The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 09, 1905, Image 6

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ie ingenuity of American inventors
Ites the -wonder and envy of the
rid. The Ingenuity of American law-
is also excites the wonder of the
rid; whether it is envied by other na-
may be doubted. Many of its
imeji'ts seem so much out of
upon- a straightforward, plaln-
hg planet like this that one longs
te how they would work. In some
world, say. in, that one, Imagined
rron s deplorable hero Lucifer,
bevli was good and good evil. The
of eminent domain, as It has
inceived and applied in recent
Lvould fit rather well into the
it. such a -world, perhaps. In
rnere, by assumption admit-
but not quite false. Jus-
seems a Jlttle Incongru-
?rvejed concept of emi-
-Slmple enougo, Jt is
ue, absolute right to take
the bodies and popsesslons of its sub
jects for Its own use which every sov-
jreign state has by virtue of its state
hood. Originally, it was almost what
we now call confiscation; but an en
lightened nation never exercises the
right without compensation. Our Fed
eral and state constitutions require
compensation in all cases.
The authority of the state to compel
?i man to perve as a soldier is not called
emlnent domain, but it is the same
thing; only It Is exerted upon his body
instead of his property. And to put a
boy In school and keep him there by
law Is another exercise of this Inherent
x power, "which lies deeper than law in
the social organism and is above all
written constitutions. Some state con
stitutions reserve eminent domain to
the state. This is a waste of words.
tate would have it In any case, as
of the. United States Consti-
inevl Thes assume that
kawer, and speak
l?n it is used.
Lad it
t a
fp a smallpox
Souse. It is no crime
fiallpox. The man loses
lust as a farmer often loses
railroad, not because of
jut because It suits the pur-
society to take It. The social
Ise overrides the preference of the
riduaL The patient may wish to
iy at home; the farmer to keep his
id;3ut in both cases their preference
disregarded by the same right and
rapon the same principle. What emi-
Fnent domain comes to in the last analy-
ipel a man to trade what he
iqsl state both want for a compen-
whlch he does not want. If he
trtities willingly, then no authority Is
FtxercMHl What he is forced to give up
mzym his time. 'his labor, or his prop
erty. The state inakes the truant ac
cept an education- when he prefers lib-
erty; it makes the farmer accept a
"thouMpI dollars when he prefers his
laiMHHanakeus all accept the protec
tlonpsvernment in place of the taxes
m:.jfg' .with infinite groaning. But it
Is onlyour preferences which the state
diarswds, not our rights. Against the
ipuWic -or the grantee of the public a
lan .has no, right to his preferences
This St the essence of eminent domain.
But-nleS the state makes fair com
pens&wm for what it takes, it plays the
part of a. robber, not a sovereign. When
' It does offer Just compensation, there
- Is noittlng-lt may not take from a man
Evei& his ' religion, the old laiv said
"He Wns the religldn who rules the
land." But we stop short of that.
whether because the modern state
thinks a man's religion not worth tak
Ug or because it can think of no ade
quate compensation, may be debated
, All of us possess our ives and property
subject to this condition. All? Well,
ppetty nearly alL. There is one ingen
ious exception. All whom iGod made
Are subject to the -eminent domain of
the state; a corporation with a per
petual franchise is not. The creature
,of the law Ik found In this particular
bje all the efcturejvOf the Almighty
IrTMi cratwhis an cava iiT-rn
Judicial opinion, implies a contract that
it shall never be taken from its owners
by the public All other property may
be so taken If paid for; this may not.
The life of a man may be ended for a
public purpose, but not the life of one
of these legal struldbrugs. Here is an
achievement of legal ingenuity which
makes a "twining serpiant" look like
a mophandle. A perpetual franchise Is
property. It ha? a market value. It Is
bought and sold like other property:
but the public may never buy it cora
pulsorlly as they may everything else!
Among all the examples of perverted .
into contempt in America, this is the
most ingenious, and the most perverse.
We shall see. perhaps soon, whether it
is law.
The best years of the brightest youth
of America and Europe are given to the
study of the civilizations of Greece and
Rome. These civilizations were based
upon human slavery. In Greece It was
humane; in Rome more bitter; but the
glory and the grandeur both had their
roots in slavery. America has abol
ished the gross legal compulsions to
servitude. Our ethical , sense rejects
them as unjust and ;cruel". One might
question -whether a civilization -whose
foundation lay in such compulsions
were the best of all studies for a young
man -when his ideals are nascent; but
what nation, free from slavery in one
form or another, has ever developed a
civilization worth studying? Ruskln
discusses whether there might be such
a civilization, one where no class of
men -was sacrificed for the advantage
of a higher class; but his conclusion is
pessimistic He seems forced to admit
that it is Impossible. Certainly it has
.not been achieved in modern times. The
most ebullient optimists never deny
that human sacrifice to Mammon, re
named graft, prevails as a common and
striking rite of our National religion;
but they are comforted to think how
elegantly It is done. Jtuskln was com
forted by trying to believe the fruit of
slavery worth what It cosL If Pericles
and Phidias could not be had without
slavery, then slavery was well. If the
plant blossomed In Sophocles and Plato,
what matter though its roots spread
out in shameful ooze?
The knight of the age of chivalry
flourished upon serfdom. From the un
paid labor of a multitude of men bound
to the soil came his leisure, his
wealth, his culture. Perhaps he was
worth -what he cost In misery. He was
the glory of his own day and his mem
ory Is one of the joys of ours. "The
cost of joy is Joy," Emily Dickinson
writes, not without deep insight, carry
ing over Into psychology the economic
maxim thaUone man's gain must be
another's loss; and all history confirms
her.'" But now the economists reject the
maxim: they teach us that real material
gain may -be achieved by both parties
to a trade. Is It true that no class can
rise In civilization without treading
down another? Can we not have again
the Southern gentleman of "befo de
wah" without a band of negro slaves
to nourish him? Is this the best out
look for humanity that the mass of men
roust forever work too hard; brutalized
by their toll, must what little pleasure
they enjoy, or can enjoy, be always
sensual? Is It true that art, 'music, llt
erature, high thinking, fine feelings and
noble manners must always exist ior
a few men'only, arid that thesetfew -can
achieve the capacity and the leisure to
enjoy them In no other way than by
exploiting the toil of an Inferior class?
Experience says it is true. Society has
always been divided Jno higher and
lower; Into one class that lhTboredand
one that enjoyed the friilts of labor.
Nor is the dlvlsior different now. Is It
a law of Nature or a mistake of man?
It looks like a law of Nature. .
The admirable, cultivated, nobly
qualified man is expensive. He cannot
produce himself. He maj' call himself
self-made, but he stops far short of It;
he has used the machinery of schools
and colleges; the body of custom
and common knowledge accumulated
through all time; endowments, books,
tools. The man who is nearest self-
made. If he Is really a worthy product,
is only self-built out of the material
which constitutes civilization, and he
consumes in building himself far more
of that material than he can produce.
The raw material that goes into the
making of one high-grade man takes
many men to produce. Hence, If every
man enjoyed all the fruits, or the larger
share of the fruits, of his own labor,
there could be none of these expensive
gentlemen, artists, poets, historians,
statesmen. There would be no fund to
spend upon them. Hitherto this fund
has been taken, by violence or guile.
from a laboring class; must It always
be so?
Probably not. To produce one noble
specimen of manhood consumes the la
bor of many inferior speicmens. Very
well. One machine does the work of
hundreds of men. Machines are taking
the part in our economy which the
slave played In Greece and Rome and In
the South before the war; and with the
result of ameliorating the lot of the
whole race Instead of a few. Say noth
ing of material comforts; Caesar, we
tritely boast, had neither a shirt to
wear nor a decent lamp to read by. Say
nothing of transportation, newspapers,
amusements. Think only of the enor
mous fund which Is going directly and
avowedly, year by year, to cultivate
nobly the masses of men in public
schools and state universities; In muni
cipal libraries and museums; of the
sums spent to maintain the health of
the people: of the public Investments in
parks. We lament frequently that the
productive power of machinery benefits
not the laborer, but the capitalist; and
this is too near the truth. But It Is from
the overplus of that productive power;
that these beneficent expenditure.!, un
known until very recent times, are
derived: and they go to raise, slowly
perhaps but surely, the condition of
health, comfort and spiritual worth of
the average man. This is In the green
leaf. What will happen when society
has solved the difficult problem Ov dis
tribution and learned to render to every
man Justly? To the capitalist, to the
laborer, what is his; and to the public
what belongs to It. Is It too much to
hope that ultimately we shall achieve a
social order with a becoming proportion
of men of the highest grade, nourished,
not upon the unrequited toll of any
class, either slave or proletariat, but
upon a fund which has already begun
to accumulate In the endowments of
education and to which all. shall have
equal access? The-right of linherltance
Is conventional, not natural.. All Jur
ists admit this. What society has given
It may take away, and the time may
come when the law will see to it that
every youth starts fair In life, with
neither too much nor too little baggage:
most of himself. What may become of
him afterwards is not for the law to
Memories of the close relationship of
the past and the prospect for an early
resumption of such relations have de
veloped quite a bond of sympathy be
tween Portland and its Idaho friends,
and the people who gathered with us
on Lewis ton day were heartily wel
comed. There were hundreds of miles
of practically undeveloped country
stretching away on both sides of the
Columbia and Snake Rivers In the '60?,
when Lewlston was about the only
town in the upper country with which
Portland was doing business. The
Idah& mines paid a rich tribute "to this "hnemf made possible by condi
clty in those days, and it was the I i18'" eu' England at that period
wealth from the mines, scattered
among the new settlers for feed and
provender, that first began to make
farming pay In the Inland Empire.
" The traffic which poured through the
Idaho metropolis nestling at the Junc
tion of the Snake and Clearwater Riv
ers was of such great proportions that
It- gave employment to a larger num
ber of steamers than have ever before
or since operated on- any Inland river
route In the Pacific Northwest. It was
the magnitude of this business that en
abled the Oregon Steam Navigation
Company to pile up colossal fortunes for
Its stockholders and supplied the money
with which to begin. rail connections
between Portland and the upper coun
try. In that period LewLston was as
completely in Portland territory as any
of the Willamette Valley cities, and
that we did not suffer by our connec
tions at that time Is shown by the very
kindly feeling that has always been ex
pressed for Portland and Portland en
terprises by the Lewlston people.
Despite all of the rich Idaho traffic
which swelled the receipts of the O. S.
N. Co. and its successors, the money
has never been used to give Lewlston
the same facilities granted other por
tions of the Northwest, and. In view of
this fact. It is somewhat surprising to
And so much loyalty to Portland still
remaining among our up-river friends.
Fortunately for both Portland and
Lewlston. there Is at last an excellent
prospect that we shall In a very short
time again be in close connection. Lew
lston may never again send down 5200;
000 shipments of gold on a single boat,
as It did in the days when Portland
was In full swing In the trade of that
country, but It Is now shipping out vast
quantities of grain and fruit, and Is on
the eve of a greater development than j
was noted In any former period of Its
Completion of the Snake-River line
and the electric line through the Ncz
Perces countrj' will bring about a pros
perity that will outshine that of the
palmiest days of the O. S. N. Co., and
the portage railroad at CeHlo will stand
as a guarantee against any possible
return of high freight rates. Lewlston
has for many years suffered the handi
cap of an unnatural route to the mar
kets of the outside world, but this Is
about to be removed, and both Portland
and Lewlton will come back Into their
own. The cordial exchange of courte
siea at ihe.-JSxDOsltion grounds yester
day vers TOUtreser-ibled a meeting of
old friends -wtibm n unkind fate had
separated, 'bjit wW were about to re
sume the-jipant relations so much
enjoyed Jrf,' past.'
Brook .Farmhouse, the ancient build
ing In West Roxbury. Mass.. where,
sixty years ago. Ralph Waldo Emerson,
George Ripley. George William Curtis,
Margaret Fuller, Amos Bronson Alcott,
Charles A. Dana and a few other kin
dred spirits set up their shortlived.
Idealistic Social Democracy, was
burned to the ground on July 4. Stand
ing all of these ye'ars. the grim and
desolate representative of human lib
erty and equality in its idealistic sense,
it was set on fire by that Insignificant
exponent of freedom, the Fourth of July
firecracker, and the ghost of Its past,
"the soul of It." went walling up
through flames and smoke.
It was In this old house that Haw
thorne wrote at the beginning of his
literary career. Here George Ripley.
Fcholar, preacher. Idealist, set himself
to the task of establishing what Dr.
Holmes called an "Intellectual or spir
itual revival" upon something of a
practical basis 1. e.. a basis that would
permit people to eat and wear cloth
ing In response to the needs of their
bodies, literally without thought of the
morrow, while " developing organized
social life on a higher plane.
It was between the years of 1S20 and
180 that there grew up In New England
that form of thought or philosophy
known as "transcendentalism." a name.
as Emerson said, that was given "no
body knows by whom, or when it was
first applied." Amos Bronson Alcott,
the husband of an energetic, capable.
loyal woman, who found means to feed
and clothe her family while he dreamed
vain dreams, and the father of four
bright daughters, of whom one. Louisa,
M.. afterward gave a series of charm-
Ing books for young people to the world,
was a faithful devoted disciple of thLs
old-new philosophy. Its humorous, nl
most ludicrous side was set out by Miss
Alcott many years later In a story
called "Transcendental Wild Oats."
Very close to facts as they existed at
Brook Farm was this recital. Her bio
grapher. Edna D. Cheney, says of it:
The mlnRllnR- of pathos and humor, the
reverence and ridicule with which fne author
alternately treats the personalities and the
notions of tho?e encased In the scheme make
a rich and dfllshtful tale.
The sketch was written In the light
of the backward look, the absurdities
of the picture coming out In strong re
lief while the high lights present the
grand misty outlines of the thoughts
so poorly realized.
The Alcott experiment took shape In
1843. when a company, of enthusiasts
secured a farm near Concord, which,
with trusting hope, they named "Fruit
lands." The shifts and makeshifts to
which the colonists were reduced while
trying to live up to the light of its
nomiHal head form a pitiful chapler In
the struggle. The experiment was, of
course, an utter, failure, as was also
that at Brook Farm, near Boston,
which preceded "Frultlands" by two
or three years and somewhat out
lasted it.
It was the old farmhouse at Brook
Farm the forlorn. long-unoccupied
home of transcendentalism In Its most
vigorous and systematic expression
that was burned last Tuesday night.
Here, was the rallying point of those
whose aim was to bring about the best
conditions for an Ideal civilization; who
sought to reduce to the minimum the
labor necessary for mere existence., and
by this and by the simplicity of social
for mental and spiritual education and
Briefly stated by George Ripley, the
founder of the colony
The object of the Brook Farm Arewlatlon
for Education and Arriculture was to Injure
a more natural union' between Intellectual
and manual labor than now cxUts: to combine
the thinker and the worker as far a posstble
In the same Individual: to guarantee the
hlgheu mental freedom by providing all with
labor adapted to their tan:es and talents.
anJ securing to them the fruits of their In
dustry: to do away with the necessity of
menial services' by openlnz the benefits of
education and the profits of labor to all.
and thus to pre jure a society of liberal, in
telligent, cultivated persons1, whose relations
with each other would iermlt a more simple
and wholesome life than can be ltd amidst
the pressure of our competitive institution.
Impractical as it now appears, this
vl n iiii-ti .merson wrote 10 vurijie;
We are all a little wild here with number
less projects of social reform: not a reading
man but has a draft of a new comity In his
waistcoat pocket.
This, at least, may be said of ,the
scheme, even in the presence of its ab
surdity as viewed from the simple !
standpoint of human nature and ma
terlal human needs. It enlisted the at
tention and co-operation of men who.
In the light of what they contributed to
Journalism, to poetry, to the thought of
a thoughtful era and to high-bred phil
anthropy are worthy of honor and re
spect even of reverence.
The chief writers of the movement
were George Ripley. Charles A. Dana.
John Dwight and Francis G. Shaw. Its I
occasional writers included Greeley. I
Emerson. Lowell. Whlttler. Curtis,
Goodwin. Channlng and HIgglnson.
Though evidently conscious of the In
adequacy of the means adopted to corn
pars the proposed end. these men re
joiced In any endeavor .toward high
weals of life.
In order to fight Standard Oil In Kan
sas, the Legislature appropriated $400.
000 for a state refinery, enacted maxi
mum rates for the transportation of oil,
declared pipelines to be common car
riers, and as such under control of the
State Railroad Commission, and set up
other rules to insure uniform prices of
certain commodities at named points.
In due time the right of the state to
establish this artificially organized ana
ruled competition was challenged in the
state courts, and now the Supreme
Court has declared the law unconstitu
tional, because the Constitution forbids
state interference In "works of Internal
Improvement." A significant item Is
the comment of an independent refiner
that In thLs decision he rejoices, as
shutting out state competition and leav-
T" ?e.ld fr a fa'f fl.Sht . b"
lliC SUllC !-- V. IlllIU 113 rJKUlS 1
in prohibiting discrimination by rail-
roads, or by any other form of trans
portation based on franchises, or rights
of eminent domain, secured from the
The state was equally, within its
rights In demanding and taking steps
to secure fair and reasonable rates of
transportation by all common carriers,
of oil. petroleum, or any other freight.
On the other hand, if Standard Oil buys
private rights of way from private
owners, and constructs, equips and op
erates its own pipeline to Its own refin
eries, it Is very hard to see the logic of
declaring that "common enemj-" a com
mon carrier, and compelling it to trans
port other people's oil by its own pipe
line. Probably It will take some time
for the scales of public Justice to adjust
themselves, after the excitement of the
recent fight. Anything Is better than
that "straining a point" to declare a
bad law constitutional which Governor '
Hoch Is reported to have suggested he
would have done If he had been the
court. Let Justice be done, though the
heavens fall. Is a maxim that never
can get old. An even rule for Stand
ard Oil. and for the State of Kansas,
and for the poorest driller of an oil
well this have all men a right to ask.
The people of Kansas should thank a
sane and serious court for a just con
struction of law that shows the way
out for the state from a field It ought
never to have entered.
Oregon Is seeking immigration. It
has room for a very large number of
homeseekers and a warm welcome for
home-makers. It offers to these such
I nlnln cnllri citrtcfrtntl9l"lnr1tirnmnna ns
are to be found In varied natural re
sources, equable climate and fertile
soil. It has magnificent scenery, too.
which offers Itself in evidence to those
who enjoy, and in a manner feast upon
this type of Nature's bounty; but this
lu not iititmI n n n ocinrln1 In ciippacs.
ful homebullding. It Is an Incident
pleasing and inspiring, but not a spe
cial Inducement to settlers of the type
needed to develop our state and estab
lish for themselves a permanent place
In Its Industries.
It devolves upon us to show that a
comfortable ll-ellhood here awaits
1 thrifty, industrious familj men. under
conditions that are superior to those In
many sections of the country and equal
to those anywhere The best way to
prove this Is to offer evidence of the
productiveness of our lands. If we halt
at this point, it Is our own fault, and
not the fault of the country.
Those who are here, and those who
will be here during the Exposition 1 blc t,ach individual. win he Kh.en a
months, seeking may and doubtless small pIot of ground for cultlvati0n. and
will. Inquire why we are Importing ; every encoUragement and facility will
eggs, poultry, butter, cheese, vegetables a(rJrded for working It for the pleas
and other food products If the climate ure health and proflt of tnose who
and soil are adapted to their produc- ,u Here will be located. say3 thIa
tion and there are large areas of land 1 chronicler
that are untllled. It may be necessary i Xot a moaximtntal ,n,tItmIon. but a T,ac
tO explain that this fact IS due tO the j of unfortunates with homelike .lurmtin.Hn
individual shortsightedness of our farm-
ers. and not to any defect In our agrl-
cultural conditions. It may be neces
sary to show, further, that the influ
ence of the long isolation of early days
has not yet worn itself out In our farm
ing communities, and that this Influ
ence tended toward the production of
the single crop that would bear long
shipment, or storage from one year to
another, and away from the Idea of di
versified farming.
The world that Is. the ."moving
world." to use the term In a double
sense Is satisfied that the climate of
Oregon has extraordinary merit.-, and
that the resources of the state are vast
and varied. The basic Industry here,
as elsewhere. ls.ngriculture Intelligent.
Intensified agriculture. Manufactures
flourish when the means of feeding the
operatives are ample. Mines will be
opened, but miners must be fed. When
people are convinced that abundance
follows farming industry properly di
rected, they will come here, whether
"from Missouri" or. from any other sec
tion of the country that breeds intelli
gent, inquiring men. To quote a Cali
fornia paper on this subject:
than elsewhere: it ought not to be anywhere.
The fantastic people are of no benefit to
any countrr- Life everywhere should be
made real, sensible and of value to one's
self and the community. Such a life by
all the people make a xreat country- Na
ture fnipplles the elements or wealth and
man finishes the product, and- In this lies
all hU work, so far as material interests
are concerned.
This Is suggestive of alne of effort
that. If properly and persistently pur
sued, cannot fail to bring to Oregon,
through the opportunities. of the Lewis
and Clark Fair, an Influx of citizens for
whom there Is abundant room and cor
dial welcome. Having been "shown,"
people of this type will not fall to see,
and. seeing, to profit thereby.
WARD. There Is not In my Cabinet one man to
whom tt is not a financial disadvantage to
stay In the Cabinet. ... The chance to
do Rood work If such work can be well done
Is in itself the amplest reward, the
prize. President Rootevelu
President Roosevelt has rendered
j many services to the American people
none greater than when he sets up a
high and noble standard of public work
and public duty and enforces It. as.
thank heaven! he can. by actual In
stances of conspicuous service and de
votion. Nor Is America alone In the
possession of disinterested servants. If
In any respect the plane of life Is raised,
and shows that It Is raised in this mod
ern age. it is In this, that nowhere are
men recognized as worth v of rh niir
they fill the hlchest. or In the iWer
ranks of public life unless the world
sees and knows that the service Is Its
own best reward to the man who
serves. Corruption and dishonesty In
public places still endure: municipali
ties, governments, legislatures, may be
honeycombed with graft and peculation.
Yet. like the worms that In dark bur
rows suck the sap of tree and flower,
their safety lies In darkness. In this
day and generation the light kills them,
pr. If not done to actual death, their
power to work damage and destruc
tion is forever gone. To ferret out. to
unburrow. to drag to light such public
enemies, is most necessary, though to
the great majority most distasteful
work. Happy he who. like the Presi
dent, can cut the evil at the root by
showing to all :.ges and conditions of
the people the higher and wholesomer
way. The blessedness of service Is the
topic of which the true statesman and
the true preacher may never tire: "The
chance to do good work" work itself,
not the rewards of work there is the
essence of the teaching. Are we not all
I touched In the various meetings In this
city of convention and association, of
society and order, when the time comes.
not for calling the roll of the living, but
those who in the year that has gone
V. To 1,1
" n3I
I have kept the faith." are the two ele
ments of victory. '
What endears the President to the
people is that he sees clearly and there
fore fears not to set himself on what
poor souls may deem the unpopular
side. Many Americans love money,
more love power and success. Personal
alms are these. Dutj and service, the
"chance to do good work," the doing it
well, and therein gathering the amplest
prize, such are the texts drawn by the
President from the careers of both liv
ing and dead servants of the people
who serve and have served with him.
The present era is fertile In municipal
schemes, not all of which feed upon
"graft" or are instigated by self-seeking
politicians. An example of a mu
nicipal scheme that proposes to com
bine municipal economy, or the econ
omy of municipal funds, with a high
degree of efficiency and humanity, and
make punitive measures go hand in
hand with reform, is noted In the muni
cipal farm colony eoon to be established
ten miles out from the City of Cleve
land. Cora Clark Cooley writes enter
tainingly of this scheme In The World
Today, giving In detail the purpose of
the colony. Briefly, it is a colonization
of the various Institutions which a
large municipality finds necessary or
useful In dealing with the dependent,
the criminal and the defective classes.
A tract of land comprising 1300 acres,
or two square miles, has been pur
chased by the City of Cleveland -for this
purpose. The administration building
will occupy an elevated site In the cen
ter of the tract, which commands the
view for many miles. Located at some
distance, from one another will be the
house of correction, the detention hos
pital, a tuberculosis sanitarium, a home
for the aged poor, a home for cripples,
a home for wayward girls, a general
hospital for convalescent and chronic
cases, and a hospital for the treatment
of the drink and drug habits. Special
cars furnished with beds, nurses or
such attendants as may be necessary
will be run over a suburban line to the
several departments of the colony.
As Is befitting, the aged and depend
ent poor will be first housed In this
1 municipal colony. Their needs require
tne prompteat attention. Age. Infirmity
nH vrf.. frtrm rAmhln!irlnn ,w
j makes urgent appea, for treatmenU Aa
far as possible, the residents will be
grouped according to nationality and
congenial tastes. Husbands and wives
will occupy a part of a cottage by them
selves. Each cottage, or, when desira
' sufficient activity to fasten a feeling of inde-
I Pndence. some room for Individual whims
and caprices and ail In the midst of the tree
opn country, flowers, trees and gardens, the
residents of the other Institutions will be given
freedom from city temptation;, the privilege
of outdoor life and of regaining normal
physical conditions, which are Important fac
tors In overcoming vlcn. crime and disease.
The scheme Is based upon the widest
philanthropy, combined with the most
simple utilitarianism. It takes note of
the fact that many of these people, be
cause of mental and bodily defects have
been crowded out of the ranks of com
petition In shops and factories, and
who. though able In small Industries to
make their own living on a scale com
mensurate with their modest needs,
cannot secure employment In the cities.
Unlike the crowded factories, the land
furnishes opportunities for the weak,
the unskilled and the defective to do
some useful work according to their
Men past their prime, the crippled,
the feebe-mlnded. who can give only a
partial day's labor, will have a chance
to use their limited talents. In two
square miles of. jvooded hills, rolling
meadows and plowed fields, with Its
jteX? .and gaxfleaat Jis. -oattapes
shops and barns, its cattle. 9heep and
fowl, this farm colony will offer large
opportunities for useful, happy lives for
the weak. unfortunate and poor of a
great city.
The only obstacle, or at least the
greatest obstacle, to a realization of
this dream of munlicpal benevolence
will be found In the reluctance of the
beneficiaries to leave the city for the
country. Incomprehensible as it Is to
the lover of Nature, the advocate of
pure air. the philanthropist who sees
In land the friend of labor and the ally
of the poor. It Is still a fact that the
scheme offers something that many of
these people at least do not want, and
that. If forced upon them', they will not
appreciate. The advantages are there
as stated, but It will be dlfIicult"to make
the proposed beneficiaries see them. It
Is the old problem represented by the
statement that It Is easy to lead a horse
to the water, but quite another thing
to make him drink. These people can
be made comfortable, relatively speak
ing, but it Is too much to expect that
they will be contented In and with their
new environment.
Secretary Wilson has made a public
announcement that Associate Statisti
cian Edward S. Holmes Is the guilty
party who gave away advance Informa
tion on the character of the cotton crop
renort. If Mr. Holmes Is guilty as
charged, he Is deserving of the punish
ment which he will receive. At the
same time, news of his disgrace and
dismissal will be received with regret
b a Kreat many people In the Pacific
Northwest with whom he came- In con
tact on his periodical visits in connec
tion with wheat-crop statistics. He
was not alwas's able to overcome the
padded early reports of the department,
but his work In that, direction was the
best of any of the men who have repre
sented the Government in securing
wheat statistics In th,!s part of the
country. The most encouraging news
In connection with this cotton-crop
scandal Is that Secretary Wilson has
outlined "an entire reorganization of
the Bureau of Statistics and manner cf
preparing monthly crop reports."
We will, because we must, treat with
courtesy those who come here for a
"good time." as that term is Inter
preted by an exaggerated imagination;
who remain a few days to complain of
the wet. if It rains, and the heat, if the
sun shines. And go away to prevari
cate. There are those of this type, of
course. But upon the easily proven hy
pothesis that the majority of our visit
ors are people of intelligence and dis
cernment. It is safe to assume that
sightseeing in Oregon this Summer will
result In homebullding later on by the
most-approved type of settlers those
who see here opportunity Inviting In
dustry to come in and earn, first a liv
ing, then a home, and, as the 3ears
go on, a competence.
The Salem convicts who free
board and lodging from the state are
said to be doing excellent work in road
bulldlpg In Marion County. This sug
gests great possibilities for realizing
something on the work of these hun
dreds of expensive boarders. There Is
an unlimited field for operations In
roadbulldlng. throughout the state, and.
while It may not be practical to send
the convicts too far away from the
Penitentiary, they can work out from
Salem In all directions without running
out of employment for an Indefinite
period. The prospects for such a
healthy diversion, in connection with a
sentence, might also prove a slight pre
ventive of crime.
That the people'of the whole country
know what the case against Senator
Mitchell was 13 due to the verbatim re
ports published by The Oregonlan from
day to day. Upon these reports the
Judgment of the country was made up.
Iso newspaper without full equipment
and preparation for emergencies could
have done it- The Oregonlan, which
has some knowledge of newspaper
work, can say with certainty that this
work never was exceeded in fullness.
completeness, extent and accuracy by
any newspaper. Of the expense of this
effort and achievement The Oregonlan
says nothing? for It always has made it
its business to be equal to any require
ment. Secretary Taft is going to the Philip
pines to show Governor Wright how to
make the inhabitants pay taxes. What
Wright needs Is expert advice. But
there was no need to send all the way
to Washington for so big a man as
Taft. Here In Portland we have a lot
of franchise-grabbers who can give
cheaply all the Information wanted
about how to make the other fellow pay
the taxes.
The Russian mutineers having at last
surrendered to a foreign government,
we begin to understand why the Black
Sea fleet hunted for them so diligently
in places where they were not. The
Russian government can make sure of
victory over any kind of a ship, fishing
boats excepted, by letting some one else
do the job.
John D. Rockefeller having given
$10,000,000 to a general educational fund
and something like $30,000,000 or $40,000.
000 more for similar purposes to vari
ous Institutions, there Is hope that after
a while he may remember the tax col
lector. The Russian mutineers have given up
and fled. It wasn't much fun. after all.
to steal a battleship and to be chassd
all over the Black Sea. But they forgot
that It was other Russians who chased
The Japanese plenipotentiaries are
coming via Seattle. They have heard
about the United States, and evidently
they are preparing for the worst.
Mr. LawsDn challenges the "System"
to mortal combat, but capitulates be
fore a Jest. He is too sensitive to be
either an author or an agitator.
It Is a Xcwspiipcr.
Polk County Observer.
The people of Oregon never realized the
Importance and value of a first-class
daily newspaper more than during the
trial of Senator Mitchell. Through the
enterprise of the Oregonlan. in printing
a complete stenographic report of each
day's proceedings, they were enabled to
read the evidence In Its entirety and to
pass Intelligent Judgment upon the. merits
of the case. The expense and labor
connected with preparing this vast amount
of matter each day must have been enor
mous, and the fact that the task wns
'iiuccessfully accomplished speaks volumes
for the efficiency of the OregonianV re-
portorlal Btaft and the equipment of Its"
mechanical department. It Is tests like
these that distinguish the real from the
make-believe newspapers.
Hiram Hnylield's Views. -'
Grass Valley, Or.. July S, 1505- v
Dere Ozone: , .
I sea thet the Nashunal WImmin Suf
ferers Assoshoashun hez ben inn . seshun
thlss weak at Portland. Hooray fur the
wimmln sufferers! Ime fur thum. I like,
too sea wlmmin suffer iff thay want too.
Hoo Is tharc sew base az too say thet
wlmmin -halnt gott no rite too suffer? As ,
the polt sez. "Suffer and bee strong;"
Menn hev suffered frum the aigc of Ad
dam. and thayre suffcrin hez . maid thum
strong, sew thet thay air now kawled the
lords of kreashun. while the wlmmin air
dooin biznlss under the Nome de Plllm
of the wecker seeks. Ime fur reform inn
thio aftare. Give the wlmmin awl the -sufferln
thay ast fur, and shaim on enny
grate strong mann thet wunt purmltt fee
mall sufferln! Shaim. I say!
I ondcrstan thet the way these fee- -malls
ekspekt to -suffer iz by glttin a voat
Inn the affftres of the nashun.- I 3ont
no of ennything that will ' caws thum
mower sufferln than thet. Evry time I"
go too the Poles I vow and deklair.too
myself.' "HL Hayneld. thiss lz the las
time yew'll voat: the jedges malk yew tel
yore aige and sine yore fambly peddy
gree, and then susplshun yew of kummin
frum Wasco County fur the okkazhun.- .
Itt's 2 mutch fur enny high-bread manni"-
too stand." Butt I awlways go back
necks elekshun and putt in my little Si?
sew. whuthcr thay kount Itt or nott- . .
Sew fur az Ime konserned, I don't sea
enny grounds fur denyln the wimmln
thayre rites to the ballet. Iff gurls Inn"
theayters kin go In the ballet beet thay'
air of alge. I kant aea why we shud she.t.
groan wimmln outen thayre rites to the
ballet. I Jess kant, so help my alfalfy
I hearby arise upp fur wlmmin's rites.'
Iff a mann hez the rite to orfer hiz voat
in the open marklt att sew much per
voat. I kant sea fur the life of mee why
a feemall woman ort nott too hev the
salm rite. lie darn my sox Iff I kin.
I amm a wlmmin's rites mann frum the
the heals of my plowboots too the sole of
my skalp. Evrything inn my aistem
kawls for wimmln's rites. I talk the flore
too demand thet wlmmin git awl the rites
thet air kummin too- thum. and get thum
P. D. Q. Lett the wlmmin bee emanci
pated frum the keerr. of housekeepln and
tendln the baby, and go out Inn the wide,
wide wurruld and malk the fambly in-'
kum. Lett thum tiperlght, and runn sa
loons and enlist Inn the army. Shall we.
kontinue too say thet they air nott the
ekwllls of mere men? I paws for reply.
When my wimmln fokes git too malkln
the hull Hvln and thareby asoomin
thayre rites. He jess talk my ole fish Pole
and a kan of worms and a kuppel of pints
of bate and go down the klasslck shores
of Grass Crik and fish till my darter Jane
Mariar putts upp her hosses, feeds and
milks the cows, kutts a cord of wood and
kawls mee hum too supper.
Yores fur wlmmin sufferers.
P. S. Wimmln's rites mostly konsist -inn
holdln the telyphone 2 hours, while
awl the biznlss menn on the line gnash
thayre-tcath and wisht thay, wuz an or
tomattic telj-phone thet wud refuse to'
. spekc too a woman Inn biznlss hours.
Has All. the Qualifications.
Mrs. Motherlove-1-! am awfully worried
about my boy "Percy. He- seems to have
no ambition in life, and he's so dreadfully
dull and stupid when he meets people: all ,'
he can say is "Pleased to know you" and
"Fine day. isn't it?" I fear there is no-,
career for the poor - boy.
Mr. Pasj-e On the contrary, madam, I
can see where your son will shine, if you
put him in his proper sphere.
Mrs. M. Oh. pray tell me!
Mr. P. Make a society man of him. and
let his specialty be to stand In the receiv
ing line at social functions.
The Unofficial Autocrat.
"If I were actually running the . unl-,
verse." says the Unofficial Autocrat. "In
stead of Just imagining that I do. one of
my first official acts would be to organ
ize a society for the utilization of super
fluous knowledge. Some people kuow
more than they have any use for. We
find this condition of over-produetioa in,
every walk of life. No matter where we
may go, we cannot get away from the
person who knows too much. A little
learning is a dangerous thing.' wrote the
late A. Pope, in a burst of candor: but
as a matter of fact, a whole lot of learn
ing Is more perilous than an avalanche
on a tear or a Twentieth Century train on
an open switch. An overload of knowl
edge may add to the general soul-sntls-factlon
of the one who totes it around,
but it Is' pretty sure, sooner or later, to
drop off on the back of some poor cuss
who has only -a little learning. For In
stance, now, the other day I noticed some
verses in this column wherein it was ?t
forth that a Summer girl "had gtven up
the conventions of life, gone to the sea
shore, become a tomboy again and begun
to 'gamble with the men.' According to
the context I suspect that the author
meant to have her 'gambol with the
men.' But the compositor, being deeply
versed in the gambling game, set it up
gamble.' Of course. It really was un
necessary for him to know so much
about gambling, as a familiarity with
draw poker, faro and fantan is not essen
tial to his profession; but. possessing
that . superfluous knowledge, he made the
poor girl a gambler, which 13 hardly an
enviable reputation for a young lady who
hopes for matrimonial entanglements. A
Summer girl can frisk and frolic and gam
bol with the men as much as she likes,
at the peashore, but when she 'gambles
with the men It Is likely to get Into
the next week's Seavlew Clarion and be
copied Into the Semi-Weekly Vindicator
back home, and that mlg'ht cause giggles
In the Sunday school class taught by the
gambling girl when she is at home. All
of which." concludes the unomciai,
"makes me want to organize the S. U.''
P. K."
The Laurel of John liny.
Time the year 2003. Place a cemetery
in Cleveland. O. -
First Stranger The name on this mon
ument seems familiar to me. but I can't
Just recall in what connection.
Second Stranger Why, this is the grave
of John Hay, who died a hundred years'
ago. Haven't you read history? Ho was
one of our greatest- Secretaries of State.
He was a distinguished diplomat. Ambas
sador to England. He engineered the
Hay-Pauncefote treaty and was the .au
thor of the open door in China.
Flryt Stranger Ah. yes. an author! ' I
thought I remembered his name In that
connection. Great statesman? Well, we
have many statesmen and diplomats. But
here Gomes' the sexton: let's see If this
man knows what makes John Hay fa
mous. Here, my good man. do you. know ,
anything about the man who is buried
Sexton I should say I do, sir. Thou
sands come here every year to see his
grave, because he was the author of "Jim