The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 03, 1905, PART FOUR, Image 37

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t. -T3r
PAGES 37 TO 48
NO. 36.
Frequently and intelligently made are justification of the statement that no housefur
nishing concern in Oregon sells really dependable furniture as cheaply as we do.
We guarantee these prices as low as any in the city for new goods, notwithstanding all you may read
about reductions and discounts and cut prices. This house is here to sell goods, and will meet all discounts,
reduction sale prices that competitors may offer. We are leaders in low prices and will never be. undersold if
we know it.
Per Yard.
Bristol Velvets, Oriental designs $1.15
Burlington Tapestry Brussels v .$1.05
Smith 's Tapestry Brussels T. . . .90
Pro-Brussels, yard wide 95
Extra Fine Ingrains 85p
Union Ingrains 55
Remnant Rugs at great reductions.
Per Yard.
Cottage Ingrains ........ 47
Inlaid Linoleum ".. ; $1.65
Porter's Printed Linoleum 80
Floor Oilcloth . : oO
Brussels Rugs, 9x12 S20.00
Brussels Rugs 8:3x10:6 : $16.50
Why not have a cozy -homeof your ownit is within reach of all.
We make the payments to suit your income. See Gadsby about it.
Xo. 2 Buffet, weathered, oak or
golden quarter-sawed, polished;
size of top 44x22; regular price
$30.00, Gadsby's price $25.00
Ladies' Deskjn golden quarter
sawed oak, mahogany veneered,
or birdseye maple; a lovely
present for "her" $9.00
Others as low as $6.50
COTTAGE BEDROOM-Furnished complete as follows: Bed, ivory enameled, $3.50; Dres?er, $15.00;
Chiffonier, $15.00; Washstand, $5.25; Rocking Chair, $2.50 in white maple, golden ash. white
enamel or maple finished in mahogany; Spring Mattress and Pillows, $10.00; Smvrna Rug, $3.50.
Outfit complete, $54.75 at Gadsby's.
Home Queen Steel Range, guaran
teed for 10 years; with reservoir.
as shown $32.50
Without reservoir .-. . . .$27.50
Terms, .$5.00 per month.
Colle Mining-Room Suit for light. housekeeping, consisting of Sideboard, C chairs and 6-foot Extension
Table; Gadsby's price $24.25
This fine Bedroom Suit, all hard
wood finished in mahogany, white
maple" or golden ash, 3 pieces;
special $25.00
Parlor Chairs in ma
hogany, richly up
holstered . . $7.50
Folding Go-Carts
Handsome Family Cook Stove,
with all modem improvements j
No. 8f $15; No. 8, plain with
legs instead of fancy base,
10; No. 7 Cook Stove $8.50
Napoleon Beds, in quarter-sawed
oak, solid mahogany; beautiful
creations, $35.00 to $65
Turkish Rocker, up
holstered in genuine
leather, full
spring $35
Corner Washington and First Streets THE HOUSEFURN3SHERS The Store That Does the Business
THERE are many popular misconcep
tions of the Speaker's power over
the destinies of the Government and
the people, and these are not confined to
the cranks and ignorant part of the popu
lation. The communications from "Elijah
II" who lives In Missouri and eels called
upon to direct Congress" by the light of his
prophecies; the "Decrees From Heaven,"
located in the Bowery; the appeals from
the "Infant Prodigy," who has geen kid
naped and confined In a lunatic asylum in
Ohio, and the letters from other similar
characters are not more startling than
are some from thoso who are generally
known as leaders of the best thought and
the educators of the public.
The college professor and the magazfne
editor are as prone to wrtto to the Speak
er, telling- him what to do, what not to
do, and lecture hlra on his shortcomings
as are those who are denominated
"cranks," and they are as often "wide of
the true conception of the Speaker's pow
ers and duties as are those who are sub
jects for sympathy and ridicule.
In the last Congress this was illustrated
by the agitation In favor of legislation
to purchase a certain "grove of big trees
In California. A Wll was introduced "by
request" by one of the California mem
bers. It was reported favorably by the
committee on public lands, and went on
the' calendar along with hundreds of
other bills. No effort was ever made in
the House to have a special rule for the
consideration of the bill, but those inter
ested In the proposed legislation held the
Speaker responsible, and organized a
campaign of considerable magnitude in
the public press. The object of this cam
paign was to force the Speaker to cither
report a special rule for its consideration
or pass It by unanimous consent.
Prominent People In Campaign.
The peculiar feature of this campaign
was the prominent people engaged in It
and their entire misunderstanding of the
situation and the status of the bill. They
assumed, without inquiry and without
knowledge, that the bill was arbitrarily
held by the Speaker. There were college
presidents, magazine and newspaper edi
tors, and men and women whose reputa
tions make them stand for leaders of pub
lic spirit In this country, and all were
as Ignorant regarding the real merits of
the bill -and Its status as are the ordinary
people who fail to keep Informed and
seek to hold some Individual respon
sible for the failure of the Congress to
enact the legislation they desire.
The avalanche of letters asking for a
special rule for this bill, and abusing the
Speaker for failure to report it. was dif
ficult to explain until an Investigation
developed the fact that a very clever
woman in California hag. conceived the
Idea of an endless chain correspondence
in behalf of the bill. She had written to
a number of friends with the request that
they write to their friends and continue
the request to others to write to the
Speaker. Sher was clever and fortunate
in her acquaintance. She reached very
Influential people, and her endless chain
correspondence was of a high character.
Including letters from men of letters, law
yers, college men and editors, and also
several men who had been members of
the President's Cabinet. They all wrote
not only because they were requested to
do so, but what they were requested to
write. They were without personal
knowledge and made, no personal Investi
gation. They simply Joined the endless
chain correspondence and loaned their
names to the enterprise.
University President's Error.
It was one of the best Illustrations of
how public clamor Is encouraged and
aroused that I have ever seen. The presi
dent of one of the greatest universities In
the United States, a man renowned for
his knowledge, power of Investigation,
public spirit, and general wisdom touch
ing public affairs, wrote a -long letter to
the Speaker, remonstrating with him for
exercising a doubtful prerogative and a
questionable authority by denying the
Houso the privilege of voting on this bill,
and reminding him that public sentiment
would hold him to account for his exer
cise of autocratic power to defeat the
will -o& the whole people.
Had this gentleman made an Investi
gation hefore undertaking- to lecture
the Speaker on the duties of his office,
he would have learned that no Repre
sentative authorized to speak In behalf
of tho bill had ever asked for a special
rule or made any particular effort to
have the bill advanced on the calendar.
He would without doubt have ap
proved the Speaker's refusal to bring
nT any bill authorizing an appropria
tion of $250,000 before the Houso by
unanimous consent, and he would have
found that his lecture, and criticism
were as ill-mannered as' they were un
called for from one occupying his sta
tion and supposed to base, his state
ments and criticisms on well-established
facts, rather than on mere ru
mor. He would have also learned from
Investigation that the Secretary of the
Interior had not recommended the pur
chase of this property, because his in
vestigations had developed the fact
that z clever speculator had secured
an option on the property for TJOD.OOO
and was trying to sell to the Govern
ment the samo property for $230,000,
giving him a profit of more than 100
per cent.
Trees "Were Xot In Danger.
Our college president might also havo
learned that this speculator had no
other way of realizing on his Invest
ment except by a sale to the Govern
ment, because these big trees are not
considered merchantable timber. There
never has been any prospect or prob
ability, of their destruction for com
mercial use, and the purpose of this
campaign to sell to thex Government
was at no time made Important because
of the danger of destruction by turn
ing the trees into commercial use. The
proposition from its inception was to
have the Government purchase this
property, and however commendable
that purpose was, the fact that specu
lators had control of the property and
proposed to make the Government pay
a fancy prJce might be considered a
reflection on the patriotism and busi
ness methods of those who engineered
the campaign In behalf of the bill.
But the famous president of a great
university did not Investigate. Ho re
ceived an endless-chain letter, and he
acted from impulse Just as does the ig
norant man, and sent his letter to the
Speakec of the House of Representa
tives, criticising him for Interposing
his Crar-like power botween the peo
ple's wish and the right of the Legisla
ture to act. He was not alono In this.
He had much distinguished company.
There were magazine and newspaper
editors, other college professors,
preachers, business men. and thousands
of people In all the higher walks of
life who rushed Into letter" writing
about something of which tkty wera
entirly ignorant, but with a pretense . a rule for consideration of "a TjM in
of a profound knowledge, earnest pa- ; the Houae, without first having con
triotlsm, and sober Judgment. i slderatlon In Committee of the "Whole.
As these letters came- to the Speaker . It may fix the time for debate and
he first passed them by, along with the hour for the final vote. It Is an
those fr6m the cranks, and then he j arbltary committee, controlled by the
began to wonder at the Ignorance of ! speaker and the two qther members
profound Intelligence as he noted the j representing tlie majority. But It can-names-
of his correspondents. They J not coerce a majority of the House,
were not only Ignorant regarding the ; no matter how that Ynajority is made
matter of which they wrote, but they ; up majority or the House must
were densely Ignorant regarding the ; a(jopt the rule reported from the com- -methods
of Congress .and the power t mittee before It can be applied. A ma
exerted by the Speaker. They gave j jorlty against the proposed rule may be
him credit for having more autocratic j made up of the political minority of tho
power than he dreamed of possessing. House and a few factional dissenters from
for they appealed to him alone to ap
proprlate 52o0,000 of the public mon
ey by giving unanimous consent for
the passage of a bill. Instead of ap
pealing to their own Representatives
or the author of the bill to call it up,
to ask for a special rule, or to ask for
unanimous consent, these people went
direct to the Speaker and asked him
to assume full authority for the ap
propriation. Their criticisms and de
nunciations for withholding his con
sent was the first knowledge he had
that there was such a bill on the cal
endar. What did the Speaker, do? He wrote
just such a letter to the university
president as he would htve written to
a schoolboy, explaining the parliamen
tary methods of Congress and how tho
wheels of legislation are moved by the
men elected as the representatives of
the people, and that the Speaker had
to rely upon the menVho Introduced
bills and those who reported them
from standing committees as to their
importance, and whether they were so
urgent as to call for a special rule to
take them from their place on the cal
endar and advance them over other
Important bills. As neither the au
thor of this .bill nor the member who
had reported it from the committee on
public lands had ever appealed to the
committee on rules for a special rule,
or to the Speaker for recognition to
call It up, it was not considered one
of the .Speaker's prerogatives to arbi
trarily take charge of the bill and In
augurate emergency methods for the
passage of another member's bill. The
university president never replied to
this courteous letter of explanation.
Perhaps he was offended at the Speak
er's recognition Ml his ignorance, or
Humiliated at his own revelation of
that ignorance to one whom ho con
sidered it his privilege to patronize
and criticise.
It Is something of a burden put upon
the Speaker to courteously and con
scientiously answer all his corre
spondents. This" correspondence i en
tirely unsought, but as the responsible
leader in Congress there Is as much
obligation resting upon him to cour
teously reply to all of his correspond-
the majority party.
Machine of the Majority.
The committee on rules is, therefore,
the machine of the majority rather than
that of the Speaker. The Speaker and
his party associates on the committee
must ascertain whether they can. com
mand the support of a majority of the
House before they submit a rule for
adoption. It, therefore, becomes only a
committee to ascertain what Is the will
rof the majority in bringing forward out
of the regular routine the more Important
bills which cannot be left to the delay of
a long calender and subject to the fili
bustering methods of the minority. The
real work of this committee Is done be
fore the committee meets. It may be
done in a party caucus, as In the cases
of the Cuban reciprocity bill and the
statehood bill In the last Congress; or
it may be done by consultation, with
the majority members or with the ma
jority "whip," whose duty it is to learn
the sentiments of the majority party
toward a proposed rule for the passage
of a measure, for which the majority as
sumes responsibility.
"When this agreement is reached the
Speaker and the two other majority mem
bers confer and prepare the rule. The
formal meeting of the committee is then
called and the rule reported, usually by
a majority vote, though there have been
occasions when special rules were re
ported from this committee by unani
mous vote.
In the 51st Congress, when the com
mittee on rules was the agency for the
passage of a number of party measures
which created spirited contests on the
floor of the House. Speaker Reed is re
ported to have sometimes addressed the
minority members of the committee in
this wist.
"Well, gentlemen, Mac and Joe and I
(referring familiarly to Major McKlnley
and Mr. Cannon) have concocted another
outrage on the minority, and we want,
to read It to you before reporting It to
the House."
Good Humor In Meetings'.
Whether this report is correct or not.
It is a facetious way of stating the sltu-
enco as there, is upon the President to atlon ,I!hIch generally exists when the
ropnirni?.. th r-it-ut nr r,MM ! committee on rules comes together. The
peal. Every man and woman who has minority always calls a spt-cial rule for
a theory of government, either "for a majority measure 'a political outrage."
legislation or administration. Is ut lib- a"d tne minority members of the coro-
i-i .. i .. mittee aro bouTiil hr tiartv tcnUtr to vnt
vi .j iu nine iu uiui, out. wun iivi iu , , '
per cent of thoso communications are I gainst It. But it Js rarely possible for
serious and intellltrent. It calls for nvo. men wno Know each other intimately
most enduring patience tb give them
intelligent and courteous considera
tion. The Committee on llules.
The committee on rules is popularly
supposed to be the secret machinery
by which the Speaker exercises his
autocratic power over the House, to
promote or retard legislation, as his
own individual Judgment or desire
may dictate. This is' supposed to be
the machine which grinds the minor
ity between the millstones, and that
there in secret "the representatives of
the minority put forth their most
! strenuous efforts, suffer their most hu
j millating defeats, and are put on the
wheel of torture bythe Speaker and
his lieutenants. The one excuse for
this conception of the committee on
rules is that Its meetings are all ex
ecutive, and never reported in detail.
Reporters are never admitted, and
only results are reported to the
It is the committee empowered to
take fiills from their place on the
calendar and report a special rule for
consideration. This committee may
report a rule for the immediate con
sideration of a bill Just Introd
j one about to be reported from some
j standing committee. It may provide
and mutually respect each other per
sonally to get excited in their discussion
of a rule In executive session. They may
tear passion to tatters In the House,
especially when the galleries are crowded,
In denouncing the outrage, but when
they know the die Is cast and that three
men can outvote two, they save their
arguments and denunciation for a more
public occasion.
The meetings of the committee on rules
are, therefore, the least dramatic that
can be found In' Congress. The members
come together, the minority mem
bers are informed of the intention of
the majority, record their votes against
the proposed rule, and the committee
adjourns. There is, in fact, no committee
In the House where less partisan feel
ing Is shovn In considering business than
In the committee on rules. It is a com
mittee where the responsible leaders of
the majority and minority meet in good
fellowship and transact business without
friction and without show of personal
feeling. They know just where each sldo
stands and ihey do not waste words In
discussing the matter, reserving their dis
cussion for a more appropriate occasion
where it may be effective In the House,
and where he minority may possibly de
feat the rule, and In that way defeat
the committee, tho Speaker, and the ma
jority party for which he and the com
mittee stand. L. WHITE BTJSBET.
Musings for Three Minutes
Evolution of Bamboo Club Into Carnations, by 31. W. Itobbins.
RIMITIVE man went courting hi3
lady love with a bamboo club rather
than with a bouquet of pink carna
This is a beautiful example of the law
of evolution. We have solemn-faced scien
tists proving to us in books of ponderous
size that man came from a tadpole, and
that the reason we were afraid of the
dark when we were children Is because
the tadpole, our ancestor, wa3 afraid tq
swim into the darjc pool under the bank,'
since some voracious German carp was
liable to be lurking around and gulp him
dqwn as had happened very many times
to his more inquisitive brothers and sis
ters. As a side thought, it might be well for
some deep student to undertake the prob
lem of showing that William the Second,
It you go back far enough," Is distantly
related to the carp family. Both have
very' many traits In common; In fact. In
one or two points the resemblance Is posi
tively startling. But it may only prove to
be one more curious coincidence.
To get back to evolution, they tell us
that the horse of today once had an an
cestor that had fivo toes and used to
clamber around in the rocks of North Da
kota. Just think how a five-toed animal
would look at the New York, horse show.
Now why Is it not reasonable to believe
tbats the bunch of pink Carnations has
been evoluted from the bamboo club in
the same way that an artist will draw
a picture of an umbrella and then by
gradual stages develop it Into a racehorse
with a 2:40 gait?
On this theory, the bamboo club must
have gradually got smaller and smaller
with each generation of lovers, until It
finally turned into the carnations. '
And here another thought arises: Why
is It not probable that the primitive lover
was th6 original man with the big stick?
Our primitive lover used to wander
around In Java or Sumatra- before there,
was any talk about the Chinese- boycott
or whether the constitution followed the
I When Springtime came and our friend
got to thinking how pleasant it would
bo to have a wife to dish up the break
fast food for him every morning and fan
the yellow-fevor mosquitoes off hl3 face
while he took an afternoon nap,xhe must
necessarily have acted on the impulses.
The first thing towards the realization
of his desires was to gather together some
more of hl3 friends who had desires like
his own, each provide Iilmself with a
club from the neighboring jungle and then
when the nights were dark, sneak -down
the rjver to the village where the damsels
This Is where the clubs came In handy,
for the courting was short and sharp.
Tho young ladles were not convinced
without a fight. First the men had to
be knocked In the head and rendered
hors de combat before the Invaders could
each get the lady of his choice. The lady
had nothing to say In the matter and
was just as liable as not to be snaked
along by the hair of her head at the
hands of her admirer.
All this wa3 on the theory that the
young men In search of wives were the
best fighters, for the chances were even
that the Invaded village would get to-
Lgether and do up the Invaders, and then
there were a few more skulls for the
trophy pile.
When a man got a wife, he kept her
by the power of his club, and ofttimes
he applied It judicially on his helpmate.
This Is how It came about that all is.
fair in love and war, for it Is plainly to
be seen that they - are both the same
The club method of getting a wife
proved to be a too strenuous method tq
remain long .popular, and thus we have
developed Into the carnation-Ice cream
stage, which while It Is not so physically
exhausting, often proves very rough on
the young man's pocketbock.
Let us also remember that he who in
the State of Oregon reverts back to the
primitive type and takes a club to his
wife soon has an example of the Mosalo
principle of law and gets a club for a
club, a blow for a "blow.
Grant's Pass, Or.
T ' 3