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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1903)
y jtatmm . fl fr Tmnm PART TWO A PAGES 9 TO 16 1 - VOL. XXII. POKTLAND. OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, 1903. NO. 44. Picture Framing' Artistic Picture Frames made to order here. Expert framers. New est moldings. Lowest prices. Mr. John Gorman An expert draper, is in charge of our spe cial order work. Draperies and Portieres made to special, order. Most up-to-date designs. Finest workmanship. vfm t Very Stylish. Tailor-Made Under J s J vSwell Louis XIV Suits Tomorrow Only $14.50 Real value S20 Our display of tailor-made suits has been most lavish this year. At no time, however, have we shown prettier styles than the Louis XIV suits that we offer for special sale tomorrow. The coats are all lined with satin, the skirts are cloth strapped to match the coat. The coat, collar, belt and sleeves are prettily outlined with dainty trimming. Mate rials are black and navy all-wool cheviots. This is the time when the untiring energy of our New York buyer, Mr. Henry L. Mersereau ever on the look out for best trade chances enables us to offer these splendid suit bargains. The illustration shows the style of the garments. If it were possible to show you in these columns the fit and finish and materials there would not be a single suit left by four o'clock tomorrow. Tomorrow Only $20 Louis XIV Tailor - Made Suits at $14.50 mk'&m& - --mwrnm Aim Ifetfw&iW :. -I'-Eik IftH ' m - ? : j IsfjRHlr BIG SALE OF CURTAINING A notable sale of every kind of Window Curtaining, Muslin Curtaining, Madras Curtaining, Lace Curtaining, Net Curtaining, Swiss Curtaining, White Curtaining, Ecru Curtaining, Colored Curtaining. Every yard df Window Curtaining at reduced price. Big bargains at special 8c, lie, 16c, 18c, 29c, 39c. Hundreds of patterns to select from. We have been preparing for this first annual window Curtaining Sale for several months. Our last shipment arrived Saturday. We are ready for tomorrow's Curtaining Sale with the best bargains and the biggest variety you have ever seen. vSKeets and Pillow Cases READY FOR USE SHEETS 2 1-4 yds. wide by 2 1-2 yds. long stand ard quality sheeting, hemmed ready for EL&f use. Exceptional value OO PILLOW SLIPS 45x36 inch Pillow Slips, hemmed ready for use. 1Q 1 0- Special 1-XrL Best quality hemstitched Pillow Slips, QCC ready for use. Special irvi Quilt $ize Cotton FOR COMFORTS ,25c 2 yds. wide by 2 1-4 yds long, finest pure white fleecing cotton, ready for covering. Rolls out in flat quilt-shape, easy to handle. Special Satines for covering 12 l-2c. COLORED DRESS GOODS TWEED TWEEDS TWEEDS THE FAVORED DRESS GOODS These stylish, refined dress fabrics in browns, grays and greens have been in such demand that manufacturers have had difficulty in meeting it. We have provided against all chance of shortage and display illuminated and other most desired effects in Tweeds in wide variety, 50 to 54 inches wide 85 to $1.50 yd. Picture Store 1000 Carbon Pictures, framed in Carbon Brown Wood Frames. Reproductions of most f famous pictures. Great special value JC Music vStore Rosale's Famous Moorish Intermezzo "Moralba." Robert Cameron Rogers, "The Rosary." These two famous successes. Publisher's g, price 50c, at !D RECEIVED BY EXPRESS "Prince of Pilsen Score," "When You at Last Are Mine," 4Message of the Violets," and the big hit in West's Minstrels "Up in the Cocoanut Tree." Notion iStore SALE OF FEAThER DUSTERS Good Feather Dusters 5 inches, special 8c 6 " " 8 9 10 11 12c 20c 29c 38c 43c Heavy Turkey Dusters 12 inches, special 17c 14 " " 20c 16 " " , 29c 18 " " 39c SALE OF HOSE SUPPORTERS Silk Pad "Hook On" Silk Supporters in Black, Sky, Cardinal and Pink. Regular 35c, O special Jmt k. Kleinert's Satin Side Supporters, with fancy frilled elastic, fancy buckle and improved catch. Colors Black, Sky, White, Pink, Cardinal, Qr special Cj t- BARGAINS IN MUSLIN UNDERWEAR A SPLENDID GATHERING OF MUSLIN UNDERWEAR FROM THE BEST MANUFAC TURERS. The best possible garments at the most remarkable low prices. Great special purchases have arrived and our muslin underwear store is filled and overflows with bargains in dainty snow-white garments. White Skirts Ladies' white Skirts, deep ruffle, lace and in sertion, or embroidery trimmed, Tf real value $1.00, sale price -C Ladies' white Skirts, deep ruffle, two in sertions and cluny lace edge, blind em broidery, hemstitched tucks, ealQ value $1.25, sale price yOC Ladies' white Skirts, deep ruffle, Point de Paris and cluny lace and insertion, em broidered and hemstitched tucks, real value $1.75, oq sale price cpl.0 7 All fine skirts at sale prices, special $1.73, $1.98, $2.39, $2.79, $4.19 and upward. high neck, 50c 'Ladies' muslin Gowns, Y and ruffle edge, real value 60c, sale price Ladies' muslin Gowns, V-shaped and high neck, embroidered and hemstitch trim ming, real value 75c, q sale price Jj JQ Ladies' muslin and cambric Gowns, French high neck, square neck, a slip gown, lace, embroidery and insertion trimming, real value $1.00, 70 sale price JG Ladies' muslin and cambric Gowns, extra quality, French, square, high neck, em broidery or lace trimmed, real QQ value $1.25, sale price VOC All fine gowns at sale prices, special $1.29, $1.59, $1.98, $2.69, $3.98 and upward. Ladies' cambric Corset Covers, Y-shape, cir cular and high neck, French or fitted, lace, embroidery and hemstitched trim ming, real value 35c, ?& sale price -3C Ladies' cambric Corset Covers, high, Y, cir cular neck, French and fitted lace, inser tion, embroidered and hemstitch- QQr ing, real value 40c, sale price... & JG Ladies' cambric Corset Covers, extra qual ity, fine laces and embroidery trimming, real value 50c, r q sale price. OC Ladies' cambric nainsopk Corset Covers, fit ted or French, fine laces and embroidery and insertion and trimmed yoke, a q " real values 65c, 75c, sale price f sG All finer Corset Covers at sale prices, special 79c, 98c, $1.19, $1.33, $1.59 and upward. Ladies' cambric Drawers, deep umbrella ruffle, cluster tucks and hemstitch Oo ing, real value 30c, sale price j&C Ladies' fine muslin and cambric Drawers, deep ruffle, embroidery, lace and hem stitching, open and closed, real rj g value 50c, sale price O jQ Ladies' fine muslin and cambric Drawers, deep ruffle, lace, hemstitched, tucks, em broider)', open and closed, real a O value 65c, 75c, sale price C All fine Drawersat sale prices 69c, 79c, 9Sc, $1.29, $1.89 and upward. Ladies' muslin an$ cambric Chemise, square yoke, embroidery trimmed, real a g- value 60c, sale price aC Finer Chemises, special 59c, 69c, 79c, 98c. Ladies' cambric and lawn combination Skirt Chemise, circular neck, lace insertion and embroidery trimmed, real -, value $1.25, sale price VOC Finer combination Skirt Chemises at sale prices, special $1.19, $1.39, $1.59, $1.98, $2.59. Extra Sizes a Specialty Extra size Gowns, special 79c, $1.35, $1.79. Extra size Skirts, special $1.25, $1.45, $1.98, $2.79, $4.19. Extra size Drawers, special 33c, 39c, 49c, 79c, 98c, $1.35. French Underwear at Tempting Prices Men's 25c AH-Linen Handkerchiefs aft I4c Limits vSix to EacK Customer Four thousand men's Handkerchiefs, made of pure Irish Linen, hemstitched borders, plain white handkerchiefs or with hand-embroidered initial, all initials from A to W, full regular size. Guaranteed all pure .Irish linen. Unlaundered. Best 25c handkerchiefs at only 14c.i To secure equal distribution only six of these excellent handkerchiefs will be sold to any one customer at this price. Annual Thanksgiving Linen Sale Tomorrow we commence our annual sale of fine housekeeping linens, comprising everything suitable for the Thanksgiving dinner table. We offer at exceptionally low prices our fine Table Damasks, Napkins, Table Cloths, Sets, Tea Cloths, Tray Cloths, etc. The best productions of the leading Irish, German, Scotch and Austrian manufacturers. Table Damasks 72-inch wide bleached Irish damask, n special v Oi C 72-inch wide bleached heavy Scotch d- - n damask, special .. plIJ 72-inch wide bleached heavy Austrian -g o o Satin Damask, special 4)lJJ 72-inch wide bleached extra heavy Scotch and d-g a o German Satin Damask, special s 1 thJ Square Table Cloths, Round Designs 2 1-2 by 2 1-2 yards, handsome new designs at special $6.50, $8, $10. Napkins to match, special $4, $8, $11. Napkins ALL LINEN-EXTRA QUALITY 22x22 inches, special per dozen $1.57, $2.37, $2.57, $2.87 24x24 inches, special per dozen $2.87, $3.19, $3.69 26x26 inches, special per dozen $3.58, $3.87, $4.35 EXTRA HEAVY SATIN DAMASK 2 by 2 yds., special $3.50 2 by 3 yds., special $5.50 2 by 2 1-2 yds., special $4.50 2 by 3 1-2 yds., special $6.50 Napkins to match, special $5.00 dozen Attractive bargains in Tea Cloths, Tray Cloths, Doilies, Scarfs in either Damask or Plain Linens. Bargains in Mexican drawn work. ooR Bulletin NEW ARRIVALS Publisher' Price. HESPER, bj' Hamlin Garland -. $1 50 A FEW REMARKS, by Simeon Eord, net CHEERFUL AMERICANS, by C. B. Loomis 1 05 THE LOXG NIGHT, by Stanley Weyman l'oO THE VAGABOND, by F. Palmer 150 MONSIGNY, by Forman 150 PRINCE OF SINNERS, by Oppenheim 1 50 MHLS OF MAN, bv Payne 150 MERIY ALE BANKS, bv M. J. Holmes 1 00 PATHS OF STARS, by Munn 150 THE BLACK SHELLING, by Amelia Barr 1,50 BARBE OF GRAND BAYOU, by Oxenham 1.50 HAWTHORNE AND HIS CHICLE, Illustrated, net .... IN BABEL, by George Ade 1.50 THE MOST POPULAR AMONG THE LATEST BOOKS AT $1. LITTLE SHEPHERD OF KINGDOM COME, by Fox. CALL OF THE WILD, bvLondon. METTLE OF THE PASTURES, by Allen. SttUKKUDS, by iklcCutcheon. LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR, by Williamson. ADVENTURES OF GERARD, by Dovle. COLONEL CARTER'S CHRISTMAS by Smith! BAR SINISTER, by Davis. OurPrica. S1.08 1.00 .95 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 .79 1.08 1.08 1.08 2.25 1.08 08 EACH. , Yr ' :; u at 4.45 SO Quadruple Plated Tea Sets; tea pot, sugar, creamer and spooner in new designs. Keal value $6.00, at, special at 78c A grand assortment to choose from. Mohair granites, all wool mistrals, all wool armures, all wool sanglies, all wool canvas sill Innrllyrr kTnnt Cr1,:n 11 M - -.? ' an ibuumg uiaun. muiiti, an .p.i.3 quaillies. Wq 40J Choose from them at gesser s Just redeived from New York. All the very latest millinery ideas