottages for sale, 4 cottages for rent, Gearhart Park. D. J. Durand. Gear hart, Or. 4-ROOM cottage, 1 block from the ocean. 839 Williams. FOR RENT 4-room cottage. Sawvlew Ridge. 659 Northrup. Phone Pacific 873. 7-ROOM furnished cottage. Ocean Ridge, Seaside, Or. Phone Main 467 or A 3645. FURNISHED cottage for rent for season at Long Beach. 487 E. Pine. B 1006. GE RAH ART On golf links, 5-room furnished cottage. Phone Main 1754. 2S8 16th at. COTTAGE for rent at Seaside. Apply 692 Pettygrove st. Phone Main 4191. 4-ROOM cottage at Seaside, city water. Par ticulars call at store, 216 N. 23d st. THE prettiest 6-room cottage in Ocean Park; T f?!Pl6tel furDlhed: s Oregonian. FOR RENT Small furnished cottage at Sea aide. Phone East 182. Call mornings. : SEASIDE 5-room house and lot. only $450. B. F. Bteveas, Seaside, Or. FOR RENT. Summer Resort. FIVE-ROOM furnished cottage, five blccVe north of Seaview. wasn. ; best locaticn on Long Beach. Bargain at $1100; sea son's rent, $100. Pacific 1390 after Mon day. LARGE 5-room Summer home for rent, at Cannon Beach, well furnished, will ac commodate 10 or 12 people. Walter As Gregory. 1000 Williams ave. Phone Wood lawn 1014. FOR SALE At Tioga. North Beach, de- ' sirabie. cottage, well furnished, with a lota, on ocean front: stone fireplace and all conveniences. Apply H. Dickson. 122 3d st. LOVELY 4-room cottage for rent at Shel- uum oration, neatly rurniwieo, nne jim-m-tion. good water and a yard full of nice hade trees. Addrts box lo7, Uwaco, Wash. TIOGA, unusually attractive well-fumlshed cottage. 7 rooms. modern conveniences, large grounds, ocean front, choice neigh borhood. Phone East 414. FOR RENT At Seaview. Wash.. 7-room bungalow, four blocks from the beach, furnished, $10O. O. R. Stout, Seaview, Wash. A FINE Seaside 7-room cottage, (furnishert) rronting tne ocean, best location, for part or whole season. Apply to Andrew Kan Co. TIOGA, unusually attractive well furnished ottage. t rooma modern conveniefv large grounds, ocean front, choice ne; uunioou. f none r.nsi FOR RENT Furnished cottage at Lon& Beach, on railroad, near station: season s rental $75. Call up Main 1177. A 263.'.. on Monday and thereafter for full particulars LONG BEACH cottage, close to beach. 6 rooms, all furnished, $50 for season. Phone Tabor 16H3, Sunday, or call 273 Morrison. Monday p. M. BARGAIN! BARGAIN! 6-room flat, furnished, cost new $1000 a year ago ; will sell for hai f price. 560 tfc 6th st.. upstairs. FOR SALE at Seaview. Wash., 4-room house and 50xl0 lot; furnished, V block from beach: $930; terms. Phil G. Stout, Seaview, Wash. SEASIDE-. Or. Best camping grounds, aim f urn ished rooms, beaut if ul yard. Apply Mrs. Fannie Austin, Main St.. south Mc- Gulre Hotel. FOR SALE or rent, 3 new Summer houses at Gearhart Park. 6 rooms each, furnisher! complete, easy terms. Seneca C. Beach, i2 1st st. Both phones. NICELY furnished 6-room cottage at Lone; Beach; reasonable price. Inquire Mrs. Bautngarten, 2C2 Front St. Phone Paciflo 274. FOR RENT Completely furnished housekeep ing rooms, also furnished tents. Address Miss Emma Shepard, Sea View, Wash. COM M PORTA RLE furnished cottage at Long Beach, 1 blocks from station. Apply 781 Kearny. Phone Pacific 311. SEA VIEW, new cottage, near beach, handsomely furnished. Ideal Summer home, reasonable. Phone A 4460. 7-ROOM furnished cottage, ocean view; good water; $65. Centervllle, Long Beach. Phone Main 3457. ROOMS and board and small cottage; tent. for rent. Mrs. Emma Matthews. Ocean Park. Wash. TWO new houses completely furnished at Long Beach. Phone Tabor 681. Address L 46 Oregonian. FOR RENT Three new 5-room cottages at Gearhart Park; furnished: reasonable prices. Seneca C. Beach, 92 1st at. Both phones. SEAVIEW Remodeled 7-room house, fur nished, fireplace, good water. Apply 315 llth. Main 1147. FOR RENT Comfortable furnished cottage at Seaview. Wash., near beach. Phone Main 17, A 1813. FOR RENT 3-room furnished cottage. Ocean Park, Wash. Phone afternoon Main 6348. East 6023. SEASIDE Completely furnished cottage. conveniently located, readv for occupancy, f reasonable. B 172S, 186 East 1.1th st FOR SALE) 5-room nicely furnished cottage at Ocean Park. $500: terms if desired. Ad dress 180 East 14th. Phone East 5610. LONO BEACH. Wash., small comfortably furnished cottage for July. Apply 300 Jefferson. Telephone A 5.'U5. FOR RENT at Seaview. 6-room cottage, furnished. $150; one block from beach. P. G. Stout, Seaview. Wash. WANTED For month August. small fur nished cottae at Seaside; state particulars. R 63, Oregonian. WANTED 2 or 3 furnished housekeeping rooms or part of house at Seaside, small rent. R 63, Oregonian. MODERN 7-room furnished cottage, ocean front, central location. Seaside, Or. O 67, Oregonian. FOR RENT The Iwis cottage at Seaside; 5 rooms, city water; terms reasonable. AB 321 East 34th st. Phone Tabor 16o9. FOR RENT or for sale. S-room cottap. Gearhart Park, new built and furnished. Address 656 Union ave. N. Phone E 2715. 5-ROOM cottage, well furnished, at Gear hart Park. Or.; rent reasonable. Y 53, care Oregonian. FOR RENT One furnished room on the ridge at Sea View. Wash. Phone Tab or 763. FOR RENT 4-room cottage at Long Beach, near Newton, furnished. Phone Main 1614 or A 1614. FOR SALE, $600, or rent. $85, completely furnished cottage at Gearhart. Call or phone Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. FOR RENT 5-room cottage at Gearhart, nicely situated and well furnished. Phone Pacific 543. FURNISHED modern 6-room cottage, over looking ocean, for rent at Seaside. Phone East 2829. FOR RENT Four-room cottage at Sea view. Wash., for July or season. Phone C 1810. MRS. SARAH CHAMBERLAIN", private board and rooms; home cooking. Long Beach, Wash. FURNISHED cottage at Seaview. Wash. Main 6071. 655 Savier st. FOR RENT 3 nice cottages at Ing Beach. Inquire Gilbert Tinker. Long Beach, Wash. Stores. FOR RENT Brick building. 20x100. suit able for bakery and restaurant, general merchandise, billiard hall or moving pic tures; best location in Woodburo. Or. Inquire 1041 E. 19th st. N., Portland. STORE and 4 rooms, suitable for confec tionery ice cream parlor or poolroom. $'5 per month. 801 Front St., cor. Glbbs. In quire within. 1 2-STORY brick building. 25x100 feet. on Front, bet. Yamhill and Taylor sts. Apply 183 Madison st. CORNER STORE. 50x100, basement 100x100, Merrill bldg.. 7th and Oak. Apply Mer rill, 108 7th st. FOR RENT 2-story and basement build ing, suitable for laundry or light raanu - facturing. Phone East 2407. FOR RENT Two stores or. Yamhill St.. in the new Masonic Temple. Inquire at grand secretary's office in tht temple. 127 11TH. near Washington: rear entrance, basement, cheap rent. Woodward, loi 2d st. STORE 131 Grand ave.. near East Morrison, brick building. V. Schmld. 105 Grand ave. 352 3D ST. Store for rent with two living rooms. Offices. LARGE office. Stark st.. between Front and 1st., can be divided Into three offlres. Apply to H. W. McCorquodale, 95 Front st., cor. Stark. COURT rooms, $12.50 ud; outside rooms on Washington or Fifth $20 up. 315 S wet land bldg. OFFICE rooms on Washington St., opp. Olds. Wortman & King's. Inquire at 3u3 Washington. OFFICES to rent in the Worcester and Hamilton buildings at moderate rate. Ap ply to Robert Strong, 710 Ccrbett bldg. GROUND FTOOR desk room, furnished or unfurnished, both phones included. $15 to $20. Sengstake Lyman. 90 Fifth st. SOME of the finest kind of office room and desk room for rent; most reasonable rates. 320-327 Corbett bldg. VERY desirable desk or office room, reason able. 339 Chamber of Commerce. THE MILNER, 850 Morrison, offices on second floor, large rooms, reasonable.