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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1908)
9 THE .SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 14, 1908., HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS, 1ft years and over, to work In fac tory. Apply at once. Ames-Harris-NeViila Co., 6th and Davia st. WANTED TODAY. Cook for Summer resort, 40 to fV), fare pairl ; 8 rwk for boarding-house and private families, country and city, wages $25 to $4; ; chambermaid. $2r to J.M, rnom and board; lo waitresses. $25 to $.io; several girls for general houeework, $1.0 to others. Large lint of new positions daily. Office Open Sunday 8 to 11:30 A. M. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. LadWW Department. 2u5 Morrison Bt. U'OK-TKNLHR, day; 2 bridge carpenters. $:t dav; yard tallyman, $2.50; hotel porter, .; and found; kitchen help, sawmill help. Home logger. K. R. work: free lare to Cali fornia, Oregon and Washington ror team sters, laborers and rock men. Othero. J. R. HANSEN, JR. iW N. I'd St. SKIRT AND JACKET HANDS. Thoroughly experienced and competent people wanted at once. OLDS, WOIITMAX & KING. WANTED Good reliable girl to do general housework and cooking; 2 In family; Irving ton. C 137::. GOOD home fr congenial young lady to con valescent; two adults, boy 5 years: must be K-Hjd plain cook; general vusewoik for ftmall cottage; most washing ent out. Cal. 109 Arvin at., 1 block north Stuart's Sta tion. Mt. Scott carline. $2 PER DAY paid one lady In each town to distribute circulars and take orders for Concentrated Flavors and Toilet Prepara tions in tubes. Permanent business. J. S. Ziegler &. Co., Chicago. WANTED Bright young1 lady, experienced and accurate at figures, to act as cashier in large establishment; must have good references; Irish or Jewish preferred. Ap ply C 20, Oregonian. WANTED Owners of kodaks In small towns who are well acquainted in their viclnttv to act af our correspondents; no soliciting. Send stamp for particulars. Homer Howry. Lo Angeles, Cal. W A NT R D Girl for - general housework. Family of three. Must be good cook, for which right wages will be paid. Call after t I. M.. today or before noon Monday. 811 Kearney st. . WANTED Ladies to mak-3 aprons; 13.60 dozen. No cost to get work. Materials sent prepaid. Inclose stamped addressed enve lope. Home Apron & Dress Co., Los An geles, Cal. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 843 Wash. st.. cor. 7th. upstalra. phones. Main and A 2092 Help Supplied Free to Employers. WANTED Competent woman for general housework, no washing, small tamlly ; wages $30 to $35 per month. Apply i83 Flanders at VOiilJE SCHOOL OF MILLINERY Now is the time to take a course in millinery. A thorough course in 4 weeks. 3.0 Stark, cor. W. Park. WANTED Middle-aged lady for ou'e work wages $25 per month and boards fare paid from Portland. Call or address Mrs. Joseph Kosydar. Siletz, Or.- WANTED Good stenographer, perfect spell ing and punctuation; must be rapid and exact; if these qualifications are lacking don't apply. B 2 4, Oregonian. SALESWOMEN. Reliable and experienced saleswomen wanted in several departments. OLDS. WORTMAN & KINO. L DY SEWERS Make sanitary belts at home; materials furnished; $15 per hun dred Particulars stamped envelope. Dept. 554, Dearborn Specialty Co., Chicago. W NT ED Experienced girl for general housework or inexperienced one willing to Uarn; small family, good home. Phone Main 6021. - MVNAGER for new enterprise who can In vest $2."00. capable of handling sales man; salary $150 and commission. A D-o, Oregonian. WNTKD A girl to work on a farm. THe I hone East 2100. 351 East 12th South. Call bet. 11 and 12 today. CVPMtLlO girl for cooking and general hnuse voYk; family 2. Call 45 S. iHth at. Phone Main 3u95. ST I.OPIS LADIES EMPIjOYMENT OF FICII, 2"on, Yamhill: good help and situ ations; all "kinde. Main 5413. E LESLADY to call on soda fountain trsde; 'n,nFt have good references; good salary to right party. 45-47 Union ave. N MARLY furnished restaurant to rent for board of one; snap. Apply Monday, room ;il Raleigh bl.lg.. 323 Washington. GIRL or woman for genera' housework; elderly couple, no children; American pre ferred. li.11 Lownsdale st. WANTED Experienced cook and second s i r I. city re f e re noe requ I red . Apply 2:; I 7th st.. corner Main. HELP WANTED MALE OR FKMALR, LADY or gentleman wanted with common school education, who has $60O rash for ft position of trust; salary $12im and 25 per cnt of profits. The best opportunity on tho Coast. Call 47, 350 Morrison st. Investigate. TEACHERS High school. $60 to $85: high er grades, $."iu to $70; commercial. $75; principal?. $75 to $10o. Payne-Flsk Teach ers' Agency, 1210 Williams ave. Both phones WANTED Man and wife to work on farm and manage same; close to city ; those that have done similar work on the Coast preferred. Fiwlman Bros., 489 Overton, between 13th and 14th. WA NT ED Few salesmen and salesladies; must be well acquainted In this city. Call Monday U-Need-a Leather Tire Cover Co.. Inc.. nth and Everett. AM AT EC R or professional at tors of good character. Summer vacation. seashore. Drnmatlc Club. 6o;l Goodnougli bldg. ECLECTIC BUSINESS UNIVERSITY makes vnunr people happy with good positions. ii2 Worcester block. Phone Main 4504. WANTED First-class ladles tailors, male or female. Call at 420 Morrison. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WA NTED Situation by Eastern man of large experience as accountant, statistician or cashier, with prospect of advancement and permanency. Address W., room 511, Fenton bldg. WANTED Position, have had 15 years' ex perience In general merchandise. No ob jections to going out of city. R 3, Orego nian, YOUNG man. experienced in banking busi ne. .. best of references, desire position in country town. a a. i. oregonian. siTi'vnov bv active and experienced book keener and office man; bank references. X 0. Oregonian. YOUNG man with 4 years experience as bo.kkrepcr and collector, wants position; references furnished. W 8. Oregonian. YOUNG man. fair stenographer, wishes to do licht office work evenings; salary no object. E 13. Oregonian. WANTED A position by young married man, with 5 years' banking experience in the East. 9-1 Minnesota. AN experienced salesman and collector, with horse and bugsy, would like position with wholesale house. R 15, Oregonian. BY young man as solicitor or traveling salesman ; ten years' of office and out side experience. AE 17. Oregonian. Bookkeeper, capable of taking fun charge of office; also handling men. AD 1 8. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, 3 years old. college graduate, wishes position in or out of town. L 17. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by expert and reliable accountant and office manager, phone pacific 2185. SITUATION w-anted by expert bookkeeper and office manager. Phone Pacific 2)h. BY hoy 16, position in drugstore to study pharmacy. J 7, Oregonian. ENERGETIC young man desires work in of fice; state w ages given. AB 7, Oregonian. - SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. POSITION in office by well-educated man 32 years of age; can do bookkeeping or steno graphic work If necessary; good buslnew experience; 2 years in charge supply de partment of railway; of refined habits and excellent references; progressive and with fair knowledge of the world, having trav eled extensively at home and. abroad. Y 17, Oregonian. BY an A-l dry goods, furnishings, clothing and shoe- man. position as buyer or man ager by August 1. Good window trimmer, card writer, advertising and all-around man; beat of reference, steady, sober and energetic single; age 24. Will not con sider anything except steady position. At present employed. F 25, Oregonian. ENERGETIC young man, age 25 of good education and I'ossesslng executive abil ity, desires position with local firm, pre ferably In claim department or as assist ant to credit man. Ia employed at pres ent and can furnish highest references, both local and Eastern. C 25, Oregonian. WANTED A permanent position by thorough ly competent stenographer and bookkeeper; several years of city experience in law and general office work; can furnish best of city references. Phone Wood lawn 2296. Ad dress V 11. Oregonian. YOUNG man as collector and general office assistant; four years' experience; good penman and can operate typewriter; can furnish references; wfoh position with chance for advancement. H IS, Oregonian. WANTED A change, by thoroughly compe tent bookkeeper, cashier and office man; competent to take full charge of office; best references and bond; city or country. A F 10, Oregonian. CLERICAL work, collecting or any outside work, by neat, sober, industrious married man 20; 6 years' experience in clerical work; bank references. AB 5, Oregonian. Miscellaneous, WANTED Position with . real estate firm where earnest and conscientious services will be reciprocated by reasonable promotion. I am 23 years of age, A-l bookkeeper and stenographer, can take charge of office or handle your correspondence; in fact, my ability will fit in almost anywhere, and I desire an all-around position which requires business tact and a general personality. Can furnish references and bond. 0 6, Oregonian. A SPECIALIST in livestock, poultry-raising and fruit-growing would like to correspond with panic in these lines who are In need of superintendent or foreman, in Oregon, Washington or Idaho. D 11. Oregonian. COAL and gas ranges cleaned and repaired at your own home; made like new by ex pert workman; reasonable charges. AE 11. Oregonian. YOUNG man, practical machinist, 5 yearti Eastern experience in gas engines and au tomobiles wants position. Address H 9, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED Japanese couple want posi tions; man first-class cook and wife good wcond girl; family or hotel. R 10, Ore gonian. SITUATION wanted by a single middle-aged man as janitor or assistant or similar work; understand horses and cows, gardening. T 8. Oregonian. YOUNG man wants position in meat market; two and a half years' fxperience; steady end no boozer; city preferred. Phone Main 4788, or address 226 Park St.; references if required SITUATION wanted by a first-class general blacksmith and heavy forger, lias nau charge of some of the best shops. Best of references. A D 9. Oregonian. . . UPHOLSTERER and carpet man wants posi tion in furniture store. W. E. Brown, 352 Grand ave. YOUNG man of 22, experienced as salesman and solicitor, desires employment; high school education. Address O 15, Oregonian. WANTED Position in drugstore or whole sale druggist's. Pay no object. several years experience at prescription work. A E 9. Oregonian. POSITION as night watchman by middle- aged married man; best city reterence; strictly temperate. AE 18, Oregonian. MBATC UTTER wants position in city or country. Phone East 1669. F. Snyder, 404 Ei. Washington st. GOOD Japanese man cook, and wife second work, want positions. r. aa. si. facinc 11S2. SALESMAN Several years' experience in general merchandise, wants position, city or country. A B 3, Oregonian. WANTED Situation in priming office by ex perienced young man. Will Hera, loo 13th st., Portland. A FILIPINO of 18 wants a poMtlon as new boy in notei; gooa rererences. u j, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Chinese cook wants position, restaurant, hotel and boarding-house. Home phone A 3632. ENERGETIC young married man 25 years of age wants employment at anything; can give good references. P 5, Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese wants situation to do housework or dishwashing. Address 249 1st st. JAPANESE civil engineer, graduate of Uni versity. United States, with experience, wants position. AB 11, Oregonian. STEAM FITTER wants situation to do power or heating work; have long experience; can estimate and lay out work. S 8, Oregonian. MAN and wife, wish work on ranch, where practical man is wanted. O 8. Orego nian. MIDDLE-AGED man. American, lives here, good with horses, wants work of any kind; no liquor. Y 16. Oregonian. WATCHMAKER and jeweler wants position, own tools. Willamette Valley town pre ferred. R 1. Oregonian. POSITION wanted as railway bridge and building man; good references. Address G. Allen, Hotel Houston, Portland. CORE AN youth wants position as check, bellboy and any kind hctel work. O 5, Oregonian. WANTED Position as shipping clerk; thre years' experience in Eastern city. E 8, Oregonian. WINDOW CLEANING, floors redressed and polished. Main 6573 early morning, even ing K. 122 7th. J A PANEs K boy wants to do housework. Pac. lso7. 2."2 1st st. FIRST-CLASS cement finisher wants work. Address H. Oedding. Front and Madison sts. WANTED Situation by good all-around cook In city. Phone Pacific 843. JAPANESE Employment Office, male and female. 249 Couch at. Phon Main A521. BAKER, bread or cake, wants situation, city or country. P 7. Oregonian. Japanese Employment Co. furnishes all kind help. 268 Everett. Main 465. A 4073. WANTED A few more bills to collect. W fl, Oregonian. NEW yards finished for lawns, grading and seeding. Phone Tabor 1175. (SITUATION WANTED ITMALB. Bookkeepers and Stenograph era. BEGINNER. 34 years old, desires position as stenographer and general helper. Sal ary $3o. Have machine. A D 8, Orego nian. YOUNG woman, quick, accurate and neat, wants clerical position; not afraid of work; would supply. V 8. Oregonian. lany astres position as stenograph- i or or i-oj.vii, ju uo uusuiui worn, xj ) 24, Oregonian. FOR a good stenographer, experienced or be ginner, phone Clerical Office, Main 4504. Tested and certified. COMPETENT stenographer and general office assistant deslrta position; can furnlch A-l references. Address Y 4, Oregonian. $25 MONTH to start; stenographer, type writer wants position; reliable, references. Phones: A 5454, Main 5558. EXPERIENCED stenographer and general of fice woman desires permanent position; city references. AC 6, Oregonian. YOUNG lady desires work In office; under stands stenography; permanent or tem porary; references. A D 16, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY stenographer, experienced, wants position; able to work for small sal ary. L 16. Oregonian. GOOD bookkeeper, knowledge of shorthand. d'Vlres permanent or substitute position; references. M 16. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer and bookkeeper desires permanent position; city, references. Phone Main 2991. COPYWORK abstracts; circulars and en velopes. Reasonable. Main 2476. POSITION wanted by young lady in office; salary no object. F 10, Oregonian SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenographer wants position with chance for advance ment; moderate salary to begin. Phone Sellwood 1130. ACCURATE, experienced stenographer de sires position at once. Phone A 1S56, 11 to 12 Sunday. Room 25. Dressmakers. ART LA MODE. 181 6th St.. oppostt the Portland, Main 3378. A 5326. High-class ladies' tailoring department, gowns and wedding trousseaus; special prices this week lor commencement dresses. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the day; charges reasonable. Phone A 4X)7. 61 Taylor. DRESSMAKER Tailor and evening gowns, $2 per day this month. Pacific 238, Of 294 Jefferson st. SEWING wanted by the day by an experi enced woman. Address or call 653 Washing ton st., Portland. DRESSMAKER and talloress will make en gagements by the day. Phone Woodlawn 176. DRESSMAKING, tailoring and alterations at home ; city references. Mrs. Frost, 414 5th st. A 1522- LADY would like to do plain sewing, darn ing, mending by day. Phone East 3637. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker would like engage ments by the day. Phone Pacific 495. EXPERIENCED drewimaker will make a few engagement In families. Main &HoS. SHIRTWAISTS made to order. 3u9 7th st Housekeepers. BY a mlddleaged Eastern lady, as house keeper In hotel or first-class rooming-house; long experience and best references. Phone Pacific 2060. W 18, Oregonian. COMPETENT lady wishes position as house keeper for elderly people or In widower's family; good home more object than wages. O 6, Oregonian LADY with little girl 6 years old wishes posi tion as housekeeper or care of children to a family going to the Coast for the Sum met. R 2, Oregonian. REFINED, capable woman wants care gentleman's home, young men's club or position of ,U'ust ; best references. A 25, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman desires to assist with housework and care of child; small wages. A 24, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman from the Eaet would like position as housekeeper for widower. S 10, Oregonian. LADY wishes position as housekeeper; city preferred. Address Mrs. L. M. C. 1645 East 21st St., Sell wood. MIDDLE-AGED widow lady wishes position In widower's family as housekeeper; thoroughly competent. Mount Tabor, 2i9 Bast 36th st. WIDOW wants position as housekeeper on ranch; good cook. Y 6, Oregonian. NURSING wanted, terms reasonable. A 3956 A GOOD woman wants situation to do house work in small family. 282 3d ui. GOOD Japanese girl wants position to do housework In family. R 10. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED By a university graduate, a po sition as companion or governess; would be willing to go to the beach. Address F 9, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS. laundress wants work for Wednesday and Thursday; fine dresses and shirt walsta taken home. Phone Main 6713. WOMAN wants work cleaning or washing, by day or half-day. Mrs. Ashley, Phone Pacific 1357. MUSIC lessons; price reasonable and satisfac tion guaranteed; 15 years' experience; will visit your home. N 8, Oregonian. GIRL wants place to do cooking and general housework; wages $35 to $40 per month. A B 17. Oregonian. YOUNG woman wishes day work laundry or sweeping; strictly reliable; references if necessary. B 19, Oregonian. WOMAN wants work by day for Monday, Tuesday and Thursday; no half days; ref erences. Woodlawn 1611. REFINED married lady wotfld go to coast as companion, or assist with children; ref erences exchanged. M 14, Oregonian. COMPETENT and reliable chambermaid wants work in private family; city ' ref erences. A D 17, Oregonian. WANTED Place for girl of 14 years as nurse girl; small wages.. A0 12, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED city teacher will instruct pu pils of primary or grammar grades, y 7, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY gives private lessons in grammar grade studios, music, drawing. Reduced rates. Main 81 S3. BY good woman, situation to go to boach In small genteel family ; good housekeep er; highest references. N 6. Oregonlnn. YOUNG lady wishes place to work in private family; also privilege of practicing ,on piano and some fee. B 23. Oregonian. LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched. 40 cents per pair. Phones Main 8574 and A 43'S7. A LADY wishes washing and Ironing or housecleanlng. B 25, Oregonian. LA DY wants work In printing office: some knowledge of linotype. O 4, Oregonian. WANTED Washing and house cleaning. Phone Pacific 2024. Room 12. TEACHER wants work, no objections to country A 22. Oregonian. YOUNG WOMAN wants chamber work. Call Main 4429. LADY'S barber shop; halrcuttlng 25c. 12 North 4th and Burnside sts. WOMAN would like chamber work in ropm-Ing-housn part of day. S 9, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants any kind of work by the day. Phone Main 4513. WANTED Laundry and other day work. Phone Tabor 1175. LADY wants day work housecleanlng and washing. Call B 133R. EXPRRT hou sec leaner, male, rapid, thorough; references. H. lonedale. 108 12th st. A 1339. COIjORBD woman wants laundry by day, Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Call M 140. Out of a Job The ' ' out-of-a-job ' 9 man can quickly find employment if he ad vertises in The Oregonian. There are many enmployers in Portland anxious to secure the services of men and women in all branches of business. Most of them wisely use the "want'' columns of The Ore gonian, and take their pick of the applicants. You can take your piekf of jobs if you do as the employer does and advertise. Tell your qualifications in a "want" ad and you will be surprised at the many business houses who need help such as you can give. You can, of course, apply for a position from door to door, or office to office, but that takes time and carfare, and the ehances are you won't be listened to. You will be listened to, however, if you advertise in The Oregonian "Situations Wanted" columns. Ilun dreds of business men read these ads eagerly every morning, and your ad will receive respectful attention, and, if worded properly, you will be in a position to pick our job. ' In this way you j)' ace your application for that is what the ad will be before a large audience of employers, an audience that could not be reached in any other way. Your name need not appearin the ad. It can be addressed care of The Oregonian, and no one but your self will know who the applicant is. A rate of 1 cent a word is made for "Situation "Wanted" ad-vertisements. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. POSITION wanted by experienced sales woman and buyer of suits, cloaks, furs and ready-to-wear garments for women and children; capable of taking charge of large department; Eastern and Coast ref erences. Address box 215, Fresno. Cal. WELL-EDUCATED woman of good fam ily wants position as governess, compan ion or managing housekeeper. Address A. M., 1209, Tyler st.. Topeka, Kan. A YOUNG lady (teacher) wishes to teach small children during vacation ; no objec tion to country. Main 8275 or C 17, Ore gonian. AN experienced teacher wants tutoring, any grade, public or high school, or would, care for children at hotel or at the coast; ref erences furnished. 409 Taylor st. LADY wants work in a private family to cook breakfast and lunch and do up morn ing work from 7:30 until 1 o'clock. Pacific 3060. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS This is what everybody has been waiting for; the (new style. 19uS) Imperial self-healing flat iron ; new invention; sells its If ; beautifully made; nickel plated; al ways hot; always clean; costs only c per hour to operate; all housewives, dress makers, tailors and laundries buy on sight; both men and wonten agents coining money; some positively making $20 a day; Lsr su perior to charcoal, carbon, gasoline, gas or electric Irons; no attachments; tine for light cooking. Write at once for particulars and territory. Imperial Co., 119 S. Spring tt., 1 Angeles. Cal. BIG mnr;-y can be made by men and wo men canvassing for subscriptions for the American Boy, toe best magazine for boys in the world. There is a boy in nearly every home and all parents want thefr boys to have it. The cash com mission is large, and each month wa distribute cash prizes besides. Write to day to the Sprague Publishing Co., 7th floor Majestic bldg., Detroit, Mich. ONE exclusive agent for every town to take orders for made-to-measure suits for men and women; $100 monthly or more easity earned; sample outfit, 250 styles newest woolens, in handsome carrying case, free of cost. Opportunity to establish prosper ous and growing business without Invest ment; full instructions with every outfit. Apply today. The Eagle Tailoring Co., Dept. 34. 212-21 S Franklin st., Chicago. AGENTS Summer resor,. Decoration Day, Fourth of 'July and campaign buttons, badges, canes, pennants, confetti, postal cards of all kinds; Mexican spiders, feath er dusters, paper sunflowers and rosettes, the latest fad: 2000 different novelties for fairs, celebrations and carnivals. Write for illustrated catalogue. W. F. Miller, 158 Park Row, New York. AGENTS Summer resort, Decoration Day, Fourth of July and campaign buttons, badges, canes, pennants, confetti, postal cards of all kinds; Mexican spiders, feath er dusters, paper sunflowers and rosettes, tho latest fad; 2000 different novelties for fairs, celebrations and carnivals. Write for illustrated catalogue. W. F. Miller, 15S Park Row, New York. A RICH opportunity in a unique field for first-class solicitors, salesmen and broad gauge men In general. Immediate earnings as high as $750 a week; renewals assure steadily increasing income; positions of district manager open; if equal to the big gest and best, write. Small potatoes keep away; not insurance. Caribbean Com pany. 42- Broadway. New York. WANTED Wide-awake and reliable sales men ; liberal terms; excellent territory ; outfit furnished free; a good opening. For particulars address with references. Ore gon Nursery Company. Salem, Or. AGENTS Will you spend 50c to make $1? Will you sell goods for 100 per cent profit? Will you solicit orders? If so, start In business for yourself. Address Itegal Reg istery Co., 277 Broadway, N. -Y. AGENTS to sell an easy-selling line of skirts, waists and petticoats and household goods on the Installment plan; liberal com missions and big money for hustlers. F. D. Sherman. 262 3d. AGENTS make $103.50 per month selling wonderful self -sharpening, patented scis sors and cutlery. V. E. Giebner sold 22 pairs In 3 hours, made $13; you can do It; we show how; free outfit. Thomas Mfg. Co.. 500 Fourth st,, Dayton. O. SPECIAL AGENT WANTED -$75 weekly and expenses easily made selling our pop ular combination policies and appointing agents; experience unnecessary. Write Oscar Ekman, 313 Eitel Bldg., Seattle, Wash. PORTRAIT AGENTS Our oil carbonette, the great success portrait, costs less, de liver" stire; pastels or crayons. Write I'llmer portrait Co.. 705 New Era Bldg., Chicago. Ill AGENTS wanted for city and country to take orders for Pomrll. the new temperance drink, also for all kinds of sodas; liberal commission ; special Inducement to agents owning delivery wagons. Call 800 Savler st. AGENTS wanted to solicit orders for re volving, hall-hearing, wind signs ; big money for hustlers; made In sizes from 10 Inches to 8 feet In length. Albright Sign Company. Muncle, Ind. WANTED 850 men to call tomorrow and get your shoes shlned free at tho Model barber shop; shaving Id cents; hair cut ting 2T cents. The finest 12-chair shop in the city, til 6th st. AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If so. we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salsm. Or. AGENTS wanted to handle biggest money making fire extinguishers; special start ing offer; exclusive territory; $75 to $;t00 per month. Badger Chemical Mfg. Co., Milwaukee. Wis. AGENTS $30O every month sure selling our wonderful 7 -piece kitchen set ; send for sworn statement of $12 daily profit; nut fit free. Thomas Mfg. Co.. 300 Jefferson st., Dayton. Ohio. FREE SAMPLES of our many unpful articles are sent to lady agents; liberal commis sion. Edwards Skirt Supporter Co., Buf falo, N. Y. AGENTS wanted. Royal Dry Shampoo. 100 per cent prot; every offer a sale; some thing new. welcome everywhere. Royal Dry Shampoo Co., New York. WANTED Two or three good men for a proposition that is never turned down ; good contract, exclusive territory. 40 Ralolgh bldg. AGENTS to sell automatic screen door catches and checks ; exceptional proposi tion: sample catch postpaid. 25c. Auto Catch Co., Chicago. WANTED Agents, legitimate substitute for slot machines, patented; sells on sight for $1. Particulars, Gisha Co., Anderson. Ind. AGENTS You can know about the profits made supplying perfumes to families. Ad dress Leffler & Co.. St. Louis. Mo. OUR agents are happy, prosperous and mak ing big money. Will you be one of them? H. G. Newton. Coronado, Cal. WANTED AGENTS. AGFJNT wanted; profits. D 20, most have $500 cash; big Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. YOUNG business man desires nicely-furnished room and breakfast and evening dinner in desirable private home; West Side; select neighborhood; please give rates and par ticulars. Address R 19. Oregonian. ROOM AND BOARD, two ladies. private family. rate very reasonable; Willamette station, St. John line. 1277 Burrage st. WOULD take exquisite care of nice home dur ing alusence of family for Summer; mot,her and grown son; best references. AB U, Ore gonian. 5-ROOM flat or part of house permanently, by couple emploed during the day; modern, with fireplace; not over $25. call Sunday; phone Pacific 248. WANTED Small furnished cottage or flat for Summer or longer; adults: reasonable. Ad dress at once X S, Oregonian. YOUNG business woman is desirous of secur ing board and room in private family; refer ences required. V lO. Oresonian. RESPONSIBLE persons, adults, will care for house during Summer for use of part; best references. V 9, Orezonlan. MODERN 5 or o-room cottage, walking dis tance, either s-tdr of river, rent reasonable. Address R 5. Oregonian. , 5-ROOM flat or part of house by couple employed during the day. Modern, with fireplace; not over $25. R 7, Oregonian. MODERN 6-room cottage or bungalow, Portland or Willamette Heights preferred. Address A E 10, Oregonian. BY young couple, furnished cottage, for the Summer or longer, with yard or place for auto. O 7, Oregonian. WANTED Furnished bungalow or small house in Irvington for the Summer for fam s ily of 2. 110 Front st. Main 22o. WANTED Small furnished flat for Sum mer months; must be reasonable; no chil dren. D 25, Oregonian. 6 OR 7-room furnished house, modern ; walk ing distance. West Side; reasonable. H 7. Oregonian. WANTED Board for girl of 1ft in private family. State price and location. O 10, Oregonian. WANTED In Upper Alblna by June 20, small furnished cottage. V 13, Orego nian. BOARD and room wanted by man and 2 small children. R (J, Oregonian. YOUNG lady employed, alone, wishes home. State price. Addreps O 10, Oregonian. SMALL, modern cottage or flat. West Side, close In. R 9. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. DOES your talking machine, violin, mando lin, guitar, banjo, piano or musical instru ment of any kind need repairing? If tto. Graves Music Co.. 1U 4th st., is better prepared to handle this work than any otner nrm in tne Northwest, having a com plete and fully equipped repair shop. " Phone us your trouble in this line. Main 1433. Home A 1433. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE. And any thing else you hare to selL PORTLAND AUCTION CO., Main 6066. A. 412L WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal.' 62 N. 3d at. Phone Paclfla 1722. FEW odd pieces bedroom furniture for sale, slightly used ; parties wish ln to flt up rooms can save half cost, phone Main 1190. WANTED Live cub bear, lion and any other live wild animals. By R. Stcnzel Fur Company. Salt Lake City. Utah. WANTED A horse for Its keeping; guaran tee best of care; will pay rent for buggy and harness. Phone Richmond WANTED Large tent and stove suitable for several months' camping. Low price. A 9, Oregonian. WANTED Small second-hand steamer trunk in good condition; Immediately. AC 6, Ore gonian. WANTED All kinds of second-hand furni ture. We pay "the price" In cash. East 988, B 2311. WANTED Well-bred English setter, male; , must be young and weil broken. E 16, Ore gonian. LAUNCH and pilot to take out party of 12 on July 4th. returning 5th; state price. A 23. Oregonian. WA NTED Small dynamo, lathe and buff ing wheel; state price. A 21, Oregonian. WANTED One or two children to board; lovely home; mother's care. Sell wood 220. I PAY cash for household, goods. Savage Jk Pennell Fur. Co.. 345 1st. Phone 800. WANTED A little girl to board; nice home. Main 8394. DIAMOND wanted: will pay cash for a 2-karat stone. Address K 15, Oregonian. READT money paid ror furniture: better prices than a dealer, phone East &888. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East I0rt7. WANTED Second-hand motion-picture ma chine and films. V 1. Oregonian. FOR KKN'T. THE MILNER. 350 Morrison St.. fur nished, line rooms for housekeeping. Furnished Rooms. COM PORTABLE furnished room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; gas, bath, phono; rent reasonable. (il3 Yamhill st. 291 CROSBY ST. Near Steel bridge. 2 rooms. lower floor, gas range, all modern conveniences. FURNISHED room with running water, close in. 271 7th st. FRONT room, private family. 242 7th St., corner Alain. REAL nice furnished room, close In, free bath and phone. 473 Alder NEWLY furnished room with private family In modern house. AB 13, Oregonian. 22-V MILL 3 unfurnished front rooms, $10 per mo.; 2. furnished rooms, $lo per mo. MAXWELL HALL. 2o7 14th st.; light rooms with running water; rates reasonable. CLEAN, elegantly furnished rooms. $3 per week. 349 H Ankeny st., corner 7th. 535 EVERETT ST. Furnished rooms, rent reasonable. Phone A 1561. NEWLY furnished rooms, single or en mite; suitable for families. 351 Stark st. 20 N. 17TH Room suitable for 1 or 2; run ning water. First house off Washington. LARGE front alcove room for rent; will rent for housekeeping. 104 11th. TH REH rooms on second floor; reasonable. 429 Main. HOTEL ROYAL. 108 4th; nice rooms, $1.50 to $5 week, 50 cents, $1 night. NICE front room for two. 414 5th st. Thr. Hall. NEWLY-FURNISHED rooms, reasonable. 35 East 3d st North. PLEASANT furnished rooms, reasonable. 205 6th st., cor. Taylor. THE ELW'OOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5 wk. ; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison. THE ARTONIA Room, hot and cold water; fine location. 12S W. Park st. NICELY furnished rooms, also front and back parlor. 170 N. lBth at. TWO nicely furnished rooms to let. 273 Columbia st. 433 YAMHILL st.. nicely furnished rooms, modern, rates reasonable. CONNECTING rooms, $4 and $6. 80S Co lumbia st. NICELY furnished front room for 2 gentle men. 27 N. Park st. SUITE or front room, suitable for business purposes. 8S 6th st. TWO nicely furnished rooms; near White Temple. Phone .Mam 2992. 262 12TH Two lovely connecting; rooms; prefer gentlemen. LARGE pleasant mom,' furnished for two - gentlemen. $12 per month. 314 6th rt. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. SARGENT HOTEL. EUROPEAN PLAN. Parties looking for pleasant and comfort able rooms, with all modern conveniences, for the Summer, will find just what they want at the SARGENT HOTEL corner Grand and Hawthorne aves. THE A NG ELL'S. COR. 0TH AND JEFFERSON. One of Portland's moat elegant apartment-houses situuted on same mreet, t'th), und only 4 blocks from postotfice; rooms single and en suite; rates reasonable. THE GLEN DORA HOTEL, 19th and Couch, near Washington, has the best rooms In the city, $7.60 per month and up; single or ensulte, with or without board; battis, steam heat, electric lights, both phones, large grounds, parlor with piano, billiard and pool tables; all free to guest. THE GAYOSO, Grand ave. and East Stark, why not have the best value for your money? Well furnished rooms with steam heat, hot water, bath and elevator; new brick building with all modern conven iences; iook these up; they will please you. LA RGE residence. 0 minutes from post of fice, to be made a bachelor's hall; large rooms, hot and cold water; hot water heat, bath, grates, closets, both phones, quarter block 'tw- -""m'tble to perma v gentlemen. Address L 9S7. Oreso nian. THE YAMHILL. Large, light and neatly furnished rooms; hot water heat; hot and cold water, baths and phone; transient. $1; special rates by the week, phone A135tJ. 381 Yamhill at.. N. W. cor. West Park. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington sts Newly furnished throughout; new building; suites with baths, hot and cold water In every room. phone Mala 7192- Long-distance phones In all rooms. ONE or two well-fumifhed airy rooms, bath and phone; can arrange for breakfast and une of piano; fine neighborhood. 174 Eart 32d st. Home phone ki 1331. One from Sunnjcide or Mt. Tabor ear. LARGE, newly furnished front room, own entrance, modern, close tu ; also one base ment room, private family ; gentlemen only ; rates reasonable. 216 12th St. A 5612. HOTEL GLEN WOOD. 2d and Salmon New and elegantly furnished ; hot and cold water in every room, private baths, steam , heat; transient. $1 and up; special rates by week or month. THE MERCEDES. One elegantly turnisned outside room; hot and cold running water and all mod el n conveniences ; very reasonable. The Mercedes, near 20th and Washington sts. PRIVATE family, house newly furnlsned, on East Side, walking distance, would take 2 or 3 gentlemen roomers; breukfast if desired; reasonable; references. P 9, Ore gonian. SHOES shined free; hair cutting, 25 cents; shaving, lo cents; neck shaved free. The Model, the flntttt 12-chair barber chop in the city. 91 0th st. THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay window and uther outride rooms; electric lights, baths, etc. ; $2.3o week up. iOU Wash ington. TWO large connecting rooms suitable for two to four persona congenial to each other; two people. 20; four, $30. Glendora Hotel, 19th and Couch. HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and 17th. nrst-clas furnished rooms, single or ea suite; every modern convenience, $3 weekly up; dally "6c up; special monthly rates. Main &t4 HOTEL KENTON, 18th and Washington Vodern rooms, single and en suite; alM housekeeping; running water; private and frea baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 4tffl- THB WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison sts., handsomely furnished bachelor rooms; cvertr modern convenience; terras reasonable-; only 4 biocks from postofflce. NICELY furnished room, modern home comforts; bath gas, phone, with board, in private family; no chidiren; references exchanged. 4S E. Taylor. Phone E 577. 2o2 14TH ST., cor. Taylor, nicely furnished outside room; two gentlemen or couple, and privilege of kitchen; $18 former, $2U latter. THE GENEVIEVE Newly furnished, steam heat, bay window room, walking distance, $3 a week. TeL M 7410. 44a Columbia st. GENTLEMEN Are you looking for a large, llBht, airy, well-furnished room? Every con venience, good location, walking dlMance. 406 Main st. Main 359. 490 MORRISON The Hyland, furnished rooms; best bed in city, including baths, electric llghtt; walking distance, l'hone A 22 1U. THE WILLAMETTE 322 Stark St., large light rooms, well furnished, single or en suite, 50c to $1 day; $2.50 to $5 week. Ill N. 18TH Cheap, clean rooms, gentle men: board next door. Nob Hill. Phone A 1047- FOR RENT Nicely furnished front alcove room ; also side room ; modern conven iences, close In; references. 303 12th st. WELL-FURNISHED room, all conveniences, 5 minutes' walk from PostofTlce. 472 Yam hill. $10 per month Front room, modern conveni ent os. centrally located. 341 Harrtem. l'hone Mala 8737. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia; mod ern rooms, bath, 50c to $1 a day, $2 to $4 week. LA RGE front room, with closet, suitable for one or two gentlemen; use of bath. 133 N. 18th. l'hone 3027. 34S MAIN, near Park, nice single room, comfortable bods, bath, phone, gas, $10. Phone A 3727. VERY comfortable small front room, mod ern, $2 per week. 180 17 th St., corner Yamhill. LARGE, pleasant room, choice location, pri vate family. Phone Eat 2013. 407 Holladay ave. TWO rooms for gentlemen. In modern flat, vicinity Jefferson and Park. Phone Main 8t;r.2. HOTEL Oxford, corner fith and Oak ; sin gle or en suite ; modern conveniences; ia. I os very reasonable. Main 8S. THE BELL1NGHAM Large sleeping and housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 6th and East Morrison sts. FOR RBNT Iarge pleasant front room on East side, clone in, at reasonable rate; breakfast if desired. B 1276. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front alcove room, also side room; good location, elowo in ; references. 303 12th st. $2. AO WEEK One nice room for rent; hst location; walking distance; gae bath, phone 175 14th St. NICE furnished room in Scandinavian family, $2 per week. Call or address 75 E. oth at. l'hone East 1708. LIGHT, alrv front room in modern private home; bath, light. Phone Main 5643. f2 Lucretia St.. near Hull Hotel. FRONT and back parlor, single or en suite, strictly modern ; reasonable. 494 Morrison St.. flat 10. PLEASANT furnished rooms, running water, free phone and bath, etc.; reasonable. 170 12th st. NEW, elegantly furnished rooms; modern conveniences: new building. Phone Main 2ho9. 469 Jefferson ct. $5 MONTH Nice front bay-window room, furnished ; gentleman ; waiktng distance. 321 Chapman, near Clay. NICELY furnished room in private family: bath, gap. phone. 448 Taylor st. Phone Main 6778. NICELY furnished front room, suitable for two; nice walking distance. 447 Colum bia st. LA RGE front room, ground floor; walking distance; private family; reasonable. 95 3d st. - ELEGANTLY furnished roonu for man ftnd wife or gentleman, in a strictly private family. 330 Halsey St., near East 2d. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for two gentlemen ; references exchanged; private family. Woodlawn 1839. LARGE front room with closet, suitable for one or two -persons; use of bath and phone. 68S Irving st. ONE nicely furnished private home for rent, fine location. Phone li 1950, or ad dress 708 E. Burnside st. THE MILNER. ZbQU, Morrison, furnished rooms with all conveniences. FOR RENT- Pleasant room, reasonable, to 1 or 2 young ladies, A. 6, Oregonian. FOR RE NX. Furnished Boon HOTEL PHILIP offers the very best of out side new modern rooms; lo public ti ee hatha; run right; $4 week. 5th and Burn si da. $10 Bright, newly furnished room; fine porcelain bath, gas, quiet, central. 325 12th at.; both phones. Pacific 2lu2, A 3702. TWO rooms for gentlemen In modern, pri vate home; well furnished; reasonable. 47 Yamhill. NICELY furnished rooms, new and modern, close to all public buildings; $2.23 par week and up. 309 Jetlerson st. NICELY furnished rooms, central, brick butlulng; rates reasonable. 342 1st St. l'hone i-'aciflc 1622. TWO well furnished, rooms, private home. 10 minutes" walk from postofflce; home like; gentlemen; references. 347 11th, bet. Market and Mill. NICE furnished suite and rooms, modern conveniences, centrally located, mornings. 13. 13th st. PLEASANT front room for 2 gentlemen, hot and cold water, central, reasonable. 292 12th at. 1S1 FIRST ST., cor. Yamhill, nicely fur nished rooms, en suite or single; reason able; permanent or transient. THE E3TES Good rooms, reasonable; nsw furniture, telephone and baths fres. MT Stark, corner 0th. Mrs. Maud J. Estaa. NICELY furnished room, suitable for on or two; running water, electric light, very central. Call Monday, 211 12th. ONE single room nicely furnished, with ufM of kitchen if desired ; price reason able. 3 -'6 6th st., near Clay. Uufurnlshedi Rooms. NICELY furnished, also unfurnished rooms, single and en suite; quiet and very suita ble for single gentlemen. Kamm bldg., let and Pine. FOR RWNT i;nfurnished bedroom and par lor In new nioderu residence. 537 Bast 36th. W.-R. car. Rooms With Board. YOUNG MEN If you want first-class room and board for $5.50 and $6 per week, all conveniences, nice -yard and porch and good home cooking; also table board. $4 per week, call at the Aster House. 7th and Madison. BLAKE LY HALL 300 Jefferson, between 5th and 6th. nicely furnished rooma with first-class board; beautiful grounds; cen ter of city; reasonable terms; elegantly location for tourists, transient or perma nent guests. PORTLAND Women's Union. 20th year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room, use of library; Women's Exchange. Ad dress Mrs. Ella Rawllnga, Suyt., 610 Flanders st. TWO elegant furnished front roan, with board. In strictly private family In Irving ton; Broadway car; price right to right kind of people. Phone East 4887. 690 Hahey. SHOES shined free; hair cutting, 25 cents; shaving. 15 cents; neck shaved free. The Model, the tints 12-chalr barber shop In the city. 91 6th st. NICELY furnished front rooma, with board; strictly home cooking; modern conven iences; walking distance; $6 per week. The Lindell, 269 Market. LARGE, airy rooms, excellent board; mod ern convenience, hot and cold water; ex tensive grounds; walking distance. 617 Kearney. Pacific 314, A 2618. THE BARTON. Bunny outside rooms; steam heat, hot and eold water ; li rst-class table ; most reasona ble rates. 455 Alder. ROSEDALE loth and Madison, under new management, large, coo rooms with flint class board; a fine Summer home. Main 2O06. THE CLAY, corner 2d and Clay. Nicely furnished rooms, with board; everything comfortable; Just like home. $5 and $5.50 per week. WELL furnlsh-ed room with board, modern, very reasonable rates; employed people preferred. 4 411 Jefferson. THE COTTON I A L. comer 10th and Morrison; cosy, clean, comfortable; good table; loir rates. Call and see. THE MARLYN. Washington and 17th. wall furnished rooms, hot and cold water, home cooking, permanent or transient. ROOM $7 or both room and board $20. Phone, home cooking, walking distance. Phone Pacitlc 73. NEW furnished room and board for two, private family. 299 Morris st. Phona 0 ltftiO. 2 FURNISHED rooms for rent with board, man and wife or 2 gentlemen; East Side. 13 East 6th st. North. FRONT room with board, honva cooking) terms reasonable. 38 6th st. Phona A 3622. FURNISHED room with board, suitable fm two gentlemen; reasonable. Phone C 1297. 452 Denton st. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for lady or gentleman, with or without board; phone, bath. Pacific 12-19. 384 First St. fcARGB, airy room, nicely furnished, Including, piano, dressing-room, running water. 664 Flanders. With board. ROOM and board, private family, one or two young men, 10 minutes' walk. Paci fic 2831. Tilfi COZY. 105 7th. cor. Taylor Nicely fur nished rooms, one block south Hotel Port land, with or without heme cooking. ELEGANT large room, stylish new corner house, electric light, walking distance; reasonable. Phone Main 2i19. NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board; $1.50 per week up. Hotel Mason, 247 5th. ROOM and board for two young ladles or men; walking distance; reasonable. 624 East Morrison. PLEASANT front room with board In pri vate family ; all conveniences. 01 North 17th st. Phone Pacific 382. NEATLY furnished room with first-clas 'board ; private, modern, reasonable. 621 Couch. TWO nicely furnished rooms, also flrst-clsss table board; wtrlctly home cooking. 295 loth, corner Columbia. Phone Main 3862. FURNISHED rooms, with board. 355 11th au A 1636. BOARD and room, walking distance; $6 per week. 328 Clay. Phone Main 5963. NICELY furnished rooms, with board; also table boarders. 452 Morrison. Main 297- TWO gentlemen to room and board; private) family. Phone and bath. 584 4th at. ROOM with board for tw-o; modern, close in. Phone East 722. 89 East 8th St. N. NICE furnished room, sniltahle for two; mod ern; home cooking; close In. 314 Mill st. NICELY furnished rooms with board; also table boarders. 452 Morrison, corner 13th. BOARD and room. $20 per month, at 428 4th st. Phone Pacific 829. 25H 1TH ST. Nice room with board; suit able for one gentleman. FURNISHED rooms with board. The Osark, 225 llth st. Apartments. FOR RENT during Summer Newly and completely furnished, with piano. 4-room apartment. Location, 18th and Flanders. Call Home A 5117. IRIS APARTMENTS. 3d and Mill sts.. mod ern Improvements, 5-room, $4t; 4-room $32: unfurnished. Inquire apartment 22, 248 Mill st NOB HILL Beautifully furnished apartment to responsible people, from the 15th of June to the 1st of November. The Mordaunt, Ev erett t., corner 18th. NEW. modern apartments. 6 rooms; fine lo cation, janitor service, private porches. Pee janitor, 305 llth and Columbia; rent 840. FOUR well-furnished rooms. with hath, piano, etc.: all up-to-date; for rent July 1. Madison Park Apartment, suite 25. Rent $55. FREE rent till July 1st; reduced rates for Summer; beautiful Colonial 6-room apart ment house: large verandas. 660-602 Flan ders. JUNE 15 Beautiful unfurnished 5-room housekeeping apartment with bath and all modern conveniences, including telephone, gas and electric light. Y 974. Oregonian.. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders, . 5-room apartment, every modern con-' venience. j CINCINNATI COURT. 10th and Harrison; 4-room apartments,, excellent - lorn t ion, modern conveniences; rent reasonable. m 1 07.2