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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1905)
mvm. PAGES 13 TO 24 PART TWO VOL. XXIV. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6, 1905. NO. 32. v READ CAREFULLY THE MANY GREAT BARGAINS OFFERED FOR TOMORROW i pmfitrv.Wolf 5000 White Lawn Shirtwaists Real Values $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 QAn On Sale Here Tomorrow at Great Bargain Price of 4T-W You Can Satye From 80c to $2.00 on Each Purchase of Shirtwaists During this Great Shirtwaist Sale A MOST important and interesting sale. 125 feet of aisle space will be devoted to the display. Forty salespeople will be at your service. A special corps of wrappers and extra delivery service will be added for the sale. It will be the greatest waist event in the history of the Lipman-Wolf e store and the greatest money- ' 0VW Qdf savincr sale ever held if ,kmM. J iL in the city. 94c 94c m Ljitvii AValst An elaborate front of fine embroidery Insertion between fine tucke. A perfectly finished waist: A great QA.r bargain J7xC LatTB Wfllwt One of those delightful lace yokes. Picture falls to show the fine tucking and perfect needle work. A QAr great bargain.. c't' LaiTa "Wnlst In troducing a new and novel sleeve idea; front of various em broideries; new Ideal cuffs and tucked col lars. A great QA,n bargain at L.htth 'Waist One of the many at the price. Note the new embroidered yoke ef fect; how perfect it fibs. A great QA,n bargain at aw We illustrate and describe in this an nouncement a few styles from many that are offered for this sale It has never before been our privilege to offer absolutely new, fresh waists in such a variety, and at such a great saving in prices. Here is an opportunity to save yourself many hours of sewing, for you are to get perfectly finished, stylish waists at less than the materials alone would cost. i The reputation of this store has been built up largely on the splendid fijjj quality of the waists v carriea ana tne ex n tremely modest nrices m 1 l txri. i dea. vvnen reauc tions like these are made, wise buvers act fjjgl promptly. We shall ex pect to see you among the lucky ones tomorrow. - i r Sale start at 8 o'clock sharp to morrow. Xo Waists neat on memo J; randain. So phone ordeni filled. Lnm ,Wnlrt-one. of those dainty crea tions, wide plaits with little French lenots. A great QLp bargain at ox Laivn Wntst A very popular design, embroidery and laco trimmed. The mate rial is splendid. A. great bargain QQ,( X.arra AVaUt Al most irresistible onco seen. A new sloping shoulder yoke effect, lace trimmed. X great bar- QA,n gain at $15.00, $12.50 and $10.50 Black Silk Coats at $6.85 WOMEN'S NOVELTY BLACK SILK 00ATS Made of fine quality Chiffon Taffeta Silk in this season's newest 32 and 38-inch Box Coat styles with fancy braided and openwork Cape. Pull new le'g-o'-nmtton slfteveg tucked from elbow to cuff; only fire or six of a style, hut a large variety to select from none hut this season's latest up-to-date- Novelty Coats; regular price $15.00, $12.50, $10.50, your choice tomorrow at 6.8S Second Week of the Leather Goods Sale Further reductions in Men's and Ladies' Satchels and Suit Cases. It means the lowest prices ever asked for fine leather poods. The Sole Object is Absolute Sale Tomorrow. Fine Satchels and Suit Cases in various shapes and sizes, strongly made; values up to $7.50, special $4.95 New Satchels and. Suit Cases, in a variety at leathers, very strong, different sizes; vaiues to $Jou pi.c7 A magnificent assortment of Grips, in a dozen different styles, the verv best quality; values to $20.00, special $9.45 Drug Store News Fine imported Italian Castile Soap, in large 3-pound bars; special....? 50 Superior quality Oatmeal Soap, highly re commended, per bar 8J- Olive Oil Imported Castile Soap, in cakes; special, per cake 6 Dental Tooth Paste, in tubes; regular 25c, special 1A$ Burnett's Dandruff "Wash, a very special preparation; regular 50c, special. . .29(5 New Neckwear Tomorrow place on sale 100 dozen "wom en's Neckwear, the largest and best as sortment shown this season In point gaze lace stocks, embroidered H. S. collars an'd collar and cuffs sets, tailor-made wash stocks, embroidery stocks, turnovers and collar and cuff sets; real value 35c, tomor row at 35c Art Needlework Free Lessons in Embroidery every day Stamped linen for Berlin Embroidery. Regular price 39c, special.... ...2o Regular price 50c, special 35 Regular price 75c, special 50 Regular price $1.00, special 69 Regular price $1.25, special 89 New Arrivals In the Silk Store New Plaid Silk, "with -woven dots, the latest novelty for Shirtwaist Suits... .$1.50 New Monotone Satin de Chene, showing a full range of color combinations; the best silk ever offered for $X.OO Niew Clan Plaid Chiffon Taffeta, extra value at 85 New checked Louisine Silks, in all color combinations; best value ever offered at 75T In the Dress Goods Store Gray Homespun Novelty Suiting, 56 inches wide, at $1.2o English Homespuns in checks and stripes, 56 inches wide, medium and light gray, at - ?1.50 New Gray Panama overplaids, green, blue and red mixtures, 56 in. wide at 1.50 New Fancy Mohair Sicilians, 50 pieces in all the new Fall colors, 44 inches wide, at the special introductory price 98 New Silk Gloves Women's 2-clasp double-tipped finger Silk Gloves, one row Fosterino embroidery, brown, mode, slate, navy, white, black and champagne; very special nt....50 "Women's 2-clasp double-tipped finger Silk Gloves, one row Fosterine embroidery, extra quality silk, all shades; very spe cial at T& Women's 2-clasp double-tipped finger Silk Gloves, Paris point embroidery, all shades; "very special at $1.00 $1.25 Embroidery 57c 1500 yards Nainsook Corset Cover Embroi dery, 16 to 18 inches wide, this season's best designs; regular prices up to $1.25, for this sale o7 5.0c Embroidery 17c 2500 yards Nainsook Embroidery Edge, 3 to 9 inches wide, all this season's de-? signs; regular price up to 50c, for this sale r. 174 50c Silk Chiffon 37c 2000 yards all Silk Chiffon, extra quality, 45 inches wide, in black, white and all the new shades; regular price 50c, for this sale 37 $1.75 Lace Allover 67c Heavy Yenise Allover Lace, IS inches wide, for fronts, shirtwaists, etc, cream and white, a large variety of patterns; values up to $1.75, for this sale.. 67 Book' Store 2 Great Specials Jack London's best book, "The Call of the Wild," in cloth edition, illustrated, v special 33 Letters of a Self-Made Merchant to His Son, fine cloth edition, illustrated, special 33d Victor Talking Machines HFS Jr. And 12 rec- 4 ASTERS JkSSyords f Tour VOICE own delivered at Jyour home forl.OO Balance easy weekly payments. mm1 jnJkJ Great Bargains in Silk Floss Cushions . In the Art Store Tomorrow We offer at great bargain prices the well-known brand of Golden ileece Silk Floss Cushions. 16x16, regular price 30c, at 25(5 22x22, regular price 55c, at .46(5 18x18, regular price 35c, at 295 24x24, ragular price 65c, at.i oo5 20x20, regular price 50c, at 42 26x26, regular price 80c, at 68 .Wolfe &oo. BATTLE NEAR ON TIFF REVISION 'resident and Leaders in Con gress Will Join Issue Next Session NEEDED rTO MEET DEEICIT Believers in Sanctity of Dlngley Tariff Will Urge Economy Re visionists Urge Reduction on Trust Goods. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. "Wash ington," Aug; 5. I the will of the Republi can leaders in Senate .and House prevails. there 'will be no revision of tl)e tariff atX tno coming session oi congress, iota is equivalent to saying there will be no tariff legislation In the Fifty-ninth Congress, for no tariff bill can pass In a short session. Although the time set for the conven ing of Congress is more than three months removed, the leaders of the domi nant party have made It plain that their views on the tariff question have- under gone no change since the last Congress adjourned. Now. as then. Speaker Can non Is a most pronounced opponent of tar iff revision. With him stands John Dal- zell. member of the committee on ru!e3. and probably the most Influential Repub lican on the floor of the House. Chair man Payne of the ways and means com mittee, and nominally the Republican floor leader. Is opposed to tariff revision. but Payne Is not so strong that he cannot be swayed from his position by the Ad ministration at a critical time, so his. op position Is not necessarily vital. In the Senate. Aldrlch of Rhodo Island. who has charge of tariff legislation before that body. Is as vigorously opposed to tariff revision as Is the Speaker, and he has the support of many of the strongest Republicans In the Senate. Allison of Iowa, probably as Influential as Aldrlch, Is not In sympathy with a general re- Vision of the tariff, and on anything but a plan to revise a few schedules, would probably line up with the Rhode Island Senator. Roosevelt Can Force Revision. During the last session the President conferred with his party leaders la Con gress on several occasions, and it was then -demonstrated that'll wouiu do alto gether out of the question to pass any tariff leclslatlon before March 4 last. Without any public announcement, the matter was dropped and talk of tariff re vision ceased. But It has been known all along that the President wants some of the "sacred" DIngley schedules modi fied, and It is presumed he will urge a modification of the tariff at the coming session. Thero la no reason to believe that the Republican leaders In Senate and House will change their attitude, except under the most Intense pressure: it Is reasonable to suppose that they will stand out against any plan which the President may devise to bring about a modification In the Dingier rates. Thcro Is only one way In which tariff revision can be secured, and that is by the dnnlicatlon of orce from the White House. President Roosevelt has demon strated In the past his power over reluc tant Senators and Representatives, and by working with unwilling subjects. Indi vidually he has made votes tor various measures In which he was Intensely In terested. He may, by this means, be able to bring Into line enough votes to pass a tariff bill, but In doing so ho will have to override the leaders In Congress, par ticularly the leaders In the Senate. Such a struggle as this will. If It starts, bo a flght to a finish, with the chances ot sue cess on the side of the President. Economy and How to Get It. Those Republicans who are trying to ward off tariff revision, when confronted with the large and growing deficit in tne Treasury, offer a compromise plan. "Let there be economy." they say. That is exactly what they said in the la3t Con gress, but the economy was not much in evidence. -"The best way to overcome the Treasury deficit," say these men, "Is to hold down our appropriations, cut off money wherever we can without actually Injuring the service, and In this way bring the expenditures down to a figure within the actual receipts." But that Is familiar talk: It does not mean much. All through the last session of Congress "economy" was the watchword, and great things were promised, but the only man who really economized to any recogniz able extent was Chairman Burton, of the river and harbor committee. All other appropriations were about as large as usual. Burton, however, started, to noid down river and harbor appropriations. and he cut oft every filngle project that lacked merit and held all othera down to the last notch. But he demonstrated his ability to do what he started to ac compUsh. and his success may redound to his benefit. In the last Congress James A. Hemen way, of Indiana, was chairman of the appropriations committee. He was a good man. but he lacked the force necessary to hold down appropriations. He has since been elected to the Senate, and the Speaker must choose a new chairman of the appropriations committee. Unrortu nately, not a slnglo member of the com mlttee. 33 It was made up In the las Congress. Is competent to become Its chairman. Bingham, of Pennsylvania, the ranking member. Is In no way quaiuieu McCIeary. of Minnesota, the next mem ber. Is most likely to succeed to the chair- mnnihln If the chairman Is taken from the old committee: Uttauer, of somewhat odorous famo (lie of the Army glove con tracts) Is next In line, but could not be chosen, nor- could any who follow, him. But Burton, having given a splendid dem onstratlon of his ability to guard the Treasury, may bo made chairman of the appropriations committee, and. If so, there Is more apt to be economy In gov eminent appropriations fhan will be the case If some other man Is selected. May Clash on Naval Bill. But on this subject of economy. Con gress Is apt to clash, with the President on one Item, toe navai out. ine x-resi dent Is still an avowed advocate of larger Navy; Congress, If It gets an eco nomlc flt. will Insist upon cutting down the naval appropriations. Furthermore, the lessons of the Russo-Japanese war will become strong weapons in the hands of Congress, for already many Congress men have pointed to the sea-fights m the Orient as a demonstration of the uscless- ness of battleships against torpedo-boats and well-manipulated cruisers. It the President? asks for more battleship?, Con gress Is very apt to bring up the Japanese war and offer that as an excuse for refus ing his requests. It Is a fact, nevertheless,- that many Republicans and quite a few Democrats In the next Congress will 'readily co-operate with the President In his effort to se cure a revision of the tariff. Some favor a reduction of the duty on general princi ples; some want the duty on certain trust made articles cut down; others want a readjustment of the tariff In a manner to bring in more revenue than Is at pres ent collected. All these elements will combine on a bill that will reduce the duty on steel, for Instance. The steel In dustry Is no longer an Infant industry; when It sells abroad cheaper than at home. It needs no further protection from the Government, and yet the present tariff on '.steel Is high enough to keep foreign steel out of our markets and pro tect an Industry not In need of protection. A reduction ot this duty would not only bring down the price of American steel, but would permit foreign steel to come In, and would make this commodity a contributor to the National Treasury where today It pays Virtually nothing. Other similar readjustments will be. urged. In a manner to permit foreign goods to enter our markets' when theli entrance will not Injure American Indus try, but will tend to lower American prices. Incidentally, every such reduc tion will add so much to the National revenues and tend to reduce the deficit. Where Money Can Be Saved. If Congress is really in earnest about economizing, there are a hundred ways In which It can be done. Many millions are now paid the railroads for carrying the malls that could and should be saved: the nrlce nald for the railway mall serv ice Is notoriously excessive. Congress could cut off aDwoprlatlons amounting to several millions a year for useless publl cations, such as doonrtmental documents and coneresslonal reports. There Is a fabulous waste In this kind of expendi ture which mlcrht well be saved. There Is a doubling ud of work In many de partments which could under good ad ministration, be avoided. There are plen- xv of wavs. and Congress knows of them. The Question Is. does Congress want to economize? Time alone will tell. ENEMIES IN 11 MEET IN PEACE LACE OBSTACLES IN WAY Latest Scheme of Railroad Senators to Block Rate Bill. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash lngton, Aug. 5. Indications are contln unity cropping out showing the obvious In tent of certain Senators to resort to all manner ofdelay In the hope of preventing the passage of a railroad rate bill next Winter. The hearings before the Senate committee on Interstate commerce last Spring fill four good-sized volumes. The report is verbatim and almost ad Inflnl turn. It will take a man from two weeks to a month to read and digest this mass of testimony. Recognizing this fact and hoping to gain time, some members of the committee proposed that the testimony be briefed for the convenience of Senators and members of Congress. This was agreed to, and tt was understood that the brief would be submitted to Congress when it convened In the Fall. But the brief Is not prepared; It is not even under way, and there la no lndlca tlon that It is to be prepared this Sum mer. It Is evidently the purpose of the anti-railroad legislation Senators to post pone tha preparation of the brief as long as possible, so that Senators wlH be obliged to wade through the great mass of testimony. If this Is done, every Sena tor opposed to legislating can bring up the excuse that he has not had time to read the testimony, and does not want to vote until he has studied the question thor oughly. This Is one of the things that are not susceptible of proof, of course, but It Is aneasy guess that there Is motive In de laying the preparation or tne Drier. Tne Senators who will fight the railroad rate bill are going to have a strenuous Winter, and they will need every possible excuse for delay. They know It, and are laying their plans accordingly. DIVER HITS THE BOTTOM Stayed in Shoal Water to Be With Ills Children. SANTA BARBARA. Cal., Aug. i (Special.) R. Molone. yardmaster of the Southern Pacific freight yards here, met a tragic fate today while In swimming at the Plaza del Mar. In plain sight of sev eral hundred people Malone took a dive from the pleasure pier which resulted In in4urles from which he died soon after. This morning Malone, who was an ex cellent swimmer, went to the beach ac companled by his son and daughter, for his regular morning plunge in the surr. In order to be with the children he re mnlned near shore land essayed a dlv from the pleasure pier In very shallow water. The first dive was successful, but in a second attempt Malone took the water at too straight an angle and striking the bottom with terrific force, fractured" his neck. He was rescued by Sam Spauld lng. the son of E. R. Spauldlng. a wealthy resident of this city, and although paralyzed, regained, conscious ness long enough to say a few words. He was taken to the Cottage Hospital, but died within an hour. Russian and Japanese Envoys Begin Negotiations on President's Yacht. CORDIALLY CLASP HANDS G00DE ON COMMISSION. Portland Man to Investigate Muni cipal Ownership of Utilities. NEW YORK. Aug. 5. The executive council of the National Civic Federation, of which August Belmont is president, met today and appointed a commission to make a thorough investigation In this country and In Europe of national mu nicipal ownershlpnd operation of public utilities. The National Federation appointed the commission at the request of the depart ments of the Industrial economics and of trade agreements, which are associated with the federation. These departments of the federation had decided that a thor ough investigation of the matter was necessary so that the public could act Intelligently. Among the members of the commission appointed by the federation Is H. W. Goode. president of the Portland General Electric Company, of Portland. Or. RETIRE ADMIRAL CLARK Ex-Captain of the Oregon Has Reached Statutory Age. WASHINGTON. Aug. 5. Rear Admiral Charles E. Clark, one of the most dis tinguished heroes of the Spanlsh-Amer lean war, will be placed on the retired list of the "Navy August 10, when he will have reached the statutory age. During the Spanish-American war, Rear Admiral Clark, then captain, commander the battleship Oregon on her great run around "Cape Horn. Wise Action of Roosevelt Removes All Questions of Precedence at Opening of History-"" Jinking Conference. OYSTER BAY. Aug. 5. Hlstery was made todav In Oyster Bay. RusslHns. and Japanese clasped hands and greeted one another with all outward evidence c cor diality, and for the first time since na tions began to have relations one wun another, an executive of a groat power received the envoys ot two Demgerent countries on a mission of peace. President Roosevelt, on behalf ot tho United States and Its people, extended formal greetings to the representative of Russia and Japan. Introducing tne plenipotentiaries to one another, and en tertained them at an elaborate luncheon, at which they fraternized with one an other ns friends and not as enemies. Durinsr the luncheon President Roose velt proposed a notable toast In which ho expressed the "earnest hope and prayer. In the Interest not only of these two great powers but ot all civilized mankind, that a Just and a lasting peace may speedlly be concluded between them." The occasion was Impressive. It was attended not by pomp and ceremony, but by a simplicity and frankness character istic of the President and the people of America. Due honor was paid the dis tinguished guests of the President anil of the country, and they were receive with all dignity to which their exalted rank entitled them. Scenery Tends to Pence. yThe dav was Ideal. After tho sun had burned away the haze of early morning, the weather was glorious. A brisk breez Just tipped the waves of Long Island Sound with silver, tempering at the saran time the heat of the sun's rays- Tho handsome -war yacht Mayflower, one ot the most beautiful vessels of the LMteu States Navy, on which the formal recep tion of the Russian and Japanese pleni potentiaries took place, swung easily at anchor Just at the entrance of Oyster Bay from Long Island Sound. A quarter ot a mile away was the dispatch-boat Dolphin, the favorlto cruising vessel ot several Presidents of the United States. Two miles out In the Sound, the cruller Galveston was anchored, waiting to con voy the vessels bearing the envoys to tho scat of the Washington peace conference at Portsmouth, N. H. The Mayflower was under command of Commander Cameron M. Wlnslow, Presi dent Roosevelt's naval aide, who was de tailed, to this duty as an especial mark of distinction to the peace commission by the President. Before the arrival ot the President and the envoys the cabins of the Mayflower were handsomoly dec orated with flowers. The luncheon table In the main saloon was laden with flow ers. The flowers used principally In the floral decorations were the gladiolus, a re cently created variety known as "Amer ican." It Is a superb purple blossom, which at first glance gives the observer the Impression of a rare orchid. No at tempt was made to decorate the cabins with flags, care being exercised In every feature of tho ceremony attendant upon the reception not In the slightest way to offend the sensibilities of the guests ot the occasion. Avoid Precedence Question. In order that no questions ot prece dence should arise. It was determined that the luncheon should be a buffet function. In this way was avoided the necessity of seating the envoys at table with the President. Every officer of the Mayflower was attired in special full-dress uniform; the crew was In sallprroen's "dress of snowy white." Rear-Admiral Slgsbee, commander ot the squadron which brought the re mains of the first American Admiral. John Paul Jones, from France to their final resting place in this country, was aboard the Mayflower as the guest of Commander Wlnslow. His baggage had miscarried and ho was not In uniform. Major-General Frederick D. Grants commander of the Department of tne East, and Roar-Admlral josepn a. Coghlan, commander of the Brooklyn navy-yard, respectively the represen tatives of the Army and the Navy at the reception, went aboard the May flower at 10:50 A. M. President Roosevelt was expected to board tht Mnyflower at 1 o'clock, but this morning he changed his plans and. Indicated his Intention to come aboard at noon or soon after. In accordance with this arrangement, a launch from, the vessel was sent to the J. West Roosevelt pier for him at 11:30 o'clock. Perched high up In the rigging ot tho vessel, one of the Mayflower's Jacklea kept a pair of marine glasses focused on the launch, and at noon precisely he reported o Lieutenant Phelps, tha executive officer, that the President was entering tho launch. As the launch, bearing the President and flying his pennant at ner fore, passed under tha stem of the Dolphin, the crew of that vessel dressed ship and the trumpeters sounded a fanfare. President Not in Uniform. As President Roosevelt stepped on the gangway to ascend to the dock of the Mayflower, the first gun ot the Presidential salute of 21 guns boomed Its welcome and tho beautiful Presiden tial pennant of blue and gold was broken out" at the masthead. The Presi dent was greeted by Commander Win slow as he reacned the deck. The baud, after the sounding of four ruffles beat on the drum, played "The Star-Span-gled Banner." The President greeted cordially General Grant and Rear-Ad-mlrals Coghlan and Slgsbee, saying to the last, in response to his apology for not" having on his uniform: "It is always a great pleasure. Ad miral, to meet you at any time and In any garb." One after another, the President per sonally greeted and shook hands wita officers of the ship. The President was accompanied by W. Emlen Roosevelt and Colonel Charles S. Brorawell, his military aide. He chatted animatedly with his friends and the officers on tCcnclncfd on Page 13.) 4